4 Gujarat Prohibition Act, 1949

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Section 114 - Recovery of duties etc.

1 [114. Recovery of duties etc.

(1) All duties, taxes, fines (except fines imposed by a Court) and fees leviable under any of the
provisions of this Act or in respect of any licence, permit, pass or authorization granted under it,
and the cost of the supervising staff appointed under section 58A, may be recovered from any
person liable to pay the same or from his surety, if any, as if they were arrears of land revenue.

(2) When any person, in compliance with any rule, regulation or order made under this Act, gives a
bond (other than a bond under section 91 or 93) for the performance of an act, or for his
abstention from any act, such performance or abstention shall be deemed to be a public duty
within the meaning of section 74 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (XI of 1872); and upon breach of
the conditions of such bond by him, the whole sum named therein as the amount to be paid in case
of such breach may be recovered from him or from his surety (if any) as if it were an arrear of land


1. This section was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 75.

Section 115 - Magistrate's power to impose enhanced penalties

1[115. Magistrate's power to impose enhanced penalties--

Notwithstanding anything contained in section 32 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of

1898), it shall be lawful for2*** any Magistrate of the First Class to pass any sentence authorized
by this Act in excess of his powers under section 32 of the said Code, provided that the fine shall
not exceed three thousand rupees.]


1. This section was substituted for the original Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 76.

2. The words "any Presidency Magistrate or" were omitted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws
(State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.

Section 115A - Venue of trial; of offence of consumption of intoxicant or hemp

1[115A. Venue of trial; of offence of consumption of intoxicant or hemp--

Notwithstanding anything contained in Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), an offence of

consumption of any intoxicant or hemp specified in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 66, may
be tried by a Magistrate having jurisdiction either at the place in which the offence was actually
committed or at any place in the State in which the offender may be found.]


1. This section was inserted by Guj. 16 of 1964, s. 3.

Section 116 - Procedure to be followed by Magistrates

In all trials for offences under this Act, the Magistrate shall follow the procedure prescribed in the
Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), for the trial of summary cases in which an appeal

Section 116A - Tender of pardon to accomplice

1 [116A. Tender of pardon to accomplice--

(1) Whenever two or more persons are prosecuted for an offence under this Act, 2 * * any
Magistrate of the First Class may, at any stage of the investigation or inquiry into or the trial of
offence, with a view to obtaining the evidence of any person supposed to have been directly or
indirectly concerned in, or privy to the offence, tender a pardon to such person on condition of his
making a full and true disclosure of all facts within his knowledge relative to the offence.

(2) Every Magistrate, who tenders a pardon under sub-section (1), shall record his reasons for so

(5) Every person, accepting tender under this section, shall be examined as a witness in the Court
of the Magistrate taking cognizance of the officer, and in the subsequent trial, if any.

(4) The provisions of sections 339 and 339-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898),
shall apply to the trial of a person to whom pardon has been tendered under this section as they
apply to a person to whom pardon has been tendered under section 337 or section 338 of that

Explanation.--For the purposes of sub-section (4), the reference to the Public Prosecutor in section
339 of the said code shall include a reference to any officer conducting a prosecution under this


1. This section was inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 77.

2. The words "a Presidency Magistrate or" were omitted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws ( State and Concurrent
Subjects) Order, 1960.

Section 116B - No analysis required for known brand of liquor

1[116B. No analysis required for known brand of liquor--

Where in any trial for any offence of unlawful possession of liquor under this Act, it is proved that
the accused person was in the possession of any sealed bottle bearing the original label indicating
the name of any known brand of spirits, such as whisky, brandy, rum, gin, club cup, liqueurs, milk
punch, or of wines such as champagne, moselle, burgundy, chianti, white wines, clarets, hocks,
riesling, meceira, ginger-wine, port type., port vermouth, sherry wincarnis, vibrona, manola,
buckfast, tonic-wine or of fermented liquors such as ale, beer, milk-stout (porter), cidar, and the
name of its manufacturer it shall be presumed that the accused person was in possession of liquor.]


1. Section 116-B was inserted by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 13.

Section 117 - Investigations, arrest searches, etc. now to be made

Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, all investigations, arrests, detentions in custody
and searches shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
1898 (V of 1898) :

Provided that1[* * * * *] no search shall be deemed to be illegal by reason only of the fact that
witnesses for the search were not inhabitants of the locality in which the place searched is


1. The words beginning with the words "in any local area" and ending with the words "State
Government" were deleted by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 46.

Section 117A - Maintenance of list of Panchas

1 [117A. Maintenance of list of Panchas--

(1) If the Commissioner of Police or the District Superintendent of Police, as the case may be,
considers that in any gram, nagar, municipal borough or city, or in any locality thereof it is
necessary to have a list of local persons liable to serve as pancha witnesses for searches made and
for such other purposes connected with the investigation of offences under this Act, the
Commissioner of Police or the District Superintendent of Police, as the case may be, may request
the gram panchayat, the nagar panchayat, the municipality, or the municipal corporation, of such
gram, nagar, municipal borough or city respectively to prepare and maintain such list for such
gram, nagar, municipal borough, city or any locality thereof, and thereupon it shall be the duty of
such panchayat, municipality as municipal corporation to prepare and maintain such list.

(2) The State Government shall, by rules, prescribe the age and qualifications of persons who may
be considered suitable for being included in any such list, the procedure for preparing, publishing
and maintaining such list and the period for preparing, publishing and maintaining such list and the
period for which such list shall remain in force.

(3) Every person whose name is included in such list shall, when so required by a prohibition officer
or a police officer, be bound to serve as a pancha witness.]


1. Section 117 A was inserted by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 14.

Section 118 - Procedure of Code of Criminal Procedure relating to cognizable offences to apply

1[118. Procedure of Code of Criminal Procedure relating to cognizable offences to apply--

In the absence of any provision to the contrary in this Act the provisions of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), with respect to cognizable offences shall apply to offences under this


1. These sections were substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 78.

Section 119 - Certain offences to be non-bailable

Offences under sections 65, 67, 67-IA and 68 shall be non-bailable.]

Section 120 - Power of entry and inspection

1[120. Power of entry and inspection--

The Director, Collector, or any Prohibition Officer duly empowered in this behalf by the State
Government, or any Police Officer may--

(a) enter at any time by day or by night, any warehouse, godown, shop, premises, house,
building, vessel, vehicle or enclosed place in which he has reason to believe that any intoxicant,
hemp, mhowra flowers, molasses, material or article liable to confiscation under this Act is
manufactured, kept or concealed or that any still, utensil, implement or apparatus is used, kept,
or concealed for the purpose of manufacturing any intoxicant contrary to the provisions of this

(b) in case of resistance, break, open any door and remove any other, obstacle to his entry into
any such warehouse, godown, shop, premises, house, building, vessel, vehicle or enclosed

(c) seize any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses and any material used in the
manufacture of any intoxicant and any still, utensil, implement or apparatus and any other
thing which he has reason to believe to be liable to confiscation under this Act and any
document or other article which he has reason to believe may furnish evidence of the
commission of any offence under this Act;2[*]

3[(cc) destroy any earthen pot or other receptacle found hanging on a toddy producing tree, if
he is satisfied that the person by whom or on whose behalf the pot or receptacle is so hung is
not known or cannot be found and he has reason to believe that an offence specified in clause
(c) or (d) of sub-section (1) of section 66 is committed; and]

(d) detain and search and if he thinks proper arrest any person whom he has reason to believe
to be guilty of any offence under this Act.]


1. This section was substituted for the original, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 79.

2. The word "and" was omitted by Guj. 16 of 1964, s.4 (1).

3. This clause was inserted, Guj. 16 of 1964, s. 4(2).

Section 121 - Power to open packages, etc.

(1) Any Prohibition Officer duly empowered in this behalf by the1[State] Government or any Police
Officer may open any package and examine any goods and may2[stop and search] for any
intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers, or molasses any vessel, vehicle or other means of
conveyance3[and may seize any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers, molasses or any other thing
liable to confiscation or forfeiture under this Act or any other law for the time being in force relating
to excise revenue found while making such search.]

(2) The unloading and carrying of goods, the bringing of them to the place appointed under sub-
section (5) for examination, the opening and repacking of them, where such operations4[are
necessary for searches made] under the section and the removing of goods to and placing of them
in the place appointed under sub-section (5)5[for examination or deposit], shall be performed by or
at the expense of the owner of such goods.

(5) The owner of goods or the persons in charge of the goods shall, if so required by any officer
conducting the search, the goods6[to a place appointed]7[in any area for which a Commissioner of
Police has been appointed] and elsewhere, by the District Magistrate] for the purpose of
examination or deposit.

8[(4) The expenses incurred by the State Government for any of the purposes mentioned in sub-
section (2) may be recovered from the owner, or as the case may be, the person in charge, of the
goods as arrears of land revenue.]


1. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

2. These words were substituted for the words "stop or search" by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 80(a).

3. These words were added by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 47.

4. These words were substituted for the words "are necessary to be made" by Bom. 22 of 1960, s.
80 (b) (i).

5. These words were substituted for the words "for deposit", Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 80 (b) (ii).

6. These words were substituted for the words "to a place appointed by the District Magistrate or
the Commissioner of Police, Bombay" Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 80 (c).

7. These words were substituted for the words 'in Grater Bombay by the Commissioner of Police,
Bombay" by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws ( State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.

8. This sub-section was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 80 (d).

Section 122 - Power to require production of lincences

1 [122. Power to require production of lincences--

(1) The Director or Collector or any Prohibition Officer duly empowered in this behalf by the State
Government or any Police Officer may--

(a) require a licensed manufacturer or vendor tapper or drawer of toddy or a person in the
employ of such manufacturer or vendor or tapper or drawer of toddy or acting with this express
or implied permission on his behalf to produce the licence, permit, pass or authorisation issued
under this Act under which he carries on the manufacture, storage or sale of any intoxicant,
hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses or taps toddy producing trees or draws toddy therefrom;

(b) enter and inspect, at any time by day or by night, any land on which toddy producing trees
are growing, whether such trees are licensed for tapping or not, and any warehouse, godown,
shop or premises in which any licensed manufacturer or vendor manufactures, stores or sells
any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses and examine, test, measure or weight any
stock of any such articles or cause any such stock to be examined, tested, measured or

(2) If any officer mentioned in sub-section (1) finds that the holder of a licence, permit, pass or
authorisation issued under this Act or a person in the employ of Such holder or acting with his
express or implied permission on his behalf wilfully does or omits to do anything, which is an
offence under this Act, such officer may seize any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses or
any material or article in respect of which the offence is committed and any document or other
article which he has reason to believe may furnish evidence of the commission of an offence under
this Act and send a report to his official superior for such action as he deems fit.]


1. This section was substituted for original, Bom. 22 of 1960, s.

Section 123 - Arrest of offenders and seize of contraband articles

(1) Any Prohibition Officer authorized by the1[State] Government in this behalf or any Police Officer

(a) arrest without warrant any person whom he has reason to believe to be guilty of an offence
under this Act;

(b) seize and detain any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses or other articles which
he has reason to believe to be liable to confiscation or forfeiture under this Act2[and seize any
document or other article which he has reason to believe may furnish evidence of the
commission of an offence under this Act].

(2) Any Prohibition Officer authorised by the1[State] Government under this section who arrests
any person under sub-clause (a) or siezes and detains any article under sub-clause (b) of sub-
section (1) shall forward such person or article, as the case may be, without unnecessary delay to
the officer in-charge of the nearest Police Station.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order 1950.

2. These words were added by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 82.

Section 124 - Power to obtain information

(1) The1[Director] or Collector or any Prohibition Officer specially empowered in this behalf by
the2[State] Government or a Police Officer may, by order require any person to furnish to any
specified authority or person any such information in his possession concerning any intoxicant,
hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses as may be specified in the order.

(2) If any person fails to furnish any information in compliance with the order made under sub-
section (1) or furnishes false information, he shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to six months or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees
or with both.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.

2. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order 1950.

Section 125 - Power to seize intoxicants, etc.

The1[Director], Collector or any Prohibition Officer duly empowered in this behalf or any Police
Officer may--

(a) seize in any open place, or in transit any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses or
any other thing which he has reason to believe to be liable to2[confiscation or forfeiture] under
this Act or any other law for the time being in force relating to excise revenue3[and any
documents or other article which he has reason to b 5lieve may furnish evidence of the
commission of an offence under this Act;]

(b) detain and search any person whom he has reason to believe to be guilty of any offence
against this Act or any other law for the time being in force relating to excise revenue, and if
such person has any intoxicant, hemp mhowra flowers, molasses or4[other thing] in his
possession, arrest him.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.

2. These words were substituted for the word "confiscation" by Bom. 22 of 1960, s.83 (a).

3. These words were added, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 83 (a).

4. These words were substituted for the words "any other thing", Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 83(b).

Section 126 - Arrest without warrant

The1[Director], Collector, or any Prohibition Officer duly empowered in this behalf by the2[State]
Government or any Police Officer may arrest without an order from a Magistrate and without
warrant any person who obstructs him in the execution of his duties under this Act or who has
escaped or attempts to escape from custody in which he has been or is lawfully detained under this


1. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.

2. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

Section 127 - Arrest of Offenders failing to give names

(1) When any person who in the presence of the1[Director], Collector or any Prohibition Officer not
below such rank as the2[State] Government may determine, as committed or has been accused of
committing an offence under this Act, refuses on demand of such officer to give his name and
residence or gives a name and residence which such officer has reason to believe to be false, he
may be arrested by such officer, in order that his name or residence may be ascertained.

(2) When the true name and residence of such person have been ascertained, he shall be released
on his executing a bond with or without sureties to appear before3[a Magistrate having jurisdiction]
when so required:

Provided that if such person is not resident in4[India], the bond shall be secured, by a surety or
sureties residing in4[India].

(3) If the true name and residence of such person is not ascertained within twenty four hours from
the time of the arrest, or if he fails to execute the bond, or if so required, to furnish sufficient
sureties, he shall forthwith be forwarded to the nearest Magistrate having jurisdiction.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.

2. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

3. These words were substituted for the words ''a Magistrate" by Bom. 21 of 1954, s. 3, Second

4. This words was substituted for the words "the Dominion of India" by the Adaptation of Laws
Order, 1950.

Section 128 - Issue of warrants

(1) The 1 [Director], Collector or any Prohibition Officer duly empowered in this behalf 2 [* * * * *]
or a Magistrate or a District Superintendent of Police or an Assistant or Deputy Superintendent of
Police specially empowered by the 3 [State] Government in this behalf may issue a warrant--

(a) for the arrest of any person whom he has reason to believe to have committed an offence
under this Act or any other law relating to the excise revenue for the time being in force;

(b) for the search whether by day or by night, of any building vehicle or place in which he has
reason to believe that any intoxicant, hemp, 4 * mhowra flowers or molasses are manufactured
or sold or stored or that any toddy is drawn contrary to the provisions of this Act, or that any
intoxicant, hemp 5 [mhowra flowers, molasses] or other thing liable to confiscation or forfeiture
under this Act or any other law for the time being in force relating to the excise revenue is kept
or concealed 6 [and for the seizure of such intoxicant, hemp, 4 ** mhowra flowers, molasses or
such other thing found in such building, vehicle or place].

(2) All warrants issued under sub-section (1) shall be executed in accordance with the provisions of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), by a Police Officer or a Prohibition Officer duly
empowered in this behalf or if the officer issuing the warrant deems fit, by any other person.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.
2. The words "or in Greater Bombay, Deputy Commissioner of Police or Superintendent of Police in charge of a
Division" were omitted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws ( State and Concurrent Subjects) Order, 1960.

3. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

4. The word "opium" was deleted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 84.

5. These words were substituted for the words "or opium" Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 84.

6. These words were inserted by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 48 (2).

Section 128A - Certain provisions to apply to denatured spirituous preparations

1[128-A. Certain provisions to apply to denatured spirituous preparations--

The provisions of sections 80, 98, 99, 103(1), 104, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 128, 135 and
139 shall apply to2[denatured spirituous preparations, rotten gur or ammonium chloride] as they
apply to any intoxicant under this Act.]


1. Section 128-A was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 85.

2. These words were substituted for the words "denatured spirituous preparations" by Guj. 9 of
1978, s. 15.

Section 129 - Prohibition Officers may be empowered to investigate offences

(1) The 1 [State] Government may empower any Prohibition Officer to investigate offences under
this Act.

(2) An officer empowered under sub-section (1) shall in the conduct of such investigation exercise
the powers conferred by the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), upon upon an officer-
in-charge of a Police Station for the investigation of cognizable offences.

(3) Any Prohibition Officer to whom such officer is subordinate may, during the course of the
investigation, take over the investigation himself or direct any other Prohibition Officer duly
empowered to conduct the same. The officer in conducting the investigation shall have the same
power under sub-sections (1) and (2) as if he were the Prohibition Officer appointed for the area or
for the purpose of investigating the said offence.

(4) If the Prohibition Officer conducting the investigation is of opinion that there is not sufficient
evidence or reasonable ground of suspicion to justify the forwarding of the accused to a Magistrate,
or that the person arrested may be discharged with a warning, such officer shall release him on his
excepting a bond waith or without sureties, to appear, if and when so required, before a Magistrate
empowered to take cognizance of the offence and shall make a full report of the case to his official
superior and be guided by the order which he shall receive on such report.

(5) The powers of any officer empowered under this section shall be subject to such other
modification or restrictions as the 1 [State] Government may deem fit.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.
Section 129A - Power to require persons to submit to medical examination, etc.

1 [129 A. Power to require persons to submit to medical examination, etc.--

(1) Where in the investigation of any offence under this Act, any Prohibition Officer duly
empowered in this behalf by the State Government or any Police Officer, has reasonable ground for
believing that a person has consumed, an intoxicant and that for the purpose of establishing that
he has consumed an intoxicant or for the procuring of evidence thereof it is necessary that his body
be medically examined, or that his blood be collected for being tested for determining the
percentage of alcohol therein, such Prohibition Officer or Police Officer may produce such person,
before a registered medical practitioner (authorised by general or special order by the State
Government in this behalf) for the purpose of such medical examination or collection of blood and
request such registered medical practitioner or furnish a certificate on his finding whether such
person as consumed any intoxicant and to forward the blood collected by him for test to the
Chemical Examiner or Assistant Chemical Examiner to Government, or to such other officer as the
State Government may appoint in this behalf.

(2) The registered medical practitioner before whom such person has been produced shall examine
such person and collect and forward in the manner prescribed the blood of such person, and furnish
to the officer by whom such person has been produced, a certificate in the prescribed form
containing the result of his examination. The Chemical Examiner or Assistant Chemical Examiner to
Government, or other officer appointed under sub-section (1) shall certify the result of the test of
the blood forwarded to him, stating therein, in the prescribed form, the percentage of alcohol, and
such other particulars as may be necessary or relevant.

(3) If any person offers resistance to his production before a registered medical practitioner under
sub-section (1) or on his production before such practitioner to the examination of his body or to
the collection of his blood, it shall be lawful to use all means reasonably necessary to secure the
production of such person or the examination of his body or the collection of blood necessary for
the test.

(4) If the person produced is a female, such examination shall be carried out by, and the blood
shall be collected by or under the supervision of a female registered medical practitioner authorised
by general or special order, by the State Government in this behalf, and any examination of the
body, or collection of blood of such female shall be carried out or made with strict regard to

(5) Resistance to production before a registered medical practitioner as aforesaid, or to the

examination of the body under this section, or to the collection of blood as aforesaid, shall be
deemed to be an offence under section 186 (XLV of 1860) of the Indian Penal Code.

(6) Any expenditure incurred for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this section including
any fees payable to a registered medical practitioner or the Officer appointed under sub-section (1)
shall be defrayed out of moneys provided by the State Legislature.

(7) If any Prohibition Officer or Police Officer vexatiously and unreasonably proceeds under sub-
section (1), he shall, on conviction, be punished with fine which may extend to five hundred

(8) Nothing in this section shall preclude the fact that the person accused of an offence has
consumed an intoxicant from being proved otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this


1. Sections 129 A and 129 B were inserted by Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 16.

Section 129B - Documents or reports of registered medical practitioner etc., as evidence

Any document purporting to be :--

(a) a certificate under the hand of a registered medical practitioner, or the Chemical Examiner
or Assistant Chemical Examiner to Government, under section 129 A or of an officer appointed
under sub-section (1) of that section, or

(b) a report under the hand of any registered medical practitioner in any hospital or dispensary
maintained by the State Government or a local authority, or any other registered medical
practitioner authorised by the State Government in this behalf, in respect of any person
examined by him or upon any matter or thing duly submitted to him for examination or analysis
and report,

may be used as evidence of the facts stated in such certificate, or as the case may be, report, in
any proceedings under this Act; but the court may if it thinks fit, and shall, on the application of the
prosecution or the accused person, summon and examine any such person as to the subject matter
of his certificate or, as the case may be, report.]

Section 130 - Arrested persons and things seized to be sent to officer in charge of Police Station

Every person arrested and thing seized by a Prohibition Officer under this Act shall be sent to the
officer-in-charge of the nearest Police Station1[or to any other officer duly empowered under
section 129 if the Director in any particular case has directed such officer to conduct the
investigation of the offence.]


1. This portion was added by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 86.

Section 131 - Bail by Prohibition Officer

(1) Any Prohibition Officer empowered to investigate an offence under this Act shall have power to
grant bail in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898), to
any person arrested without a warrant for an offence under this Act.

(2) When any person has been arrested under section 126, a Prohibition Officer empowered to
investigate offence under this Act shall have power to grant bail in accordance with the provisions
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898).

Section 132 - Article seized

1[When anything has been seized under the provisions of this Act by a Prohibition Officer exercising
powers under section 129 or by an Officer in-charge of a Police Station], or has been sent to him in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, such officer, after such inquiry as may be deemed
necessary :--

(a) if it appears that such thing is required as evidence in the case of any person arrested, shall
forward it to the Magistrate to whom such person is forwarded or for his appearance before
whom bail has been taken,
(b) if it appears that such thing is liable to confiscation but is not required as evidence as
aforesaid, shall send it with a full report of the particulars of seizure to the Collector,

(c) if no offence appears to have been committed shall return it to the person form whose
possession it was taken.


1. These words were substituted for the words ''When anything has been seized by a Prohibition
Officer other than the Collector or Director under the Provisions of this Act" by Bom. 22 of 1960, s.

Section 133 - Duty of Officer of Government and local authorities to assist

133. Duty of1[Officer of Government] and local authorities to assist--

Every officer of the2[Government] and every officer or servant of a local authority, shall be3[legally
bound to assist any Prohibition Officer or] police officer or person authorised in this behalf in
carrying out the provisions of this Act.


1. These words were substituted for the words "officials of all departments" Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 88

2. This word was substituted for the word "Crown" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

3. These words were substituted for the words "legally bound to assist any" by Bom. 22 of 1960, s.
88 (a).

Section 134 - Offences to be reported

1[134. Offences to be reported--

Every village officer or servant useful to Government, every officer of the State Government, and
(with the consent of the Central Government) every officer of the Customs and Central Excise
Departments, and every officer or servant of a local authority, and the Sarpanch of a village
panchayat constituted under the Bombay Village Panchayats Act, 1958 (Bom. III of 1959), shall be

(a) to give immediate information at the nearest Police Station or to any officer or person
authorised in this behalf of the commission of any offence and of the intention or preparation to
commit any offence under this Act which may come to their knowledge;

(b) to take all reasonable measures in their power to prevent the commission of any such
offence which they may know or have reason to believe is about or likely to be committed.


1. Sections 134 and 135 were substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 89.

Section 135 - Landlords and others to give Information

Every person who owns or occupies any land or building, or who is a landlord of an estate residing
in the village, and the agent of such owner, occupier or landlord of the land, building, or estate, as
the case may be, on or in which there has been any unlawful tapping of toddy producing trees or
unlawful manufacture of any liquor or intoxicating drug or unlawful cultivation or collection of
hemp, and every owner of a vessel or vehicle in which liquor or intoxicating drug is manufactured
contrary to the provisions of this Act, shall, in the absence of reasonable excuse, be bound to give
notice of the same to a Magistrate or to a Prohibition Officer or to a Police Officer immediately the
same shall have come to its knowledge].

Section 136 - [Deleted]

[Power to arrest and make orders detaining or restricting movements or actions of persons.] Deleted by
Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 59.

Section 137 - Appeals

(1) All orders passed by any Prohibition Officer other than the Collector or1[Director] under this
Act, shall be appealable to the Collector at any time within sixty days from the date of the order
complained of.

(2) All orders passed by the Collector and1[Director] shall be appealable to the1[Director] and
the2[State] Government respectively at any time within ninety days from the date of the order
complained of :

Provided that no appeal shall lie against an order passed by the1[Director] on appeal.

(3) Subject to the foregoing provisions, the rules which the2[State] Government may make in this
behalf shall apply to appeals under this section.


1. This word was substituted for the word ''Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.

2. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Orders, 1950.

Section 138 - Revision

1[138. Revision--

The State Government may call for and examine the record of any proceeding before any
prohibition Officer, including that relating to the grant or refusal of a licence, permit, pass or
authorization under this Act, for the purpose of satisfying itself as to the correctness, legality or
propriety of any order passed in, and as to the regularity of, any such proceeding and may, when
calling for such record, direct that the order be not given effect to pending the examination of the
record. On examining the record, it may either annul, reverse, modify or confirm such order, or
pass such other order as it may deem fit.]


1. This Section was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 90.
Section 139 - General powers of State Government in respect of licences, etc.

139. General powers of1[State] Government in respect of licences, etc.--

2[(1)] Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or the rules made thereunder, the1[State]
Government may, by general or special order,--

(a) prohibit the grant of any kind of licences, permits, passes or authorizations throughout
the3[State] or in any area;

(b) regulate the import, export, transport, possession, sale, purchase, consumption or use of
any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers, molasses or any article which is likely to be used for the
manufacture of an intoxicant with or without licence, permit, pass or authorization throughout
the4[State] or within the limits of any local area subject to such conditions5[as it may impose];

6[(c) exempt any person or institution or any class of persons or institutions from all or any of
the provisions of this Act or from all or any of the rules, regulations or orders made thereunder
or from all or any of the conditions of any licence, permit, pass or authorization granted
thereunder, subject to such conditions as it may impose;

(d) exempt any intoxicant or class of intoxicants, denatured spirituous preparation, hemp,
mhowra flowers or molasses from all or any of the provisions of this Act or from all or any of
the rules, regulations or orders made thereunder, subject to such conditions as it may impose;

(d1) remit or refund wholly or partially any fee in respect of any privilege, licence, permit, pass
or authorization granted under this Act or any duty on toddy producing trees or any excise or
countervailing duty or fee leviable under this Act on any intoxicant, hemp, mhowra flowers or
molasses from any person or institution or from a class of persons or institutions or exempt any
person or institution or class of persons or institutions from the payment of such duty or fee,
subject to such conditions as it may impose;]

(e) prescribe the maximum number of licences, permits, passes or authorizations of any kind
which may be granted in any area or to any class of persons;

(f) prescribe the number of places at which any intoxicant specified in such order7[denatured
spirituous preparation,] hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses may be sold in any area, the
location of such places in any area, the days and hours during which such places may or may
not be kept open, the number of such places in respect of which licences for sale may be grated
and the number of such places which may be8[managed by the State Government

(g) direct that no licence, permit, pass or authorization of the kind specified in such order shall
be granted without the previous approval of the1[State] Government or also direct any
additions or alterations to be made to or in the conditions subjects to which under any other
provisions of this Act, such licence, permit, pass or athorization can be granted;

(h) prescribe the maximum quantity of any intoxicant,9[denatured spirituous preparation,]

hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses which may be sold in any area or at any place;

10[(i) prescribe in respect of any place or area, the maximum number of toddy producing trees
for tapping which or for drawing toddy from which licence or licences may be granted;]

11[(j) prescribe the procedure for the disposal of any shop or shops authorised to sell any
intoxicant, denatured spirituous preparation, hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses under this Act
and the procedure to be followed before granting any licence or licences;]

(k) direct that before granting licences, auctions may be held, tenders called for or offers
received and that licences shall be granted12[subject to such conditions as may be prescribed]
to persons whose bids, tenders or offers are accepted by the Collector,

(l) specify the person or class of persons13[to whom licences may or may not be granted] and
in cases in which auctions are held, the person or classes of persons who may or may not be
permitted to offer bids at such auctions;

(m) direct that licences of the kind specified in such order shall be granted to persons specified
in such order; and

(n) issue such other instructions in any matter pertaining to the grant or otherwise of licences,
permits, passes or authorizations under this Act, as the1[State] Government may deem proper.

14[(2) An order made under sub-section (1) shall, if it is of a general nature or affecting a class of
persons, be notified in the Official Gazette.]


1. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Orders, 1950.

2. Section 139 was renumbered as sub-section (1) Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 91 (1).

3. This word was substituted for the words "Pre-reorganisation State of Bombay, excluding the
transferred teranriories" by Bom. 12 of 1959, s.3.

4. This word was substituted for the words "pre-Reorganisation State of Bombay, excluding the
transferred territories" by Bom. 12 of 1959, s.3.

5. These words were substituted for the words "and for such periods as it deems fit" by Bom. 22 of
1960, s. 91(1) (a).

6. Clauses (c), (d) and (dl) were substituted for the original clauses (c) and (d), Bom. 22 of 1960,
s. 91(1)(b).

7. These words were inserted, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 91(1) (c) (i).

8. These words were substituted for the words "managed by the Excise Department," Bom. 22 of
1960, s. 91 (1)(c) (ii).

9. These words were inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 91 (1) (d).

10. Clause (i) was substituted for the original, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 91 (1) (e).

11. This clause was substituted for the original, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 91 (1)(f).

12. These words were inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960 s. 91 (1) (g).

13. These words were substituted for the words "to whom licences may not be granted Bom. 22 of
1960, s. 91 (1) (h).

14. This sub-section was added by Bom. 22 of 1960 s. 91 (2).

Section 140 - Power of State Government to prohibit, regulate of control consumption or use or
intoxicants, etc., in public place

The1[State] Government may, by general or special order, prohibit, regulate, or control, subject to
such conditions as may be specified in the order, the consumption or use of any intoxicant or hemp,
in any public place.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adoption of Laws Order. 1950.

Section 141 - Employment of additional Police

(1) If the1[State] Government is satisfied that the inhabitants of any area are concerned in the
commition or abetment of any of the offences punishable under sections2[65, 66, 66A, 67, 67-1A,
67 C, 68, 69 and 70] the1[State] Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, direct the
employment of additional police3[in that area] for such period as it thinks fit

(2) The cost of such additional police shall, if the1[State] Government so directs, be either in whole
or in part defrayed by a tax imposed on the persons herein below mentioned, or by a rate assessed
on the property of such persons, or both by a tax and by a rate so imposed and assessed, and

(a) either generally on all persons who are inhabitants of the local area to which such
notification applies; or

(b) specially on any particular section or sections or class or classes of such persons, and
the1[State] Government may direct the proportion in which such tax or rate shall be charged.

Explanation.--For the purposes of this section "inhabitants" shall include persons who themselves or
by their agents or servants occupy or hold land or other immovable property within such area, and
landlords who themselves or by their agents or servants collect rents or revenue direct from rayats
or occupiers in such area, notwithstanding that they do not actually reside there in.

(3) It shall be lawful for the1[State] Government to extend, for a term not exceeding in any case
five years, the period for the payment of such tax or rate beyond the period for which such
additional police are actually employed.

4[(4) The provisions of sub-section (4) to (7) of section 50 of the Bombay Police Act, 1951, shall
apply mutatis mutandis to the recovery of such tax or rate.]


1. This word was substituted for the word "Provincial" by the Adaption of Laws Order. 1950.

2. These figures, letters and word were substituted for the figures and word "65 to 69" Bom. 22 of
1960, s. 92 (a).

3. These words were inserted, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 92 (b).

4. This sub-section was substituted for sub-sections (4) and (5) by Bom. 64 of 1954, s.3.

Section 142 - Power of Collector to close places where intoxicant or hemp is sold in certain

1[142. Power of Collector to close places where intoxicant or hemp is sold in certain cases--

(1) If the Collector is of opinion that it is in the interest of public peace to close any place in which
any intoxicant or hemp is sold, it shall be lawful for the Collector by an order in writing to the
person holding a licence for the sale of such intoxicant or hemp to require him to close such place
at such time or for such period as may be specified in the order.

(2) If a riot or unlawful assembly is imminent, or takes place, it shall be lawful for 4[any Executive
Magistrate] or Police Officer who is present to direct that such place shall be closed and kept closed
for such period as he thinks fit, and in the absence of2[any Executive Magistrate] or Police Officer
the person referred to in sub-section (1) shall himself close such place.

(3) Any order given under this section shall be final.]


1. This section was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 93.

2. These words were substituted for the words "any Magistrate" by Bom. 21 of 1954, s. 3 Second

Section 143 - Power of State Government to make rules

143. Power of 1 [State] Government to make rules--

(1) The 1 [State] Government may make rules for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this
Act or any other law for the time being in force relating to excise revenues.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the 1 [State]
Government may make rules,--

(a) regulating the delegation of any powers by the 2 [Director], by the Collector, or by any other
Prohibition Officer;

(b) regulating the import, export, transport, 3 [collection], sale, purchase, 4 [bottling],
consumption, use or possession of any intoxicant, 5 [denatured spirituous preparation] or
hemp, mhowra flowers or molasses;

6 [(bb) regulating the possession, manufacture, use and consumption of rotten gur and the
possession, manufacture and use of ammonium chloride;]

(c) regulating the manufacture of any intoxicant 7 [or denatured spirituous preparation];

(d) regulating the cultivation and collection of hemp;

(e) regulating the tapping of toddy producing trees and drawing of toddy therefrom;

(f) regulating the grant, suspension or cancellation of licences, permits, passes or

authorizations for the import, export, transport, 8 [collection, sale, purchase], possession,
manufacture, 4 [bottling,] consumption, use or cultivation of any of the above articles
mentioned in 9 [10 [clauses (b) and (bb)] and for the matters specified in clause (e)];
(g) regulating the periods and localities for which the licences may be granted for the wholesale
or retail vend of any of the above articles mentioned in 11 [clauses (b) and (bb)];

(h) providing for the consulting of public opinion and prescribing the procedure to be followed
and the matters to be ascertained before any licence, permit, pass or authorization for the
vend, consumption or use of any of the above articles mentioned in 12 [clauses (b) and (bb)] is
granted to any person or in any locality;

13 [(h1) prescribing the restrictions under which and the conditions on which any licence,
permit, pass or authorization may be granted including--

(i) the prohibition of the admixture with any intoxicant of any substance deemed to be
noxious or objectionable;

(ii) the fixing of the strength, price or quantity in excess of or below which any intoxicant or
mhowra flowers shall not be sold or supplied, and the quantity in excess of which denatured
spirit, denatured spirituous preparation or molasses shall not be possessed or sold and the
prescription of a standard or quality for any intoxicant, denatured spirituous preparation,
mhowra flowers or molasses;

(iii) the prohibition of sale of any intoxicant, 14 [denatured spirituous preparation, hemp,
rottern gur or ammonium chloride] except for cash;

(iv) the prescription of the days and hours during which any licensed premises may or may
not be kept open and provisions for the closure of such premises on special occasions;

(v) the prescription of the nature of the premises on which any 15 [intoxicant, rotten gur or
ammonium chloride] may be sold and the notices to be exposed at such premises;

(vi) the prescription of the accounts to be maintained and the returns to be submitted by
licence holders or permit holders;

(vii) the regulation or prohibition of the transfer of licences;

(viii) the writing of the names and addresses and the taking of signatures of purchasers in
the register of sale of any intoxicant, hemp, 16 [mhowra flowers, molasses, rotten gur or
ammonium chloride] or any article the sale or purchase of which is regulated by clause (b)
of sub-section (1) of section 139;

(h2) (i) declaring the processes by which spirits shall be denatured in particular areas, or for
particular purposes;

(ii) for causing such spirits to be denatured through the agency or under the supervision of
the Government Officers and for the payment of charger for such supervision;

(iii) for ascertaining whether such spirits have been denatured.]

(i) prohibiting and regulating the employment by the licence holder of any person or classes of
persons to assist him in his business in any capacity whatsoever.

(j) prescribing the manner in which the juice from a coconut, brab, date or any kind of palm
trees is to be treated for the purposes of preventing of fermentation;

17 [(k) prescribing the persons or classes of persons to whom any intoxicant, denatured
spirituous preparation, hemp, 18 [mhowra flowers, molasses, rotten gur or ammonium chloride]
may or may not be sold or who may or may not be allowed to sell, purchase or use any of these

(l) for the prevention of drunkenness, gambling or disorderly conduct in or near any licensed
premises and the meeting and remaining of persons of bad character on such premises;

19 [l-1) prescribing the occasions on which special orders may be granted for the sale by retail
of larger quantities of liquor or intoxicating drugs, of opium than those which are prescribed in
any notification issued under this Act and the conditions on which such sales may be made;

(l-2) prescribing the amount of security to be deposited by the holder of any licence, permit,
pass or authorization for the performance of the conditions for the same;

(l-3) providing for the maintenance by the holders of licences, permits passes or authorizations
of the registers of sales, purchases, possession, consumption or use and the particulars to be
entered in the register;]

20 (m) regulating the grant of rewards or expenses to officers, informants or persons giving
information or assistance in the detection or investigation of offences under this Act, and of
compensation to persons charged with offences punishable under this Act and acquitted;]

(n) regulating, the printing publishing or otherwise displaying or distributing any advertisement
or other matter 21 *soliciting the use of, or offering any 22 [intoxicant, hemp, rotten gur or
ammonium chloride] or calculated to encourage or incite any individual or class of individuals or
the public generally to commit an- offence under this Act or to commit a breach or evade the
provisions of any rule or order made thereunder or the conditions of any licence, permit, pass
or authorization issued there under;

(o) regulating within the 23 [State] the circulation distribution or sale of newspaper, news sheet,
book, leaflet, booklet or other publication 24 [printed and published outside the 23 [State]
containing any advertisement or matter which 25 * * * * solicites the use of, or offers any 26
[intoxicant, hemp, rotten gur or ammonium chloride], 27 * * *;

28 [(p) imposing restrictions and conditions on buyers of intoxicant, denatured spirituous

preparation, hemp, 29 [mhowra flowers, molasses, rotten gur or ammonium chloride] or any
article the purchase of which is regulated by clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 139
including provision for compelling them to sign entries pertaining to the purchase by them of
any of these articles;]

30 * * * * * * * * *

(r) regulating the taking of 31 [samples of molasses, rotten gur or ammonium chloride];

32 [r1] prescribing the constitution of committees, Boards and Medical Boards or panels thereof
and the procedure regarding their work;]

(s) prescribing the powers, functions and duties of Prohibition Officers, 33 [Boards, Committees]
and 34 [Medical Boards or Panels thereof] and the fees and allowances payable to the members
of the 33 [Boards, Committees] and 34 [Medical Boards or panels thereof;]

35 [(t) prescribing the procedure regarding the work of Board of Experts;

36 [(t1) prescribing conditions of through transport under section 29;]

(u) prescribing the fees payable in respect of any privilege, licence, permit, pass or
authorization granted or issued under this Act;

37 [(uu) prescribing the other persons, other institutions or the circumstances under clause (b)
of sub-section (3) of section 66;]

(v) prescribing the period within which and the form in which a declaration under section 107 A
shall be submitted, and the form in which account shall be maintained;]

38 (w) prescribing the manner of collecting and forwarding blood and prescribing the form of
certificates, and the other particulars required to be stated therein under sub-section (2) of
section 129 A.]

(3) The power to make rules under this section shall be subject to the condition of previous
publication :

Provided that any such rules may be made without previous publication if the 1 [State]
Government considers that they should be brought into force at once.

39 [(4) All rules made under this Act shall be laid for not less than thirty days before 40 * * the
State Legislature as soon as may be after they are made, and shall be subject to such modifications
as the State Legislature may make during the session in which they are so laid or the session
immediately following.]


1. This word was substituted for the word '' Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

2. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch.

3. This word was inserted by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 51 (1).

4. This word was inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (a).

5. These words were inserted, Bom. 22 of 1960.

6. Clause (bb) was inserted by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16 (1).

7. These words were added by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (b).

8. These words were inserted by Bom. 26 of 1952, 5.51 (2) (a).

9. These words, brackets and letters were substituted for the words brackets and letters "clauses (b) and (c)," Bom.
26 of 1952, s. 51 (2) (6).

10. These words, brackets and letters were substituted for the word, brackets and letter "clause (b)" by Guj. 9 of
1978, s. 16 (2).

11. These words, brackets and letters were substituted for the word, brackets and letter "clause (b)", Guj. 9 of 1978,
s. 16 (3).

12. These words, brackets and letters were substituted for the word, brackets and letter "clause (b)," Guj. 9 of 1978,
s. 14 (4).

13. Clauses (h1) and (h2) were inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (d).

14. These words were substituted for the words "denatured spirituous preparation or hemp" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16
(5) (a).

15. These words were substituted for the word "intoxicant", Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16 (5) (b).

16. These words were substituted for the words "mhowra flowers or molasses", Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16(5)(c).

17. This clause was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (e).

18. These words were substituted for the words "Mhowra flowers or, molasses" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16 (6).

19. Clauses (l-1) (l-2) and (l-3) were inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (l).

20. This clause was substituted for the, original, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (g).

21. The word "commending" was deleted by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 51 (3) (a).

22. These words were substituted for the words "intoxicant or hemp by Guj. 9 of 1978,

23. This word was substituted for the words "Pre-reorganisation State of Bombay, excluding the transferred
territories" by Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 3.

24. These words were substituted for the words, "whether printed or published by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 51 (4) (a).

25. The words "is prescribed or which commends" were deleted, Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 51(4)(b).

26. These words were substituted for the words "intoxicant, or hemp" by Guj. 9 of 1978,

27. The words "to be forfeited to the State Government" were deleted by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 51 (4) (e).

28. This clause was substituted for the original by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (h).

29. These words were substituted for the words, "Mhowra Flowers" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16 (9).

30. Clause (q) was deleted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1)(i).

31. These words were substituted for the words "Sample of molasses" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 16 (10).

32. This clause was inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (j).

33. These words were substituted for the word "Committees", Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (1) (k).

34. These words were substituted for the word "Medical Boards" Bom. 22 of 1960.

35. Clauses (t) to (v) were substituted for the original clauses (t) by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 51(5).

36. This clause was inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (I) (I).

37. This clause was inserted by Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 17 (a).

38. This clause was added, Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 17 (b).

39. This sub-section was inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 94 (2).

40. The words "each house of" were omitted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws ( State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960.

Section 144 - Director's powers to make regulations

144. 1 [Director's powers to make regulations--

(1) The 1 [Director] may make regulations, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, or

(a) regulating, as the case may be, the 2 * supply or storage of any intoxicant, 3 [denatured
spirituous preparation] or hemp, 4 [mhowra flowers, molasses, rotten gur or ammonium
chloride] including--

(i) the erection, inspection, supervision, management and control of any place for the
manufacture, supply or storage of such article, and the fittings, implements and apparatus
to be maintained therein;

5* * * * *

(b) regulation the deposit or any intoxicant, hemp, 6 *7 [mhowra flowers, molasses, rotten gur
or ammonium chloride] in a warehouse and the removal of such articles from any such
warehouse or from any distillery or brewery;

8 * * * *

(d) prescribing the scale of fees or the manner of fixing the fees payable in respect 9 * * of any
storage of any intoxicant, hemp, 6 * 10 [mhowra flowers, molasses, rotten gur or ammonium

(e) regulating the time, place and manner of payment of any duty or fees;

8 * * * *

(h) providing for the destruction or other disposal of any intoxicant declared to be unfit for use;

(i) regulating the disposal of confiscated or forfeited articles;

8 * * * *

(m) regarding any other matter which the 11 [State] Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, direct him to prescribe for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this

(2) The regulations made under this section shall be published in the Official Gazette.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Commissioner" by Bom. 28 of 1950, Sch

2. The word "manufacture" was deleted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 95 (a) (i).

3. These words were inserted, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 95 (a) (ii).

4. These words were substituted for the words "Mhowra flowers or molasses" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 17 (1).

5. Sub-clauses (ii) to (v) were deleted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 95 (a) (iii).

6. The word, 'opium", was deleted, Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 95 (b).

7. These words were substituted for the words "Mhowra flowers or molasses" by Guj 9 of 1978, s. 17(2).

8. Clauses (c), (f), (g), (j), (k) and (l) were deleted, Guj 9 of 1978, s. 95 (c).

9. The words beginning with the words "of any privilege" and ending with the words "authorization or" were deleted
by Bom, 26 of 1952, s. 52 (1).

10. These words were substituted for the words "Mhowra flowers or molasses" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s. 17 (3).

11. This word was substituted for the word '' Provincial" by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

Section 145 - Officers and persons acting under this Act to be public servants

All officers and persons empowered to exercise any powers or to perform any functions under this
Act shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 (XLV of 1860) of the
Indian Penal Code.

Section 146 - Bar of Proceeding

No suit or proceeding shall lie against the1[Government] or against any prohibition, Police, or other
officers or against any person empowered to exercise powers or to perform functions under this
Act, for anything in good faith done or purporting to be done under this Act.


1. This word was substituted for the word "Crown", the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950.

Section 146A - Limitation of prosecutions or suits against officers

1[146A. Limitation of prosecutions or suits against officers--

(1) All prosecutions of any Prohibition, Police or other officers, or of any persons empowered to
exercise powers or to perform functions under this Act, and all actions which may be lawfully
brought against the Government or any of the aforesaid officers or persons, in respect of anything
done or alleged to have been done in 'pursuance of this Act, shall be instituted within four months
from the date of the act complained of, and not afterwards; and any such action shall be

(a) if the plaintiff does not prove that, previously to bringing such action, he has presented all
such appeals allowed by this Act, or by any other law for the time being in force, as within the
aforesaid period of four months it was possible to present; or

(b) in the case of an action for damages, if tender of sufficient amends shall have been made
before the action was brought, or if after the institution of the action a sufficient sum of money
is paid into Court with costs, by or on behalf of the defendant.

(2) Subject to the provisions of section 197 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (V of 1898),
no Court shall take cognizance of an offence committed or alleged to have been committed by any
Prohibition, Police or other officer or any person empowered to exercise powers or to perform
functions under this Act, in regard to anything done under this Act, until the sanction of the
Collector having jurisdiction has been obtained.


1. Sections 146A and 146B were inserted by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 96.

Section 146B - Provisions of Act not to apply to Government

Save in so far as may be expressly provided in any rule, regulation or order made under this Act,
nothing in this Act shall apply in respect of any intoxicant, denatured spirituous preparations,
hemp.1[mhowra flowers, molasses; rotten gur or ammonium chloride] which are the property and
in the possession of the Government.]


1. These words were substituted for the words "Mhowra flowers or molasses" by Guj. 9 of 1978, s.

Section 147 - Provisions of this Act not to apply to import or export across customs frontier

For removal of doubts it is hereby declared that nothing in this Act shall be deemed to apply to any
intoxicant or other article in respect of its import or export across the customs frontiers.1* * * *


1. The words "as defined by the Dominion Government" were deleted by Bom. 26 of 1952, s. 53.

Section 148 - Repeal and amendments

(1) The enactments specified in Schedule-I are hereby repealed to the extent specified in the fourth
column thereof and those specified in Schedule II are hereby amended to the extent specified in
the fourth column thereof.

(2) But nothing in this Act, or any repeal or amendment made thereby shall effect or be deemed to

(i) any right, title, obligation or liability already acquired, accrued or incurred before the
commencement of this Act;

(ii) any legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any right, title, interest, obligation or liability
or anything done or suffered before the commencement of this Act and any such proceeding
shall be continued and disposed of, as if this Act was not passed;

(iii) the levy of any duties under section 29A of the Bombay Abkari Act, 1878 (Bom. V of 1878),
and the recovery of any duties or fees liable under any other provisions of the Acts hereby
repealed, and all such duties or fees shall be levied or recovered, as the case may be, as if this
Act was not passed.

(5) Any appointment, notification, notice, order, rule or form, made or issued under any of the
enactments repealed by this Act shall continue to be in force and deemed to have been made,
granted or issued under the provisions of this. Act, in so far as such appointment, notification,
notice, order, rule or form is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, unless and until it is
superseded by any appointment, notification, notice, order, rule or form made or issued under this
Act, notwithstanding the fact that the authority competent to make or issue such notification,
notice, order, rule or form is different from that authorized in the enactments repealed and
notwithstanding also that such notification, notice, order, rule or form was made or issued in a
different form or name.

(4) Any licence, permit, pass, authorization or permission granted or issued under any of the
enactments repealed by this Act shall continue to be in force and shall be deemed to have been
granted or issued under the corresponding provisions of this Act.
Section 149 - Further repeals and savings consequent on commencement of Bom. XXV of 1949
in other areas of State

1[149. Further repeals and savings consequent on commencement of Bom. XXV of 1949 in
other areas of State--

2[*] On the commencement of this Act in any area of the State to which it is extended by the
Bombay Prohibition (Extension an Amendment) Act, 1959, the Acts mentioned in Schedule III and
in force in that area, shall, to the extent specified in the fourth column thereof, stand repealed :

Provided that such repeal shall not affect--

(a) the previous operation of any Acts so repealed or anything duly done or suffered
thereunder, or

(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired, accrued or incurred under any Acts
so repealed, or

(c) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed
against any Acts so repealed.

(d) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege,
obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment as aforesaid,

and and such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced,
and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if those Acts had not been
repealed :

Provided further that,

(a) any licence, permit, pass, authorisation or permission granted or issued under any of
the Acts so repealed shall continue to be in force and shall be deemed to have been granted
or issued under the corresponding provisions of this Act; and

(b) notwithstanding the repeal of any of the Acts aforesaid, for all purposes in connection
with the liability for, and the levy assessment and collection or refund of, any tax, duty or
fee (including any penalty) leviable,--

(i) under the provisions of section 27-A of the Central Provinces and Berar Excise Act,
1915 (C. P. and Berar II of 1915), or

(ii) under section 112-A of the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of 1949) as in
force in the Saurashtra area, or

(iii) before the commencement of this Act in any area under any provisions of any of the
Acts repealed by this section,

the relevant Acts repealed (including all rules, regulations, notifications and orders made or issued
thereunder) shall nevertheless continue in force for all such purposes; and all such taxes, duties
and fees shall be levied, assessed collected, refunded and penalty imposed and paid, as the case
may be, as if those relevant Acts had not been repealed.]


1. This section was inserted by Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 18.

2. The brackets and figure "(1)" were deleted by Bom. 22 of 1969, s. 97.

Schedule 1A - [Deleted]



1* * *


1. Schedule I-A was omitted by the Gujarat Adaptation of Laws (State and Concurrent Subjects)
Order, 1960.

Schedule 1 - SCHEDULE I


(See section 148)

Year No. Short title ⎣ Extent of repeal

1 2 3 4

1* * * * * *

1878. V The Bombay Abkari Act, 1878. All the provisions except section 29-A

1947. XXX The Bombay Molasses Act, 1947. The whole.


1. This item was deleted by Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 19 (2).

Schedule 2 - SCHEDULE II


(See section 148)

Year No. Short title Extent of Amendments

1 2 3 4

1890. IV The Bombay District 1. Section 46 --

Police Act, 1890.

(a) in sub-section (4), for clauses (ii)

and (iii), the following clause shall
be substituted, namely :--
"(ii) section 65 or 63 of the Bombay
Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of

(b) in sub-section (6) for the words

and figures "under the Bombay
Abkari Act, 1878, or the Opium Act,
1878" the words and figures "under
the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949
(Bom. XXV of 1949)" shall be

2. Section 61 AA shall be deleted.

1902 IV The City of Bombay

Police Act, 1902.

1. In section 27 --

(a) in sub-section (2) for the words

and figures "under the Bombay
Abkari Act, 1878, or the Opium Act,
1878" the words and figures "under
the Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949
(Bom. XXV of 1949)" shall be

(b) in sub-section (2-A), for clauses

(ii) and (iii), the following clause
shall be substituted, namely : --

"(ii) section 65 or 68 of the Bombay

Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of

2. Section 122-A shall be deleted.

1[1951 XXII The Bombay Police Act, In section 57, --


(a) in clause (b), in sub-clause (ii),

the portion beginning with the words
and figures "or under section 65 or
68 of that Act" and ending with the
figures "1938" shall be deleted.,

(b) in clause (c), for the words

"aforesaid Prohibition Acts", the
words and figures "Bombay
Prohibition Act, 1949 (Bom. XXV of
1949)" shall be substituted.]


1. This entry was added by Bom. 22 of 1960, s. 98.

Schedule 3 - SCHEDULE III


(See section 149)

Year No. Short title Extent of Repeal

1 2 3 4

1878. I The Opium Act, 1878 in its The whole.

application to the State of

1915. II The Central Provinces and All the provisions except

Berar Excise Act, 1915. section 27 A.

1938. VII The Central Provinces and The whole.

Berar Prohibition Act, 1908.

1316F. I The Abkari Act. The whole.

1338F. II The Hyderabad Intoxicating The whole.

Drugs Act.

1949. XXV The Bombay Prohibition Act, All the provisions except
1949, as in force in the section 112A.
Saurashtra area of the State
of Bombay.

1949. XXV The Bombay Prohibition Act, The whole.]

1949, as in force in the Kutch
area of the State of Bombay.


1. Schedule III was added by Bom. 12 of 1959, s. 19 (3).

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