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Harnessing the POWER of

Raw Food - The Easy Way!


Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN

Author, Eating for Energy

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting


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downloads. Plus the paid Trans4mind courses and programs for those who want to
go all the way!

Why Do Personal Development?

Part of the nature of humans is to be constantly developing, growing and moving toward a
balanced and mature way of being. Our present personality is determined by both who
and what we have been and by the person we strive to become. The goal of personal
development is to learn and apply that which enables us to attain emotional wellbeing,
understanding and effectiveness, and to share this knowledge with others.
Personal development is the conscious evolution of human nature, and yet throughout
history it has been sorely lacking! Although it is in our nature to learn and grow, we are
held back by our culture, which is predominantly focused on survival needs, each of us in
competition with others, and our spiritual inner nature is repressed. The animal rules.
We make no room for unconditional love.
Even though the culture may have evolved with technological advancement and
administrative complexity, human nature has not moved forward as it might. We are now
paying the price for human selfishness and inconsideration. Going forward, the quality of
our lives on this planet - even our survival - now depends on each of us taking
responsibility for our personal growth.
The human being needs to awaken to the soul that inhabits each body and is our true self
and source of inner knowing. Awaken through a process of self-discovery, leading to one's
own, self-directed spirituality. We need to become mindfully conscious instead of ruled
by the dictates of instincts, past habits and fixed beliefs. We need to throw away dogma,
open our minds and reconsider. Instead of fear about our survival and competitive angst,
we will then be motivated by compassionate understanding and creative love.
For those that do move forward, the next epoch - that is almost upon us as we move into
2012 - will be a celebration of human cooperation and shared love. It's our best hope for
the future - and it's in our hands.


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Published by:
Total Wellness Consulting
Port Perry, Ontario

The articles in this e-book are for general educational purposes only and should not be construed as
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FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Welcome friend,

Consider this report a beginner!s guide to help you get started with the raw
food diet and inspire you to get more raw foods into your existing diet.

My intention throughout is not to convert you into a raw foodist but rather to
highlight the power of adding MORE raw foods into your existing diet.

The information in this report is not meant as medical advice but it will
surely assist you in living a healthier and more energetic life, simply by
improving the way you eat.

Raw foods are powerful…and you!re about to find out why.

Thanks again for downloading this report (which was actually supposed to
be sold as a $49 product) and I hope you find it very informative, inspiring,
and helpful for you to reach your full health potential.

Eat alive and you will thrive!

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN

Author, Eating for Energy
FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Why Should I Eat Raw?
Let!s start by looking at a very common question that I get asked and that
you might be wondering as well...

“Why should I even follow a raw food diet OR why should I incorporate
more raw foods into my diet?”

First off, I could tell you about all the benefits of doing so or read you
hundreds and thousands of testimonials but I!m not going to do that
because it!s not really going to hit you where it needs to hit you.

What you need to do is experience it for yourself and, I guarantee by the

next day, you!re going to feel so much better then ever before.

Literally, within 24-48 hours you!ll have experienced the POWER of natural
living foods and you!ll start to understand that to experience is really the
only TRUE way to understand why you should eat more raw food.

But until then, let!s look at a few powerful reasons why you should eat more
raw foods..

The first reason is definitely weight loss.

A lot of people are looking to lose weight. You might be too.

But the problem is that there!s a ton of garbage out there in the “diet and
weight loss” industry.

The promise of quick weight loss without considering the health

ramifications of various approaches is a serious problem.

Heck, you certainly won!t see advertisements for fruits and vegetables on
TV, that just doesn!t happen, there!s no money in it.

The big money is in packaged, boxed garbage foods, and man-made foods
- these are all DEAD foods,.
FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
That!s where the money is, that!s what we are exposed to every time we
turn on the tube and that!s what most people tend to consume, simply
because we become what we think about.

In contrast to fancy packaging and mouth-watering commercials, natural

raw foods (ie. fruits and veggies) are not sexy. It!s not sexy to eat lettuce or
kail or various fruits but you know what, you!ve got to do it.

When it comes to losing those unwanted pounds, removing foods that

really shouldn!t come into your body from the get-go will help you out big

Furthermore, eating more raw foods will help you lose weight for the
following reasons:

• They contain more fiber, which makes you feel full faster and
improves your bowel movements.

• They are rich in food enzymes, which assist in the digestion of the
food that you are eating, minimising the likelihood of undigested foods
making their way through your digestive tract.

• They contain tons of water, which satiates you and prevents you

• They contain VERY high levels of minerals, which tell your body
when enough is enough. [NOTE: your body actually craves minerals,
not calories].

• Raw foods contain fewer calories. Naturally, fruits and veggies

contain fewer calories than hamburgers, fries, milk, cheese, breads,
etc... So, by adding more raw foods into your diet, you get more
nutrition without the garbage calories.

As you can see, weight loss is definitely one of the biggest benefits to
following a raw food diet.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Plus, having helped over 47,000 people eat healthier, I really haven!t
noticed many people who are strictly raw and overweight. The two don!t go
hand in hand.

The second BIG reason for eating raw is...

Having WAY more energy!

When I started going raw a few years ago, and removing the foods that my
body was sensitive to (ie. wheat, dairy, etc..), I was thriving on about five
hours of sleep a night and I felt great.

And eventhough I do eat some cooked foods nowadays my energy levels

are still sky-high. And for me, that!s massively important.

What would having more energy mean to you?

Imagine spending more time awake doing what you love. Imagine not
needing to take a nap to get through. Imagine not having to rely on coffee
or energy drinks for sustained energy.

That!s what eating more raw plant-based foods will do for you.

Before we continue I want to briefly share my story of having no energy to

where I am today. I think it will resonate with you.

Several years ago, I played professional soccer with one of the biggest
clubs in France.

Having played soccer my entire life and valuing my health and fitness it!s
surprising that I never really ate fruits and veggies.

And that really hurt me, especially at the top level since I constantly needed
to take a nap just to make it through the day.

I was training twice a day, my body was breaking down, my performance

was going down the drain and I was eating pastas, breads, cereals and
very, very few fruits and vegetables.
FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
But that all changed for me when...

(Yes, you guessed it) I started to incorporate more raw foods into my life.

Previous to my pro soccer career which was plagued by constant fatigued,

I actually developed an auto-immune condition called Alopecia, when I was
17 years old, which caused ALL of my hair to fall out.

Pretty crazy what can happen when you don!t eat well.

However, as I!ve healed my body and eaten more raw foods that resonate
with my body my hair has come back.

But as you!ve seen, I still have a shaved head. That!s because after 14
years of not having hair I actually like it that way. Using a razor once a
week beats going to the barber, any day.

The third important reason for adding more living foods into your diet is to...

Better your health (dramatically)

I!m constantly amazed at the number of ailments and conditions natural

raw foods can alleviate.

I!m not going to use the word “cure” but my simple approach to raw foods
has helped people bounce back from all kinds of illnesses, ranging from
acid reflux, gallbladder stones, kidney stones, osteoporosis, diabetes,
cancer, and more. It!s crazy!

But there!s a simple reason for this...

As Hippocrates once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy

That pretty much sums it all up.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
If you don!t want to get sick anymore, if you want to overcome an illness or
disease (or prevent one from occurring), fortifying your body through food is
the MOST powerful, healthy, and sustainable way to do so.

Don!t wait for the doctor to have you relying on some crazy side-effect
inducing medications or other nonsense.

It!s simple really...

Just start today by adding ONE more fruit or vegetable into your diet. Do
that for a week, then next week, add a SECOND one. Rinse and repeat.

In no time, you!ll be healthier, more energetic, and slimmer than ever!

Do I Need to Be 100% Raw?

My answer is...

It depends on what you!re capable of maintaining on a regular basis. If you

go 100% raw and then can!t maintain it, then beat yourself up for failing,
then that"s not a healthy way of approaching food.

I!ve experienced tremendous benefits with a diet that is generally 80% raw.

I!m not a hardcore raw foodist. I still enjoy the occasional pizza if I go out
with friends. I!m not a fanatic. I!m all for moderation but I do believe that
incorporating more raw foods into your diet will make a huge difference.

The ultimate goal with any diet really is to find something that will be
sustainable for you. You want to be able to follow the “healthy path” at
least 80% of the time. The other 20% you can let yourself go a little, if you

I don!t like to consider my approach a “diet”. It!s really just a matter of

eating healthier, one step at a time.
FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
By simply adding more raw fruits and veggies into your existing diet and
perhaps removing a couple of foods that shouldn!t be in there you can start
to make a big, big impact on your health and your waistline.

You don!t have to be 100% raw, you don!t have to be a hardcore raw
foodist. If you do, that!s totally fine and that!s great. If you want to be 50%
raw or 80% raw, whatever is going to work for you will make a difference.

But just remember this, wherever you are today, you can only get better
by incorporating more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet.

No one is going to become less healthy by incorporating more fruits, more

veggies, becoming more alkaline, adding more enzymes - it!s not going to
hurt you.

So do what!s best for you keeping in the mind that ultimate goal is to eat
more plant-based foods. Pretty much every study in the field of nutritional
sciences will point to eating more plant-based foods as a means of
preventing disease, losing weight, and living longer.

What the Heck Are Food Enzymes and

Why Do I Need Them?
Their are 3 classes of enzymes.

First, we have food enzymes.

If I eat a raw food, like a banana, it will contain food enzymes that help
digest itself - the actual banana.

That!s a food enzyme and they come standard with every make and model
of natural foods in their raw state.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Next, we have metabolic enzymes, which are produced inside our body.
These metabolic enzymes are involved in every single process (outside of
the digestive tract) you could possibly imagine from blinking to jumping.
They are even helping me write this report for you!

Every single possible reaction within the body requires metabolic enzymes.

And finally, we have digestive enzymes.

Digestive enzymes are enzymes produced in our pancreas and they are
secreted into the digestive tract to help your body digest foods.

And this is where eating more raw foods starts to have a big impact for

Because raw foods contain loads of food enzymes, your pancreas doesn!t
have to produce and secrete as many of its own.

Raw foods don!t deplete your body of enzymes like cooked foods do - they
give your body enzymes!

When a food is cooked about 118 degrees Fahrenheit, it looses it!s natural
food enzymes and becomes dead. It no longer has any life force.

This make life for your body a little more difficult because it has a finite
number of enzymes in it!s “enzyme bank account”.

Because of this limited enzyme reserve, the more you deplete those
enzymes out of your body (by eating a lot of cooked food) the more your
body has to work on digestion and the less energy it!s going to have for
other important processes.

There!s even research which shows a correlation between how long you
live and the number of enzymes in your body. Very simply, when you run
out of enzymes, you run out of life.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Understanding the importance of food enzymes is so crucial that I!ve
devoted an entire chapter to it in my best-selling raw food program, Eating
for Energy.

In fact, on page 67, you!ll be shocked to discover a scary finding that over
50 scientific studies have pin-pointed back to low enzyme counts in the

In the meantime...

Raw foods are full of food enzymes which means that these enzymes are
coming into your stomach and facilitating digestion, which allows your
pancreas to take a breather, instead of having to constantly crank out tons
of digestive enzymes.

I hope that makes sense.

At the end of the day, the goal is to save your body!s enzymes and bring
more food enzymes into your “bank account”.

Where Do I Get My Protein on a Raw

Food Diet?
Ah...the good old protein question.

Well, I!m glad you asked because this is a very interesting discussion which
I think you!ll find rather illuminating.

The first thing you need to remember about protein is that you!ve been lead
to believe that you need a lot of it.

Through magazine ads and old-school bodybuilders we!ve ALL been

brainwashed to believe that eating lots of meat is what we need to do in
order to get big and strong, right?

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Even the Canada Food Guide says that us Canucks (and pretty much
everyone else) need about 15-20% of our calories to come from protein.

But this is interesting...

The World Health Organization says that 99% of the population only needs
about 5% of their daily calories to come from protein. The USDA is a little
bit higher, 6.5% —it!s staggeringly close to 20%, isn!t it?


Why the discrepancy? Well again, a lot of it is misinformation, a lot of it is

marketing, and a lot of it is money.

There!s big money behind meat (ie. cattle farmers, etc...) and the whole
protein supplement industry.

But enough about the political stuff. Let!s get into the food itself.

Consider this...

Look at three of the strongest and biggest animals in the world - the gorilla,
the giraffe, and the elephant.

What do they eat?

Are they eating other animals? Nope.

Let!s look at the incredibly strong gorilla. What does it eat? Leaves and
berries, right? Giraffes, what do they eat? Leaves. Elephants, they!re eating

Heck, what about cows - our very best source of protein (supposedly)?
They eat grass too.

What is going on here?

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
The biggest, strongest, longest living wild animals are all eating grass
and plants.

Doesn!t that tell you something?

And yes, I understand that we humans are NOT those animals, but we can
certainly learn a lot from what they!re doing.

Here!s another tidbit of information for you...

Vegetarian animals tend to live longer than meat-eating animals.

So let!s look at the common sources of protein in the typical human diet.

• eggs
• dairy
• meat

These are generally the foods that come to mind when we think about
protein, right?

Let!s look at a chicken breast for a second.

Generally, there!s about 20 grams of protein in your average chicken

breast. But here!s the kicker...

What happens is that when you cook that chicken you denature it!s
enzymes and overall protein structure. That!s what HEAT does to the
chemical structure of proteins (and other nutrients).

Enzymes, as you now know, are forms of proteins. When you heat proteins,
they coagulate. They basically bind up and get really, really tight. Think
about a fried egg.

When you crack an egg out of the shell into a frying pan and you heat it, it
becomes solid, right?

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
So, from that liquid form, it condenses, solidifies and becomes really
compact. That!s what happens to proteins when you cook them, when you
heat them.

What this mean to you is that when you COOK proteins, you make their
digestion that much more difficult.

And that!s part of the reason that you may get tired and/or bloated after
eating a heavy cooked meal that includes animal protein.

That!s also why many naturopaths and nutritionists will recommend eating
soft boiled eggs instead of hard-boiled eggs for clients who have digestive

Not only does heating make protein tougher to chew and digest but it also
destroys a great amount of the protein itself.

So, if you have 20 grams of protein in that chicken breast, by the time you
bring it into your body after it has been cooked, you might be working with
half of that.

Then, your body has to work on digesting that protein, actually breaking
down all of that compacted and complex protein molecules from the
cooking process.

From that solid mass, your stomach and it!s digestive juices have to
somehow break down that chicken protein into its basic amino acid building

Single amino acids make up proteins and, in the body, we store amino
acids in the liver. And your muscles and most of your physical body is built
from these amino aicds.

If you think about it...

We!re kind of working backwards by eating meat (complex protein) and

then working really really hard to break it down into its amino acid building
FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Then, our liver has to go to work to convert these individual amino acids
back into complex proteins that the body uses to build new tissue.

Sounds pretty laborious, right?

Here!s what animals like gorillas and elephants (and vegetarians) are
doing. They!re eating plants which directly provide the amino acid
components of complex proteins, so no complicated digestion required.

These raw amino acids are easier to digest and assimilate into the body.

There!s no breaking down and then building back up.

It!s simply—boom, building back up.

And if the digestibility issue hasn!t made you uncomfortable enough how
about this...

Green vegetables have MORE protein (gram per gram) than animal

The only difference is that, it!s easier (and perhaps more feasible) to eat a
20-ounce steak, then to eat the same amount in kale (for instance).

But that doesn!t meat you shouldn!t try. Or at the very least, eat some kale
with your steak.

Again, I don!t work for PETA and I!m not an anti-meat activist, I!m just
putting the information in front of you so that you are more educated about
this topic and can therefore make healthier decisions in the future.


There are still other issues with eating lots of meat that I discuss in much
greater detail in Eating for Energy.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
In it, you!ll discover the REAL dangers of eating too much eat, what it does
to your body!s pH, bone health, and more.

==> Click here to learn more about Eating for Energy <==

Here!s another important idea to consider...

EVERY food contains protein. It!s just that some contain more than others.

That!s why if you!re considering eating more plant-based the issue isn!t
really about getting enough protein, it!s more about getting enough
CALORIES from varied sources.

I can guarantee that even if you went vegan starting today (you!d have B12
stores for the next 8 years, so don!t worry) and ate enough calories (from
good whole foods) for your metabolic demands, you would get all the
protein you would need.

And even if you work out and want to develop a strong physique, you can
still do this on a raw food diet.

Personally, my body feels so much better after following more of a raw

plant-based diet. In fact, my workouts are so much better. I have more
endurance and I!m pushing more weight than ever.

I eat animal products maybe 1-2 times per week. The rest of the time, I!m
fueling my body with incredible smoothies, juices, salads, and other
amazing plant-based meals.

You can too, if you want to.

Before we finish this discussion on protein, there!s one more objection I!ll
deal with here...

The question, “Don!t plants ONLY provide incomplete proteins?”

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Historically, the thinking was that because plant foods didn!t contain all the
essential amino acids, we would have to combine them in a particular meal
to get the “complete” protein.

For instance, eating corn with rice as opposed to either one alone.

Well, in recent years, research has actually shown that none of this even
matters because your liver is an amino acid warehouse.

It houses all the amino acids you need and, therefore, if you miss a
particular amino acid at a given plant-based meal, your liver will piece
together the puzzle and complete the protein inside your body.

It!s no wonder the liver is our MOST vital organ.

I hope this discussion on protein has caused you to look at animal products
a little differently now.

I!m not looking to start a debate about which way of eating is better or
whatever. In fact, if you!re mad at me for making you feel uncomfortable
with this information, then you!ll probably be sending me hate mail after
reading for Eating for Energy.

But after that rage has subsided and you are healthier, more energetic, and
slimmer than ever by following some of the natural nutrition principles I
share with you, I!m sure I will feel a bit safer.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Ok, How Do I Get Started with Raw
The first thing you need to do is get really, really clear on what it is that you
want. Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to have more energy? Do
you want to incredible health so that you never have to visit your doctor
ever again?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then a raw food diet is a
great option for you.

For instance, when it comes to losing weight, diet is such an important

factor. Even as important as exercise is, diet is probably 70% of the
equation - this coming from a guy who!s developed more than 146 workout

But the problem is that there are so many different diets out there to
choose from and, as I mentioned earlier, most of them don!t consider your

The beauty of eating more raw foods is that the focus is on HEALTH.

Weight loss comes naturally as a by-product.

I tell people all the time...

“If you eat for health, EVERYTHING will fall into place.”

The reason for this is that...

How you heal anything is how you heal everything.

The healthiest way of eating to lose weight is also the same way of eating
to have more energy, get rid of acne, prevent diabetes, and improve your
bone density.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Ok, now let!s look at how YOU can start transitioning your diet to more raw
food. Again, how much raw you want to incorporate is up to you but just
remember... the more the better.

Step 1 - Minimize or Remove Allergenic Foods

When I first transitioned from a Mediterranean cooked food diet to more of

a raw foods diet, I basically started by eliminating the foods that were killing
my body - literally!

I!m talking about allergenic, problematic foods like wheat (bye bye gluten)
and dairy predominantly.

I would suggest that removing these 2 categories of foods will be good for
you too. And you might not even by “allergic” to them. All it takes is a slight
intolerance (ie. bloating, gas, itchy skin, rapid heart rate, etc...) for these
inflammatory foods to send your immune system into dizzying frenzy.

Step 2 - Keep it Simple

The difficulty I have with most raw food approaches out there is that they
are based on complex and time-intensive gourmet recipes with ingredients
that can be almost impossible to find.

For instance, making a raw pizza requires about 48 hours worth of

dehydration. No thanks. I!d rather eat today.

My approach to raw foods is very simple and I think that if you take a very
simple approach like simply adding more fresh foods into your diet (one by
one), it will make a very big difference for you and it will be much more

So, my suggestion for Step 2 is this...

Add ONE more fruit or vegetable into your diet each day or week -
whatever will work for you - until you reach a level that feels naturally
comfortable for you.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
This could be as simple as eating an apple first thing in the morning. Or
adding a banana to your post-workout feeding.

However, for some people, going at this full-out better suits their
personality. In that case, I would recommend starting by completely raw for
just one day.

By the time you wake up the following morning you!ll feel like an entirely
new person. That!s how quick and powerful this stuff is!

Step 3 - Stick to One Approach

I think a big mistake we humans make when creating change is bouncing

from one thing to the next. We seem to be attracted to the next “shiny

That!s why it!s important to start (and master) just one approach.

Hopefully, you!ve resonated with my approach and you can see it working
for you as well.

Transition Helpers

Now that you!re slightly more motivated to start fueling your body with more
raw foods, here are few “transition helpers” to help you succeed.

Starting Food Healthier Option Best (Raw) Option

Cow!s milk Rice or almond milk Home-made almond milk

Oatmeal Buckwheat porridge Buckwheat groat cereal

Meat (everyday) Meat (1-3 times per week) Meat (occasionally)

Whole Grain Bread Sprouted grain bread Manna bread

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
These are just a few basic ideas to get you thinking healthier. And don!t
worry, if you have no idea what some of the foods in the “best (raw) option”
column, I give you recipes for them in Eating for Energy.

Actually, scratch that...

I!ll give you several of these recipes right here so you can see just how
easier they are to prepare and how great they taste.

Fast and Easy Raw Food Recipes

Home-Made Almond Milk

Makes about 4 cups

1 cup raw almonds, soaked for 4 hours or more

4 cups filtered/spring water
# cup agave nectar or raw honey
Pinch of sea salt
A few drops of natural almond extract (optional)

1. In a powerful blender, blend the raw almonds and water at high speed
for about 2 minutes.

2. If needed, strain the milk through a cheesecloth or fine strainer.

3. Rinse blender and then place almond milk with remaining ingredients
back into blender and give it a whirl.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Raw Oatmeal
Serves 1 to 2

2 cups oat groats, sprouted

$ cup blueberries (and/or any other fruit)
2 tbsp ground flaxseed
3 tbsp raisins, soaked
2-3 tbsp sunflower seeds
1-2 cups Almond Milk (see above)

1. Sprout oat groats by placing them in a bowl of lukewarm water overnight.

When softened, remove from bowl, rinse, and strain.

2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

3. Pour Almond Milk over top and enjoy.

Wicked Smoothies...

I love smoothies. If you have a blender, you can save yourself a lot of time
and get a lot of great nutrition by blending your foods.

It makes life easier for your digestive system, and since most of us have
underactive stomachs anyways, if you can pre-digest your food by blending
it in a blender, you!ll be much better off.

So if you have a blender, here are simple ones that I I love to make...

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Green Goodness
Serves 2 to 3

1 head of romaine lettuce

1/2 handful of parsley
1 banana
1 apple
1 pear
Juice of 1/2 lime
2-3 cups of water

1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth

Post-Workout Muscle Maximizer

Serves 1 to 2

1 banana
2 tbsp raw almond butter
2-3 dates
1/4 cup shredded coconut (or 1/4 cup organic coconut milk)
2 cups equal mix of water and almond milk

1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth

Ok, I!m on a roll now..

Let me finish by giving you one of favourite “fishless” sushi recipes and
amazing raw food dessert that will convert even the most skeptical food

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
“Fishless” Sushi Wraps
Serves 1 to 2

2-3 nori wraps

1 mango, sliced
1 avocado, sliced
1/4 cucumber, thinly sliced
1 handful of pea sprouts (optional)

1. Lay out the nori sheet and place adequate amounts of each ingredient
inside. Wrap tight and enjoy.

Orange Coconut Fudge

Makes 5 to 6 cups

5 cups dried shredded coconut

Juice of 1 orange
1 tbsp orange zest
$ cup agave nectar
1 tsp vanilla

1. Blend the coconut in a high speed blender until it becomes butter-like.

2. Add the agave, vanilla, and orange juice/zest and mix well.

3. Spoon contents onto a backing sheet and lay a sheet of plastic wrap
over top.

4. Pat into a slab about # inches thick and chill in the refrigerator before
cutting (be careful to not over-chill the fudge or it will become too hard to

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Alright. You!re now somewhat equipped to start enjoying some very tasty
and easy to make raw recipes.

But if you want to super-equipped to making raw foods a greater part of

your diet, then be sure to learn more about my Eating for Energy program.

After all, it!s the #1 raw food diet program on the internet (as voted by
Clickbank.com) for a reason. I!m sure you!ll see why as soon as you give it
a shot.

See you on the healthier side,

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN

Author, Eating for Energy

P.S. Look below (the next page) for an incredible special offer just for
reading this report...

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Get Eating for Energy
[The Web!s #1 Raw Food Diet Program]
TODAY and I!ll Give You 8 Amazing
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FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting
Who the Heck is Yuri?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN
Yuri has been helping people just like you lose weight, eat healthier, and
get in great shape for over 12 years.

He!s a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Kinesiologist, a High

Honours graduate in Physical Education and Health, and
a former professional soccer player.

He is the owner of Total Wellness Consulting, the co-

creator of the Total Wellness Cleanse, the author of
Eating for Energy, and the creator of the revolutionary
iPod workouts Fitter U™ and Treadmill Trainer™.

Yuri and his programs have been featured in numerous

media including Breakfast Television, Perfect Fit, A-
Channel Morning, CTV news, e-Talk Daily, Global News.
He!s also a frequent contributor to numerous magazines
including VIVA, Impact magazine, Wish, and Fitness
Business Canada - just to name a few.

FREE Report: Harnessing the POWER of Raw Food - The Easy Way
Copyright Total Wellness Consulting

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