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6 j oi nt wi th the

8 and the










20 Tuesday, 0ctober 15, 2019

2t Washi ngton, D. C.



24 The interview in the above matter was held in Room

25 HVC-304, Capi to1 V j si tor Center, commenci ng at l-0:08 a. m


1 Present: Representati ves Schi ff, Hi mes, Sewe11 , Carson,

2 Speier, Quigley, Swalwe11, Heck, Maloney, Demings,

J Kri shnamoorthj , Conaway, Wenstrup and Hurd.

4 Also Present: Representati ves Norton, Ma1 i nowski ,

5 Raskin, Rouda, Ph'i11ips, Engel, Perry, Meadows, and Zeldin.
















I Appea rances:



























t9 1501 K Street NW

20 Washington, D.C. 2005-1600






1 THE CHAIRMAN: The committee will come to order.

2 Good morning, Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent, and

3 welcome to the House Permanent Select Commi ttee on

4 Intelligence, which, along with the Foreign Affairs and
5 0versi ght Commi ttees, i s conducti ng thi s i nvesti gati on as
6 part of the official impeachment inquiry of the House of
7 Representati ves.
8 is being conducted as part of the
Today's deposition
9 impeachment inquiry. In light of attempts by the State
l0 Department in coordination with the White House to direct you
ll not to appear and efforts to timit your testimony, the
t2 committee had no cho'ice but to compel your appearance today.
l3 We thank you for complying with the dually authorized

t4 congressional subpoena, as other witnesses have done as wel1.

l5 We expect nothi ng less f rom a ded'icated career civi 1 servant
l6 like yourself.
t7 Deputy Assistant Secretary Kent has served with
l8 disti ncti on as a Forei gn Servi ce offi cer wi th deep experi ence
t9 relevant to the matters under jnvestigation by the
20 commi ttees. In hi s capaci ty as Deputy Assi stant Secretary i n
2t the European and Eurasian Bureau you oversee policy towards
22 Ukraine, MoIdova, Belarus, Georgi a, Armen'ia and Azerbai j ani .

23 Previously he was deputy chief of mission in Kyiv from 20L5

24 until 20L8 when he returned to Washington to assume his
25 current pos"ition.

I In 2014 and 2015, he was the senior ant'icorruption

2 coordi nator i n the State Department's European Bureau. Sj nce
J joining the Foreign Service in t992 he has served among other
4 postings in Warsaw, Poland, Kyiv, Tashkent, Uzbek'i stan, and
5 Bangkok, Thailand. Given your unique ro1e, we look forward
6 to hearing your testimony today, including your knowledge of
7 and involvement in key policy discussions, meetings and
8 decision on Ukraine that relate directly to areas under
9 i nvesti gation by the commi ttees. Thi s i ncludes developments
l0 related to the recal1 of Ambassador Yovanovitch, the
ll President's July 25,2019 call with Ukrainian President
t2 Zelenskyy, as well as the documentary record that has come to
13 life about efforts before and after the call to get the
t4 Ukrainians to announce publicly investigations into two areas
l5 President Trump asked President Zelenskyy to pursue: the
l6 Bidens in Burisma, and the conspiracy theory about the
t7 Ukrai ne-supported i nterference i n the 20L5 U. 5. electi ons.
l8 To state clearly on the record, I want to let you and
t9 your attorneys know that Congress will not tolerate any
20 reprisal, threat of reprisal, or attempt to retaliate against
2t you for complying with a subpoena, and testifying today as
22 part of the impeachment inquiry. This includes any effort by
23 the State Department, the White House, or any other entity of
24 the government to clajm that in the course of your testimony
25 under dua11y authori zed subpoena today, you are di sclosi ng

I i nformati on i n a nonauthori zed manner.

2 Wealso expect that you will retain your current

J position after testifying today, and that you wj11 be treated
4 in accordance with your rank, such that in the normal course
5 of the rema'inder of your career, you wi 11 be of f ered
6 assignments commensuratewith your experjence and long
7 service. Should that not be the case, we expect you to
8 notify us immediately and we will hold those responsjble to
9 account.
l0 Before I turn to committee counsel to begin the
u deposition, I invite the ranking member, or in hjs absence a
t2 mi nori ty member from the Forei gn Affaj rs or Oversi ght

r3 committees to make an opening remark.

t4 MR. J0RDAN: Secretary Kent, thank you. Thank you,

l5 |.4r. Chairman. Secretary Kent, thank you for appearing today.

l6 0n September 24th, Speaker Pelosi unilaterally announced that
t7 the House was beginning j ts so-ca11ed impeachment inqui ry.
l8 0n 0ctober 2nd, the Speaker promi sed that the so-called
l9 impeachment inquiry would treat the President with fairness.
20 However, Speaker Pelosi , Chaj rman Schi ff, and the
2l Democrats are not living up to that promise. Instead,
22 Democrats are conductinga rushed, closed-door and
23 unprecedented impeachment inqui ry. Democrats are ignoring 45

24 years of bi parti san procedures desi gned to provide elements

25 of fundamental fairness and due process. In past impeachment

1 i nqui ri es, the ty and mi nori ty had coequal subpoena

maj ori
2 authority and the right to require a commjttee vote on all
J subpoenas. The President's counsel had the right to attend
4 alt depositions and hearings, including those held in
5 executive session. The Pres'ident's counsel had the right to
6 cross-examine the witnesses and the right to propose
7 witnesses. The President's counsel had the right to present
8 evidence, object to the admission of evidence, and to review
9 all evidence presented, both favorable and unfavorable.
l0 Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff so-ca11ed impeachment
u inquiry has none of these guarantees of fundamental fairness
12 and due process. Most di sappoi nti ng, Democrats are
l3 conducti ng thi s i nqui ry behi nd closed doors. We' re

t4 conducting these depositions and intervjews in a SCIF, but

l5 Democrats have been clear every single session that there's
t6 no unclass'ified material being presented in the sessions.
t7 Thjs seems to be nothing more than hiding this work from the
l8 American people.
l9 The Democrats 'intend to undo the will of the American
20 people L3 months before the next election, they should at
2t least do so transparently and be willing to be accountabte
22 for the'i r acti ons.
23 Chairman, I believe the ranking member from the Foreign
24 Affajrs Committee would like to say something as wetl as
25 we11.

MR. MCCAUL: Thank you , Mr . Chai rman.

2 As you know, I conduct myself as both chairman and

J ranking in a very bipartisan way, and I think that

4 should apply here as we1l. I am next to declaring war,

5 this is the most important thing that the Congress can do
6 under Article I. To hide behind that, to have it in a 5CIF,
7 to defy historical precedent that we conducted under both
8 Nixon and Clinton, which guarantees the participation of
9 counsel, White House counsel in the room in an adversarial
l0 way.

l1 To also provide the minority the power of that subpoena.

t2 That was done during both prior impeachments, because both
l3 sides recognized that with a fair. It's really about
t4 fa'i rness. If I would just urge you, if you're going to
15 continue, and I've been back in my district for 2 weeks,
16 talking to my const'ituents both Repubfican, and Democrat, and
t7 Independent, above all what they had in common was they
l8 wanted to see this done the right way. I know you're a fair
l9 man. We've known each other for a long tjme. I hope that
20 this resolution will come to the floor so that we can
2t parti ci pate i n a democrati c system, wi th a democrat'ic vote,
22 up or down, to proceed wjth this inquiry, so that it is
23 backed by the American people.
24 To do so otherwise, I think, defies democracy, it defies
25 f ai rness, and i t def i es due process. And 'if we're goi ng to

I do th'is, f or God's sakes, 1et's do i t the ri ght way.

2 I yield back.
J THE CHAIRMAN:I thi nk my colleagues wi ll certai n1y have
4 an opportunity to discuss these matters further, but in the
5 'interest of moving ahead with the depositjon I recognize
6 Mr. Goldman.

7 MR. GOLDMAN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. This is a

8 deposition of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, George

9 Kent conducted by the House Permanent Select Commi ttee on

l0 Intelligence, pursuant to the impeachment inqui ry announced

ll by the Speaker of the House on September 24th.

t2 Mr. Kent, could you please state your ful1 name and

l3 spe11 your last name for the record?

t4 THE WITNESS: George Peter Kent, K-e-n-t.
l5 MR. GOLDMAN: Thankyou. Now, along with other
l6 proceedi ngs and furtherance of thi s i nqui ry, thi s deposi ti on
t7 a part of a joint investigation, led by the Intelligence
l8 Committee, in coordination with the Comm'i ttees on Foreign
t9 Affairs, and Oversight and Reform.
20 In the room today are equal numbers of majority staff
2t and minority staff from the Foreign Affairs Committee and the
22 Oversight Committee, as well as majority and minority staff
)7 from the Intelligence Committee. Thjs is a staff-1ed
24 deposition, but Members, of course, may ask questions during
25 thei r allotted time, and there will be equal allotted t'ime

I for the maj ori ty and the mi nori ty.

2 My name is Daniel Goldman, I am the senior adviser and
J di rector for investigations for the HPSCI majority staff.
4 And i thank you very much for coming in today. I would like
5 to do bri ef i ntroductions before we begi n. To my ri ght i s
6 N j cholas Mi tche11 , who i s the sen'iorinvesti gati ve counsel

7 f or the HPSCI ma jori ty staf f . And l'lr. l'li tchetl and I wi 11 be

8 conducting most of deposition for the majority. And I'll let

9 my counterparts from the minority staff introduce themselves
l0 as we1l.
ll t"lR. CAST0R: Good morni ng, si r, Steve Castor wj th the
t2 Republican staff of the Oversight Committee.
l3 MR. BREWER: Good morning, I'm David Brewer, Republican
t4 staff , 0versight.
l5 HS. GREEN: Meghan Green, senior counsel for HPSCI

l6 mi nor i ty.
t7 MR. GOLDMAN: Now this depositjon wj11 be conducted
18 enti rely at the unclass j f i ed leveI. However, th'is
r9 deposition, as you no doubt know,'is being conducted in
20 HPSCI's secure spaces, and in the presence of staff with the
2t appropriate security clearances, and, as we understand as of
22 thj s morni ng, your attorneys all have appropri ate securi ty
23 clearances. We understand that you received a letter from
24 the State Department that addresses some of the concerns
25 about the disclosure of classified information. But we want

I you to rest assured that, in any event, any classified

2 information that is disclosed is not an unauthorized
J di sclosure today.
4 t i s the comm'i ttee' s expectati on, however, that nei ther

5 the questions asked of you nor the answers that you provide
6 or your counsel provide wi 11 requi re di scussion of any
7 information that is currently, or at any point could be
8 properly classifjed under Executive 0rder L3525. As you no
9 doubt know, E0 13526 states that, quote "In no case sha1l
l0 i nf ormati on be class'if i ed, or conti nue to be mai ntai ned aS

ll or fai 1 to be declassi fi ed" unquote, for the

classi fi ed,
t2 purpose of concealing any violations of law or preventing
l3 embarrassment of any person or entity.
t4 If any of our questions can only be answered with
l5 classified information. We would ask you to jnform us of
t6 that before you provide the answer, and we can as just the
t7 depos j t i on acco rd i nglY .

l8 Today's deposi ti on i s not bei ng taken i n executi ve

t9 SeSSion, but because of sensi ti ve and confi denti at nature of

20 some of the topics and materials that wj11 be discussed,

2l access to the transcript of the deposition will be limited to

22 the three committees in attendance. You and your attorney
23 will have an opportunity to review the transcript at a later
24 date.
25 Now before we begin the deposition, I would like to go

I over of the ground rules. We will be following the


2 House regulati ons for deposi ti ons. We have previ ously

J provided counsel with a copy of those regutations, but let us
4 know if you need additional copies.
5 The deposi ti on wi 11 proceed as follows today. The
6 majority L hour to ask questions, and the minority wj11 be
7 given L hour to ask questions. Thereafter, we will alternate
8 back and forth i n 45 mj nute rounds. We'11 take peri odi c
9 breaks. But if, at any time, you or your counsel need a
l0 break, please just 1et us know. Under the House deposition
ll rules, counsel for other persons or government agencies may
t2 not attend this proceeding, and we understand that none are
l3 here. You, however, are allowed to have personal attorney
t4 present during thjs deposition, and I see that you have
l5 brought a couple. At this time if counsel could please state
t6 his or her name for an appearance for the record.
l7 MR. WRIGHT: My name is Andrew Wright with K&L Gates.
l8 MR. HARTMAN: Barry Hartman, K&L Gates.
t9 M5. IHEANACHO: Nancy Iheanacho with K&L Gates.
20 |.,1R. G0LDt"lAN: To your 1ef t there i s a stenographer
2t taking down everything that is said, alt questions and

22 answers, sothat there is a written report for the

23 deposition. For that record to be cIear, please wait until
24 questions are completed before you provide your answers, and

25 all staff and members here will wait until you finish your

I response before asking the next question. The stenographer

2 cannot record nonverbal answers such as a shaki ng of the head
J or an uh-huh so please make sure that you answer questi ons
4 with an audible verbal answer.
5 We ask that you give complete replies to questions based

6 on your best recollection. If a question js unclear or you

7 are uncertain about the response, please let us know and WC
8 can rephrase the questi on.
9 And if you do not know the answer to a question or
l0 cannot remember, simply say so.
only refuse to
You may

ll answer a question to preserve a privilege recognized by the

t2 committee. If you do refuse to answer a question on the

13 basis of privilege, staff may ejther proceed with the
t4 deposition, or seek a ruling from the chairman on and
l5 objection, in person or otherwise, during the deposition at a

l6 ti me 's choos'ing. If the cha j r

of the ma j ori ty staf f
t7 overrules any such objection, you are required to answer the
l8 questi on.
t9 Finally, you are reminded that it is unlawful to
20 deliberately provide false information to Members of
2l Congress, or to staff of Congress. It is imperative that you
22 not only answer our questions truthfully, but that you give
23 ful1 and complete answers to all questions asked of you.
24 0mi ssi ons may also be consi dered false statements.

25 Now as thi s depos'iti on i s under oath, Deputy Ass j stant


I Secretary Kent, would you please stand and raise your

2 right-hand to be sworn?

J or affjrm the testimony that you are about

Do you swear
4 to give is the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
5 THE WITNESS: I swear that the testimony I am about to

6 give is the truth and nothing but the truth.

7 l'lR. G0LDMAN: Thank you. Let the record ref lect that
8 the witness has been sworn. But before we begin, Deputy

9 Assistant Secretary Kent, now is the time for you to make any

l0 openi ng remarks.
ll MR. ZELDIN: Mr. Goldman, can we just go around the room
t2 and have everybody identify themselves?
l3 MR. GOLDI'IAN: You want back? Why don't we start at the
t4 table here. Mr. Qu'igley.
l5 MR. QUIGLEY: 14ike Quigley from I11inojs.
t6 MS. SPEIER: Jackie Speier.
l7 MR. SWALWELL: Eric 5walwell.
l8 PlS. SEWELL: Terri Sewe11.
l9 MR. ROUDA: HarIey Rouda.
20 MR. RASKIN: Jamje Raskin, for Maryland.
2t MR. HECK: Denny Heck, Washi ngton State.
22 MR. MALINOWSKI: Tom Maljnowskj, New Jersey.
23 MR. PHILLIPS: Dean Phi11ips, Minnesota.
24 MR. R00NEY: Francis Rooney, Florjda.
25 MR. l'lEADOWS: Mark Meadows, North Carolina.

MR. MCCAUL: Mi ke l'lcCaul.

2 t"]R. J ORDAN : Jim Jordan,0hio.
3 MR. GOLDMAN: And then if we could start behind here











2l MR. GOLD['4AN: Mr . Kent.

22 MR. KENT: Good morning, as you've heard, my name js

23 George Kent. I'm the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
24 Europe and Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus in particular. I
25 have served proudly as a nonpartisan career foreign service

I officer for more than 27 years, under five Presidents, three

2 Republican and two Democrats. As you all know, I am
J appeari ng here i n response to your congressi onal subpoena.
4 If I did not appear I would have been exposed to being held
5 in contempt. At the same time, I have been instructed by my
6 employer, the U.5. Department of State, not to appear. I do
7 not know the Department of State's views on disregarding that
8 order. Even though section 1.05(c) of the Foreign Service Act
9 of 1980, wh'ich is 22 U.5. Code 3905 expressly states, and I
l0 quote, "This section shall not be construed as authorizing of
ll withholding of informatjon from the Congress or the taking of
t2 any action of a member of the service who discloses
l3 j nformati on to Congress, " end quote.

l4 I have always been w'i11ing to provide f acts of which I'm

l5 aware that are relevant to any appropriate invest'igation by
l6 ejther Congress or my employer. Yet, this is where I find
t7 myself today, faced with the enormous professional and

l8 personal cost and expense of dealing with a conflict between

l9 the executive and legislative branches not of my making.
20 Wjth that said, I appear today in same spirit that I
21 have brought to my entjre career, as a Foreign Service
22 officer and State Department employee, who has sworn to
23 support and defend the Constitution of the United States, as
24 one of thousands of nonpolitical career professionals in the
25 Foreign Service who embody that vow daily around the world

1 often in harsh and dangerous conditions.

2 There has been a George Kent sworn to service in defense
3 of the Constitution and U.S. national interests for nearly 60
4 consecutive years and counting, ever since my father was

5 sworn in as a midshipman at Annapolis in June 1951,

6 commi ssi oned i n 1965 , after fi ni shi ng fi rst i n hi s class, and

7 serving honorably for 30 years, including as captain of a

8 ballistic mjssjle nuclear submarine. Principled service to
9 country and community remains an honorable professional
l0 choice, not just a family tradition dating back to before
l1 World War II, one that survived the Bataan Death March, and a
t2 3-year st'int in a Japanese POW camp unbroken. I hope the
l3 drama now playing out does not discourage my son ,

t4 , from seriously consjdering a life of service.

l5 After two internship on a State Department Soviet desk
l6 in the late 1980s, I f ormally joined the Foreign Serv'ice in
t7 L992, and have not, for a moment, regretted that choice to
l8 devote my life to principled public service. I served twice
t9 in Ukraine for a total of 6 years, posted 'in Kyiv, first
20 during and after the Orange Revolution from 2004 to 2008, and
2t again, from 2015 to 2018, in the aftermath of the Revolution
22 of Dignity when I worked at deputy chief of missjon.
23 In between, I worked in Washington from 20L2 to 2015, in
24 several policy and programming posi tions di rectly affecting
25 U. S. strategi c i nterests i n Ukrai ne, most notably, as

I director for 1aw enforcement and justice sector programming

2 for Europe and Asia, and then as the European Bureau's senior
J anti cor rupti on coordi nator.
4 In the summer of 2018, then-Assistant Secretary for
5 European and Eurasi an Af f a'i rs, Wess t-'li tche11 asked me to come
6 back from Kyiv to Washington early to join hjs team as Deputy
7 Assjstant Secretary of State to take charge of our eastern
8 European Caucasus portfolio, covering six countries in the
9 front line of Russian aggression and malign influence,
l0 Ukrai ne, Moldova, Belarus, Georgi a, Armeni a, and Azerbai j an.
ll The administration's national security strategy, which Wess

t2 helped wrjte, clear the strategic challenge before us

r3 great power competition, with peer or near-peer rivals, such
t4 as Russia and China and the need to compete for positive
l5 i nfluence wi thout taki ng countri es for granted. In that

l6 sense, Ukrajne has been on the front lines, not just of

l7 Russia's war in eastern Ukraine since 20L4, but of the
l8 greater geopoli t"ical challenges f ac'ing the Uni ted States
t9 tod ay .

20 Ukrai ne's success, thus, i s very much i n our nati onal

2t 'interest i n the or nati onal i nterests
way we have def i ned
22 broadly jn Europe for the last 75 years, and specifically in
23 central and Eastern Europe, for the last 30 years, since the
24 fal1 of the Wal1 in 1989. A Europe whole, free, and at
25 peace our strategic aim for the entjrety of my foreign

1 Service career -- is not possible without a Ukraine fu11 free

2 and at peace, including Crimea and Donbas, both current
J occupi ed by Russi a.
4 I am grateful for all of you on the key congressional
5 committees who have traveled to Ukraine jn the past
6 5 years and I had occasion to speak to many in the 3 years
7 I was in Kyiv and appropriating billions of dollars in
8 assi stance i n support of our primary strategi c goa1s, i n
9 particular, increasing Ukraine's resiliency in the face of
l0 Russian aggression in the defense, energy, cyber, and
ll informatjon spheres, and empowering institutions in civil
t2 society to tackle corruption and undertake systemic reforms.
l3 I believe that all of us in the legislative and the
t4 executive branches in the interagency community working out
l5 of our embassy in Kyiv, with Ukrainians in government in the
16 Armed Servi ces j n ci vi 1 soci ety, and wi th our transatlanti c
t7 allies and partners, can be proud of our efforts and our
l8 resolve in Ukraine over the past 5 years, even though much
t9 more remains to be done.
20 U.S. officials who have spoken publicly in Ukraine to
2t push back on Russian aggreSsion and corrupt influences have
22 been subject to defamatory and disinformatjon campaigns, and

23 even online threats for years. Starting in 2015 for former

24 Ambassador Pyatt, in 20L7 for me, and in 2018 for former
25 Ambas sado r Yovanov i tch.

I That was, frankly, to be expected, from Russian proxies

2 and corrupt Ukrainians, and indicators that our efforts were
J hitting their mark. You don't step in to the public arena of
4 international diplomacy jn active pursuit of U.S. principled
5 interests against venal vested interests without expecting
6 vi gorous pushback.
7 0n the other hand, I fully share the concerns in
8 Ambassador Yovanovitch's statement on Friday expressing her
9 incredulity that the U.S. Government chose to move an

l0 ambassador based, as best she tell, on unfounded and false

ll claims by people wjth clearly questionable motives, at an
12 especially challenging time in our bilateral elections with a

l3 newly elected Ukrajn'ian President.

t4 Onefinal note, I will do my best to answer your
l5 questions today and I understand there are going to be a 1ot
t6 of them. I suspect your questions may well involve some
t7 jssues, conversations and documents that span a number of
l8 years. The State Department is in the process of collecting
19 documents in response to the subpoena, not to me, but to the
20 Department that may contajn facts relevant to my testimony.
21 I have no such documents or materials with me today.
22 With the exception of a few documents related to the
23 State Department inspector general's submiss'ion to Congress
24 thi s month, nei ther the Department nor the comm'ittee has
25 provided documents at issue in this inquiry. I wi11, thus,

do my best to answer as accurately, completely and truthfully

2 as I can to the best of my recollection.
J And with those introductory words, I'm ready to answer
4 aII your questions regarding the subject of the subpoena,
5 whjch has ordered me to appear before you today.
6 MR. G0LDMAN: Thank you, Mr. Kent.
7 MR. J0RDAN: Could we get a copy, could staff get a copy
8 of the Secretary's opening statement for us, please.
9 MR. G0LDMAN: Yeah, we can deal with that.

ll BY ]'4R. GOLDMAN :

t2 a Mr. Kent, I'm going to pick up just where you left

13 off there about the documents. You are aware of a request of
l4 you as well to provide documents. Is that right?
15 A In the letter that was emailed to me on September
l6 27tn there was a request to appear voluntarily and to provide
t7 documents, yes.
l8 a What did do you, if anything, in relation to
t9 providing documents in response to that request?
20 A I received direction that from the State Department
2l that at the Same time you issued the letters to me you issued
22 a subpoena to the Department, and therefore the documents
23 would be collected as part of that subpoena request since
24 they are considered Federal records.
25 THE CHAIRMAN: Ambassador, you don't need to turn the

mi c off.

J a Are you awa re of the status of that document

4 production by the State Department related to your personal
5 doc umen t s or professional documents, I should say?
6 A I collected all the d'if f erent types of records that
7 possibly could be considered part of the request and provided
8 them to the listed authority at the State Department.
9 O And have you had any followup conversations about
l0 production of those documents?
1l A I have not.
t2 a Have you had any conversations, separate and apart,
13 from the letters that we understand you received? Have you
14 had any type of conversations with the State Department --
l5 anyone at the State Department about your testimony here
l6 tod ay ?

t7 A l4y testi mony today? No.

l8 a Okay. So you di dn't have sorry, I don' t mean

t9 the substance of your testimony, but did you have any

20 conversations about whether you would be testifying or will
2t testi fy?
22 A The interaction consjsted of letters through
23 counsel.
24 a So you had no personnel conversations with anyone?

25 A I had no personal conversation.


1 a Did you have any conversations with anyone at the

2 State Department about the document request?

J A Yes.

4 a Can you descri be those conversat'ions?

5 A Define conversations.
6 a All right. Well, who did you speak to about the
7 documen t?

8 A 0kay. So the first interaction was with somebody I

9 presume many of you are famifiar with , who
l0 works wi th our congressi onal 1 i ai son. And i ni ti a11y, when I
ll asked i n ema'i1 f orm whether I should start collecti ng
12 documents, because I had received a personal request, I was
l3 instructed to await formal guidance, meaning formal
l4 instructions on how to fulfill the document production
l5 request, so that was the fi rst i nteracti on.
l6 a And what was the second interaction?
t7 A The second interaction with the Department issued
18 written guidance on how to be responsive to the subpoena for
t9 documents to the Department late on October 2nd and that was
20 j n wri ti ng.

2t a From whom?

22 A The instructions were sent from the executive

23 secretary of the Department, Lisa Kenna.
24 a And what did you do upon receiving those

25 i nstructi ons?

I A That was after close of business. The senior

2 at the time was ["laureen Cormack (ph), and
bureau of f icial
J Maureen gave me a paper copy and said that the European
4 Bureau staff on whom most of the requirements would fatl
5 would convene at 9 o'clock the next morning to discuss how we
6 could futly be responsive to the request.
7 a And did that meeting at 9 o'c1ock the next day
8 occur?
9 A It occurred.
l0 a at that meeting?
And what happened
ll A We had roughly 20 members of European Bureau still

l2 there and fotlowed the overatl staff meeting of the morning

l3 which was from 8:30 to 9:00. Most people 1eft. Those
t4 related to the inquiry stayed. And we had several additional
l5 staff who joined us at that meeting.
l6 a And can you just summarize the conversation at that
t7 meeti ng?
l8 A We started going through the instructions of the
t9 State Department, whi ch j nj ti a11y, the fi rst paragraph
20 identified a number of indivjduals as key record collectors.
2t And so we the first questjon that came up was when jt said
22 "inctuding co1on" and it ljsted names, was that an"inclusive
23 or exclusive tist? Was it only those individuals or more?
24 We had two people in the room who are not members of the

25 European Bureau staff, there could have been more, but they

1 self- i denti fi ed as from congressi onal 1 i ai son

2 and 0ffice of Legal Counsel at the
from the
3 State Department. They clarified that that was not an
4 exclusive 1ist, meaning not only those people listed, but
5 others who mlght have records should also be responsive.
6 a Okay. At any I just want to back it up a 1itt1e
7 bit and a 1itt1e bit more generally here. I appreciate your
8 detail, but we are somewhat we didn't want to stay here
9 all night. So I'm just trying to get a sense of, sort of,
l0 the back and forth. Was there, at any point, did you take
ll issue with any of the directives or suggestions that you
12 received from the State Department?
l3 A The letter of instruction that was issued after the
l4 close of business on 0ctober 2nd was the first formal
15 instruction that any of us had received in response to the
l6 subpoena to the Department and the personal letters which had
t7 been sent at the end of September 27th, so there was not any
l8 formal structured i nteracti on, as I menti oned, that I 'd had
t9 i ni ti a1 i nteracti on wi th , and she directed me to
20 await formal guidance. I did have several interactions with
2l other State Department offj ci a1s on Tuesday, 0ctober Lst.
22 O Wi th whom?

23 A Wjth the director general of the Foreign Service'

24 and with the acting L, so to speak, Marek String.
25 a And what was the purpose of those conversations?

I A I approached the director general late in the

2 afternoon mid-afternoon on 0ctober Lst, because I had not
J had any contact f rom any member on the leadership of the
4 Department. And there was a letter sent to these committees
5 that characterized interactions that I do not feel was
6 accurate.
7 a Can you expla'in what you di dn't f ee1 was accurate?
8 A We11, there was a line in there that the committees
9 had been attempting to bu11y, int'imidate, and threaten career
l0 foreign service officers. And I was one of two career
ll foreign service officers which had received letters from the
t2 committees, and I had not felt bulfied, threatened, and
l3 j nt'imi dated. There was another 1i ne i n there that suggested

t4 that the career Foreign Service offjcers had requested the

l5 commi ttee's to route all communi cati ons through House 1 i ai son

l6 and I think your colleague who , who sent me the

t7 injtial email on Friday night received my repty, whjch
l8 indicated that I acknowledged receipt, and that our
t9 congressional ljaison had requested that the information be
20 routed to them. So I was concerned that the letter itself
2t dj d not accurately characteri ze the i nteracti on.

22 a When you' re talki ng about the letter, you're

23 talking about the letter from Secretary Pompeo?
24 A Correct.
25 a And what was the response of the two individuals

1 that you spoke to?

2 A We1l, |\4s. Perez, who 'is one of the top two career
J foreign Services officers and overSeeS the perSonnel system,
4 I had worked for her previously directty in a previous job.
5 And because I'd had no contact with the leadership of the

6 Department outside of the European Bureau, I suggested that

7 it was time that somebody engaged me personally, particularly
8 since representations were being made about me.

9 a What representation? 0h, the letter?

l0 A Ri ght, the language i n the letter.

1l a And what was Ambassador Perez's response?

t2 A She needed to go and give a response to 150 people
l3 about taking care of your people. And she said when that was
t4 fin'ished, She would reach out and find somebody that would
l5 reach out to me. And So she came back after an hour and said
l6 that the acting tegal counselor of the Department, rrLrr in our
t7 parlance, l'larek String, would reach out to me; that if I did
l8 not hear from him in 24 hours, I should contact her again.
l9 a D'id hear from him?
20 A I did after I wrote him an email.
2t a And did you ult'imately have a conversation wi th

22 him?

23 A I djd. He ca11ed me back through the 0perations

24 Center in the evening when I was already at home.

25 a And can you summarize that conversatjon for us?


1 A He apologized for not having had anyone reach out

2 to me pr i or . He sa'id i t was a very busy day, that they had

J responsive and were doing a 1ot and but I'd known Marek
4 previously and respected him. If i t weren't f or l'4arek, we
5 would not have had Charge Taylor out in Kyiv. He helped with
6 the process of getting him brought back on board as an Active
7 Duty person. So I respected his professionalism previously,
8 so it was a professional conversation.
9 a Did you voice the same simi lar concerns?
l0 A I did.
ll a And what was his response?
t2 A He apologized, because I mentioned that there had
13 not been an exchange.
t4 o 5orry. Did you voice your concerns about the two
l5 statements in the letter that you disagreed with?
t6 A To the best of my recollection, again, it was a
t7 phone cal 1 at night when I was in my kitchen eating dinner at
l8 about 9 between 8 and 9. So I cannot say i t was more, I
t9 th i nk, the tonality. It was a pleasant, professional
20 exchange.
2t a And was there any fo11ow-on conversations that you

22 had?

23 A Not with Marek, not wjth Marek. That was again, on

24 the ni ght on the Lst. The guidance that we recejved in
25 wri ti ng came shortly after close of business on the 2nd. And

then the next sort of point was the meeting, the gu'idance,
2 our the European Bureau'S meeting at 9 o'clock on October
3 3 rd .

4 a And si nce 0ctober 3rd, unti1 today, 0ctober L5th,

5 i s anythi ng else any other further conversation that
6 you've had?

7 A I have not . That was also the time where I th'ink

8 the 3rd was when we fo rmal 1y I formally engaged Andrew

9 Wright as my counsel in this process. And therefore, there

l0 were addi ti onal engagements, 'interacti ons wi th through
l1 counsel.
t2 a Are you aware that as we sit here today, we have
l3 not received one document from the State Department?
t4 A I can read the news, but as I've answered you
15 before, I'm not aware i d1d my role. Obviously there were
t6 a lot of documents and records that i had that I needed to
t7 provide, based on the subPoena and the guidance that the
l8 State Department issues. But having provided those records,
t9 I do not know the process on reviewing them'
20 a After your conversation with Marek String, did you
2t have any additional conversations with anyone in L?
22 A I did. There was a representative from L, as I
L) previ ously menti oned, , who attended the

24 European Bureau guidance meeting on 0ctober 3rd.

25 a Did you have any private conversations with him?

I A We have a very public exchange in front of the

2 roughly 20 people in the meeting. And then subsequent to
J that, I was called out into the ha1l where I had a continued
4 conversation wi th him and
5 a Can you describe the public exchange?
6 A We11, public in a room, closed-door room. The
7 exchange started when we were d'iscussing the issue of who
8 needed to be responsive to the records collectjon. The
9 individuats listed primarily were in the European Bureau.
l0 And I noted several people who should have been listed who
ll played key roles on staff at the embassy in Kyiv. And then I
12 menti oned Consular Affai rs Assi stant Secretary Ri sch, because
l3 he had spoken to Rudy Giufiani several tjmes in January about
t4 trying to get a visa for the former corrupt prosecutor
l5 general of Ukraine, Viktor Shokin. And my read of the
l6 request would include that.
t7 took i ssue wi th my rai si ng the addj ti onal
l8 jnformation, and the conversation rapidly, I would say,

t9 either escalated or degenerated into a tense exchange.

20 a 5o what was his response to your suggestions of
2t addi t'ional custodi ans?
22 MS. SPEIER: What d'id he say?
23 MR. KENT: I've got two questions here, so I don't know
24 how you want to manage Representat'ive Spei er asked me a
25 quest i on and you .

I MS. SPEIER: No, I didn't. I was just talking to

2 mysel f.
J MR. KENT: 0h. Sorry.
4 BAIR: 1t was the same question.

5 MR. GOLDMAN: It's the same question.

6 MR. KENT: He objected to my rajsing of the additional

7 information and said that he didn't think I do not
8 remember his exact words, but he made clear that he did
9 not think it was appropriate for me to make the suggestjon.
t0 I took the opportunity, then, to point out that that was the
ll first the meeting was the first time that we were
t2 djscussing guidance for being responsive to a subpoena. At
l3 this point, it was already 0ctober 3rd. The request for the
t4 documents and the request for submjssion had been delivered
l5 on September 27th and we had less than 2 business days to be
l6 respons i ve. has then said, I don't think I should
t7 be even talking to you. It's not approprjate. I should only
l8 talk to counsel, and I talked to your counsel last night.
l9 That was, as I knew, a factually incorrect statement at that
20 point. He never had a conversation with my counsel. The
2t conversation ended at that point, but later on when I then
22 picked up this issue of guidance and our responsib'i1ities, he
23 raised his voice again, suggested, as I told you before, I
24 should not be talki ng to you, i t i s aga'inst the bar eth'ics,
25 for me to contact and talk to you directly. I took issue

I with that. I said I'm under no obli gation to retai n private

2 counsel. I said somebody provided information to the
J Secretary that he said publicly in Italy that the
4 congressional committees were preventing me from talking to
5 legal counsel. And I said I've got 1-5 witnesses in a room
6 hearing you say that you don't want to talk to me. So I'm
7 worried that you as working for this office, are adopting
8 positions at odds with the language that your office is
9 providing the Secretary of 5tate.
l0 My jnterest in this process was so that the State
ll Department and the Secretary would be protected, and being
t2 fu1ly responsive to the legal subpoena that had been issued.

14 a Was hjs concern more of a process concern or dld he

15 take any objection to your substantive suggestion that

l6 addi ti onal custodi ans should be i ncluded?
t7 A I honestly cannot answer what he was thinking. I
l8 can only say what he said to me.
t9 a That's what I'm asking. What djd he say?
20 A He said to me that he represented the Secretary of
2l State and the Department's interest in this process. And
22 that was the end of that and he also said that he was the
23 author of the fines about the of the letter that included
24 the language about the bul1yi ng and i nti mi dati on.
25 I pointed out to him that I thought the language he had

I then drafted, since he said was the drafter, was inaccurate.

2 And he asked why did I say that. I said, we11, you say that
3 the career Fore'ign Services are being intimidated. And he
4 said, who are you speaking about? And I asked him, about
5 whom are you speaking? And he said, you're asking me to

6 reveal confidential information. And I said, no, I'm not.

7 There are only two career Foreign Service officers who
8 subject to this process. I'm one of them. I'm the only one
9 working at the Department of State, and the other one is
l0 Ambassador Yovanovitch, who is teaching at Georgetown. So
ll I'm not asking to you reveal anything that isn't already
t2 commonly known.
13 So that that part of that conversation.
t4 a What his response when you said that?
15 A He spent the next 5 minutes glaring at me.

l6 a Di d he d'isagree that Mr. R j sch should be i ncluded

t7 in the
l8 A We did not return to that toPic.
t9 a Now thi s was all
th the others i n the room?

20 A This is in the room with the 15 to 20 other people,

2t yes.
22 a And then you said there was an additional
23 conversati on i n the hallway wi th Can you

24 descri be that conversati on?

25 A Correct. I then said, opened the door after a

I couple of minutes and asked if I could come out. So I

2 excused myself before my colleagues. I apolog'ized for them
J having had to hear an uncomfortable conversation. I said
4 that it was important that they had been there as wjtnesses,
5 since that was likely the only such only conversatjon
6 engagement I would have wi th the legal staff of the State
7 Department. I walked out, closed the door. And I stuck my
8 hand out and sai d, Hi , I 'm George Kent. We've never met. We
9 shook hands. And then I said, that was unprofessional. And
l0 he then said, you were unprofessional. He got very angry.
ll He started pointing at me with a clenched jaw and saying,
t2 What you djd'in there, if Congress knew what you were doing,
l3 they could say that you were trying to sort of control, or
l4 change the process of collecting documents. And what I sajd
l5 to him was what I hear you saying I said that's cal1ed
l6 projection. What I hear you saying 'is that you think that I
t7 am doi ng that.
l8 What I trying to do was make sure that the
l9 Department was being ful1y responsive. He then told me, I
20 don't think it is appropriate for you to go back into that
2t room. I totd him that's not your business, that's my
22 meeting, but I will agree with you, though, I wilI go back in
23 and te11 my cotleagues that sjnce I'm one of the chief
24 records collectors, I will go back to my office and resume
25 collecting records to be responsive to the request.

I And the only other thing we did was I gave him my

2 business card, he wrote his name and phone number in my

J notebook. And he sa'id, I imagine you witl be writing up your
4 version of this conversation and i will be too. And that was
5 it.
6 a And did you write up your version?
7 A I did.
8 a Did you provide that memo to the State Department
9 to be turned over?
l0 A I bet i eve yes, I dl d.
ll a Were you aware that the original request to the
t2 Department was made on September 9th?
l3 A I that there was a letter sent, yes. I
am aware

t4 was traveling through much of that next week. So I am not a

l5 lawyer and I understand there are different ways of signaling
l6 how serjous the issue is, but yes, I was aware that an
t7 earfier set of letters were sent prior to the September 27th
18 letters.
t9 a Were you asked to collect your records prior to, I
20 believe, you said 0ctober 2nd?

2t A There was no request for anyone to collect records

22 prior to the subpoena that was issued, to my understanding,
23 on the 27tn.
24 a And I assume you did not have any further
25 conversati ons wi th ?

1 A No, I think as counsel can confirm, once our

2 relationshi p was establ i shed, h€, , was taken off
J of my account, and whi 1e I di d not parti ci pate i n further
4 conversat'ions, my understanding is that the tone and further
5 back and forth between L and my counsel was fu11y
6 professional and respectful.
7 a All right. Before I move on, Mr. Kent, is there
8 anything else on the topic of the State Department's response
9 to the Congress' subpoena that you think the committee should
10 know about that you haven't addressed?
ll A No.

t2 THE CHAIRMAN:If I cou1d, I take it, at some point, you

l3 were instructed by the State Department not to provide the
l4 documents directly to the committee, but rather to provide
l5 them to the State Department?
l6 MR. KENT: The initial document request under the
t7 subpoena was to the State Department and the State Department
l8 as part of its guidance did share the consideration that
t9 communications would be considered Federal records, and that
20 they would be handfing them, and that is a position that I
2t accepted.
22 THE CHAIRMAN: But in terms of your own documents, the
23 ones in your possession that we had requested, did you get
24 instructjons from the State Department that rather than
25 provide them to the committee, you should provide them to the

I State Department?
2 MR. KENT: The letters that came in, the letter that
J came to me on September 27th was sent concurrently with a

4 subpoena for those documents. And so they are considered

5 Federal records. And all executive branch employees are
6 reminded of that. So I was responsive to the request under
7 subpoena to the Department for those records to be collected.
8 THE CHAIRMAN: But did you recejve any instructjons from
9 the State Department that you should not provide the
l0 documents directly to the committee?
ll MR. KENT: I would have to go back and look at the
t2 written guidance that was issued on October 2nd. But I will
13 say it was my understanding that I would provide the
t4 documents as part of the subpoena to the Department for the
l5 documents. f4y documents are not my personal documents. Any

l6 record that I create 'in the performance of my professional

t7 duties would be considered a record of the Department of
l8 State.
t9 THE CHAIRMAN: And I assume that any records that you
20 had on a personal device, those would have been provided to
2t the State Department to be turned over as well?
22 MR. KENT: That is the right, correct.
23 THE CHAIRNAN: Thank you.


25 a Did you have any conversat'ions wi th anyone else in


I the State Department about your interactjon wjth

2 A Yes.

J a Who?

4 A Now former, I guess, technically retired, he sent

5 i n h'is resi gnat j on letter, Mi chael l'lcKi nley, seni or adv'iser
6 to the Secretary of State. I had had no prior interactjon
7 with Mr. McKinley until the weekend after the tetters were
8 issued, and the story became news, and he reached out to talk
9 to me.
l0 a He reached out to you?
ll A Correct. I was out picking apples with my wife
t2 Stribling 0rchards, a very nice place in Markham, Virginia,
l3 if you ever want to get good apples and he reached out to
t4 me through the Operations Center and said that he felt the
l5 State Department should stand up f olits career Forei gn
l6 Service officers and wanted to know if I had any objection to
t7 him trying to get the Department to issue a statement of that
l8 natu re.
l9 a What did you say?
20 A I think sa'id I th jnk i
t is enti rely appropriate for
2t the State Department leadership to stand up for its career
22 foreign service officers.
23 a And what did you say about the statement?
24 A He di dn' t share the statement wi th me. I asked h'im

25 'i f he'd al ready f loated the i dea, and i f he got any


I responses.
2 a What did he say?
J A He said he had not yet succeeded in securing an

4 agreement to issue such a statement.

5 a Had he heard about your interaction with
6 ?

7 A So that came later,our first conversation

8 was on September 28th, Saturday, when I was picking apples.
9 He then subsequently came to my office, and he was the only
l0 Foreign Service offjcer outside the European Bureau who
ll initiated contact and came to my office.
t2 So he checked in with me several times over the last 2
13 weeks to see how I was doing. And i did describe my the
t4 guidance meeting and what had occurred on the 3rd of October.
l5 a And what was his response to
l6 A He was concerned about that. He asked if i had
t7 written it up. And I said, I wrote a note to the fi1e. And
18 he asked if , in his capacity as a sen'ior adviser to the
t9 Secretary, i n part, responsi ble for ensuri ng that the
20 Department leadership was connected to the career Foreign
2t Service, if I would mind sharing it with him so that he could
22 share it with other leaders of the Department, and I said I
23 had no problem. And so I shared with him a copy of my note
24 to the fi1e.
25 a Did he say who he was going to share it with?

I A He later told it with the Deputy

me he shared

2 Secretary Su1livan, Under Secretary Ha1e, and I bef i eve the

J counselor sorry acti ng 1ega1, Marek Stri ng.
4 a And d'id he i ndi cate to you what the any response
5 was to sharing the memo?
6 A No.
7 a Did he indicate to you who he had discussed a
8 statement wi th?

9 A Not speci fical1y.

l0 a Generally?
ll A said leadership of the Department. That's
He so

t2 I presume that included people outside of the European

l3 Bureau, but I did not ask specifically which individuals he

t4 had engaged.
l5 a Did you have any further conversations about that
l6 statement with him?

t7 A I did ask him, one of the times he dropped by my

l8 office, I asked him if that statement had gone anywhere, and
t9 he said, no.
20 a Did he indicate why not?
2t A I don't know recall if he gave any specific
22 i nformati on on why.
)1 a Anything else noteworthy about your conversations
24 wi th Ambassador l''lcKi nley?
25 A I had had never met him. I actually had to Google

I hi m. Hi s ne. He's been an

career has not crossed mi

2 ambassador in four p1 aces three times in South America and

J Afghani stan. But he appeared to me in person to be a
4 genui nely decent person who was concerned about what WAS

5 happeni ng.
6 And so I very much appreciated him reaching out on a
7 personal 1eve1 and showing, as someone who's been an

8 ambassador jn four missions, including Afghanistan,

9 understanding jt's important to be responsive and engage the
l0 people who work for you.
ll a Djd you share his concerns?
t2 A Which concerns?
l3 O About how the career Foreign Service officers were
t4 bei ng treated duri ng thi s process?
15 A We11, as I ment'ioned before, that's why I reached
t6 out to the director general, Carol Perez, on 0ctober Lst
t7 because I had concerns that outsjde of the European Bureau,
l8 the leadership jn the Department was not actually signaling
l9 jts support for the career Foreign Service officers.
20 a A11 ri ght. Mr. Kent, we're goi ng spend some time
2t today discussing Ukraine policy as well as efforts by
22 nongovernment individuals to jnfluence Ukraine policy. As
Z) you no doubt are aware one of the central players in this
24 investigation js Rudy Gjuliani. When did you first learn
25 that Rudy Giulianj had taken an interest in Ukraine?

1 A Well
2 a 0r any Ukrai nj ans?
3 A I think it's a matter of record that the former
4 mayor of New York and the current mayor of Kyiv have known
5 each other for over a decade. Mayor Klychko is a former
6 heavyweight boxing champion of the wor1d. And so I beljeve
7 that Giulianj first met Klychko, roughly, in 2008.
8 a 0kaY.

9 A SoI thi nk Gi uli ani , as a per5on, a pri vate

l0 i ndi vi dual , has traveled to Ukraine over the course of the
ll last decade.
t2 a When you were in Ukraine, did you ever meet with
l3 him?

t4 A I never met w'ith him, never been i n the presence of

l5 him, never had any communi cati onth hi m.

t6 a So other than, as of 201.8, at some point, did you

t7 come to learn that Mr. Giuliani was actively engaged i n
l8 matters relati ngto Ukrai ne?
t9 A The first indication that I heard of contacts in
20 2018 came in May 2018. The then-prosecutor general of the
2l country, Yuriy Lutsenko, had planned to go to New York and
22 hi s p1ane, KLM plane, was canceled. But my understandi ng was

23 that his intent to go to New York was to meet with Rudy

24 Giuliani.
25 a And did you understand what the purpose of that

I meeti ng was?

2 A At the time, 0o, because the meeting didn't happen.

J a How did you learn about it?

4 A There were stori es i n the Ukrai ni an medi a that he

5 intended to go. I'd heard the story about the cancelation,
6 KLM. Some of the stories later claimed that he did not have
7 a visa. That was not true, because I know the plane had been
8 canceled and he later traveled to New York. And also the
9 head of Ukrai ni an di aspora organi zati on
l0 told that he had had a conversation with Lutsenko and

ll Lutsenko said his intent was to go to New York and meet with
t2 Gi uf iani .

l3 a Were you sti1l in

t4 A I was in I teft Kyiv, Ukrajne on August L2th,
l5 2018.

l6 a did you learn about Mr. Giuliani's

And what
t7 interactions with Mr. Lutsenko after that initial aborted
l8 trip?
t9 A The next time I heard 14r. Giuliani's name mentioned
20 was on the 9th of January this year,2019, when I was copied
2t on an emai 1 that Gi u1 i ani WAS ca11i ng the State Department
22 regardi ng the inabjlity of the previous prosecutor general
23 Vi ktor Shok'in to get a visa to come to the United States.
24 a How did you learn about that?
25 A I was copied on an emai1. Because I'm the Deputy

1 Assistant Secretary of State covering Ukraine, and it was a

2 matter about Ukraine.
J a And did you have any involvement in that visa
4 i ssue?

5 A I was involved extensjvely in conversatjons and

6 exchanges over the next 2 days, yes.

7 a Descri be bri efly who Vi ktor Shokj n i s.

8 A Viktor Shokin served as prosecutor generat of

9 Ukraine from, I believe his appointment date was February
l0 L0th, 2015, until sometime of the spring, perhaps late
ll February, early March 201-6. He was a longtime prosecutor.
t2 He was known to have been the godfather of then-President
l3 Poroshenko's kids. And he was someone with whom and about
t4 whom the U.5. Government had many conversations over that
15 period of time as prosecutor general.
l6 a Was there a broad-based international assessment of
l7 hjs, whether or not he was a credible or corrupt prosecutor
l8 general?
l9 A There was a broad-based consensus that he was a
20 typical Ukraine prosecutor who ljved a ljfestyle tar jn
2t excess of his government salary, who never prosecuted anybody
22 known for having committed a crime, and having covered up
23 crimes that were known to have been committed.
24 O Who was the email from that you recejved on January
25 9th?

I A I do not recall. I believe it may have been from

2 one of the staff in the 0ffice of the Secretary of State,
J because Rudy Giuliani was trying to call into that offfce.
4 0 And did you fo11ow up on this email?
5 A The i ni ti al redi recti on was to the Assi stant
6 Secretary of Consular Affai rs, Mr. Ri sch.
7 a 0kay. The redirection by who?
8 A I was just copied on the emaj1. Since it was about
9 a visa, I think it was entirely appropriate for the matter to
l0 be referred to the part of the State Department that deals
lt wi th vi sas.

t2 a And what was Mr. Gi u1i an'i 's i nvolvement i n thi s

13 matter?
t4 A He was pushing a visa. He wanted Viktor Shokin to
l5 get a visa.
l6 O Had Viktor Shokin been denied a visa at that point?
t7 A Apparently, Mr. Shokin did not have a valid visa at
l8 the time. i do not know whether he had been denied a visa
l9 recen t1y .

20 MR. SWALWELL: Ambassador, can you spell "Risch"?

2l MR. KENT: I believe, with apologies to any German
22 Americans, I think it is R-i-s-c-h, but sometimes names get

23 changed. My original German name was Kindt, K-i-n-d-t, and

24 then my great-great-grandmother changed to anglicize it to

25 K-e-n-t.

I l'lR. SWALWELL: Thank you.


J a So describe generally what your role was in thjs

4 vi sa matter, i f any?
5 A of conversations between members
There was a series
6 of the Consular Affairs front office and European Affairs
7 front office. For the European office, that included
8 Assi stant Secretary Wess Mi tche11 and myself pri nci pa11y.
9 And to the best of my recollection, on the side of Consular
10 Affairs, it would be Assistant Secretary Risch and the deputy
ll assjstant secretary for visas, who I believe is Ed
t2 Romatowski.
l3 a Just to try to get to the bottom line,
t4 Mr. Gjuliani, what was the State Department's view about the
l5 propriety of a visa for ['lr.5hokin?
l6 A Mr. Shokjn, as I mentioned, was well and very
t7 unfavorably known to us. And we fe1t, under no
l8 circumstances, should a visa be 'issued to someone who
l9 knowingly subverted and wasted U.5. taxpayer money. And as
20 somebody who had a fiduciary responsibility for
2t anticorruption programs, I felt personally strongly, Wess
22 Mitchell felt very strongly that it was jncorrect and so we
23 stated that view clearly to our congressjonal to or
24 Consular Affaj rs colleagues.
25 a Okay. And what did you learn why Mr. Giuliani

I was pushing to have a visa granted?

2 A of my recollection, the story that he
To the best
J conveyed to my colleagues in Consular Affajrs was that Shok'in
4 wanted to come to the United States to share information
5 suggesting that there was corruption at the U.S. embassy.
6 a And did you understand what he was referring to?
7 A Knowing Mr. Shokin, I had fu11 faith that it was
8 bunch of hooey, and he was looking to basically engage in a
9 con game out of revenge because he'd lost hjs job.
l0 a And do you know whether there was any engagement
ll wi th Mr. Gi u1i ani on behalf of the State Department?

12 A To the best of my recollection, to my awareness

l3 based on the ema'i1 exchanges, He may have had between two and
t4 three conversations with the Assistant Secretary in that
15 period of time, Giuljani to Risch. No time did Wess Mitchell
l6 or I engage Gi u1 i ani .

t7 a And did you learn about the substance of those

l8 conversati ons from Mr. Ri sch?

l9 A I shared what I reca11, and I presume that either

20 that was in of those conversat'ions were an email
2t exchange, but I couldn't te11 you for sure.
22 a What ultimately happened wi th the vi sa application?
23 A When the State Department was not being responsive,
24 s that f ormer Mayor G'iu1i ani attempted to
my understandi ng i
25 call the White House, and deputy chief of staff, my

I understanding deputy chief of staff , Rob B1air, then calted

2 the State Department to ask for a background.
3 a Who did Mr. BIair speak to in the State Department?
4 A In the end, I believe it was a conference ca11. I
5 participated sitting in Wess Mitchell's office. I believe
6 Consular Affairs may have also been on the ca1l.
7 a And can you describe the conversation?
8 A We laid out enough frank detail about U.S.
9 Government engagement and assessment of Mr. Shoki n. And ["1r.
l0 Blaj r sai d, thank you very much, I 've heard enough. He
ll 'identified his role at that point to ground truth the
t2 situation and look out after the interest of the 0ffice of
l3 the President. And I took from his response to us that he'd
t4 heard what he needed. And that was the tast I heard about
l5 that, and 14r. Shokin, to the best of my knowledge, did not
t6 ever receive a visa and has not come to the U.S.
t7 a So after l'lr. Giuliani reached, attempted to
18 convince the State Department to jssue the visa directly, and
l9 was told no, he then went around to the chief of staff's
20 office?
2l A That I do not know who he tried to reach at the
22 Whi te House. I only know that l'lr. BIai r reached out to us to

23 ground truth the si tuati on.

24 a To your knowledge, had anyone in the State
25 Department informed Mr. Blai r or the chief of staff's office?

A My understanding is he reached out to us, and we

2 were responsive to him reaching out to us
3 a And did you understand the he learned about it from

4 Mr. Giuliani?
5 A I do not i f he had a d'i rect conversation. To the
6 best of my recollection, he said he was asked, which suggests
7 that he did not have the conversati on himself . I don't know

8 a this the first that you had heard about any


9 concerns about the embassy in Kyiv?

l0 A No. I was at the embassy in Kyiv when a series of
ll corrupt prosecurtors, including Shokin's team accused us of
l2 not sharing our assistance to improve the prosecutor service
l3 in Ukraine. And to my understanding, because it was released
t4 as part of the disinformation campaign, that inctuded a
l5 letter from April 201.6 which I signed as Charge.
l6 a Was that were those accusations accurate?
t7 A The accusat'ions were completely wi thout meri t.
l8 a Followi ng thi s January 9th meeti ng, when i s the
t9 next time that you learned about any involvement of Rudy
20 Gi u1i ani i n Ukra'ine matters?
2t A 0n February LLth, there was a seminar hosted at the
22 U.S. Institute of Peace, about the conflict in Donbas, and
23 the Mi ni ster of Interi or, Arsen Avakov, came and parti ci pated
24 presenting his plans for what he cal1s a plan of smal1 steps.
25 We had a separate meeting, since I'm the teading

I policymaker focused on the region. And during that meeting,

2 he let that Yuriy Lutsenko, the then-prosecutor
me know
J general of Ukraine, had made a private trip to New York jn
4 which he met Rudy Giuliani. I sajd, did he know what the
5 purpose was, and the ["ljnister of Interior Avakov said it was
6 to throw mud. And I said, throw mud at whom? And he said, a
7 lot of people. I asked him, whom? And he said, towards
8 Masha, towards you, towards others.
9 a Masha i s Marj e Yovanovi tch?
l0 A Former Ambassador Yovanovitch, yes.
ll a Did hesay name any other names?
t2 A At that point, to the best of my recollection, he

l3 mentioned specifically Masha and me, and then sajd others but
t4 d'id not menti on the others.
l5 a Where was this meeting?

l6 A It would have either happened at the U.S. Institute

t7 of Peace or in my offjce, which is right across the street.
l8 The State Department and USIP are across the street.
t9 a Did he explain in any more detail what he had

20 learned about the conversations between Lutsenko and

2t Giuliani?
22 A He was just passing along information. That was
23 not the purpose of the meeting. The meeting was to talk
24 about our assistance programs. He oversees the law

25 enforcement reform. It was to talk about Ukrainian politics.


I Frankly, at the time, he was the second most powerful person

2 jn the country after President Poroshenko. It was to talk
3 about his ideas about trying to bring peace to the Donbas.
4 And hi s comment about Lutsenko's tri p and meeti ng wi th
5 Giuliani was and, 0h, by the way, probably the last thing he
6 sa'id before we finished the meeting.
7 a Di d he express - - why di d he menti on th1s to you?

8 A I don't know. I would say that Mr. Avakov likes to

9 keep lines of communication open to all sides and but I
l0 cannot say why he chose to share that i nf ormat'ion.
ll a Did he express any concerns about this?
t2 A He thought it was the wrong thing to do. He
l3 thought Lutsenko was a fool to have made a private trip and
t4 to have done what he did.
l5 a Do you know whether he was aware of Mr. Giuliani's
l6 connection to President Trump?
t7 A Mr. Avakov?
l8 a Yes.

l9 A Mr. Avakov i s a very well- i nformed person, and I 'm

20 absolutely sure he knew who Giuliani was connected to.
2l a Di d you, after learni ng thi s i nformati on, what, i f
22 anything what if any conversations did you have with
23 anyone else about the informatjon you learned?
24 A I cannot say with complete certainty, but I know
25 that I shared the information that Avakov passed to me with

I others.
2 a Who else?

J A Based on my normal procedures I would guess that I

4 shared it with jn the European
people who followed Ukraine
5 Bureau, as well as with the leadership of or embassy in Kyiv.
6 O Do you know what mud Lutsenko and Giuliani were
7 di scussi ng i n connecti on to you?
8 A I did not know, no.
9 a At that time you did not know?
l0 A I sti1l don't know.
ll a You haven't seen memoranda that
t2 A I've seen the letter that I signed in Aprit 20L5.
13 I don't know 'if that's all. I 've seen a f ake 1i st that had
t4 my business card that I used temporarily in 2015, when I was
l5 at the embassy as acti ng DCI'I. The busi ness card was the one
l6 I used i n 2015, the letter i tself was completely fake wi th
t7 lots of misspellings. But I have never -- no one has ever
l8 shown me what Lutsenko m'ight have been passing to Giuliani.
l9 So I did not know then and I sti11 do not know now.
20 a You mentioned the documents that the State IG had
2t provided to Congress. Have you reviewed those?
22 A They were not no one shared this with me, no.
)7 5o I -- what I have been to1d, I first learned about it from
24 I reporter who emailed me, a person I'd never had
25 contact with, and to whom I did not respond, who claimed that

I she had seen the documents and asked me a question, and with
2 the many dozens of emails from media over the last several
J started, I d'idn't answer a si ngle
weeks, si nce th'is story
4 one, I forwarded them all to our press officer.
5 a Was this recent?
6 A This was after -- it was probably a day or 2 after
7 the IG came up and passed documents.
8 a Did you speak to Ambassador Yovanovitch about the
9 conversation that you had with Mr. Avakov?
l0 A I di d not well , I cannot say for certai n. I
ll mean, again, the conversation was February 1.1th. That was

t2 the day of the seminar. I could say I cannot say for

l3 certai n whether I talked or whether I sent a bri ef ema'i 1 .

t4 a OkaY.

l5 A My guess is, to the best of my recoltection, I

l6 conveyed the i nformati on.

t7 a Did you become aware of whether Ambassador
l8 Yovanov'itch had also spoken wi th Mr. Avakov around thi s time?

t9 A I believe it that conversation that

may have been

20 she shared that she had had a similar conversation with him.
2t a At that point did you understand what Rudy
22 Gi uli's i nterest was j n meeti ng wi th Lutsenko?

.(.) A I did not have any vjsibillty. I had better

24 insights into the mind of Yuriy Lutsenko than I did of Rudy

25 Giuliani.

I a And what were those insights into Mr. Lutsenko?

2 A Mr. Lutsenko i s somebody wi th whom the embassy had

3 a long relationship dating back to the 0range Revolution

4 period, which is when I first met him. And at that time he

5 was a seemingly pro-Western politician. We met with him,

6 he's a very gregarious, outgoing person. He was imprisoned
for 2 years under former President Yanokovitch, and he came
8 out and resumed potitics. When Shokin was forced out, the
9 intent of then-Presjdent Poroshenko was to appoint someone he
l0 trusted. Yuriy Lutsenko js also the godfather of his kids.
ll And the quest'ion was whether someone who di dn't have a law
t2 degree coutd be a reliable partner to try to reform the
13 prosecutori a1 servi ce.
t4 So I had a series of meetings with him in the spring of
l5 20L5 to judge and assess whether he would be a serious
t6 partner for us. And so, that was the initjal, if you wi11,
t7 renewal of a relationship. Subsequent to that time, it was
l8 very clear that Mr. Lutsenko was not any more serious about
t9 reforming the corrupt prosecutorial service than Viktor
20 Shoki n had been. And at that poi nt, our relati onshi p not
2t personal to me, but the relationship between the embassy and

22 ["1r. Lutsenko began to sour.

23 a So it was the embassy and the U.S. view that
24 ['4r. Lutsenko was another corrupt prosecutor general?
25 A That was our assessment, yes.

1 a When you spoke to Mr. Avakov, djd you learn whether

2 Mr. Giuliani was working with anyone else on matters related
3 to Ukrai ne?
4 A He just mentioned his his this is, by the
5 way, aside. Again, he's a Ukraine politician serving as
6 minister of interior, he was talking about another Ukraine
7 ti ci an servi ng as prosecutor general, and hi s focus was
po1 i

8 on that dynamic. And because he sajd he'd heard my name

9 menti oned, he'd passed that a1ong.

l0 a When was the next time that Rudy Giuliani came up

ll i n conversati on?

t2 THE CHAIRMAN: A question if I cou1d, just for

l3 clarification. You mentioned a letter with misspellings and

t4 forgery.
l5 t'4R. KENT: Yes?

16 THE CHAIRMAN: Can you te11 us what that letter was and
t7 what you know of i ts provenance?

l8 that was part of serjes of news

MR. KENT: We11,
l9 articles that came out I believe starting March 20th, this
20 spring. There with a number of art'icles that were initially
2t Ied by John Solomon of The Hi11, who gave who took an
22 jnterview with Yuriy Lutsenko earlier in March. And so,
./.) there was, I believe, video somewhere, there certainly were

24 pi ctures of them doi ng i ntervi ew. And i t' s part of a seri es

25 of articles, it was an intense campaign. One of those


1 articles released because the interview on the first day

2 Lutsenko had claimed that Ambassador Yovanov'itch had given

J hjm a list in their first meeting of people not to prosecute.
4 Several days later, a list of names was circulated on the
5 internet, with the photograph had a copy of my temporary
6 busjness card that I used for a short period of time in 2015.
7 So it was a reaf it didn't look like a regular business
8 card. It was the one that we did on the embassy printer. So
9 I think the card was genuine, and someone attached that to a
l0 list of names that was a hodgepodge of names.

ll Some of the people I had to google, I had not heard of.

t2 Half the names were misspelled. Not the way that any

l3 Ameri can, or even Ukrai ni an, or Russi an would transl i terate

t4 Ukrainian names. My best guess, just from a linguistics
l5 semantic point is the person who created the fake list was
t6 either Czech or Serbian.
t7 THE CHAIRMAN: So when you referred earlier to a forged

l8 letter, you were referring to the forged do-not-prosecute

l9 1i st?
20 l'lR. KENT: That was yeah. Thi s was the i t wasn't
2t a letter, it was just a list of names with my actual bus'iness
22 card attached.
23 THE CHAIRMAN: Thank you.


25 a When was the next time that you learned anything


I being Mr. Giuliani's involvement in Ukraine, after February

2 11th?
J A Giuliani was almost unmissable starting
We11, Mr.
4 in mid-March. As the news campaign, or campaign of slander
5 against, not only Ambassador Yovanovitch unfolded, he had a
6 very high a media promise, so he was on TV, his Twitter
7 feed ramped up and it was all focused on Ukraine, and it was

8 focused on the four story lines that unfolded in those days

9 between March 20 and 23rd.

l0 a Where do those story lines unfold?
ll A They unfolded both in the U.S. media and the
t2 Ukrai ni an medi a, simultaneously i n peri 1.
l3 a What U. S. medi a outlets?
t4 A Wel1, l4r. Solomon started off in The Hi1I, as I
l5 reca11. There was a 1ot of tweeting, and of people that I
t6 had not previously been aware of, and then that also then
t7 played i nto late ni ght televi si on, subsequent days, both the
18 Hannity Show and the Laura Ingraham Show covered this topic
t9 extensi veIy.
20 a That original John Solomon article, was that based

2l on accurate i nformati on?

22 A It was based on an interview with Yuriy Lutsenko.

23 a And was the information that 14r. Lutsenko provided

24 accurate, to your knowledge?

25 A No. It was, if not entirely made up in ful1 c1oth,


I i t was primari 1y non-truths and non-sequi turs.

2 into two parts. The first part
The interview was broken
3 was focused on any corruption efforts in wh'ich he went after
4 the Ambassador and other actors on anticorruption issues. I
5 thi nk that i s where he claimed that we hadn't shared h'is
6 money, meani ng hi s assi stance to the prosecutor Seneral's
7 offi ce.
8 And the second half of the first wave theme was looking
9 back at the 2015 campaign and allegations that the National
l0 Anti-Corruption Bureau head, a person name Artem Sytnyk, had

ll somehow list of people taking money from the

provided the
t2 di scredi ted pro-Russi an party, Party of Regi ons, back i n
l3 2015.

t4 So that one. There were two story lines that

was day
l5 were launched more or less in parallel that were covered
t6 extensively i n the U. S. press, fi rst by The Hi 11 and
t7 amplifiers, and in Ukraine by what are known as Porokhobots,
18 trolls on the internet, particularly Facebook, in support of
l9 then-President Poroshenko and against the people that are
20 pe to be Poroshenko's opponents.
rce i ved

2t a You sa'id there were some, I think you said,

22 surprising Twi tter
23 A I honestly I have forgotten my Twi tter password
24 I 'm not on the Twi ttersphere. So they are j ust names that
25 did not mean anything to me untjl they all ofa sudden became

I very active, talking about Ukraine and particularly the

2 acti vi ti esof our embassy i n Ukrai ne.
3 a Were you aware of whether the President retweeted
4 this John Solomon article?
5 A of my recollection, the President may
To the best
6 have retweeted something affiliated with the Hannity Show the
7 second day.
8 a Did it reference John Solomon, as you reca1l?
9 A I honestly, again, I have started following Twitter
l0 more than I did before March, but I was not an active
ll follower at that point.
t2 a Pri or to the i ni ti al Hj 11 arti c1e between February
13 lLth and lvlarch 20th, was there any engagement that you had,
t4 ei ther wi th the Ukrai ni an on the Ukrai ni an si de, or wi th
l5 any State Department officials about any of these issues
16 related to Rudy Gi uI i ani ?
t7 THE CHAIRMAN: If I could - - j ust for clari f i cati on

l8 again, I think I mentioned one or two of the story lines, but

t9 you said there were four story lines. Can you tel1 us what
20 the other story lines were?

2t MR. KENT: The third story line that out the next

22 day was focused on the Bidens and Burisma, that was the th'ird
23 story line. The fourth one that came out of day after was
24 going after some civil society organizations, including
25 anticorruption action center that were described as Soros

1 organi zati ons?


3 a I want to we're going to go through these four a

4 ljttle bit in more depth, but I want to make sure that

5 there's nothing else that occurred between February L1th and
6 March 20th of note on this topic?
7 A I received an email from our embassy on March 19th,
8 the deputy dl rector of the Nati onal Ant'i-Corrupt'ion Bureau
9 for Ukraine, usually referred to as NABU, that was set up in
l0 2015 and proved very effective at trying to investigate
ll high-1evel corruption as it was intended to do. The deputy
t2 director was a former Georgian national named Gizo Uglava.
l3 And he came into the embassy and described his conversation
t4 the night before with a completely inebriated, drunk, Yuriy
l5 Lutsenko, and Lutsenko was angry. He said he'd given an
l6 jnterview with an American journaljst 2 weeks prior and that
t7 interview that he had accused the embassy of undermining him,
l8 and that his motivation, and that the embassy had been
l9 supportive of the Democrat party, and was not supportive of
20 the Trump party and that so basically the lines of attack
2t that then came out in the subsequent artjcles, Lutsenko
22 shared with this other 1aw enforcement individual, who then
23 came and shared what he had heard from Lutsenko the night
24 befo re .

25 a To the embassy?

I A To the embassy, yes.

2 a And prior to March L9th, there was no other
J indication other than television or
4 A To the best of my recollection, the story was not
5 in play publicly untjl the first articles appeared. And to
6 the best of my recollection, Hill reached
somebody from The

7 out to us in the early evening, or the very end of the work

8 day on the L9th, and asked the press officer of the European
9 Bureau whether we had reaction to a number of assertions,
l0 allegations.
ll a All ri ght. Let's go through j ust give me one

t2 mi nute.
l3 lD'iscussi on of f the record. l

l5 a So did you understand why the Ukrainian 1aw

l6 enforcement source went to the embassy to describe what a

t7 drunk Lutsenko had said?
l8 A I believe, first of all, Mr. Uglava had a very good

l9 working relationship with the embassy. His organization,

20 NABU, was one of the key anticorruption organizations that
2t had been stood up after the Revolution of Dignity. It was in
22 i ts fi rst year, i t was functioni ng surpri si ngly well, meani ng
23 i t was putting together investigations on high-1eve1 corrupt
24 individuals. And because of its initial effectiveness, which
25 I think surprised a 1ot of people, it then became a target of

I people 'in places of influence, it had been effective.

2 And one of the people that was looking to destroy NABU as an
J effective Bureau was Yuriy Lutsenko.
4 a did the information that you received about
5 this, was that in writing or was it on the phone?
6 A I received it in an email from the embassy. And
7 that email should be part of the records collected, not
8 individually, but the State Department has a system, that is
9 supposed to automaticatly be able to pu11 all emails and
l0 cables that have key words. That's my understanding of how
ll that material should be provjded eventually to the committees
t2 after review.
l3 a Could you just summarize for us the four lines that
t4 you lines of
l5 A I think the four story lines that played out in the
t6 media, the first one was the anticorruption line'in which the
t7 embassy was attacked, and anticorruption actors in Ukraine
l8 were attacked. The second line was the 2015 cycIe,
l9 altegati ons that somehow, somebody, whetherit was Ukrai ni ans
20 or people at the embassy had animus towards Paul Manafort.
2l The thi rd line was a line of reporting related to the B'idens,
22 and the interconnectivity between Vice President Biden's role
23 alleged interconnectivity between Vice Pres'ident Biden's role
24 and pushing our antjcorruption agenda, and the presence of
25 his son, Hunter Biden, on the board of the gas company

I Burisma. And the fourth line of attack was alleging that

2 certain civ'il society organizations were funded by the Soros
J organi zati on.
4 O there, whjch would
Now, based on your time as DCM
5 have overlapped wjth some of these events, as well as your
6 expertise in the area and your current role as the Deputy
7 Assistant Secretary of State, did you believe that there was

8 any merit to any of those four story lines?

9 A I did not.
l0 a I believe our time is up so I yield to the
l1 minority.

13 a What did your State Department officials do to try

t4 to counteract these stories that you believe were totally
l5 fabri cated?
l6 A Correct.
t7 a What did you or State Department officials do to
18 try to counteract these stories?
l9 A When stories, medja occurs about any of the issues
20 in our area of responsibility, particularly when they touch
2t on allegations or assertions about U.S. policy, or U.S.
22 issues, the responsjble part of the State Department with the
23 press officers and the team in embassies work together to
24 prepare press guidance, and that can be a combination of
25 ei ther gui dance, i f asked, or i f a si tuati on warrants i t,

I statements that would usually come out by the spokeswoman.

2 a Right, so what did you do?

J A 5o jmmediately since our Ambassador and embassy was

4 being attacked with allegations that we felt were completing

5 baseless, we prepared press guidance, and I believe the
6 record the public record would show that the media outlets
7 quoted that press guidance.
8 a that i t?
And was
9 A That was it for those initial days, yes. In terms
l0 of the public stance in response to media articles.
ll a Was that sufficient to counteract the narrative?
t2 A The narrative continued to be pushed until the
l3 narrative was st'i11 out there. It accelerated on whatever
t4 that Sunday was, because the son of the President issued a
l5 Tweet in which he suggested that we needed more like
l6 Ambassadors like Rjck Grenell and fewer, I beljeve he may
t7 have hashtagged 0bama appoi ntee was the poi nt, and 'i t was
l8 taken by people as an attack on Ambassador Yovanovitch.
l9 a So what else did the State Department do? I mean,

20 this seemslike it is a major threat to the Ambassador, and

2l major threat to the State Department. What type of
22 addi tional fu11-throated maneuvers did the State Department
23 take here?
24 A The request from the embassy endorsed by the
25 European Bureau, there should be a high-1eve1 endorsement of

I Ambassador Yovanov i tch .

2 a And then what happened there?

J A There was no high-1eve1 Department endorsement of
4 Ambassador Yovanov i tch.

5 a What did the State Department do? You described a

6 seri es of complete falsehoods in your words.

7 A Yes.

8 a Fabri cati ons, a fake 1ist, that i s goi ng to the

9 heart of the ability of the Ambassador to serve effecti vety
l0 A Correct.
ll a And so is it fajr to say this was a big league
t2 crisis for the Ambassador?
l3 A This particularly after there were Tweets by
t4 members of the Presidenti al fami 1y, i t was clearly a cri si s

l5 for Ambassador Yovanovitch and a crisis that was threatening

t6 to consume the relationship. So our recommendation to our
t7 superiors was that there should be a clear statement of
r8 support for Ambassador Yovanovitch.
t9 a Clear statement of support, and obviously there was
20 a media statement --
2l A The initiat media guidance that we released and was

22 quoted extensively was, I think, complete fabrication, utter

23 nonsense as well as in rebutting Prosecutor General
24 Lutsenko's allegation that somehow we had misdirected
25 assistance met for the prosecutor general. We said something

I along the lines that we had a fiduciary responsib'ility to the

2 American taxpayer and when our assistance was not going to

J t f or more product'ive purposes.
good use, we redi rected i
4 And so, those were the initial lines in that first
5 couple of days. When we got to the weekend, past the Sunday
6 morning talk shows, saw the President's Tweet against the
7 Ambassador. The question that consumed us was what do we
8 need next? And how do we show support for Ambassador

9 Yovanovi tch?
l0 a And what does the State Department do? It didn't
ll seem like the efforts were sufficient.
t2 A There were exchanges at thi s poi nt wi th offi ci als,
l3 including, to the best of my recollection, Under Secretary
t4 Hale. It may have 'included the Counselor of the Department,
l5 Brechbuhl, at that point. And there was a suggestion made,
t6 and I can't remember by whom, injtially, but eventually,
t7 Gordon Sondland, our Ambassador to U.S. EU also joined some
l8 of the back and forth that Ambassador Yovanovi tch should
t9 issue a statement, or do a video or tweet declaring fu11
20 support for the foreign policy of President Trump,
2l essentially asking her to defend herself as opposed to having
22 the State Department defend her.
Z) a You talked about the four 1jnes. And the first one

24 you said was the anticorruption actors were being attacked,

25 was that part of the non prosecution tjst?

I A The non prosecution, or the allegation that

2 Ambassador Yovanovitch, in her fi rst meeting with Yuriy
J Lutsenko, which, if I reca11 correctly, occurred in 0ctober
4 2015. He alleged that there had been this list. There was
5 no such 1ist, and that was part of our reason for pushing
6 back firmly. And but that was part of, I would say, a
7 cluster of issues around the anticorruption theme.
8 a Has the embassy ever communicated names not to
9 prosecute for any reason?
l0 A That's not what the purpose of our advocacy, or our
ll program is. 0ur advocacy is to help, in terms of
t2 programming, is to build capacity, so they can have the
13 ability to go after corruption and effectively investigate,
l4 prosecute, and then a j udge a11ege crj mj na1 acti vi ti es. The
l5 issue of whether we asked at any time that they fo11ow up on
l6 a prosecution, if there is a criminal nexus in the United
t7 States, we have several different ways of conveying that
18 interest. We have something cal1ed the Mutual Legal
t9 Assistance Treaty, or t"'lLAT. We also have FBI agents known as
20 legaI attaches overseas. So we can do it in writing direct
2l from the Department of Justice, or we can have the legal
22 attaches engage their counterparts.
23 But what Lutsenko alleged was that we were not doing a

24 1aw-enforcement-to-law-enforcement request based on a

25 criminal nexus in the United States but that we were


I pol iti ca11y aski ng them not to prosecute Ukrai ni ans. And we

2 j ust don' t do that.
















I [L].:37 a.m.l

J a At any point in time were names of officials,

4 whether it was for any reason, shared with the prosecutor's
5 office in connection with do not prosecute?
6 A We11, again, we don't go in and say do not
7 prosecute. The types of conversations that we have that
8 mi ght be construed are d'if f erent.
9 O You mentioned the name Sytnyk earlier?
10 A Artem Sytnyk who is the sti11 and the first head of
ll the so-ca11ed NABU, National Anti-Corruption Bureau of
t2 Ukraine.
l3 a And was he ever in the cross hairs of Lutsenko?

t4 A He was.

l5 a Was he bei ng i nvesti gated?

l6 A To the best of my knowledge, yes, there were open
t7 prosecutor general investigations on Mr. Sytnyk.
l8 a Do you know if anyone at the embassy ever asked
t9 Lutsenko not to investigate Sytnyk?
20 A What I would say, I would characterize the
2t interactions as different because what we warned both
22 Lutsenko and others that efforts to destroy NABU as an
23 organi zatj on, i ncludi ng openi ng up i nvesti gati ons of Sytnyk,
24 threatened to unravel a key component of our anticorrupt'ion
25 cooperat'ion, whi ch had started at the request of Petro

I Poroshenko.

2 a I mean, could reasonable people interpret that as a

J request not to investigate Sytnyk?
4 A I am sure that l4r. Lutsenko has claimed that, but
5 he also claimed that there was a fist, and there WAS no tist,
6 and he made a lot of other claims. And so as I said, thi s i s
7 an i ssue of bef i evabi f i ty about someone who routi nely f ies.
8 O You ' re f am'i 1i a r wi th the name Shabun i n?
9 A Vi tal i Shabuni n perhaps? Is that
l0 a Yeah. And could you identify him for us?
ll A He is one of the leaders of the NGO known as AnTAC,
t2 'it's the antjcorruption center in Ukraine.
r3 a What's AnTAC's role?
t4 A AnTACis an advocacy group that is designed to both
15 publicly bring attention to i ssues related to corruption, to
t6 advocate for better laws and better prosecutions, and on
t7 occasion it has also participated in some of the
l8 capaci ty-bui ldi ng acti vi tj es that were funded by the U. 5.
l9 Government.
20 a Who funds AnTAC?
2l A AnTAC is an organization, has funding that, to the
22 best of my knowledge, includes primarily funds from the
23 European Union and the U.S. Government. It has also received
24 grants from the Internat'i onal Renai ssance Foundati on, whj ch

25 is the Ukrainian name and arm of the 0pen Society lnstitute.


1 a And who runs the 0pen Society institute?

2 A The Open Soci ety Insti tute was i ni ti ated 20-odd
J years ago by George Soros.
4 a Can you remember -- sorry. Do you know if the name
5 Vi tal i I apologi ze f or these pronunc'iati ons.
6 A That's okay.
7 a I'm not familiar with how to do this properly, and
8 I apologize. I mean no disresPect.
9 A I 'm not Ukrai ni an, so
l0 a Vitali Shabunin, do you know if he was ever the
ll subject of a prosecution in Ukraine by Lutsenko?
t2 A I do not know. To the best of my knowledge, he was
l3 subject to harassment by the Securit'ies service known as the
t4 Securi ty Bureau of Ukrai ne. There was an i nci dent where
l5 Someone threw what's known aS bri ght green, i t's i odi ne-based

l6 disinfectant, and they actually threw it on his face near his

t7 house. It can damage eyes but is oftentimes done as a form
l8 of i nti mi dati on i n the former Sovi et Uni on.

t9 5o because Shabunin was outspoken, he was certainly the

20 target of harassment. But I don't know for certain whether
2t there was an active criminal investigation by the prosecutor
22 general's offi ce.
23 a Was he ever up on charges of hooliganism or
24 something to that effect?
25 A I believe when the person who was picketing his

I house and throwing this green material on him, and claiming

2 to be a journalist even though he wasn't, provoked him, and
J Shabunin pushed him near his house. Yes, he was then -- I
4 thi nk there was a charge of alleged hoof i gani sm.
5 a Do you know if anyone ever tried to communicate
6 with Lutsenko's office that this was not a worthwhile charge
7 to pursue?
8 A I th'ink, you know, if we're going back I don't
9 know specifically about that particular incjdent or charge,
l0 but as a matter of conversation that U.5. officials had with
ll Ukrainian officials in sharing our concern about the
t2 direction of governance and the approach, harassment of civjl
l3 soci ety acti vi sts, 'includi ng Mr. Shabuni n, was one of the
t4 i ssues we rai sed, yes.
l5 a Was Shabunin on this list that you described as

l6 fake?
t7 A I don't if that list has been provided to the
l8 committee. You could show me the list and I might have some
l9 recollection. But I --
20 a Okay. Do you have any recollection of who was on
2t that f ist?
22 A There were about L5 names, and I remember i t WAS
23 very odd. It included the country's leadi ng rock star SIava
24 Vakarchuk, who is now the leader of one of the part'ies in
25 parliament. It included very bjzarrely a person who was a

I friend of the current -- the ex-President Poroshenko and was

2 head of the overseer of the defense industry named

J Gladkovskiy, and i n parentheses i t had hi s previous name,
4 Svinarchuk. The reason why that's memorable js because it
5 means a pig or a pig farmer, and he changed his name before

6 he went into government so he didn't have a name that said

7 basically Mr. Piggy. But no one knew that that was rea11y
8 knew that was his name when the list alleged1y was created in
9 2015. That was a story line from 2019.
l0 There were a couple of young so-ca11ed Euro opti j st l'lPs

ll where f r i ends had j oi ned Poroshenko' s pa r ty but then become

t2 sort of cri tics of President Poroshenko. Thei r names include
l3 Mustafa Nayyem, Svi t1 ana Za1 i shchuk, and Serhi y Leshchenko.
14 I believe the former defense minister, who was running for
l5 President at the time, Anatoliy Hrytsenko, was at the 1i st.
l6 There was a judge I'd never heard of. And there may have
t7 been other people on that list. I just don't remember the
l8 fult list.
t9 a What do you know about Leshchenko?
20 A Serhiy Leshchenko was a journali st f or Ukra'inskaya
2t Pravda, whi ch i s an on1 i ne the leadi ng onl i ne news sou rce
22 in Ukra'ine. He ran for parliament as one of the young
23 pro-western members of then-President Poroshenko's party. He
24 conti nued to act as an i nvesti gati ve-style publ i c fi gure even
25 as a member of parliament.

1 did not get reelected in the parliamentary elections


2 in September. And because he was an active parliamentarian,

J because he had been an invest'igativejournalist, he was
4 someone that the U.S. Embassy had known for years.
5 a What was his role in the Manafort issue?
6 A To the best of my recollection he was one of the
7 i ndi vi duals who helped populari ze the i nformati on that came

8 out of the black book. i believe Andy Kramer from The New

9 York Times was the first to write a story in English

l0 about it. Andy came and talked to me sometime in late 2015,
ll 2015. I do not reca11. He was based in Moscow, so he was
t2 not there in Kyiv that often.
l3 But at some point Andy shared with me where he had heard
14 the fj rst information. And so I believe, although I cannot
l5 say f or sure, that t'{r. Kramer may have shared that he had
t6 talked to Leshchenko as one of his sources for that early
l7 art'ic1e.
l8 a Were there other sources of informat'ion regarding
t9 Manaf ort pushi ng out of Ukra'ine?

20 A About -- we11, Mr. Manafort operated in Ukraine for

2l over a decade. 5o are you speci fi cal1y sayi ng about hi s
22 enti re time, or what's the specific
23 a that timeframe, whjch of course i s
Around you

24 know, mid-2015 i s when he became 'involved wi th the

25 Presi dent's campai gn.

I A Right. Because Mr. Manafort had spent a decade in

2 Ukrai ne, Ukrai ni ans followed h'i s reemergence as a U. S. fi gure

J very closely.
4 a the primary person bringing that
And was Leshchenko
5 to the attention of The New York Times and the other --
6 A No. I thi nk, alt Ukrai nj ans, they di dn' t need a
7 si ngle person doi ng i t. Because Mr. l'lanaf ort f i rst appeared

8 j n Ukrai ne i n 2005 when he was hi red by f ormer Prime l"4i ni ster

9 Yanukovych who tried the steal the election that became the
l0 0range Revolut'ion, that was the end of 2004.
ll To the best of my recollecti on, 'in thi s case i t's
t2 actually quite good because I was with Ambassador Herbst at
l3 the time when Yanukovych told us that he'd hired Manafort,
t4 and that was the spring of 2005. So Mr. Manafort's time in
l5 Ukraine started in 2005, and according to public records, he
l6 participated up through the campaigns of 20L4.
t7 a Now, the allegation that the embassy shared an
l8 animus about Manafort or was interested in pushing
t9 i nformati on to the forefront, i s that an accurate descri pti on

20 of the second narrative that was pushed in the March 20L9

2t ti mef rame?

22 A That is part of what Yuriy Lutsenko in that

23 narrati ve pushed, yes.
24 a Okay.

25 A It's, again, inaccurate, not accurate


I characteri zati on.

2 a Okay. Is jt accurate that somebody in the Ukraine,
J not from the embassy, but somebody, maybe Ukra'inians, were
4 pushi ng th'is narrati ve?

5 A I th'ink it to say, given what

would be accurate
6 Presi dent Yanukovych d'id to the country, whi ch was loot tens
7 of billions of do11ars, that there were many Ukrainians who
8 in part blamed Paul Manafort for that success because he
9 proved to be a britliant political technologist in giving
l0 Yanukovych advice that helped him w'in the presidency.
ll a And do you think people in the U.5., supporters of
l2 President Trump that saw this information come out of the
l3 Ukraine may have wondered if this was an effort to attack the

t4 President or the President when he was a candidate?

l5 THE CHAIRMAN: Counsel, are you asking what the American
l6 public -- an opinion about what the Amerjcan public might
l7 bef i eve?

t9 a No. Is i t reasonable I '11 restate i t.

20 A Wel1, I will just say, I was in Ukraine at the time
2I so I don't know what the reaction was.

22 a Is it reasonable to conclude that if you are in

23 Presjdent Trump's world and you're seeing these storjes
24 coming out of the Ukrajne that it appears to have the look of
25 a pot i ti ca1 attack?

I THE CHAIRMAN: The witness can answer if they wish, but

2 you're asking the State Department witness a questi on about
J how to evaluate the public response to
4 MR. MEAD0WS: Mr . Chai rman, wi th a1 1 due respec t, wi th
5 all due respect, we didn't cross-examine you or you're not
6 the counselor.
7 THE CHAiRI4AN: Mr . Meadows, I sai d the wi tness can
8 answer, but it seems

9 |V1R. CASTOR: Okay . Thank you .

l0 THE CHAIRMAN: But it seems that you're aski ng for an

ll answer that's beyond the knowledge of a State Depa r tmen t

t2 wi tness.


t4 a that part of the second narrative that you


l5 described that, you know, jnjecting the l{anafort was an

t6 ef f ort to attack then-cand'idate Trump?
t7 A Agai n, I can't say how any i ndj vi dual , any Ameri can
l8 would react to a narrative. I can only answer for myself and
t9 the knowledge I had. And I'11 tel1 you what I told
20 Ukrainians in 201.5. I said that Paul Manafort was an
2T extremely successful political adviser who had helped
22 President Yanukovych win, and no one should underestimate his
23 abi 1i ti es to help any candi date that he adv'ised. And that
24 was my assessment of his professional ability to help a
25 candidate win, regardless of the country.

I a Do you think the

narrative that ejther
2 Lutsenko is pushing or the journalist he was dealing with in
3 the United 5tates were pushing, do you thjnk that related to
4 trying to spin up Pres'ident Trump's supporters?
5 A You're asking me to speculate on what Yuriy
6 Lutsenko, Rudy Giuliani, and John Solomon were doing, and I
7 would suggest that's a question for those three individuals.
8 a Djd it have the effect of that though?
9 A It's hard for me to make an assessment since there
l0 were so many story lines put in play at the same time to
ll assess how any one of those story lines had an effect on any
t2 gi ven aud i ence.

l3 a the State Department zero jn on that parti cular

t4 story line, or did they approach all of these four at the
l5 same ti me?

l6 A Our primary concern was that our Ambassador and our

t7 embassy were being subjectedto inaccurate accusations. But
l8 as situational awareness, we followed or tried to fo11ow
t9 because the volume was intense, the various different
20 stor i es.
2t a The third story 1ine was relating to Burisma?

22 A Cor rect.
23 a And what's your knowledge of Buri sma's corrupti on
24 history and efforts to prosecute Burisma?
25 A I first became aware of the owner of Burisma,

I Mykola Zlochevsky, when I first went to our embassy in

2 mid-January 20L5. I went for a short period of time. At the

J ti me I or anti corrupti on coordi nator, but I 'd

was the seni
4 already been selected to be the next deputy chief of mission.
5 so my predecessor had a 3-week break. He was going back
6 to , and I was asked
7 to go out, because so much was happening at the time, the
8 Russians were pushing the final push to take as much
9 terrjtory aS they could, that they needed an extra officer.
l0 And as well, Ambassador Pyatt thought I could be helpful in
ll the anticorruPtion front.
t2 I was asked by our professional Department of Justice
l3 former prosecutor, who was engaged in capacity bu'ilding, I
t4 if I would be willing to go in and talk
l5 to the prosecutor general's office, because in late
t6 December 2014, somebody in the prosecutor general's office of

t7 Ukraine this is, to be c1ear, pre Lutsenko, pre Shokin, a

l8 di fferent rupt, i neffecti ve prosecutor who i nexpl i cably

l9 had shut the criminal case that had been the basis for a
20 Brjtish court to freeze $23 million in assets held by Mykola
2l Zlochevsky.
22 That was an issue of our interest because we had made a

23 commitment to the Ukrainian Government in 20L4 to try to

24 recover an estimated tens of billions of dollars of stolen
25 assets out of the country. The first case that U.S., U.K.,

I and Ukrainian investigators worked on was a case against

2 Zl,ochevsky, and that's because the Brjtish Serjous Crimes
J 0ffice had already opened up a case, an investigation against
4 Zlochevsky.
5 We half a million dollars of State
spent roughly
6 Department money in support of the FBI and this investigation
7 and to build capacity to track down stolen assets. And so,
8 again, I had a fiduciary responsibility I'd previously
9 been the djrector of the office whjch provided that funds to
l0 find out what had happened and why were our monies being
ll wasted.
t2 5o armed w1th the f acts that the DOJ rep gave me, we
13 asked for a meeting at the prosecutor general's office. They
t4 made the deputy prosecutor general named Donylenko available.
l5 And so I went into his office, February 3,20L5, and said,
l6 how much was the bribe and who took it? And he laughed and

t7 said, ha ha ha ha, that's what President Poroshenko asked us

l8 last week. And I sa'id, and what did you tel1 him? And he

t9 said $7 milIion, and it happened in l'lay before our team came

20 i n, May of 20L4.

2t I said, wrong. Somebody, a prosecutor under your

22 command, signed a letter on December 25 whjch is not
23 Christmas in Ukraine. They celebrate it late and provided
24 it to the lawyer who provided it to the British judge before
25 the FBI and the Serious Crimes 0ffice could react. So that

I was 5 months after your team came into the office.

2 He did not offer the name of anyone he suspected of

J havi ng taken the bri be. He di d, however, say, well , I 've

4 been friends with Zlochevsky for 2L years, and he'S in Dubaj
5 ri ght now. Here's hi s phone number. Do you want i t? And I
6 said, no, I think you should actually arrest him next time he
7 comes back to Ukraine.

8 But I want to make very clear the seriousness with which

9 the U.S. Government takes this because we spent months and
l0 hundreds of of dollars trying to help your country
ll get your stolen assets back, and somebody in your office took
t2 a bribe and shut a case, and we're angry
13 So that was my introduction. And the focus at that
t4 point was on Zlochevsky the person, the ex-mjnister, when he
l5 was minister of ecology, which overSees the unit that issues
l6 the licenses to do substrata geologic exploration for gas.
t7 He awarded it to a Series of companies that happened to be
l8 either through shell companies or affiliated with the

l9 holdi ngs, whj ch was known as Buri sma.

20 But the f ocus at the ti me, the case i n 201-4, i n the

2t frozen assets, was the assets frozen for Zlochevsky, the
22 mi ni ster, not di rected to the conduct of Buri sma, the

23 company.

24 O Okay. But he controlled Buri sma?

25 A Yes. Whatever the roster may say, he's the

1 benefj ci al owner, as they say.

2 a And did they suffer from allegations of corruptjon,
J the company?

4 A is actually a major player,

The company, which
5 thanks to all the licenses he granted to himself, when he was
6 a mjnister, is a serious gas producer, but its reputation in
7 the industry is a company that throws elbows and uses
8 political strings. So it's a legitimate company, but it does
9 not have a good reputation in Ukraine.
l0 a Because it has a history of corruption?
ll A Because jt has a history of not just competing on
t2 qual i ty of servi ce.
l3 a Okay. But is that a euphemism for corrupt
t4 activities?
l5 A He was the minister and he granted himself licenses
l6 to exptore gas.
t7 a Okay. But you' re agreei ng wi th me, ri ght, thi s
l8 is
l9 A Yes. And it was the position of the U.5. when I
20 went into that office in February 3 that the prosecutor
2t general should, first of all, prosecute whoever took the
22 bribe and shut the case, and second of all, there was stil1
23 the outstanding issue of trying to recover the stolen assets.
24 a You had some firsthand experience with
25 anticorruption issues in 2014, 2015, and then you went to

I Kyiv l'n 201-5, correct?

2 A Cor rect.
J a What else can you telt us about issues relating to
4 the company, related to corruPti on?

5 A Well, I think, that pretty much sums it up. If

6 you're asking about the corruption of the company, there js
7 the issue of how they got the licenses and then their
8 reputation. And so our concern was primarily focused on the
9 fact that we, working with the U.K. and Ukrainian 1aw
l0 enforcement authorities, had frozen assets that, to the best
ll of my knowledge, were in accounts that were under his name.
t2 a When djd that occur?
l3 A The acti on thi s was alt i n 20L4. And, n,
agai to
t4 the best of the reason
my knowledge, why thjs was the first
l5 effort to try to recover stolen assets i s because the
l6 U.K. Serious Crimes 0ffice had opened up a case in the spring
t7 of 20L4, and as we were talking to the Ukrainians, how can we
l8 be of help, there was a stolen assets recovery conference in
t9 London co-hosted by the attorney general and the
20 U.K. counterpart and the World Bank that this became the test
2t case for our ability as partners in the U.S., U.K. ptaying a
22 key role together to try to recover stolen assets from the
23 previ ous government.
24 a Did the company ever engage in, you know, public
25 efforts to rehabilitate their image?

I A Yes.

2 a And what were those?

3 A I later aware I did not know it at the

4 time because, again, my focus was on Zlochevsky that one

5 of the ways that they did was to appoint westerners to their
6 boa rd .

7 a Corporate governance experts?

8 A Westerners.
9 a But not corporate governance experts?
r0 A I don't knowall the members' backgrounds. And
ll I've served my enti re 1if e in government serv'ice, so I'm not
l2 famj 1 i ar wi th corporate boards.
l3 a Do you know who they appointed to their board?
l4 A The b j g name j n Ukrai ne was f ormer Pres'ident of
l5 Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski.
l6 O And why was he appointed to the board?
t7 A I don ' t know. I 've never met lvlr . Zlochevsky, and I

l8 do not know why they did what they did.

l9 a Anybody else that you recall appointed to the
20 boa rd ?

2t A It's become clear in public knowtedge that Hunter

22 Biden, the son of then-Vice President Biden, was also
23 appointed to the board.
24 a Any idea why they wanted to name him to the board?
25 A Again, I've never had a conversation with

I Zlochevsky, so I don't know.

2 a But it was probably because his dad was the Vice
J Presi dent?
4 A That's a questi on for Zlochevsky. That's, I thi nk,

5 how people have interpreted it.

6 a That's a reasonable interpretation, right?
7 A As I sa'id, I have never had a conversati on wi th
8 Mr. Tlochevsky.
9 a Did he have any experience in the natural gas

l0 busi ness?
ll A I have never met nor do I know the background of
l2 Hunter Bi den.

l3 a Okay. So you don't know i f he spoke any of the

t4 relevant languages?
l5 A i do not know.
l6 a Do you know if he moved to Ukrajne?

t7 A I don't know.
l8 a Do you know how much he got Paid?
t9 A I have not seen any documents. I've heard people
20 make suggesti ons

2t a Did he get paid a 1ot?

22 A I'm a .s. U Government employee. I don't know how

23 much corporate board get in any country, but I


24 understand a 1ot of people get paid a 1ot of money.

25 O It wasn't a nomi na1 fee.

I A Again, I don't work in the corporate sector so I

2 don't know what standard board compensation would be.
3 a 0kay. I mean, i t's been reported that i t's
4 somewhere in the neighborhood of $50,000 a month or more?
5 A I have read articles, and I have no idea how much
6 Burisma may pay its board members.
7 a Have you ever met with during your time in Kyiv,
8 did you ever meet with anybody on the board of Burisma? Djd
9 they pay a courtesy call on the embassy?
l0 A I personally never met and I don't know if board
ll members met with the embassy. I don't know.

t2 a Did anybody affiliated with the company ever pay a

13 courtesy call in the embassy to try to help the embassy
t4 understand the company i s engagi ng i n rehabi 1 i tati ng thei r
l5 i mage?

l6 A Again, I can only speak for myself. And there was

t7 no one affiliated with Burisma that asked to come to the

l8 embassy to meet me. But that's me as the DCM over a 3-year
l9 period of time.
20 a In engaging with some of these
2t anticorruption-focused organizations, whether it's NABU or
22 AnTAC, did you have any firsthand experience of the efforts
23 that Burisma was trying to rehabjlitate thei r image,
24 whether -- you know, did NABU communicate that to you?
25 A That would not have been a conversation that we had

I with NABU. I will say that now that you mentjon it, there
2 apparently was an effort forto help cosponsor, I
J guess, a contest that USAID was sponsoring related to clean
4 energy. And when I heard about it I asked USAID to stop that
5 sponsorshi p.
6 a why?

7 A Because Burisma had a poor reputation in the

8 business, and I didn't think it was appropriate for the U.S.
9 Government to be cosponsoring something with a company that
l0 had a bad reputation.
1l a When was that?
t2 A I would bel i eve that would be someti me i n mi d- 201.6.
l3 a Okay. Any other communications with, you know,
t4 AnTAC officials or NABU about Burisma and their effort to

l5 rehabi 1i tate themselves?

l6 A I do not recal1 djrect communjcations with anybody

t7 from AnTAC. I do know that the former Ambassador to Ukraine,
18 John Herbst, whom I mentioned previously, had been on the
t9 board, I believe, of AnTAC. And he recounted to me an
20 exchange with another member of the AnTAC board named Daria
2t Kaleniuk, who criticized him because the Atlantic Council,
22 where he runs the Ukraine Project, agreed to take Burisma as
Z) a corporate sponsor. And so Dari a cri ti ci zed the Atlanti c

24 Counci 1 for doi ng so.

25 a When was Ambassador Herbst when was his tenure?

I A He was Ambassador to Ukraine between 2003 and 2006.

2 a So before
J A Before Bl 11 Taylor.
4 a Well, before okay. t"laybe it would be helpful to
5 just go through the chronology of the ambassadors. We've got
6 Herbst, and then to the extent you remember. This isn't a
7 quiz.
8 A Again, I went to I was then serving in Thailand
9 afterwards, so I wasn' t necessari 1y focused on Ukrai ne. We

l0 had Ambassador Herbst. We had Ambassador Taylor, I believe

ll from 2006 to the 2009. The next Ambassador, I believe, was
t2 John Tefft. And then the next Ambassador after that was
l3 Geoff Pyatt. And then there was Ambassador Yovanovitch.
t4 a The fourth narrati ve you i denti fi ed, you know,
l5 going after the civil society organizations
t6 A Ri ght.
t7 a and you ident'ified NABU and AnTAC, right?
18 A Right. NABU was a -- well, it was -- AnTAC was a
t9 civil society organization, and the other one that I recal1
20 be'ing mentioned early on was something ca1led the Ukraine
2l Crisis Media Center, which was set up to help be a sort of
22 platform for i nformation about Ukrai ne starti ng duri ng the
23 Revoluti on of Di gni ty, 2014.
24 a Any other organizations you can think of that fa11

25 into that fourth bucket?


I A In the i ni t'ia1 press coverage, AnTAC was clearly

2 the main target, but these story lines continued to repeat
3 and combi ne. So, for i nstance, i n May former Mayor Gi u1 i ani
4 alteged that former Ambassador Yovanovitch was going to work
5 for a Soros organization and after she left post, which was
6 fa1se. She went to work, stitl as a U.S. State Department
7 employee, as a diplomat teacher/lecturer at Georgetown.
8 a Was there any basis to that allegation? Like, had
9 she consi dered 'it, or t,,,as there any talks wi th any of these
l0 organi zati ons?
ll A Absolutely none.
t2 a Okay. So it was totally, from your point of view,
l3 totally fabri cated?
t4 A Fake news. It was, you know. He stated something
l5 that was fake, not true, publicly.
t6 a So you sa'id the U. K. or, I'm sorry, the Ukrai ne
t7 Cr j si s Med'ia Center, NABU, and AnTAC. Any other
t8 organizations sort of fit into that
l9 A Those were the only ones that I remember having

20 been mentjoned, but, again, there are a lot of stories out

2t the re .

22 a Going back to Shokin's tenure as prosecutor

23 general.
24 A Yes.

25 O You indicated that he was not well regarded for his


legi timate prosecuti ons?

2 A Correct.
J a And the same can be sajd of Lutsenko?
4 A Cor rect.
5 a With regard to Shokin, it really seemed that the
6 IMF and the U.S. Government adopted an official position that
7 Shoki n had to go?

8 A Correct.
9 a And that's the subject obviously of the Vice
l0 President. You know, he made some statements that have been
l1 videotaped about how he played a role in removing Shok'in, and
t2 as a result, you know, $1 billion in aid was freed up. Are
r3 you familiar with that?
t4 A Yes.
l5 a And is jt fa'i r to say that jt was the U.5.
t6 Government's of f i ci a1 posi t'ion Shoki n needed to go?

t7 A Yes.

l8 a did the U.S. Government do to demonstrate

And what

t9 that position, in addition to what the Vice President did and

20 said?
2l A Ri ght. n, as I've stated before, U. S. State

22 Department offi ci a1s feel when we' re spendi ng taxpayer money

23 jn a country we have a fiduciary responsibility. 5o I'd like
24 at thi s point to explain what we felt our fiduci ary
25 responsibility had been and why this became an issue of

I po1 j cy.
2 We had been asked to help w'ith a
by Presi dent Poroshenko
J proj ect i n to reform the prosecutor general's offi ce. The
4 previ ous year we'd worked wi th M'ini ster of Interi or Avakov,
5 whom I mentioned earlier to the launch of what was known aS

6 the patrol police. It was an'immediate success. They were

7 trai ned by the Caf i forni a Hi ghway Patrol , brand new pol i ce,
8 highest female police officer percentage in the world at the
9 time.
l0 And so he asked usto do something similar in making a
ll qui ck vi ctory reform i n the prosecutor general's offi ce. He

t2 appojnted, h€, Poroshenko, appointed a new deputy prosecutor

l3 general named Davi d Sakvarel i dze, that' s a Georgi an name.
t4 Just fike the deputy head of NABU, there were a 1ot of
15 Georgians that Poroshenko brought jn who had a proven track
l6 record in Georgia.
t7 to work with him and another deputy
And asked us
l8 prosecutor general, with whom we had a good relatjonship via
t9 the FBI, named Vitaly Kasko. And the focus was to create an
20 inspector general'S un'i t inside the prosecutor'S offjce that
2l could go after corrupt prosecutors.
22 So that was stood up in the Shokin was appointed in
23 February. We started I think Sakvarelidze may have been

24 appojnted in March. We started working on that project, and

25 they hired a bunch of young, enthusiastic prosecutors.


I in the summertime they launched what was going

And then
2 to be thejr first case, in the central province of PoItava,
3 as a test case. They had a busjnessman who complained he was
4 being shaken down by a couple of corrupt prosecutors. He
5 agreed to be a cooperating witness.
6 They worked with the security service, which had wiretap
7 authority, and they tapped these two prosecutors whose names
8 I bef ieve are Shapakin and Korniyets. Don't know their first
9 names. And then they went in to get the warrants and arrest
l0 them.

ll the reason why I'm going through all this detail is

t2 it's important to understand that one of those two
l3 prosecutors that was the first case turned out to have been
t4 the former driver of Shokin, who he made his driver a

l5 prosecutor.
l6 in the IG unit had no idea that the fjrst
5o the people
t7 corrupt prosecutor and there were a 1ot of them that
l8 they were targeting happened to have been the former driver
l9 and very close, personat friend of the prosecutor general.
20 When they arrested him and the only reason they could
2t arrest him 'is because the deputy prosecutor general heard
22 about it and tipped them off, except he tipped off the wrong
23 corrupt prosecutor in the province Shokin went to war. He
24 wanted to destroy anybody connected with that effort. They
25 tried to fjre and put pressure on the judges who would issue

the warrants. They tried to fi re atl of the inspector

2 general prosecutors.
3 He eventually to force out everybody associated

4 wjth that, including the deputy head of the security service,

5 the intel servjce, who had provided the wiretapping coverage.
6 It was absolute warfare protecting his associate, and he
7 destroyed the inspector general unit that we'd been standing
8 up.

9 that was the wasting of U.S. taxpayer resources,

So then
l0 and so that i s the reason why the IMF, the U. S. , and the
ll European Uni on sai d collecti vely the j usti ce sector and the
t2 prosecutor is so important for the success of this country
l3 and it's so important to reform it that Victor Shokin has
t4 shown that he's acti vely wast'ing U. S. taxpayer dollars and

l5 he's preventi ng reform.

l6 And becausein the conditionality of our sovereign loan
t7 guarantees, the U.S. Government guaranteed loans for Ukraine
l8 to bor row i n the market, 20L4, 201.5 , and 2015, ref orm,
t9 ant'icorruption reforms, and the prosecutor's reforms were key

20 condi ti onal i ty.

2l The conversations that went between the embassy and the
22 State Department were then brought ahead of the Vice
23 President going to Ukraine in December of 2015, and Shokin's
24 removal then became a condition for the loan guarantee.
25 a What year was this?

I A The vi si t that we're talking about by the Vice

2 Presi dent wa5 i n Decembe r 2015, I believe
J o And what official overt acts did the U.5

4 Gove r nmen t take with regard to Lutsenko?

5 A At that point he was not the prosecutor general.

6 He was actually the head of he was Oas'ica11y the ma j ori ty
7 leader in parliament.
8 a No. I 'm tal kj ng about duri ng Lutsenko's rei gn as
9 the prosecutor general.
l0 A Okay. So we're now shifting from the 2015 period
ll to 2015 to 2019. When you say official acts, what do you
t2 mean?

13 a Wel1, there was a number of official acts that, you

t4 know, it was the official U.5. Government's position that

l5 Shoki n needed to go.

l6 A Rlght.
t7 a And there were similar issues with Lustenko that he

l8 wasn't a tremendous prosecutor. Is that correct?

l9 A Correct. But we never said that Lutsenko should
20 go.

2t a Okay. So the U.S. Government never took an

22 official position that Lutsenko needed to go?
23 A We didn't. We compla'ined about some of hi s

24 acti ons, but

25 a It djdn't amount to the concern that you have with

1 Shoki n?

2 A That, I believe, would be an accurate assessment,

J yes.
4 a 0kay. Mr . Jordan.
5 MR. J0RDAN: We11, I would just ask, why? I mean, you

6 said Mr. Shoki n was terri ble. I thi nk the term you used
7 earlier was he's a typi ca1 Ukrai ni an prosecutor
8 t4R. KENT: Yeah.

9 MR. J ORDAN didn't do hjs job, and that you all

l0 wanted him gone. You said his kids were hi m and

ll Poroshenko were godfather to each other's kids.

t2 MR. KENT: Yeah.
13 MR. J0RDAN: And then you get the new guy, Lutsenko, who

14 you said is just as bad, also kids are you know, kids
l5 with Mr. Poroshenko and him are godfather to each other's
t6 chi 1dren. Lutsenko i s showi ng up drunk, maki ng statements.
t7 And, oh, by the way, he's not even a lawyer. And so I think
l8 the counselor's questjon was, where was the outrage with
19 Mr. Lutsenko that was there for Mr. Shokin?
20 MR. KENT: First of all, the fi rst phase Yuriy
2t Lutsenko was prosecutor general for over 3 years, almost 3

22 and a half years. Shokin was for a year. And his

23 unwi 11i ngness to do anythi ng and hj s venali ty and hi s

24 undermi ni ng U.S. -supported proj ects started wi thj n several

25 months.

Yuriy Lutsenko, as I say, is a charming person, and so

2 jt was not clear being as a prosecutor
how he would end up
J general in activety undermining reforms 'immediately. Several
4 months after he became prosecutor general in the spring of
5 2015, for instance, former President Poroshenko in one of his
6 cal1s with then-Vice President Biden asked for a former, I
7 bel'ieve, New Jersey State prosecutor
8 by name

9 for 2 years as an anticorruption

had served
t0 adviser under contract to the Department of Justice in
ll Ukrai ne and spoke Ukrai ni an fluently. And, i n fact,
t2 Poroshenko had thought about appointing him as the first head
l3 of the NABU, this National Ant'i-Corruption Bureau. It turned
t4 out he was too o1d. He was already 65, and you had to be
l5 under 65 to be appointed.
t6 So Poroshenko had actually helped recruit him for a
t7 previous anticorruption job. So he asked by name whether the
18 U.S. Government would be willing to bring him back to Ukraine
l9 as an adviser. The U.5. Government agreed and so the
20 embassy's part of the sectjon that does anticorruption work
2l and law enforcement reform brought on contract
22 as an adviser insjde the prosecutor generat's office to help
23 mentor Lutsenko, to help stand up an IG unit to replace the
24 informal team that had been destroyed by Shokin.
25 So for the first period of time it appeared that we were

1 goi ng to be able to th Mr. Lutsenko on prosecutori a1

work w'i

2 reform, which was both a necessary precondition for a

3 successful country and a priority for the U.S. Government
4 programmi ng.

5 MR. JORDAN: It's that there was broad

been reported
6 international consensus on Shokin. Who 1ed that charge? Was
7 that everyone was equally involved and jnvested jn moving
8 him, or was that led by the U.S.?
9 MR. KENT: When i t comes to certai n condi t'ional i ti es,
l0 the IMF, particularly in the economic sphere, has, I would
ll say, the primary voi ce. When i t comes to certa'in other
t2 efforts the U.S. oftentimes is the lead voice. That'includes
13 'in the securi ty sector where we provide the most mi f itary
t4 assjstance. And we coordinate through the European Command
15 with willing a11ies, like the Poles, Lithuanians, U.K.,
l6 Canada, and i n the j usti ce sector, as well , the U. S.
t7 played also had a lead voice.
l8 MR. JORDAN: So the United States would be the lead one

t9 pushingfor the new prosecutor?

20 MR. KENT: I would say the U.S. has had more skin in the

2t game on

22 MR. J0RDAN: 0h, of course.

L) MR. KENT: -- justice sector reform over the last
24 5 years.
25 MR. JORDAN: That's understandable. Right. Thank you.

I MR. ZELDIN: If I could fol1ow up to that, if you don't

2 mi nd, Steve.
J So did Shoki n ever i nvesti gate actual corruption?
4 I am not aware of any case that came to
5 conclusion, but I do not have insight into what all the
6 prosecutors do in Ukraine, and there are about about 25,000
7 of them.
8 MR. ZELDIN: Are you aware of hjm ever having an
9 investigation into actual corruption?
l0 MR. KENT: I do not know, again, what happens behind
ll closed doors. I think proof is in the pudding. Am I aware
t2 of any case on corruption that went to court and was settled
l3 when he was prosecutor general? I'm not aware of that.
t4 MR. ZELDIN: I 'm not aski ng that.
l5 MR. KENT: 0kay. What are you asking?
l6 MR. ZELDIN: If you ever had an i nvesti gati on. I 'm not
t7 aski ng about the conclusion of the investigation.
t8 I,IR. KENT: Honestly, si r, I can' t answer that questj on.
l9 I do not know.
20 MR. ZELD] N 0kay. Earl i er on i n response to the

2t questions you were asked with regards to Burisma and

22 Zlochevsky, it sounded like you were talking about actual
23 corruption. No?
24 MR. KENT: When I was tatking about Zlochevsky, when I
25 was talking to 14r. Danilenko, the deputy prosecutor general,

I prior to in, that was based on a specific case

Shokin coming
2 that had been developed in 20L4 before I came to Ukraine.
J And by time I got there, that case had been dismissed by the
4 team against Zlochevsky, the person, by the team of
5 prosecutors that were there prior to Mr. Shokin going into
6 office.
7 MR. ZELDIN: But you did testify that Shokin had an
8 investigation into Burisma and Zlochevsky, correct?
9 MR. KENT: I did not say that.
l0 MR. ZELDIN: Are you aware that Shokin had an open
lt i nvesti gati on i nto Buri sma and Zlochevsky?
12 MR. KENT: I have read claims by people that there were
l3 i nvest'igat'ions, but I have no speci f i c knowledge about
t4 whether those investigations were open or what the nature of
l5 them might be.
t6 MR. ZELDIN: When did you learn of an investigation by

t7 Shoki n j nto Buri sma and Zlochevsky?

18 MR. KENT: I just told you, I djd not learn of an

t9 investigation. I've read claims that there may have been an

20 i nvesti gati on.

2t MR. ZELDIN: When did you first read of claims that

22 there may be an investigation into Burisma and Zlochevsky?
23 l"lR. KENT: I read stories referencing that in the last
24 several months after the series of art'ic1es starting in March

25 brought this set of issues to the fore.


I MR. ZELDIN: Okay. So before the last several months

2 when you started reading about a case against Burisma and

J Zlochevsky, you were never previously aware of an

4 investigat'ion into Burisma and Zlochevsky?

5 MR. KENT: Spec i f i ca11y du s t'ime, no.
ri ng Shoki n'

6 MR. ZELDIN: And one followup. With regards to the EU

7 and the IMF, was there a U.S.-1ed effort to get the EU and
8 the Il'lF to also target Shok'in, or was that somethi ng that EU
9 and IMF did totally on their own?
l0 MR. KENT: The It'lF keeps i ts own counsel , but of tenti mes
ll when they go on factfinding missions they often have

t2 conversati ons wi th embassi es. Here i n Washi ngton, the U. S .

l3 Treasury i s the U. S. Government th the IMF.

1 i ai son wi

t4 In terms of the European Union, tradi tionally in a

t5 country like Ukraine, the European Union Ambassador and the
l6 U.S. Ambassador coordinate very c1ose1y. And since 2014 and
t7 the German of the G7, there is a coordinating
l8 process for the G7 ambassadors plus the head of the European
l9 Union mission. And they meet almost weekly, and they djscuss
20 issues and they go into issues like this in very deep detail.
2t MR. ZELDIN: Sothe United States and the EU were
22 coordinating with regards to the effort to target Shokin?
23 MR. KENT: The U.5. and the EU shared their assessments
24 at the time. And Ito say that jn particular, if we're
25 talking about the period of time between Thanksgiving,20L5,

I and March of 2016, I was not in Ukraine. I was back here to

2 take Ukrainian for several months.
J My understanding is that the ambassadors spoke and
4 compared vi ews on thei r concerns that Shok'in's conti nued
5 presence as prosecutor general prevented any hope of
6 prosecutori a1 reform.
7 MR. J0RDAN: Mr. Secretary, you said you didn't know for
8 sure i f Shoki n was j nvesti gati ng Buri sma, but you knew

9 Buri sma was a troubled, corrupt company, ri ght?

l0 MR. KENT: As I said, Burisma had a reputatjon for

ll being, first of all, one of the largest private producers of
t2 natural gas in Ukraine but also had a reputation for not
l3 being the sort of corporate, cleanest member of the business
t4 communi ty.
l5 MR. JORDAN: And you were so concerned about that that
l6 you advised USAID not to do any type of coordjnated
t7 activity
l8 MR. KENT: Correct.
19 MR. J0RDAN: -- sponsoring any type of corporate or
20 contest wi th them? 0kay.
21 MR. KENT: Correct.
22 l"lR. MCCAUL: Sort of following up on that questi on, and

23 thank you for your service, yeah, you referred to Burisma as

24 it had a bad reputat'ion essenti a1ly?

25 MR. KENT: That is what I was told by the members of our

I embassy community who focused on economic issues and had

2 1i a'ison wi th the U . S. busi ness communi ty, yes.

3 MR. MCCAUL: And so you instructed to pull back on

4 funding for a clean energy conference, is that right, that

5 Buri sma was headl i ni ng?
6 MR. KENT: To the best of my awareness, it was one of
7 these sponsor programs where it invited school kids or young
8 Ukra'ini ans to come up wi th i deas f or a clean energy campai gn,
9 and there may have been something like a camera for the best
l0 proposal.
ll And the cosponsorship was between a part of USAID that
t2 worked on energy and economic issues. And when I heard about
13 it I had concerns, so I raised those with the mission head of
14 USAID in country at the time and she shared my concerns.
l5 MR. I'ICCAUL: So when the State Department evaluates
l6 forei gn assi stance to countri es i sn't i t appropri ate for them

t7 to look at the 1eve1 of corruption in those countries?

l8 MR. KENT: Yes. Part of our forei gn assi stance was
t9 speci ficalty focused to try to limi t and reduce corruption.
20 And we also tried, to the best of our knowledge and
2t abilities, to do due diligence to make sure that U.S.
22 taxpayer dollars are being spent for the purposes that they
23 were appropriated and that they are as effective as they can
24 be.

25 MR. MCCAUL: In fact, jf you look at Central America,


corrupt governments down there, i sn't i t approprj ate to

2 evaluate the corruption factor and where the money goes to on

J f ore'ign ass'istance?
4 MR. KENT: I wj 11 be honest wi th you, si r, I've ne.ver

5 served in the Western Hemisphere, and I've only made one trip
6 to Panama as part of my National Defense University
7 industrial study group. So I would defer to my colleagues
8 who are working on Central American policy.
9 MR. MCCAUL: But in f ine with your previous statements,
l0 the whole notion of looking at corruption in foreign
ll governments and predicating foreign assistance on that, is an

t2 appropri ate thi ng

13 MR. KENT: I believe that my colleagues who have worked

t4 on international narcotics and law enforcement see when there

15 are funds appropriated by Congress to try to fight drug
l6 trafficking and improve the 1aw enforcement systems in
t7 Central America. It's intended to help our national
l8 'interests to both stop the drug trafficking and improve the
t9 justice system so that corruption can be contained.
20 MR. MCCAUL: And I think based on your testimony,

2t Ukraine has a strong and long history of corruption. Is that

22 cor rect?
23 MR. KENT: I that corruption is part of the
would say
24 reason why Ukrainians came out into the streets in both 2004
25 when somebody tried to steal the election and again in 201,4

I because of a corrupt, kleptocrati c, pro-Russi an government,

2 which eventually collapsed. The Ukrai ni ans decided enough

J was enough.
4 yes, is a country that has struggled
And so Ukraine,
5 with these issues, but I would say also in the last 5 years
6 has made great progress.
7 MR. MCCAUL: And just for the record, I signed with
8 Chajrman Engel a letter to obligate the funding security
9 ass j stance to Ukra'ine. But i s 'it not appropri ate f or the

l0 President of the United States to bring up with a foreign

ll leader issues of corruption when the foreign leader brings up
t2 Javelin missiles? Is it not appropriate to discuss going
l3 after corruption'in a country where we are providing foreign
t4 assi stance?
l5 MR. KENT: Issues of corruption have been part of the
l6 hi gh-leve1 di alogue between U. S. leaders and Ukrai ni an
t7 leaders regardless of who is the U.S. leader and who the
l8 Ukrainian leader is. So that is a normal issue of the
t9 di plomati c di scussion at the hi ghest 1eve1.
20 l4R. MCCAUL: Thank you.
2l MR. MEAD0WS: Steve, can I just get one clarification?
22 I t's not 1ong.
23 MR. CASTOR: 0f course.
24 MR. MEADOWS: Did I hear you that Shokin, prosecutor

25 Shokin, rea11y, his reputation within 3 months of bei ng


I appointed was rea1ly negative from your standpo'int? Is that

2 what you said?
J MR. KENT: That' s what I sa'id .

4 And it's not just my personal opinion. If you look at

5 the political po11ing, if you go to IRI or NDI, both of whjch
6 have done extensive polling in Ukraine since 20L4, President
7 Poroshenko, who was elected with roughly 55 percent of the
8 vote in 20L4, maintained that support through the first year.
9 And then as th'is controversy over the corrupt godfather of
l0 his kids, Prosecutor General Shokin, exploded in what was
ll known as the di amond prosecutor affai r because one of the
t2 things they confiscated from his former driver was a cache of
r3 diamonds -- his support 1eve1s, Poroshenko's support 1eve1s,
l4 as po11ed by the International Republican Institute in
l5 particular, plummeted from about 55 percent to the mid-20s
l6 over that period of time.
t7 And so that was the issue that destroyed Poroshenko's
l8 credibility and his high-1eve1 support in the eyes of the
l9 Ukrai ni an people.
20 MR. MEAD0WS: So timeframe, was that 20L5?

2t MR. KENT: Yes, sir.

22 MR. MEADOWS: And so when in 2015 would your opinion
23 have been this is a bad guy, we can't trust him?

24 MR. KENT: 0ur concerns about Shokin's conduct in office

25 were triggered by the reaction to the so-ca11ed diamond

I prosecutor case.
2 MR. MEADOWS: Yeah. And when was that?
3 MR. KENT: That took place in late summer, early fal1 of
4 201_5.

5 1"1R. right. Steve, go ahead.


6 MR. CASTOR: With all the time I have 1eft, I'd like to
7 open up a new topic. I'm just kidding. I'm out of time.
8 l"lR. KENT: And i f we could take a break.
9 THE CHAIRMAN: Yeah. Actually, what I was going to

l0 suggest is 1et's take a half an hour lunch break. Let's

ll resume promptly at L:00.
t2 I want to remind all Members that may not have been here
l3 for prior sessions, although we have not d'iscussed classif ied
14 information today, we are in a closed deposition, and under
l5 House Rules, Members are not to discuss testimony in a closed
t6 sess i on.

t7 I I've had very fittle luck jn getting

know, Mr. Jordan,
l8 members to ab"ide by that. But those are the ru1es, and I'm
t9 just reminding Members and staff they're not to discuss the
20 substance of the testimony.
2t lRecess. l




1 [].: L0 p.m. l
2 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Let's go back on the record.
J Mr. Secretary, I want to just ask you a few questions to
4 fo1low up on my colleague's questions, and then I'm going to
5 turn it over to Mr. Mitchell to continue going through the

6 timeljne with you.

7 One question I have though is, we've come to learn of a

8 meeting between Mr. Giuljani and Mr. Lutsenko, and there were
9 some Ukrainians that were apparently apparently came to

l0 believe that President Trump had cal1ed into that meeting.

ll Do you know anything about that?
t2 l'4R. KENT: I do not.
l3 THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. Earlier in response to some
t4 questions from my colleagues in the minority you mentioned
l5 that there was an effort to get the top level of the State
t6 Department to issue a statement of fu11-throated support for
t7 the Ambassador and that statement was not forthcoming. Is
l8 that ri ght?
t9 MR. KENT: Correct.
20 THE CHAIRMAN: And was the hope that that statement
2t would come from SecretarY PomPeo?

22 1'4R. KENT: The statements of that nature could come from

./.) a variety of people or levels. 5o I think we were looking
24 for a statement of support from a high-ranking State
25 Department offi ci a1.

I THE CHAIRMAN: And would it have been most helpful

2 coming from the Secretary himself?
J MR. KENT: It's always most helpful jf the top leader
4 issues a statement, but to be honest, I cannot reca1l during
5 that week whether he was on travel. If he were on travel
6 then Deputy Secretary Sullivan m'ight have been the
7 top-ranking official in the building. I just don't recal1 on
8 those part'icular days who was essentially in charge.
9 THE CHAIRMAN: Anddid you ever learn why no statement
l0 was issued by a top-1eve1 official at the State Department?
ll MR. KENT: No.
t2 THE CHAIRMAN: You I th'ink, that in this
l3 context that the suggestion was made to the Ambassador that
t4 instead of or because there would be no statement coming from
l5 the top that maybe the Ambassador should go out herself ,

l6 defend herself, and express her personal support for the

t7 Presi dent.
l8 MR. KENT: Correct.
l9 THE CHAIRMAN: Where did that idea come from?
20 MR. KENT: I think I recatl being copied on emails in
2t which Under Secretary Davjd HaIe made the suggestion.
22 Separately, Gordon Sondland made the suggestion. i think
23 with Gordon he made the suggestion specifically to be
24 aggressive on Twitter or to tweet. But in any case, there
25 were a number of suggestions that Ambassador Yovanovitch

I herself speak out against the campaign against her.

2 THE CHAIRMAN: And how did you come to know Ambassador

J Sondland' s advi ce?

4 I believe I was copied on the emai1. It may

l,lR. KENT:
5 not have been I don't think it was from him, but it was an
6 exchange between Ambassador Yovanovi tch and my guess would be

7 leaders in the European Bureau. Again, that is an email that

8 should be a record that was collected and is part of the

9 document collection.
l0 THE CHAIRMAN: Part of the document collection that has

ll not yet been provided to Congress?

t2 MR. KENT: Cor rect.

l3 THE CHAIRMAN: And in that email communicat'ion, that's
t4 where you would have learned of Ambassador Sondland's
l5 suggestion that the Ambassador tweet out a defense of herself
l6 and express her support for the Presjdent?
t7 l"lR. KENT: And the Presi dent' s f orei gn pol i cy, yes .

l8 THE CHAIRMAN: You ment'ioned that there are appropri ate

l9 1egal channels that can be used i f the Uni ted States j s

20 conducti ng an i nvesti gation

2t MR. KENT: Cor rect.
22 THE CHAIRMAN: -- to get overseas evidence
and wishes
through LEGAT and through the MLAT process. Is that right?
24 MR. KENT: Correct.
25 THE CHAIRMAN: There have been a number of public press

reports that Attorney General Bill Barr and others at the

2 J usti ce Department are essenti a1ly doi ng an i nvesti gati on of
J the i nvesti gators i nto the ori gi ns of the Russi a

4 i nvesti gati on.

5 Do you know whether Mr. Barr or anyone else at the

6 J usti ce Department has sought i nformati on to bolster, I
7 think, what you descrjbe is a bogus theory about the 2015
8 election that had been part of that John Solomon series?
9 MR. KENT: I am not aware of any Justice Department
10 i nqui ri es to Ukrai ne regardi ng 20L5, no.

ll THE CHAIRI"IAN: I thi nk you testi f i ed i n an answer to my

t2 colleague's questions that at the time that it was U.S.

l3 policy and Il'lF policy and the pof icy of other allies and
t4 all i ed organi zati ons that Shoki n needed to go. Thi s was
l5 based on Shokin essentially dismantling an inspector general
l6 offi ce the U. S. had helped fund to fi ght corrupti on i n
t7 Ukraine, particularly in the prosecutor's offjce. Is that
l8 right?
t9 MR. KENT: That's correct.
20 THE CHAIRMAN: And at the time that the State Department
2t and these other international organizations were seeking to
22 have Shokin removed, you weren't even aware whether Shokin
23 had any i nvesti gation of Buri sma?

24 MR. KENT: I do not reca11 that bejng part of the

25 conversation. The conversation was very much focused, fi rst
1 12

I and foremost, on the so-ca11ed d'iamond prosecutors case that

2 jnvolved these corrupt prosecutors, Korniyets and Shapakin,
J and the campaign that Shokin conducted to destroy and remove
4 from office anyone associated with it regardless of what part
5 of officjals served in, prosecutors,
government those
6 investigators, judges, even security officials who had been
7 i nvolved i n the wi retappi ng.
8 THE CHAIRMAN: And what was your position at the time?
9 At the time th'is was occurring, in 2015, I
l0 was in the capacity of the number two at the embassy, the
ll deputy chi ef of mi ssi on.
t2 THE CHAIRMAN: So as the number two in the embassy, at

13 this time, you weren't even aware of even an allegat'ion that

t4 there was an i nvesti gati on underway by Shoki n 'involvi ng

l5 Bu r i sma?

l6 MR. KENT: That was not something that I reca11 ever

t7 comi ng up or bei ng di scussed.

l8 THE CHAI RMAN: My colleague also asked you about whether

l9 it was appropriate to bring up the conversation bring up a
20 di scussion of corruption 'in the context of the Presi dent of
2t Ukrai ne aski ng for more j aveli ns or expressi ng the need for
22 more javelins.
)7 I want to ask you actually about what the Presi dent
24 sai d, because he dj dn' t talk generi cally about corrupti on.
25 He asked f or a f avor i nvolvi ng an 'investi gati on i nto
1 13

I CrowdStrike and that conspiracy theory and for an

2 investigation into the Bidens. Is it appropriate for the

J Pres'ident of the Uni ted States i n the context of an aIly
4 seeking military support to ask that a1ly to investigate his
5 political rival?
6 first time I had detajled knowledge of
7 that narrative was after the White House declassified the
8 transcript that was prepared not transcript, the record of
9 conversatjon that was prepared by staff at the White House.
l0 As a general principle, I do not believe the U.S. should ask
ll other countri es to engage i n po1 i ti ca1ly associ ated
t2 i nvesti gat'ions and prosecuti ons.
l3 THE CHAIRMAN: Particularly those that may interfere
t4 w'i th the U. S. electi on?
l5 a general principle, I don't think that as
t6 a matter of policy the U.S. should do that period, because I
t7 have spent much of my career trying to improve the rule of
l8 Iaw. in countries like Ukraine and Georgia, both of
l9 which want to join NATO, both of which have enjoyed billions
20 of dollars of assistance from Congress, there is an
2t offi ce j n those countri es
outstandi ng i ssue about people i n
22 using selectively politically motjvated prosecutions to go
23 after their opponents. And that's wrong for the rule of 1aw
24 regardless of what country that happens.
25 THE CHAIRMAN: And since that is rea11y U.5. policy to
1 14

further the rule of 1aw and to discourage political

2 jnvestigations, having the President of the Uni ted States
J effectively ask for a political investigation of his opponent
4 would run directly contrary to all of the anticorruption
5 efforts that we were making. Is that a fair statement?
6 MR. KENT: I would say that request does not align with
7 what has been our policy towards Ukraine and many other
8 countrjes, yes.
9 THE CHAIRMAN: Mr . t"li tche11 .

ll a Good afternoon, sj r.
t2 A Afternoon.
13 O I'm going to pick up where Mr. Goldman left off,
t4 whjch was the end of March of this year, 2019. And you
l5 testified earljer that you met with the deputy director of
l6 NABU on about March L9.
t7 A I did not. I was here in the United States.
l8 Somebody at the embassy did.

t9 a And you received correspondence regarding a meeting

20 that the deputy dlrector of NABU had with someone in the
2t embassy in Kyiv. 1s that correct?
22 A Correct. Somebody in the embassy sent an emajl
23 recounting a conversation that was held with Mr. Gizo Uglava,
24 deputy head of NABU.

25 a And that email relayed a conversation that the

1 15

deputy director had with Mr. Lutsenko

2 A Correct.
J a about an interview that 14r. Lutsenko had given
4 w'i th an American journalist?
5 A Correct.
6 a that the first time that you got wind of this
7 'intervi ew that Mr. Lutsenko had had wi th, what you later
8 learned to be, Mr. Solomon?
9 A Yes.
l0 O Okay. And the following day, March 20, was the day
l1 that Mr. Solomon published the artjcle in which there was
l2 vjdeo of part of the interview that he had with Mr. Lutsenko.
l3 Is that correct?
t4 A That's my recollection of what happened on the 20th
l5 of March.
l6 a And once you saw that article, is this when the
t7 5tate Department issued or shortly thereafter jssued these
l8 denials saying that it was a complete fabrication, it was
t9 false?
20 A Yes. It woutd have been on March 20 that the U.S.
2l Embassy, whi ch 'is 7 hours ahead of us, and the press team at
22 the European Bureau would have worked to prepare guidance in
23 response to attacks against our Ambassador.
24 a Were you involved jn that?
25 A Yes, I was.
1 16

I a Okay. What was your involvement?

2 A I reviewed the language, as I do any proposed press

J guidance related to any of the six countries over which I

4 have poticy oversight, and I have the ability to either
5 clear -- with just that word "c1ear" or make suggestions
6 and edits for the text.
7 a 0kay. And in this particular case, what did you
8 do?

9 A I believe I may have toughened up the language, so

l0 complete fabrication may have been from me. But I cannot

ll teIl you in detait because press guidance is just that. It's
t2 then provided by a press officer in response to press
l3 inquiries.
t4 a Okay. But you agreed at the t'ime, as you do now,
l5 that i t was, i n fact, a complete fabri cati on?
16 A Yes. I can te11 you that it was my language about
t7 the fiduciary responsibility, the same language you heard me

l8 use here today, because of my background jn being the

l9 di rector of the offi ce whi ch had the responsi bi 1i ty for
20 undertaking these programs.
2l And so that language about we have the fiduciary
22 responsl bi 1i ty to ensure that U. S. taxpayer dollars are bei ng
L) used appropriately, and when they're not we redirected them
24 to better purposes, that was language that I added.
25 a And based on your personal experience and your
1 17

I personal knowledge of these allegations?

2 A Cor rect.
J a at some point -- and the chairman asked
And then
4 you questions about this as well -- there was an effort or
5 discussion, let me say it that way, about whether the State
6 Department should issue a fu11-throated defense for the
7 Ambassador?

8 A Yes.

9 a And that was done over email?

l0 A Yes.

ll a And that was Ambassador Sondland, Under Secretary

12 Ha1e, and counselor you think Counselor Brechbuhl mi ght
l3 have been on those emails as welI?
t4 A Two separatestri ngs. Ambassador Sondland's
l5 communi cati ons would have been with Ambassador Yovanovitch,

t6 and then she would ha ve commun jcated w'i th the Department.

t7 There would have been potenti a1ly communi cati ons wi th the
t8 European front offi ce wjth Under Secretary Hale and Counselor
19 Brechbuhl.
20 a Were you on all of those communications that you've
2t j ust descrj bed?
22 A that I've described are because I was
The emai 1s
23 copied on the emails, and that's why i n the process of
24 collecti ng documents relevant to the subpoena research, my
25 memory was refreshed of the email traffic on which I was
1 1B

I copi ed.
2 a And what was the t'ime period for that email traffic
J in relation to the article that came about on or about
4 March 20?
5 A It would have been over the next perhaps 10 days,
6 basical1y the last L0 days of March.
7 a 0kay. And duri ng that time period, were there also
8 add'itional arti cles that out by Mr. Solomon?

9 A The articles came out, if not dai1y, almost dai1y,

l0 and they of tentimes combi ned two of the f our themes I 1a'id
ll out before. To the best of my recollection, there was never
t2 a new line of attack, but many articles combjned two of the
l3 previ ous four themes.
t4 a Okay. And the suggestion was made to the
l5 Ambassador to release a tweet or make some sort of strong
l6 statement herself. Is that right?
t7 A Correct.
18 a 0kay. And did the Ambassador do that?
t9 A Thi s back and forth was done i n the context of the
20 upcomi ng, at that poi nt, f i rst round i n the Ukrai n'ian

2t presi dentj al electj ons that took pIace, I bel i eve, on

22 Ma rch 31. .

L) So Ambassador Yovanov'itch, i n consultati on wi th her

24 press attache, made a decision, she informed us, to record
25 some preelection videos encouraging Ukrainians to vote. And
1 19

I as part of that process, she included in that a statement of

2 support of the adminjstration and the foreign policy, the
3 admi ni strati on of Presi dent Trump and i ts forei gn pol i cy.

4 a Okay. And those videos that you just described,

5 the purpose of them was to publish them in Ukraine. Is that
6 correct?
7 A Correct. These were videos that the embassy was
8 already planning to issue in a preelection encouragement for
9 Ukrai ni ans to engage i n thei r ci vi c duti es. And so
l0 Ambassador Yovanov'itch used that metaphor of ci v'ic duty i n
ll making reference to support as a career nonpartisan public
t2 offjcial who supported and carried out the foreign policy of
l3 President Trump as she had with other Presidents.
l4 O So was the intended audience of those videos people
l5 wi th'in the Uni ted States as welt?
16 A My understanding based on the email back and forth
t7 that I recei ved from Ambassador Yovanovi tch, i ncludi ng her
l8 press officer, was that her intent was to send a signal such
t9 as was being suggested by her wjthjn the context of something
20 that was already being planned that was focused on electoral
2l and presidential politics.
22 O Okay. And do you know whether that video was

23 forwarded to anyone wjthin the White House?

24 A I do not know.
25 a Do you know why the Department of State elected not

I to do a fu11-throated defense of the Ambassador?

2 A I thjnk that's a question that the committees could
J ask those outside of the European Bureau.
4 a You do not know whY?

5 A I do not know why.

6 a Did you have any conversations at any point wjth
7 anyone who would have made that decision?
8 A The State Department is a hierarchical
9 on. I work for the acti ng assi stant secretary.
organi zati
l0 Normally the acting assistant secretary is the one who
ll engages offi ci als above our bureau, to i nclude the Under
t2 Secretary of Political Affai rs, Davjd Ha1e, who has oversight
l3 over our bureau; on occasion, the counselor of the
t4 Department, Ulrich Brechbuhl; and then depending on the
l5 situation, as approprjate, the Secretary himself.
t6 a 0kay. So these are all the individuals that would
t7 have made that dec'i si on?
l8 A These are the leaders of the Department of State.
t9 a 0kay. But dj d you have any conversati ons wi th
20 them

2t A No.

22 a their decision not to issue a

23 fu11-throated defense of the Ambassador?
24 A I did not have conversations with them, no.
25 a Are you aware of anyone from the Department of

I State at around the end of March or beginning of April

2 reaching out to Sean Hannity?
J A Yes.

4 a What do you know about that?

5 A I beljeve, to the best of my recollection, the
6 counselor for the Department, UIrich Brechbuhl, reached out
7 and suggested to Mr. Hannity that 1f there was no proof of
8 the allegatjons, that he should stop covering them.

9 O And how do you know that?

l0 A Because I was informed of that in an email.
ll a By who?

t2 A I cannot say for certain who was the sender. It

l3 could have been from the counselor, and it could have been
t4 f rom Acti ng Ass'istant Secretary Reeker.
l5 a Okay. And why would they have informed you of thjs
l6 communi cation to Hanni ty?

t7 A Because I'm the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State

l8 overseeing our relations with Ukraine, and I am normally the
t9 one who would have primary communications with our
20 ambassadors or charges for the six countries over which I
2t have policy oversight.
22 a 0kay. So is it fa'i r to say that you were in
23 communication wi th Ambassador Yovanovi tch pretty frequently
24 duri ng thi s ti me peri od, end of March, begi nni ng of Apri 1 ,

25 about these i ssues?


I AIt is fair to say that when she was Ambassador and

2 I was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, we were in regular
J communjcation about everythjng that went on in the
4 U. S. -Ukrai ne relationshi p.
5 a 0kay. And do you know whether thi s commun'icati on

6 from Counselor Brechbuhl to Sean Hannity had any effect?

7 A I to the U.S. and so
unplugged when we moved back
8 we don't have a TV at home, so I do not watch TV at night.
9 a Okay. But the sjtuation regarding Ambassador
10 Yovanovitch and the allegations against her was something
ll that you were keenly aware of during th'is time period?
l2 A Correct. However, the week you're referring to is
l3 the week of the Ukrainian presidential election, and so my
t4 focus that week was on the first round of results and what
l5 would be the potential impact on U.S. national interests if,
l6 as seemed 1ikely at that time, there would be a new
t7 Presi dent.
l8 a Do you have any recollection as to when Counselor

l9 Brechbuhl reached out to Hanni ty?

20 A I do not. If you had asked me that question before
2t you gave me a timeframe, I would have given you a rough
22 tjmeframe. I do not remember the exact days. End of March,
23 early April is what I would have said.
24 a But, agai n, i t's memori al i zed i n an emai 1 to the
25 best of your recollection?

I A of my recollection, there is some sort

To the best
2 of emaj 1 regardi ng that, yes.
J a Okay. Are you aware that at the beginning of March
4 Ambassador Yovanovitch was asked to extend her stay in
5 Embassy Kyi v?

6 A Yes.

7 a How do you know that?

8 A The first person who asked her
to consider
9 extending her stay was me, and that was in January when she
l0 was back for the chief of mission conference. We had a
ll challenge in the process of finding someone that we would
t2 nomjnate to replace her. And because of a different
l3 assignment, it was clear that that was not going to happen on
t4 schedule.
l5 And we had concern I had concern that the country,
t6 Ukrai ne, would be going through t rans'i t j on and we mi ght not
t7 have an Ambassador there. So I initially asked her to
l8 cons i de r staying on through the election season i n Ukrai ne.

l9 a When you say through the elect'ion season, what time

20 period did tha t encompass?

2l A There were two elections scheduled for this year in

22 Ukrai ne. The re was presidentjal elections in the spring and
23 then there were parl i amentary electi ons scheduled no later
24 than the fal 1 .

25 a So when you talked to Ambassador Yovanov'itch i n


I January of 2019 and you floated the idea that she extend her
2 stay you thought of extending her stay through the fa11 of
J 20L9?

4 A My proposal was through the end of the year to give

5 us a chance to find a potential number -- another nominee

6 that the White House could put forward and possibly be

7 confirmed and be out in Ukraine, or at the very least having
8 an experi enced Ambassador there through the most cri ti cal
9 part of transition and then possibly have the Charge.
l0 a Had you talked to anyone else at the Department of
ll State prior to making this proposal to the Ambassador in
12 J anuary 20L9?
l3 A I recal1, but it is possible that I talked
Not that
t4 w'ith Wess Mitche11, who was our assistant secretary at the
l5 time.
l6 a Okay. Is it fair to say that you wouldn't have
t7 p roposed this to Ambassador Yovanovitch had you thought that
l8 i t would have met any resi stance at the Department of State?
t9 A Cor rect.
20 a And that's because Ambassador Yovanovi tch was a
2t well- respected Ambassador?

22 A She was the senior-most career Ambassador in

23 Eu rope, yes .

24 a And what was Ambassador Yovanovitch's reacti on when

25 you offered her thi s possi bi 1 i ty i n J anuary of 20L9?


I A We11, I asked her if willing to stay

she would be
2 longer, and she said that she would think about it. And she
J came back and said she would be willing to consider it.
4 a Okay. When did she say that?
5 A Again, we started the conversation'in January. t"'ly
6 guess is that she thought about it for a 1itt1e bjt and got
7 back to us, to me some point over the next month, which was
8 prior to the conversation that you were referring to in
9 Ma rch .

l0 a0kay. 5o between the time that she came back to

ll you and said that she was willing to extend her stay and the
t2 conversation that you had in March, what happened with regard
l3 to th'is extensi on?
l4 A So the conversation in March was not w'ith me. It
l5 was wjth Under Secretary David Hale. He visited Ukraine the
l6 f i rst week of March. I accompani ed that v j s'i t. And Under
t7 Secretary HaIe asked her to stay until 2020.
l8 a Had you spoken to Under Secretary Hale about his
t9 proposal before he made i t to the Ambassador?
20 A No.
21 a OkaY.
22 A Not that I recal1.
23 a And did you speak with Ambassador Yovanovitch about
24 Under Secretary Hale's offer?
25 A Well, I was there on the trip, and so by tjme she

I told that she was willing to stay, because what she said
2 was she wanted to have clarity because she had a 9l-year-o1d
J mother with her and needed to also plan for other issues, by
4 time Under Secretary Hale flew away she had indicated her
5 willingness to stay essentially an extra year through 2020 to
6 give the State Department and the administration time to find
7 a nominee that could be nominated and confirmed and sent out
8 so that we would have an experienced Ambassador in an

9 important country at a time of transi tion.

l0 a When did you first learn that the offer for an

1l extension had been rescinded?

t2 A I don't I heard, per se, that the offer for an
13 extension had been rescinded. The offer was on or about the
t4 5th of t"larch. The 5th to 7th of March, I think, was the time
l5 when Under Secretary Hale was there. The media storm that

16 was launched wi th ["4r. Solomon's i ntervi ew of Prosecutor

t7 General Lutsenko started on March 20, 2 weeks later.
18 a 0kay. So the talk about potentia1ly recalfing
t9 Ambassador Yovanovitch and the rescinding of the extension
20 were one and the same?

2t A clear, there were two people representing

To be
22 leadership of the State Department, first I, the deputy
Z) assistant Secretary, and then the under Secretary who asked
24 Ambassador Yovanovitch about her willingness to stay longer.

25 What then happened was a media campaign against her, and then

1 subsequent to that was a request for her to come back.

2 a Okay. And when was that request made for her to
J come back?
4 A To the best of my recollection, she indicated on
5 April 25 that she'd been instructed to get on a plane to come
6 back to Washington as soon as possible.
7 a So she indicated to you?

8 A Yes.

9 a Was that the first that you heard that she'd been

l0 recalled?
ll A I believe that was the first time I heard that
t2 instructions had been sent for her to come back to the U.S.,
l3 yes.
t4 a Okay. So you learned for the first time that she

l5 had been instructed to come back from the Ambassador herself?

l6 A To the best of my recollect'ion, yes.
t7 a And did she provide any at any tjme, has she
l8 provided any reasons why she was recalled?
t9 A I understand that, because it
part of her
20 opening statement that was published, she referred to a
2t conversat'ion she had wi th the Deputy Secretary of State.
22 a Other than her opening statement?
23 A I believe that I did hear about that conversation
24 subsequentty, and I cannot say whether it was from her or
25 from one of the people above me, like acting assjstant

I secretary. But I did hear an account of that session. I

2 heard of i t before readi ng i t on Fri day, yes.

J a Okay. And whatever you heard before, was it
4 consistent with what you read on Friday?
5 A Yes.
6 a 0kay. Who else did you speak to, if anyone, on the
7 7th floor regarding the reca11 of Ambassador Yovanovitch and
8 the reasons for that recall?
9 A I was not having conversations with anybody on the
l0 so-ca11ed 7th floor State Department leadership about this
ll i ssue.

t2 a Anyone else at the State Department?

l3 A I or other people havi ng conversat'ions wi th the 7th

l4 floor?
l5 a People that you had conversations with.
l6 A I did not have further conversations about that
t7 effort. It was presented as a decision, so it was, she was
18 reca11ed. And I believe she came back on the 26th of April
t9 for consultati ons.
20 a We11, what was your reaction to learning that she'd
2t been recalled?
22 A I, on a personal level, felt awful for her because
23 it was within 2 months of us asking her, the Under Secretary
24 of State asking her to stay another year. And within a very
25 short order she was being reca11ed.

a But you never sought a time to investigate why or

2 find out why she was being recalled?
J A My position is not to investigate. Decisions had
4 been made by the leadership of the State Department and
5 ambassadors serve at the pleasure of. So when an instruction
6 comes down that is a decision that was being made.
7 a So on May 5 the State Department issued a statement
8 saying that Ambassador Yovanovitch was ending her assignment
9 in Kyiv as planned.
l0 A I believe
ll a Do you recall that statement?
t2 A I believe that was something jssued by the embassy
l3 in Kyiv not by the State Department, and it was in the form
t4 of a management notice.
l5 a Do you recall seeing that at the tjme?
t6 A I did.
t7 a 0kay. And what was your reaction to that embassy
t8 not i ce?
t9 A If I'd I don't think that's how I
been the DCM,
20 would have had that news be released to the embassy
2t commun i ty .

22 a 0kay . Can you expl a i n?

23 A I think of a sjtuation of that magnitude I would
24 have cal1eda townhall meeting and talked to people face to
25 face. Also the fact that it was teaked to the Ukrainian

I press within 2 hours was another indication of why issuing a

2 management notice to roughly 600 people would not have been
J the way to introduce that information to 600 employees that
4 their boss was no longer going to be their supervisor.
5 a Okay. So I take i t that you took i ssue wi th the
6 way i n whi ch i t was commun'icated, but what about the
7 substance of the message i tse1f, and speci fi catly that i t
8 said that she was leaving her post as planned?

9 A Again, this was an embassy management notice' If I

l0 had sti11 been the deputy chief of mission, I would have

ll handled noti fi cati on of the embassy staff di fferently, so

t2 that,s I am now the that was my job from 2015 to 2018.
l3 s as a deputy ass'istant secretary f or oversi ght
My j ob now i

t4 of policy and programming. It's not running an embassy.

15 a 0n I'lay L4, Rudy Giulianj told Ukra'inian journalists
l6 that the Ambassador waS recalled because she was part of the
t7 efforts against the President. Were you aware of
l8 Mr. Giuliani's statement at the time?
l9 A I do not know that I saw that statement at that
20 time, flo, but I did see an interview that he gave with a
2t Ukrainian publication,, that I believe was
22 published on May 27 that expressed a variant of that opinion,
23 yes.


I [1 :40 p .m. ]

J a And what was your react'ion to Mr . Gi u1i an'i 's
4 statement?
5 A Mr. Giulianj, at that point, had been carrying on a

6 campaign for several months fu11 of lies and incorrect

7 information about Ambassador Yovanovitch, so this was a
8 cont'inuati on of h j s campai gn of 1i es.

9 a So you did not think it

true at the time that
l0 the Ambassador was removed because she was part of the
ll efforts agai nst the Presi dent?
t2 A I believe that Mr. Giuliani, as a U.S. citizen, has

13 First Amendment rights to say whatever he wants, but he's a

t4 private cit'izen. His assertions and allegations against

l5 former Ambassador Yovanovitch were without basis, untrue,
l6 pe ri od.
t7 a How did Bill Taylor come to be appojnted as the
l8 Charge d'affai res?

t9 A When i t became clear that Ambassador Yovanov'i tch

20 was going of my responsibjlities as the

to be recal1ed, one
2t Deputy Assistant Secretary of State was to try to find and
22 resolve how we are going to ensure that our key missions have
23 appropri ate leadershi p.
24 One of the unfortunate of the timing was that
25 we were also undergoing a transitjon in my old job as deputy

I chief of mission. The person who replaced me had already

2 been moved early to be our DCM and Charge in Sweden, and so
J we had a temporary acting deputy chief of mission. So that
4 left the embassy not only without the early withdraw of
5 Ambassador Yovanovi tch left us not only wi thout an Ambassador

6 but without somebody who had been selected to be deputy chief

7 of mi ssi on.
8 So collectively we all knew and the "we" is the
9 people who ran our policy towards Europe that we needed to
l0 find an experjenced hand that could hetp the embassy in
ll tranSi ti on, help the relati onshi p i n transi ti on, and also be
t2 a mentor to the new incoming deputy chief of mission, who had
t3 not yet arrived and had never been the deputy chief of
t4 mission.
l5 of looking to see who was available,
There was a process
l6 who might be good. I had at one point thought of Bill

t7 Taylor, but because he had not been a career Foreign Service

l8 officer but had been a senior executive civil Servant, I knew
t9 that it would be very difficult to go through the process of
20 recalling him and getting in him in a positjon to go out.
2t 1n a conversation with Kurt Volker, then the special
22 representative for Ukraine negotiations, Kurt mentioned again
23 that he thought Bill would do a good job. And I told him, I
24 agree, but I just don't know if it's possible. So I started
25 that process of engaging the lawyers and the people who deal

I w'i th personnel i ssues to see i f i t were actually possi bIe to

2 recal1 someone who had been an Ambassador, had been a senior
J executive, but had not been a senior Foreign Service officer
4 back to serve as Charge. And that took us 3 or 4 weeks, but
5 we eventuatty got to the answer that we achjeved, which was
6 yes, and he went out as Charge, arrjving June 1.7th or L8th.
7 a And did you have conversations with Bill Taylor
8 about thj s possj b'i 1i ty of him becomi ng the Charge d'affai res
9 during this time period?
l0 A Extensi ve conversati ons.
ll a 0n April 29th, Bill Taylor sent a WhatsApp message
t2 to Kurt Volker describing a conversation that you had with
l3 8111 Taylor in which you talked about two, quote, two snake
t4 pits, one 'in Kyiv, and one in Washington. And then 14r.
l5 Taylor went on to say that you, Mr. Kent, described much more
l6 than he knew, and it was very ug1y.
t7 Do you recaIl having that conversation along these ljnes
l8 wi th Mr. Taylor?
t9 A I had many conversations with Charge Taylor, and my
20 reference to the snake pits would have been in the context of
2l havjng had our Ambassador just removed through actions by
22 corrupt Ukrainians jn Ukraine as well as private American
23 ci ti zens back here.
24 a And what corrupt Ukra'in j ans i n the Ukrai ne were you
25 talki ng about?

I A The series of corrupt former -- or sti11 current

2 prosecutors who engaged for.mer Mayor Giulianj and his
J aSsociates, and those included former Prosecutor General
4 Shokin, the then Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, who no
5 longer is, the special anticorruption prosecutor, Nazar
6 Kholodnytsky, and a'nther deputy prosecutor general named

7 Kosti antyn Ku1yk.

8 a And when you say engaged, what do you mean by
9 engaged?

l0 A We11, those individuals -- I say engaged, they


ll apparently met, they had conversations. Some of them were

t2 i ntervi ewed Mr. Kulyk was i ntervi ewed, I be1 i eve by

l3 Mr. 5o1omon. 14r. Giulianj publicized his meeting with Nazar

t4 Kholodnytsky in Paris about the same time that he gave an

t5 interview to and accused former Ambassador

l6 Yovanovi tch, me, and the enti re U. S . Embassy of parti san

t7 acti vi ty i n 2016. And we' ve al ready talked about hi s

l8 engagement with Shokin and Lutsenko.
t9 a Do you have any any information about money being
20 exchanged between any of these Ukrainians that you described
2t to Mr. Giuliani?
22 A I have no knowledge of any money bejng exchanged.
23 a It doesn't mean that they didn't exchange money,
24 you j ust have no knowledge of i t?
25 A I have no information to suggest that happened.

a 0kay. Now, Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman have also

2 appeared in the news recently?
J A Yes.

4 a Were you aware of f{r. Parnas and Mr. Fruman's

5 existence at the end of Apri1, beginning of June 20L9?
6 A Yes.

7 a How d'i d you become awa re of them?

8 A I first heard their names through a series of

9 conversations wi th a variety of people.
l0 a Okay. When was the first time you heard of Mr.
l1 Parnas and Mr. Fruman?
t2 A js a U.S. -- I'll give you a series of points
l3 and I'm trying in my mind sort out what I heard from whom,
t4 when, but we're talking about the period primarily starting
l5 in Apri1, possibly in March. f'm not sure that I heard of
l6 their names before then.
t7 There i s a U. S. busi nessman who's acti ve i n gas tradi ng

l8 to Ukraine named Dale Perry, his name came up publicly last

t9 week because he was interviewed by AP. He sent an open
20 letter complaining about corruption and pressure that he was
2t facing, including he said, an effort to unseat the American
22 Ambassador in Ukraine.
23 And he fingered three indivjduals that he said were
24 attempting to move into the gas business, and those 'included
25 Harry Sargeant iII from Florida and then two, he said, people

I who came from Odesa, referencing Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.

2 So that first source that I recall hearing.

was the
5 Second, I heard from people when I went to Ukraine in
4 the f i rst week of t'lay that Gi u1i ani associ ates were comi ng to
5 Ukraine, and the names that were mentioned were Fruman and

6 Parnas. One of the people I affiiiate of the new

met was an
7 Pres'ident Presi dent-e1ect at that poi nt; he was not yet
8 President and his name was Ivan Bakanov. He has since
9 become head of their security service. And he mentioned

l0 Fruman's name, and he said and there's another one, I don't

ll remember his name. And later on he WhatsApp'd me the
t2 business cards of Fruman and Parnas.
l3 And also on that trip before I met with Bakanov, I met
t4 with Minister of Interior Avakov, the person whom I'd had the
l5 conversation I detailed in Washington in February, and he
l6 mentioned them as we11, and said that they were coming in to
t7 Ukraine and that he that was the first time that I heard
l8 that Rudy Giulianj was planning to come that week as we1l.
l9 a So the first time that you spoke with Mr. Avakov in
20 February he did not mention Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman is that
21 correct?
22 A Correct.
23 a Okay. But then he did at the beginning of May?

24 A Correct.
25 a And when what day say exactly about Mr. Parnas and

I Mr. Fruman?

2 A He said that he had heard that they were coming to

J town and that thei r assoc'iate Rudy Gi u1i ani was comi ng as
4 we11.

5 a Okay. You said it was the first week of May?

6 A That's when I was in Ukraine, yes. So I was 'in

7 Ukraine I believe May 8th and 9th, and I believe I may have
8 met Avakov the first day I was there, that would be the 8th,
9 and he mentioned that he heard that Parnas and Fruman were
l0 coming, and that they were coming with their associate, the
ll Mayor Gi ul i ani .

t2 He also told me that when he had been, hc, Avakov, had

l3 been in the United States in February, he had communication

t4 that Mayor Giuliani had reached out to him and invited him to
l5 come and meet the group of them in Florida. And he told me
l6 that he declined that offer.
t7 a Did l'lr. Avakov explain why he declined that offer?
l8 A He told me he had a tight schedule and needed to
t9 get back Ukraine. But he sajd did say that he was planning
20 to have coffee with them, they had asked, and he was planning
2t to meet them in Kyiv. I don't know if they met or not. I
22 met him before that, but he said that 1f they want to meet,
23 I'11 meet and have coffee with them.
24 a Duri ng the May tri p?
25 A The l4ay trip, yes.

I a did Mr. Avakov explain to you why l"lr. Parnas,

2 t4r. Fruman, and Mr. Giuliani were traveling to Ukraine at the
J begi nni ng or mi d-May?
4 A He did not, no.
5 a No i ndi cati on whatsoever?
6 A He did not.
7 a If I recall this conversation with Mr.
when you had

8 Avakov in February, Mr. Avakov thought it was unwise what

9 Mr. Giulian'i was doing. Did I get that right?
l0 A He told me in February that he thought that it had
ll been unwise that Yuriy Lutsenko, the prosecutor general of
t2 Ukraine, made a private trip to New York to see Rudy
l3 Giulian'i .

t4 a that because we11, whY?


l5 A I can't answer that question. I mean, that was his

l6 asseSsment aS the minister of interjor that the prosecutor
t7 general of his country should not make a private trip to the
t8 Uni ted States. That was my understandi ng of hi s asserti on i n

t9 February.
20 a Now, you indicated that you had another
2t conversati on wi th I can't read my own wri ti ng, Bakanov?

22 A Bakanov.

.t) a Bakanov. And what was his retationship with

24 then-candidate Zelenskyy at the time of this meeting at the

25 beginning of May?

1 A He was President-e1ect Zelenskyy's oldest childhood

2 friend. Zetenskyy told me the first time we met the December
3 of 2018 that the person he had known the longest, that he had
4 grown up on the same corridor in their apartment block from
5 kindergarten was Ivan Bakanov.

6 a Okay. And can you describe that conversation?

7 A In December 20L8?

8 a No , I 'm sor ry, i n May of 201.9 .

9 A So my conversation with Ivan Bakanov?

l0 a Yes.

1l A To the best of my recollection that was a

t2 conversation where we tatked about what might happen since it
l3 was in between post election, pre-inauguration. I asked him

t4 what jobs he thought he might be interested jn or appointed

l5 to si nce h'is chi ldhood f ri end was now the President-e1ect,
l6 and he descri bed to me hi s 'interest i n ei ther bei ng chi ef of
t7 staff or the new prosecutor general.
l8 a And what d'id Mr. Bakanov say wi th regard to
t9 Mr . F ruman, Mr . Parnas , and 14r . Gi ul i ani ?

20 A He did not mentjon Mr. Giuliani. To the best of my

2t recollection, the only name in that meeting that I wrote
22 down and that's part of the records which I provided to
23 the State Department -- was Fruman. And then later on he
24 followed up because he couldn't remember the other name,

25 which turned out to be Parnas.


I And he said, these guys want to meet me, what do you

2 think? And since I had met with Mr. Avakov in the morn i ng, I
J repeated what Avakov told me. He told me, you can always
4 meet and have a cup of coffee w'i th people, you don't have to

5 make any commitments.

6 a 0kay. At the time di d you have any understandi ng
7 of what Parnas and Mr. Fruman mi ght be doi ng i n Ukrai ne wi th
8 Mr. Giuliani?
9 A I understood that they were associates of Mr.
l0 Giulianj, and this was now 2 months into the campaign that
ll had 1ed to the, ultimately, unfortunately, to the removal of
t2 our Ambassador. But I did not know the'ir specific purpose in
l3 comi ng to Ukrai ne on or about the 10th and 11th of May.

t4 a Did there come a time when you did learn what their
15 purpose would be?

l6 A I only read subsequent to leaving Ukraine the press

t7 coverage of the former Mayor of New York's stated intent to
l8 go to Ukraine, and then to notice that he canceled his trip.
t9 a And when you say Mr . Gi ul i anj ' s publ i c statements
20 about the purpose of his trip that he ultimately canceled,
2t what is your recollection of what Mr. Giuljani said?
22 A I don't recall what Mr. Giuliani said in the paper
23 about hjs reasons for canceling, other than the fact that I
24 believe he may have criticized some indjviduals around
25 Presi dent-e1ect Zetenskyy.

1 a And do you reca1l that his statements were also

2 about i nvesti gati ng the Bi dens?

J A I honestly don't remember what he may have been

4 saying or tweeting. As I said earlier, at this point I was
5 not a regular I don't tweet personally, and I don't follow
6 all the tweets of everybody.
7 a When you learned that ["lr . Gi ul j ani was goi ng to
8 travel to Ukrai ne at the begi nni ng of l'lay, May 9th or May
9 L0th, did you have any discussjons with anyone at the
l0 Department of State about his upcoming trip?
1l A Not that I recall, no. I learned about it when I
t2 was in Ukraine.
l3 a Were you at all concerned about his trip?
t4 A He's a private citizen. Private cit'izens have the
l5 right to travel. The extent that I might have had concern,
l6 it would be what he might try to do as a private citizen
t7 j nvolved i n the U. S. relatj onshi p.
-Ukrai ne offi ci a1
l8 a To the extent that i t could i nterfere wi th the
l9 ordjnary diplomatic channels that would be handled by the
20 Department of State?
2l A To that extent, yes. Again, I did not know the
22 purpose of his trip, I only heard that he might be coming in.
23 a I think my time is up.

25 a We talked this morning about what the State


I Department did in the press to counteract these narratives?

2 A Correct.
J a The John Solomon storjes and so forth.
4 A Yes.

5 O Did the State Department undertake any effort to

6 convince the White House, not the press, but the White House,

7 that these stories are not grounded in good facts?

8 A That i s not relati ons between or communi cati ons
9 between the leadership of the State Department and the White
l0 House at that leve1 do not go through the regional bureau.

ll a 0kaY.
t2 A So I'm not aware of the conversations that would
13 have happened.
t4 a Do you know jf there was any effort, I mean, they
l5 would have kept you i n the loop 'if they were tryi ng to make
16 the case that, hey, you can't be believing this stuff. And
17 i f you' re thi nki ng about removi ng Yovanovi tch, hold on, 1et
18 me 1et us make our case. Did that opportunity occur?
l9 A l'ly understandi ng i s that there were hl gh-1eve1
20 discussions between the leadership of the State Department
2t and the White House prior to the decision to recall
22 Ambassador Yovanovitch, but those obviously were ultimately
23 unsuccessful, and the account that I heard at the time is in
24 accordance with what I read Ambassador Yovanovitch had in her
25 statement on Friday.

a Okay. at one point the White

Because you mentioned
2 House got involved with the visa application for Shokin?
J A I didn't say that. What I said was that after the
4 State Department made clear that it was not ready to issue,
5 i t was our understandi ng that f ormer Mayor G'iu1i ani reached
6 out to the White House, and then that was the point at which
7 Deputy Chief of Staff Btajr was tasked with calling us to
8 find out the background of the story.
9 a And ultjmately Shokin didn't get the vjsa?
l0 A He djdn't get the visa, correct.
u a 5o Mr. Blajr was sympathetic to your point of view
t2 and didn't push the issue anymore?
l3 A My understandi ng i s -- what I reca1l him sayi ng i s
t4 I heard what I need to know to protect the interest of the
l5 President. Thank you. And that was the end of that
t6 conversati on.
t7 a 0kay. certainly was at least one jncident
So there
l8 where you had some positive back and forth with the White
l9 House that 1ed to a result consistent with your interests?
20 A Correct. That was I believe that conversation
2t occurred on the LLth of January, specifically about this
22 issue of a visa for the corrupt former prosecutor.
23 a Do you know if Shokin had come to the United States
24 on a vi sa before?
25 A Yes.

J a 0kay. 5o he had been granted vi sas i n the past?

4 A He had had vi sas at some point in the past,
5 correct.
6 a And do you know when?
7 A I do not know.
8 a Okay. Do you recall i f j t was duri ng your time
9 when you were in Kyiv?

l0 A I do not know.
ll a Was the deni a1 of hi s vi sa, was thi s the first time
t2 he had made an attempt to travel to the Uni ted States but had
13 been deni ed?

t4 A I do not know that. To the best of my knowledge he

l5 didn't try to travel to the U.S. and was denied, he did not
l6 have a visa. To the best of my recoltection, because of the
t7 acts of corruption affiliated with undermining U.5.
l8 programming and policy goaIs, we probably, if the visa had
t9 not expired prudentially, revoked the vjsa under the
20 assumption that we don't want corrupt individuals coming to
2t the Uni ted States.
22 a Was Lutsenko on par with Shokin in terms of being
23 an unreli able prosecutor?
24 A Wel1, I thi nk how would you defi ne unreli able
25 p rosecu to r?

I a Wel1, you talked at great tength that Shokin was

2 not prosecuti ng corruption cases?

J A Cor rect. Yeah.

4 a There were cases of corruption where he just

5 simply, you know, looked the other way and caused them not to
6 be prosecuted. And then I think you mentioned that he

7 prosecuted people that weren't doing anything wrong?

8 A Yeah, I thi nk Shoki n's record and hi s nearly year
9 tenure was not of prosecuting crime. Lutsenko was in office
10 3 years, and so he had more opportunity to take some action.
ll He did lead a number of cases that 1ed to sma11 scale
t2 convictions as well as settlements and payments of fines to
l3 allow companies to continue to operate in Ukraine.
14 a But what was the positjon of the embassy about
l5 Lutsenko, was he a --
t6 A So I of our
would say the breaking point
t7 disillus'ionment with Yuriy Lutsenko came in late 20L7, by
l8 that point he had been in office for a year and a ha1f, and
l9 there was a specific case, and it was as emblematic as the
20 diamond prosecutor case had been for Shokin.
2t The Nat'ionat Anti Corruption Bureau, NABU, became aware
22 because of complajnt that there was a ring of Ukra'inian state
23 off i ci a1s that were engaged i n se11 i ng bi ometrj c passports,
24 Ukrainjan passports, to peopte who did not have the right to
25 the passports, i ncludi ng forei gners.

And the ring included deputy head of the migration

2 serv'ice, a woman named Pimakova (ph), as well as people
3 collaborati ng j n the securi ty servi ce of Ukrai ne.
4 And, obviously, for our own integrity, you know, t,,,e want
5 to know that a passport from a country is issued to the
6 correct person. And as this case was developing, Lutsenko
7 became aware of it, and this corrupt officjal who was sort of

8 the apex of the scheme went to him or to the prosecutors and

9 became essentialty a cooperating witness for them. And so

l0 they basically busted up the ring or they busted up the

ll investigation by NABU. And then he went further and exposed
t2 the undercover agents that had been a part of this case.
l3 So that's obviously a fundamental perversion of law and
14 order to expose undercover agents. They were actually
t5 engaged in pursuing an actual crime, whereas, he was
l6 essenti a1ly colludi ng wi th a corrupt offi ci a1 to undermi ne
t7 the i nvesti gati on.

l8 And so this case was critical to us because when we

19 searched the database 'it turned out that a number of the
20 passports that had been i ssued as part of these schemes had
2t gone to individuals who had applied for U.S. visas.
22 So we were very angry and upset because this threatened
Z) our securi ty, and i t potenti a1ly also threatened thei r
24 abi 1i ty to retai n the j r v'isa f ree status j n the European
25 Union.

I a So did the State Department take a position that

2 Lutsenko had to go?
J A We didn't say that. What we said was that all the
4 offjcials that were involved jn thjs ring needed to be held
5 to account and prosecuted, and we needed to see that they
6 were taking seriously our concerns about the integrity of
7 thej r passports.
8 a Had Lutsenko had any open investigations at that
9 time into any otigarchs?
l0 A Again, there are a lot of prosecutors in the
l1 country, and I don't know whi ch nvesti gati ons he mi ght have

t2 had open.
l3 a But you djdn't know whether there was any specific
t4 i nvesti gati ons 'i nto somebody 1i ke Zlochevsky?
l5 A I do not know j f there was an i nvesti gati on "into
r6 Zlochevsky, the individual, Yuriy Lutsenko has said publicly
t7 that he investigated Burisma on nonpayment of taxes. And as
l8 I recall, there was a settlement where Burisma paid a penalty
t9 for nonpayment of taxes, and at that point Zlochevsky
20 returned from his external home in Monaco and resumed a
2t public life in Ukraine.
22 a Goi ng back to the passport i ssue. Di d 'it present a
23 ri sk that terrori sts would get credenti a1s?
24 A That was a potential theoretical risk, and that is
25 exactly what I told in the first meeting that we had with the

I new deputy ster, the

forei gn mi ni ster, the deputy j usti ce mi ni
2 deputy head of the m'igration service, the deputy head of the
J securi ty servi ce, when we had occasi on, the essenti a11y, DCMs
4 of the European Union Ambassadors, embassies, and with me as
5 the U.S. DCl4, we aIl raised our great concerns that this
6 uncovered ring posed a threat to our interests as well as
7 Ukraine's continued access to for v'isa free travel to the
8 Eu ropean Un i on .

9 a What would it for the U.S. Government to

have taken
l0 take a stronger posi t'ion as i t d'id on Shoki n wi th regard to
l1 Lutsenko?
t2 A I th'ink that the
Yuriy Lutsenko, apart f rom thi s
13 NABU case where he actively undercut an 'investigation that

t4 was in our interests, Lutsenko's actions did not raise to the

l5 same 1eve1. We did, however, I ment'ioned earlier that at the
l6 request of Petro Poroshenko, we made available a former New

t7 J ersey prosecutor ,we

l8 let that contract lapse after roughly 9 months because'it was
19 clear that Lutsenko was not going to push forward reform as
20 he had promi sed to us.
2t did was we curtailed our capacity building
So what we
22 assistance to the prosecutor's office under Lutsenko while we
23 contjnued to engage Lutsenko personally as well as other
24 leaders on the continuing need for reform. And we made clear
25 that we were willing to resume assistance with their

I political will to actually take the steps that were necessary

2 to reform the prosecutor's offi ce.
J a What type of deci s'ionmaki ng would have had to have
4 occurred at the State Department to take an offjcjal position
5 that Lutsenko needed to go?
6 A Wel1, I mean, it's -- I would say that we're now
7 talking about late 20L7, and we were beyond having the
8 potenti a1 leverage of soverei gn loan guarantees. Ukrai ne's
9 economy had stabilized. And I would say that there was less
l0 consi stent hi gh-1evel engagement on Ukrai ne.
l1 a Okay. In March of this year, Ambassador
t2 Yovanovitch gave a speech at the Ukrajne Crisis media Center?
l3 A Correct.
t4 a Are you familiar wjth that? Where she called on

l5 Kholodnytsky to be removed?
t6 A Correct.
t7 a What can you tell us about that.
l8 A Nazar Kholodnytsky was selected by Viktor Shokjn
t9 as, in our view, the weakest of the three final candidates to
20 become the speci al ant'icorrupti on prosecutor. Th'is 'is a new
2l uni t that was semi -i ndependent wi thi n the prosecutor's
22 office, and it was set up specifically to prosecute cases of
23 high corruption that were developed by NABU. We worked

24 intensively with Nazar for almost 2 years, until we reached a

25 breaking point with him. And that intensive work included


I U. S. prosectors who were n, and FBI agents embedded

brought i

2 as mentors. Intensive traj ni ng tri ps to the U. S. , trai ni ng

J i n Ukrai ne. A mentori ng tri p to Romani a where Laura Kovesi

4 is a very well-known anticorruption prosecutor and now the

5 lead prosecutor in Europe. Because even though we saw
6 Kholodnytsky as an imperfect person, he was the new

7 anti corrupti on prosecutor, and hi s success, would be

8 Ukraine's success, would be our success.

9 point in a case that was
However, we reached a breaking
l0 known as the fish tank case. There was Suspicion that he had

ll been involved in corrupt acts, and under a Ukrainian warrant

t2 a bug, a tap was put in hjs fish tank jn his office. And in
l3 the course of the first 2 weeks, he was caught trying to
t4 suborn a witness, coach him to 1ie, as well as obstruct
l5 justice in a caSe that involved his hometown, in an effort to
l6 bribe the minister of health, Ulyana Suprun,
t7 So agreed to wear a tap
18 for NABU and caught the effort on trying to give her a brjbe.
l9 So we had a caseinvolving corruption, and he was caught
20 on tape suborning the witness and trying to obstruct justice.
2t At that point it was no longer possjble for the
22 U. S. Government, despi te 2 years of i nvestment, to conti nue

23 to work with Nazar.

24 We ca11ed into the embassy to have a conversation.
25 This is before it went public. And I and the djrector of the

I internat'iona1 narcotics and taw enforcement section of the

2 embassy had the conversation, tough conversation with him,

J and suggested that if he were to resign quietly, given the

4 information that was clearly available, that he was young
5 enough that i t woutdn't necessari 1y destroy h'i s career, but
6 that we, the U.S. Government, could no longer work wjth him.
7 And that if he were to remain as the anticorruption
8 prosecutor, we would cease cooperating with him. And he
9 stood Up, walked out, and you know, tweeted, you know, before
l0 he left the embassy compound that he was going to have a
ll defjant attitude. So we stopped cooperating with hjm once
t2 presented with evidence that he was actively suborning a
l3 wi tness and obstructi ng j usti ce.
t4 a You have regaled us over the course of many, many
15 minutes today about the deep issues of corruption in the
t6 Ukraine. You talked in extensive detail that the problems
t7 are in the Shokin era, during the Lutsenko era, and even now
l8 with Kholodnytsky. Is it fair to say that if the President
t9 had a deep-rooted skepticism in Ukraine's ability to fight
20 anticorruption, that was a legi timate belief to hold?
2t A It is accurate to say that Ukraine has a serious
22 problem wi th corrupti on, and the U.5. i s commi tted where
23 there's a politicat will to work with Ukrainians, inside and
24 outside government to make changes, but absent that politjcat
25 wi11, this wj11 be a problem that wj11 stick with Ukraine and

I sti ck th the U. S. -Ukrai ne relati onshi p.


2 a So we send a lot of money to Ukraine, correct?

J A I would not say that we send money. Congress
4 appropriates money. The accusation by former prosecutor
5 Lutsenko is that we didn't show him the money, but that
6 fundamentally misunderstood how our assistance is
7 administered. And this was the issue in the letter that I
8 think is part of the packet that you may have received that I
9 signed in April 2015.

l0 or they accused because i t was before

He accused US,
ll Lutsenko came in, of and then he just picked up the
t2 accusation, that somehow we didn't hand them the money. I
l3 talked to one of h'is temporary deputy prosecutors who was a
l4 reformist who later chose not to work with him. And she told
l5 me that they actually thought that we, the U.S. Embassy, had
l6 bags of cash that we would hand to her or to her
t7 predecessors, and that's how we, the U. S. Government, di d
l8 busi ness.

l9 The way the U.S. Government and the Embassy supports

20 anticorruption programming in Ukraine is that we sign
2t agreements with implementers. 0ne of those is the Department
22 of Justice. They have this program, 0PDAT, Overseas
23 Prosecutorj al Development and Trai ni ng. Another was wi th the
24 U. N. organi zati on calted IDL0, Internati onal Development Law

25 0rganization. Another was the 0ECD, which has a strong and


1 vigorous anticorruption component. And final1y, a civil

2 society association, AnTAC, the anti-corrupt'ion center.
J Those are the four organj zati ons wi th whi ch the U. S

4 Government signed contracts or grants to administer our

5 justice programming for the reform of the Prosecutor
6 General's 0ffi ce.
7 a How much grant money does AnTAC get?

8 A I do not know the exact amount.

9 a Do you know a ballpark?
l0 A Huh?

ll a Do you know a ballpark?

t2 A I do not. I would hesitate to offer a number
l3 because I don't i t's been years si nce I've seen any
t4 spreadsheets.
l5 MR. J0RDAN: Sec retary, . Kent , I j ust want to go bac k

t6 to questjons Steve asked earlier. What was it going to t ake

t7 f or the government to take the same posi ti on wi th lulr.

l8 Lutsenko that you took with Shokin, and I've just been maki ng
l9 a list. He wasn't a lawyer. He actually talked about
20 showing him the money, I thjnk you just said. We know tha t
2t he's been drunk on certa'in occasions. He was selling
22 passports, potenti a1ly to terrori st.
23 MR. KENT: He was not se1 t i ng passports. He unde rm i ned

24 an i nvesti gati on of people se11 i ng passports.

25 MR. JORDAN: Okay. I guess we'11 live with that

I distinction. It's pretty minor. And the guy he hired for

2 this new prosecutor's office was every bit as bad. The one
J guy he picked he hired Kholodnytsky, right?
4 MR. KENT: Shokin hi red Kholodnytsky. 5o his
5 predecessor hi red Kholodnytsky.
6 MR. J0RDAN: Kholodnytsky was working when Mr. Lutsenko
7 was prosecutor?
8 MR. KENT: CorreCt.

9 MR. JORDAN: He d'idn't bring him in line?

l0 MR. KENT: After he did not.
ll MR. J0RDAN: So I think it sort of underscores Mr.

12 Castor's question. What was it going to take for the United

l3 States Government to say this guy has got to go as well?
t4 MR. KENT: We made our concerns about the
l5 ineffectjveness of Mr. Lutsenko clear to his patron, the then
t6 President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, but that assignment
t7 is made by the nom'ination of the Ukrain'ian President, and the
l8 di smi ssal requi res a vote i n the Ukrai ni an part i ament.
t9 MR. JORDAN: Thank you.

20 MR. PERRY: Thank you. Scott Perry, down here, f rom

2t Pennsylvania. I just want to clarify something that's been
22 kind of veered on numerous occasions before you got here and
23 today. Are you fami 1i ar wi th the transcri pt of the call
24 between the President of the United States and President
25 Zelenskyy? Are you fami 1 i ar wi th j t?

I MR. KENT: I read i t after i t was declassi fied by the

?. Whi te House, yes.
J 0kay. So you have some, and if you need it,
4 we can give it to you. But in a kind of exchange on the last
5 round the implication was is that there was a favor asked by
6 the Presjdent for an investigation. Do you know anywhere in
7 the transcript where the President uses the word

8 i nvesti gation?

9 MR. KENT: I don't have the transcri pt i n front of me.

t0 MR. G0LDMAN: Can we admit it as an exhibit?

ll MR. PERRY: Sure.

t2 IMaj ori ty Exhi bi t No. 1
t3 for identi fication. l
Was marked

l4 |.,lR. KENT: But I wj11 say that at the time I didn't have

l5 access to the transcript, so

l6 MR. PERRY: But you've had i t now.
t7 MR. KENT: After it was declassified.
18 MR. PERRY: You had it up until today. And I just want
t9 to let you know, it doesn't say an investigatjon. The
20 President doesn't say an investigation. When he uses do
2l you see it as, or it was implied that the President is asking
22 for a favor for him, but when he says, do us a favor, do you
23 see that as the United States or the President of the United
24 States when he says do us a favor?
25 MR. KENT: Sir, I was not on the ca1l.

I I know you weren't, but I'm reading jt

2 you right now. 1t's on page 3 at the top.
3 MR. G0LDMAN: Could we provide him one?

4 MR. KENT: So sir, could you repeat. Could you repeat

5 your preci se question agai n.
6 MR. PERRY: The implication was in the last round that
7 the Pres'ident was asking to do him a favor. Do the President
8 of the United States a favor, but the verbiage says do us a
9 favor. Do you see that as doing a favor for the United
l0 States or the President himself personally?
ll MR. KENT: As I'm reading the paragraph, it refers to
t2 CrowdStrike and Mueller and then so on and so forth, and so
l3 that is the first time I'd ever heard of this line of
t4 thought. That does not strike me as being related to U.S.
l5 po1 i cy.
16 Okay. And, again, 'in regard to the, do us a
t7 favor line,"it has nothing to do with Biden or Burisma in
18 this paragraph on the top of top page 3?
t9 MR. KENT: That's, as I'm reading through this again,
20 it's
2t I'11 let you know
MR. PERRY: Wel1,
22 MR. KENT: It's not in that paragraph. Yeah
Z) MR. PERRY: There's nothing referred to in on page 3
24 regarding Biden or Burisma that can be connected with the
25 1ine, do us a favor. The words, do us a favor.

I MR. KENT: I would agree with you that it's not in that
2 paragraph.
J NR. PERRY: Right.
4 MR. KENT: As put together by the staff at the National
5 Security Council.
6 MR. PERRY: Right. 0kay. And do you remember anywhere
7 in this transcript where the President says, you know, for
8 the the President of the United States says to Presjdent
9 Zelenskyy to dig up or get some dirt?
l0 MR. KENT: Again, I think the National Security Council
ll account is what it is.
l2 MR. PERRY: Yeah. It's not in there is my point. It's
l3 not in there. And I just want to make the record clear
t4 because for hours and hours in testimony over the course of
l5 days here there's a continual charactertzation of these
l6 events that are not true, that are not correct, per the
t7 transcript.
t8 Mov'ingon, i n the past round you were asked about your
t9 opinion about the President, is it proper for the President
20 to ask another country f or an i nvesti gati on 'into a pol i ti caI
2t rival? I think that was the general characterization. I
22 want to explore that a 1i ttle bi t. And 'in your answer you
23 said that it would not be the standard. And my quest'ion js,
24 do you have does the Department of State have a standard
25 in that regard?

I MR. KENT:I beljeve it is a matter of U.S. policy and

2 practice, particularly since I have worked in the area of
J promoting the rule of 1aw, that politically related
4 prosecutions are not the way of promoting the rule of 1aw,
5 they undermine the rule of 1aw.
6 MR. PERRY: But js that written as a policy somewhere or
'is that j ust standard practi ce?
8 MR. KENT: i have never been in a position or a meeting
9 where I've heard somebody suggest that poli tically motivated
l0 prosecuti ons are i n the U. S. nati onal i nterest.
ll MR. PERRY: 0kay. that if the United
So would you say
l2 States was i nterested i n pursui ng j usti ce of a past i nci dent,
13 of an inc'ident that occurred in the past regarding someone
t4 that had a political office, is that off limits to the United
l5 States of America?
t6 MR. KENT: I think if there's any criminal nexus for any
t7 activity involving the U.5., that U.S. law enforcement by at1
l8 means should pursue that case, and if there's an

t9 international connection, that we have the mechanisms to ask

20 either through Department of Justice MLAT in writing or
2t through the presence of indiv'iduals representing the FBI, our
22 legal attaches, to engage foreign governments directly based
23 on our concerns that there had been some criminal act
24 vjolating U.S. 1aw.
25 MR. PERRY: One more, Steve.

I Regarding your conversation about Ambassador

2 Yovanovitch's release, and you heard her viewpoint because

J you heard 'it previ ous, and then you saw i t related j n her
4 openi ng statement here. Ri ght? Do you thi nk there's another
5 viewpoint? I know you know that viewpoint, is there a

6 potential for another viewpoint?

7 MR. KENT: A viewpoint about what?
8 MR. PERRY: About her release. You heard her viewpoint.
9 This i s what happened to me. Th'is i s why I was released.
l0 This is why she was released as the Ambassador. That's her
ll viewpoint. You heard that, you knew that. Correct?
t2 MR. KENT: As I ment'ioned, I hea rd that that was the
l3 view expressed and conveyed by the Deputy Secretary of State
t4 to her . Correct.
l5 MR. PERRY: Right. And do you think there could be
t6 another viewpoint other than hers?
t7 MR. KENT: That was the viewpoint of the Deputy
l8 Secretary of State.
t9 MR. KENT: And i t's also hers, correct?
20 MR. KENT: She conveyed what she heard from the Deputy

2l Secretary of State
22 MR. PERRY: But there could be another viewpoint, that's
23 my poi nt.
24 |VlR. KENT: Theoretically there are multiple points about

MR. PERRY: Right. And whose decis'ion ultimately is

2 that?
J MR. KENT: What dec'i s i on about what?
4 MR. PERRY: Who serves as an Ambassador from the United
5 States to another country?
6 MR. KENT: A11 Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the
7 Presi dent
8 MR. PERRY: So if an Ambassador i s rel i eved for whatever

9 reason, is that something that would normally be 'investi gated

l0 by the Secretary Department of State?

ll MR. KENT: A11 Ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the
t2 Presi dent. And that i s wi thout questi on, eve rybody

l3 understands that.
t4 MR. PERRY: A11 right. Thank you. i yietd.

l6 a When is the first time you heard about the call

t7 between the President and President Zelenskyy?
l8 A Which call?
t9 a The July 25th cal1, the one that is the subject of
20 the exhi bi t?
2t A WeI1, can you repeat the question.
22 a did you hear about the call?

23 A I heard that the call was going to take place on

24 I heard that it would take place the day before on the 241h.
25 a Okay. Di d State Department offj ci a1s want the call

1 to occur?
2 A Yes. I was informed that it was finally scheduled

J by Lieutenant Colonel Alex Vjndman, who's the director at the

4 National Securi ty Counci 1 respons'ib1e f or Ukra'ine. And I

5 then emajled the Embassy that they send a
6 communications officer over to the presidential office to
7 check the quality of the line because it had been a long time
8 since we had had a formal ca11, and sometimes those lines
9 don't work when they get calls. So as far as I know, the
l0 embassy did that to ensure that when the White House
ll situation room ca11ed out the call would go through.
t2 a 0kay. You sajd finally scheduled, so there had
l3 been some process over time to get this call scheduled?
t4 A off for awhile
There had been discussions on and
l5 for a followup call to the congratulatory call on April,
l6 the day that Zelenskyy won the presidency, and the timeline
t7 s1 i pped after the parl i amentary electi ons.
unti 1 i t was
l8 Those occurred on July 2Lst, and the call eventually happened
t9 4 days later on the 25th.
20 a Everyone was in favor of making thjs call happen
2t after the parli amentary elections?
22 A The State Department was supportive of a ca1I.
23 a And was there anybody who was not supportive of the
24 caIl in the U.S. Government?
25 A I have read that there were officials that had some

I reluctance.
2 a What did you read?
J A I think that's a question you could ask people that
4 work at the Nati onal Securi ty Counci I .

5 a So you read there were some issue from the National

6 Security Council about scheduling the call?
7 A I read that there were some peopte who had some
8 mi sgi vi ngs about the call , yes.

9 a Okay. But you di dn't know about those mi sgi vi ngs

l0 pri or to the call?
ll A I may have heard that there were some vjews, I djd
t2 not understand what the v'iews were behind that expression.
l3 O 0kay. Who held those views?
t4 A I don't know.
l5 a Okay. So you didn't have any personal knowledge of
l6 any offi at the Nati onal Securi ty Counci 1 bei ng
ci a1s
t7 uncomfortable with the idea of having a call?
l8 A I got the impression that there was at least one
l9 official uncomfortable, but I didn't understand what that was
20 about. I, the State Department, was in favor of a
2t congratulatory call after the election.
22 O Did Alex Vindman tetl you anything that gave you

24 A Before the caII, no.

25 a Okay. So i t's fi nally scheduled, j t happens on

JuIy 25th. You weren't on the call, ri ght?

2 A Correct.
J a Was anyone from the State Department, to your
4 knowl edge?

5 A I believe I was aware that the White House 5it Room

6 was going to try to patch through the counselor of the

7 department, U1 ri ch Brechbuhl.
8 a 0kay. Any other folks from the Department?
9 A That was the only name that I or office that I

l0 heard menti oned.

ll a 0kay . Nobody 'i n Ky i v?

t2 A It would not be normal to have the embassy patched

l3 jnto the phone cat1.
t4 a Okay. And then after the call occurs, did you get
l5 a read-out from anybody?

l6 A I did.
t7 a Who did you get the read-out from?
l8 A From Lieutenant Colonel V'indman.
t9 a And when was the read-out?
20 A It was not the same day. It may not have been the
2t day after, but it could have been either July 26th or 271n,
22 several days after.
z) a What did he tell you to the best of your
24 recollecti on?

25 A It was different than any read-out call that I had


I received. He felt I could hear it in his voice and his

2 hesitancy that he felt uncomfortable. He actually sa'id that
J he could not share the majority of what was discussed because
4 of the very sensitive nature of what was discussed.
5 He first described the atmospherics and compared it to
6 the previous ca11, which was April 21st. That had been a
7 short, bubbly, posi ti ve, congratulatory call from someone who
8 had just won an election with 73 percent. He said this one
9 was much more, the tone was cooler, reserved. That President
l0 Zelenskyy tried to turn on the charm, and he is a comedian
ll and a communicator, but that the dynamics didn't click in the
t2 way that they had on Apri1 2Lst.
13 Again, he did not share the majority of what was said.
t4 I learned the majority of the content after reading the
l5 declassified read-out. He did share several points. He
l6 mentioned that the characterization of the Ambassador as bad
t7 news. And then he paused, and said, and then the
18 conversation went into the direction of some of the most
t9 extreme narratives that have been di scussed publicly. That's
20 all he said.
2l Later on, he said that he made reference to a back and

22 forth about the prosecutor general, that would be Lutsenko,

23 saying, you've got a good guy, your prosecutor general, and
24 he's being attacked by bad guys around you, is how I recall
25 Li eutenant Colonel Vi ndman characteri zi ng i t. And then he,

1 in summation, he said in his assessment, Zelenskyy did not

2 cross any 1 i ne. He sai d that Zelenskyy sai d, i f anythi ng bad
J had happened i n the past, that was the old team. I'm a new

4 guy, I've got a new team, and anyth i ng we do wi 11 be

5 transparent and honest.
6 a And i s that as much as you can remember from
7 you r

8 A And then there was I think the last thing that

9 Lieutenant Colonel Vindman mentioned was there about a brief
l0 mention by Zelenskyy about U.5. -- jnterested in working on
ll energy-related issues. Previously, I should have said, at
t2 the front earlierin the conversation, that he said that
l3 Ljeutenant Colonel Vindman told me that President Zelenskyy
t4 had thanked the U.5. for all of i ts mi 1i tary assi stance.
l5 That the U. S. di d a lot f or Ukra'ine. And Li eutenant Colonel
l6 Vjndman told me that the President replied, yes, we do, and
t7 i t's not reci procal.
l8 a Is that pretty much what you can remember?
t9 A That is I think the summation of everything I can
20 reca11.
2t a Did he te1l you anything about the Bjdens?
22 A did not mention, to the best of my recollection,
23 including the notes that I took, which I've submitted to the
24 State Department. He dj d he Li eutenant Colonel Vi ndman,
25 did not mention the specifics. He just said, as I said at

I the beginning, he sajd the majority of the conversation

2 touched on very sensitjve topics that I don't feel
J comfortable sharing.
4 a Did he mention Burisma?

5 A He di d not menti on any sPeci fi cs.

6 a And he didn't mention 20L5?

7 A did not mention that to me, no.


8 O And did you make any followup inquiries with him

9 like, hey, can I come over and speak with you in a secure
l0 environment or learn more about this call --
ll A None.

t2 a It tike there's some issues relating to one


13 of the countri es that I have responsi b'i1i ty f or?

t4 A I d1d not, and no.
l5 a What was your expectation where you would next
t6 learn more?

t7 A That was the second conversation between the two

l8 Presidents in Apri1, l'4ay, June, Ju1y, 4 months. We at that
l9 point were focused on trying to sort through why the Office
20 of Management and Budget had put a hold on security
2l assistance. We were also focused on the way forward and
22 potentially trying to arrange a meeting possibly on the Lst
23 of September in Warsaw on the 80th anniversary of the start
24 of World War II, possibly in New York during the UN General

25 Assembly.

So those were the next step issues in the relationship,

2 both functionally in terms of mi 1i tary assi stance, as well as

J i n procedurally 'in terms of the possi bi 1i ty of a meeti ng.

4 a And the meeting you said could have happened in

5 Warsaw. What was the date that Warsaw was supposed to be?
6 A The start of Wortd War II was the Lst of
7 September 1939, so the commemorations were the Lst of
8 September 20L9 in Warsaw.

9 a You said the General Assembly was the 26th, if I'm

l0 correct?
ll A That week, I believe the Monday may have been the
t2 24tn or the 23rd, so maybe the 23rd through the 27th was the
l3 week of the leaders' participat'ion.
t4 a Okay. And so then you never -- did you learn any
l5 mo re about that call from any other officials?
l6 A No.

1,7 a So between the time that you had the conversation

l8 wi th Vindman, it was on the telephone, right?
l9 A A secure call between NSC and the State Department,
20 yes.
2t O And the time when the transcript was declassjfied,
22 did anybody else give you a read-out or any information about

23 the call?
24 A No.

25 a When the transcript was released on September I


I think it was September 25th, did you have an advanced copy of

2 i t or
J A Iin New York engaged in meetings with
was up
4 leaders in my area of responsibility and, flo, i did not have
5 any advanced knowledge.
6 a 0kay. Now, did you have any communications after
7 the call after you spoke with Vindman, did you then
8 subsequently debrief anybody about what happened on the call?
9 A I may have shared with other people in the European
l0 front office, which had a focus on that, and that includes
ll people like Tyler Brace, who is our one political appointee,
t2 schedule C, former staffer for Senator Portman, who has a
13 specific interest in Ukraine and Russia, as well as the
l4 acti ng ass'istant secretarY.
l5 a Uh-huh. Any other individuals that you discussed
t6 the call with?
t7 A In terms of giving a substantive read-out, I do not
l8 reca11 havi ng a substanti ve di scussj on. We have a weekly
t9 secure video conference call with the leadership of Embassy
20 Kyiv, now led by Charge Bill Taylor, it is possible that i
2l di scussed part of that wi th h'im subsequently.
22 a Now, duri ng thi s time period had you been havi ng
23 th Ambassador Yovanovi tch?
commun'icati ons wi

24 A At this point she was back in the United States,

25 and so we did have reason to have communications, yes.

1 a Okay. And how frequently were you speaking with

2 her?
J A I would say we're now talking about the end of July
4 through the month of August, perhaps once or twice a week.

5 a And j nto September?

6 A Right. The second half of August I was on vacation
7 wi th my fami ly , so there's no contact there
8 We got together for djnner in early September. Her

9 mother and my wife were very close socially when

l0 we were in Washington, I'm sorry, in Kyiv, so it essentially

ll was a soci a1 gatheri ng, a meal shared.
t2 a did you relate anything to her when you had
l3 djnner with her jn early September about the call?
t4 A I may have made some reference to the negative
l5 characterization of her.
l6 0kay. Do you remember anything else that you may
t7 have related to her about that call?
l8 A I would not have to the best of my recollection
t9 in general, I wouldn't have discussed the substance of the
20 calf in part because the read-out of the call I got was not
2t substantive, and second of all, I wouldn't have been
22 appropr i ate.
23 a0kay. 5o you' re havi ng di nner wi th Ambassador
24 Yovanovi tch, i t's early September, and you made brj ef
25 menti on?

I A I may have made bri ef menti on of negat'ive

2 characterization of her personally.

J a And what was her react'ion?
4 A I honestly don't remember.

5 a How long were you having this discussion with her

6 at di nner?
7 A Generally, this would have been a very short
8 conversation because her mother and my wife were part of it,
9 and we generally avoided talking about anything related to
l0 work when we were together.
ll a Did she have any followups for you? I mean, the
t2 President of the Unjted States you know, you related to
l3 her that the Pres'ident of the Uni ted States may have
t4 mentioned her on a call with President
l5 A As I think she may have said to you Friday, in part
l6 because of the what the Deputy Secretary of State told her,
t7 she aware of the Presi dent's vi ews of her.
l8 a So presumably this was rea11y interesting
t9 information that you had and you related to her, and I'm just
20 wondering whether there was any additional back and forth. I
2t mean, did she

22 A No, not that I reca11. Ambassador Yovanovitch is

23 an i ntensely pri vate person, she's an i ntrovert. And, agai n,
24 she's also someone who follows very strict what is deemed

25 proper and proprietary, and so that's we did not linger on

17 1

I any conversatjon of that nature.

2 a Now, when you related this jnformation to her, did
J you provide any characterization about your view of the call?
4 A Not that I recal1.
5 a 0kay. Did you provide a characterizalion of your

6 view of how the President conducted himself on the calt?

7 A No, that wouldn't have been appropriate, and no.

8 a 0kay. after the dinner, early part

And of
9 September, you know, leading up to the release of the
l0 transcript on the 25th, did you have any additional
ll di scussi ons wi th her?
t2 A I was on travel for the mid-part of the month. I
r3 was back for a couple of days, and then I was up i n New York
t4 for the U.N. General Assembly meetings, which was, as you
l5 said on the 25th, I was in New York when that occurred. 50,
t6 again, to the best of my recollection, no.
t7 a And she was at Georgetown at thi s poi nt on a
l8 feltowshi p?

t9 A She was teaching yes, a course on diplomacy at

20 Georgetown.
2t a offjce is at the State Department. Did
And your
22 you have an occasjon to vjsit with her during the workday? I
23 mean, did she come over to the State Department? Djd you
24 appear at Georgetown at any point in time?
25 A No. She at one point asked commented that the

I students in the Masters program at Georgetown had superior

2 oral briefings ski11s, but lacked fundamental writing ski11s.
3 And I had mentioned that previously we used to run
4 essenti a1ly remedi a1 wri ti ng semi nars for the offi cers i n the
5 European bureau as well as Embassy Kyiv, that I hetped
6 conduct, and she asked if I had the notes from that, and I
7 said I did. And so I passed her essentially the notes of
8 presentations I had made about writing we11.
9 a Okay. And then you mentioned that you spoke to her
10 on a somewhat regular basis, but the call never came up other
ll than the dinner?
t2 A To the best of my knowledge, I cannot recall.
l3 a Okay. The commun'icati on you had w1th Vi ndman on
t4 the 29th, and that was an estimated date.
l5 A It could have been a day or two earlier. It could
l6 have been the 29th, honestly. It's several days 1ater,
t7 depending on what day the call happened, during the week, it
l8 could have been the next Monday, it could have been the
t9 Friday, I just don't remember.
20 a Fair enough. And you said that was your only
2t communication you had with the NSC about it?
22 A I did not seek to revisit that issue nor d1d I talk
23 to anybody else at the NSC about the caI1.
24 a Who else was on the call with NSC, do you remember?
25 A That call between Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and i

I was just a call between the two of us.

2 a 0kaY '
J I thi nk I 'm out of t'ime here.
4 MR. ZELDIN: How much time is left?

5 MR. CASTOR: About 1 minute.

6 MR. ZELDIN: Okay. i am i nterested. Why wouldn't you

7 asked for more information about the call?

8 MR. KENT: Lieutenant Colonel Vindman was clearly
9 extremely uncomfortable sharing the limited amount of
l0 i nf ormati on that he d'id . 5o he shared what he f el t
l1 comfortable sharing, and that const'ituted the read-out that I
12 received from him.
l3 MR. ZELDIN: But you didn't want to have more
t4 i nformati on?

l5 MR. KENT: He made clear to me that he felt

l6 uncomfortable sharing as much as he had actually shared. 5o

t7 the relationship between a director of the NSC and say

l8 someone at my 1eve1 i p, i t's i ntense, i t's
s a relati onshi
l9 frequent, and you have to develop a trust factor. And he
20 made clear to me that he had shared as much as he felt
2l comfortable sharing, and I respected that.
22 MR. ZELDIN: We're out of time, but we might revisit
23 that.
24 THE CHAiRMAN: Why don't we take a L0-minute break and
25 use the faci 1 i ti es, and we'11 come back. And try to be

I prompt in L0 minutes.
2 lRecess. l
3 THE CHAIRMAN: A11 right. Let's go back on the record.
4 Secretary, I have a few questions for you. I think a
5 couple of my colleagues do, and then we'11 go back to the
6 t i me1 i ne wi th [''lr . Goldman .

7 I just very briefly wanted to go through a bit of the

8 call records si nce that was ra'ised by my colleagues 'in the
9 minority. If you turn to page 2 of that call record at the
l0 bottom, this is again the July telephone call between
ll Presjdent Trump and President Zelenskyy. The very last
12 sentence reads: We this is President
are ready to
13 Zelenskyy: We are ready to cont'inue to cooperate f or the
t4 next steps, specifica11y, we are almost ready to buy more
l5 javelins from the Unjted States for defense purposes.
l6 And there, Mr. Secretary, he's referring to Javelin
t7 anti - tank weapons?

l8 MR. KENT: That' s cor rect.

t9 THE CHAIRMAN: That are importantin terms of fighting
20 off either Russia troops or separatists in Donbass?
2t MR. KENT: That' s cor rect.
22 THE CHAIRMAN: immediately after President Zelenskyy
23 raises this desi re to purchase more javelins, the President
24 says, I would like you to do us a favor, though, because our
25 country has been through a 1ot and Ukra'ine knows a lot about

I it, I like you to find out what happened with this

2 whole situation with Ukraine, they said CrowdStrike. Do you
J know what that refers to, CrowdStri ke?
4 MR. KENT: I would not have known except for the
5 newspaper medi a coverage afterwards explaining what that was
6 a reference to.
7 THE CHAIRI'IAN: And the President goes on to say, I guess

8 you have one of your wealthy people, the server they say
9 Ukraine has it. Do you know what server the Pres'ident
l0 bel i eves Ukrai ne had?
ll 1'lR. KENT: I can only again refer to the med'ia articles
t2 that I this explaining that
have read subsequently about
l3 there is, the founder of CrowdStrike who is a Russian
l4 American, and the media as said that that was a confused
l5 i denti ty. But that's agai n the only basi s I have to j udge
l6 that passage is what I've read in the media.
t7 THE CHAIRI'IAN: And f urther on i n the paragraph, the
l8 President says: I ljke to have the Attorney General
l9 call you or your people, and I would like you to get to the
20 bottom of it. Do you have any reason to question the
21 accuracy of that part of the call record?
22 l4R. KENT: I wasn't on the ca11, and the first time I
23 saw thi s declass'i fi ed document record of conversati on was
24 after it was declassified by the White House.
25 THE CHAIRI4AN: Now, you mentioned that you when you

I spoke wi th i s it General Vi ndman?

2 MR. KENT: Lieutenant Colonel Vindman.
J THE CHAIRMAN: Li eutenant Colonel Vi ndman. When you

4 spoke to Colonel Vindman, he said there was certain very

5 sensiti ve topi cs he di d not feel comfortable menti oni ng. Was

6 this one of the topics that he did not mention?

7 MR. KENT: This whole passage, which you just went

8 through, he made no reference to it. That's correct.

9 THE CHAIRNAN: If this were a matter of standard U.S.

l0 policy of fighting corruption, that wouldn't be a sensitive

ll topi c, would i t, i f the President was actually advocati ng
t2 that Ukrai ne fi ght corrupti on?
l3 MR. KENT: If he had read this to me, I would have asked
t4 him what is CrowdStrike and what does that mean, because it's
l5 just not clear to me just reading it. I said, other
l6 people interpreted what the context was for that, but again,
t7 I'11 go back to what I said before.
l8 Understanding that this is a reference to concerns about
l9 2015. If anybody di d anythi ng i n 2015 that vi olated U. S.
20 elections or election laws that, you know, there's a reason
2t to investigate something with the U.S. nexus, we should open
22 that investigation. And if the Ukrain'ians had a part in
23 that, then that would be natural for us to formally convey a
24 request to the Ukrainians.
25 THE CHAIRMAN: But i f i t were a legi t'imate law

I enf orcement request or i f i t were a generi c di scuss'ion of

2 corruption jn line with U.5. policy, it wouldn't have been a
3 sensi tive matter and Colonel Vi ndman could have rai sed 'i t
4 wi th you, ri ght?
5 MR. KENT: If it was a normal matter, he probably would
6 have. Again, when he sajd that there were sensjtjve issues
7 that he didn't feel comfortable talking about, I did not know
8 what exactly he meant unt'i1 I read thi s declassi f i ed
9 memorandum of conversation.
l0 THE CHAIRMAN: Let me ask you about another matter that
l1 it did not bring up with you. The President, on
appears he
t2 the top of page 4, says: The other thing, there's a 1ot of
l3 tatk about Biden's son. That Bjden stopped the prosecution
t4 and a 1ot of people want to find out about that, so whatever
l5 you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden
l6 went around bragging that he stopped the prosecut'ion. So if
t7 you can look into it.
t8 Was that another one of the very sensitive topics that
t9 Colonel V'indman di d not f ee1 comf ortable shari ng wi th you?

20 MR. KENT: Thatpassage he made no reference that

2t would have in h'is timited read-out to me that would have
22 matched that passage of the memorandum of the conversation.
23 THE CHAIRMAN: So the dual request to look into the

24 Bidens and to look into this CrowdStrike 2016, for lack of

25 better description, conspiracy theory, Colonel Vjndman didn't

I feel comfortable informing you that either one of those

2 things was raised by the President during the call?

J MR. KENT: That' s cor rect.
4 THE CHAIRI4AN: Mr. Qui gley.
5 rman. l'lr. Secretary,
l"lR. QUIGLEY: Thank you, Mr. Chai
6 thank you for your service and for being here. Earlier you
7 mentioned that media campaign against the Ambassador took
8 p1ace. Were you aware of who was involved with that media
9 campai gn?

l0 MR. KENT: i could only see the figures that voluntarily

ll associ ated themselves wi th that campai gn i n both countri es.
t2 |\4R. QUIGLEY: And who was that in Ukraine and who was

l3 that in the U.S?

t4 l'4R. KENT: Well in Ukraine, very c1ear1y, the prosecutor

l5 general at the time, Yuriy Lutsenko, his press spokeswoman

l6 retweeted the tweet of Don Trump, )r. attacking the
t7 Ambassador. So very c1ear1y, it wasn't just him personally
l8 as a Ukrai ni an, but the i nsti tut'ion.
t9 There were I made references earlier to what were
20 known as the Porokhobots, the trol1s on social media who were
2l active jn support of Poroshenko. And L0 days before the
22 electi on, rather than attacki ng Russi a or attacki ng hi s
23 political opponents, as they normally did, they were
24 attacking Ambassador Yovanovitch and me by name.

25 So I would say that is cluster of the Ukrainians who


I were actively promoting this campaign. And then obviously

2 the people in the United States that were promoting jt.
3 MR. QUIGLEY: Sure. Referenci ng Mayor Gi uIi anj , you
4 became aware of his activities in Ukraine. What was your
5 understanding while this was happening of what his role was?
6 A personal attorney working somehow for the government
7 working as a campaign person's attorney?
8 MR. KENT: His role'in orchestrating the connections
9 with information from Yuriy Lutsenko to be a classic,
l0 you scratch my back, I scratch yours, issue. Yuriy Lutsenko
ll to1d, as I mentioned, Gizo Ugtava, that he was bitter and
t2 angry at the embassy for our posi tions on anti -corruption.
l3 And so he was looking for revenge. And in exchange, it
t4 appeared that the campaign that was unleashed, based on his
l5 interview, was directed towards Americans, principally the
l6 Ambassador, as well as organizations that he saw as his
t7 enemies'in Ukraine, the National Anti Corruption Bureau as
l8 well as the Anti Corruption Center.
t9 Several Ukrainians at the time told me that they saw
20 what Lutsenko was trying to do was get President Trump to
2t endorse President Poroshenko's reelection. This was
22 happening in March before the election. That djd not occur.
z3 It would not have made a difference either because Zelenskyy,
24 as noted before, won with 73 percent.
25 MR. QUIGLEY: To your knowledge, was Mr. Giuliani ever

I tasked, coordinated, briefed with anyone at the State

2 Department to do what he was doing?
J MR. KENT: To the best of my knowledge, in the first
4 phase of Mr. Gi ul i ani 's contact wi th Ukrai ni ans and hi s
5 efforts to orchestrate the media campaign, nobody from the
6 State Department had contact wjth hjm. When I say the first
7 phase, that is essentially the phase 'involving Prosecutor
8 General Lutsenko through the election of President Zelenskyy,
9 which occurred on Apri 1 2lst.
l0 MR. QUIGLEY: So the first phase, but at any time other
ll t'ime andafter the fact, were you aware of any tasking,
t2 briefing, coordination that took place?
13 MR. KENT: Yes .

t4 MR. QUIGLEY: And could you detail that?

l5 MR. KENT: At a certa'in poi nt, I bel i eve i n J u1y, then

l6 spec i a1 representati ve f or Ukrai ne negoti at'ions, Volker, told

t7 me that he would be reaching out to Rudy Gjuliani.


l9 THE CHAIRI4AN: I just want to mention, we intend to go

20 th rough this in a timeline.

2t MR. QUIGLEY: Fi rst of all, i t's somewhat news to me,

22 and I'11 pass j t back i f that' s what you want, but i t

23 seems

24 THE CHAIRI"IAN: We' re goi ng to get i nto all of thi s.

25 MR. QUIGLEY: Alt right

I THE CHAIRMAN: And it may be more orderly to do it in

2 chronologi ca1 order though.
J MR. QUIGLEY: Very good. I'11 ask one more question.
4 In your belief, in your understanding, jn your experience,
5 why was the Ambassador recalled?
6 MR. KENT: Based on what I know, Yuriy Lutsenko, as

7 prosecutor general, vowed revenge, and provided informatjon

8 to Rudy Giuliani jn hopes that he would spread it and lead to
9 her removal. I believe that was the rationale for Yuriy
l0 Lutsenko doing what he did.
ll Separately, there are i ndividuals that I mentioned

t2 before, i ncludi ng Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who started

l3 reaching out actively to undermine Ambassador Yovanovitch,
l4 starting in with a meeting with former Congressman Pete
l5 Sessions on May 9th, 2018, the same day he wrote a letter to
t6 Secretary Pompeo impugning Ambassador Yovanovitch' s loyalty
t7 and suggesting that she be removed. And others also jn 2018
l8 were engaged in an effort to undermine her standing by
l9 claiming that she was disloya1.
20 So that's the early roots of people following thejr own
2t agendas and using her as an jnstrument to fu1fi11 those
22 agendas.
23 MR . QU IGL EY : 0kay .

24 THE CHAIRT'IAN: Ms. Spei er, any questi ons on what we

25 covered so far?

I MS. SPEIER: Thank you f or your f if et'ime of serv'ice on

2 behalf of the country. Secretary, as the Deputy Assistant

J Secretary of State for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, it
4 would seem to me that you would be familiar with the efforts
5 by the administration to engage with Ukraine. Is that
6 MR. KENT: Correct.

7 MS. SPEIER: So 'in that c'i rcumstance, you were read i nto
8 that July 25th phone conversation by the Lieutenant Colonel
9 but were not actually on the call?
l0 MR. KENT: Correct. I've never in 27 years been on a
ll call made by a President of the United States.
t2 MS. SPEIER: So that is not consistent with your role
l3 then. Okay.
t4 MR. KENT: I have never served at the Natjonal Security
15 Councjl, I've only served at the State Department and at
l6 embassi es overseas.
t7 ER: A1t ri ght. You sai d earl i er that you
l8 provided all of your documents to the State Department for
l9 them to make available to us. Forgive me if I don't think
20 they' re re goi ng to be f orthcomi ng. But 'if you were to
2l fy certai n documents i n parti cu1ar, you menti oned a few
i denti

22 already today, but if you were to mention certain documents

23 that you think are particularly important for us to have
24 access to, what would they be?
25 MR. KENT: The, if you wi11, I guess, the unique records

1 that I generated in the course of my work would include notes

2 to the file and conversations that I took down in my

J handwri tten notes.
4 MS. SPEIER: Anythi ng else that comes to mi nd?
5 MR. KENT: LikeIy the WhatsApp exchange between me and
6 Ambassador, or sorry, Charge Taylor.
7 MS. SPEIER: So is it typical for you to use WhatsApp in
8 communi cati ng th your colleagues?

9 MR. KENT: In parts of the world, WhatsApp has become a

l0 very active method of communication for a variety of reasons,

ll i t's consi dered encrypted, although I
t thi nk text
t2 messages are secure. I believe the voice encryption is sti11
l3 secure. And in countries like Ukraine there's actually no
t4 data charge for use WhatsApp, and that's what drives the use
l5 of social media, so they pay for text messages, but when they
l6 use social media apps they don't actually pay for that data.
t7 So that has altered communications in parts of world by rate
l8 setting and how people communicate.
t9 So in Latin American, for instance, and in parts of
20 Europe and Asia, applications like WhatsApp have become the
2t dom'inate f orm of communi cati on.
22 MS. SPEIER: There has been a 1ot of conversation
23 earlier today from our colleagues on the other s'ide of the
24 aisle about Burisma as being a company that lacked some
25 ethical comm'itments and moral compass of sorts. Are there

I other companies in Ukrajne that would fatt in that same

2 category?
J MR. KENT: There are many companies in Ukrajne that
4 might fa11 into that category, yes.
5 MS. SPEIER: Could you give us some examples?
6 MR. KENT: If you took the roster of the richest
7 Ukraj ni ans, they di dn' t bui 1d value, they largely stole i t.
8 So we could go down the richest 20 Ukrainians and have a long
9 conversation about the structure of the Ukrainian economy,
l0 and certainly most of the billionajres in the country became
ll bi llionai res because they acqui red state assets for largely
t2 under valued prices and engaged in predatory competi tion.
l3 MS. SPEIER: Buri sma doesn't stand out as bei ng
t4 different from any number of companies?

l5 MR. KENT: I would say that Mr. Zlochevsky's actions

t6 stood out in one waythat he was the actual minister who
17 awarded himself the licenses to explore for gas exploration.
l8 MS. SPEIER: 0kay.
l9 MR. KENT: Other people may have just had the minister
20 on thei r payro1l.
2t MS. SPEIER: Okay. Going back to that July 25th ca11,

22 there was a 1ot of exchanges between Ambassador Sondland, Mr.

23 Volker, and also the Charge Taylor about whether or not the
24 aid would be forthcoming, whether or not the statement would
25 be written. Were you privy to any of that?

I MR. KENT:I did not participate in those exchanges by

2 virtue of the fact that, to the best of my knowledge, you
J don't have me as a participant in those exchanges, and none
4 of those have been released.
5 I did have my own dialogue wi th Charge Taylor i n the
6 course of our work, in the same way that I had a dialogue
7 with Ambassador Yovanovitch and with our ambassadors in
8 Moldova, Azerbai j an, Armeni a, and our Charges i n Georgi a and
9 Belarus.
l0 THE CHAIRMAN: And I would like to address my colleague
ll we're going to get to that through the ti meI i ne.
t2 14S. SPEIER: I'm parti cularly interested in 20L7 Are
l3 you going to take care of that?
t4 THE CHAIRMAN: We are. Can I suggest that we have the

l5 counsel conti nue wi th the ti mel i ne, and then as we get

t6 through i t members can add 'in wi th questi ons. Thank you.
t7 Mr. Goldman.

l8 MR. G0LDI'4AN: Thank you, Mr. Cha'i rman.


20 a Focusing your attention on May of this year when I

2t believe you sajd that Rudy Giulianj met in Paris with Nazar

22 Kholodnytsky, who was the prosecutor of the ant'i-corruption.

23 A anti corruption prosecutor, yes.
The special
24 a Anti corruption, okay. And he had already been
25 removed by that point, right?

I A No, he had been under pressurefor over a year. We

2 stopped cooperating with them approximately in March of 20L8
J when the so-ca11ed fish tank scandal emerged.
4 a Okay. Just to summarize. You have testified today
5 that Mr. Giuliani met with Yuriy Lutsenko in January, that he
6 advocated to get the former Prosecutor General Shokin a visa
7 in January. And then he met with a special prosecutor in
8 May, who the U.S. had ceased all former relations wjth. And
9 Lutsenko and Shokin are generally, the general consensus
l0 beljef is that they either are or, at this point, or were
ll corrupt prosecutor generals. Is that an accurate summary of
t2 14r. Gi uIi ani 's meeti ngs wi th prosecutors j n Ukrai ne?
l3 A Yes.
t4 a Okay. And you also indicated that by May of this
l5 point, Mr. Giuliani had been on television and in the media
l6 advocating for the four story lines that you summarized from
t7 those March art'ic1es. Is that ri ght?
l8 A Correct.
t9 a Okay. And then in l4ay you went to Ukraine and you
20 had meetings with Ukra'inian officials, two of whom mentioned
2l to you that Mr. Giulian'i wanted to meet with them. Is that
22 ri ght?
23 A Mr. Avakov menti oned . I can't reca11 i f
Gi u1 i ani

24 Mr. Bakanov mentioned Giuliani when we first tatked, the one

25 name that I wrote down 'in my notes was that he menti oned

I Fruman, he sa'id he di dn't remember the other name, and later

2 he sent me the business card of Fruman and Parnas.
J a Thank you for clarifying that. But he knew that
4 Fruman and Parnas were associates of Giuliani, right?
5 A Correct.
6 a Now, you would agree, right, that hlgh-1evel
7 Ukra jnian of f icials don't meet with every private American

8 ci ti zen who travels to Ukrai ne. Correct?

9 A Correct.
l0 a So the Ukrai n'ians certai nly understood that Mr.
ll Giulian'i was not a regular private citizen. Is that right?
t2 A Correct.
13 a And would you assess that they understood that he
t4 represented President Trump?

l5 A They understoodthat 14r. G'iu1i ani asserted he

l6 represented Mr. Trump in his private capacity. Yes.
t7 a D'id they understand what that meant? Private
l8 capaci ty versus offi ci al capaci ty?
t9 A Ukrajnians such as Arsen Avakov are experienced
20 players willing to meet with anybody. The team of the
2l i ncomi ng presi dent at that time, Presi dent-eIect Zelenskyy,
22 had spent the'i r enti re careers as a ti ght-kn"it group of
23 entertainment company executives who had no experjence'in
24 politics. So they were looking to try to figure out to
25 understand how to navigate political networks.

1 a did you speak to any of the incoming officials

2 about Mr. Gi uli ani 'in thi s May, June timef rame?
3 A My conversation with 14r. Bakanov, as I recounted
4 part of it before when he gave the names of the associates,
5 one of whom he knew, the other he couldn't remember, when he
6 asked for my counsel, I had suggested, as I said, someone
7 like you who's an associate could meet and hear somebody out
8 wi thout maki ng comm'i tments. But at thi s ti me i t would be my

9 best counsel to you to shield your President-e1ect from

l0 private ci tj zens.

1l a And to your knowledge was Mr. Giulianj promoting

t2 offi ci a1 U. S. cy i n Ukrai ne at thi s poi nt?

po1 i

l3 A l{r . Gi u1i ani 'is a private c'it'izen who was not a

t4 U.S. Government official.

l5 a But I understand that, but is what he was pushing
t6 consistent wjth official U.S. policy?
t7 A Mr. Giuliani was not consulting with the State
l8 Department about what he was doing in the first half of 2019.
t9 And to the best of my knowledge, he's never suggested that he
20 was promoti ng U.5. po1 i cy.
2t a efforts that he was making, just to
And the actual
22 be very c1ear, were they consistent with what official State
23 Department policy was?

24 A of policy interests in Ukraine.

The U.S. has a 1ot
25 It involved promoting the rule of 1aw, energy independence,

1 defense sector reform, and the ability to stand up to Russia.

2 As a general rule, we don't want other countri es i nvolved in

3 our own domesti c ti cal process, no

po1 i

4 a So around this at the end of l'4ay, there was the

5 i naugurati on of Presi dent Zelenskyy. I s that r i ght?

6 A Correct. I believe it may have been May 20th, to

7 be preci se.
8 a Were you i nvolved at all i n the di scuss'ions about
9 who would represent the United States at that inauguration?
l0 A Yes.

ll a Can you just summarize for us what your involvement

12 was and what those discussions entailed?
l3 A The starting point was the conversation between
14 Presidents Trump and President-e1ect Zelenskyy on electjon
l5 day. Pres'ident Zelenskyy asked j f i t would be possi b1e f or
l6 Presjdent Trump to come to inaugural. There was no date at
t7 that point. Pres"ident Trump suggested that he would talk to
l8 Vice President Pence, and schedules wi11ing, that he hoped it
l9 could work out, but in any case, the U.S. would have
20 representati on at the i naugural. That was Apri 1 2Lst.
2t By the time we got close to when the inauguratjon date
22 was set, which was on very short notice, the outgoing
23 Ukrai ni an parl i ament voted on May L6th, wh'ich was a Thursday,
24 to have the inauguration on May 20th, which was a Monday,
25 leavi ng almost no t'ime f or ei ther proper preparations or

I forei gn delegations to vi si t.
2 So we scrambled on Friday the LTth to try to figure out
J who was avaitable. Vice President Pence was not available.
4 Secretary of State Pompeo was traveling. And so we were
5 looking for an anchor, someone who was a person of stature
6 and whose job had relevance to our agenda.
7 I suggested to Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, since there
8 oftentimes is thjs dialogue between the State Department and
9 the NSC for inaugural delegations, to having the NSC ask
l0 Secretary of Energy Perry. Because he had traveled to
ll Ukraine, understood the issues, and energy was one of the top
t2 three 'issues that we were worki ng wi th Ukrai ne. So that was
l3 the start of that conversation, and then it was a matter of
t4 building out possibilitjes.
l5 Inaugural delegations are determined by the White House.

t6 So whatever the NSC and the State Department worked together

t7 as options, ultimately the decis'ion'is made elsewhere. As an

l8 example, when President Yushchenko was inaugurated in Ukra'ine

l9 in 2005, and I was the control officer on the ground at the
20 time, the delegation was Secretary Cof in Powe11 in his last
2t act as State of State, and five Ukrainian Americans. That's
22 it.
23 In this case, we proposed a group of officials that we
24 thought were relevant, those included a number of Senators
25 and as well as Marcy Kaptur, the head of the Ukrainian

I American Caucus in the House. 1t 'included some Ukrainian

2 Ameri can leaders here i n the Un'ited States, as well as

J offi a1s. That was about 1.5 i n total to play wi th.

4 Former National Securi ty Advi sor Bolten wei ghed i n at
5 some point in the process, and eventually the Whjte House
6 settled on a 1ist, which was, in the end, Secretary Perry,
7 Lieutenant Colonel Vindman representing the NSC, Ambassador
8 Sondland, Ambassador VoIker, and then our Charge in country
9 at the time, Acting Joseph Pennington.
l0 a Was Ambassador Sondland on the State Department's
ll original list?
t2 A He was not somebody that we jnitially proposed, but
13 Ambassador Sondland has his own networks of influence,
14 including chief of staff 14ulvaney. So it did not surprise us

l5 when he wei ghed 'in, s name emerged.

l6 a Why did it not surprise you. What did you

t7 understand Ambassador Sondland's role in Ukrajne to be by

l8 March LTth of this
t9 A Ambassador Sondland had started cultivating a

20 relationship with the previous Ukrainian President

2t Poroshenko. He vjsited, as I recaI1, a ship visit to Odesa,
22 which may have been where he first met Poroshenko and other
23 Ieaders. And so in the same way that he had expressed an
24 i nterest 'in our relati onshi p wi th Georgi a starti ng late j n

25 2018, early this year he expressed an interest jn playing a


role i n managi ng our relati onshi p wi th Ukrai ne.
















I 13:24 p.m. l

J a And you described an independent relationship that
4 he had with the chief of staff. What do you know about that?
5 A We11,I thjnk the proof in the pudding is, after
6 the delegation went to the inauguration on May 20th and had a
7 meeting with President Zelenskyy and that included Senator
8 Ron Johnson, who was there not as part of the Presidential
9 delegation but separately. But he sat in the meeting with
l0 Zelenskyy, and then he joined a briefing to the President in
1l the 0val Office on May 23rd.
t2 It was Ambassador Sondland's connections with Mulvaney

13 that got them the meeting with the President. It was not
14 done through the NSC staff, through Lieutenant Colonel
l5 Vindman and Ambassador Bolton.
l6 a I don't understand what you mean.

l7 A We11, normally for jnternational issues, meetings

l8 would appear on the President's calendar because they were
t9 proposed by the National Security staff and pushed through
20 the National Security Advisor. In this case, the out-brief
2l to the President of the inaugural happened because of
22 Ambassador Sondland's connections through Chief of Staff
23 Mulvaney, to the best of my knowledge.
24 a So you' re talki ng about Presj dent Trump' s
25 debri efi ng after the i naugurati on on May 23rd.

I A The inauguration on l'4ay 20th. The 0va1 0f f ice

2 meeting to talk about that and the way forward occurred in
J the Oval Offjce on May 23rd.
4 a Before the inauguration, you just mentioned that
5 you were not surprised that Ambassador Sondland was added to
6 the list because of his relationship with the chief of staff.
7 Were you aware of Ambassador Sondland having any significant

8 role i n Ukrai n'ian pol i cy f or the State Department by mi d-14ay?

9 A Again, I don't remember when the ship visit was to
l0 0desa, but I think Sondland's visit to Ukraine to 0desa for
ll the U. S. port vi si t was the start of hi s i nvolvement.
t2 a I understand that. I'm asking way ahead. If that
l3 was during the time that President Poroshenko was the
t4 President, that was earlier.
l5 A But it was the last month of his presidency. So he
l6 did call President Poroshenko in March for instance after the
t7 attack started on Ambassador Yovanovitch to suggest the
l8 Porosheno back off. So his acceleration of his involvement
l9 in Ukraine and in our relationship was in one phase, just
20 starting the last month or two of Poroshenko's presidency,
2t and it accelerated after President Zelenskyy's assumption of
22 offi ce on May 2Lst.
23 a Djd it also accelerate after Ambassador Yovanovitch
24 was recalled?
25 A Ambassador Yovanovitch was recalled on the 26th of

I April, and she was out of the country by the time President
2 Zelenskyy was inaugurated on May 20th. So it was coterminus.
J She essentially ceased serving as Ambassador, the functions
4 of Ambassador, on April 25th.
5 a Ri ght. And after that, di d Ambassador Sondland's
6 role increase in Ukraine?
7 A Yes.
8 a Were you aware of whether that went through
9 official channels or how that came to be?
l0 A The way that came to be was the main three U.S.
ll offi ci als, executi ve branch offi ci als, Secretary Perry,
t2 Ambassador Sondtand, and Special Representative Volker, were

l3 part of that briefing of the President. And they came out of

t4 that meeting asserting that going forward they would be the
l5 drj vers of the relati onshi p wi th Ukrai ne.
l6 a Before the inauguration did you have any
l7 conversations with the Ambassador Sondland about Ukraine
l8 gene r aI 1y?

l9 A of my knowledge, before May, likely

To the best
20 during the chjef of mission conference where all ambassadors
2t come back for several days'in mid-January, Ambassador
22 Sondland came through the office suite where my office js to
23 see my colleague who works wlth Western Europe. Julie Fisher
24 (ph) is her name. And she introduced him to the other people
25 in the office. So I shook his hand. There was no

I conversation, but that was the first time I had met him,
2 without a substantjve conversation, in January.
J a So you did not speak to him again after January?
4 A To the best of my recollection, we had no direct
5 conversation and were not in each other's presence until the
6 U.N. General Assembly week, the last week in September.
7 a So you did not attend that Oval 0ffice meeting on
8 May 23rd, right?
9 A I did not.
l0 a 0kay. D'id you get a readout of what occu r red?
ll A There were several readouts. That particular week
l2 I was my eldest daughter graduated from Boston University
l3 and I then took my kids and my wife up to Acadia National
t4 Park we were hiking on Cadillac Mountain so I was not in
l5 Washington those days where the readout occurred May 23rd.
l6 a So d"id you subsequently learn what occurred?
t7 A So there were several readouts provided secondhand
l8 from representatives who had been in that meeting and

t9 presumably those wilt be part of the documents that were

20 collected as part of your requested documents and
2l a So you're sorry. You're referring to written
22 readouts?
23 A Written readouts. I believe there were three
24 separate readouts. Again not from anyone that I got that was

25 forwarded by emai 1 . Speci fi cally Fi ona Hi 11 whom I 'm


I gathering that the committee talked to yesterday. She gave a

2 readout to office director who was probably acting for me

3 that week, , normally office director of Eastern
4 Europe. Kurt Volker gave a readout to his then-special
5 assistant, Chrjs Anderson (ph), who 'is currently a language
6 student. And Gordon Sondland would have given a readout to
7 somebody that would have been forwarded to us.
8 So when I came back from my New England vacation, I had
9 three different vers'ions of that conversation in my inbox.
10 a And so what d1d you just quickly, what did you
ll understand to have occurred at that meeting?
t2 A I should say that in addjtion to those secondhand
l3 accounts I eventually heard Kurt Volker's account directly
t4 from him, the way he characterized it to a number of
l5 interlocutors when we were together in Toronto on the 1st and
t6 2nd of July for the Ukraine Reform Conference and the
t7 interlocutors'included President Zelenskyy himself. He said
l8 that President Trump had been very angry about Ukrajne, he
19 said that they were corrupt, and they had wished him i11 in
20 2016. So that was one part of the discussion.
2t 0n the other hand, by the end of the meeting there was
22 agreement that they would work moving forward to work towards
23 an 0va1 Office visit, a visit to the White House which
24 Presidents Zetenskyy and Trump had talked about in that
25 jnitial catl on April 21st. And that energy issues would be

I of importance going forward, keeping in mind not only

2 Secretary' Perry's presence, but the concern that the
J Russians were going to cut atl gas transit through Ukraine on
4 New Year's day the way they had done three times since 2006.

5 a You

6 A finatly sorry. The last point that I recal1

7 from the readouts was that there would be an accelerated
8 search for a political nominee for Ambassador, as opposed to
9 having a career Foreign Service officer proposed from the
l0 State Department.
ll a Were you aware of any evidence that Ukraine was
t2 i nvolved i n any way, Ukrai ni an of f i ci a1s were 'involved i n any

l3 way 'in i nterf eri ng w'ith the 20L6 electi on?

l4 A I'm not aware of any evidence to that effect, no.

l5 O And you' re fami 1 i ar wi th the Intell i gence Communi ty
t6 assessment about Russi a's 'interf erence?

t7 A I have read the documents that have been made

18 available to me as part of my read. The 0ffice of
l9 Intelligence and Research briefs me twice a week, but that
20 does not mean that I've read every document about Russia, no.
2t O No, I understand, there is specific document that
22 the Intelli gence Communi ty assessment about Russi an
23 interference in the 2016 election. Are you fam'iliar with the
24 conclusion?
25 A I know that it exists. I can't say I don't

I recall reading any special confidential version of it. And

2 to the extent that it has been discussed in general jn the
J med'ia I'm aware of those findings.
4 a And you're aware that the Intelligence Community
5 un'i formly determi ned that Russi a i nterfered i n the election?

6 A I'm aware of that general conclusion, yes.

7 a And are you aware that Special Counsel Mueller
8 indicted I believe L2 Russians and laid out an indictment
9 A Yes.
l0 a how Russi a i nterfered. Ri ght?
ll A Yes.
t2 a Do you have any reason to befieve that both of
l3 those ej ther the 'i ndi ctment or the Intel1 i gence Communi ty
t4 assessment is wrong jn any way?
l5 A I have no reason to believe that, no.
t6 a Okay. You mentioned thi s Apri 1 2Lst call. And we
l7 haven't touched upon it touch. You said you were not on the
l8 cal1. Did you get a readout of that call as well?
t9 A r did.
20 a And what di d you learn that was d'iscussed on that
2t call?
22 A Again, I rece'ived that readout from Lieutenant
23 Colonel Vindman. It was a very short and nonsubstantjve
24 cal1, as you might expect. As I reca11 April 2Lst was Easter
25 Sunday j n the Uni ted States. Agai n, Ukrai nj ans are 0rthodox.

I Different calendar. And we were very pleased that the

2 President agreed to call on election day on a Sunday. We had
J presumed that i t mi ght happen the next workday, wh'ich was a
4 Monday. And as you might expect on a Sunday call when it was

5 probably past midnight in Ukraine on election night,

6 Presjdent Zelenskyy was in a good mood, President Trump was
7 very positive and congratulated him on a great win
8 And President Zelenskyy, as I recall what Alex told fi€,
9 said that he had studjed President Trump's win in 2015
10 running as an outsider and had adopted some of the same
ll tacti cs. And i nvi ted Presi dent Trump to hi s i naugural, the
t2 date to be determined. And President Trump, as I said,
l3 acknowledged he would try to find somebody appropriate to
t4 attend. And said, we'11 try to work on getting you to
l5 Wash i ngton .

t6 And that was more or less the extent that probably was

t7 something more said, but you know on an etection day the

l8 point i s what Alex summed up was, Li eutenant Colonel V'indman,
t9 those types of ca11s are designed to build rapport and he
20 thought it was successful doing so.
2t a Following the May 23rd Oval Off ice meeting, where
22 there was a -- you testified there was a decision to try to
L) arrange a White House meeting. You know, what if any actions
24 did you take or were did other Ukrajne-focused government
25 officials take to try to set that uP?

I A That's the f uncti on of the nat'ionaI securi ty staf f .

2 To the extent that there is input, they ask for input from
3 other offi ci als, other offices. We obviously stand ready to
4 be supportive but that's that's thei r functi on. That' s
5 not our function
6 a Were you of a White House meeting?
7 A I was, the State Department was. Ukraine is an
8 important country that Congress appropriates roughly in the
9 ballpark $700 m'i11jon a year in assistance and Zelenskyy won
10 a clear mandate for change and so we were supportjve of a
ll visit to the White House, yes.
t2 a Did you have any reason to doubt Zelenskyy's
l3 si nceri ty about hi s anticorruption vjews?
t4 A I had no reason to doubt the sincerity of Zelenskyy
l5 trying to represent change for his country based on the
l6 series of meetings I had with him dating back to December
t7 2018. Starting from the beginning it was clear that he had a
l8 prior association with a fai rly notorious oligarch named Ihor
t9 Kolomoisky and that was going to be a mark of his willingness
20 to really make a break from past relationships and stand on
2t principle.
22 So from not necessarily ourfjrst conversation 'in
23 December, but in the second conversation in March prior to
24 the electjon, we were already talking about Kolomoisky and

25 the down sides of association with somebody who had such a


I bad reputati on.

2 a And how important is would a White House meeting
J be to President Zelenskyy?
4 A The President of the United States is a longtime
5 acknowledged leader of the free wor1d, and the U.S. is
6 Ukraine's strongest supporter. And so in the Ukraine
7 context, it's very important to show that they can establish
8 a strong relationship with the leader of the Unjted States.
9 That's the Ukrainian argument and desire to have a meeting.
l0 The forei gn poli cy argument i s i t's a very important
ll country in the front lines of Russian malign influence and
t2 aggress'ion. And the U. S. spends a considerable amount of our
l3 resources supporti ng Ukrai ne and theref ore 'i t makes sense.
t4 But that's the arguments f or a meeti ng. The t'ime on a
l5 President's schedule is always subject to competing
l6 priorities.
t7 a Following that meeting you said that Secretary
18 Perry, Ambassador Sondland and Ambassador Volker had asserted
l9 that they were leadjng Ukrainian policy efforts? Did I get
20 that ri ght?
2t A Correct.
22 a Who had asserted that?
)1 A We1l, the three of them asserted that. And citing
24 the fact that they had briefed the President coming out of
25 that meeting, they felt they had the mandate to take the lead

I on coordinating efforts to engage the new Ukrajnian

2 leadershi p.
) a with the new Ukrainian
And what engagements
4 leadership occurred following that meeting up until the
5 conference on July Lst that you're aware of?
6 A I do not I do not recall. SPecial
7 Representat'ive Volker traveled frequently to Ukraine so it is
8 possi b1e that he may have gone i n Iate t"lay. I j ust don't
9 reca1l precisely. He traveled frequently there.
l0 There was a coordinating meeting in the Department of
ll Energy in mjd-June, on June 18th. 5o Secretary Perry chaired
t2 that. Ambassador SondIand, Ambassador Volker from the State
l3 Department, Acti ng Assi stant Secretary Reeker, my di rect
t4 supervjsor, Tyler Brace, all attended that meeting in
l5 Secretary Perry's offi ce, and they also connected recently
t6 arrived Charge Taylor from Kyiv.
t7 5o I that, to the best of my knowledge, after
would say
l8 that May 23rd meeting, this June LSth meeting was the next
l9 meeti ng where a number of offi ci a1s got together speci fi ca11y
20 to talk about policies and programs towards Ukrajne.
2t a And in June and early Ju1y, are you aware of any
22 conversations that Ambassador Sondland might have had with
23 the Chief of Staff Mulvaney about Ukraine and President
24 Zelenskyy?
25 A I'm not aware of conversations between Sondland and

I Mulvaney, but frankly that's a relationship that I would not

2 be a part of. To the best of my what I am aware of is
J that subsequent to the June LSth meeting, there was a
4 June 28th conference call between Secretary Perry, Sondland,
5 Volker, and jnvolving Charge Taylor, at the end of which they
6 were patched through to President Zelenskyy.
7 a And what did you learn about that conversation?
8 A I do not recalI. I got a readout of that
9 conversati on. In'i ti a1ly I have an emai I suggesti ng that
l0 Ambassador Sondland on June 27tn had written Charge Taylor to
ll suggest that that would be a U.S.-on1y meeting or a U.S.-onIy
t2 ca11. But in the end, on the next day, it turned into a call
13 with President Zelenskyy after a pre-conversation among the
t4 Amerjcans, based on what Charge Taylor has told me.
15 a Was it unusual that you were not included on that
l6 conference call?
t7 A Wel1, i f i t i nvolves the Secretary
of Energy i t's
l8 not necessarily unusual. But again, that was I think a
l9 period of tjme where the direction of our engagement with
20 Ukrai ne sh j f ted 'into sha11 we say unusual channels.
2t a And what do you mean by unusual channels?
22 A We11, I th'ink it's somewhat unusual to have an

23 Ambassador to the E.U., plus the Secretary of Energy engaged

24 deeply in the policy towards a country that is not a member
25 of the E.U. It was just -- again, we had our Special

I Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, and I know you've

2 talked to former Ambassador Volker. His listed
J responsibilities were focused on negotiating with Russia over
4 their war in Ukraine, and then Charge Taylor as the lead
5 representatjve in country.
6 frankly, in that constellation Charge Taylor was
And so
7 the primary voice for our futl interests as the Charge of our
8 mi ssi on i n Kyi v.
9 a And one more question, you said that you learned of
l0 the calt from Charge Taylor.
ll A Correct.
t2 a But he did not give you a substantive readout of
r3 the call?
t4 A did give me a readout, yes.
He He gave me a

l5 readout of prebrief with the Americans.

l6 a And what was that readout?
t7 A He indicated that there was a discussion about the
l8 need to raise a sensitive'issue with Zelenskyy. And jn that
t9 discussion Ambassador Volker volunteered that he would be
20 seeing Zelenskyy in person the next week in Toronto and that
2t was the meeti ng i n whi ch I partj ci pated on J u1y 2nd.
22 a Do you know what the sensitive issue was?
23 A Kurt Volker told me that it was giving guidance to
24 Zelenskyy on how he needed to characterize his willingness to
25 be cooperative on issues of interest to the President.

I a Such as?
2 A I did not have the fu11 details of what exactly
3 that was, but I think it was sending signals about potenti a1
4 j nvesti gati ons.

5 a I think our time is up. We yield to the minority.


7 a Vindman was on the July 25th call?

8 A The J u1y yes.

9 a And was he on the Apri1 2Lst call?

l0 A Yes.

ll a Was he jn the meeting with the President on May

t2 23r d?

t3 A I do not know and I think not.

t4 O Okay. You said you got three readouts, one from
l5 Fiona H'i11, one from Sondland, and one from Volker?
t6 A The i ni ti al readouts I got were, yes secondhand

t7 from these three people. It was my understandi ng.

l8 a in on the meeting?
l9 A My understanding is again Fj ona di dn't gi ve i t
20 di rectly to me. My understandi ng i s that she may have gotten
2l i t from deputy then deputy natjonal securi ty advi sor
22 Kupperman.

23 a She sent you the readout?

24 A No. She had a conversation with who

25 was the act'ing deputy assistant secretary at the time. To


I the best of my knowledge. I received the readout from I

2 once I came back from my vacation.
J a Okay. You said when you returned to your office
4 you had three ema'i1s. Is that
5 A Yes. I believe i got an email with I readout
6 of a conversat'ion wi th F'iona, Chri s Anderson's readout that
7 he got from Kurt Volker and a third readout from someone in
8 the State Department who worked with our mission to the
9 European Union that would have had Ambassador Sondland's
l0 version.
ll a 5o Sondland gives a readout to his staffer who

t2 wri tes i t up, sends an ema i 1 .

l3 A Yes.
t4 O Volker produces one with Christina Anderson?
l5 A Chris Anderson.
l6 a Chris Anderson. And so then help me understand
t7 again. Like who produced the one from the NSC?
l8 A So Fiona had a conversation. To the best of my
t9 recollect'ion, she had a conversation wi th , who is
20 normally the director for Eastern Europe and, while I was
21 away at my daughter's , was acting in my
22 stead as acting deputy assistant secretary.
23 a 0h, okay. 5o he's a State Department employee.

24 A He's a State Department employee, yeah.

25 a Was she in the meeting?

I A My understanding is again, I did not talk to

2 her, but that her version of the readout
my understanding was

3 came from Mr. Kupperman, the then deputy to Ambassador

4 Bolton. But I 'm not sure.
5 a Was he in the meeting?
6 A I'm not sure. l4y understanding again, thjs is now
7 third hand from I is that Fiona's readout came from
8 Kupperman, not from her participation in the meeting. But I
9 don't know. I have not talked to Fiona about that.
10 a 0kay. Was Kupperman in the meeting?
ll A My understanding from what I heard from I
t2 relaying what he heard from F'iona h'is impression was that
l3 that came from Kupperman who was in the meeting. But I can't

l5 a He was in the meeting?

l6 A Huh?

t7 a He was in the meeting?

l8 A That is the impressjon I received from talking to
l9 I
20 a Did any of these readouts have a list of officials
2l i n the meeti ng?
22 A No.

23 a Okay. Can we j ust go through who we thi nk was 1n

24 the meeting? We know Secretary Perry, Senator Johnson.
25 A To the best of my knowledge, the principals

I a Ambassador Volker.

2 A the briefers to the President were those that

J represented lead offi ci ats and that would be Secretary Perry,
4 Ambassador Sondland, Ambassador Volker and Senator Johnson.
5 a And they broughtstaff to the meeting?
6 A I do not know. I was again, I was on leave
7 status.
8 a 0kaY '

9 A AndI wasn't in the meeting and wouldn't have been

l0 'in the meeti ng even i f I were i n Washi ngton.
ll a 0kay. Who from the NSC was in the meeting?
t2 A To the best of my understanding, all I know js that
l3 Charl i e Kupperman or Kupperman. I don' t know fi rst name,
t4 sorry. Kupperman, former deputy Natj onal Securi ty Advi sor
l5 Kupperman may have been in the meeting.
l6 a 0kay. But Vi ndman wasn' t?
t7 A That is my understanding, correct.
l8 a Did Vjndman tel1 you subsequently that he wasn't in
l9 the meeti ng?

20 A I d'idn't ask 'if he was in the meeting, because when

2l I returned from work I had three different version or
22 readouts of the meetings f rom others.
23 a But you had regular communi catj ons wi th Vi ndman.
24 Ri gh t?

25 A I did.

1 a And did he ever at any point in time te11 you that

2 he wasn't i n the meet i ng or was being ex c 1 uded from thi ngs?
3 AWe di dn' t have a conversat'ion along those 1 i nes.
4 No.

5 a Do youthink he was excluded?

6 A I honestly don't know. And I had three different
7 versions of the meeting so I wasn't looking for a fourth.
8 a And in your regular communications with Vindman do
9 you have any reason to believe that he's been cut out of any
l0 of these discussions? Not just about the May 23rd meeting,
ll but about subsequent relevant events?
t2 A Again, I don't I go over to the NSC when there
l3 are meetings that the NSC does not want to al1ow the State
t4 Department to be on the secure video conference system, but
l5 apart from speci fi c meeti ngs that I'm i nvi ted over, I don't
l6 go over there on a regular basis just because it takes time.
t7 It's easier if they'11 al1ow us to be on vjdeo conference.
l8 It is a better use of my time. So I would say I have more
t9 communications with Lieutenant Colonel Vindman by email and
20 phone ca11.
2l a 0kay. And in any of those emails or phone ca1ls

22 has he alerted you that he he's been cut out of the

23 process?

24 A He isa lieutenant colonel and colonels who have

25 served in staff positions generally aren't people who
21 1

1 complain. He's a -- he was a campaign planner before he came

2 over to the NSC and he has that campaign planning mentality'
J you know, what's the goal and he'11 plow forward. That's
4 j ust hj s personal i ty.
5 a Okay. And do you thjnk he is plowing forward?
6 A s very acti ve at schedul i ng i nteragency meeti ngs

7 and asking the State Department to write papers for hjm.

8 a But plowing forward, does it have some sort of
9 connotation that he's going through a tough time and he's
l0 ANo. He's a lieutenant colonel who spends his day
ll worki ng on campai gn plans. That's what hi s that was hi s
t2 job at the Jojnt Chiefs of Staff before he was brought over
l3 as a detailee to the NSC. I think if you talk to most State
t4 Department employees wj11 have an opinion that the role of
l5 the National Security Council is to coordjnate the work of
16 other agencies, not to task us. We don't respond to them.
t7 And occasionally we have to remind them of that.
l8 a You have to remind him of that?
t9 A My staff oftentjmes complains that they feel that
20 he thinks that they work for him the way he works for other
2l people at the JCS and have asked me on numbers of occasions
22 to gently point out to him that we don't report to hjm. So I
23 have supported my staff in gently suggesting that he remember
24 what the roles of the National Security Council staff are
25 vjs-a-vis a bureau and an executive agency like the State

I Department.
2 a Did he receive that warmly?
J A He receivedit with a smile and that's -- we have a
4 good worki ng relati onshi p. I would say there' s more tensi on
5 perhaps between him and the staff that work for fie, but we
6 have a respectful working relationship.
7 O Okay. And in Fiona Hj11's readout what was her
8 what can you remember from her readout?
9 A I think what I recall and I can't say the
l0 specifi c detai 1s parti cularly si nce there were three versi ons
ll floating around that I read in rap'id succession, just by
t2 tonality that the meeting was perhaps more problematic than
l3 the initjal readouts that we got through secondhand knowledge
l4 of what Ambassador Sondland and Ambassador Volker said.
l5 I believe one element and I can't remember where this
16 came from that initially the President did not want to sign a
l7 congratulatory letter. And he actually ripped up the letter
l8 that had been written for him. But by the end of the
t9 meeting, he'd been convinced and the version I recal1 hearing
20 was Ambassador Sondland helped draft it. And to be honest,
2t the second version of the letter actually read better than
22 the fi rst versi on. I wasn't i nvolved i n ei ther of them
23 because I had been on leave and eventually that letter was
24 signed.
25 a At the State Department in the wake of Ambassador

Yovanovitch's, her reca11, can you describe the morale with

2 those closest to her?
3 A When you say those closest to her, are you
4 referring to the embassy staff that had been working for her

5 in Kyiv?
6 a And her close confidants here in Washington.
7 A I don't know who her close confidants in Washington
8 would be. I was, as I mentioned, in Ukraine and Kyiv at the
9 embassy on May 8th. i did offer to have a restricted
l0 townhall meeting for Americans, essentially, in our version
ll of the SCIF, and the country team, the meeting room, where
t2 we'd have and anyone who wished to have a conversation
l3 about what had happened and the way forward.
t4 was one of them actually said that when
And my sense
l5 the attacks started jn March, particularly after members of
t6 the President's family started attacking her, at some level
t7 they realized that she was going to be recal1ed, and it was a
l8 matter of when, not 'if . Their question, as people working at
t9 the embassy, was what was going to be the impact on them, on
20 the embassy, and on our policy towards Ukraine.
2t so, whjle I did basicatly I was wilting to answer
22 any questions, I think they were more focused, at that point,
23 already, having digested that she had been removed, and they
24 wanted to know what was going to happen next. So I assured
25 them that our policy was our pot'icy and it would remain our

I pol i cy. And that we were 'in the process of tryi ng to f i nd an

2 experi enced person that temporari 1y would lead the mi ssi on
J and would be a good leader for the people working there, the

4 250 Americans working in our embassy, and also someone that

5 could be a voice and face for U.S. policy in Ukraine.
6 I honestly cannot remember, but probably did not say
7 that i t was goi ng to be Ambassador Taylor. He was the one we
8 all wanted at that point, but we sti11 had to work out
9 whether we could bring him back. And those details with the
l0 personnel system had not yet been finalized.
ll a Would Ambassador Taylor have fit the mold for the

t2 type of person that was discussed in the meeting with the

l3 Presi dent?
t4 A When you sajd the person discussed in the meeting
l5 with the President, meaning what?
t6 a We11, the meeting with the President, you related
t7 that President Trump seemed angry, that he was, you know,
l8 Ukra'ine wascorrupt. That there are those i n the Ukrai ne
l9 that wished him i11 in 2016 and they were going to work
20 towards an 0va1 0ffice meeting, energy issues were important
2t and then you menti oned that there was a deci s'ion to put i n a
22 new political Ambassador.

23 A So Charge Taylor, notwi thstandi ng the fact he was

24 nominated and confirmed by the Senate, nominated under
25 president George Bush, was not a permanent nominee for the

I position of Ambassador.

2 a 0kaY.

J A called back essentially to government

He was
4 service because he knew all the players. He's a bundle of
5 positivity and gets along with everyone and he's a real
6 leader. He was a long time senior executive at the State
7 Department, but he was a graduate of West Point who joined
8 the L0Lst, and he was platoon leader jn Vietnam and in
9 Germany. 5o it is hard to find anybody hasn't been impressed
l0 by Bj 11 Taylor.
ll a And is there still an effort afoot to fjnd a

t2 permanent pof i ti ca1 Ambassador?

l3 A There js. that is the job of the White House
t4 because i t i s the Presi dent's prerogati ve to appoi nt,
l5 nominate an Ambassador and then the Senate's role to confirm.
l6 a Duri ng hi s tenure as Vi ce Presi dent, Joe Bi den had
t7 a role with regard to Ukraine. Is that correct?
l8 A Correct.
l9 a And what was the role as you understood j t? And
20 you were in country at the time, right?
2t A I was, although his-jnvolvement in Ukraine predated
22 my return to the Ukra'i ne account . I bel i eve i t should be
)7 a matter of record, but I believe as Vice President he
24 visited Ukraine six tjmes, which probably is unusual for any
25 country outside of the usual countries like Germany, ljke

1 one of which I believe would've been when the former leader

2 Yanukovych was there and then the subsequent visits
J afterwards.
4 By the time I came back on the account, it was clear
5 that President 0bama, of his administration,
towards the end
6 had delegated several foreign policy issues in Europe to Vice
7 Presi dent B'iden to take the 1ead. Ukrai ne was one of them;
8 Cyprus was the other.
9 So, if you wi11, Vice President Biden was the top cover.
l0 The State Department's lead offi ci al
ll post- Russi an- i nvasi on-of - Ukra j ne/occupati on-of -Cr i mea was
t2 Assistant Secretary V'ictoria Nuland. And then we had a very
l3 active Ambassador, Geoff Pyatt, at the time. And so those
t4 were the chief voices on our Ukraine policy: Pyatt as chjef
l5 of mission, Toria as the assistant secretary, and Vice
l6 Pres'ident Biden as V'ice President.
t7 a When for the
he got involved with advocating
l8 removal of Shokin, what type of planning went into that? Was
l9 that something that was planned for on the Vice President
20 side of things or did the embassy or the State Department tee
2t him up with the right information he needed to weigh it into
22 that?
23 A Geoff Pyatt allowed me to go back to my family at
24 Thanksgiving. I had come out on an emergency basis for my

25 predecessor

I . And I came out on 24 hours' notice to

2 Ukrai ne the of 0ctober for my thi rd sti nt. 5o I
begi nni ng
J was not in country at the time of the visit and planning.
4 My understanding is that the conversations that were
5 near-dai1y between Ambassador Pyatt and Toria Nuland

6 regarding what to do on the way forward then included

7 pitching the 0ffice of the Vice President to push President
8 Poroshenko to remove Shoki n.
9 There was a similar push against Prime l.,linjster Arseny
l0 Yatseni uk, who had several di fferent corrupt poli tical
1l backers. And there was one named llartynenko who was jnvolved
t2 j n all sorts of d'i rty bus'iness, i ncludi ng nuclear f ue1

l3 suppl i es f rom Russi a. And so we pressured Yatsen'iuk to have

l4 one of hjs corrupt cronies resign, and Martynenko resigned.
l5 And there was also the pressure on Poroshenko, on the
l6 corrupt prosecutor general, and Shokin was not dismissed, I
t7 believe, until early March, so 3 weeks after Vice President
l8 Bi den's vi si t i n December 20L5 .

l9 a The Vice President, he relates to some of these

20 detajls on a video that's been published on I think the Wa1l
2t Street Journal. Have you seen that video?
22 A I did. To the best of my recollection, he was at
23 some conference, maybe Council on Foreign Relations, somet'ime

24 in 20L8, and he was te11ing the story in a sort of folksy

25 manne r .

1 O folksy. And he describes a quid pro quo

He was

2 where, you know, $1 billion worth of aid would be held up

J unti1 they fired Shokin. Is that what your understanding of
4 the way he tells i t?
5 A That is sounds more or less like what he said on
6 that stage. Yes.
7 a And going back to 2016 when it actually happened,
8 was that the way i t went down?
9 A Again, I was jn briefly in Ukrainian language
l0 training at the time of his visit so I was not in Ukraine. I
11 would think that the State Department could produce documents
t2 related to the sovereign loan guarantees and the timing of
l3 those three guarantees to align the timing.
t4 We provided one in 20L4, one in 2015, and one in 20L5.

l5 And I do not recal l the exact t'imi ng of the i ssuance of those

l6 loan guarantees, but I'm not aware that they aligned
t7 perfectly with his visit to Ukraine on December 20L5.
l8 a Okay. But you think it is fair to say that this
l9 was a bottom up initiative?
20 A To the best of my knowledge, the idea came from
2t Ambassador Pyatt in d'iscussion with Assistant Secretary
22 Nuland and then was pitched to the Office of the Vice
Z) Presi dent.
24 a 0kay. So i f we' re goi ng to pursue addi t'iona1
25 information on that, we would probably have some documents to

1 inform us that we could ask for.

2 A That would be my impression. I would just note
J having read the subpoena that the document request was date
4 timed I believe starting January 20 or 21st, 20L7. And we're
5 talking about events that happened 'in November, December,
6 2015.

7 MR. ZELDIN: 5teve, if I can ask, did you know at the

8 time of the Vice President's visit when he had made that
9 threat that he was going to that threat? I mean, or was
l0 it some other expectation more narrowly tailored towards
l1 advocating for Shokin to be removed?
t2 l'lR. KENT: Yeah. I know as was discussed earlier, the
l3 U.S. the IMF, the European Union countries, we had at1 come
t4 to the conclusion in the wake of the djamond prosecutors
l5 affair that there was going to be no progress for reform on
t6 the prosecutor general under Shokin.
t7 But speci fj ca11y about how the Vi ce Presi dent's tri ps

l8 messaging was managed by that point. I left the day before

l9 Thanksgiving to f1y back to the U.5. and to go into Ukraine
20 language train'ing. So at that point I was not privy to those
2t discussions in the two weeks prior to the Vice President's
22 visit.
Z) MR. ZELDIN: So you don't know whether or not the Vjce
24 President was go'ing to threaten the loss of $1 billion?
25 MR. KENT: My understanding, as I explained, is that

1 that was an approach that was discussed between Ambassador

2 Pyatt and Assistant Secretary Nuland to use his visit as

J leverage. This was an jssue that Ambassador Pyatt and
4 Assistant Secretary Nuland jn her visits that was an agenda
5 item that they were pushing. And in the same way that the
6 Department of Just'ice of f ici a1 asked me to go 'in to the
7 prosecutor general office office in February 2015 and ask who
8 took the bribe and how much was it to shut down the case
9 against Zlochevsky, the Ambassador and Assistant Secretary
l0 Nuland asked the office of Vice President if the Vice
ll President could push this tough message.
t2 t4R. ZELDIN: And to be c1ear, was Ambassador Pyatt and
l3 Assistant Secretary Nuland advocating to threaten the loss of
t4 $1 bi tlion?
l5 MR. KENT: I that i s the case. But agai n , we' re
bel i eve
l6 now relying on my memory of almost 4 years ago. So I believe
t7 i t was pushi ng the Ukrai ni ans essenti aIly for an addi ti onal

l8 what would be ca11ed a prior action before we would issue the

t9 sovereign loan guarantee. But I think that's something that
20 we would have to look at the documents from that period of
2l time.
22 MR. ZELDIN: You as the dePutY chief of mission were not
Z) involved in that process.
24 MR. KENT: Soin parts of 201-5 I went out as essentially
25 the acti ng deputy chi ef of mi ssi on. I then came back to the

I U. S. the day before Thanksgi v i ng and was i n the U .S. for 3.5
2 months for language trai ni ng and then returned to Kyiv in
J late March 2015. So in the 2 weeks prior to the Vi ce
4 Presi dent's vi si t, I was already back in the U.S asa
5 language student as opposed to being an actjve participant in
6 the conversations.
7 MR. ZELDIN: And you referenced Ambassador Pyatt, you

8 referenced Assistant Secretary Nuland. 0f anyone involved in

9 that process, are you aware of anyone'in contact with Hunter
l0 Biden at the time other than the Vice President?
ll MR. KENT: I am not aware of, no.
l2 l'4R. J0RDAN: 0ne quick questjon.
l3 Mr. Secretary, you leave 2 weeks before the Vice
t4 President gets there. But this policy, this idea that we

l5 were goi ng to call for Shoki n's removal i t didn't j ust

l6 develop i n those two weeks.

t7 MR. KENT: Correct.
l8 MR. JORDAN: You weren't involved in a discussion and a

t9 decision to say thjs is going to be our offjcial policy we're

20 going to ask the V1ce President to do this.
2t t'4R. KENT: I thi nk someone made a ref erence to

22 Ambassador Pyatt's speech in September. Eartier at some

23 poi nt today, he gave a strong, hard-hi tti ng speech agai nst

24 corruption, and it was ctear then that we were pushing for

25 Shok'in's ouster. And so we had taken a harder 1i ne agai nst

1 Shokin in the wake of the diamond prosecutor affair in

2 mi d- 2015 .

J or to Vi ce Pres j dent B'iden's vi si t, thi s

So months pri
4 was an issue that U.S. officials including our Ambassador and
5 our Assistant Secretary of State were pushing in thejr
6 meeti ngs wi th the Ukrai nj ans.

7 MR. J0RDAN: I guess I'm asking, though, was there a

8 decisjon made between Ms. Nuland, the Ambassador, and you to

9 say, we're going to ask the Vice President to do it on this
l0 trip. if so when was that made?
ll MR. KENT: Again, I do not I could not I was not
t2 part of I would say that on a daily basis Ambassador Pyatt
l3 and Assistant Secretary Nuland had conversations, that was
t4 conversations that the Ambassador would have on his office
l5 with her on a Secure phone and I'm Sure there Were addjtional
16 email back and forths. But I cannot give you a precise date
t7 other than to say that
l8 I would say that on the record Ambassador Pyatt's speech

t9 jn 0desa, which I betieve was in September of 201.5 was a

20 powerful public statement of U.S. concern about the lack of

2l progress. And I believe it may have specifjcally mentioned

22 both the shortcomings of prosecutor Shok'in and reference to

L) our concern that the case against Zlochevsky had been shut
24 down and frozen money was released.
25 And so i think that speech is a matter of public record

1 September 2015, Vice President B'iden's visit happened

2 0ctober, November, December, 3 months later.

J think they told the Vice President
MR. JORDAN: Do you

4 the 2 weeks prior to him getting there when you had left do
5 you think that they talked to the Vice President when he got
6 there in country?
7 MR. KENT: Again, the way a trip would normally be

8 staffed, there would be conversations prior, there would be

9 paper prepared and conversations prior to the trip. And that

l0 oftentimes would be someone fike Assistant Secretary Nuland

ll goi ng over and parti ci pati ng j n a pretri p bri ef.

t2 did you learn that the Vice Pres'ident
14R. JORDAN: When

l3 made thi s demand on the Ukra'ini ans and speci f i ca11y the
t4 Presi dent?
l5 I think I -- I don't recal1 -- I mean, he
l4R. KENT:
t6 gave a public speech and in the well of the Ukrainian
t7 parliament. But this demand would have been delivered in
l8 private in his meeting with President Poroshenko.
l9 MR. J0RDAN: You never got a readout on how it all went
20 down?

2t I was a language student for a period of

22 several months in the U.S. I was aware that he'd made the
23 request. I was also aware that Shokin remained an embattled
24 prosecutor general for several months more until there was a
25 vote held in thejr parliament to remove him.

I MR. MEADOWS: So 1et me fo1low up one last time. So who

2 made the decision that Vice President Biden should be the one
J that communicated thjs? You know, if you all are having all
4 these discussions for so many months, who made that decision
5 that says, 1et's wait until the VP goes over to make thjs
6 request?
7 MR. KENT: Yeah. WelI, there was no wai ti ng, as I
8 ment'ioned.

9 MR. MEADOWS: Well 3 months.

l0 MR. KENT: Well a -- I gave an example of a
that was
ll pubficly avajlable speech that was a statement, a very strong
t2 statement on the record of
l3 MR. MEAD0WS: Yeah, but youlinference was js that that

t4 was the start of it.

l5 MR. KENT: I wouldn't say that. It's just that I
l6 thi nk that's a publ i c mark where people could see th'is i s the
t7 American Ambassador speaking on the record about our concerns
l8 about the lack of progress and the rule of 1aw reform in 201.5
t9 a year and a half after the Revolution of Dignity. At the
20 same t'ime, there was constant private messaging, messages and
2t meetings that Ambassador Pyatt had in Kyiv, conversatjons or
22 meetings when Assistant Secretary Nuland would travel, and

23 conversations would happen when Vice President Biden would

24 talk to both President Poroshenko as well as then prime
25 mi ni ster Arseny Yatseni uk.

1 MR. MEADOWS: So before you went away to language

2 school, you had no recollection that the decision had been

3 made that the Vice President was going to make this? Is that
4 your statement?
5 MR. KENT: No. I that wetl , agai n, we' re
would say
6 now talking about conversations, of which I was not a part,
7 that happened 4 years ago. I do not think my guess, to
8 the best of my ability, I would anticipate that the issue of
9 Shoki n's status was ra'ised pri or to the Vi ce Presi dent's

l0 tri p, possi b1y duri ng a conversati on. But I was not on those
ll ca1ls between the Vice President of the United States and the
t2 Presi dent of Ukrai ne.
l3 MR. MEADOWS: But wouldn't it be a big deal jf the Vice
t4 President is going to demand a curtailment of $f billion?
l5 Wouldn't that have registered with you, since your passion
l6 and

t7 MR. KENT:Right. We11, as I said, my understanding of

l8 how that decision got to the point of having the Vice
t9 President raise that in the first week of December when he
20 came to Kyiv started with conversatjons between Ambassador
2l Pyatt and Assistant Secretary Nuland and then a

22 recommendation that Vice President Biden pushed that'issue

23 when he vi si ted.
24 That's my understanding of how the informatjon, the
25 idea, the flow pattern occurred and then he made the request

I when he came out.

2 MR. t"lEADOWS: 0kay, Steve.

4 a At the time was there any discussion of perceived

5 conflicts of interest either on the part of the Vice
6 Presi dent or h"is son?
7 A You' re now talki ng about a peri od lead'ing up to h j s
8 visit in December 2015.
9 a We11, Hunter Biden he was first reported that he
l0 was on the board in mid-20L4?
ll A Cor rect.
t2 a And the V'ice Presi dent's i nvolvement wi th Ukra j ne
l3 is pretty significant at that point in t'ime and it remained
t4 unti t he, you know, through 2016. Correct?
l5 A Yes.
t6 a And the questjon was, you know, were there any
t7 discussions of a perceived- conflict of interest on the part
18 of either Hunter Biden or the Vice President?
l9 A When I was the first time I was'in Ukraine as
20 acting deputy chief of mission in the period of mjd-January
2t to mid-February 2015, subsequent to me going into the deputy
22 prosecutor general on February 3rd and demanding who took the
23 bribe and how much was it to shut the case against Zlochevsky
24 I became aware that Hunter Biden was on the board. I did not
25 know that at the time.

1 I was on a catl with somebody on the Vice

And when
2 President's staff and I cannot recall who it was, just
J briefing on what was happening into Ukraine I raised my
4 concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board
5 of a company owned by somebody that the U.S. Government had
6 spent money trying to get tens of miltions of dollars back
7 and that could create the percept'ion of a conflict of
8 i nterest.
9 a And what did the person on the other end of the
l0 1 i ne te1 1 you?

ll A The message that I reca11 hearing back was that the

t2 Vice President's son Beau was dying of cancer and that there
l3 was no further bandwidth to deal with family related i ssues

t4 at that time.
l5 a Was that pretty much the end of i t?
l6 A That was the end of that conversation.
t7 a Okay. That was i n mi d-201.5?
l8 A That would have been in February, because to the
l9 best of my recollection Beau Biden died that spring. I then
20 returned to Ukraine in August of 2015 and I believe he passed
2t before then. So the only t'ime that conversation coutd have
22 happened is in that narrow wjndow between January, February,
23 2015.

24 a to that, djd you ever think through

And subsequent
25 with other State Department officials about maybe we should

I try to get Hunter Biden to leave the board or maybe we should

2 get the Vice President to transition his key responsibjlities
J on Ukrai ne to some other senior U. S. offi ci a1?
4 A No. It's easy in a conference room like thjs to
5 have a considered discussion about things. In Ukraine at
6 that tjme, we had a war with Russia occupation, we had an
7 embassy staff going from 150 Americans to 250 Americans, from
8 no Special Force U.S. Government soldiers to close to 70 in
9 country, our assistance went from $130 million to nearly a
l0 bi1lion.
ll And we were working nearly nonstop. Ambassador Pyatt, I
t2 can tel1 you from working for him, would wake up between 4:58
l3 and 5:01, because that was when I got the first email from
t4 him, and went to bed between L2:59 and L:01, because that's
l5 when I would get the last email. He had an internal c1ock.
l6 He only slept 4 hours. And it was nonstop,20 hours a day,
t7 7 days a week
18 a 0kay. Gotcha.
l9 You referenced earlier the President's congratulatory
20 note to President Zelenskyy.
2t A Hi s calI.
22 a No, the note.
23 A Yes.
24 a It was ripped up?
25 A That is what I heard from others, yes.

I a Wasthat the May 29th letter?

2 A If there's a letter that's signed May 29th that
J would be the second versjon that was then signed.
4 a 0kay. 5o that's the only letter we're talking
5 about, ri ght?
6 A Correct.
7 a Okay. In the letter they talk about a White House
8 meeting as a prospect.
9 A I bel i eve so.
l0 a I can make it an exhibit or I can read it whatever

ll your preference is?

t2 A If I could look at it that would be he1pful.
13 a 0kay. So thi s wi 11 be Exhi bi t 2.
l4 Do you guys need copies or are you good?
l5 A Very positive letter, yes.
t6 IMi nori ty Exhi bi t No. 2

t7 Was marked for identi fi cation. l


t9 a Yes. The penultimate paragraph says, to help show

20 that commitment -- the last sentence of the penultimate
2t paragraph says, I'd tike to invite you to meet with me at the
22 White House in Washington, D.C. as soon as we can find a
23 mutually conveni ent t'ime.
24 A Yes.

25 O So thi s was the spi ffed up letter or


I A This is the letter that I understand that

2 Ambassador Sondland helped arrange, yes, sir.
J a I think you'd characterize the new letter as

4 possibly better than the original?

5 A Yes.

6 a What were the di fference to the extent you

7 remembe r?

8 A Just I think stylistically I liked the second

9 version. I don't know who the drafter of the first version
l0 was and I don't know how many people were involved in
ll production of the language of the second one. I just thought
t2 the second one read better.
l3 a Okay. And do you know why the President was

t4 di sappoi nted wi th the fi rst versi on?

l5 A It wasn't he was disappointed with the version of

l6 letter, he based on what the readout I heard from Kurt
t7 VoIker and others that he was disappointed with Ukraine.
l8 a Okay. And so the letter was offered the to the

t9 President for his signature somewhat later in time?

20 A My understanding, and I think this may have been
2l the version from Gordon Sondland that while the President was

22 angry obviously at the point that he point and tore up the

23 letter. By the end of the meeting he agreed to sign a
24 revised version and this is the version that he signed.
25 a 0kay. And the offer or the invite to come meet at

the Whi te House, 'is that somethi ng that 'is customari 1y

2 offered to an a1ly wi thout speci fi c the meeti ng wi 11 happen
J on thi s date?
4 A We11, as I mentioned before, President Trump and
5 Presi dent-e1ect Zelenskyy had thi s di scussi on on Apri 1 2Lst
6 when President-eIect Zelenskyy had invited President Trump to
7 come to his inauguration, and he said, we11, I will send
8 somebody there, but I'd tike to get you to the White House.
9 So this was following up on that theme. President Trump
10 had offered it in concept in April. He put it in writing 'in
ll May. But, you know, as anyone who's ever staffed not just
t2 the President but a principat, you can have an agreement in
l3 principle to meet but then schedules are complicated,
t4 parti cularly when you' re deal i ng wi th two Presi dents of two

l5 countries.
t6 a So i t i s not uncommon for the meeti ngs to be
t7 proposed suggested, discussed and then take a while to put
l8 together?
19 A That's a fai r statement, yes.
20 a And sometimes the meeti ngsdon't actually happen.
2l A That would also probably in certain circumstances
22 also be a fair assessment.
z) a 0kay. Because these issued are complicated?
24 A Because schedules are busy, yes.
25 O If I heard you correctly you mentjoned that in

I March Ambassador Sondland contacted President Poroshenko to

2 urge hjm to back off attacks on Ambassador Yovanovitch was
J it? Did I hear that right?
4 A That is probably close to what I said. And it that
5 is what I recal1 seeing in an email exchange, yes.
6 a Okay. So in March Poroshenko is about to lose the
7 electi on? Rl ght?
8 A He doesn't realize it but the rest of the country
9 does, yes.
l0 O 0kay. And so in urging him to back off the attacks
ll on Yovanovitch, do you have any idea whether Poroshenko
t2 genui nely knew that h'is apparatus was attacki ng her?
l3 A When I visited in May I had the prime minister, and

t4 three m'ini sters, and a f ormer pri me mi ni ster te11 me that

l5 Poroshenko authorized the attacks let me be careful. He

l6 authori zed Lutsenko to share the i nformati on wi th Gi ul i ani

t7 that 1ed to the attacks on Ambassador Yovanovitch.

l8 a Okay. And where did you learn of Sondland's
t9 content?
20 A With Poroshenko in March that I referred to.
2t a 0kay.
22 A In an ema'i 1 I bel i eve f rom the embassy i t could
23 have been Ambassador Yovanovitch, it could have been from the
24 DCM at the time, Pam Tremont.
25 a 0kay. Did Sondland te11 you himself?

I A I d'id not hear it directty from Sondland, no.

2 a Do you have an understanding of tike how thjs
J conversation was put together?
4 A My understanding based on also seeing how

5 Ambassador Sondland has engaged Georgian leaders, because I

6 also have responsibility for Georgia, is that when he meets
7 leaders 'in BrusseIs. -- or, in the case of the Ukraine, he met
8 President Poroshenko and other leaders in Odesa during the
9 U.S. trip visit, he hands them his business card, he gets
l0 their business card, and then starts direct communication via
ll WhatsApp or phone ca11s.
t2 a Wi th world leaders?
l3 A With world leaders.
t4 O Okay. And he did that with President Poroshenko?
l5 A Yes. To the best of my knowledge, he did that with
l6 President Poroshenko as well as the then Georgia prime
t7 mi n'ister.
l8 a I 'm goi ng to mark Exhi bi t 3 .

t9 lMi nori ty Exhib'it No. 3

20 was marked for i denti fi cati on. l

22 a Th'is is a letter to Poroshenko from Senators

23 Menendez, Durbin, and Leahy about the 14ue1ler investigation
24 Does anybody need copies? Do you have enough?
25 Take as much time as you need to check this out.

I Have you ever seen this letter before?
















I 14:23 p.m.l
2 I do not recaIl, but I can't rule out. The
J U.S. Congress does not, as a matter of course, copy embassies
4 on its correspondence with other countries, but we oftentimes
5 do receive courtesy copies sometimes through the State
6 Department.

8 a Do you know if the State Department has provided us

9 a copy?

10 A I honestty cannot remember, but I at least recal1

ll hearing about a communi cati on whi ch could have been thi s

t2 letter.
l3 a Okay. And what do you remember about this
t4 communi cati on?

l5 A We11, that there were some peopte expressing

l6 j nterest i n whether Ukrai ne had possi bIy stopped cooperati ng.
t7 This is not the first time I've heard it, but I honestly
l8 could not gi ve you preci sely, you know, i nformati on. Agai n,

t9 thjs was not a communication that went through the embassy

20 a 0f course.
2t A nor did we go to the prosecutor general to raise
22 the concerns of the three Senators who sent this letter.
23 a 0kay. Do you know if in the leg affairs
24 A At the time, I was working in Kyiv, so I woutd not
25 necessarily have been aware. My predecessor was Bridget

Brink, who is now serving as our Ambassador in Slovakia. So

2 she was the Deputy Assistant Secretary at the time, so I'm

J not sure if this letter was passed through and was discussed.
4 a If the State Department found out about this, do
5 you think they would dispatch their legislative liaisons to
6 talk w'ith the Senators or thei r Senator's staf f to
7 A HonestIy, aga'in, I was in Kyiv at the time, so I do
8 not have knowledge of any 'interact'ion between the Senate's
9 three senators, their staff
l0 a Fa'i r enough .

1l A and ei ther Hi 11 li ai son or the European Bureau.

t2 a Were you aware of any questions about whether
t3 Lutsenko was failing to cooperate with Special Counsel
t4 Muel I e r?

15 A Agai n, I didn't have any conversations wi th

t6 Mr. Lutsenko as a general ru1e. By this point in May
t7 of 2018, our relations w'ith him had soured. And so we didn't
l8 have a complete break in communications, but we did not

t9 we, the U.S. Embassy, did not meet with him frequently.
20 a Do you know if anyone at the State Department had
2t a -- picked up the phone and ca1led the Justice Department
22 and said, you know, this Lutsenko fel1ow is not so great. if
23 you are getting information from him, you might want to
24 better understand that he is not well-regarded at this point?
25 A To be honest, I have no knowledge of that, and I

1 can't say either yes or no.

2 a Okay. I'11 ask you one last question, and then our
J time is about to expire after this round.
4 There was some discussion about instances where Mayor
5 Gi u1i an'i was operati ng i n Ukrai ne and havi ng meeti ngs. And

6 we know that he has got some clients and other interests.

7 It's fair to say the Ukrainians are aware of his celebrity
8 status, at least some Ukrainians?
9 A I think some Ukrainians, like many Americans,
l0 remember him from the time he was Mayor of New York at the

ll tjme of the attacks, September LL. Besides I mentioned, jn a

t2 positive 1ight, former heavyweight boxing champion, Mayor of
l3 Kyiv, KIychko. The other individuals that former Mayor
t4 Giuliani has chosen to associate in Ukraine have far less
l5 positi ve reputati ons j n Ukrai ne.
l6 a Right. But, you know, he was at least somebody
t7 that was, you know, considered to be an international, you
l8 know, political figure from his time as Mayor of New York.
l9 A Right. Although, again, that would have had less
20 impact in Ukraine, whjch was focused on jts own issues and
2t challenges at the time.
22 a Ri ght. But hi s abi 1 i ty to get meeti ngs i s
23 understandable?
24 A I mean, he had an existing relationship with the
25 mayor of Kyiv, and I think Mayor Klychko would probably see

1 h'imat any moment. I would say that is the level of an easy

2 ask. It was well known in Ukra'ine that his main paying
) clients in Ukra'ine at the time were the mayor of Kharkiv and
4 a Russi an Ukrai ni an o1 i garch named Pavlo Fuks.

5 a Is this before 2016 I'm sorry, before 2018 in

6 the
7 A I bel i eve that Mayor Gi u1 i ani 's assocj ati on wi th
8 Mayor Kernes and Pavlo Fuks contractually began in 20L7.

9 a 0kay. Thank you.

10 MR. KENT: Andif I could take another break.
ll THE CHAIRMAN: Let's gets a 5-minute break. We sti11

t2 have a lot of material to get through, and we want to try to

13 get you out as a reasonable hour. So let's try to come back
t4 as soon as possible after a quick break.
l5 lRecess. l
l6 THE CHAIRMAN: Let's go back on the record.
t7 Secretary, I have just a few questions before I hand it
l8 back to l4r. Goldman. My colleagues asked you a great deal
t9 about the Bjdens and Burisma. I want to go back to one of
20 the origins of the narrative they were getting at. You
2t mentioned there were four false narratives in the Solomon
22 article back in April of 20L9. 1s that right?
23 MR. KENT: We11, there werefour narratives that were
24 introduced, led off by the Solomon articles. But I'm not
25 sure that all four were introduced by Solomon. The first two

I were definitely part one, part two, but there were a number
2 of different platforms in play that week.
3 THE CHAIRI4AN: And part one, was that Lutsenko's c1a'im

4 that Biden pressured Poroshenko to fire Shokin because of the

5 prosecutor general's offi ce i nvesti gati on of Buri sma?
6 l"lR. KENT: No. I bel jeve that the f i rst day the two
7 themes that were introduced were the anticorruption theme,
8 and that was targeting the embassy, including the letter that
9 I had signed in April 20L6, and NABU, as in an organization,
l0 and then the 20L6 conversation. The discussions of the
ll Bidens and Burisma was the third narrative theme that was
t2 introduced a day or two 1ater.
l3 THE CHAIRMAN: So that was the third false narrative you

t4 referred to?
l5 l"lR. KENT: Right.
l6 THE CHAIRt"lAN: in fact, that false narrative that
t7 the Vi ce President had pressured the f i ri ng of Shok'in over
l8 Burisma, Lutsenko himself would later recant. Did he not?
t9 MR. KENT: Mr. Lutsenko has held many positions on many
20 i ssues that are mutually exclusi ve, and i ncludi ng on th'is
2l i ssue.
22 THE CHAIRMAN: Wel1, jn of 20L9, Mr. Lutsenko,
23 were you aware, di d an i nterv'iew wi th Bloomberg i n whi ch he
24 said he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son.
25 Are you fami 1 i ar wi th that i ntervi ew?

I MR. KENT: I familiar with the interview that he

am more

2 gave to The L.A. Times, in which he said that the activities

J related primarily to Zlochevsky's actions as minister, which
4 occurred several years before Hunter Biden came on to the

5 board. So his interviews this year, subsequent to leaving

6 office, are more in accord with the facts as I understood
7 them at the time, than his aSsertions as prosecutor general.
8 THE CHAIRMAN: 5o let me ask you a little bit more again

9 about thi s false narrati ve si nce recanted. J ust to be

l0 absolutely clear about this, when the Vice President was
ll asked to make the case, or help make the case for Shokin's
t2 firing, this was the policy of the State Department, and the
l3 State Department was asking the Vice President to assist with
t4 the execution of that PolicY?
l5 MR. KENT: That would be a correct assessment, yes.
16 THE CHAIRMAN: And it was the policy of other
t7 'international organizations as well that recognized that
l8 Shokin was corrupt?
l9 MR. KENT: Correct. He was not allowing for reform of
20 the prosecutor general SerVice, and jn contrast, he actually
2l was act'ive1y undermining reform of the prosecutor general
22 servi ce and ou r assi stance.
23 THE CHAIRI4AN: And this involved, as you said, an effort
24 to undermine the very inspector general office that the State
25 Department had assiduously worked to help the Ukrainians

I establish to root out corruption within the prosecutor force?

2 MR. KENT: Correct.
J THE CHAIRMAN: Mr . Gotdman.


5 a Thank you, ["1r. Chai rman.

6 Picking up off of that June 28 conference call that you

7 referenced, follow'ing that, you said that you were in Toronto

8 for a meeting where President Zelenskyy also was present?
9 A Correct. This was the Ukraine Reform Conference.
l0 It essentially is the primary friends, donors of Ukraine.
ll This was the third edition. The first one was he1d, I
t2 believe, in Denmark; second in London; and the third was
l3 hosted in Canada by the Canadjan Government. And Kurt Volker
t4 and I were the ranki ng U. S. of f i c'ia1s who attended f or the
l5 U.S.

l6 a And who was there from Ukraine?

t7 A President Zelenskyy himself.
l8 a And any of his senjor aides?
t9 A Many of his senior aides. In the meeting that we

20 had on JuIy 2, to the best of my recollect'ion, those included

2t h'is chi ef of staf f , Andriy Bohdan, who i s a very
22 controversj a1 fi gure; 'i t i ncluded hi s two closest personal
23 assistants, a person named Shefir, and another one named
24 Yermak; jt jncluded a professional in the presidential
25 apparatus, Igor Zhovkva; their ambassador to Canada, Andriy

I Shevchenko, and an interpreter.

2 a And what was discussed at that meeting?
J A of U. 5. -Ukrai ne relati ons, because
The whole range
4 of special representative for Ukraine negotiation Volker's
5 focus on the Donbas confljct. That was one segment of the
6 conversati on.
7 When we got to bilateral relations, that
more general
8 was the first time, I mentioned earlier, that I heard
9 di rectly from Kurt hi s asserti on that Perry, 5ond1and, and
10 Volker were now in charge of Ukraine policy. He made that
ll assertion to Pres'ident Zelenskyy.
l2 Coming out of the meeting with the President, he
l3 explained how the meeting had gone on May 23 in the 0va1
t4 0ffice, that the three officers were the ones leading the
l5 charge, and that he said that we're working on a phone
l6 call wi th the Presi dent.
t7 And Zelenskyy cut him off at that point and said, just a

l8 phone call? How about the vi si t? And Votker sai d, fi rst a

t9 phone ca11, which this is a conversation happening on July 2

20 He sa'id, We'I1 aim for that perhaps next week, and hopefully
2t that will lead into a meeting by the end of the month,
22 July 29 and 30, which was roughty, I think, the dates that
23 were discussed in the June L8 meeting that Secretary Perry
24 chai red.
25 a Was there any di scussj on i n that meeti ng i n Toronto

I on July 2 about the investigations that Rudy Giuljani had

2 been promoti ng?

J A There was not a discussion in the fu11 format of

4 everyone on both sides of the table. However, prior to the
5 meet'ing, Ambassador Volker told me that he would need to have
6 a private meeting separately with the President, that he

7 would pu11 him asjde. And he explained to me that the

8 purpose of that private conversation was to underscore the
9 importance of the messaging that Zelenskyy needed to provide
10 to President Trump about his willingness to be cooperative.
ll And that happened as the meeting broke up, he
12 announced that he needed to have a private meeting. He went
l3 around to the Ukrainian side of the table and pulled
t4 Zelenskyy, hi s chi ef of staff, Bohdan, and the translator. I
l5 was standing about L0 feet of the way, introducing myself to
l6 Andriy Yermak and talking to him. 5o that was Volker had
t7 several m'inutes with Zelenskyy, his chief of staff and the
l8 'interpreter.
t9 a You said the messaging about the witling or
20 cooperation.
2l A Yeah.

22 a Cooperation about what?

Z) A Thedetails at that point were not clear to me. I
24 would say that Kurt Volker had not provided additional
25 details. It was more that President Zelenskyy needed to be

1 signaling something in his cooperative attitude towards

2 something the President was interested in.
J a And at that point you did not know what the
4 Presi dent was i nterested i n?
5 A At that point, Kurt Volker did not say, nor was I
6 aware of what the President was interested. Rudy Giutiani
7 was tweeting what Rudy Giuliani thought, but Rudy Giuliani
8 was and is remains a private cit'izen, not an official of
9 the U. S. Government.

l0 a Right. Did you understand why Kurt Volker needed

ll to have thi s i n a pri vate pu11-asi de have thi s
t2 conversation in a private pu11-aside meeting rather than with
l3 everyone there?
l4 A clear that he both wanted to restrict
We11, it was
l5 knowledge of i t, and consj dered the matter sensi ti ve. But,
l6 again, I had not been on the June 28 conference ca11. I
t7 heard about that subsequently from Charge Taylor.
l8 And I had also not been involved in any of the

t9 conversations that had gone on. I wasn't there at the

20 June L8 nor the May 23. 5o sometimes I can get readouts
2t officially of meetings, but if you're not there, you miss the
22 that can take place.
si debar conversati ons
23 a So it's your testimony that you did not you were
24 not aware at that point of what the sensitive issue that Kurt
25 Volker needed to talk about related to President Zelenskyy's

I cooperati on wi th Presi dent Trump?

2 A What I of was that there was an interest,

was aware
J and Kurt was sending a signal of a desire to have Zelenskyy
4 be cooperative, but I djd not know the details of what the
5 ask was on that date, July 2.
6 a Okay. Did Kurt Volker explain to you what he
7 d'iscussed with President Zelenskyy in that pu11-aside
8 afterwards?
9 A No. But he explained he was, I would say,
l0 relatively transparent beforehand. This is what I'm going to
ll do, and this is my message and this is why.
t2 a And how did you what did he say the why was?
l3 A i.'Iell, I think his goa1, to my understanding, based
l4 on my conversatjons with him, he was trying to get through
l5 what seemed to be a hiccup in the communications, and wanted
l6 to get Presjdent Trump and President Zelenskyy together,
t7 counting on Zelenskyy's personal interactjve skj11s to build
l8 rapport and carry the relationship forward.
l9 a Okay. But that's the why he was doing it?
20 A That was my understanding, based on what I heard
2t from Kurt prior to the meeting, yes.
22 a And what did he te11 you after about the meeting?
23 A It was, you know it was a several-minute
24 exchange, and so I just presumed that he had said and raised
25 the ask in the way that he had described to me right before

I the meeti ng.

2 a And what was your reaction to the ask as you

J understood it from Volker at the time?
4 A At the time, I was interested to see where this
5 thought pattern would go. I do not recal1 whether the
6 fo1low-on conversation I had with Kurt about this was in
7 Toronto, or whether it was subsequently at the State
8 Department. But he did te1l me that he planned to start
9 reaching out to the former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani.
l0 And when I asked him why, he said that it was clear that
ll the former mayor had influence on the Presjdent in terms of
t2 the way the President thought of Ukraine. And I think by
l3 that moment i n t'ime, that was self -ev'ident to anyone who was
t4 working on the issues, and therefore, it made sense to try to
t5 engage the mayor.
t6 When I raised with Kurt, I said, about what? Because
t7 former Mayor Giuliani has a track record of, you know, asking
l8 f or a v'isa f or a corrupt f ormer prosecutor. He attacked

t9 Masha, and he's tweeting that the new President needs to

20 'investi gate Bi den and the 20L5 campai gn.
2l And Kurt's reaction, or response to me at that was,
22 wel1, if there's nothing there, what does it matter? And if
L) there js something there, it should be investigated. My
24 response to him was asking another country to investigate a
25 prosecution for political reaSons undermines our advocacy of

1 the rule of 1aw. And that was the nature of the exchange, at
2 some point in July, either at Toronto or perhaps, more
J 1 i keIy, uly i n the State Department.
mi d-J

4 a Now, Ambassador Volker is a longtime, you know,

5 Forei gn Servi ce offj cer, ri ght?
6 A He is.
7 a What was his reaction when you sajd that this would
8 undermine the rule of 1aw and everything that we stand for?
9 A I do not recall him giving a verbal response.
l0 a 0kay. And so presumably you and Kurt Vo1ker were
ll in Toronto for some tjme, right?
t2 A We arrived, to the best of my recollection, on the
l3 1st and departed late afternoon of the 3rd. We djd not
t4 travel together.
l5 a Did you spend any time together there?
t6 A We were in many meetings together, yes.
t7 a Dld you spend any meals together?
l8 A I do not reca1l us having working meals together,
t9 but it was a hectic trip and generally, his or hectic, not
20 trip, but set of meetings. There were a 1ot of Ukrainians
2t there, and I had a lot of sidebar meetings with attendees at
22 the conference.
23 OSo
24 A I should also say that there was a -- because Kurt
25 was head of delegation, the Canadian foreign mjnister hosted

I a dinner for heads of delegation to which Kurt was invited.

2 I was not because there was just one U.S. attendee. So, for
J instance, whatever the anchor night was, he went to the
4 leaders meeti ng, and I met w'i th other Ukrai ni ans who were

5 the re .

6 a Are you fami1iar with a Ju1y L0 meeting at the

7 White House involving senior Ukrainian officials and senior
8 American officials?
9 A I saw pictures tweeted outside after the meeting.
l0 At the time I was on a multi-country swing that included,
ll among other countries, Moldova and Ukraine.
t2 a So you were unaware prior to the meeting
l3 occurring, you were unaware that it was happening?
t4 A I knew that there was going to be a meeting. The

l5 principals for that meeting were Ambassador Bolton and

l6 0leksandr Danylyuk, who'd been appointed the head of the
t7 National Security and Defense Councjl in Ukraine, which
l8 doesn't have an analogous role to our National Security
t9 Council but has a that sounds similar. And 0leksandr

20 Danylyuk is a Ukrainian official well-known to many of us who

2t have worked on Ukraine.
22 a just to be c1ear, the conversation that you
23 had with Kurt Volker, even if you aren't sure that it was in
24 Toronto, it occurred before your European swing?
25 A I can't tell you for certain when in July it was.

I have since been made aware by seeing the WhatsApp messages

2 that Kurt released that he said he had breakfast with
3 Giuliani on July L6th, so it would make sense that my
4 conversation with Kurt happened before then July 1-9th
5 because he was telling me that he would reach out to Mayor
6 Giulian'i .

7 a Did you discourage him from reaching out to Mayor

8 Giuliani?
9 A I his purpose was, and that's when
asked him what
l0 he said, as I relayed earljer, that because, clearly, former
ll Mayor Giuliani was an influence on the President's thinking
t2 of Ukraine that he, Kurt Volker, felt it was worthwhite
l3 engagi ng
t4 a Right. I know. But did you think jt was

l5 worthwhi 1e engaging?
t6 A What I understood was Kurt was thinking tactically
t7 and I was concerned strategically.
t8 a Did you have any discussions with anyone else at
t9 the State Department by mid-July, any time up to mid-Ju1y or
20 prior to, about Mr. Giuliani's potential influence on the
21 President and the fact that what he was advocating may be
22 contrary to official U.S. policy?
23 A I di d not, i n part because af ter G'iu1i ani attacked
24 me, as well as Ambassador Yovanovjtch and the entire embassy,
25 i n hi s late May i nterv'iew, I was told to keep my head down

I and lower my profile in Ukraine.

2 a Who told you that?

J A The message was relayed f rom my supervi sor, Acti ng

4 Assi stant Secretary Reeker message relayed from Under
5 Secretary HaIe.
6 a Do you know if it became from above Under SecretarY

7 Hale?

8 A A11 I know is that Assistant Secretary Reeker,

9 after a meeting with Under Secretary Hale said that Under
l0 Secretary Hale had directed me to keep my head down and a
ll lower profile'in Ukraine.
t2 a And what did you understand a lower profile in
13 Ukra'ine to mean, gi ven that you oversaw the pol i cy f or the
t4 State Department on Ukraine?
l5 A Well, I oversee policy for six countries, and this
l6 was a day or two before I was going on leave to go visit
t7 attend my daughter's and go hi ki ng i n Maj ne. And
l8 so I said, Fine, you're not going to hear me talk about any

t9 country for the next week and a half. And I dld cancel some

20 public appearances on Ukraine in June, sort of think tank

2t sessi ons around Washi ngton.
22 a And at that point, did you sense that you were cut
23 out of the loop in terms of State Department policy
24 discussions and dealings with Ukraine given this Volker,
25 Sondland, Perry tri umvi rate?

I A I wouldn't say that I was cut out of the 1oop. As

2 I indicated, Kurt and I continued to have a back and forth.
3 I was aware that obviously other players had come into the
4 picture. And you had Secretary Perry convening a meeting
5 wi th a number of State Department offi ci als.

6 You had Gordon Sondland giving a public interview that

7 the three amigos were now in charge of Ukraine, and by that
8 he meant Perry, Sondland, and Volker. I heard Vo1 ke r say

9 that to President Zelenskyy in Toronto, but I was i n that

l0 meeting.
ll a Volker called them the three amigos to Zelenskyy?
t2 A No. Sondland,in a public interview, ca11ed
l3 themselves three amigos. Volker just stated that coming out
t4 of the meeting with President Trump at the Ova1 0ffice, that
l5 those were the three officials that would be taking the lead
l6 on our policy towards Ukraine.
t7 a Were you speaking regularly wjth Bill Taylor in
18 June and July?
19 A Yes. There's a schedule of every Monday there
20 'is a generally scheduled secure video conference. It's not
2t j ust one-on-one. Usualty i t's wi th offj ce di rector, deputy

22 director from my side, and members of the country team on his

23 side. That was the schedule that dated back
24 a Wel1, let me rephrase the questjon. Did you speak
25 to Charge Taylor about the three ami gos, or Rudy G'iu1i ani or

I any activities with regard to the advocacy for these

2 i nvesti gati ons?

J A are, in your exploration of a timeline, not yet


4 to the point where that became apparent to me that this is

5 where U.S. poficy or not U.S. policy, where U.S.
6 engagement was headed.
7 a Okay. And we'11 probably get there, but when woutd

8 you say that time is?

9 A We11, I think jn retrospect, from the release of
l0 the WhatsApp messages, it started earlier than I was aware.
ll a When were you ultimatety aware?

t2 A I that the middle of August, specificatly

would say
13 August 15 and 16, was when I became aware that this was
t4 actively in p1ay.
l5 a Okay. So did you get we're going to get there,
t6 but did you get a readout from that July L0 meeting from
t7 a ny body?

t8 A I do not recall. I was on the road for because

t9 it was a multj-country trip. I was on the road for more than
20 a week. I saw the picture that was tweeted out, maybe from
2t Kurt Volker, maybe from Gordon Sondland, that had the two

22 Ukrainians, wh'ich were 0leksandr Danylyuk and Andriy Yermak,

23 close assistant and associate to President Zelenskyy, as well

24 as the Americans.
25 a Do you reca11 when Fiona Hill left the National

I Security Counci 1?
2 A She was scheduled to leave at the end of July. I
J don't recall which particular day of which particular week.
4 a Did you have a meeting or a conversation with her
5 before she left?
6 A Yes, I did.
7 a Anddid you discuss any of these issues that we've
8 been talking about today with her?
9 A Yes, but to be honest, I don't reca11 the last time
l0 we had a conversation, and when we had the conversation would
ll be important to what we talked about. A conversation that I
12 recatl, I took notes actually dated to mid-May in which
l3 we talked about the change of attitude and approach towards
t4 Ukraine, and that was in the wake of meetings that President
l5 Trump had, a meeting with Vjktor Orban, the leader of
l6 Hungary, as welt as a call he had with Russian Presjdent
t7 Putjn 'in early May.

l8 a And what was the change following those two

t9 conversati ons w'ith 0rban and Puti n?

20 A Fiona assessed the conversations as being similar

2t in tone and approach. And both leaders, both Putin and
22 0rban, extensi vely talked Ukrai ne down, sai d i t was corrupt,
Z) said Zelenskyy was in the thral1 of otigarchs, specifically
24 mentioning this one oligarch Kolomoisky, negatively shaping a

25 picture of Ukraine, and even President Zelenskyy personally.


a And did Dr. Hill think that that had an impact on

2 Presj dent Trump's outlook?
J A I cannot recalI what she said in that meeting
4 bes'ides giving me the brief readouts of those two meetings,
5 but that was my takeaway, and that those two world leaders,
6 along wi th f ormer Mayor Gi uf iani , the'i r communi cati ons wi th
7 Presi dent Trump shaped the Presj dent's vj ew of Ukrai ne and
8 Zelenskyy, and would account for the change from a very
9 positive fjrst call on April 2L to his negative assessment of
l0 Ukraine when he had the meeting in the 0val 0ffice on May 23.
ll a And it was your understanding that Sondland, Perry,
t2 Volker, when they came back from the inauguratjon they were
l3 very positive about President Zelenskyy. Is that right?
t4 A That is correct.
l5 a And that generally the State Department had a
16 tj ve outlook on Presi dent Zelenskyy?
t7 A We were cautiously optimistic that this was an
l8 opportunity to push forward the reform that Ukraine needs to
l9 succeed i n resi sti ng Russi an aggressi on, bui ldi ng a

20 successful economy, and, frankly, a justice system that will

2l treat American investors and Ukrainian citizens equally
22 before the 1aw.

23 a But the message from 0rban, Putin, and Giuliani was

24 different than the message that the State Department was

25 relaying. Is that right?

A It different than the State Department

2 assessment, and it was different than the assessment of
J Secretary Perry, 5ond1and, and Volker.
4 a Okay. But the Presjdent was listening to the

5 Gi uli ani , 0rban, Puti n conti ngent --

6 A I don't know.
7 a accordi ng to Dr. Hi 11?
8 A Accordi ng to Dr. Hi 11, i n assessi ng the change from
9 late April to late May, but then we had also the instructions
l0 coming out of that meeting leading to the signing of the
11 letter on May 29 and the efforts to help Ukraine particularly
t2 in the energy sector.
l3 a Dr. Hi11 told us that she departed on July 19, and
t4 that prior to leaving, she had a conversation with you.
l5 A That agai n, I recall us speaki ng sometime i n
t6 Ju1y. I honestly don't recall the content of that. 0ne
t7 reason why I recall more specifics from May is that as I was
l8 looking through my notes to find records to provide to the
t9 State Department to be responsive to the subpoena, I found
20 notes that I took when I talked to her in May. When I was
21 going through my notes I did not find notes of our
22 conversation in July. But, yes, I do recall that we talked
23 jn Ju1y.
24 a And did you provide the notes from that May call to
25 the Department --

I A Yes.

2 a for production to Congress and pursuant to the

J subpoena?

4 A Yes.

5 a 0kay. So just make sure I understand. You

1et me

6 heard from Ambassador Taylor at the end of June that there

7 was correct me if this summary is wrong that at the end
8 of June, that there was a conversation with Taylor,
9 Ambassador Sondland, Volker, and Secretary Perry where they
l0 discussed the need for President Zelenskyy to initiate
ll some I think you said investigatjons was the readout you
t2 got in that call?
l3 A We11, sending the right signal without the details
t4 of the
l5 O Without the details. And then Ambassador Volker
l6 reaffirmed that to you directly before the meeting with
t7 President Zelenskyy in Toronto?
l8 A Correct.
l9 a Okay. Up until the July 25 ca1l, from July 2 to
20 July 25, did you have any more discussions with anyone about
2t the not'ion of Ukrai ne pursui ng these j nvesti gati ons ei ther
22 specifically or more generally in terms of cooperation?
23 A I do not recal1 any additional conversations that I
24 had in Ju1y. But I can't rule it out. Again, I had a
25 conversation with Fiona, I remember that, a sort of farewell

I call or a meeting, discussion. But, again, I don't remember

2 the content, and a1so, keep in mind that we had
J responslbilities I only had responsibilities for six
4 countries. She had responsibilities for many more.
5 a Ri ght. Okay. So you don't remember i f she vo'iced
6 any concerns about what was going on with Rudy Giuliani or
7 anything related to that?
8 A I honestly can't remember the content of that
9 conversation apart from I know that she had some concerns
l0 about nonstandard actors. I believe, in that conversation,
ll she expressed concern with Gordon Sondland's approach.
12 a What concerns did she express wjth Gordon Sondland?
l3 A To the best of my recollection, she had concerns
l4 possibly based on having been in conversatjons in the 0va1

l5 0ffice that he made assertions about conversations that did

l6 not match wjth what had actually been said in the 0val
t7 0ffice.
18 a Can you elaborate with any more detail?
t9 A I was not 'in those conversati ons, so

20 a I'm just asking what she told you. I understand

2l you weren't in them.

22 A I think she may have been as direct as saying that

23 Gordon Sondland l i es about conversati ons that occulin the
24 0va1 0ff i ce.
25 a Djd she indicate to you that Gordon Sondtand had

1 any conversati ons wi th the Ch j ef of Staf f l4ulvaney on th'is

2 topi c?

3 A As I mentioned before,clear to me that

it was

4 Ambassador Sondland had a direct connection with Chief of

5 Staff Mulvaney, and that's actually how the May 23 readout

6 WaS put on the President's schedule. It was not, to the best

7 of my knowledge, done through the national security staff and

8 Ambassador Bolton. It was done Ambassador Sondland directly

9 to Chief of Staff MulvaneY.

l0 a Right. But I'm asking now in July. When Dr. Hill
ll talked to you and voiced concerns about Sondland, did she
l2 ment'ion anythi ng about Sondland's relati onshi p wi th

13 Mr. Mulvaney?

t4 A She may have, but i do not remember.

l5 a Okay. Do you reca11 anything else that she said

l6 about Ambassador Sondland in that meeting was it a meeting
t7 or a phone call?
l8 A It was a conversation, but I will say that it was
t9 also not entirely about work. We have a mutual friend whose
20 wife died of cancer, and he is a Foreign Service officer and
2l studi ed i n St. Andrews wi th F'iona, and that's where he met
22 his wife. And so she had passed away. So part of the
conversat'ion was just about our mutual friend who died.
24 a And the part that was about Ukraine, was there
25 anything more that

I A That's as much as I reca11. But, again, as I said,

2 it was a conversation that had a personal component that had

3 nothing to do with work, and then part of the conversation

4 had to do w'i th work.
5 a So when did you become aware that President Trump
6 and President Zelenskyy were going to speak on July 25?

7 A i believe I was informed by Lieutenant Colonet

8 Vindman on July 24, the day prior. And as I mentioned
9 before, that's when I sent a message to the embassy
l0 suggesting that they test the line to make sure the call went

ll th rough .

t2 a And I believe you said the only readout you got

l3 from the call was from Lieutenant Cotonel Vindman?
t4 A Correct.
l5 a When you described that readout in addit'ion to
l6 emphasizing how Mr. Vindman was uncomfortable and the
t7 sensitive nature of the ca11, so he wasn't comfortable
l8 talking about it, you did say, I wrote down here, that he

l9 mentioned that there was a -- that President Trump had

20 d'iscussed the extreme narratives that had been discussed
2t pubticly. Is that
22 A At that po'int, I don't th'ink he sai d that Presi dent
23 Trump discussed. What I reca11 is that he said at this point
24 the conversat'ion went into the most extreme narratives. And
25 that was him making a summary without providing any detail.

I O Understood. But given everything that you knew,

2 and you certainty have indicated today that you were aware of
J the pubt i c narrati ves
4 A Yeah.

5 a what did you understand him to mean?

6 A I had presumed at the time, and I may have put in
7 my notes just in parentheses, Giuliani, and that was the way

8 I i nterpreted what he sai d. But, aga'in, he was very

9 uncomfortable havi ng the conversati on. He i ni ti ated the
l0 conversation, but it was very clear he was uncomfortable
ll shari ng th j s l jmi ted summary, i ncludi ng not go'ing i nto the
t2 detail of the call itself.
l3 a Did you come to learn whether or not Ambassador
t4 Volker -- in real tjme, at the time, did you come to learn
15 that Ambassador Volker di d meet wi th Mr. Gi ul i ani ?
t6 A Kurt told me he was going to meet, and so, I had
t7 every reason to believe that he then followed up on what he
l8 said he was going to do. But he did not share with me the
t9 exact contents of his discussions with the Mayor, no.
20 a Djd you know at any point whether Ambassador Volker
2l had introduced Andriy Yermak to Mr. Giufiani?
22 A I believe I became aware of that in mid-August.
23 a So you said that earlier, a few minutes ago, you
24 said that August 15, 15 tjme period was when you seemed to
25 confirm that wel1, I don't want to put words jn your

I mouth, but there was a significance to August 15 and 15.

2 What was the significance to those dates in your mind?
J A 0n August 15, the new special assistant to Special
4 Representative Volker, Catherine Croft, came to my offjce and
5 asked me, said she was trying to find out some information on
6 behalf of Kurt. And she said, you, George, know about our
7 relations wi th Ukraine, particularly in law enforcement.
8 Have we ever asked the Ukra'inians to investigate anybody?
9 And I told her, I said, we11, Catherine, there are two
l0 ways of looking at that question. If there is a crime that
ll was committed in the United States and any nexus for us to
t2 take action, we have two mechanisms: We have the Mutual
l3 Legal Assistance Treaty, and we have the legal attaches at
t4 the embassy, and that's the way a law enforcement
l5 i nvesti gati on should engage the Ukrai ni ans.
l6 The other option, which I from the context of what
t7 has been spoken about in the press, maybe what you're asking
l8 'is the pol i ti caI opti on. And i f you' re aski ng me have we
l9 ever gone to the Ukrainians and asked them to investigate or
20 prosecute jndiv'iduals for political reasons, the answer js, I
2t hope we haven't, and we shouldn't because that goes against
22 everythi ng that we are tryi ng to promote 'in post Sovi et
23 states for the last 28 years, which is the promotion of the
24 rule of 1aw.

25 And I also then told her, I said, Kurt has a lot of


I 'ideas. Some of them are great; some of them are not so good.
2 Andpart of the role of the special assistant as well as
J people 1i ke me i s to ensure that the 'ideas stay wi thi n the
4 bounds of U. S. pol i cy
5 O And what was her resPonse?
6 A She took that onboard.
7 O But why was that conversation important to you to
8 crystafize what was going on?

9 A lot of ta1k, you

We1l, because there had been a
l0 know. Frankly, what a private citizen tweets is an exercise
ll in one way of First Amendment rights, but when you have U.S.
t2 Government employees, or i n thi s case, a speci a1 U. S.
13 Government employee potentially seemingly to align to that
t4 view, that's when it became real for me and a matter of
l5 concern.
l6 that was, as I said, I said the L5th and L5th,
t7 because the next day, I had a conversation with Charge Taylor
18 j n wh'ich he ampl i f j ed the same theme. And he i ndi cated that
t9 Special Representative Volker had been engaging Andriy
20 Yermak; that the President and his private attorney, Rudy
2t Giuliani, were interested in the'initiation of
22 investigations; and that Yermak waS very uncomfortable when
23 this was raised with him, and suggested that if that were the
24 case, if that were really the posit'ion of the United States,
25 it should be done offic'iatly and put in writing, essentially

what I described to Catherine the day before, which is the

2 t"lutual Legal Assi stance Treaty opti on. And I told Bi 11
J Taylor, that's wrong, and we shouldn't be doing that as a
4 matter of U. S. pol i cy.
5 a What did he say?
6 A He said he agreed with me.
7 a Now, had you had any conversations with Ambassador
8 Taylor after July 25 and prior to August L6 about this issue?
9 A Not that I can reca11.
10 a Had you had any conversations with well
l1 A About th'is issue, I mean, we had a --
l2 a Yes.

l3 A regularly scheduled weekly teleconference that

t4 involved teams, and if there were anything sensitjve, we
l5 could finjsh up in a one-to-one. We also had a relationship
l6 that if there were needs, just like with any ambassador, they
t7 could call me up, you know, for an unscheduled conversatjon.
l8 a And that never occurred in that 3-week span?
t9 A i do not recal1 us having a conversatjon
20 specifically, you know, if you wi11, out of the regular
21 schedule until Friday, August 16. And I say it's a Friday,
22 because I was scheduled to get on a plane, leave my house at
23 about 5:00 a.m. to go to the airport, fly out to California
24 to go hiking in Yosemite with my family. So I had a very
25 time-bound 1imit.

I after having had these two conversations, I wrote

And so
2 a note to the file saying that I had concerns that there was
J an effort to initiate politically motivated prosecutions that
4 were injurious to the rule of 1aw, both in Ukraine and the
5 U.S.

6 I informed the senior official stitl present and the

7 European Bureau at 7:30 on a Friday night in the middle of
8 the summer, which was Michael Murphy, and informed him of my
9 'intent to wri te a note to the f i 1e, whi ch he agreed was the
l0 right thing to do.
ll a And when you say politically motivated
t2 'i nvesti gations, are you referri ng to i nvesti gati ons that were

l3 also referenced in that July 25 call record?

t4 A At the time, I had no knowledge of the specifics of
15 the call record, but based on Bill Taylor's account of the
l6 engagements with Andriy Yermak that were the engagements of
l7 Yermak with Kurt Volker, at that point it was clear that the
l8 investigations that were being suggested were the ones that
t9 Rudy Gi u1i an'i had been tweeti ng about, meani ng Bi den,

20 Bu r i sma, and 2015.

2t a And I understand you d'idn' t know the contents of

22 the call record, but now being able to read the call record
23 as you have, you are referring to the Biden investjgation
24 that the President mentioned, as well as the CrowdStrike 2016
25 investigation. Is that right?

I A Thosealign with the Rudy Giuliani tweet. I thlnk

2 it was June 2L, as well as some of the other story lines from
J earl i er i n the spri ng before Presi dent Zelenskyy was elected.
4 a Right. I just want to be clear that when you say
5 pot i ti ca11y moti vated i nvesti gati on
6 A That i s what I 'm referri ng to, yeah.
7 a that's what you' re referri ng to. Okay.

8 Were you aware of efforts to convince the Ukrainian

9 Government to issue a statement a couple days before the
l0 August 1.5 time period?
ll A I of the effort to negotiate the text
was not aware
t2 of the statement that came out as a result of Ambassador
l3 Volker's testimony here, and the tweets that he released, [o,
t4 not until I had read those.
l5 a So you were completely unaware of those discussions
l6 related to a poss'ib1e statement about investigations?
t7 A Correct.
18 a Now, at that poi nt, on August 1.5 , when you look
t9 back on the previous 2 months, let's say, the readout from
20 the June 28 call that you got from Ambassador Taylor, the
2t conversation that you had with Ambassador Volker in Toronto,
22 did you have a different view on what this White House visjt
23 and the interplay between a potential White House visit and
24 these j nvesti gati ons?

25 A As I mentioned before, arranging visits between


Presidents is never eaSy. President Poroshenko spent several

2 years also trying to get a visit to the White House, and that
5 was more happenstance, the visit he made in June 20L7. So I
4 have an appreciation that just because a leader of a country
5 wants to visit Washington and have an 0va1 Office visit
6 doesn't mean j t that haPPens.
7 So I would say there was one track of trying to get a
8 visit. There was another track of what we were engaging
9 Ukraine formally through normal channels. And then this
10 particular moment was the time where not just what I read on
ll tweets by private citizens, but a greater understanding of
t2 actions taken by U.S. officials, in this case, Ambassador

l3 Volker, that my concerns grew.

t4 a And just so we can understand, you sort of

l5 descri bed j ust there ki nd of two paralle1 tracks of offi ci al
r6 U. S. poli cy. Is that an accurate assessment?

t7 A I think official U.S. poticy are policies that are

l8 determi ned and endorsed. And i n thi s strati on there's

t9 the National Security Presidential Memorandum 4 that was

20 issued in April of 20L7, and that actually is what determines
2l the formal policy process for formulating U.S. policy on any
22 issue or country.
And what we're talking about now are issues and
24 approaches that were not discussed in the interagency proceSs
25 as staffed by the NSC and the person of either Lieutenant

I Colonel Vindman or his boss, which was Fiona Hill and then
2 now has become Tim l'lorrison.
J a Right. And I thank you for that clarifjcation. So

4 offjcial U.5. policy remain the same, but there's sort of a

5 secondary or shadow policy that was now being perpetrated by

6 U.S. officjals? Was that what you learned?

7 A I had growing concerns that individuals were
8 pushing communications with Ukrainians that had not been

9 discussed and endorsed in the formal policy process, yes.

l0 a Now, it sounds like you went on vacation right
ll after you wrote this memo to file, which, just as an aside, I
t2 assume you atso provided to the State Department --
l3 A r did.
t4 a to turn over.
l5 Did you have any subsequent conversations with anyone

l6 about this revelation that you had?

t7 A Well, I believe I went away. I came back after
l8 Labor Day. The next communication or data point that i can
l9 reca1l was a WhatsApp message that Charge Taylor sent me on

20 September 7, wh'ich woutd have been, I think, the Saturday

2t after Labor Day.
22 a And what did that WhatsApp message say?
23 A Charge Taylolindi cated that he had talked to T j m

24 Morrison, who is the senior director for Europe, who replaced

25 Fiona Hi11. And Tim indicated that he had talked to Gordon.

I And Gordon had told him, Tim, and Tim told 8111 Taylor, that
2 he, Gordon, had talked to the President, P0TU5 in sort of
J shorthand, and POTUS wanted nothing less than President
4 Zelenskyy to go to microphone and say investigations, Biden,
5 and C1 i nton.

6 a And in return for what?

7 A That was not clear to me I wasn't part of thi s

8 exchange. But Bill Taylor then followed up with a video
9 conference, our normal Monday call in which he elaborated on
l0 hi s conversations wi th both senior di rector Morri son on the
1l 7th as well as with Ambassador Sondland on the 8th.
t2 a And what did he say?
l3 A He said that Morrison indicated that Rudy Gi uf i ani
t4 had recently talked to the President again, and he sai d, as
l5 you can imagine, that creates di ffi culti es managi ng the
l6 Ukrai ne account.
t7 0n his conversation w'ith Ambassador Sondland on the 8th,
l8 I believe they went into more detail about Ambassador
l9 Sondland's efforts to try to facilitate a proper approach, in
20 his view, to open up the possibility of a visit to the
2t Whi te House.

22 a So can you explain a little bjt?

23 A Well, thi s was taki ng place thi s conversati on
24 was taking place with Ambassador Taylor and I on the 9th of
25 September. The biggest annual conference on Ukraine in

I Ukra'ine i s known as the YES Conf erence. That used to stand

2 for Yalta European Strategy back when Crimea and Yalta were

J under Ukrai n'ian control .

4 And it to happen, start in a couple of days.

was going
5 I flew out to Ukraine to take part in that conference as did
6 Ambassador VoIker. And Charge Taylor indicated that
7 Ambassador Sondland was pushing a line that included having
8 Pres'ident Zelenskyy give an interview potentially with CNN

9 during the YES Conferencethat weekend'in which he would send

l0 thi s publ i c si gnal of announci ng a wi 11 i ngness to pursue

ll investigatjons.
t2 a And did Ambassador Sondland discuss a White House
l3 visit in the context of that statement?
t4 A I think the anticipation or the hope was that
l5 sending that signal would clear the way for both the
l6 White House visit as well as the resumption or the clearing
t7 of the admi ni strative hold on securi ty assi stance, whjch had
l8 been placed by OMB. Although, Charge Taylor asserted to me

l9 that both Tim Morri son and Gordon Sondland speci fi ca11y said
20 that they did not believe that the two issues were linked.
2t a What was Ambassador Taylor's reaction to this whole
22 conversati on?

23 A He told me he indicated to Gordon, he said, This is

24 wrong. That's what I recall him saying to me, again, oral1y
25 reading out of a conversatjon of which i was not a part.

I a But he thought that it may have that the aid may

2 be contingent on this?
J A I have subsequently seen his tweets, which or
4 not his tweets, the WhatsApp messages that Kurt Volker
5 issued. And so it appears to me, having seen those WhatsApp
6 messages, that he was sharing his concerns wjth Ambassador

7 Sondland and Ambassador Volker.

8 MR. G0LDMAN: 0kay. I thjnk our tjme is up. So we wiIl
9 yi e1d to the mi nor i ty.

ll a When Volker was commun'icati ng to you about vari ous

t2 investigations that would occur in the Ukraine, whether it

l3 relates to Burisma 2015, is it possib1e the way i
t4 understood hi s you know, we spoke'to Volker.
l5 A Ri ght.
t6 a in here. The way I understood his the
He was

t7 way he communicated it was that if there were Ukrainians

l8 engaged i n mi sdeeds, corrupti on, then, you know and i t
t9 could relate to Buri sma, i t could relate to bri ngi ng Hunter
20 Biden on the board, it could relate to Ukrajnians doing
2t nefarious things in the run-up to the 20L5 election, then the
22 Ukrai n'ians ought to i nvesti gate f el1ow Ukrai ni ans.
Z) A So you' re sayi ng that's what Ambassador Volker sa'id
24 to you and the commi ttee?
25 a That was my understanding of what he said. Is that
27 1

I i nconsi th your understandi ng?

stent wi

2 A Well, I think I can only share the conversation I

3 had with Kurt, and the conversatjon was framed differently.
4 a Okay.

5 A n, I wasn't here. I haven' t Seen the

But, agai
6 transcri pt of what he sa'id to you. 5o I can only share my
7 recollection of my conversations wi th hjm.
8 a Sure. And d j d he commun'icate that di f f erently, or
9 did you just maybe understand it differently, or is there a
l0 possjble disconnect there, or are these two different things?
ll A I think that there are two people who we're
t2 talking at this point about a conversation that took place
l3 3 months ago, that neither of us were taking notes. We were
t4 standing up. And so, I would say that, you know, he has
l5 shared his recollection of the conversation, and I shared
l6 mine.

t7 Okay. But your recollection was that they were

l8 pushing for political investigations that had no merit?
t9 A When he sajd that he was going to engage Rudy
20 ani about Ukrai ne, because Rudy Gi u1 i ani was clearly
Gi u1 i

2t influencing the President's views of Ukraine, I reminded him

22 what Rudy Giuliani was doing in Ukrajne and about Ukraine,
23 about which I had concerns.
24 That's why I say that I think Kurt was approaching in
25 my understandi ng, he was approachi ng thi s i ssue tacti ca11y.

I We for Ukraine. We both wanted the best

both wanted the best
2 for U.S.-Ukraine relations. He saw Rudy Giuliani as an issue
J to be addressed, and potentiatly an a1ly to be incorporated
4 to get the U.S. President to where we wanted our relationship
5 to be, which is having a meeting.
6 l{y concern could be summed up by the means don't
7 necessariIy j usti fy you know, the ends don't necessari 1y
8 justify the means, that if we're trying to put trade space on
9 the table of an investigation, that can violate a principle
l0 that undermjnes what we're trying to do on a matter of
ll po1 i cy.
t2 a My understanding of what how he looked at Rudy
l3 was that he thought Mr. Giuliani was amplifying a negative
t4 narrative, meaning a false narrative, meaning that whatever

l5 Rudy Giuliani was communicating, you know, about to the

t6 Presjdent was something that needed to be fixed. And since
t7 the Presi dent and Rudy Gi u1 i anj had communi cati ons on a
18 somewhat regular basis, he thought that it was a relationship
t9 he had to try to work on if he could.
20 A Yeah. That 'is my understandi ng of hi s rati onale
2l for engaging the former mayor of New York.

22 a Okay. And by no means was he adopting the

23 narrati ve that Rudy Gi u1 i anj was proselyti zi ng?
24 A I don't know what Kurt's view was about the
25 narrative. What I know is that by September, Kurt was

actively promoting the request for Ukraine to open these

2 investigations.
J a Okay. And it would be inconsistent with your
4 understanding if these investigations were for Ukrainians to
5 open matters i nto mi sdeeds by Ukraj nj an genuj ne mj sdeeds

6 by Ukrai ni ans, whether i t relates to Buri sma or 20L6?

7 A We obv'iously want Ukraine to have effective law
8 enforcement and j usti ce sector i nsti tuti ons. That's j n order
9 to be able to investigate, prosecute, and judge any criminal
l0 acts. Agai n, as I sai d, I th'ink the i ssue f or what we ask
ll them to do in certain cases should start from whether there's
t2 a cri mi na1 nexus 'in the U. S. because that's our role as the
l3 U.S. Government, not to dictate that you should 'investigate
t4 this person because it's in our political interest.
l5 a Okay. You've mentioned WhatsApp a few times.
t6 That's a completely standard messaging appt'ication to use for
t7 5tate Department officials, correct, as long as everything js
l8 saved fi rst?
l9 A In certai n countr j es "i t' s almost requi red f or
20 busjness. And I'11 give you the example of how I ended up
2t first using WhatsApp. When Ambassador Yovanovitch had her
22 fi rst meeti ng wi th the then new prjme mi nj ster of Ukrai ne,
23 Votodymyr Hroysman, who is 4L years old, and she arrived in
24 August, so I'm presuming it was late August or early
25 September, he asked 'if she were on WhatsApp and V'iber. And

I she said, why? And he says, that' s how I commun i cate. So i f

2 you want to communicate with me, the prime m'ini ster of
5 Ukraine, you need to go back to the embassy and have them
4 down 1 oad those apps.
5 So she came back to the embassy. We checked with our

6 communications and Di plomati c Securi ty speci a1i sts. The

7 assessment was that V'iber was not as secure as WhatsAPP, and

8 that we were authorized to use WhatsApp for communjcations aS

9 long as records were saved.

l0 a 0kay. of WhatsApp by U. S. offi ci al,
So the use
ll State Department offi c'i a1, Whi te House offi ci al , presents no
12 problems as long as everything is saved?

l3 A I didn't say that, but at least we're in

t4 a Like, what kind of problems would it present as
l5 long as everything js saved?
l6 A We11, I th'ink there always i s a challenge wlth the
t7 integrity of data. And, for instance, Minister Avakov of
l8 Ukraine, who I've referenced several times, minister of
t9 interior, told me and another member of the staff,'in 2018,
20 that there were now ways, thanks to Israeli code writers, of
2t cracking the alleged encryption of text messages on WhatsApp.
22 So for people who thought they were encrypted and therefore
23 safe, at least the text messages, the texts as opposed to the
24 voice could be accessed by PeoPle.
25 a Okay. Moments ago you referenced the name Clinton?

A What I said --
2 a Cou1d you just go through that again?
3 A Ri ght.
4 a I haven't heard that name lately.
5 A That was a message that was described jn the
6 shorthand of the desire to have this was the Gordon
7 Sondland messaging of what the Ukrainjans need to say in
8 shorthand 2016. And in shorthand, it was suggested that the
9 Ukrajnians needed Zelenskyy needed to go to a microphone
l0 and basically there needed to be three words in the message,
ll and that was the shorthand.
t2 a Clinton was shorthand for 20L6?

l3 A 2015, yes .
t4 a Okay. Are you aware of the narratjve that there
l5 were some Ukrainians that tried to influence the outcome of
t6 the electi on?

t7 A I recal1 reading a Politico artic.l-e to that effect

l8 in the spring of 20t7, yeah.
l9 IMi nori ty Exhi bi t No. 4

20 Was marked for i denti fi cati on. l


22 a 0kay. I'm goi ng to mark as exhi bi t what are we

23 up to, 4? These guys love this article. This is a Politico
24 article by Ken Vogel dated January 20L7. It's, 1ike, L8
25 pages. It goes into some depth. I'm just going to point you

I to some things just and ask you whether you have any
2 awareness or ever remember this issue up. I'm not
5 going to ask you to, you know, adopt the artjcle as, you
4 know, personal endorsement or anything.
5 Were you aware that a Ukrainian American named

6 I *rr, you know, a consultant for the Democratic

7 National Committee and had made some overtures to the
8 Ukrai ni an Embassy?
9 A I was not aware of that. I did at the time read
l0 this article nearly 3 years ago now. But, yes, I read this
ll article.













I [5:37 p.m.]

J a And when you read thjs artjcle, did you do any

4 followup, communicate with anybody at the State Department
5 about the val i di ty of th i s?
6 A I was in Ukraine. They were jn Washington. And I
7 presumed that people had read it. But it's an article by two
8 j ournal i sts that I don't thi nk I 've met. But, you know, i t

9 was obviously, people were talking about it because of the

l0 allegations
ll a Are you fami 1 i ar wi th the Embassy's posture duri ng
t2 this time period with Ambassador Chaly?
l3 A Again, at this tjme, whjch we're talking about the
t4 period of the election, which is November 15, and this
l5 article comjng out the month of the inaugural in 20L7. I was
l6 in Ukraine, Kyiv, not here in Washington. That said, I do
t7 know Ambassador Cha1y. I met him for the first time in the
18 falI of 2004 when he was the think tank
t9 a And he had written an op-ed, I guess, that said
20 some less than positive things about Candidate Trump?

2t A It's possible. I mean, "h€" being Ambassador

22 Chaly?
23 a Yeah.

24 A If you say so. Honestly, again, I was in Ukraine

25 focused on that end of the relationship.

I a Who was the Deputy Assistant Secretary at the time?

2 A It would have been Bridget Brink, my predecessor.
J a So, other thanthis, you know, reading this story,
4 you did not ever come into any firsthand information relating
5 to ?

6 A No.

7 a 0r learn about any initiative on behalf of the DNC

8 to promulgate some of this information?
9 A No.
l0 a The story walks through Serhiy Leshchenko's role in
ll publi ci zi ng the Manafort ledgers.
t2 A The so-ca11ed black ledgers, Yes.
l3 a What do you recall about that?
t4 A About the black ledgers?
15 a Yeah.

l6 A I recal1 that those were documents apparently found

t7 at the former estate of the previous President who fled to
l8 Russi a, Vi ktor Yanukovych, and i t i ndi cated i ndi vi duals who

l9 had been receiving payments by the formerruling party.

20 a And at the time Leshchenko, at least it's reported
2t here, suggested that his motivation was partly to undermine
22 T r ump?

23 A He's a Ukrai ni an ci ti zen. I don't know what hi s

24 motivations are. I know that he was an investigat'ive
25 journalist, and there were, as I reca11, hundreds of names,

I almost all of which were Ukrain'ian, in the black book.

2 a Woutd it be fair to say that there were some
J Ukrainians that were trying to influence the outcome?
4 A I honestly do not know. I was jn Ukra'ine, and so I
5 was not privy to whatever activities may have been happening
6 here in the United States.
7 a

l0 I






2t ! when I would go to the NSC,

22 the person I would normally talk to directly was the State
23 Department detailee, the woman I mentjoned previously,
24 Catherine Croft, who has been working with Kurt Volker, she
25 was a di rector at the NSC f or Ukra'ine. And pri or to

1 Catherine doing her L-year stint, she had worked at the

2 Ukraine desk at the State Department. And there was an

J offi cer named at the
who had been worki ng

4 Embassy in Kyiv, and he came back and did a Year stint at

5 NSC.

6 So my pri nci Pa1 i nterlocutor when I would go to the NSC

7 to have conversations generally was the State Department
8 di rector,
9 I

t2 a

l3 Generally, directors at the NSC do not

t4 travel on their own, but they often accompany principals. I

l5 can say that Victoria Nuland was Assistant Secretary,

l6 sometimes Celeste Wallander and Charlie Kupchan would travel
t7 with her to countries, whether that would be Russia or

l8 Ukrai ne.
t9 o

20 I
2l And, again, Iof mY life in
spend most

22 support of others, and so jt hurts me to say this, but

23 generally people remember who the principal on the trip was

24 and not all the staff who actually do most of the work.
25 a You talked earlier about Lieutenant Colonel

1 Vj ndman's i nteracti ons wi th your staff?

2 A Yes. He would reach out I 'm the Deputy
3 Assistant Secretary, but there's an office that works on
4 Ukrai ne, Moldova, and Belarus, and those are three countri es
5 for whj ch he had responsi bi 1 i ty wi thi n the NSC, although he

6 was actually recruited to work on Russja, but he ended up

7 working on Ukraine, Moldova, and BeIarus, so he is a staff of

8 one for those three countries. So it was natural that he
9 would turn to an office that had multiple people working on
l0 those countries to see if they could be supportjve.
ll a Okay. And you explained that he had, from time to
t2 time, made a lot of requests of your staff?
l3 A From time to time, he asked for a very short
t4 fuse deta'i1ed documentation that the members fett, first
l5 of all, was impossibte to meet on his deadline and, second of
l6 all, distracted them from the work they had to do. And
t7 usually they would raise their complaints to their office
l8 d'i rec to r , . And I, it he did not f eel his
t9 conversations with AIex could provide sufficient relief, he
20 woutd ask me to weigh in.
2t a How long has this he been going on?
22 A Wel1, I believe that Alex came on to the
I mean,
23 account at the end of the summer of 2018. So my return from
24 Kyiv, I started work the day after Labor Day jn
25 September 2018, and his arrivat to the NSC staff may have

I been the same week and certainly was wi thi n the same month.

2 He came over from Joint Chiefs at the end of the summer of

J 2018.

4 a Do you know when his detail was uP?

5 A Generally, again, I've never worked at the NSC, but

6 my general understandi ng i s i t's L-year renewable. And

7 generally, because of the budget and staffing patterns, they

8 ask for detailees, which the host agencies pay for. And
9 generatly they come from State,0ffice of Secretary of
l0 Defense, or JCS in the Intel Community, and Treasury also
ll provides individuals. Under Secretary Tillerson, when he had
t2 our staff freeze, he tried to limit all detailees. So, as a
13 result, the number of State Department officials on detail at
l4 the NSC dropped dramatically, and that required, in order to
l5 staff it at similar 1eve1s, an increase in detailees from the
l6 Intel Communi ty, the Pentagon, and JCS.
t7 a Do you know when his detail is uP?
l8 A We1l, he's obv'iously in his second year now, and I
t9 get the sense that there are mechani sms to al1ow for
20 renewable, even though that's not standard. Those jobs are
2t incredibly draining, so most people are happy to do L year
22 and move on. But he clearly got an extension to a second
23 year, but I've never discussed that issue with him. But my
24 presumption is that, at some point, it was extended by a
25 second year.

I a Did you have any communications with anyone at the

2 State Department about your testimony here today, other than
J the ones you've descrjbed with the lawyers and

4 A Wel1, I described early on a commun jcat'ion about

5 the document search. Subsequent to that, I did not have any
6 d j scuss'ions or coordi nation about what I would say

7 personally. The conversations w'ith the counsel, legaI office

8 counsel, then went through counsel with ,Igot
9 several letters that were signed by Under Secretary of
l0 l'lanagement Br j an Bulatao, and then there were a number of
ll conversations that had , wh i ch I d'id not
t2 parti ci pate i n.
l3 a But nobody has tried to influence your testimony.
t4 Is that correct?
l5 A No. That i s correct.
l6 a And did you talk to Ambassador Yovanovitch after or
t7 before her testimony with us?

l8 A When you say "ta1ked, " what's your timeframe? What

l9 are your time

20 a 5i nce she appeared, whi ch was last Fri day?
2t A I have not had any conversations with her sjnce
22 then. My wife, I believe, has because of the health of her
23 mother. And my w'if e vi si ted her mother i n hospi ta1 and then
24 had a conversation with Masha.
25 a Okay. But you didn't speak to her about her

I testimony or your testimonY?

2 A I have not talked to l'lasha si nce Fri day, ho.
J a 0kay. And to the extent you reference her
4 testi mony, i t's the prepared statement?
5 A It was made available and, I read it online, I

6 thi nk The New York T"imes.

7 a Okay. This morning, we were talking about the

8 State Department's record collection procedure and responding
9 to the subpoena. Have you ever been involved with a

10 congressional records request?

l1 A The only previous record request that I have seen,
t2 although I not specifically named as a record collector,
l3 waS the Senate's Select Intelligence Committee's request for

t4 documents related to Paul l4anafort and Konstantin Kilimnik.

l5 a How did the as far as you know, the ordinary
l6 process work for producing documents to Congress?
t7 A Well, again, I have been present or seen the
18 process happen twice, once when I was at an Embassy and, the
t9 other tjme, the past 2 weeks at the State Department. At the
20 Embassy, there was a mechanism where our information
2t management resource, our specialists who work with the
22 information systems, went through and Were able to extract
23 from the system of backups any emails that had reference to
24 the "individuals listed.
25 And what was different about this search the last 2

I WECKS WAS, the State Department d'id that automatically, but

2 there were these other records that would not have been

J accessed automatically, and those included memos that were

4 written but never logged and sent to a principal like the

5 Secretary, handwri tten notes, or other communications.
6 a 0kay. Did I understand your testimony that you
7 were concerned about the integrity of the document collection
8 process?
9 A What I said was, when we had our meeting on the 3rd
l0 of 0ctober, based on instructions that had been prepared by
ll others that I presumed were in our congressional lia'ison in
12 the 1ega1 offi ce, that when they i denti fj ed potenti a1 chi ef
r3 record collectors, that there were i ndiv'iduals that were not
t4 included that were in the listing, and, therefore, there were
l5 additjonal people that were asked to check for records.
l6 a Okay. And I may have heard this incorrectly, but
t7 jt's not your understanding that the 5tate Department
l8 officials look for documents and then send them in to
t9 Congress individually, right?
20 A It was clear in the instructions that, as part of
2t the process of collecting documents, the records should be
22 identified, and then there would be a central repository for
23 the processing of those documents. And that's in an office
24 that is under our what's known as the A Bureau, the
25 Administrative Bureau. So I guess there's a un'it that deals

I wi th thi s, and that was the mechani sm.

2 a You don't have concerns with that, do you?
J A That sounds like an appropriate centralized way of
4 gathe r i ng documents f rom many people.

5 a So the function of the State Department collecting

6 the documents and going through the documents, organizjng the
7 documents, and producing them to Congress is what you
8 understand to be ordinary course?

9 A role as an identified record collector was

We11, my
l0 to go through all of my records and identify jnformation and
ll provide that information. So that's what I did. What
t2 happens after that js a process that I don't have
13 a Okay. You don't have a lot of experience with
14 that?
15 A Thi s i s the f i rst ti me that I 've gone through th'is
t6 process, yes.
t7 a Okay. So you' re not i n a posi ti on to evaluate
l8 whether the process undertaken here has been irregular or
t9 i mprope r?

20 A This is the first time I've done this type of

2t process where I've had to go through all my handwritten notes
22 and other forms of communication to find evidence that might
23 be responsive to the subjects that were listed in the
24 subpoena.

25 a Okay. And then a couple times you used the


I termi nology "when Volker released hi s tweets" ?

2 A I should have said WhatsApp messages; I'm sorry.
J a And so I just wanted to circle back to that, that I
4 don't believe Ambassador Volker has released anything
5 himself. He provided documents to the committees, and then,
6 you know, the commjttee is that your understanding?
7 A i do not know how that information made it into the
8 public domain.
9 a Uh-huh.
l0 A I do not engage the media and have studiously
ll avoided the media before coming here. I cannot say that's
t2 been Kurt's approach.
l3 a Okay. But you're not aware of hjm releasi ng hi s
t4 text messages like affi rmatively on his own?
l5 A I do not know how hi s WhatsApp messages made i t
l6 i nto the publ i c domai n .

t7 a I mean, it's conceivable that somebody on the Hj11

l8 side, I that might come as a shock, would push certain
l9 messages out. Is that something that
20 A Tha t ' s one opt'i on .

2l a Okay. So you th'ink that maybe he's pushi ng hi s own

22 messages out on hi s own?
23 A I do not know.
24 a Okay.

25 MR. CASTOR: Mr. ZeTdin.


I MR. ZELDIN : Assi stant Secretary Nuland's name has come

2 up a few time, Kathy Kavalec?

J MR. KENT: Kathy KavaIec.
4 MR. ZELDIN: Are you aware of Assi stant Secretary Nuland
5 i nstructi ng Kathy Kavalec to speak to Christopher Steele
6 duri ng the 2016 campai gn?

Kyiv, and Kathy Kavalec was the
was in
8 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Russia, and so I was not aware
9 of what the nature of engagement between Assistant Secretary
l0 Nuland and Deputy Assistant Secretary Kavalec would have
ll been, no.
t2 MR. ZELDIN: Are you aware of Ambassador Yovanovitch
l3 ever hav'ing conversati ons wi th Ukrai ne of f i c'ials on speci f i c

t4 individual cases before the prosecutor?

l5 t"lR. KENT: When you say "specif ic cases, " what do you
l6 mean?

t7 l'4R. ZELDIN: In any of the prosecutor' s cases , any of

l8 the Ukrai ne' s prosecutor' s cases, are you fami 1 i ar wi th any
t9 conversations Ambassador Yovanov'itch had with that Ukraine
20 prosecutor about any of those cases?

2t MR. KENT: Which prosecutor are you referri ng to?

22 MR. ZELDIN: We11, referring to the state
I was
23 prosecutor, but with regards to Ukraine's state prosecutor or
24 any cases within the Ukraine Government, are you aware of
25 Ambassador Yovanovitch having any conversations with any

I prosecutor in Ukraine about any of the Ukraine cases?

2 l'4R. KENT: During the period of time when Yuriy Lutsenko

J was prosecutor general, and he became prosecutor general

4 before Ambassador Yovanov'itch arrived at post in August 201.6,

5 the U. S. Government had concerns that Ukrai n'ian law

6 enforcement, prosecutori a1, and i ntel1 i gence serv'i ces were
7 occasionally harassjng and investigating without merit civit
8 society activists, members of the media, and political
9 opponents.
l0 And so it of concern that those in office
was a matter
ll were using that offjce not to prosecute crjmjnals but to put
t2 pressure on civil society, the media, and political
l3 opponents. In that context, yes, both the Ambassador and I
t4 rai sed concerns speci fically about actjon taken wi thout
l5 evident merit to pressure civjl society, the media, and
l6 political opponents.
t7 MR. ZELDIN: Was this a conversatjon solely in general,
l8 or were there discussions about specific cases?
l9 MR. KENT: When, i n a country whose lead'ing j ournaf ist
20 was murdered on the orders of a President in 2000, when
2t j ournal i sts are attacked, when an antj corrupti on acti vi st has

22 acid thrown jn her face at the orders of people that were

23 pol i ti ca11y connected and after L2 operatj ons she di ed, yes,
24 we raised specific cases of concern regarding the misuse of
25 state offi ce to go after ci vj I soci ety acti vi sts, members of

I the med'ia, and members of the opposi t j on.

2 In the year before Presjdent Poroshenko ran for
3 reelection, there were over a hundred such attacks against
4 ci vi 1 soci ety, the medi a, and occasi ona11y pol i ti ca1
5 opponentS, none of those were prosecuted by Yuriy Lutsenko.
6 MR. ZELDIN: Do you recall the names of any of the
7 names of the individual cases that you spoke to or Ambassador

8 Yovanovi tch spoke to Ukra'ine about?

9 MR. KENT: I would say that, in the last 3 years, the

l0 most prominent case was this anticorruption activist that I

l1 mentioned. Her name is Katia Handziuk, H-a-n'd-z- i -u-k. She
jn Kherson, and according to activists, civil
:rr in a town
l3 society, and journalists, there were politicians connected to
t4 also Prosecutor General Yuriy
Presi dent Poroshenko, wh'i ch was
l5 Lutsenko's party, as well as the party connected to Yuliya
l6 Tymoshenko. And despite this general knowledge, there was no
t7 firm action taken by the prosecutor general.
l8 MR. ZELDIN: And this was a case important to you and
19 Ambassador Yovanovi tch?

20 MR. KENT: This was a case important for the rule of law

2l under a President who had run to change Ukraine, starting

22 with the Revolution of Dignity. So, jf you were to ask a
23 Ukrainian over the last year, if they had to cite one case
24 that encapsulated the failures of President Poroshenko and
25 his team, wh'ich included Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko,

I the case of Kati a Handz'iuk became a clarion example of the

2 fai lure for the country to move forward in the same way that
J the murder of Georgiu Gongadze in 2000 encapsulated the
4 fai lure of then President Kuchma to move the country forward.
5 MR. ZELDIN: But this would be a case that Ambassador
6 Yovanovi ch would be very fami 1 i ar wi th?

7 MR. KENT: This js a case that was under great

8 d i scuss i on. The i ni
ti a1 attack occurred i n the summer of
9 2018, I believe, that the acti vj st eventually dj ed i n roughly
l0 November of 2018

ll MR. ZELDIN: Yeah, I just don't want to put any words in

t2 you r that's why I 'm aski ng the questi on.
mouth, Thi s would
l3 bea case that Ambassador Yovanovi tch would have been very
t4 fami 1 i ar wi th?

l5 MR. KENT: I would i magi ne so, yes .

l6 t'4R. ZELDIN: And were there many other cases that you

l7 have reca11 of indivjdual names of cases as you sit here

l8 today, without having to go through the entire list?
l9 MR. KENT: I honestly the number of uninvestigated
20 assaults on members of civ j 1 soc'iety, the medi a, and the
2t opposjtion, as I said, eventually reached 100, and that was a
22 trend line and a message to everybody. 5o I cannot cite all
23 100.

24 MR. ZELDiN: I wasn't asking. I just wanted to ask,

25 though, if necessary, there are many cases that you recall

I the names associated with the cases?

2 MR. KENT: 0n any given month, there would have been
) perhaps cases that rose to the fore as being emblematic of
4 the d'i rection. For instance, last December, 2018, one of the
5 candidates for President, Anatoliy Hrytsenko, was assaulted
6 in a parking garage in the city of Odesa. A former Defense
7 Minister running for President was assaulted by thugs, and
8 there was no effort to investigate that. That is a classic
9 example of intimidation, and the lack of an investigation is
l0 a suggestion that those in power were not interested in
ll holding the people to account because the accounts indicated
t2 that they were probably connected to the power organizations.
l3 MR. ZELDIN: Did you keep track of these individual

t4 cases that we were engaging Ukraine with?

l5 MR. KENT: The Embassy, as part of its advocacy, would

l6 have no doubt kept a running list and, in my experience from

t7 when I was there, would have discussed this extensively with
l8 the other likeminded Ambassadors. And there was a collection
t9 of Ambassadors to the G7 countries, plus the Ambassador to
20 the EU, met almost weekly. And the issue of the
2l deterioration of the rule of law and the lack of
22 accountability and impunity for these attacks was a frequent
23 topi c.
24 MR. ZELDIN: Wi th regards to thi s 1 i st of cases, who
25 would you speak to on the Ukraine side about the individual

1 cases. Was there a person, an office, that you would

2 communi cate wi th?

J MR. KENT: The Ambassadors, I believe, co11ective1y, the

4 G7 Ambassadors, plus the EU Ambassador, when they had a meet
5 with President Poroshenko, my understanding is this was the
6 type of j ssue that was ra"ised. Agai n, starti ng i n August 18,
7 I was back in Washington, so I did not participate in those
8 meetings. The trend line and the deterioratjon started about
9 the tjme I came back here to Washington.
r0 MR. ZELDIN: When communicating with Ukraine with these
ll 1ists, was Lutsenko or any of the people from his office
t2 present in anyof those meetings?
l3 MR. KENT: I can't say for certain. I do not think it
t4 was normal for the prosecutor general to be attending the
l5 meetings when, you know, eight Ambassadors come in to see
l6 President Poroshenko. It's not like they met that often.
l7 Prosecutor General Lutsenko, in my experience, occasionally,
l8 would summon Ambassadors or Embassy representatives to have
t9 meeti ngs wi th h jm f or sort of exchange on the si tuat'ion, the
20 current status of rule of law in the country.
2t MR. ZELDIN: It's a possibility that somebody
22 representing Lutsenko might be present at any of these
meet i ngs?

24 MR. KENT: Again, this trend line started last summer

25 about the time I came back, so I don't know who was in any

I parti cular meeti ngs.

2 MR. ZELDIN: The United Statespolicy towards Ukraine
J over the course of the last couple of years with regards to
4 aid, support for Ukraine, would you assess it as getting
5 stronger?
6 I"lR. KENT: I that, thanks to the appropriators
would say
7 on the Appropri ation Comm'i ttee, the amounts made avai 1able
8 for assistance to Ukraine has increased yearly since 20t4,
9 yes.
l0 MR. ZELDIN: And how important is it to Ukraine to have
ll access to J avel i n.
t2 MR. KENT: the son of a submarine captajn. I'm not
I am

l3 the Son of an Army cav orinf antry of f i cer, but I understand

l4 from my colleagues who do have such experience and our
15 Belarus desk officer was an Javelins is
officer who used

l6 that they are jncredibly effective weapons at stopping

t7 armored advance, and the Russ'ians are scared of them.
l8 MR. ZELDIN: Earlier on, in one of the rounds, I befieve
l9 thi s morni ng, there was di scussi on wi th regards to the fi ri ng
20 of Ambassador Yovanovitch, and later on, you testifjed that
21 you read the July 25th transcript. Do you reca1l the part of
22 the transcript where President Zelenskyy is speaking about
23 Ambassador Yovanovi tch?

24 MR. KENT: I have the transcript here, and yes, i

25 believe somewhere our President says something, and then

I President Zelenskyy says somethi ng back

2 MR. ZELDIN: You're looki ng at page 4?

J l"lR. KENT: Right.

4 I"lR. ZELDIN: Thereis a fu11 paragraph of President
5 Zelenskyy in the middle of the page, and towards the bottom
6 of that paragraph, President Zelenskyy speaks about
7 Ambassador Yovanovi tch?
8 MR. KENT: Yep.
9 MR. ZELDIN: And in it, part of what President Zelenskyy
l0 says, quote: Her attitude toward me was far from the best as
ll she had admired the previous President and she was on his
t2 s'ide. She would not accept me as the new Presi dent well
l3 enough, end quote.
t4 Do you know where President Zelenskyy would have

l5 developed the belief that Ambassador Yovanovitch was loyaI to

l6 a previous President?
t7 MR. KENT: I have no 'idea because
I do know that
l8 President Poroshenko thought she was not a fan of hjm.
l9 MR. ZELDIN: And I recal1 you testifying to that
20 earlier.
2l MR. KENT: Yeah.
22 1"1R. ZELDIN: That President Poroshenko had targeted
23 Ambassador Yovanovitch, which is why I wanted to ask you
24 about !h'is parti cular quote f rom Pres'ident Zelenskyy. Di d

25 you have an opportunity to meet wjth President Zelenskyy and


Ambassador Yovanovitch at the same time?

2 MR. KENT: I have not been a part of the meeting with
J ZelenSkyy since this call happened, and s'ince I also since
4 I first saw this text 2 weeks ago. And of the meetings that
5 I had w'i th Zelenskyy previ ously, the meeti ng i n March
6 of 2019, which is when he was running as a candidate that was
7 Under Secretary Ha1e, Ambassador Yovanovi tch, and myself,
8 when I came back in May, when he was President-elect
9 Zelenskyy, Ambassador Yovanovitch had already been recalIed.
l0 So the only meeting that was in the room at the same time
ll with Ambassador Yovanovi tch and Zelenskyy was 'in ["larch, and

t2 the principal in the meeting was Under Secretary Hale.

l3 MR. ZELDIN: D'id you have an opportuni ty to observe any

t4 direct interaction between President Zelenskyy and Ambassador

15 Yovanovi tch?
l6 MR. KENT: I only saw when he was Candidate Zelenskyy
t7 w'i th her, and at that poi nt, the f ocus was on Under Secretary

l8 Hale as the ranking visitor.

t9 MR. ZELDIN: So no indications from that exchange that
20 would help uS understand that statement from President
2t Zelenskyy with regards to loyalty to a previous President and

22 not accepting ZelenskYY?

23 MR. KENT: I have no way of exptaining why he said that,
24 no.

25 MR. ZELDIN: Why weren't you on the July 25th call?


I MR KENT: As I stated earlier, in my 27 years in the

2 Forei gn Service, I've neve r been on a Presi denti a1 call , and

J that i s not normal for offjcials that are at the Embassy or

4 at the State Department. The people who normally are on a
5 Presidential call are staff at the Nati onal Securi ty Counc'i1
6 and the White House. And I have not served as a detailee to
7 the Nati onal Securi ty Counci 1 i n my career.
8 MR. ZELDIN: As far as the parti ci pants on the catl , you
9 testi fi ed earl i er that you got a readout of the call from
l0 Lieutenant Colonel Vindman?

ll MR. KENT: Correct.

t2 MR. ZELDIN: Was there anyone else on the call who would

l3 typically give you a readout of that phone call?

t4 MR. KENT: I would say that it was standard procedure
l5 for the director to give a readout to the Deputy Assistant
t6 Secretary. So, for instance, it was also Lieutenant Colonel
l7 Vindman who gave me the readout in April after the
l8 i naugural sorry, the electi on day vi ctory call . So that

t9 was standard practice, that the director for a country would

20 give a readout to the DAS so that the policy DAS at State
2l would know the substance of what was di scussed so we could
22 make sure that our policy going forward was aligned with the
23 conversations had by the President.
24 MR. ZELDIN: We only have a couple minutes left, but
25 something that is stil1 outstanding from a previous round I'm

trying to understand. You have a reputation of loving and

2 cherishing this U.S.-Ukraine relationship and dedicating your
J 1 i fe toward strengtheni ng the relati onshi p between the Uni ted

4 States and Ukraine. That is something that I've heard. And

5 you get a readout from Lieutenant Colonel Vindman that
6 doesn't have a 1ot of details, and you don't try to get any

7 more information about the cal1. I just want to better

8 understand your mindset that, got that readout that
once you
9 was lacking substance, that you chose not to try to get any
l0 more information. This is what you've dedicated your life
ll towards strengtheni ng thi s relationshi p. And I don't
t2 understand that. Can you better explain that?
l3 MR. KENT: I th'ink some people try to be i n the mi ddle
t4 of everything, and some people try to do their job based on
l5 the condi ti ons whj ch they are i ssued. So, agai n, I don't
t6 work at the Wh'ite House. There are conversati ons and
t7 meetings that I do not take part in. My job is to represent
t8 the State Department and try to promote our national
19 interests through the policies that have been discussed and
20 agreed to in the interagency format and to uSe the mechanisms
2t that the State Department has under its ability, including
22 programming funded by appropriations from Congress, to pursue
23 those national interests. So that's my job. It's also my
24 job for six countries.
25 Now, admi ttedly, Ukra'i ne i s the bi ggest country.

I Georgia is a country which Congress appropriates over $100

2 million a year. And so I am juggling responsibilities for
J these si x countri es and travel i ng to all si x countri es. So
4 we are focusing on one of six countries today for which I
5 have responsi bi 1 i ty. So I do not 1 i ve, breathe every si ngle
6 second of my life focused on Ukraine, no.
7 MR. G0LDI4AN: I thi nk that' s ti me.
8 Ambassador Kent, you've been here a long day and I'm
9 su re

l0 MR. KENT: I'm not Ambassador.

ll t'lR. GOLDI'IAN: I 'm sor ry.

. Kent . The members are

t2 going to have to go vote I think in about 20 minutes. So I

t3 know you've just sat through another hour and a ha1f. Would
t4 you like to take a 5-minute break
l5 MR. KENT: I'd appreciate that.
l6 MR. GOLDMAN: And then we'11 come right back. Okay.
t7 Let's do that.
l8 lRecess.l
t9 l'4R. G0LDMAN: Back record. I t' s 6: 20, and i t' s
on the
20 the majority's round. Mr. Kent, thank for your patience and
2t di 1i gence today, we are neari ng the end.

22 14r . Mi tchel l .

24 a Si r, j n the last round, you mentioned securi ty
25 assi stance. Can you j ust generally descri be what Ukrai ne

1 ty Assi stance Ini ti ative j s?

2 A Wel1, that is a specific term that refers to money
5 appropriated in the Defense budget as opposed to the State
4 Department budget. Traditionally, foreign assjstance was
5 appropri ated under what's known aS forei gn mi 1 i tary fi nanci ng
6 in State Department budget. Several years ago, Congress
7 started appropriating monies in the Defense budget. And so
8 the Ukrai ne Securi ty In'iti ati ve i s moni es that are made
9 available 'in the Defense budget. And that is something that
l0 was started maybe 3 years ago and has grown in Scope. The

ll fi scal year 2019, whi ch j ust concluded, i t was $250 mi 11 i on.

t2 O Are you generally f amit i ar then wi th both USAI and
l3 FMF?

t4 A familiar, but i did not ever have line

l5 authori ty over securi ty assi stance 'in the way I had f or a
l6 rule of law and justice sector assistance.
t7 a "authority," do you mean both when
And when you say
l8 you were in Ukrajne as well as in your current position?
t9 A The way securi ty assi stance works, regardless of

20 what budget it is appropriated in, the monies are executed by

2t agents usually affiliated in the case of Ukraine with

22 European Command, and we have an 0ffice of Defense
23 Cooperat'ion i n the Embassy. And the di recti on i n how we
24 spend that money is usually determined in a joint military
25 commission between EUCOM and the Ukrainian general staff

I admi ni strati ve heads.

2 a Are you generally familiar with the way in which,
J the process by which USAI funds are released?
4 A Are you now talking about a budgetary process here
5 i n Washi ngton?

6 a So, for example, does Ukraine need to meet certain

7 benchmarks before those funds can be released?
8 A The authori zers i n Congress have put condi ti onal i ty
9 for the last several years on the second half. So, for
l0 instance, this past year, $250 milf ion, there was a
ll condj tionali ty on the second $125 mi 11ion. In a previous
t2 year, I don't know if it was the previous year -- I don't
13 know if it's the previous 2 years ago or the first year
l4 3 years ago there was that condi tionali ty, but the
l5 approprjators did not appropriate as much money as the
t6 authorizers authorized. So the conditionality did not kick
t7 in. But, yes, generally the authorizers and appropriators
l8 worked together to put conditionality on the monies in the
l9 USAI .

20 a And what was your i nvolvement, 'if any, on

2t determining whether the conditjonality had been met?
22 A The conditionality is set by the Office of the
23 Secretary of Defense. My counterpart, Laura Cooper, plays a

24 principal role in that, and the determjnation to Congress is

25 made by the Secretary of Defense.

I a 'is there an i nteragency process that takes

2 place wjth regard to the release of the funds?
J A 0nce the funds are in the hands of the U.S.
4 military and specifically, I believe, they are held with
5 the Defense Security and Cooperation Agency the State
6 Department does not have a role, no. 0n the front end,
7 di scussi ng what mi ght be appropri ate condi ti ons, there i s a

8 discussion, but ultimately that 'is a process, and the

9 speci fi c ti ons, and whether they have been met, i s
l0 determined by the 0ff ice of Secretary of Defense.
ll a What about with regard to FMF, how does that work?
t2 A Forei gn mi 1i tary fi
ng, the State Department

l3 has a greater role in determining what the policy goals are

t4 and how that money would be applied, but that js also very
15 much a collaborative process. And, ultimately, the FMF is
l6 also cut over to the U.S. military, specifically, the DSCA is
t7 the executi ve mi 1 i tary agent. We don' t spend and i mplement
l8 the programming the way that we wou1d, say, for 1aw
t9 enforcement programmi ng. It, agai n, i s moni es where we have
20 a greater pol i cy role upf ront and vo'ice, but i n the end, i t's
2l executed by U.S. miljtary components.
22 a And what is your personal involvement jn FMF then?
23 A I have frequent conversations wi th my counterpart'
24 Laura Cooper, not just about Ukraine. She covers more
25 countri es, but there's a 1ot of assi stance goi ng to Georgi a,

I and so we have conversations about multiple countries, and we

2 also talk about the condi t'ionali ty in Ukra'ine.

J a Did you attend any of the PCC or sub-PCC meetings
4 i n J u1y regardi ng securi ty assi stance for Ukrai ne?

5 A Yes.
6 a Which ones did you attend?
7 A The first one where this issue came up was
8 July L8th. It was a sub-PCC, to the best of my recollect'ion,
9 and the intended topic was

ll a Was there any discussion of the meeting at the
t2 sub-PCC level on July LSth about any sort of freeze of the
l3 security assi stance to Ukrai ne?
t4 A Yes.
l5 a Can you descri be that di scussi on?
t6 A It was described as a hold, not a freeze. There
t7 was a representati ve of the 0f f i ce of l"{anagement and Budget.
l8 I was at the State Department in a security video conference,
t9 I did not recognize the face. And I believe the individual
20 representing OMB at the time was not normally the person who
2t did. It was the summer vacation cycles. And he just stated
22 to the rest of the those participants, either in person or
23 video screens, that the head of the 0ffice of l'lanagement and
24 Budget who was the acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, at
25 the direction of the President had put a hold on alI security

I assi stance to the Ukraine.

2 a Mulvaney had put a hold at the direction of the
J Presi dent. Is that what you heard?
4 A That is what the rePresentative of the 0ffice of
5 Ma n agemen t and Budget stated in the sub-PCC on July L8th,

6 yes.
7 a Was there any discussion following that
8 announcement?

9 A There was great confusion among the rest of us

l0 because we didn't understand why that had happened.

ll a Did anyone ask at that sub-PCC meeting why that
l2 ha ppe ned?

l3 A We the individual said that he

d'id. And
t4 apologized, that he normalty dld not deal wjth these issues,
l5 but this was the message he was asked to convey and he

l6 conveyed j t.
t7 a And the individual being this gentleman from 0MB?
l8 A The representati ve f rom the 0t'48 i n that parti cular
l9 meeti ng, yes.
20 a Was that the end of that discussjon on this topic?
2t A Yes.

22 a 0n that day?

23 A Yes.

24 a Did you have any internal discussions at the

25 Department of State on or about July LSth after this


I pronouncement had been relayed to you?

2 A I did.
3 a And who did you have those d j scuss'ions wj th?
4 A Tyler Brace, our schedule C political appointee,
5 former staffer for Senator Portman, who understand budgetary
6 processes in great detail.
7 a When did you have that conversation?
8 A I befieve I had it subsequent to the sub-PCC, same

9 day.
l0 a just describe what you talked about?
And can you
ll A We djscussed what the significance of that was

t2 because none of us could understand why. Since there was

l3 unanimity that this was in our national interest, it just
t4 surprised all of us.
l5 a When you say "unanimity" that it was jn our
l6 national interest, what do you mean by that?
17 A I believe that jt is a factually correct statement
l8 to say that there's broad support among both parties in
t9 Congress, both Houses in Congress, and among the 5tate
20 Department, the Defense Department, Joj nt Ch'i efs, and other
2t elements of the U.S. Government for the security assistance
22 programs.
23 a Prior to this July 18th meeting, had you gotten any
24 sort of wind or idea that this aid would be frozen or held?
25 A No,

I a And it was your understanding on July L8th that all

2 cond'i ti ons had been met?
J A For?

4 a To release funds.
5 A That was my understanding. You're talking about
6 the funds for USAI and the FMF fund?

7 a Correct.
8 A That was my understanding, Yes.
9 a Has your understanding since changed?
l0 A Wel1, eventually, the hold was released on

ll September l.Lth, and the funds were then apportioned by QMB to

t2 the extent that it was possible to spend them by the end of
13 the fi scal year, yes.
t4 a So do you know anything that changed between
t5 July LSth and when they were actually released in September?

l6 A When you say what changed?

t7 a Any sort of cond'itions.
l8 A In Ukrai ne?
t9 a Anywhere.
20 A My understanding of what happened after that date
2l was that Senior Di rector T'im l4orrison started going up the
22 chain of the interagency process according to National
23 Security Presidentjal Memorandum 4, and that meant holding a
24 policy coordinating committee meeting, which he scheduled for
25 July 23rd, followed by a deputy sma11 group meeting, which I

I believe may have occurred on July 26th. And then Senior

2 Director Morri son was looki ng to schedule a pri nci pa1 smal1
J group meeting that would involve the Secretary of State
4 personally, Secretary of Defense, and Ambassador Bolton so
5 they could discuss the issue and then take it to the
6 Presi dent.
7 a Were you for the PCC meeting on JuIy 23rd?
8 A I believe I was, yes, as a back-bencher. I was not
9 the pri nci pa1.
l0 a I should have asked you. 0n the L8th, did you take
ll any notes of that meeting?
12 A I did.
l3 a And are those among to notes thank you provided to
t4 the Department of State to produce to Congress?
l5 A They should be. I photocopied quite a 1ot of
l6 notes, but certa'in1y the statement of conclusions should be
t7 'included, although now I'm thi nki ng I'm not sure j f
l8 sub-PCCs have statement of conclusions. Those may be, only
l9 for PCC meetings. But to the extent I took notes on that
20 meeting, I would have included them, yes.
2l a For July 23rd, you said were you a back-bencher at
22 the PCC meeting?

23 A Yes,

24 a And was this topic of the hold of the Ukraine aid

25 discussed at that meeting?

I A That was the purpose of the meeting.

2 a What was discussed?
5 A To the best of my recollection, the conversation
4 was everybody going around the table and saying they
5 supported the ljfting of the administrative hold so that the
6 State Department and the 0ffice of Secretary of Defense,
7 Pentagon, could move forward. We were ending approaching
8 the end of the fiscal year, and I believe that Laura Cooper,
9 speaking on behalf of the Pentagon, 'indicated that the D0D
l0 comptroller had determined that they needed to move forward
ll by August 5th in order to spend the money and meet Congress'
t2 i ntent.
l3 a Was there any discussion of the legality or
t4 i 11ega1i ty of the hold?
l5 A There was discussion about the standing of ONB to
16 put an informal hold. Normal1y, the conversations with OMB
t7 prior to noti fjcation to Congress i s a courtesy, not
l8 something required under 1aw. And that is why the position
t9 was expressed by Laura Cooper, to the best of my

20 recollection, that DOD counsel had determined that they would

2l move forward by August 5th regardless. And I reca11 Senior

22 Director Morrison suggesting that the State Department also
23 review its legal requirements and be prepared to have that
24 briefed at the next meeting, which he set 3 days 1ater, as a
25 deputy sma11 group meeting.

I a So, if OMB did not move forward by August 6th, what

2 would be the implication?
J A Again, this is about an account that was not
4 appropriated to my department nor executed in my department,
5 so I would defer to my colleague, Laura Cooper. But to the
6 best of my recollection, what she said in that meeting was

7 that, according to DSCA, they may not be able to execute all

8 of the requirements by the end of the fjscal year. My
9 understandi ng j s that USAI moni es are 1--year moni es. The
l0 monies in the State Department FMF account are 2-year monies.
ll a What did OMB say, if anything, in response to Laura
t2 Cooper' s

l3 A OMB's position was what it had been on the L8th,

t4 that they were under the directjon of their boss to put --
l5 hold all securi ty assi stance to Ukrai ne.
t6 a Did they provide a reason?
l7 A They said it was at the djrection of the Presjdent.
l8 a Who was present for the July 23rd meeting?
t9 A That would be a matter of record because that was a
20 PCC, and there's a statement of conclusions. And in the
2t statement of conclusi ons, on the fi rst page, there's a
22 1 i sti ng of all parti ci pants i n the meeti ng.

23 a Did you receive a copy of the statement of

24 conclusi ons for thi s meeti ng?
25 A I believe I did, and that would have been provided

I to the document request.

2 a Did OMB provide any reasoning beyond simply it was
J at the direction of the President?
4 A Not to my recollection, no.
5 a So they di dn't descri be why the Presi dent had
6 placed this hold?
7 A There was a lack of claritY.
8 a What do you mean bY that?
9 A The parti ci pants who up unt'il that poi nt had
l0 thought that there was unanimi ty that th'is was i n our
ll national interest did not receive an explanation for why this
t2 parti cular acti on was taken.
l3 a Okay. So, to your knowledge, no one at the PCC
t4 meeting on July 23rd knew why the President was making the
l5 decision or at least they didn't expreSs it at that meeting?
l6 A I do not recall any coherent explanation' no.
t7 a Was there any explanatjon at all, coherent or
l8 i ncoherent?

t9 A OMB placed a hold on a Process that

20 traditionally, that is the office that has a voice on how the
2l executive branch spends moneY.

22 a Was that unusual, in your experience?

23 A According to, in my conversation with Tyler Brace,

24 who again has worked here as a staffer, the previous cyc1e,

25 0t4B head , Acti ng Chi ef of Staf f 14ulvaney, had attempted a
31 1

rescission at the end of the year, and indeed the next week,

2 at the beginning of August, he. sent out a data call with the
J intent potentially to execute a rescjssion involving billions
4 of dollars of assistance wortdwide, not just Ukraine.
5 a Okay. So, i n your experj ence, though, was thj s
6 unusual?
7 A I had read about Mr. Mulvaney's attempt to push a

8 rescission at the end of the last fiscal year. My

9 understanding was that Secretary Pompeo protested vigorously,

l0 and the effort to have a rescission was then suspended.
ll And, ultimately, the same thing happened this year, this
t2 overall greater effort to have a rescissjon held up the
l3 process for much of August, but it was also lifted, and that
t4 left us with just the hold on Ukraine assistance.
l5 a The Ukraine assistance that you just mentioned, is
l6 that FMF, or is that the USAI?
t7 A It affected both accounts, the Department of
r8 Defense $250 mi 1l i on, and the $141 mi 11 i on under FMF.

l9 a 0kay. And you said that that was stl11 bei ng held
20 i n August?
2t A That hold, the 0MB-directed hold, was lifted on

22 September 11th.
23 a at the July 25th deputies' meeting?
What happened
24 A I did not participate in that meeting. Under
25 Secretary Hale represented the State Department, and I cannot

recall the exact outcome. That would also be documented in

2 the document ca11, but i t d'id not change the ultimate
J si tuati on.
4 a D'id you see a readout of that parti cular meeti ng?

5 A I did.
6 a And is it in a similar form as the statement of
7 conclusi ons?
8 A To the best of mY knowledge, Yes.

9 a that readout?
And what do you reca11 from
l0 A The main takeaway for me was that Senior Director
ll Morrison was trying to find out when Secretary of State
t2 Pompeo and the Secretary of Defense would both be in

t3 Washington so they could have an in-person principal sma11

t4 group meeting to discuss the same issue and then take it to
l5 the Presi dent.
l6 a Was there any discussion at the July 25th deputies'
t7 committee meeting about the reasons for the hold?

18 A I honestly cannot recalf if there was any detai1.

t9 The bottom line was the hold remained, and we needed a
20 pri nci pa1 sma1l group to carry the process forward.
2t a But it's your understanding at the July 26th
22 meeting that, again, there was unanimous support to release
23 the funds to lift the ho1d. Is that right?
24 A With the exception of OMB, Yes.
25 a Then you mentioned that there was planning to have

1 a meeting on July 3Lst. Did that meeting actually take

2 p1 ace?

J A I didn't say that, but I believe that may have been

4 one of the dates that Senior Director Morrison was attemptjng
5 to schedule a principal sma1l group meeting.
6 a Was there a principals meeting at any point?
7 A To the best of my knowledge, because of the travel
8 schedules of the two Secretaries, no.
9 a So what happened next, as f ar as you know, wl th
l0 regard to the lifting of this hold?
lt A I am aware that many Senators, particularly from
t2 the Republican side, who had traveled to Ukrajne from the
l3 relevant committees, ca1led and talked to the President. I'm
l4 aware that I saw an ema'i1 that Senator Inhof e had had
l5 about a 20-m'inute conversation. He had vi si ted twice when I
l6 was in Ukraine because Oklahoma National Guard was doing
t7 trai ni ng at the mai n trai ni ng base. Senator Portman ca11ed,
l8 i ncludi ng the day i t was 1 i fted. And my understanding is

l9 that Senate 14ajority Leader McConnell also ca11ed.

20 a Was there any di scussions at State between July
2t 3Lst and when the funds were actually released about the
22 freeze that you partook in?
23 A The State Department was concerned. Obviously, we

24 wanted to get the hold lifted so that we could get the money
25 apportioned by OMB and then obligated. And so we were at

1 the di rection of Senjor rector MorriSon, exploring what was


2 the absolute minjmum amount of time that would be necessary

3 to obligate the money once the lrold was lifted. So we were
4 preparing for a decjsion so that we could ensure that the
5 money could be obligated before the end of the fiscal year.

6 a the first time that you heard that the

When was

7 security assjstance might somehow we be ljnked to this White

8 House vi sit or i nvesti gati ons conducted by Ukrai ne?
9 A Because everyone was unclear why thjs had happened,
l0 I think, in the vacuum of a clear explanation, people started
ll speculating. So there was a coincidence of timing, but as I
t2 ref erenced earf ier in the communication w'ith Charge Taylor,
13 he indicated to me that, in his communications w'ith both
t4 Senior Director 14orrison and Ambassador Sondland, and this
l5 would have been the weekend of the 7th and 8th of September,
l6 that both of them insisted that there was not a direct tink.
t7 a And that was based on what?
l8 A This was a conveyed conversation. That was their
l9 asserti ons. Accordi ng to Charge Taylor, separately, Seni or
20 Director MorriSon, with whom he had a conversation on the 7th
2t of September, and Ambassador Sondland, with whom he had a
22 conversation on the 8th of September, had asserted that the

23 two were not di rectlY 1i nked.

24 a And how do theY know?
25 A I cannot answer for them. That would be the

I question to direct to Sen'ior Director Morrison and Ambassador

2 Sond 1 and .















I 16:44 p.m. l

J a They didn't provide any information as to thei r

4 sou rce?

5 A I was not part of that conversat'ion. I was having

6 a conversati on with Charge Taylor.
7 a this conversation with Charge Taylor, was that
8 over WhatsApp or was that in person or
9 A That was a part of our regularly scheduled l4onday
l0 secure ca11s, video conferences. And that part of the
ll conversation we ask all of our staff to leave, so it is just
t2 one on one in a secure communication.
l3 a Okay. And what else did Charge Taylor tell you
l4 about these conversations that he had had?
l5 A I recounted to the best of my knowledge what those
l6 conversat'ionswere. That was Senior D'i rector Morri son
t7 talking about his concern that Rudy Giuliani had had another
l8 conversation with the President, as well as what Sondland
t9 relayed Rudy to be hjs interaction.
20 a And djd you memorialize that conversation that you
2t had had?

22 A Yes. That was part of a note to the file whjch I

23 provided to the document collection process.
24 a Did you talk to anyone else at the Department of
25 State about what Charge Taylor told you?

I A I betieve I shared my concerns with my colleagues

2 in the European front office. That would be the ones
J immediately near my office. Included Deputy Assistant
4 Secretary I'li chael Murphy, who oversees our relati ons wi th the
5 Baltics and Nordics and NATO. And for large stretches of
6 time earlier in 2019 it was our senior Bureau official and
7 also the deputy ass'i stant secretary, , who
8 oversees our relat'ions with Western Europe, and that includes
9 relations w'ith Ambassador Sondland and the mission he leads
l0 i n Brussels.

ll a When you said you shared concerns, what do you mean

t2 by that?
l3 A i shared the I shared the sense that I had heard
t4 from Charge Taylor that Ambassador Sondland was engaged in
l5 the types of conversations that he was engaged in on Ukraine
l6 even though that was not part of hjs portfolio as our
t7 ambassador to the European Unjon.
l8 a And again, was this a conversation that you had
l9 with Deputy Assi stant Secretary t'4urphy and Fi sher i n wri ti ng

20 or jn person?
2t A Their offices are between 5 and 10 feet away from
22 my office and so I -- this was a djrect conversation jn thejr
23 offi ce.
24 a And what was thei r reac t i on?
25 A They were aware of the challenge of dealing with

1 Ambassador Sondland who has a, I would say, track record of

2 freelancing, would be one way of putting jt, but working on
) issues other than the reason why he was sent to Brussels to
4 work our relationship with the European Union.
5 a Djd they indicate that they would try do anything
6 about i t?
7 A I don't think there is anybody at the level of
8 deputy assjstant secretary of State who can do anything about
9 what Gordon Sondland chooses to do.
l0 a Do you know when they escalated the i ssue?

ll A I do not.
t2 a At any point were you given a reason why the hold
13 was put in place?

t4 A Not that I recal1. Wel1, I believe, at least in

l5 relation to the USAI, there Were some concernS expressed in
16 the Pentagon, 0ffice of Secretary of Defense, did a review
t7 and responded that they felt that the conditions and concerns
l8 that we had had been met and that the programmi ng should go
t9 forward. But that was a specific review about USAI, which is
20 not State Department controlled, and so that was an issue
2t between the Pentagon and I guess the White House and NSC.

22 a Do you know whether a similar revjew was conducted

23 with regard to F1'4F?
24 A We were not asked for a similar review. The media
25 coverage was focused on the 250 million of USAI. If you look

at those articles at the time they were not mentioning $391

2 mi11ion, which would have been the total FMF plus USAI.
J a Do you know whether a similar review of FMF has
4 since been conducted?
5 A The hold was 1ifted on September LLth and we moved
6 forward with notifying Congress and ensuring the funds were

7 obtigated before the end of the fiscal year. We were not

8 asked and we proceeded with what we needed to do in order to
9 obtigate the funds as to meet the congressional jntent in
l0 appropri ati ng them.
ll a 0kay. So to the best of your knowledge, you have
12 no knowledge of any plan to conduct any such review?
13 A We did not see it necessary nor were we asked to do
t4 50.

l5 a All right. Now, when you were in Ukraine, Ukraine

l6 was receiving USAI and FMF funds at the time, correct?
t7 A They were receiving F[''lF, yes, and I believe the
l8 start of USAI was while I was there. I do not recall
l9 speci ficalty which fi scal year USAI funds started to be
20 appropr i ated.
2t a 0kay. So based on your experience in Ukraine, as

22 well as your experience here in Washington, D.C., how

23 important are these funding programs for Ukrajne security?
24 A I would assess that they are cri ti cally important.
25 The Ukrainian defense establishment was unprepared to fight a

I war with Russia when Russia began its war in 20L4. And
2 therefore, the training that we do, wh'ich is probably the
J most valuable in training Ukrainians to fight, as well as the
4 equipping that we do, have been critical to the success of
5 the Ukraj ni an armed forces i n defendi ng thei r country.
6 At the same time I would say that we probably derive
7 more benef i t f rom the relat'ionshi p than the Ukrai ni ans do.
8 a How so?
9 A That would be somethi ng to di scuss i n a classi fi ed
10 manner, parti cularly with my colleagues from the defense and

11 intel agenc i es .

t2 a But suffi ce to say that i t was i n both Ukrai ne's

13 nati onal i nterests as well as the Uni ted States' nati onal
t4 i nterest that these funds be released to the Ukrai ne?

l5 A Very much SO

l6 a And that's true not just for the ti me per i od that

t7 you were in Ukraine but also for 2019 when you were back here

l8 in D.C.?
t9 A Cor rect.
20 a with anyone
Have you had any conversations about

2t what the Ukrainians' perspective was on the freeze?

22 A They were confused, to the best of my
23 understandi ng.
24 a 0kay. And how did you get that understanding?
25 A Charge Taylor was in Ukraine try'ing to figure out

I how to explain on. My most recent trip to Ukraine,

what went
2 I arrived on September LLth. Fortunately that was the day
J that the hold was lifted. So by the time I started engaging
4 Ukrainians in person, it was a good news story.
5 a Had you prepared to answer their questions about
6 the hold?
7 A I was prepared for the possibility that it would
8 not be lifted and therefore the conversations would be very
9 difficult and I would not by able to provide an adequate
l0 understandi ng or answer.
ll a Djd you try to get an adequate understanding or
t2 answer prior to your trip?
l3 A Fortunately, I didn't have to worry about that
t4 hypothetjcal because it was resolved essentjally as I arrived
l5 i n Ukrai ne.
l6 a ght. But pri or to you arri vi ng 'in Ukrai ne di d

t7 you attempt to find out why the hold was in place so that you
l8 could actually have a meaningful conversation wjth the
l9 Ukrai ni ans about thi s i ssue?

20 A We i t was very clear that thi s i ssue was only

2t going to be resolved they very highest 1eve1, and that's why
22 Tim l4orrison wanted to have Secretary Pompeo and SecDef Esper
23 jn the same place at the same time to have that conversation.
24 That was the 1eve1 at which the conversation needed to
25 happen. It didn't matter what the deputy assjstant secretary

I or an assistant secretary or an under secretary or a deputy

2 secretary thought.
J a Okay. To the best of your knowledge, did that
4 meeti ng happen?

5 A To the best of my knowledge, there was never a

6 pri nci pa1 smal1 group meeti ng on thi s i ssue.
7 a What did Taylor, Charge Taylor, say to you about
8 hi s conversati ons wi th Ukrai n'ians about the hold?

9 A I honestly don't reca1l in detail. I think it was

l0 clear starting, if not from July L8th, certainly from JuIy
ll 23rd, that this was an issue that had to be resolved in
t2 Vr/ashi ngton, and i t was a tough nut f or everyone to crack

l3 wi thout a lot of clari ty.

t4 a It was your understanding at the time, though, that

l5 the issue had to be resolved at the principals 1eve1?
16 A Once we cleared the deputy smal1 group meeting,
t7 whjch I believe was July 25th, it was clear it had to be
l8 resolved at a principals leve1 and above. And so that was
t9 clear I think to everyone after July 25th.
20 a Okay. And when you say above, yotl mean
2t speci fi cally the Presi dent of the Uni ted States?
22 A We11, the principal sma1l group, members of the
23 Cabinet, who then could take the issue to the President.
24 a And again there was never a PCC as far as you know?
25 A There was a PCC on July 23rd. So in the sort of

I climbing the ladder we started with a sub-PCC on the 18th.

2 There was a pol i cy coord'inati ng commi ttee on the 23rd. There
J was a deputy smal1 group on the 25th. And there was an

4 attempt to schedule but lack of principals subsequent. That

5 was Tim Morrison driving the interagency policy review
6 process in the way it was intended.
7 a So to the best of your knowledge, this issue
8 ultimately was not resolved by the principals, it was
9 resolved by the President?
l0 A Correct.
ll a You testified earlier about August 15th and August
t2 l.5th . At the ti me di d you thi nk that the ai d mi ght i n any
t3 way be linked to the investigations that were being pushed by
t4 Mr. Giuliani or that were discussed by the President in the
l5 July 25th call?
l6 A I personally did not associate them, no.
t7 a Has your thinking changed jn any way since then?
18 A This js a personal opinion. It strikes me that the
l9 th the Wh'ite House, at the Whi te
associ ati on was a meeti ng w j
20 House, not related to the securi ty assi stance. But agai n,
2t that's just my personal opinion, other people may have
22 di fferent opi ni ons.
23 a What was Charge Taylor's opi ni on?
24 A I think there is the WhatsApp exchange where he
25 expressed concerns that 'i t mi ght be f inked.

I a But what did he tell You?

2 A I don't reca11 having a conversation where he

J expressed the same opinion to that he shared in the


4 WhatsApp messages that apparently were leaked, but jn any

5 case were handed over by former Special Representative
6 Volker.
7 Hedid in one conversation with me share a conversation
8 he had with Ambassador Sondland in which Ambassador Sondland,
9 who had told him that there was no quid pro quo with the
t0 security assistance, said, on the other hand, you know, the
ll President's a businessman and if you're going to sign a check
t2 for $250mjllion why not ask somebody for something.
l3 Nov.,, that was sort of an 'inf ormal comment that

t4 Ambassador Sondland made to Ambassador -- to Charge Taylor

l5 and that he conveyed to me. But the same person, Ambassador

l6 Sondland, sajd there was no quid pro quo on security
t7 ass'istance.
l8 a When did Charge Taylor relay this conversation that
t9 he had had wi th Ambassador Sondland?

20 A I cannot recall if it was in our secure conference

2t call that I described on September 9th or, since I then flew
22 to Ukrai ne and stayed w'i th h jm over that weekend, whether he
23 may have shared that with me in person. But i believe I did

24 write that note up and share it with the records. So it's

25 part of the records that were collected by the State

I Department.
2 a And the Ukraine trip was on or about September
J l.1th?
4 A I arrived in Ukraine on September LLth, that's
5 correct.
6 a What djd you do with the this memo that you
7 wrote up on or about the 9th of September or 1lth of
8 5eptembe r?

9 AI it to the note on file that I had initially

l0 wri tten on the L5th of August and then subsequently amended
ll 'i t wi th the conversations I had with Charge Taylor in person

t2 i n Ukrai ne.
l3 a And who did you give that memo to?

t4 A It was a note to the file, so it stayed as a note

l5 to the file until I submitted it to the document collection
l6 when those were requested.
t7 a0kay. When you say to the document collection,
l8 you're talking about -- were you referring to the subpoena?
l9 A I am referring to the subpoena.
20 a Okay. 5o you didn't specjfically give this memo to
2t Deputy Assistant Secretary Murphy, for example?
22 A To the best of my recollection, when I returned
)7 from Kyiv I wrote the note to the file and I orally briefed
24 Deputy Assi stant Secretary 14urphy, Deputy Assi stant Secretary
25 Fi sher, and Acti ng Assi stant Secretary Reeker.

a It is a different brief than the ones we were

2 talking about earlier?
5 A Correct. The previous time when I talked yes,
4 because this is sequential. So I had two conversations with
5 two individuals on the L5th and l-5th of August. That was the
6 first time I wrote a note to a fi1e. I had subsequent
7 conversations with Ambassador -- Charge Taylor on the 9th of
8 September, another note to the fj1e. And then travel to
9 Ukraine, conversations there, return, note to the fi1e, oral
l0 brief.
1l a 0kay. And the oral bri efi ng was wj th Fi sher,

t2 Reeker, and Murphy?

l3 A To the best of my knowledge, yes, but I did I

t4 know that I included in my note to the file the officials
l5 whom I briefed ora11y. So I wrote it up and then I briefed

t6 and I added that as a note in the file that I -- precisety

t7 whom i had oral briefed.

l8 a Was this one oral briefing or multiple oral

t9 briefings?
20 A It was it would have been sequential because
2l those are three di fferent i ndi vi duals. And so two of them,
22 agai n, offj ces are collocated wi th mi ne, then Acti ng
23 Assistant Secretary Reeker's office is across the ha11.
24 a And what were the'i r reacti ons?
25 A At this point it was clear the nature of the

I interactions that Special Representative Volker and

2 Ambassador Sondland were having, so it was more confirmation

J of the conversations that had been clearly ongoing between
4 Ambassador Sondland and Ambassador Volker with Ukrainians.
5 a And do you recall what Reeker's react'ion was

6 specifically?
7 A I do not recall precisely. I thjnk they were all
8 conce rned .

9 a Did they commit to doing anything about this?

l0 A Not that I recal1.
ll a Did they say that they were going to escalate the
t2 i ssue?
l3 A I do not recalI.
t4 a test'if ied earl i er thi s af ternoon about a
l5 conversation that you had with Charge Taylor about Zelenskyy
l6 making some sort of TV interview or address, public address.
t7 A I mentioned what Ambassador Sondland had told
l8 Charge Taylor and that he conveyed to me, yes.
t9 a Okay. And when djd Charge Taylor have that
20 conversation with you?
2l A I believe that's what I conveyed to you regarding
22 the conversation I had with Charge Taylor on the 9th of
Z3 September, referencing his conversation with Ambassador
24 Sondland that occurred on the 8th of September.
25 a Did you have any further conversations with Charge

I Taylor about this topic after September 1Lth, I guess it was?

2 A Yes.
J a And when was the next conversat i on?
4 A The next conversation would have happened at the

5 breakfast table Sunday morni ng, which I believe was September

6 15th.
7 a And where were you at that time?
8 A I was hi s house guest i n the ambassador' s resi dence
9 in Kyiv.
l0 a Okay. Can you describe who else was at that
ll A That was just Ambassador Taylor and me. He went
t2 out for a run, and I went down to breakfast, and we met and
13 talked 7:30 in the morning more or less.
t4 a What did you talk about?
l5 A We talked about the meeting that ambassador --
16 Charge Taylor and Spec'ia1 Representative Volker had had the
l7 night before with Andriy Yermak, the close personat aide of
l8 Presi dent Zelenskyy.
l9 O And what were you told?
20 A Well, that meeting was the one meeting on Kurt's
2t schedule in Ukraine that he felt uncomfortable with me
22 joining. He said that it was because of numbers. It was not
23 clear whether it would be just Yermak or whether he would
24 also bring a gentleman named Novokov (ph), whom I have not
25 met, and who 'is responsible for U.S. relations in the

I Pres'identi al of f i ce.
2 Kurt said he felt that having three Americans on one
J Ukraine was too much, and he said if there were a second
4 Ukrajnjan I could come. I decided not to push 1t since we
5 were involved in another event, as well as antjcipating that
6 there was going to be an awkward conversation, which there
7 was. And Charge Taylor provjded me the details of that
8 conversati on over breakfast.
9 a Whi ch were?

l0 A Welt, besides the main part of the conversation

ll was about negotiations with the Russians, and I won't mention
t2 that and that's not germane.

l3 But the more awkward part of the conversation came when

t4 Special Representative Volker made the point that the
l5 Ukrainians, who had opened thei r authorities under Zelenskyy,
t6 had opened 'investigations of former President Poroshenko, he
t7 didn't think that was appropriate.
t8 And then Andriy Yermak said: What? You mean the type
l9 of i nvesti gat j ons you' re pushi ng f or us to do on B'iden and
20 CI i nton?

2t Andat that point Kurt Volker did not respond.

22 Later on in the conversation, when it came to the
ZJ potential for Zelenskyy and President Trump to meet,
24 according to Charge Taylor, Special Representative Volker
25 said: And it's important that President Zelenskyy give the

I messages that we discussed before.

2 And Charge Taylor told me that he then said: Don't do

J that.
4 a Who said don't do that?
5 A Charge Taylor.
6 a So Taylor was concerned about the way in which this
7 conversation took place?
8 A Ply understanding is that he was concerned. And

9 when Kurt made a suggestion that Charge Taylor felt was

l0 i nappropri ate he wei ghed i n wi th hi s own personal opi ni on,

ll whi ch that was not appropri ate.
t2 a directly linking the White House
And Volker was
l3 meeting and the investigations that were being pushed by the
t4 Presi dent. Is that correct?
l5 A It was an elliptical readout that -- by the readout
l6 that I heard from Charge Volker sorry, Charge Taylor
t7 that Kurt, Special Representative Volker, was referring to
l8 prior conversations that he had with Yermak and prior advice,
l9 meaning you should deliver the messages as we've discussed
20 before.
2l a Do you know what those messages were?

22 A This goes back to the signaling for a public

23 appearance. The hoped-for interview with CNN with Zelenskyy
24 did not happen during the conference. Fareed Zakarja was one
25 of the hosts, but there was no spec'ia1 i nterv'iew. 5o there

I was di scussion that President Zelenskyy would have an

2 "interv'iew wi th CNN the week of the U. N. General Assembly
J leaders meetings, which was the week of September 23rd to
4 27tn.
5 a And the message that Mr. Volker wanted Presi dent
6 Zelenskyy to provjde during the CNN i ntervi ew was what?
7 A That Zelenskyy should message that his
8 willingness to open investigations in the two areas of
9 i nterest to the President and that had been pushed previously
l0 by Rudy Gi ul i ani .

ll MR. MITCHELL: I think my time is up at this point.

t2 MR. GOLDMAN: Yield to the minority.
r3 l"lR. CASTOR: We don't have any questions at this point.
t4 We might subsequently.
l5 MR. G0LDMAN: I think we're almost finished. So we'11
t6 take it back for a few minutes.
t7 MR. CAST0R: Thank you.
l8 MR. GOLDMAN: And then give you an opportunity at the
l9 end.

20 MR. CAST0R: 0kay.

2t MR. G0LDt'lAN: 0kay?
22 We are nearing the end. Just L second.
23 IDi scussi on off the record. ]

25 a A few wrap-up questions here.


I That breakfast meeting that you had on September L5th

2 that we were just discussing, did you memorialize that as
J welI?
4 A I wrote that to note to file when I' returned to the
5 U. S. , yes.

6 a When you get back to the U. S. ?

7 A Subsequent to Ukra'ine, I went to Belarus, where I

8 was in Belarus for 2 days, including the three-quarter day
9 visit of Under Secretary Hale.
l0 And then after that I went to Lithuania to outbrief our
ll Lithuan'ian a11ies about the advances in the U.S.-Belarus
t2 relationship, because we Under Secretary Hale announced
13 that we were going to return an ambassador to BeIarus, which
t4 we have not had since 2008.
l5 I returned to the U.S. in the evening of the 19th of
16 September, I was in the office on Friday, the 20th, and then
t7 took a trai n up f j rst thi ng l'4onday morni ng to be i n New York
l8 for the U.N. General Assembly meetings.
l9 a Were there any conversations that week on the jn
20 the U.N. General Assembly week that you were aware of or
2t were present for or that related to these investigations into
22 Biden j n 20L5 that we've been d'iscussi ng?

23 A No.

24 a You had nei ther had any nor heard of any?

25 A I was not jnvolved in any meetings, no of that


I nature, no. It was very much focused on the 'i n ten se

2 engagement of many foreign leaders who were there at that

3 time.
4 a Because you said that as of September L5th there
5 was stitl a hope, for example, that President Zelenskyy would
6 give an interview wjth CNN when he was in New York for the
7 General Assembly and specificatly mention those
8 i nvesti gati ons, ri ght?
9 A That was my understanding of what Ambassador Volker
l0 and Ambassador Sondland were requesting of the Ukrainians,
ll yes.
t2 a But you don't know whether anything came of that?
l3 A To the best of my knowledge, President Zelenskyy
t4 d j d not gi ve an j ntervi ew to CNN whi 1e 'in New York w j th that

l5 sort of messaging, no.

l6 a Did you have any meetings with any Ukrainians
t7 officials during that September 1.1th to L5th timeframe
l8 yourself where they expressed where they discussed these
t9 'investi gati ons at all?

20 A The only meeting that I was a part of where thjs

2t came up obtiquely was with the foreign m'inister, Vadym

22 Prystaiko. And that was a meeting with Kurt Volker, Charge

23 Taylor, and myself i n wh'ich the f orei gn mi ni ster sai d: You
24 guys are sendjng us different messages in different channels.
25 a And what did you understand that to mean?

1 A Well, 'in that all three of us, Kurt Volker,

meeti ng

2 Charge Taylor, and I, all reiterated that it would not be

J appropriate for the Ukrainians to engage in any activity that
4 could be construed as i nterf eri ng j n the U. S. elect'ion.
5 a And so what was the conflicting message that they

6 were recei vi ng?

7 A Wet1, I would suggest that what was said later on

8 that night, in the meeting I was not a part of, to Andriy
9 Yermak was the conflicting message. And as I recounted,

l0 there were two messages, there was what Ambassador Volker

ll said and what Charge Taylor said, and those themselves were
t2 confl i cti ng messages .

l3 O Because just to be clear -- because Ambassador

t4 Volker was say'ing not to i nvesti gate Poroshenko?
l5 A No. Ambassador Volker suggested that Andriy Yermak
l6 should enSure that the agreed-upon messaging was delivered by
t7 Presi dent Zelenskyy. And Charge Taylor saj d: Don't do that.
18 a I see.
t9 You made some reference to Yermak responding to

20 something that either Ambassador Volker or Charge Taylor sa'id

2t about Poroshenko a few minutes ago.

22 A Yes.

/.J a Explai n that conversati on agai n. I di dn't qui te

24 catch the whole thing.

25 A So thls was - - agai n, I dl d not go i nto detai 1

I about the bulk of the conversation because that was about

2 negotiating tactics vis-i-vis the Russians.
J As the conversation was moving away from that into a new
4 set of issues, according to Charge Taylor, based on his
5 notes, I didn't participate in the meeting, one of the issues
6 that Kurt wrote raised was the fact that there were a
7 series of investigatjons being opened by Ukrainian
8 authorities against former President Poroshenko. And Kurt
9 adv"ised Yermak that was not a wi se way f orward f or the
l0 coun t ry .

ll a And what did how did Yermak respond, according

t2 to Charge Taylor?
l3 A to Charge Taylor, hj s response was: 0h,
Accordi ng
t4 you mean the types of i nvest'igati ons you' re aski ng us to open
l5 agai nst C1 i nton and Bi den?

l6 a And j t would seem that as someone who was

t7 responsible for anticorruption efforts that that's exactly

l8 the message that you would be concerned about on this. Is
l9 that accurate?
20 A As I 've stated here previ ous1y, i t' s my bel i ef that
2t it js inappropriate for us to ask another country to open up
22 an investigation agajnst political opponents, whether it is
Z) politicat opponents domestically in the U.5. context or, jn
24 the case of countries fike Ukraine or Georgia, opening up
25 select'ive prosecutions against perceived opponents of those

I 'r n power.
2 a did you think it was appropriate for Vice
J President Biden to condition the release of the loan
4 guarantees on the firing of Prosecutor General Shokin?
5 A Prosecutor General Shokin was an impediment to the
6 reform of the prosecutorial system, and he had directly
7 undermi ned i n repeated fashi on U. S . efforts and U. S.

8 assi stance programs.

9 And so, because we had a strategic interest in seeing
l0 the Ukrainian prosecutor system reformed, and because we have
il a fi duci ary responsi bi 1 i ty for U.5. taxpayer dol1ars, j t was
t2 the consensus view that Shok'in needed to be removed so that
l3 the stated goal of reform of the prosecutor general system
t4 could move forward.
l5 a that that connection was
And so when you mentioned
l6 a quid pro quo, you're not saying that that was an improper
t7 quid pro quo?

l8 A I didn't say that it was a quid pro quo, but it is

t9 the case that both the IMF and the U. S. Government do use
20 condi t'ionali ty f or t i s macroeconomic
assi stance, whether i
2t assistance provided by the INF or, in the case of our
22 sovereign loan guarantees, we put conditionality that related
23 to management of the gas system, meeting macroeconomic
24 stabllity goals proposed by the IMF, social safety nets, and
25 issues related to anticorruption. And that involved the

I National Anticorruption Prevention Counci 1, the National

2 Anti-Corruption Bureau, as well as the prosecutor general's
J off i ce.
4 MR. GOLDMAN: 0kay. lvlr. Malinowski has a few questions.
5 MR. MALIN0WSKI : Thank you.
6 MR. G0LDI"IAN: 0ne th i ng.
7 And just to be clear, what Vice President Biden was
8 doing was very fundamentally djfferent than any advocacy for
9 a poli tically oriented investigation. Is that your
l0 assessment?

ll MR. KENT: The request for the dismissal of Shokin was

t2 related di rectty to him, to hi s actions i n the di amond

l3 prosecutors case, i n hi s underm'ini ng of our assi stance to
t4 Ukrai ne.
l5 MR. G0LDMAN: And that's distinct from your concerns
l6 that you've raised today about advocacy for an investigation
t7 into Biden or the 2016 election?
l8 MR. KENT: That's how I would look at the two issues, as
l9 distinct, yes.
20 l"lR. MALINOWSKI: The distinction is between
2t condi tionali ty to advance the national i nterest and
22 condi ti onali ty to advance a personal i nterest.
23 MR. KENT: One might say natjonal interest versus
24 parti san i nterest, yes.
25 l"lR. MALINOWSKI: I just have a couple of other subjects

I that I wanted to ask you about. And thank you so much for
2 your patience and precision today and for the integrity that
J you have shown in every part of your career, Mr. Kent.
4 You mentioned at one point a conversation with Fiona
5 Hill in which she had relayed to you that the President had
6 had phone conversati ons wi th Vj ktor 0rban, the Pri me Mi ni ster
7 of told you that they had
Hungary, and Put'in i n whi ch she
8 both, I think you said, talked down Ukraine to the President.
9 Can you say a litt1e bit more about that? What do you

l0 reca11 of that?
1l MR. KENT: We11, to the best of my recollection, Fiona
t2 gave me a readout of both conversations at the Same time. It
l3 was a phone call with Pres'ident Putin on or about May 3rd.
t4 It was a meeting at the White House, so it was an in-person
l5 meeting on or about May 13th. The President's engagement of
t6 0rban included a l.-hour one-on-one, and then subsequently the
t7 Hungarian foreign minister, Szijjarto, and Ambassador Bolton
l8 j oi ned.

t9 MR. MALINOWSKI: In your judgement, what motivation

20 would Qrban and Putin have had to try to talk down Ukraine,

2t Zelenskyy, to President TrumP?

22 1"1R. KENT: We11, Putjn's motivation is very c1ear. He

23 denjes the existence of Ukraine aS a nation and a country, as

24 he told President Bush in Bucharest in 2008. He invaded and
25 occupied 7 percent of Ukraine's territory and he's led to the

I death of terri tory s'i nce 20L4

13,000 Ukrai ni ans on Ukrai ni an
2 as a result of aggression. So that's his agenda, the agenda
J of creating a greater Russia and ensuring that Ukraine does
4 not survi ve i ndependently.
5 Viktor 0rban's beef wi th Ukrai ne i s deri ved j n part to
6 his vision, in my opinion, of a greater Hungary. And there
7 are about 130,000 ethic Hungarians who live in the trans-
8 Carpathi an provi nce of Ukrai ne.
9 And aheadof next year, which is the 100th anniversary
l0 of the Treaty of Trianon, post-Wor1d War I, which resulted in
ll more ethnic Hungarians living outside Hungary than inside,
t2 this issue of greater Hungary is at the top of 0rban's
l3 agenda.

t4 And so he has picked this particular issue and, for

l5 jnstance, blocked all meetings jn NATO with Ukraine at the
l6 mi ni steri a1 1eve1 or above because of thi s parti cular j ssue.

l7 So his animus towards Ukraine is well-known, documented, and

18 has lasted now 2 years.
t9 MR. I'IALIN0WSKI: So both of these leaders would have an

20 'interest i n the Uni ted States and the Presi dent of the Uni ted
2t States ending or diminishing our support for an i ndependen t
22 Ukra i ne?

23 MR. KENT: I would say that that' s Puti n's posi ti on. I
24 think 0rban is just happy to jam Ukra'ine.
25 t'4R . MAL I N0W5 KI : Okay . A1 1 ri ght, okay.

I And then f j na1 1y on the broader cor rupt i on j ssue. You

2 know Ukraine extremely we11. You were also responsible for

J anticorrupt'ion ef f orts i n or some time.

4 Imagine that the President of the Un'ited States were to

5 call you in, President Trump, his predecessor, and that he
6 sai d: George, 1ook, I rea11y, real1y be1 i eve thi s i s a
7 fundamental issue for the United States in Ukraine. The
8 corrupti on 'is the obstacle to the transf ormati on to thi s
9 country that we seek. And I am prepared to use some leverage
l0 to do something about corruption in Ukraine, maybe even hold
ll up a meeting, maybe even condition some assistance on the
t2 Ukrainians rea11y taking this seriously. George, what would
l3 be the three or four or five top things we should be
t4 demanding, we should be asking the Ukrainians to do if we
l5 real1y wanted to get serious on this issue, what would be
t6 what would you say, what would be on your list?
t7 MR. KENT: i think for Ukraine as well as other
l8 countries that have never prosecuted any large-sca1e crook,
t9 putting one of the big fish, so-ca11ed big fish in jail would
20 be a great start as a signal that there isn't impunity. And
2t that's, again, not unique to Ukraine. I think that's the
22 bi ggest one.
23 I th1 nk demonstrati ng that there's i ntegri ty i n the
24 prosecutor general's offi ce i s absolutely cri ti ca1 ,

25 parti cularly for post-Sovi et countri es. There were two


i of oppressi on i n the
nsti tuti ons that were the instruments
2 Sovi et Uni on. I t was the prosecutor'S office and the KGB or

J the secret police. And those two institutions in many of

4 these countries are f undamentally st'i11 not ref ormed 28 years
5 later.
6 So if you want to see the successful transformation of
7 any of the post-Sov'iet countries, reform of the security
8 service in Ukraine, that's known as the SBU (ph), and reform
9 of the prosecutor general's office are the fundamental keys
l0 to transforming the country.
ll MR. MALIN0WSKI: And some of these might require
12 legislative changes, 1ega1 reforms?
l3 MR. KENT: Yes.
14 MR. MALINOWSKI: More than just go after this person or
l5 that person?
l6 l4R. KENT: Yes.
t7 then we11, let me
NR. MALINOWSKI: To your knowledge,
l8 ask you, if that is going to be your policy, if you're going
l9 to condition something that a country wants in exchange for
20 that country doing something that we want jn our national
2t interest, it's logical that we would then tetl that country,
22 here are the things that we want you to do if you want to get
23 your meeting, jf you want to get your aid, or whatever it'is
24 worth conditioning, correct?
25 MR. KENT: Cor rect.

I MR. MALINOWSKI: 0kay. To your knowledge, did any of

2 the so-ca11ed "three amigos," if we can call them that, ever
J i n thei r engagements wi th the Ukrai ni an authori ti es,

4 especi a1ly i n conversati ons around getti ng thi s meeti ng wi th

5 the President or perhaps getting the aid restored, ever urge

6 the Ukrai ni ans to pursue those deeper anti corrupti on

7 measures, reforms that you just referred to?

8 MR. KENT: What I referred to is strategic and

9 institutional, and what they were working on was tactjcal.

l0 And that was what i t would take to send a message to send a
l1 meeti ng.

t2 MR. I4ALIN0WSKI: And i t wasn't ref orm the securi ty

l3 services, it was not reform the prosecutor's office, it was
t4 one i nvesti gati on well , two i nvesti gati ons, 2015 and the
15 Bi den

t6 MR. KENT: Signal of intent to open an investigatjon.

l7 MR. MALIN0WSKI: Which is not anticorruption.

l8 MR. KENT: In and of it itself is not anticorruption,

l9 no.

20 |\4R. MALINOWSKI: It is basically selective prosecution

2t or i nvesti gati on.
22 MR, KENT: That was the phrase I used, yes.
23 |VlR. MALIN0WSKI: And you've worked in and around a 1ot
24 of dictatorships in your 1ife, Uzbekistan, Thailand now, you
25 know, not Ukraine, but certainly a country struggling to

1 buj ld racy. Is i t not a very common feature of


2 authori tari an or semi -authori tarj an regimes that they

J selectively prosecute people for corruption for poli tical
4 purposes?

5 MR. KENT: Unfortunatelythat is the case, yes.

6 l'lR. I4ALINOWSKI: The people who you know in Ukrajne who
7 are dedi cated to fi ghti ng corrupti on, the acti vi sts, the
8 reformers, and who saw the United States of America as a
9 champion of their cause, do they see the United States of
l0 America as a champion of their cause today?
ll MR. KENT: I sti11 believe they count on the U.S. as
t2 thei r best hope to get through very difficult times, yes.
l3 l'4R. MALINOWSKI: Thank you.

t4 MR. GOLDMAN: Before I go to Chairman Enge1, I just have

l5 two quick questions for you.


t7 a Are you familiar with someone by the name of Sam

l8 Ki sI i n or Semeon (ph) Ki s1 i n?

t9 A I am famitiar with the name only recently and only

20 ba sed on what I've read.
2t a You h ave no indiv'idua1 or other than press reports
22 you're not aware of thi s i ndi vi dual?
23 A Correct.
24 a And you, much earlier today, I think you were
25 describing what may have been a conversation that you had

I with former Ambassador Yovanovitch about the July 25th ca1l.

2 A Ri ght.
J 0 And I think you said that you may have discussed
4 some aspects of it and that you don't recall what her
5 response was. Is that accurate?
6 A To the best of my recollection. And if there is
7 other information that people want to provide context to try
8 to tri gger addi ti onal i nformati on, I 'm open to that.
9 a So you it appears to us at least as if, A, you
l0 took a lot of notes about these events, and, B, you may have
l1 revjewed them prior to coming here today to testify. Is
l2 that
l3 A That's accurate. I would not have no, I did not
14 review them before coming to testify. In order for the
l5 Department to respond to the subpoena for document
t6 collections I went through my notebooks to find any notes
t7 from meetings that would be responsive to those that
l8 document request. That's why I reviewed them, as
l9 i nformati on.

20 a Did you have any notes from your discussion with

2t Ambassador Yovanovitch about the July 25th call?
22 A I did not and would not because that would have
23 happened i nformal ly, not i n the off i ce.
24 a 5o if she has a different recollection as to what
25 you guys discussed, do you think that that

I A That's possible. She could have been much more

2 specific about a conversation we had and the issues we've
J been discussing. My timeline starts severat years earlier
4 than hers. So I do not rule that out.
5 MR. G0LDMAN: 0kay.
6 Chairman Enget, would you 1ike to?
7 MR. ENGEL: Yeah. Well, I guess in closing I want you
8 to know I stumbled in here before they told me Clark Kent was
9 here. So I thought he was you.
l0 But, anyway, thank you so much for your testimony. And
ll thank you for what you not only for what you're doing now,
t2 but for what you've done through the years.
l3 It's really so critical that we learn the facts and your
t4 detai 1ed, very careful testimony today, i t's j ust so
l5 important, so important for our country, so important. And
l6 it should also not be used by the administration or the
t7 Department of State to retaliate against you or anybody e1se.
l8 I have been very much chagrined over the fact of the way
l9 employees at the Department of State have been treated for
20 the past coupte of years. Morale i s down. I t's j ust
2l unconscionable. And I think it takes people like you who
22 have not only had commendable records through the years, but
23 who have the guts to come 'in and speak f rom the heart. It
24 really helps all of us moving forward.
25 And of course we will move forward. We have to move

I forward. And what you' re doi ng, si r, i s a tremendous

2. accomplishment and tremendously important for the State

J Department and for the country as a whole.
4 I know that Schiff already explained on the
5 record earljer today why any retaljation against you or
6 anybody else would be unlawful and just wrong. Your service
7 to our country for nearly three decades is commendable and I
8 hope it continues without harassment or undue interference
9 from the Department you have honorably served.
l0 So letjust again thank you as the chairman of the

1l House Foreign Affairs Committee, thank you personally, and

t2 let you know that I and the Foreign Affairs Committee will
13 hold the Department accountable to treat employees properly
t4 and with the respect you deserve.
l5 Thank you.
t6 MR. KENT: Thank you, Mr . Chai rman.

t7 MR. GOLDMAN: A1I right. I believe that's it from the

l8 majority, we used 20 minutes in this record. So I yield to
t9 the minority if you would like any further questions.
20 MR. ZELDIN: I know we stepped out. Did we have did
2t our side have a round while we were out voting or was that
22 the majori ty the whole t'ime?

23 For the record, one thing of concern js Chairman Schiff

24 appropriately earlier made a disclaimer to all Members and

25 all staff that we are in a deposition, that deposition rules


I app1y, and that there should not be any leaks. This is

2 something that the minority side takes extremely seriously,
J and it has been disappointing that during the brief time that
4 we stepped out to go vote that we are reading on Twitter
5 substance from today's deposition being cited by name to
6 Chairman Schiff and to Gerry Connol1y.
7 It's really important that i f the deposi tion rules
8 apply, where Members are not allowed to talk about the
9 substance of what is djscussed today, that that is applied
l0 equally to both the majority and minority, and I want to
ll state that for the record.
t2 We are also sti11 waiting a ruling we started two

l3 depositions ago with a request -- actually it was the second

t4 deposition a request as to what rule is governing this
l5 entire process. We stiIl have not received an answer as to
l6 what House rule governs any of thjs process.
t7 The start of the last deposition we had a phone call
l8 w'ith the House parliamentarian which started with a question
t9 of what House rule is governing any of this entire process.
20 We are reiterating that we sti1l have not received an answer.

2l The minority whip, Steve Scalise, just made that request on

22 the House floor and was not provided an answer.
23 And we would be very interested in knowing, and if that
24 answer can't be provided now, at the start of tomorrow
25 morni ng's deposi t'ion, what House rule i s governi ng th j s

1 enti re process for thi s i mpeachment i nqui ry.

2 MR. BITAR: For the record, your interest i s noted.
J MR. J0RDAN: Mr. Secretary, 1et me just go back. So on

4 the July 25th call between President Trump and President

5 Zelenskyy, just to walk through it again, you were not on
6 that ca11.
7 14R. KENT: Correct.
8 MR. JORDAN: Li eutenant Colonel Vi ndman was.
9 MR. KENT: Yes.
l0 MR. JORDAN: And at some point subsequent to that call
ll you were on a call with the lieutenant colonel or you had
t2 some ki nd of meeting with him?
l3 MR. KENT: It was a call and he gave me a very limited
t4 readout, correct.
l5 MR. JORDAN: Okay. And on that limited readout on tha t
l6 call with the lieutenant colonel did he te11 you not to tal k
t7 about what you d"iscuss wi th anyone else?
l8 MR. KENT:I don't reca1l how he characterized it. It',s
t9 just that he said that the information obviously was of ve ry
20 sensitive nature and that's why he could not give me the
2t normal readout of the fu11 content that he normally did.
22 MR. J0RDAN: And the call you had with Lieutenant

23 Colonel Vindman, was that the 25th, the 27th? What day wi th
24 a that?
25 MR. KENT: It was a subsequent day. i do not I

I cannot say for certain whi ch day he ca11ed. Normally I kept

2 my notes in a notebook 0n th'i s particular occasi on I
J grabbed a piece of paper and started writing. So it was not
4 in a sequential notebook day by day.
5 MR. JORDAN Was it within a week or was it i n August?
6 I'lR. KENT: It was within a week, to the best of my
7 recol lecti on.
8 MR. JORDAN: 5o most likely some time in Juty?
9 l'4R. KENT: I f the cal l happened the earliest it could
l0 have been was the 26th. To the best of my recollection,
l1 there were several days. So my guess is the 27Ln. There's a
t2 weekend in there somewhere. I'm not sure which the weekend
l3 was. So I would say the last week of July would be the best
t4 I could bound i t.
l5 MR. J0RDAN: And then you d'iscussed what Li eutenant
l6 Colonel Vi ndmantold you wi th whom?
l7 14R. J0RDAN: I cannot recall the exact content,

l8 particularly since I djdn't get as much content as I just got

19 a tonal poem. 5o I can't reca11 di rectly.
20 MR. J0RDAN: Did the lieutenant colonel telt you, look,
2t I'm sharing this with you but no one e1se, or did you get the
22 impression that he had shared this information with other
23 people maybe in the State Department or other people in our
24 government or anyone else?
25 MR. J0RDAN: I am not aware of who else he might have

1 given a readout to. In the general course of readouts of

2 that nature, I would be the natural person for hjm to give a
J readout at the State DePartment.
4 MR. J0RDAN: Is the fact that he okay. So normally
5 you would get a readout. th'is the normal process that
So was

6 L'ieutenant Colonel Vindman would 1et you know about this call
7 or was this somehow different?
8 MR. KENT: It was the normal process. He had given me a
9 simj 1ar readout for the Apri 1 2Lst ca11. What was di fferent
l0 was that his concern that he did not feel at liberty to
ll share all the substantive details of the cal1. That was what
t2 was d'if f erent. But the readout, that he was gi vi ng me a
t3 readout, was the normal Procedure.
t4 MR. JORDAN: And why wouldn't he share everything with

l5 you 'if i t's the normal process that you get bri ef ed, you get
l6 a readout of cal1s between the President of the United States
t7 and foreign heads of state in your area, your area of the
t8 world that you're responsible for and that you deal with?
19 And on the April call he gave you a fu11 readout. Is that
20 right?
2l MR. KENT: Correct, although jt was a short,
22 nonsubstant'i ve conversati on.
23 MR. JORDAN: 0kay. Well , were there other occasi on

24 where Lieutenant Colonel Vindman gave you a readout from

25 ca1ls between President Trump and foreign heads of state?


1 MR. KENT: To the best of my knowledge, these were the

2 only two ca11s between President Trump and a head of
J government of the six countries for which I have
4 responsibility.
5 MR. J0RDAN: Got i t. Got it. So you have these two.
6 And you got a ful1 readout from the Apri1 2Lst calt or ApriI
7 call , but you di dn't
8 MR. KENT: In Ju1y, correct.
9 MR. J0RDAN: And d'id you f i nd that unusual?
l0 I"'lR. KENT: He made clear hi s extreme di scomf ort that
ll there was d'iscussi ons i n the call that were what he

t2 described at the beginning of the calt was

was the majority
l3 very sensjtive and he would not be giving me a full readout.
l4 MR. J0RDAN: And, we11, I guess I'm trying to figure out
l5 if he's supposed to give you a readout, why djdn't he give
t6 you the futl readout?
t7 MR. KENT: Again, all I can describe is his djscomfort
18 in sharing what he shared without -- wjth hjs disclaimer
t9 right up front that he was not going to give me the full
20 normal readout.
2t MR. JORDAN: 0kay. Thank you.
22 MR. ZELDIN: In an earlier round we were discussing
23 individual cases where the United States Government had
24 spoken with the Ukrainian Government wjth regards to cases
25 under the jurisdiction of Ukraine. You cited one case

I speci fi cally as possi b1y the hi ghest profi 1e case that you

2 were tracki ng.

J MR. KENT: After
4 MR. ZELDIN:0r one of highest profile cases?
5 MR. KENT: For that period of time, the second half the

6 2018, yes.
7 of these conversations with the
MR. ZELDIN: Were any
8 Ukraine Government about corruption cases that we felt
9 Ukrai ne shouldn't prosecute?
l0 I'm not aware of us ever telling Ukraine not
ll to prosecute a corrupt individual or a person believed to
t2 have engaged 'i n cor ruPt i on, no.
l3 MR. ZELDIN: Is it true that Ukraine prosecuted cases

l4 that were classified as a corruption case but were

l5 i nappropri ately classi fi ed as such?

l6 MR. KENT: I will give you a specific example. The

t7 National Agency to Prevent Corruption was set up to review
l8 the asset declarations of the initially top 1,000 and then
t9 they expanded to even more Ukrai ni an offi ci aIs .

20 In the first year of their operations they went after

2l two individuals. 0ne, the reformist of customs who paid
22 herself an $18 bonus on Women'S Day when all the women in her
Z) offi ce got i t. And they also had launched an i nvesti gatj on
24 of Serhiy Leschenko, the aforement'ioned member of parliament
25 and former investigative journalist, who purchased an

I apartment. And those were the only two investigations that

2 they did, and they were both reformers who were also crjtics
J of people who were not engaged in reform.
4 And there were dozens of billionaire oligarchs and other
5 jndividuals, and there were no investigations of people whose
6 reputations were that they had engaged in corruption for
7 years.
8 MR. ZELDIN: So that I understand your testimony
9 correctly, you cited two cases where two individuals were

l0 accused of corruption but shouldn't have been.

ll MR. KENT: As tar as I recall, those are the only two
t2 individuals or officials of Ukraine that the National Agency
l3 to Prevent Corruption went after based on the asset
t4 declarations of high ranking offjcials and members of
l5 parl i ament.
t6 l4R. ZELDIN: And to be clear, you just used the word
t7 Ukrai ni an offi ci a1s. Is there a di fferent answer wi th
l8 regards to Ukra'in'ian ci ti zens or when you sai d of f i ci a1s di d
t9 you mean Ukrainjans at large?
20 MR. KENT: I was just trying to give a very specific
2l example for a new institution that we initially helped stand
22 up to help contajn corruption based on asset declarations.
23 And instead of using the asset declaration system to identify
24 those who may have used public office to enrich themselves
25 they went after two reformists who were noted critics of the

1 lack of reform in certain parts of the Ukrainian Government.

2 MR. ZELDIN: And what was the timeframe for this answer?
^J MR. KENT: I believe the NAPC, as it was known, was
4 stood up jn 2015, and so this would have been 2015, 2015.
5 l'4R. ZELDIN: I understand that i n a recent round you

6 were answering questjons based off of jnformation that you

7 obtained from others related to aid from the United States to
8 Ukraine and the allegation of a quid pro quo. Do you have
9 any firsthand knowledge of United States aid to Ukraine ever
l0 being connected to the opening of a new investigation?
ll MR. KENT: I do not have djrect knowledge, no.
t2 MR. ZELDIN: Thank you. That's it.

l3 MR. GOLDMAN: Is that it? All right.

l4 Two more things, 2 minutes.


l6 a I just wanted to touch upon your some of the

l7 documents that you have been discussing today.

l8 Do you have an understanding as to whether there may be

l9 emails or other documents in the custody of the State

20 Department that reflect expreSsions of concern about some of
2t the topics that we discussed today, separate and apart from
22 your memos to file or other emails that you have referenced?
23 A i would have imagined that there are quite a number
24 of emai 1s, yes.
25 a You discussed having two specific conversations

I with Fiona Hi11, one in May and one you remember less of in
2 July. And obviously you had other conversat'ions wjth
J Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and Tim Morrison.
4 Were you ever aware of whether there was a separate
5 ei ther ind'ividual or individuals at the National Security
6 Council who were providing information to the President on
7 the Ukraine matter outside of ordinary channels?
8 A I did not hear about it and have no information
9 about that, no.
l0 a Are you familiar with someone by the name of Kash
lt Patel ?

t2 A I am not aware that I've ever met anybody by that

t3 name, rlo.
t4 a Have you ever heard that name?

l5 A I think Patel is a fairly common South Asian last

l6 n ame

t7 a How about Kash?

l8 A I -- less common. I do not I cannot imagine

l9 or I can not recall any time where I was either in the
20 presence of or heard a reference to Kash Pate1.
2l MR. GOLDMAN: Okay. Thank you.
22 I think we are done. And.thank you very much, Mr. Kent,
23 for a long day. Rea1ly apprecjate it.
24 And we' re adj ourned.
25 [Whereupon, at 7:42 p.m., the intervjew was concluded.]

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