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Listen to a police officer interviewing a jewellery shop owner about a robbery.

What did the robbers steal? They stole __________________________________________ .

Listen again and complete the crime report

Date: 10th November 2008
Place: 127 High Street
Crime: Theft
Details of events:
The suspects asked to see a 1 __________________ . While
shop owner was opening a cupboard, the suspect took out
__________________________ and shot at the ceiling. Then
______________________ started ringing and the suspects

Description of Suspects:
Suspect 1: a man
Height: short Hair: 4 ________________
Weight: thin Eyes: brown
Clothes: black trousers, a white shirt and a 5 __________

Suspect 2: a woman
Height: 6 _________________ Hair: brown
Weight: thin Eyes: possibly
Listen and answer these questions:
1) What material was the jewellery cupboard made

2) What made the alarm start ringing?

3) How long did the police take to arrive there?

4) How old were the suspects of the theft?

5) What are the police officers going to do next?

Listen to a police officer interviewing a jewellery shop owner about a robbery.

What did the robbers steal? They stole __the most expensive ring in the shop_____ .
Listen again and complete the crime report
Date: 10th November 2008
Place: 127 High Street
Crime: Theft
Details of events:
The suspects asked to see a 1 ___diamond ring____ .
While the
shop owner was opening a cupboard, the suspect took out
__________gun____________ and shot at the ceiling. Then
____alarm____________ started ringing and the suspects

Description of Suspects:
Suspect 1: a man
Height: short Hair: 4 ____black______
Weight: thin Eyes: brown
Clothes: black trousers, a white shirt and a 5 __red__ tie.

Suspect 2: a woman
Height: 6 __short________ Hair: brown
Weight: thin Eyes: possibly
__green__ Listen and answer these questions:
Clothes: mini skirt and a 8 __boots________
1) What material was the jewellery cupboard made
It was made of glass.
2) What made the alarm start ringing?
The gunshot made it ring the alarm.
3) How long did the police take to arrive there?
About five minutes later.
4) How old were the suspects of the theft?
Both were about 30.
5) What are the police officers going to do next?
Take some photos and search for other
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the suspects’ fingerprints.

Script (2:55)

Police officer:Mrs. Sims, I’d like to ask you a few questions so I can complete this report
about the robbery.
Shop owner: Yes, of course.
Police officer:OK. I understand there were two robbers – a man and a woman.
Shop owner: Yes, officer, that's right. The man wanted to buy the woman a ring – a
diamond ring. I showed them many rings, but the woman didn’t like any of
Police officer:Then what happened?
Shop owner: Well, I decided to open this glass cupboard and take out another ring. While
I was opening the cupboard, the man suddenly took out a gun! He pointed
the gun at me … but then he shot at the ceiling. Maybe it was a mistake, or
maybe he was trying to frighten me. I’m not sure.
Police officer:What happened next?
Shop owner: The alarm started ringing because of the gunshot! It hit the alarm in the
ceiling. So, the man and the woman ran away quickly. Two policemen arrived
here about five minutes later.
Police officer:I see. Now, tell me – what did the suspects look like? Were they tall or short?
Young or old?
Shop owner: Um … they were both about 30 years old. The man was short, thin and dark.
His hair was black – very black – and his eyes were brown.
Police officer:What kind of clothes was he wearing?
Shop owner: He was wearing black trousers and a white shirt with a tie … um, a red tie.
Police officer:What about the woman? Can you describe her?
Shop owner: Yes, the woman was also short, quite short and thin. Her hair was brown and
her eyes were … I think they were green.
Police officer:Do you remember what she was wearing?
Shop owner: Um … yes, she was wearing a mini skirt and boots – brown boots. … Oh, and
she had a small tattoo of an apple on her leg – her right leg, I think it was.
Police officer:OK. Now we’re going to take some photos and search for the suspects’
fingerprints and other evidence. Where exactly were they looking at the
Shop owner: Over here – and here, too. Oh, no! One of the rings is missing! They stole
the most expensive ring in the shop!

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