Licences To Crenellate - Philip Davis

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English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

The 1482 ‘Licence to crenellate’ in which Edward IV gave Sir Edmund Bedingfield permission to build a battlemented
house at Oxburgh Hall. Reproduced by kind permission of the Bedingfield family; from The Bedingfield Collection (The
National Trust), ©NTPL/John Hammond.

In 1482 July 3, Edmund Bedyngfeld, esquire was granted, by Edward IV, (In year 22 of his reign) a Royal licence to crenellate
Oxburgh: The wording of this licence is:

"Licence to Fortify... Edward, by the grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all whom these presents shall
come, greeting. Know ye, that we, considering the good and gracious services which our dearly beloved subject, Edmund Bedingfeld,
Esq., hath before these times rendered to us from day to day, and which he still continues inclinded to render; of our special favours
have granted and given licence, and by these present do grant and give licence, for us and out heirs, as far as in us lyeth, to the said
Edmund, that he, at his will and pleasure, build, make, and construct, with stone, lime, and sand, towers and walls in and about his
manour of Oxburgh, in the county of Norfolk, and that manour with such towers and walls to inclose, and those towers and walls to
embattle, kernel, and machecollate; and that manor so inclosed, and those walls and towers aforesaid so embattled, kernell'd, and
machicollated, built and contructed, to hold for himself and his heirs for ever, without perturbation, impeachment, molestation,
impediment, or hindrance from us or our heirs or others whomsoever. And beside, of our abundent grace, we pardon, remit, and
release to the aforesaid Edmund, all transgressions, offences, misprisions, and contempts, by him the said Edmund before these times,
however done or perpetrated, on account of his inclosiing such walls and towers, embattled, kernelled, machecollated, and built as
aforesaid, in and upon his said manour. And further, of our more adundent grace, we have granted and give licence, for ourselves and
our heirs aforesaid, to the aforesaid Edmund, that he and his said heirs for ever may have and hold one market in every week on
Fridays, at his town of Oxburgh aforesaid, in the county aforesaid. To be held with a Pye Powder Court of the same place by the
seneschall of the same Edmund and his heirs aforesaid, to be held during the said market, with all exits, profits, and merciaments to
such market and court appertaining, and with all tolls, profits, and emoluments to the said market appertaining or in any way
belonging; provided such market be not detrimental to the neighbouring markets. Wherefore we will and strictly ordain, for ourselves
and our heirs aforesaid, that the said Edmund and his heirs aforesaid have and hold a market and court and other things as aforesaid,
at his said town, in the form aforesaid; and with all liberties and franchises to such market and court belonging, so that such market
be no detriment to the neighbouring markets, as has been said, - for ever. So that express mention of the true annual value, or the
certainty of the premises, or any of them, or of other gifts or grants by us before these times made to the said Edmund, before the
making of these (these presents not being made) exists, or any statue, act, ordinance, provision, or restriction, to the contrary
notwithstanding. In testimony of which we have caused these our letters patent to be made. Witness myself at Westminster, the 3rd
day of July, in the 22nd year of our reign.
By Writ of Privy Seale and of the date aforesaid by Authority of Parliament
Granted at Westminster, by privy seal.

[From a copy of the Patent Roll, the original not found by Parker].

226 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

Licences to Crenellate: Information on interference by royal officials even in so

Sources and some analysis. intensively governed a realm as England, but a
licence was prestigious and could be had for the
The serious study of castles is riddled with past
assumptions, prejudices and 'theories' that asking." (Coulson 1982 p 70).2 Fortifications
have gained popular credence and move into were not restricted by law, but the cost of
the work of established 'fact'. Castles were building and, particularly, of providing a
erected, from the start, to be powerful symbolic garrison, restricted true military castles to a
buildings and through the past and in to the very limited number anyway.
modern world various contemporary symbolic In England licences to crenellate were
values has been attached to the 'fortifications' granted by the Monarch; the Bishop of Durham,
of castles and their like. The study of licences to in his position as ruler of the Palatinate of
crenellate is a particularly good example of this. Durham; the Earl of Chester, in his position as
Victorian concerns with empire and strong ruler of the Palatinate of Cheshire and after the
centralised government led to Victorian scholars formation of the Palatinate of Lancashire in
describing licences to crenellate as a 1351, the Duke of Lancaster.
requirement imposed by central authority to
control over-mighty lords, a view still widely Few documented records survive from
stated. It should be made clear that there is no before the thirteenth century. One of the
evidence whatsoever for this view. earliest supposed licence to crenellate for which
some form of reliable documentation exists is
Much of what has been written about one in 1141 to Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of
licences to crenellate was based on a few Essex, made by King Stephen. This grant was
examples, often atypical, and on a misreading repeated by Empress Matilda and named as his
and misattribution of other historical new castle on the Lea (novum castellum super
documents. Very few scholars have done in Lviam), usually considered to be South Mymms.
depth study of the subject (the most notable is This is a retrospective 'grant' in complex
Charles Coulson)1. In particular it is important charters obtained by Geoffrey at a time during
to understand that the so called 'adulterine' the Anarchy, when he was able to dictate
castles of the Anarchy of Stephen were not terms, and when he was imposing his noble
'unlicenced', as sometimes stated. They were status.
'tainted' because they had been built and used
Of the later surviving grants it is clear
in a rebellion.
that these were not an attempt to control the
A licence to crenellate was supposedly major lords but were mainly granted to
a grant that gave permission for a building to be relatively minor knights for quite small manor
fortified. This concept may have originated in houses, many of which could only have had
the Carolingian Empire as a way to control token fortifications (see analysis below).
castle building to prevent local lords from Licences to crenellate were mainly symbolic
becoming over-mighty or too strong, but in representations of lordly status "castellation
English feudal society the licence was used both was the architectural expression of noble rank"
by king and baron as a symbol of their status, (Coulson 1982, p 72) and also "to publicly
and with "few exceptions at times of turbulence, prominent ecclesiastics and lay magnates in
the king's right as overlord to license was a right England a licence had the extra cachet of royal
to grant, not to refuse, permission to crenellate" recognition, acknowledgement and
(Coulson, 1982, p 71). "In reality, no feudal or compliment. Unlike other royal patronage it
sub-feudal ruler could either in law or in practice
deny to his vassal the protection by self-help 2 Coulson writes "The 'control over fortification'
fortifying which he, as lord, had failed to exercised by William Marshall and then by Hubert de
provide." (Coulson, 1982, p 97 n10). Burgh during Henry III's minority, was aimed at
preserving the peace (won after the battle of Lincoln
It was not in reality necessary to obtain in 1217). repressing war-like occupation of sensitive
a licence to crenellate to erect a fortified places and provocative fortifying by small men beyond
building. There was "very slight chance of their proper station. Illicit wartime seizures and
fortifying (namely castra adulterina) had to be
1 Charles Coulson’s wealth of supporting evidence and reversed or regulated to reassert the rule of law. There
profound understanding make him the most credible was no prejudice against seigneurial castles as such.
author on the subject. Royal orders on the Rolls prohibiting fortifying or
crenellation are very scarce after c. 1232. Interference
was more likely to be due to local officiousness or
resentment, but still highly rare." 1982, p 96 n 9.
The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 227
English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

conferred no fiscal advantage whatever, but it transcription / translations of the original

was as eagerly sought by the socially ambitious medieval documents, and checked their index
as any lucrative privilege." (Coulson 1982, p 83). but I have not done a page by page search
through the very numerous volumes. This has
The building that often, but not always,
given much more detail to the licences,
resulted from these licences, which had some
particularly full dates, and did bring to light
show of fortification, like battlements, moats
some licences not in other sources. It also
and gatehouses, were also mainly symbolic,
resolved some difficulties in the Turner and
although they probably represented some
Parker list (notably Crodonio, which they
defence against thieves. Coulson goes to some
tentatively attributed to Croydon, which turns
length to express the idea that much
out to be Creon in Aquitaine when the full
'fortification' in ecclesiastical and lay buildings
details of the licence are seen).
was symbolic, both for the occupants and the
'mob' they were a defence against. The The PRO translations are not without
gatehouse was the most powerful symbol and fault, the “calendarists unwittingly intruded
the strongest part of the defence, yet mobs their own concept of state supremacy and
often attacked the gatehouse, rather than defence-monopoly” (Coulson, 1995, p 145). I
simply push over a surrounding, relatively have neither the Latin nor the resources to
weak, precinct wall; however, the gatehouse check the original manuscript parchment rolls,
was rarely manned enough to resist an attack which, anyway, require protection.
anyway. In effect many 'defences' were like
modern burglar alarms and CCTV; some are Analysis:
sham and even when they are not they Of those licences for which clear documentary
represent more an expression of legal evidence exists, for England, Wales and the
ownership and intent to prosecute rather than a Islands (but not Scotland, Ireland or royal
real preventative measure. (Strong doors, good domains in France), for the years up to 1600:
locks and fear of being caught stops thieves,
alarms may help somewhat with this last · 433 were Royal (including 12 Pardons
psychological barrier but, of themselves, alarms and retrospective grants). 19 of these
do not stop thieves). were confirmations of previous
licences of which 3 are included in this
No fee was normally charged for a analysis because they may include
licence; the handful of fees recorded are small licence for new work. A further 4
(half a mark or a mark) and are clearly to cover licences were revoked (plus the
the bureaucratic cost of searching the records licence to Thomas de Gourney, not in
or writing the licence and not to raise money. It the rolls, was probably revoked
has been said an annual fee was required; this because of his death during the
is due to a misinterpretation of a single licensing process;see Estharptree
reference (see Estharptree 1342 entry on the 1342).
database). Most licences were issued as patent
letters granted under the privy seal. · 8 were Palatinate of Durham
(including 3 Pardons and retrospective
To fully understand licences to grants).
crenellate a widespread study is required. To
this end a comprehensive list of licences to · 5 were Palatinate of Cheshire.
crenellate, linkable to details of all the individual · 2 where Duchy of Lancaster.
sites licensed, has been compiled by the author
and is available as a download or online. [See · 449 were for named private
further information at the end of the article]. residences (31 sites are issued further
licences for possible new work - called
Sources: 'repeat' below) a further 6 (or more)
The information in the following list was unnamed sites are licenced. 23 of
originally derived from the list published by these were for houses3 in towns (13 in
Turner and Parker, although I have also added London and Westminster, 1 repeated,
references to licences to crenellate from the 2 in York, 1 Beverley, 1 Shrewsbury, 1
other sources used in compiling my database of Wakefield, 1 Macclesfield - repeated, 2
medieval fortifications and the list is Maidstone, although possibly a
considerably more substantial than that of repeat).
Parker. I have checked the references given by
other sources to the various published 3 Other than bishops palaces

228 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

· 28 were for urban defences (7 buildings considered strong enough to defend

repeats). against an attack from the Scottish army the
majority were unlicenced and the king knew
· 44 were for ecclesiastical4 sites (7 this.
Social rank, or job title, is mentioned on 245
· 6 plus were for private coastal artillery licences;
11 Women are named (six as wife, three as
· 47 of the licences were for multiple widow, one as king's nurse); 4 are granted
site. licences in their own right.6
Of these certain licences; Licences are granted to 96 Clergymen:
· 479 buildings in England were licensed · 3 Archbishops (3 different archbishops
(58 more than once), 3 in Wales (all of York)
town walls), 1 in Guernsey (St Peter · 31 Bishops
Port town defence). · 26 Abbots (22 of these also include the
· 101 were for sites which have been chapter)
described as masonry castles, (of 573 · 9 Priors (8 with chapter)
in my general English listing - 18%) · 5 Deans (3 with chapter)
· 1 Master and brethren
· 284 fortified manor houses, (of 727 - · 19 Clerks (1 master of the hospital of
39%) St. James by Westminster)
· 66 palaces, (of 474 - 14%) · 1 Rector and brothers
· 1 Keeper of Bolton hospital.
· 9 pele towers, (of 456 - 2%)
Townsmen, in various terms (burgesses,
· 24 tower houses, (of 186 - 13%) commonalty, good men), are mentioned in 24
· 18 town defences, (of 284 - 6%) plus licences. The mayor is also mentioned in six of
the four in Wales and Guernsey. these.

NB. There is some duplication of these Other ranks given in the licences:
descriptions, i.e. buildings which have been · 11 Yeomen (10 individuals), most of
described both as castles and fortified manor these are significant persons with
houses (e.g. Eccleshall Castle). However, this direct access to the king such as
does not significantly distort these figures. Edward III treasurer John Molyns.
Whilst there may be some 'lost' · 3 Citizens of London.
licences it is inconceivable that 60% for fortified
manor houses are lost and the argument that · 18 Esquires (including 'armiger' and
licences to crenellate were a 'requirement' for 'squire').
fortifications does not stand up to examination. · 64 Knights (in 57 licences, 4 also
Clearly most fortified buildings were built called lord, 1 other lord is also ranked)
without the owner applying for a licence to
crenellate. Of the 114 fortifications in · 2 Barons.
Northumberland enlisted, possibly for Henry V, · 18 Earls (15 individuals, 1 acting on
in 1415, just 23 had licences although most behalf of a knight).
were buildings built after 1300. So even among
· 4 Dukes (3 Individuals, 1 acting on
4 Abbeys, Cathedral Closes, Churches but not bishop’s behalf of a knight).
palaces, rector’s tower etc. which are private
residences. 6 Matilda, widow of William Ferrars; Matilda [Maud]
5 Dertemuth’, probably Gommerock, - John Corp widow of Sir John Marmion; Joan, late the wife of
1402, ‘le Camber’ - Richard Guldeford 1487, William de Sancto Quintmo and Matilda de Well. Joan,
Tynemouth in 1536 where a group of citizens had widow of Gwilym ap Gruffudd may have been granted
permission to build and fortify 2 lighthouses and a licence for Penrhyn castle Wales, but this possible
William Paulett 1547 Letley. The licence to the abbot licence is not part of the general analysis. Alice de
of Quarr in 1365 seems also have been intended to Leygrave, the king’s wet nurse, has been attributed
produce coastal artillery forts at Fishhouse and with a grant but this seems to actually be for Adam le
elsewhere on the Isle of Wight. Bret, at her request.

The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 229

English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

· 6 individuals are identified as royal Quarrera 1365, Chidiok 1370, Bodyham 1385,
relatives. Herewiche 1405, Malberthorpe 1459 and Letley
the others, not ranked in the licences are
probably mainly knights. The expression in or by the marches of
Scotland (marchia Scocia) is used in 9
Licences for Dodyngton (1403), Wodhall (1410),
licences; Dromburgh 1307, Dunmalloght 1307,
Rykmersworth (1426), Wycroft (1427) and Rye
Scaleby 1307, Blemansoppe 1340, Treuermane
(1443) are granted to groups of named men;
1340, Harcla 1353, Wirkington 1380, Penreth
some of these may have been trustees, acting
1397 and 1399.
on behalf of another, that for Wycroft, was
actually for Thomas Brooke supported by his The expression 'the marches of Wales'
allies after he had been attacked. occurs once, Leomynstre (1402).7
Royal grants by reign are; 31 licences use the term ‘castle’
John - 10; Henry III - 39; Edward I - 46; Edward (castrum), seven are for pre-existing castles
II - 61; Edward III - 152; Richard II - 39; Henry the others are to make manors into castles. 12
IV - 10; Henry V - 2; Henry VI - 24; Edward IV licences use the term fortalice (fortalicium) -
- 14; Henry VII - 5; Henry VIII - 10; Edward VI three using both terms.
- 2, Elizabeth I - 2. Licences were granted at Westminster
These numbers refer to the number of licences, (206), Berwick-on Tweed (9), Canterbury (4),
not the number of properties. Lincoln (4), Northampton (6), Nottingham (6),
Roxburgh (5), Tower of London (5), Windsor
There is a marked drop in the granting (11), Woodstock (14), York (19) and 70 other
of licences after 1348, presumably due to the places (3 or less licences). There seems to me
effects of the Black Death. (4 in 1343, 4 in 1344, to be little relation between the place of the
4 in 1345, 5 in 1346, 4 in 1347, 5 in 1348, none grant and the location of buildings licensed. For
in 1349, 2 in 1350, 1 in 1351, 4 in 1352, 2 in instance, of the 4 licences granted at Roxburgh
1353, none in 1354. That is 26 in the six years in 1335, three were for buildings in Cornwall
to the end of 1348 and just 9 in the next six and one for a building in York. The location of
years). the 21 buildings of the 19 York licences are;
Conventual licences (to abbeys, Yorkshire (6), Shropshire (3), Norfolk (2), Kent
cathedral chapters etc) are particularly (2), Sussex, Devon, Lincolnshire, Bedfordshire,
concentrated from 1280 - 1380. There is no Oxfordshire, Durham, Gloucestershire and
evidence of a drop in these licences from the Wiltshire.
Black Death, indeed there may be a slight As the practice of the Chancery
increase in the couple of decades after 1348. became gradually systematised, a custom was
Clearly the troubles throughout the fourteenth developed of entering on Letters Patent, and on
century may have affected a desire from such the enrolment of them, a note of the authority
communities to cut themselves off from the under which the Great Seal had been affixed to
secular world, or at least symbolically defend them. For these later licences the relevant
themselves from it. However, I would speculate numbers are; 223 by Privy Seal (Per breve de
that an increase in income, resulting from private sigillo), 103 by King (Per ipsum Regem)
increased beneficiaries after the plague, allowed + 1 by Queen, 4 by King and Council (Per ipsum
a funding of buildings. Regem et Concilium), 7 by Council (Per
52 licences are combined with licences Concilium) and 2 by Petition in Parliament (14
to impark land. These are mostly fifteenth and of the previous also by authority of parliament).
sixteenth century licences and nearly all later A fee or fine is mentioned in 7 licences;
private licences to crenellate are part of more
complex grants, including park enclosure. Some · burgesses of Harwich, 1405 - 20
licences to crenellate are clearly for hunting shillings.
lodges, such as that for Lewis Johan, 1414. · Thomas Hungerford, 1383, a pardon -
Increasingly the country house with park, rather 1 mark.
than the castle, became the symbol of lordship
and lordship came be be displayed through its 7 This licence, issued during the Glendower revolt, does appear
to have missed notice. It is doubtful that much action was taken
privileges rather than its duties.
on it but the town of Leominster did have defensive ditches
probably dating from before this time but both these ditches
The expression 'on the sea coast' (juxta
and this licence have missed attention from the usually studies
mare) is used in 7 licences; Flaynburgh 1351, of town defences.

230 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

· Selby Abbey, 1375 - half a mark. · Bates, C. J.,The Border Holds of

· William Thorp, 1374 - 1 mark. Northumberland, (London and Newcastle
upon Tyne). pp.12-19.
· Joan, widow of William de Sancto
Quintmo, 1374- half a mark. • Coulson, C., 1979, 'Structural Symbolism in
· John de Sutton, 1352, a pardon - 20 Medieval Castle Architecture' Journal of the
shillings. British Archaeological Association Vol. 132
· Bishop, canons and citizens of
Salisbury, 1328, an additional licence • Coulson, C., 1982, 'Hierarchism in
to an inspeximus - 20 shillings, almost Conventual Crenellation' Medieval
certainly for the inspeximus and not Archaeology Vol. 26 pp69-100
the new grant.
• King, D.J.C., 1983, Castellarium Anglicanum
Inspeximus always incurred a fee but (Kraus)
these are not part of this analysis unless
additional licence was granted (they are detailed • Coulson, C., 1994, 'Freedom to Crenellate
in the list of licences). The only conclusion I feel by Licence - An Historiographical Revision'
comfortable drawing from this is that the clerk of Nottingham Medieval Studies Vol. 38 pp.86-
1374/5 was either particularly conscientious in 137
recording a standing fee or in getting a fee. • Coulson, C., 1995, 'Battlements and the
There is, of course, no such thing as a typical Bourgeoisie: Municipal Status and the
licence. However, one might talk about a 'mode' Apparatus of Urban Defence' in Church,
licence, that of the most common form. This Stephen (ed), Medieval Knighthood Vol. 5
would be a licence granted by Edward III at (Boydell) pp119-95
Westminster by privy seal to a knight for a single
property (mansum - dwelling place), described • Emery, A., 1996-2006, Greater Medieval
by modern writers as a fortified manor house, Houses of England and Wales 1300-1500
such as that granted in 1345 to Roger Hillary to Vols. 1-3 (CUP)
crenellate his dwelling-place of Berkmondescote,
• Coulson, C.,2003, Castles in Medieval
Staffordshire (West Midlands).
Society (OUP)
• Coulson, C.,Castles in the Medieval Polity -
Primary Sources: Crenellation, Privilege, and Defence in
England, Ireland and Wales, forthcoming.
• Rotuli Chartarum, 1199-1216 (Hardy, T.D.
ed., 1837, Record Commission). Numerous other texts and online resources
Hemyock Castle, Devon, 1380
• Calendar of Patent Rolls preserved in the
Public Record Office (1232- 1509), 52 vols. In 1380 Nov 5, Willielmus Asthorp, miles, et
Margareta uxor ejus (Sir William Asthorpe and
(London, 1891- 1916) [A scanned copy,
Margaret his wife) was granted, by Richard II, (In
poorly indexed, is available online from the year 4 of his reign) a Royal licence to crenellate
University of Iowa. This is useful if you have Mansum Manerii de Hemyock:
a proper page reference.].
The King, To all those whom it may concern,
• Calendar of Charter Rolls (1226-1516) 6 vols. greetings.
(London, 1903-27) Know ye, that, of our special favour, we have for
ourselves and our heirs, granted and given special
• Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic, of licence to our trusty and well-beloved William
the reign of Henry VIII, 1509-47, vols. 1-4, Asthorpe, soldier, and Margaret his wife that they
may be permitted to fortify and crenellate their
ed. J.S. Brewer; vols. 5-12, ed. J. Gairdner;
Manor House of Hemyock with a wall of stone and
vols. 14-21, ed. R.H. Brodie (London, 1862- flint. We further give permission to the said William
1910) and Margaret, and their heirs, to occupy the house
so fortified and crenellated for ever, without let or
• Various reports of the Deputy Keeper and the hindrance either from ourselves, our heirs, our
other similar sources detailed in the justices of the peace, our esquires, our lieutenants,
individual entries. or any other whether our bailiffs or other officers
whatsoever. In witness whereof etc. Given by the
King at Northampton, 5th November (1382) by a
Secondary Sources:
brief and under our private seal.

The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 231

English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567

Licences to Crenellate: The distribution map shows the tendency for municipal licences granted to build town
walls to be mainly a feature of coastal towns. Distribution is fairly random and there is certainly no evidence of a
concentration of licenced 'fortifications' in the Scottish March or the coast.

232 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7







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1310-19 3

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The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

1 1
English Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1567








Licences to Crenellate 1199 - 1264

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

Document has been
1127 {Jan} Archbishop William Rochester (Rochester Castle) proposed as a LC but
now rejected as such
1135-40 abbas Sancti Augustini Sancti Augustini (St Augustine's Abbey) Reject (a forgery)
1141 July Com Gaufredo Essexiae super Lviam (South Mymms Castle) Reject
unum castellum ubicunque voluerit in terra sua
1141 July Com Gaufredo Essexiae Reject
(anywhere in his fief)
1142 William, Earl of Lincoln Gainsborough (Thonock Castle Hills) Reject
Reject (a supposed
1143 Roger de Conyers Bishopton Castle Hill
Durham licence)
1146 Rannulfum comitem Cestr tower in Lincoln Castle (Lincoln Castle) Reject
1153 Rodberto filio Hard(ingi) Betthone (Berkelai) (Berkeley) Reject
1166-1180 William de Mandeville Pleshey Castle Reject
Licence to build un-
c. 1194 Ricardo de Vernone Heddon (Haddon Hall)
crenellated wall
1195 Hugh de Say Bleddfa Castle Reject
1199 Richard Malebisse Queldric [Wheldrake] (Storwood) Revoked
1200 William Briwerr In whichever Devon property he wishes (?Axminster)
1200 William Briwerr Esleg'sive (Gains Castle, Ashley)
1200 Bishop Geoffrey Muschamp Eccleshall Castle
1200/1 Henry son of Hervey son of Acaris Cudereston (Cotherstone Castle)
1200 William Briwerr Stoke (Stokebridge) Dubious
1201 Hugh de Morville Kirkoswald Castle
1201 Alan de Hertiland Hartland Castle
1201 William d'Estoteville Bossal (Buttercrambe Castle)
1201 William d'Estoteville Totingham (Baynard Castle, Cottingham)
1203 Belvoir Castle
1204 May 27 Thom de Burgo Leleshay (Lindsey; The Mounts)
Reject (Borough Char-
1215 burgesses Stafford Town
1221 Fulk Fitz Warine Whittington Castle
Richard, bishop of the same place, to
1227 Jan 30 his successors, to the canons of this New Sarum (Salisbury City Defences) marginal as a licence
church, and to their men
1227 Feb 13 burgesses Mungumery (Montgomery Town Defences)
1227 Aug 17 Henrico de Aldithele Radeclif (Redcastle)
1229 July 29 Mauritio de Gaunt Beverestan (Beverstone) Pardon
1230/31 Will de Cavereswelle Cavereswelle (Caverswall Castle) Dubious
H. de Burgo, comiti Kancie et Marga-
1230 Nov 28 Hatheleg; Hadleg (Hadleigh Castle)
rete uxori sue
1231 May 21 Roberto de Tatteshal
Reject (permission to
1235 Jan 19 William earl de Ferrers Leverepul (Liverpool Castle)
strengthen his castle)
1252-3 Norwici (Norwich City Wall) Reject
1252 Feb 21 burgessess Gannoc (Degannwy Town)
1253 July 5 Richard, Earl of Cornwall on the hill above his manor of Mere (Mere Castle Hill)
1257 Dec 12 Adomar Winton, the king's brother insulam de Portand (Portland [Rufus Castle])
1258 Nov 4 Johannes Maunsell, Thesaurarius Ebor Seggewik (Sedgwick Castle)
Richardus de Clar., Comes Gouc. et
1259 Feb 7 Portlaund (Portland)
1259 Nov 7 Richard de Clare Manhale (Manhale)
1259 Nov 7 Richard de Clare Southwaude (Southwold Castle)
1259 Dec 19 Richard de Clare Suwald (Southwold Town Defences)
1259 Dec 20 Richard {de Clare} Tonebrugg (Tonbridge Town Defences)
1260 Dec 18 Marmaducus, filius Galfri Horden (Horden Hall)
1261 Aug 14 Robert de Sancto Johanne Basing (Basing House)
1261 Sep 28 burgesses Gernemuth (Great Yarmouth Town Wall)
1262 Feb 5 Roger de Sancto Johanne Lageham in Walkested (Lagham Manor)
1262 Mar 15 Johannes Mannsell, Thesaurarius Ebor Seggewik [Seggewyk] (Sedgwick Castle)
1262 Aug 16 Robert de Twenge His house at Bergh (Bergh Castle)

234 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

Licences to Crenellate 1264 - 1294

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1264 Feb 22 Robert Aguylon Percinges (Perching Manor House)
1264 Feb 23 Ralph de Bakepuz Ceddre (Cheddar Palace)
1264 Feb 28 Ricardus Foliot Grymeston (Jordon Castle, Wellow)
1264 Feb 28 Ellis de Rabayn Waylim
1264 March 9 Ricardus Foliot Grimestone (Jordan Castle, Wellow) Confirmation
1264 March 16 Robert Aguilun Porting'es' (Perching Manor House)
1264 March 16 Rogerus de Sumery Welegh. (Weoley Castle)
1264 March 16 Rogerus de Sumery Duddeleg (Dudley Castle)
1264 Aug 20 Johannes de Eyvill La Hode (Hood Castle)
1266 April 9 Henricus Husee Hertinge (Harting Moat)
1266 Oct 22 Warinus de Bassingburn Esteleye (Astley Castle)
1266 Oct 22 Warinus de Bassingburn Bassingburn (Bassingbourne)
1267 Feb 7 Robert de Ros de Beverlac Belver (Belvoir Castle)
Licence to build uncrenellat-
1267 Feb 25 William le Moyne Ogre (Moigne Court, Owermoigne)
ed wall
1267 Dec 5 Johannes Cumyn Tyrsete (Tarset Castle)
Not enrolled, but fairly well
1268 Bishop Godfrey Giffard Hartlebury Castle
1268 Feb 8 Robertus Aguylum Perting [Percinges] (Perching Manor House)
1269 Nov 22 Robertus Aguillu Adington (Addington Castle Hill)
1270 July 25 Thomas de Furnivall Shefeld. (Sheffield Castle)
1271 Jan 17 Stephanus de Penecestr Hevre (Hever Castle)
1271 June 9 Willielmus Belet Marham (Marham Castle)
houses within his close of Worcester
1271 Oct 20 Godfrey, bishop of Worcester
(Worcester Bishops Palace)
1271 Oct 20 Godfrey, bishop of Worcester Widindon (Withington)
1272 March 1 W(illiam). archbishop of York Cawode (Cawood castle)
1275 Nov 7 Willielmus de Cavereswell Cavereswell (Caverswall Castle)
1276 May 8 Hugo Episcopus Elien Ditton (Biggin Abbey Bishops Palace)
1276 May 15 Johannes Bek Eresby (Eresby Manor) Revoked
1276 Aug 6 Johannes Bek Eresby (Eresby Manor)
1277 Dec 28 burgesses Lanbadar (Aberystwyth town)
1281 May 23 Antonius Bek Somerton (Somerton Castle, Lincolnshire)
Stephanus de Penecestre et Mar-
1281 May 25 Alinton (Allington Castle)
gareta uxor ejus
1281 Aug 2 Baldewinus Wake Styventon [Stiventon] (Stevington Castle)
Robertus Burnell, Episcopus Ba-
1284 Jan 28 Acton Burnell (Acton Burnell Castle)
thon, et Wellen
castle in Elvayl Huchmenyt (Aberedw Cas-
1284 Nov 24 Walter Hackelutel Reject
Th. Episcopus Meneven (Thomas
1285 Jan 1 Plesele (Pleasley)
bishop of St David's)
1285 May 8 dean and chapter Lincoln Cathedral Close
1286 March 15 Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells cathedral church of Wells and the precinct (Wells Cathedral Precinct)
1290 Aug 28 Willielmus le Vavasour Heselwode (Hazlewood Castle, Aberford)
his Exeter house (Exeter Episcopal Palace
1290 Oct 30 Petrus Episcopus Exon
and Cathedral Close)
1291 Sept 20 Brianus filius Alani Kilwardeby (Killerby Castle)
1291 Oct 19 Laurenc. de Ludelawe [Lodelawe] Stoke-say [Stok Say] (Stokesay Castle)
1291 Nov 11 Johannes, Archiepiscopus Ebor Parva Cumpton (Little Compton)
1292 May 3 Willielmus de Grandisono Asperton (Ashperton Castle)
Willielmus de Bello Campo, Comes
1292 June 20 Hamslape (Castle Thorpe)
1292 Dec 28 Gwyschardus de Charrum Horton (Horton Castle, Blyth)
Entered twice in rolls dated
1293 Feb 22 Robertus de Percy Sutton (St Lois)
Feb 23
1293 Feb 22 Robertus de Percy Boulton (Bolton Percy)
1293 June 15 Hugo de Frene Mockes (Moccas Castle)
1293 June 21 Edmundus, Frater Regis le Sauvey (Peter of Savoys House, London)
1294 April 20 Rogerus le Bigod, Comes Norff. Bungeye (Bungay Castle)

The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 235

Licences to Crenellate 1294 - 1311

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1294 May 11 Johannes de Cokefeld Melton (Stonehall Manor, Moulton)
Incorrectly, assigned
1294 Dec 6 Abbas de Hales [abbot and convent] Hales (Halesowen)
to Hales, Gloucestersh
1295 Aug 10 Ricardus de Peulesdon Warandashale (?Wardale)
1296 Sept 5 Prior et Conventus de Tynemuth Tynemuth (Tynemouth Priory)
domos suas quas habet infra clausum Ebor. ecclesi (John of Caen
1298 Aug 21 Johannes de Cadamo
House, York Cathedral Close)
1299 April 20 W. Coventr. et Lych., Episcopus Lichefeld (Lichfield Cathedral Close)
1299 Aug 8 Johannes de Wylington Yate (Yate Court)
late C13 John Gervase Chideock Castle Dubious reference
1301 Jan 1 W. Coventr. et Lych., Episcopus Thorp Watervill (Thorpe Waterville Castle)
1301 Feb 2 Johannes de Hastings Filungeleye (Fillongley Castle Yard)
1301 March 19 Johannes de Segrave Breteby (Bretby Castle)
Willielmus de Hamelton, decanus ecclesi-
1302 Feb 16 Ebor (York Deanery)
ae Beati Petri Ebor
1303 Jan 30 Ranulpus de Fryskeneye Friskeneye (Friskney Hall)
Herssewell in Spaldingmor. (Harswell,
1303 Oct 20 Gerardus Salvayn
1304 Jan 30 Thomas le Latymer Braybrok (Braybrooke Castle)
1304 June 9 Jacobus de la Plaunche Haveresham (Haversham Manor)
1304 Nov 22 Johannes Lovel de Tichemersh Tichemersh (Titchmarsh Castle)
1305 Feb 2 Johannes de Segrave, senior Calvedon (Caludon Castle)
1305 April 5 Robertus de Reynes Eydon (Aydon Castle)
1305 April 5 Robertus de Reynes Shortflat (Shortflatt Tower)
manso suo in parochia Sanctae Mariae (House in Parish of St. Mary
1305 June 19 W. Covent. et Lych., Episcopus
atte Stronde, London)
Willielmus Servat, civis et mercator, Lon- Servats Tower, Bucklesbury (Servats Tow-
1305 Oct 3
don er, London)
the master and brethren of the Knights
1306 Sept 10 la Bruere (Temple Bruer Preceptory)
Walterus de Langton, Coventr. et Lych.,
1306 Sept 16 Asheby David (Castle Ashby, The Castle)
Walterus de Langton, Coventr. et Lych.,
1306 Sept 16 Beudesert (Beaudesert Hall)
Walterus de Langton, Coventr. et Lych., alibi per omnia loca quae idem episcopus habet in Anglia (or else-
1306 Sept 16
Episcopus where in England, wherever he pleases)
1307 April 24 Mathias de Monte Martini manse of Burn [Burne] (Westbourne)
1307 Aug 24 Ricardus le Brun Drombogh (Drumburgh Castle)
1307 Aug 24 Willielmus de Dacre Dunmalloght (Dunmalloght Pele)
1307 Aug 24 Robertus de Tylliol Scaleby (Scaleby Castle)
Eye, juxta Westmonaster. quod vocatur Rosemont (Eye next to
1308 March 11 Johannes de Benstede, clericus
1308 March 24 Robertus de Holand Holand (Up Holland)
1308 April 1 Johannes Extraneus (John Lestrange) Medle (Myddle Castle)
1308 July 18 Abbas de Burgo Sancti Petri Burgo Sancti Petri (Peterbrough)
1308 Oct 4 Henricus de Percy Petteworth (Petworth House)
1308 Oct 4 Henricus de Percy Lekyngfeld (Leconfield Manor)
1308 Oct 4 Henricus de Percy Spofford (Spofforth Castle)
Abbatiae Sancti Augustini, Cantuar (St
1308 Oct 25 Abbas Sancti Augustini, Cantuar
Augustine's Abbey)
Chancellor warrant
1309 {July} 16 Robert {Clifford} Pendragon (Pendragon Castle)
issued but not enrolled
1309 {July} 16 Robert {Clifford} Brouham (Brougham Castle)
1309 Aug 1 Johanness de Hastang Chebeseye (Chebsey)
1309 Dec 14 Willielmus de Grantson Eton (Eaton Tregoz Big Field, Foy)
1310 Feb 28 Johannes de Merkyngfeld Merkyngfeld (Markenfield Hall)
1310 July 16 Walterus de Maydenstan, vallettus Regis Maydenstan (Maidstone)
1310 July 22 Johannes de Middelton Neulond (Newland Tower)
1310 July 22 Rogerus Maudut Esshete [Essetete] (Eshott Castle)
1310 Aug 26 Willielmus de Bliburgh, clericus Bromle (Simpsons Moat, Bromley)
1310 Oct 3 Nicholaus de Segrave Barton (Barton Seagrave Castle)
1311 Feb 9 Willielmus le Wauton Crumhale (Cromhall)
1311 April 2 Johannes de Sandale, clericus Whetele (Wheatley Hall)

236 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

Licences to Crenellate 1311 - 1327

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

Nicholaus de Sancto Mauro (Nicholas Sey-
1311 May 28 Eton Meysi (Castle Eaton)
1311 June 1 Alexander de Bykenore, clericus Ruardyn (Ruardean)
1311 Jun 17 Robertus de Holland Meleburn (Melbourne Castle)
all his dwelling-houses and chambers in his manors throughout the
1311 Sept 29 Hugo le Despenser, senior
1311 Nov 2 Johannes de Pelham, clericus Silverstrete (Silver Street, London)
1311 Nov 2 Johannes de Pelham, clericus Distafflane (Distaff Lane, London)
1312 April 26 Henricus de Bello Monte Folkyngham (Folkingham Castle)
1312 Sept 7 Robertus Baynard Magna Hautboys (Hautbois Castle)
1312 Sept 12 Johannes de Handlo Borstall, juxta Brehull [Brill] (Boarstall Tower)
1313 July 19 Fulco de Payforer Colwebrigge (Coldbridge Castle)
1313 Oct 20 Simon de Monte Acuto Yerdlyngton (Yarlington Manor)
Johannes de Wengrave, civis
1314 May 22 Bradstrete (Bread Street [Broad Street], London)
London...possit kernallare
1314 Sept 20 Henricus le Scrop Fletham (Kirkby Fleetham Castle)
1314 Sept 24 Johannes Marmyon L'ermitage (Tanfield, Magdalen Field)
Ranulpus de Albo Monasterio (made at the
1315 March 12 request of the venerable father W. bishop Inor [Ivor] (Ennor Castle)
of Exeter)
1315 May 3 Adomarus de Valencia, Comes Pembroch Bampton (Bampton Ham Court)
1315 May 28 Robertus de Keleseye, civis London Westchepe (West Cheapside, London)
1315 Aug 28 Thomas, comes Lancastr Dunstanburgh (Dunstanburgh Castle)
1315 Oct 6 Rogerus de Swynnerton Swynnerton (Swynnerton)
Reject, dupli-
1316 Alicia de Leyegrave Torneston (Torweston Manor, Sampford Brett) cate entry by
entire precinct of their church (Lincoln Cathedral
1316 Feb 24 Dean and Chapter of the church of Lincoln
Adam le Bret (at the request of Alicia de Torneston [Torveston] (Torweston Manor, Samp-
1316 June 22
Leyegrave) ford Brett)
1316 Nov 17 Johannes de Cherleton Cherleton (Charlton Castle)
1316 Nov 17 William de Morton, clerk Dalileye (Dawley Castle)
1317 Sept 25 Galfridus Le Scrop Clifton super Yoram (Clifton Castle)
1317 Sept 26 Willielmus de Monte Acuto Kersington (Cassington Manor House)
1318 May 9 Henricus de Wylyngton Culverden [Culverton] (Willington Court)
1318 July 12 Hugo de Louthre (Hugh Lowther) Wythehope in Derwentefelles (Wythop Hall)
1318 July 12 Abbas et conventus beatae Mariae Ebor abbathiam beatae Mariae (York Abbey)
1318 July 15 Robertus de Holand Baggeworth (Bagworth Manor)
1318 July 26 Ricardus de Luches Chiselhampton (Camoys Court)
1318 Nov 4 Edmundus Bacon Gresham (Gresham Castle)
1318 Nov 24 Godefridus de Alta Ripa Elslake in Craven [Estlake] (Elslack Hall)
1318 Dec 6 dean and chapter St. Mary, Lincoln (Lincoln Cathedral Close)
1318 Dec 10 Edo. de Passeleye La Mote (Iden Moat)
1319 Oct 16 Constantinus de Mortuo Mari (Mortimer) Sculton (Scoulton Hall)
Henricus de Bello Monte, Consanguineus
1321 March 12 Whitewyk (Whitwick Castle)
1321 July 27 the burgesses and commonalty Kyngeston on Hull (Kingston upon Hull Town Wall)
1322 Jan 22 Robertus Lewer, dilectus valectus noster Westbury, Sutht (Westbury Manor)
1322 March 13 Robertus de Leyburn Aykhurst [Dykhurst] (Hayes Castle)
1322 June 23 W. Episcopus Exon Exon (Exeter Episcopal Palace and Cathedral Close)
1322 July 14 Fulco Lestrannge [Lestraunge] (Lestrange) Whitecherche (Blakemere Moat)
Dubious ex
1325/6 house in Salisbury
domum suam in villa de ... Salop (Charlton House,
1325 Sept 14 Johannes de Cherleton
Dubious ex
1327 Willielmus, episcopus Norwich palatium (Norwich Bishops Palace)
1327 March 5 The burgesses Kingston-upon-Hull (Kingston upon Hull Town Wall) Confirmation
Thomas Wake, dilectus consanguineus et
1327 March 6 Cotingham (Baynard Castle, Cottingham)
fidelis noster
1327 June 18 Thomas West Rugh Combe (Rugh Combe)
1327 June 23 Johannes de Patshull Bletnesho (Bletsoe)
1327 July 10 Alanus de Cherleton Wycheford (Withyford)
The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 237
Licences to Crenellate 1327 - 1335

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1327 July 10 Alanus de Cherleton Appeleye (Apley Castle)
Decanus et Capitulum ecclesiae beatae
1327 Aug 31 Mariae [at the request of our beloved Sarum (Salisbury Cathedral Close)
chaplain, Walter de London, our almoner]
1327 Sept 26 Abbas et Conventus de Fourneys Fotheray in Fourneys (Piel Castle, Furness)
Edmundus de Bereford, dilectus clericus
1327 Oct 7 Langele (Langley)
1327 Oct 7 Johannes Wyard, dilectus vallettus noster Staunton Harecourt (Stanton Wyard)
Abbas et Conventus Sancti Benedicti de
1327 Oct 23 St Benet Holme (St Benets Abbey)
1328 Ricardus de Merton Torriton (Torrington Castle, Great Torrington) Reject
1328 April 12 R. the bishop, the canons and the citizens New Salisbury (Salisbury City Defences)
1328 Sept 16 Simon de Drayton Drayton (Drayton House)
1329 Jan 25 Willielmus le Caleys [Galeys] Walle (Wall, Herefordshire)
1329 Jan 25 Robertus de Arden [Ardern] Perthyng [Perchyng] (Perching Manor House)
1329 Jan 25 Robertus de Arden [Ardern] Dratton (Drayton)
1329 Aug 31 William de Montacute Doneyate (Park Farm Moat, Donyatt) Pardon
palatii sui in civitate Lincoln (Lincoln Bishops
1329 Sept 28 Episcopus Lincoln
1329 Sept 30 Thomas Tregoz Dachesam (Dedisham)
1330 May 2 Robertus de Arden [Ardern] Wykham (Wykham Park )
Wilton in Clivelande (Wilton Castle, Redcar in
1330 May 12 Radulphus de Bulmere
1330 July 23 Abbas et Conventus de Abyndon Abyndon (Abingdon Abbey)
1330 July 23 Willielmus Basset Tuthidy [Enthidy] (Tehidy)
1330 Oct 22 Johannes de Brehous la Lee (Trehampton Manor, Lea)
1330 Oct 25 Robert de Sapy Westubury (Westbury Court)
1331 Dec 23 Johannes de Molyns Stoke Pogeys [Stoke Pugeys] (Stoke Poges)
1331 Dec 23 Johannes de Molyns Ditton (Ditton Park, Datchet)
1332 Jan 26 Johannes de Wysham Wodemanton (Woodmanton Moat)
1332 March 16 Townsfolk of Bamburgh Beaumburc (Bamburgh)
1332 May 26 Abbas et Conventus de Evesham Evesham (Evesham Abbey)
Johannes de Mereworth (ad requisitionem
1332 Oct 22 Mereworth (Mereworth Castle)
delecti et fidelis Willielmi de Clynton)
Johannes de Mereworth (ad requisitionem
1332 Oct 22 Cheriton (Cheriton)
delecti et fidelis Willielmi de Clynton)
1333 Jan 23 John de Molyns et Egidia uxor ejus Weston Turvill (Weston Turville, Manor Farm)
Prior et Conventus de Spaldyng [ad req-
1333 March 2 uistitionem delicti clerici nostri Henrici de Spaldyng (Spalding Priory)
Estokes Southhamedon (Beauchamp Castle,
1333 July 24 Johannes de Beauchaump de Somersete
Stoke Sub Hamdon)
1333 July 24 Johannes de Beauchaump de Somersete Hacche (Hatch Court, Hatch Beauchamp)
1334 Feb 28 Thomas de Burgh Walton (Walton Hall)
1334 March 3 John de Molyns, king's yeoman Stoke Pogeys (Stoke Poges) Confirmation
1334 March 3 John de Molyns, king's yeoman Dytton (Ditton Park, Datchet) Confirmation
1334 May 18 Thomas Rocelyn Eggefeld (Edgefield Hall)
1334 June 1 Ricardus de Chaumbernoune Medebury (Modbury Castle)
1334 Oct 22 John de Bures et Hawisia uxor ejus Botyngton (Boddington)
1335 Jan 30 Ranulphus de Blankmouster Biename (Binhamy)
1335 Jan 31 Johannes Lercedekne Lanihorn (Ruan Lanihorne Castle)
1335 Feb 1 Radulphus de Bloiou Tregewel (Truthwall)
1335 Feb 1 Radulphus de Bloiou Colewe Heys [Coleweheys] (Colway, Lyme)
Wilton in Pykerynglith (Wilton Hall near Pick-
1335 Feb 3 Johannes de Heslarton
1335 Feb 20 Robrtus de Esselyngton Esselyngton (Eslington Tower)
1335 April 12 Nicholaus Bonde Herkestede (Harkstead)
1335 July 27 Ranulphus de Dacre Naward (Naworth Castle)
1335 Aug 24 Johannes de Hodleston Millum (Millom Castle)
1335 Sept 7 Johannes de Cole Tamer (Tamerton Foliot)
1335 Sept 10 Johannes de Chevreston Yedilton (Ilton Castle, Malborough)
1335 Oct 8 Willielmus de Whitefeld Wyrdesford (Woodsford Castle)

238 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

Licences to Crenellate 1336 - 1341

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1336 John de Molyns Aston Mullins Dubious
1336 Feb 10 Johannes de Sigeston Beresende (Sigston Castle)
1336 March 15 Abbas de Evesham Evesham (Evesham Abbey)
1336 March 17 Richard Cogan Baumton (Bampton The Mote)
1336 March 19 Johannes Dauneye, miles Shevyok (Sheviock Barton)
1336 April 9 Johannes, Episcopus Karleol La Roos [La Rose] (Rose Castle)
Thomas de Baumburgh, king's
1336 June 3 Boulton (Bolton Hospital)
clerk, keeper of the hospital
1336 Sept 26 Walterus Heryng de Wynterbourn Langeton Heryng (Langton Herring)
1336 Sept 26 Walterus Heryng de Wynterbourn Wynterbourn (Winterborne Herringston)
1336 Nov 16 Henricus, Episcopus Lincoln Beatae Mariae de Netelham (Nettleham Bishops Manor)
1336 Nov 16 Henricus, Episcopus Lincoln Lydyngton (Lyddington Bede House)
1336 Nov 16 Henricus, Episcopus Lincoln Stowe [St Mary] (Stow Bishops Palace)
1337 July 23 Oliverus de Denham Sampford Peverell (Sampford Peverell)
Matilda quae fuit uxor Willielmi de
1337 Aug 2 Byr (Bere Barton, Bere Ferrers)
Ferrers [Feriers], chivaler
1337 Aug 12 Johannes de Coloygne Cornhill (Cornhill, London)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Sonnyng (Sonning Bishops Palace)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Sarum (Salisbury Bishops Palace)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Wodeford Episcopi (Woodford Court House)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Shireburn (Sherborne Old Castle)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Cherdestok (Chardstock Court)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Poterne (Potterne Bishops Manor House)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Cannyngg [Cannyngges] (Bishops Cannings)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Remmesbury (Ramsbury Manor)
1337 Aug 30 Robert, Episcopus Sarum Flet-strete (Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, London)
1337 Oct 2 Abbas et Conventus de Buckelond Buckelond [Buklond] (Buckland Abbey)
1338 March 2 Johannes Trussell Cublesdon (Kibblestone)
1338 March 3 Nicholaus de la Beche Beaumeys (Beaumys Castle)
1338 March 3 Nicholaus de la Beche Watlyngton (Watlington Manor House)
1338 March 3 Nicholaus de la Beche La Beche (Aldworth, De La Beche)
1338 May 6 Johannes de Molyns mansum infra Wardam Castri Baynardi (Castle Baynard Ward, London)
Reject (Murage
1338 June 2 bailiffs and good men Harwich (Harwich)
1338 June 8 Galfridus le Scrop Burton Conestable (Constable Burton Hall)
1338 June 9 Abbas et Conventus de Bello Bello (Battle Abbey)
1338 July 16 Willielmus Heyron Ford (Ford Castle, Northumberland)
Bottone Alulphi juxta Wye [Boctone Aluph] (Broughton Court, Boughton
1339 May 12 Thomas de Aledon
1339 Oct 25 Oliverus de Denham Sampford Peverell (Sampford Peverell) Confirmation
Very dubious
1340 Warblington Castle, Havant unsupported
1340 Feb 4 Roland de Vaux Treuermane (Triermain Castle)
Blemansopp in Marchi. Scociae [Blencansopp]
1340 Feb 4 Thomas de Blemansopp
(Blenkinsopp Castle)
Radulphus, Bathon et Wellen.
1340 March 29 Wellen (Wells Bishops Palace and Cathedral Close)
1340 April 5 Nicholaus de Cantilupo Gryseleye (Greasley Castle)
1340 April 9 Giles de Bello Campo Alcestre (Beauchamps Court, Alcester)
1340 May 11 Thomas de Blenkensop Blenkensop (Blenkinsopp Castle) Confirmation
1340 June 9 Willielmus de Kerdeston Claxton (Claxton Castle)
1340 Sept 29 Ricardus de Merton Torryton (Torrington Castle, Great Torrington)
1340 Oct 2 Johannes de Ferrers Beer Ferres [Beer Fereres] (Bere Barton, Bere Ferrers)
1341 May 3 Robertus de Maners Echale [Othale] [Ethale] (Etal Castle)
1341 May 11 Robert de Oggle Oggle (Ogle Castle)
Thomas de Musco Campo
1341 May 17 Bairmore (Barmoor Castle)
1341 June 3 Robertus Bourghchier Stanstede (Stansted Hall)

The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 239

Licences to Crenellate 1341 - 1347

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1341 July 17 burgesses of Welles Welles (Wells City Wall) Revoked
1341 Sept 10 Gerardus de Wodrynton Castrum de Wodryngton (Widdrington Castle)
1341 Oct 6 Johannes de Pulteneye Chevele (Cheveley, The Moats)
1341 Oct 6 Johannes de Pulteneye Penhurst (Penshurst Place)
'his dwelling place in London' (Pulteney House,
1341 Oct 6 Johannes de Pulteneye
1341 Oct 18 Robertus de Langeton Neuton in Makerfeld (Newton in Makerfield)
1341 Oct 18 Reginaldus de Codham Pringham (Starborough Castle)
1341 Oct 18 Reginaldus de Codham Orkesdene (Orkesdene)
Monketon super moram (Moor Monkton Rede
1342 Feb 25 Thomas Ughtred
1342 Feb 25 Thomas Ughtred Kexby juxta Staynfordbrigg (Kexby Old Hall)
1342 March 23 Egidius de Bello Campo Fresshewater, Insula Vectis (Freshwater)
William Lengleys, dilectus vallettus
1342 Oct 6 Heyheved (High Head Castle)
Revoked, probably
because of Gor-
?1343 Thomas de Gournay Estharpetre (Richmont Castle, East Harptree) nay's death during
the licensing pro-
1343 May 15 Robertus Bertram Bothale (Bothal Castle)
1343 Aug 18 Johannes de Kiriel Westyngehangre (Westenhanger Castle)
1343 Aug 21 Johannes de Norwico Blakworth (Blackford Hall)
1343 Aug 21 Johannes de Norwico Lyng (Lyng Hall, Wood Norton)
1343 Aug 21 Johannes de Norwico Metyngham (Mettingham Castle)
1343 Nov 20 Johannes Heroun [Heronn] Crawelawe (Crawley Tower)
1344 Jan 27 Thomas de Heton Chevelyngham (Chillingham Castle)
1344 Jan 28 Randulphus de Hastyngs Slyngesby (Slingsby Castle)
1344 April 22 Prior et Conventus Roff. Rochester (St Andrews Priory, Rochester) Reject
1344 July 1 Prior et Conventus de Giseburghe Giseburghe (Gisborough Priors House)
1344 Nov 12 Robert Sifrewast Hoke (Hooke Court)
Willielmus de Clynton, Comes Huntyn-
1345 Feb 12 Maxstok (Maxstoke Castle)
1345 Feb 13 Rogerus Hillary Berkmondescote (Bescot Hall)
1345 April 9 Gilbertus de Whitleye Whitleye (Whitley Tower)
1345 June 4 Robertus de Hagerston Hagerston (Haggerston Castle)
1345 Aug 5 Prior et Conventus Roff. Rochester (St Andrews Priory, Rochester)
Prior et fratres ordinis Sancti Augusti- Sancti Augustini de Salop (St Augustines, Shrews- Reject (mortmain
1345 Nov 9
ni de Salop bury) grant)
1346 March 12 R. Episcopus London Storteford (Waytemore Castle, Bishops Stortford)
1346 April 10 Homines villae de Penereth Penereth (Penrith Town Wall)
1346 May 16 Rogerus de Widerington Westswynborn (Great Swinburne Castle)
1346 Sept 15 Abbas et Conventus de Langeley Langeley (Langley Abbey)
1346 Dec 10 John Grey of Retherfeld Sculcotes (Sculcoates)
1346 Dec 10 John Grey of Retherfeld Retherfeld Grey (Rotherfield Greys Court)
1347 Jan 6 Ricardus de Merton Torriton (Torrington Castle, Great Torrington) Confirmation
1347 Jan 11 Gilbertus Chasteleyn Kengham (Kingham)
1347 March 20 Thomas de Ferrariis Moreende (Moor End Castle, Yardley Godion)
1347 Dec 1 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Apechilde (Absol Park)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Writele (Writtle; King John's Palace)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Brymshoo (?Brimstone Hill)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Depeden (Debden)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Walden (Saffron Walden Castle)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Enefeld (Enfield)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Wockeseye (Oaksey)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Uphavene (Upavon; Uphaven)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Sende (Seend)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Whitenhurst (Whitminster House; Wheatenhurst)
1347 Dec 22 Humfridus de Bohun, Comes Hereford Apechilde (Absol Park)

240 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

Licences to Crenellate 1348 - 1374

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1348 Feb 6 Radulphus, Baro de Stafford Madlee (Old Madeley Manor)
1348 Feb 6 Radulphus, Baro de Stafford Stafford (Stafford Castle, Castlechurch)
1348 Feb 22 Johannes de Grey de Retherfeld Retherfeld (Rotherfield Greys Court) Confirmation
1348 Feb 22 Johannes de Grey de Retherfeld Sculcotes (Sculcoates) Confirmation
1348 Mar 10 Abbas et Conventus de Langedon Langedon (Langdon Abbey)
1348 April 18 Bishop, Dean and Chapter Lichfield (Lichfield Cathedral Close) Confirmation
1348 July 10 Abbas et Conventus de Whalleye Whalleye (Whalley Abbey)
1348 Oct 13 Abbas de Holmcoltran Wolmsty (Wolstey Castle)
Matilda, quae fuit uxor Johannis de
1348 Nov 18 Westcanfeld [Westtanfeld] (Tanfield Castle)
Marmyon, militis
?1349 Sir Thomas Trussell Warmingham Dubious
1350 Feb 16 William de Excestre Rikhall (Riccall Manor)
Port St. Peter in Gerneseye (St Peter Port Town De-
1350 Feb 18 the good men of
1351 May 24 Marmaducus Conestable Flaynburgh (Danish Tower, Flamborough)
1352 Feb 4 Johannes de Sutton, de Holderness le Hermitage in Braunceholm (Swine Castle Hill) Pardon
Insulam de Flaynburgh (Beacon Farm, Flambor-
1352 Feb 11 Marmaducus le Conestable Confirmation
1352 July 22 Homines de Gippewico Gippewico (Ipswich)
1352 Aug 25 Homines villae de Herewycz Herewycz [Herewicz] (Harwich)
1353 Oct 4 Thomas de Musgrave Harcla (Hartley Castle)
1353 Oct 5 Willielmus, Baro de Craystok Craystok (Greystoke Castle)
1354 John de Mowbray Caludon Castle Dubious
1355 June 25 Gilbert, Episcopus Karliol La Rose (Rose Castle)
manor of Englissh in the town of Newenham
1356 April 25 Richard Englissh, king's yeoman
(Newnham Murren)
1357 June 17 Abbas de Sancto Albano Sancto Albano (St Albans Abbey)
1359 Oct 9 Rector et frates de Edyndon Edyndon (Edington Priory [Edington College]) Pardon
1360 Nov 22 Richard Englys, king's yeoman Upholcombe (Great Holcombe)
1361 Jan 15 Johannes de Puddesay Bolton by Salleye (Bolton by Bowland)
1361 July 1 Prior et Conventus de Lewes Lewes (Lewes Priory)
1362 July 23 Prior et Conventus de Drax Drax (Drax Priory)
Boghton Malherbe (Coldbridge Castle, Boughton
1363 Jan 6 Robert de Corby
1363 Nov 20 Maior, ballivi et probi homines Coventre (Coventry)
1364 July 9 John de Delves Dodynton (Doddington Tower) Chester licence
Maior et ballivide Coventre ac Thomas
1364 Nov 3 Coventre (Coventry) Reject
de Nassyngton, Willielms Wolf ....
1365 Staynor Hall Reject
Willielmus, Abbas de Quarrera et Con-
1365 Oct 24 Quarrera (Quarr Abbey)
ventus ejusdem loci
Willielmus, Abbas de Quarrera et Con- Fisshehous (Fishhouse, Wootton Creek and other Private coastal
1365 Oct 24
ventus ejusdem loci places) artillery forts ?
Abbas et Conventus de Waltham Sanc-
1366 Sept 18 Waltham Sanctae Crucis (Waltham Abbey) A belfry
tae Crucis
1366 Dec 27 Willielmus de Aldeburgh, miles Harewode (Harewood Castle)
1366 Dec 27 Adam de Coppendale, de Beverlaco Beverlaco (house in Beverley)
1367 Oct 20 Abbatissa et Conventus Shafton Shafton (Shaftesbury Abbey)
Shirrenhales [Shirrevehales] (Sheriffhales Manor
1367 Oct 26 Willielmus Trussell de Cublesdon, miles
Prior et Conventus ecclesiae cathedralis
1369 Feb 20 Wygorn (Worcester Cathedral Priory)
beatae Mariae Wygorn
1369 Mar 3 mayor and commonalty La Rye (Rye Town Wall)
Abbas et Conventus de Waltham Sanc-
1369 April 24 Waltham Sanctae Crucis (Waltham Abbey)
tae Crucis
1369 May 4 Walterus Huwet Estham (East Ham Hall)
1370 Feb 9 Johnnes de Chidiok, miles Chidiok (Chideock Castle)
Helmingus Legette, dilectus armiger et
1371 Mar 1 le Ponde apud Haddelegh (Pond Hall)
serviens noster
1372 Nov 26 Cives et probi homines civitatis Novae Sarum (Salisbury City Defences)
1373 Mar 5 Abbas et Conventus de Wynchecombe Wynchecombe (Winchcombe Abbey)
1373 Nov 28 Johannes de la Mare, chivaler Nonny (Nunney Castle)
Johanna quae fuit uxor Willielmi de
1374 Feb 3 Harpham (Church of St John of Beverley, Harpham) A belfry
Sancto Quintino
The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 241
Licences to Crenellate 1374 - 1387

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1374 May 5 Willielmus de Thorp Makeseye (Maxey Castle)
1375 Nov 10 Abbas et Conventus Abbatiae de Selby Abbatiae de Selby (Selby Abbey)
1376 Prior and Convent Gisborough Priory Dubious
Nicholaus Benton (Ad requisitionem di-
1376 Oct 10 lecti et fidelis nostri Willielmi de Monte Fallardeston (Faulston)
Acuto, Comitis Sarum)
1376 Dec 4 Willielmus de Kerdeston, miles Claxston (Claxton Castle)
1377 March 5 Warinus de Insula Shirburn (Shirburn Castle)
1377 March Abbas et Conventus Abbatiae Scoe. Wer- Abbatiae Scoe. Werburgae [Sancte Warburgae] (Abbey of St Wer-
28 burgae [Sancte Warburgae] burgh)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et Sunnyng (Sonning Bishops Palace)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Sarum (Salisbury Bishops Palace)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Bisshopwodford (Woodford Court House)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Shirbourne (Sherborne Old Castle)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Chirdestoke (Chardstock Court)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Potterne (Potterne Bishops Manor House)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Canynge (Bishops Cannings)
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Rammesbury (Ramsbury Manor)
Fletstrete in suburbio (Salisbury Court, Fleet Street,
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc
1377 July 20 Radlphus episcopus Saresbiriensis, et suc Civitatem ... Sarum (Salisbury City Defences)
Abbas et Conventus Abbatiae Scoe. Wer- Abbatiae Scoe. Werburgae [Sancte Warburgae]
1377 Nov 7 Confirmation
burgae [Sancte Warburgae] (Abbey of St Werburgh)
1377 Dec 10 Willielmus, episcopus Cicestr Amberle (Amberley Castle)
1378 March Prior et Conventus ecclesiae cathedralis
Wygorn (Worcester Cathedral Priory) Confirmation
20 beatae Mariae Wygorn
Durham li-
1378 May John de Neville, knight, Lord of Raby Raby (Raby Castle)
1378 Nov 26 Johannes de Fenwyk Fenwyk (Fenwick Tower, Matfen)
hospital of St. James by Westminster (hospital of St.
1379 Feb 20 Thomas Orgrave Pardon
James by Westminster)
Ricardus Lescrop, Cancellarius noster in
1379 July 4 Bolton (Bolton Castle)
1379 July 26 Johannes d' Arundell, miles Bechesworth (Betchworth Castle)
Chudele or elsewhere in the bishopric (Chudleigh Bish-
1379 July 30 Thomas, episcopus Exonien
ops Palace)
1380 March 4 Gilbertus de Culwen, miles Wirkyngton (Workington Hall)
1380 June 2 Jonannes de Chidiok Chidiok (Chideock Castle) Confirmation
Willielmus Asthorp, miles, et Margareta
1380 Nov 5 Mansum Manerii de Hemyock (Hemyock Castle)
uxor ejus
1381 Feb 10 Jonannes de Cobeham Coulyng (Cooling Castle)
1381 June 15 mayor and commonalty Oxford (Oxford Town Wall) Revoked
1381 July 24 Fulco de Pembrugge Castro de Tonge (Tong Castle)
1381 Dec 8 Johannes Rous Ragele (Ragley Hall) Pardon
1382 April 26 Johannes de Nevill de Raby, miles Shirefhoton (Sheriff Hutton Castle)
1382 June 18 Willielmus de Topclyve Shoford Maideston (Maidstone)
1382 Aug 6 Abbas et Conventus de Thornton Abbatia de Thornton (Thornton Abbey)
1383 May 10 Richardus Waldegrave Seinte Marie Bures (Smallbridge Hall, Bures St Mary)
Johannes de Cobbeham de Devenshire Hendre in Cobbeham [Heverecobbeham] (Hever Cas-
1383 Nov 3
(ad supplicationem dilecti consanguinei tle)
1383 Nov 13 Alexander, episcopus Ebor Reste (Rest Park, Sherburn in Elmet)
1383 Nov 26 Sir Thomas Hungerford Farle Mountford (Farleigh Hungerford Castle) Pardon
1385 Embleton Tower Dubious
1385 April 27 Michael de la Pole Huntyngfeld (Huntingfield Old Hall)
1385 April 27 Michael de la Pole Sternefeld (Sternfield)
1385 April 27 Michael de la Pole Wyngefeld (Wingfield Castle)
Coventry (Conventry City Wall [Cheylesmore Manor
1385 May 4 mayor, bailiffs and good men of Coventry
1385 Oct 21 Edwardo Dalyngrigge Bodyham (Bodiam Castle)
mansionem in hospitio suo infra clausum domus fratrum ordinis carme-
1385 Oct 26 Matilda de Well
lis London. (Whitefriars, London)
1386 June 11 Ricardus Abberbury, senior Donyngton (Donnington Castle)
1386 Oct 31 Johannes de Thornbury, chivaler Bygrave (Bygrave House)
1387 May 8 William de la Zouche of Totteneys Haryngworth (Harringworth Manor)

242 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

Licences to Crenellate 1387 - 1439

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1387 Dec 29 Henricus, episcopus Norwicen Gaywode (Gaywood Hall, Kings Lynn)
1387 Dec 29 Henricus, episcopus Norwicen North Elmam (North Elmham Bishops Castle)
1388 Feb 12 Johannes Russell Dormeston (Dormston)
1388 Feb 12 Johannes Russell Strengesham (Strensham Moat Farm)
1388 May 17 Prior et Conventus de Bridlyngton Bridlyngton (Bridlington Priory)
1389 Ralph de Lomley, Knight Lomley (Lumley Castle) Durham licence
1389 May 6 Abbas et Conventus Abbatiae de Thornton Abbatiae de Thornton (Thornton Abbey)
1391 Dec 19 Johannes le Rous de Raggeley Stanley Poundelarge (Stanley Pontlarge) Pardon
1392 Sept 21 Johannes Devereux Penshurst (Penshurst Place)
1392 Oct 24 Randulphus de Lomley, chivaler Lomley (Lumley Castle) Confirmation
1393 Feb 27 Johannes, Dominus de Lovell Werdour (Old Wardour Castle)
1394 Sept 1 Hugh Cheyne, chivaler Longefeld (Cheney Longville Castle)
1397 Feb 12 Willielmus Stukeland [Stirkeland], clericus Penreth (Penrith Castle)
1397 Feb 20 Thomas Brook, chivaler Holdich (Holditch Court, Thorncombe)
mansion en v're ville de Macclesfeld
1398 Aug 30 John de Macclesfield, clerk Chester licence
(Buckingham Castle, Macclesfield)
1399 March 18 Abbas et Conventus monasterii Cestriae Jus [Ins] (Ince Grange)
1399 March 18 Abbas et Conventus monasterii Cestriae Salghton (Saighton Grange)
1399 March 18 Abbas et Conventus monasterii Cestriae Sutton (Sutton Hall)
1399 April 2 Willielmus de Stirkeland Penreth (Penrith Castle)
1402 July 23 good men Leomynstre (Leominster Town Defences)
a private coastal
1402 Oct 13 Johannes Corp Dertemuth (Gommerock)
artillery fort
1402 Oct 14 Thomas Tunstall, miles Thorslond (Thurland Castle)
John de Delves, Nicholas Bradshawe, Rog-
1403 Feb 23 er Bradshawe, John de Hynkeley, John Dodyngton (Doddington Tower) Chester licence
Wordhull, clerk, John Bertram, clerk
1403 Aug 15 Jacobus de Radclif, armiger Radclif (Radcliffe Tower)
the King's lieges lately dwelling at Plym-
1404 Feb 6 Plymmouth (Plymouth Town Wall)
1405 Feb 24 Ralphde Nevill, Earl of Westmorland Ketelwell in Craven (Kettlewell in Craven)
1405 March 15 burgesses of the town Herewiche (Harwich Castle)
1406 Jan 15 Johannes de Stanley, miles Lyverpole (Liverpool, Stanley Tower)
1406 March 19 Thomas Wykeham, armiger Broghton (Broughton Castle)
1410 Ralph de Eure, knight Witton' (Witton Castle, Witton-le-Wear) Durham Pardon
1410 John de Macclesfield, clerk Macclesfeld (Buckingham Castle, Macclesfield) Chester licence
Robert Waterton, esquire, Thomas de
1410 Jan 8 Toveton, clerk, Nicholas Colne and William Wodhall in Metheley (Hatfield Hall, Stanley)
1410 Feb 5 Abbas et Conventus Monasterii Cestriae Jus [Ins] (Ince Grange) Confirmation
1410 Feb 5 Abbas et Conventus Monasterii Cestriae Salghton (Saighton Grange) Confirmation
1410 Feb 5 Abbas et Conventus Monasterii Cestriae Sutton (Sutton Hall) Confirmation
West Thorndon (Thorndon Old Hall, West Horn-
1414 July 21 Lewis Johan, esquire
1415 June 5 Maior et Communitas Wynchelse (New Winchelsea)
1422 Thomas Holden Ludworth' (Ludworth Tower) Durham licence
1426 July 28 Hernricus, episcopus Winton. et alii Rykmersworth (The More, Rickmansworth)
Wycroft in Axmistre [Wygoft] (Weycroft Hall,
1427 May 20 Humfridus, Dux Glouc. et alii
1431/2 Sir William Eure Bradley (Bradley Hall, Wolsingham) Durham licence
1431 Nov 15 William de la Zouche, miles Haryngworth (Harringworth Manor) Confirmation
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, and Elea-
1433 Jan 30 Estgrenewich (Greenwich)
nor his wife
1433 July 8 mayor and burgesses Pole (Poole Town Wall)
Henry, earl of Northumberland, and the
1434 June 1 Alnewyke (Alnwick Town Wall)
burgesses of the town
Rolandus Lenthall, miles, et Lucia uxor Hampton Richard [Hampton Rychard] (Hampton Court, Hope under
1434 Nov 6
ejus Dinmore)
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, and Elea-
1437 March 6 Grenewych (Greenwich) Confirmation
nor, his wife
1438 Joan, widow of Gwilym ap Gruffudd Penrhyn Castle Dubious
1439 Oct 11 John Monngomery (Montgomery) Falkeburn (Faulkbourne Hall)
1439 [Nov 12 -
major et communitas [de Plymmouth] Plymmouth (Plymouth Town Wall)
Dec 21]
The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 243
Licences to Crenellate 1440 - 1474

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1440 Oct 13 Laurence Hammerton Helefeld (Hellifield Peel)
1441 Feb 5 Roger Fenys Hurst Monceux (Herstmonceux Castle)
1442 May 5 John de Cartyngton Cartyngton (Cartington Castle)
Andrew Ogard, knight, John Clyfton,
knight, John Fastoff, knight and Wil- Rye, otherwise called the Isle of Rye in Stanstead Abbots (Rye House, St-
1443 July 7
liam Oldehall, knight, Robert Whityn- anstead Abbots)
gham, esquire, and William Roys
1446 Nov 16 John Pury Chambirehous (Chamberhouse)
1447 April 24 Thomas Daniell, king's squire Ridon (Roydon Hall)
1447 May 26 Richard, Duke of York Honesdon (Hunsdon House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Cakham (Cakeham Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Alyngbourne (Aldingbourne)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Amburley (Amberley Castle)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Drungewyk (Drungewick Manor, Loxwood)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Byxhill (Bexhill Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Bruyll (Broyle Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Ferrying (Ferring Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Preston (Preston Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Sellsey (Selsey Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Tyryscherch (Turzes Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Sidlisham (Sidlesham Manor House)
1447 Oct 28 Adam, bishop of Chichester Westwythtryng (West Wittering Manor House)
Yattingden, Wele and Firmsham (Yattendon Man-
1448 Jan 20 John Norys
1448 Dec 10 Thomas Browne, king's squire Tonford (Tonford Manor, Thanington Without)
1448 Dec 10 Thomas Browne, king's squire Bettisworth (Betchworth Castle)
1448 Dec 10 Thomas Browne, king's squire Egethorne (Eythorne, Kent)
1448 Dec 10 Thomas Browne, king's squire Kyngesnoth (Kingsnorth, Kent)
1448 Dec 10 Thomas Browne, king's squire Tonge (Tonge Castle, Kent)
Robert Botyll, prior of the Hospital of
1449 June 26 Aycle (Eagle Preceptory)
St. John of Jerusalem in England
1451 Mar 22 Thomas, bishop of Bath and Wells Wells (Wells Bishops Palace and Cathedral Close)
1457 Dec 7 John Wolf Kentysbery (Kentisbury Barton)
1458 May 5 Ralph Botiller, knt, lord of Sudeley More (The More, Rickmansworth) Pardon
1458 May 5 Ralph Botiller, knt, lord of Sudeley Sudeley (Sudeley) Pardon
1459 Dec 11 Thomas Fitz William Malberthorpe (Mablethorpe)
1460 Sept 11 Richard Beauchamp Estenore (Bronsil Castle)
Alan [Adam] Morland, parson of the
1462 Redmershulle (Redmarshall Rectors Tower) Durham Pardon
church of Redmershulle
1462 Jan 20 mayor and burgesses of Pole Pole (Poole Town Wall) Confirmation
mayor, sheriffs and burgesses of the
1462 July 1 Kyngeston on Hull (Kingston upon Hull Town Wall) Confirmation
town of Kyngeston on Hull
1462 Sept 20 Thomas Gille, the younger, esquire Haicche Arundell (Hatch Manor House, Loddiswell)
1466 Oct 12 Thomas Cook, knight Gydihall by Ramford (Gidea Hall)
1467 Jan 20 Henry Waver, knight Thester Waver (Cesterover)
1469 May 2 Sir Thomas Pilkington Bury (Bury Castle, Lancashire) Lancaster licence
1469 July 3 Radulphus Wolseley Wolseley (Wolseley Hall)
1470 Christopher Conyers, knight Sokburn (Sockburn Castle) Durham licence
1473 William Verney Fairfield House Not enrolled
1473 April 14 Richard Whetehille, esquire Boughton (Boughton House)
1474 Feb 11 William Plompton, knight Plompton (Plompton)
William Hastynges, knight, lord of
1474 April 17 Assheby de la Zouche (Ashby De La Zouch Castle)
Bagworth and Thorn-
William Hastynges, knight, lord of
1474 April 17 Bagworth (Bagworth Manor) ton are probably the
same place.
William Hastynges, knight, lord of
1474 April 17 Kerby (Kirby Muxloe Castle)
William Hastynges, knight, lord of
1474 April 17 Slyngesby (Slingsby Castle)
William Hastynges, knight, lord of
1474 April 17 Thorneton (Thornton, Leicestershire) As above
1474 May 28 Laurence, bishop of Durham Bryggecourt in the parish of Bateresey (Bridgecourt Manor, Battersea)

244 The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7

Licences to Crenellate 1477 - 1622

Date Name of Applicant Place(s) Notes

1477 March 5 John Holcot, esquire Bradden (Bradden Manor)
1477 May 28 John Pylkington, knight Turneham Hall (Thurnham Hall)
1477 May 28 John Pylkington, knight Bradeley (Bradley Hall, Stainland)
1477 May 28 John Pylkington, knight Elfletburgh (Elphaborough)
1477 May 28 John Pylkington, knight Pylkyngton Hall (Pilkington in Wakefield)
1479 May 26 James Haryngton, knight Farleton (Farleton Castle)
1479 May 26 James Haryngton, knight Brereley (Brierley Hallsteads)
Johannes Elrington, miles Thesaurarius
1479 Aug 15 Dixtherne (Great Dixter)
Hospitii Regis
Johannes Elrington, miles Thesaurarius
1479 Aug 15 Udymere (Court Lodge, Udimore)
Hospitii Regis
1480 July 14 William Gascoigne, knight Gaukethorpe (Gawthorpe)
1482 July 3 Edmund Bedyngfeld, esquire Oxburgh (Oxburgh Hall, Oxborough)
1483 Philippe de Carteret St Ouen's Manor, Jersey Dubious
John Kelyng, clerk, rector of the parish Durham Par-
1484 Houghton le Spring Rectory
church of Houghton don
1487 Aug 10 Sir William Stanley Hoton (Hooton Hall) Chester licence
1487 Oct 6 John Guldeford, knight Brockle, parish of Crambroke (Brockley)
1487 Oct 6 John Guldeford, knight Halden, parish of Rolvenden (Halden)
1487 Oct 6 John Guldeford, knight Hertrigge, parish of Ebney (Hawridge)
1487 Oct 6 John Guldeford, knight Tenterden, parish of Tenterden (Tenterden)
1487 Oct 6 Richard Guldeford, knight Higham, alais Iham (Hiham)
private coastal
1487 Oct 6 Richard Guldeford, knight 'le Camber' (Camber)
artillery fort
Green Hall in the parish of Garstang (Greenhalgh Lancaster li-
1490 Aug 2 Thomas Stanley, earl of Derby
Castle) cence
1491 Nov 8 Thomas, earl of Ormonde Newehall (New Hall, Boreham)
Adlampston in the parish of Pidelton (Athelhampton
1495 Nov 5 Sir William Martyn
1499 June 22 Richard Empson Estneston (Easton Neston House)
1510 March 8 Robert Drury Hansted Hall [Hausted] (Hawstead Hall)
1510 March 8 Robert Drury Buknahams (Bokenhams, Bradenham)
1510 March 8 Robert Drury Onhowshalle (Onehouse Hall)
1510 July 6 Edward, Duke of Buckingham Thournebury (Thornbury Castle)
1512 Nov 8 John Spencer Wormeleighton (Wormleighton Manor House)
1512 Nov 8 John Spencer Olthorp (Althorp)
1515 June 30 Sir Peter Eggecombe Estonehouse (Stonehouse Town Defences)
1523 June 20 James Denton the dean Lichfield Cathedral Close Confirmation
Sir William Paulet, master of the King's
1531 Jan 22 Basyng (Basing House)
1533 Jan 30 Sir William Fitzwilliam Cowdray (Cowdray House)
upon a hill there adapted for signals (Tynemouth a fortified
1536 Sept 21 a fraternity of 22 named men
Southern Tower) lighthouse
on the north side of "le Shelys" at the entry of the a fortified
1536 Sept 21 a fraternity of 22 named men
port (Tynemouth Northern Tower) lighthouse
Sir Thos. Wriothesley, one of the King's
1542 Feb 18 Tychefeld (Titchfield) Pardon
principal secretaries.
Sir Anthony Browne, K.G., Master of 'within the site of the late mon. of Battle' (Battle Ab-
1544 July 28
the Horse bey)
Sir William Pagete, the King's Council-
1546 Jan 31 Burton (Burton Upon Trent Abbey)
Sir William Pagete, the King's Council-
1546 Jan 31 Brysingote (Brizlincote Hall)
Pardon; a pri-
1547 Sept 20 William Paulett, K.G., lord Seynt John Letley (Netley Castle) vate coastal
artillery fort
1551 Nov 20 William Petre Ingat Stone alias Ging ad Petram (Ingatestone Hall) Pardon
Christopher Heydon, knight, the
1561 Nov 24 Baconsthorpe (Baconsthorpe Castle)
queen's servant
1567 Oct 28 Lewis Grevell Mylcote - Mountgrevell (Milcote Manor)
1589 June 5 Sir Moile Finche [Moyle Finch] Eastwell Manor
Reject (very
1622 March 10 Ferdinand Huddleston Millom Castle odd reference
by Curwen)

The Castle Studies Group Journal No 20: 2006-7 245

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