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Law On Streedhan

For Educational Purpose Only

As per Hindu Law, Streedhan is whatever a women receives during her life time.
Streedhan includes all movable, immovable property gifts etc received by women
prior to marriage, at the time of marriage, during child birth and during her
Streedhan differs from Dowry in the way that it is the voluntary gifts given to a
woman before or after her marriage and has no element of coercion. Women have
an absolute right over their Streedhan.

The word ‘’Streedhan’ has been derived from the words ‘Stri’ meaning a woman and
the word ‘dhana’ means property. Therefore on combining these two words we get
‘property of woman’ her ‘Streedhan’. Any kind of movable and immovable property
such as cash, ornaments, deposits, investments, receivables and immovable
property in any form may constitute Streedhan. In the case of Pratibha Rani V. Suraj
Kumar the Honble Supreme Court enlisted the following to constitute Streedhan-

Gifts made before the nuptial fire,

Gifts made at the bridal procession, i.e. while the bride is being led from her
residence of her parents to that of her husband,
Gifts made in token of love, that is, those made by her father-in-law and mother-in-
law and those made at the time of the bride making obeisance at the feet of elders,
Gifts made by the father of the bride,
Gifts made by the mother of the bride,
Gifts made by the brother of the bride.


According to Section 14 of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 property obtained by a
woman from the following sources is her absolute property (unless contrary is
mentioned in the terms of device, gift, decree, order or award). Thus the sources of
acquisition of such property may be any, all and combination of the following:-
1. Gift (immovable and movable both). It might have been received before her
marriage, during marriage and after marriage
2. Property received as her exclusive share during partition of family property
3. Property received by her as a consideration for any compromise.
4. Property earned and accumulated by service, profession, business etc.
5. Property received in lieu of maintenance
6. Property purchased from her own Streedhan
7. Property inherited by a woman.
8. Acquired in any other manner- property received under a decree or award, or
through adverse possession

Application under allied laws :-

A woman’s right to her Streedhan is protected under law. S. 14 of the Hindu
Succession Act, 1956
R/w S. 27 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 , “even if it is placed in the custody of her
husband or her in-laws, they would be deemed to be trustees and bound to return
the same if and when demanded by her”.
Sec. 12 of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 provides for women right to her
Streedhan in cases
where she is a victim of domestic violence. The provisions of this law can be easily
invoked for recovery of Streedhan.The magistrate may direct the respondent to
return to the possession of the aggrieved person her Streedhan or any other
property or valuable security to which she is entitled.
Again u/s 18(ii) of the Domestic Violence Act the law says that a woman is entitled to
receive the possession of the Streedhan, jewellery, clothes and other necessary
items. The term ‘economic abuse’ has also been provided under the Act.

The woman should make a list of all the gifts and properties received before, during
and after marriage from her family, husband’s family, friends and other
The woman should keep papers of all the gifts received.

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