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[5] Chapters of SNCC and CORE — both integrated organizations — began to reject white membership as

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Carmichael abandoned peaceful resistance. Martin Luther King Jr. and the NAACP denounced black
power as the proper forward path. But black power was a powerful message in the streets of urban
America, where resentment boiled and tempers flared.

Soon, African American students began to celebrate African American culture boldly and publicly.
Colleges teemed with young blacks wearing traditional African colors and clothes. Soul singer James
Brown had his audience chanting “Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud.” Hairstyles unique to African
Americans became popular and youths proclaimed, “Black is Beautiful!”

That same year, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale took Carmichael's advice one step further. They
formed the Black Panther Party in Oakland, California. Openly brandishing weapons, the Panthers
decided to take control of their own neighborhoods to aid their communities and to resist police
brutality. Soon the Panthers spread across the nation. The Black Panther Party borrowed many tenets
from socialist movements, including Mao Zedong's famous creed “Political power comes through the
barrel of a gun.” The Panthers and the police exchanged gunshots on American streets as white
Americans viewed the growing militancy with increasing alarm. Newton himself was arrested in
October of 1968 after he was involved in a shootout with police that left an officer dead. Despite the
escalation in violence around the country, the Black Panther Party kept growing.

The peaceful Civil Rights Movement was dealt a severe blow in the spring of 1968. On the morning of
April 4, King was gunned down by a white assassin named James Earl Ray. Riots spread through
American cities as African Americans mourned the death of their most revered leader. Black power
advocates saw the murder as another sign that white power must be met with similar force. As the
decade came to a close, there were few remaining examples of legal discrimination. But across the
land, de facto segregation loomed large. Many schools were hardly integrated and African Americans
struggled to claim their fair share of the economic pie.

Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement led by CORE, SNCC, and NAACP achieved
much with their nonviolent civil disobedience methods in regards to ending Jim Crow laws and
supporting integration laws. But the 1970s would belong to the Black Power movement.

5. The NAACP, or National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, is another of the “Big 4” civil rights
6. Denounce (verb): to state that something is evil or wrong
7. Urban (adjective): in, relating to, or characteristic of a city or town
8. Teem (verb): to be full of something in large numbers
9. Tenet (noun): a core belief or idea that is important to a group
10. Mao Zedong (1893-1976) was a Chinese communist and the founder and first president of the People’s Republic of
11. Newton was convicted on charges of voluntary manslaughter of Officer John Frey, with witnesses claiming that
Newton used Frey’s gun to shoot Frey. Due to conflicting evidence, California granted Newton a retrial in 1970. After
two mistrials with hung, or undecided, juries, the district attorney said he would not pursue a fourth trial and
Newton was released from prison. Newton claims that Frey shot him first and that he and another officer, Herbert
Heaves, were shooting opposite each other.
12. Escalation (noun): an increase in amount, intensity, or scope
13. Severe (adjective): very great, intense, or harsh
14. Revere (verb): to feel deep respect or admiration for something or someone
15. De facto is a Latin expression that means “in fact” and is synonymous to “as a matter of fact.”
16. Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation throughout the American South.

Empowering the Black Power Movement by is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Text-Dependent Questions
Directions: For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences.

1. PART A: Which of the following best identifies a central idea of this text?
A. The Black Power movement’s main purpose was to incite violence against white
B. The Black Power movement’s goals included integration and ending police
C. The Black Power movement’s purpose was to establish black pride and protect
black communities.
D. The Black Power movement’s goals included empowering black urban youth and
arming them for their own protection.

2. PART B: Which TWO phrases from the text best support the answer to Part A?
A. “Carmichael and McKissick were heavily influenced by the words of Malcolm X,
and rejected integration as a short-term goal.” (Paragraph 4)
B. “Carmichael felt that blacks needed to feel a sense of racial pride and self-
respect before any meaningful gains could be achieved.” (Paragraph 4)
C. “they observed that when it came to race relations, little had changed despite
federal legislation” (Paragraph 2)
D. “Openly brandishing weapons, the Panthers decided to take control of their own
neighborhoods to aid their communities and to resist police brutality.”
(Paragraph 7)
E. “Riots spread through American cities as African Americans mourned the death
of their most revered leader.” (Paragraph 8)
F. “Many schools were hardly integrated and African Americans struggled to claim
their fair share of the economic pie.” (Paragraph 8)

3. How does the inclusion of paragraph 6 contribute to the author’s description of the Black
Power movement?
A. It explains how black musicians were more influential than black activists.
B. It depicts the enlightenment and spiritual awakening of the Black Power
C. It shows how the movement celebrated and uplifted African Americans.
D. It reveals the wide gap between white America and black America during

4. What statement best describes the relationship between Stokely Carmichael and Huey
A. Carmichael’s call for black power inspired Newton to physically empower black
B. Carmichael’s exclusion of white members inspired Newton to form a black-only
C. Newton worked with Carmichael to learn how to start the Black Panther Party in
Oakland, California.
D. Newton’s self-defense methods scared Carmichael because of Newton’s
conflicts with police.

5. Why did the Black Power Movement eventually become more prominent in the 1970s than
the peaceful Civil Rights Movement? Cite evidence from the text in your answer.

Discussion Questions
Directions: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. Be prepared to
share your original ideas in a class discussion.

1. Why might violence be tempting to activists? Why might it be risky to their movements?

2. Do you believe that nonviolent civil disobedience or violent resistance is a more powerful
means of social change?

3. Do you see elements of black pride promoted by Carmichael in the 1960s in today’s society?

4. How has America changed since the Black Power Movement? How has it stayed the same?

5. In the context of this article, how do people create change? Cite evidence from the text,
your personal experience, and other literature, art, and history in your answer.

6. In the context of this text, how are communities formed? Cite evidence from this text, your
own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.

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