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Mock screening test for combined competitive exam (CCE-2020 )

All questions carry equal marks only attempted questions will be answered each wrong answer
will result in deduction of 0.25 marks. Time allowed one hour.

1. Check the word or phrase closest in meaning to the key word. Chide:
(a) to insult (b) to scream (b) to compensate for (d) admonish
2. Amity: (a) pardon (b) a truce(c) goodwill (d) soundness of mind
3.Miscreant: (a) Slanderer (b) Evildoer (c) Misunderstood command (d) An error
4. Raucous: (a) Boisterous (b) flavorful (c) strong and aggressive (c) generous
5. Malaise: (a) Hatred (B) discouragement (c) uneasiness (D) Acute pain
Choose the Antonym of the given words.
6. Virulent: (a) malignant(b) hostile (c) unscathed (d) vicious
7.Redolent: (a) pesticides (b) sticky (c) yellowish (d) stinking
8. Nimble: (a) giant (b) clumsy (c) quick (d) frank
9. Glut: (a) Dearth (b) Drain (c) supply (c) limit
10.Debilitating: (a) strengthening (b) occupying(c) enfeebling (c) inhabiting
11. One word substitute Cicerone: (a) A critical judge in matters of test (b) walk for the sake
of health (c) A guide who knows and explains antiquities (d) Plan that cannot put into practice
12. Put a suitable preposition to complete a sentence
He drove_______ me without stopping and drove off ________center of the town.
(a) from/into (b) towards/ over (c) along/ up (d) past / towards
Find out correct Analogy
13. Silo: Corn (a) Reservoir: water (B) Paddy: Rice (C) Mill: Grain (D) Acre: wheat
14. Hone: Sharp (a) Polish: shiny (b) whet: Blunt (c) Memorize: Minor
15. Enigma: Puzzling (a) Dilemma: Compelling (b) labyrinth: disorienting (c) Sphinx: Massive
(d) Riddle: humorous
Sentence completion:
16. The Orator was so _______that the audience became ____________?
(a) Inaudible/elated (b) dramatic/affable (c) convincing/moribund (d) soporific/drowsy
Choose the correct answer from the following options:
17. Since I left the school, I have been working as a shop assistant (a) Adjective (b) Preposition
(c) Adverb (d) Conjunction
18 “Please do not go away “, she said.
(a)She told me not to go away (b) she begged me not to go away (c) She begged that I not go
away (d) She said to please her and not go away.
19. Change the voice. I did not learn my lesson. (a) My lesson had not been learnt by me (b)
My lesson has not been learnt by me (c) My lesson was not learnt by me (d) lesson of mine is
not learnt by me.
20. The Tomb of Hosh Muhammad Shedi is________?
(a) Mirpurkhas (b) Hyderabad(c) Dadu (d) Karachi
21. Tamboro is the invention of ______________?
(a)Qalandar lal Shahbaz (b) Sachal Sarmast(c) Shah Abdul Lateef (d) None
22. Who was the last P.m of Pakistan?
(a)Imran Khan (b) Shahid Khakan Abbasi(c) Nawaz Sharif (d) None
23. Which of the following is known as city that never sleeps?
(a)Hyderabad (b) Sukker(c) Karachi (d) All of these
24. City of Seven Sisters is called________? (a)Rohri (b) Ghotki(c) Sukkar (d) Non
25. Bhodesar Dam is in______? (a)Thatta (b) Tharparkar(c) Dadu (d) Nawab Shah
26. Chotiari Lake is in __________________? (a)Sanghar (b)Sarhari(c)Thatta(d)Karachi
27. Who Wrote “If I am Assassinated “? (a)Benzeer Bhutto (b) Z.A Bhutto(c) Ameer Ali (d)
Fatima Bhutto
28. Neron Kot is the old name of? (a)Karachi (b) Hyderabad(c)Mirpurkhas (d)Quetta
29. Kadinu Conflict is related with_________? (a)India (b) Afghanistan (c) Burnr (d) Singapore
30. High Commissioner for Human Rights in UNO? (a)Michele Bachlet (b) Michael Astonie(c)
Anne Astoned (d) Franck
31. When Sindh Government will ban on plastic? (a)2nd October (b)1st October(c)15 October
(d)16 October
32. The 1st Indian P.m who visit first time Bahrain? (a)Modi (b) Nehru(c) Gandhi (d) None
33. World bank approved lowest cost houses for Pakistan. (a) 120 million dollars (b) 125
million dollars (c)145 million dollars (d) 130 million dollars
34. United Nations Security Council set to hold meeting on Kashmir issue after _______?
(a) 40 (b)50 (c)60 (d)72
35. COAS General Tarique Bajwa” tenure has been extended to __years. (a)3 (b)4 (c)5 (d)6
36. Which is a highest civil award of UAE?
(a) Order of rising of sun (b) order of Zeyad(c) order of Sun (d) None
37. Pakistan Observed Kashmir Hour on __________?
(a) 28 August (b) 29 August (c) 30 August (d) 16 August
38. 12 New places to be added PIA’S fleet? (a) 2022(b)2023(c)2024(d)2025
39. Which country became first South Asian Country to use 5G NETWORKS?
(a)India (b) China (c) Pakistan (d) Iran
40. We are displaced is written by_______?
(a)Malala (b) Sara Khan (C )Malliha Lodhi (d) Fatima Bhutto
41. WHO has declared which country as Measles free Country?
(a)Malaysia (b) Srilanka (c) pack(d)India
42. France will impose green Tax on plane ticks by________? (a)202(b)2023(c)2022(d)2019
43. Who will host ICC world coup 2023? (a)England (b) India (c) Austria (d) USA
44. Pakistan born_______ appointed by UK as finance minister?
(a)Sajid Javed (b) Asim Kamal(c) Ali Asghar (d) None
45. Who is Indian Current foreign minister?
(a)Sunisham (b) Shankar (c) Jai Shankar (d) Aajay Yadev
46. Lahore High Court moved ban on_____? (a) Whatsapp (b) TickTok(c) Facebook (d) Twitter.
47. Highest Polio Cases were detected in which province?
(a)Sindh (b) KPK(c) Baluchistan (d) Punjab
48. Mineral policy 2019 is announced by_________?
(a)Sindh (b) KPK(c) Baluchistan (d) Punjab
49. President of North Korea is _______________?
(a)Kim Jong -un (b) Jim Mathis (c) Jim Alice (d) None
50. Current CM of KPK is _____________?
(a)Ahmed khan (b) Mahmoud khan(c)Aleem Ali(d)None
51. Currency of Poland is_________? (a)Ringgit (b) Bhart(c) Zloty (d) Rupia
52. Qubec city is in _________? (a)UK (b) USA(c) France (d) Canada
53. Iter Tass is the news agency of _______? (a)Uk (b) Russia (c) Germany (d) France
54. Obama was awarded with Noble Prize in _____? (a) 2008(b)2009(c)2010(d)2012
55. Mac Mohan line Connects China with_____? (a)Sri Lanka (b) Russia (c) India (d) Pakistan
55. First Railway line was laid by _______? (a)France (b) England (c) India (d) None
56. Elysee palace is in________? (a)France (b) England (c) India (d) Germany
57. Megna Carta was sign in ___________? (a) 1215 (b) 1513 (c) 1783 (d) 1990
58. Who is current Ambassador of Pakistan to UK is ____?
(a)Masood Khalid (b) Nafees Zakria(c) Shahid Bashir (d) None
59. International Arbitration Court imposed_______ penalty on Pakistan?
(a) 7.8 USD (b) 4.6 USD (c) 5.9 USD (d) 6.8USD
60. Who Put Foundation Stone of Baba Guru Nanak University in Punjab?
(a) Imran Khan (b) Chief Minister of Punjab (c) Education Minister of Punjab(d)None
61. Eye is filled with two liquids called? (a) Phalanges and Scapula (b) vitreous and hormone
(c) Ulna and Humorous (d) Carpal and Tarsal
62. The part of small intestine that joins large intestine is? (a) Keratin (b) Colon
(c) stirrup (d)Femur
63. Most sweat Glands are present in our_________?(a)Feet (b) Face(c) Armpits (d) Hands
64. Antibodies are in nature____? (a)Protein (b)lipids (c)Carbohydrates (d)Fates
65. Liver uses which vitamin for making new red blood cells? (a)B12 (b) B6(c) O (d) K
66. Synovial fluid is the joint oil between _________? (a)Eyes (b) Bones(c) Muscles (d) Neurons
67. Solar Eclipse always occurs on? (a)Full Moon (b) New Moon(c) Half Moon (d) None of these
68. The oil in the wick of an oil lamp rises up due to?
(a)Pressure Differences (b) Gravitational force (c) law viscosity (d) Capillary
69. When Ice Melt in a beaker of water the level of water in the beaker will?
(a)Increase (b) Decrease (c) Remain same (d) first increase and then decrease
70. In desert clouds do not precipitate because of?
(a) Low Temperature (b) low humidity (c) High wind velocity (d)low pressure
71. Sound Travel fastest through? (a)Steel (b)vacuum(c)water(d)Air
72. A body floating in water at 4c. If temperature reaches at 100c then the body will?
(a) Have more parts of it submerged underwater (b) Sink full(c) Have no change in its positions
(d) float freely
73. A solid needle placed horizontally on the surface of the water float due to.
(a)Surface tension (b) Capillary (c) Cohesion (d) Adhesion
74. “Black holes” refer to:
(a) Hole occurring in heavenly bodies (b) Bright spots on the sun
(c) collapsing objects of high density.(d) Collapsing of low density
75. Bronze is an alloy of?
(a)Copper and Zinc (b) Tin and Zinc (c) Copper and Tin (d) Iron and Zinc
76. An air Bubble in a glass of water shines brightly due to phenomena of?
(a)Total internal reflection (b) Refraction (c) Diffraction (d) none
77. Hygrometer is used for measuring the:
(a)Speed of sound(b)Density of milk (c) Specific gravity of liquids (d) Humidity of air
78. Which of following is Chemical Change?
(a)Burning of candle (b) Evaporation (c) Glowing of an electric Bulb (d) Liquefaction of air.
79. Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible?
(a) Troposphere (b) Mesosphere (c) Stratosphere (d) Ionosphere
80. If Temperature of the conductor increases the resistance will?
(a)Remain Constant (b) Decreases (c) Increases (d) Zero
81. Study of energy production in living bodies is called_______?
(a) Biology (b) Biomechanics (c) Bioenergetics (d) Aerodynamics
82. _______showed that the space between galaxies is increasing and the universe is
(a) Issac Newton (b) A. Einstein (c) Plato (d) Edwin Hubble
83. The ratio between Earth and Oceans by area?
(a) 61.9% and 29.1 % (b) 70.8% and 29.2 (c) 80.2% and 19.8% (d) 59% and 41%.
84. Highest point of Africa is?
(a) Mt Everest (b)Mt McKinley (c) Mt. Kilimanjaro (d)Ellsworth Mt
85. Among which of the following options, Sher Shah was well-known? (a) Land Revenue
system (b) Market control (c) Mansabdari system (d) War technique.
86. Ibadat Khana, during the reign of Akbar, is a famous structure in ________? (a) Fathepur
Sikri (b) Agra fort (c) Sikandarabad (d) Delhi
87. “Pathway to Pakistan” book was written by?(a) Mohammad Ali (b) Ameer(c) Khalique
Zaman (d) None
88. Pakistan joined ILO on? (a)13 September 1947 (b)14 September 1948(c)14 September 1947
(d)15 September 1947
89. “Khaki Shadows” book was written by? (a)Ameer Ali (b) khalique Zaman (c) M.Arif (d) Adul
90. Who was the secretary of state for India in cabinet mission?
(a) lord Mayo (b) Sir Stafford Cripps (c) Lord Pathetic Lawrence (d)None
91. 6 men work for 10 hours a day, and complete their work within 24 days. 9 men work for 8
hours a day. How many days will they take to complete the same work?
(a) 15 (b)18 (c)20 (d)24
92. A retailer buys a radio for Rs 225. His overhead expenses are Rs 15. He sells the radio for Rs
300. The profit percent of the retailer is
(a) 10% (b) 50 (c)25% (d)30%
93. What number will come next in this sequence? 3 5, 8, 9, 14, 16, 23, 26.
(a) 28 (b)33 (c)30 (d)35
94. If diameter of a circle is 8 then its circumference will be?
(a)25.13 (b)50.13 (c)38.13 (d)40.13
95. if 42356 is to 911 and 72923 is to 185 then 63639 will be ?
(a) 9612 (b) 9018 (c)1512 (d)6129
96. A cell phone can receive 120 messages per minute. At this rate how many messages can the
phone receive in 150 seconds?
(a)75 (b)250 (c)300(d)18000
97. 3/4 + 5/8 - 1/2 =?
(a)0.87 (b)1.87(c)0.5(d)1.5
98. √ 𝟏𝟏 + √𝟐𝟓 + √𝟒𝟎𝟎 =?
(a)6 (b)16 (c)36 (d)46
99. A train is travelling at an average speed of 90km/h. If a train left at 10:00a.m. from station A
then arrival time of train at station B which is 60km away
(a)10:30a.m (b)10:40a.m (c)10:50a.m (d)11:10a.m
100. Asad is 5 years older than Majid. Four years ago Majid’s age was three-fourths of Asad’s age.
What age is Majid now?

1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C
6 C 7 D 8 B 9 A 10 A
11 B 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 B
16 D 17 D 18 B 19 C 20 C
21 D 22 B 23 C 24 A 25 B
26 A 27 B 28 B 29 C 30 A
31 B 32 A 33 C 34 B 35 A
36 B 37 C 38 A 39 C 40 A
41 B 42 A 43 B 44 A 45 C
46 B 47 B 48 C 49 A 50 B
51 C 52 D 53 B 54 B 55 B
56 A 57 A 58 B 59 C 60 B
61 B 62 B 63 A 64 A 65 A
66 B 67 B 68 D 69 C 70 D
71 A 72 A 73 A 74 C 75 C
76 A 77 D 78 A 79 D 80 C
81 C 82 D 83 B 84 C 85 A
86 A 87 C 88 C 89 C 90 C
91 C 92 C 93 D 94 A 95 C
96 C 97 A 98 A 99 B 100 A

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