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Design of Steel & Timber Structures

DMU (Ceng …….)


Instructor Alemayehu G

Batch 5th year Civil Engineering

Academic term 1st Semester (2012)

A structural member is considered to
be a compression member if it is
designed primarily to resist axial
compression, though some bending
may also be present and accounted
for in the design.
Structural action of columns, stanchions,
struts and posts is identical; but due to
difference in their usage different
names are used.
Under the general category of
compression members could be
included columns, compression
members in a trussed structure,
component parts of frames such as
compression flanges of beams or plate
• The two main differences between
tension and compression members are:
1.Tension members are held straight by means of
tensile loads, while in the case of compression
members, the compressive loads tend to bend
the member out of the plane of loading.

2.For riveted or bolted connections, the net area

will govern the strength of a tension member,
while for compression members the rivets are
assumed to fill the holes.
• The main kinds of compression members
1. Simple compression members
2.Tapered members
3.Stepped columns
4.Built up columns
Perforated plate columns
Compression members can fail by:
• Yielding
Depending on the slenderness
• Inelastic buckling ratio of the members

• Elastic buckling

• As well as in local buckling that is

usually influenced by the relative
thickness of the component elements
that constitute the cross section
Members with low slenderness ratios
generally tend to fail by yielding,

Most compression members used in

construction have intermediate slenderness
ratios, and so the predominant mode of
failure is inelastic buckling.

Members with high slenderness ratios tend to

fail by elastic buckling.
• Member buckling can occur in one
of three different modes:

Torsional, and

Buckling Modes

(c) Flexural-torsional
(a) Flexural Buckling of (b) Torsional buckling buckling of a hat-section
H-section strut of cruciform strut strut Buckling
• In addition to slenderness ratio and cross-
sectional shape, the behaviour of
compression members is affected by the
relative thickness of the component
elements that constitute the cross section.
• The relative thickness of a component
element is qualified by the width-to-
thickness ratio (b/t) of the element.

• The width-to- thickness ratios of some

selected steel shapes are shown
Classification of Sections
Classification of sections of compression
members depends on their failure
modes under load.
The EBCS 3 1995 classifies sections into
four categories. Accordingly, the design
strength of a cross-section subject to
compression depends on its
classification as:
Class 1 (Plastic), plastic moment with enough rotation

Class 2 (Compact), plastic moment limited rotation

Class 3 (Semi-compact), or yield moment

Class 4 (thin-walled) local buckling

According to their capacity

Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for Compression Elements (those exceeding these limits are taken as Class
4 section)
Section Element Ratio Checked Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
General - None Assumed Class 3
Rectangular - None Assumed Class 2
d/tw (rolled)
Web 33 44 51
d/tw (welded)
I - shape
c/tf (rolled) 10 11 15
c/tf (welded) 9 10 15
Web d/tw 33 38 42
Box (b-3tf)/tf (rolled) 42 42 42
b/tf (welded) 42 42 42
Web d/tw 33 38 42
Flange b/tf 10 11 15
Web h/tw 33 38 42
T-Shape b/2tf (rolled) 10 11 15
b/2tf (welded) 9 10 14
h/t 15.0
Angle - NA NA
(b+h)/(2t) 11.5
Round Bar - None Assumed Class 1
Pipe - d/t 502 702 902
h/t 15.0
Double Angle - NA NA
(b+h)/(2t) 11.5
• Factors in determining the limiting
width-thickness ratio is the parameter .
This parameter is used to reflect the
influence of yield stress on the section
 235 
  
f 
 y 
Parameter Steel Grade
Fe 360 Fe 430 Fe 510
fy 235 275 355
 1 0.92 0.81
The properties of Class 4 cross-sections
may be established by calculation using
the effective widths of the component
elements in compression

The effective widths of flange elements

may be based on the stress ratio 
determined for the gross cross-section
• It is recommended to determine the
reduction factor  as follows:

1 for λp  0.673

 λp  0.22 for λp  0.673
 λ2p

fy b/t
p  
 cr 28.4 k
Radii of Gyration of Common Sections

Whatsoever the section may be for design

purposes, its radii of gyration about the
principal axes are required so that the
least radius of gyration may be obtained
and used to find slenderness ratio
• Effective Length Factor
The effective length factor K is a factor
which, when multiplied by the actual
unbraced length L of an end-restrained
compression member, will yield an
equivalent pinned-ended member
whose buckling strength is the same as
that of the original end-restrained
For a prismatic member, the effective length
factor can be determined from
Member Properties: effective length
sum of flexural stiffness of all columns meeting at the jo int
sum of flexural stiffness of all beams meeting at the join

(EI / L) columns

(EI / L) beams


Limiting Slenderness Ratio

The governing slenderness ratio (KL/r) of

compression members preferably
should not exceed 200.
Design Criteria for Compression Members
A number of design checks are required
for compression members. In all cases,
it is recommended that the forces and
moments in the members are derived
from an elastic global analysis
In addition to cross-sectional resistance,
consideration should be given to overall
buckling of members
Members in compression are susceptible to to::
- Local buckling (Class 4 or thin sections only),
- Flexural buckling
-Torsional buckling and
-Flexural-torsional buckling

Compression members are to be designed in

such a way that both the cross-sections
resistance to applied loads be established
and member capacity verified against
possible buckling failures.
Ethiopian Building Code Standard EBCS 1995
Resistance of Cross section
Axially loaded compression members
designed to resist a factored axial force of, calculated using appropriate load
combinations, must satisfy the condition:,  Nc.Rd
Where Nc.Rd is taken as a smaller of either the design plastic
resistance Npl, RD of the gross section or the design local
buckling resistance N0,Rd
Npl,Rd and N0,Rd are determined as in the
following expressions:

Ag x f y
N p1, Rd  for Class 1, 2 or 3 cross  sections
 MO

Aeff x f u
N O , Rd  for Class 4 cross  sec tions
 M1
Flexural Buckling
Axially loaded compression members
designed to resist a factored axial force of, calculated using appropriate load
combinations must satisfy the condition:
Nc.Sd  Nb, Rd
Where Nb, Rd = design flexural buckling
resistance of the cross-section to be
determined from:
A fy
N b , Rd   A
 M1
Torsional and Flexural-
Flexural-torsional buckling
The resistance to these buckling modes may
be determined as in for the flexural buckling
discussed above by introducing a substitution
for 
̅ by the greater  ̅ T or 
̅ FT and taking 
= 0.34 f y  A
 T 
 T

fy A
 
 FT
= a reduction
accounting for

Selection of
curve for a
cross section
Reduction factors 
Reduction factor 
Curve a Curve b Curve c Curve d
0,2 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000 1,0000
0,3 0,9775 0,9641 0,9491 0,9235
0,4 0,9528 0,9261 0,8973 0,8504
0,5 0,9243 0,8842 0,8430 0,7793
0,6 0,8900 0,8371 0,7854 0,7100
0,7 0,8477 0,7837 0,7247 0,6431
0,8 0,7957 0,7245 0,6622 0,5797
0,9 0,7339 0,6612 0,5998 0,5208
1,0 0,6656 0,5970 0,5399 0,4671
1,1 0,5960 0,5352 0,4842 0,4189
1,2 0,5300 0,4781 0,4338 0,3762
1,3 0,4703 0,4269 0,3888 0,3385
1,4 0,4179 0,3817 0,3492 0,3055
1,5 0,3724 0,3422 0,3145 0,2766
1,6 0,3332 0,3079 0,2842 0,2512
1,7 0,2994 0,2781 0,2577 0,2289
1,8 0,2702 0,2521 0,2345 0,2093
1,9 0,2449 0,2294 0,2141 0,1920
2,0 0,2229 0,2095 0,1962 0,1766
2,1 0,2036 0,1920 0,1803 0,1630
2,2 0,1867 0,1765 0,1662 0,1508
2,3 0,1717 0,1628 0,1537 0,1399
2,4 0,1585 0,1506 0,1425 0,1302
2,5 0,1467 0,1397 0,1325 0,1214
2,6 0,1362 0,1299 0,1234 0,1134
2,7 0,1267 0,1211 0,1153 0,1062
2,8 0,1182 0,1132 0,1079 0,0997
2,9 0,1105 0,1060 0,1012 0,0937
3,0 0,1036 0,0994 0,0951 0,0882
• Built-up Compression Members
Built-up members are members made by
bolting or welding together two or more
standard structural shapes.

For a built-up member to fully effective (i.e., if

all component structural shapes are to act as
one unit rather than as individual units), the
following conditions must be satisfied.
Design step for loading compression members:
1. Determine the axial load, Nsd.
2. Determine the buckling length, leff, which is a
function of the column length, L, and the statical
system of the column.(leff = Kl) (fig. 3.4,3.5)
3. Select a trial section ( reference may be made to
steel sections of the manufacturer manuals take
into consideration economy, i.e. least weight per
unit length).
4. Determine the Class of the section according to
Section. If the cross-section is classified as Class
4, determine Aeff ( tabel 3.1 page 5)
5. Determine the non-dimensional slenderness

  0 .5

1  93.9
  235 f
6. Using Table 3.4 determine the appropriate
buckling curve.
7. Using Table 3.5 find the value of χ. Interpolation
must be used to determine more exact values.
8. Calculate the design buckling resistance Nb,Rd of
the member. Buckling about both principal axes
must be checked. A f
 
N b , Rd

M 1

9. Check the computed buckling resistance against

the applied load. If the calculate value is
inadequate or is too high, select another section
and go back to Step 4.

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