Advantages of Modern Technology in Teaching

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Advantages of Modern Technology in Teaching

Thesis Statement:

Modern technology is an essential tool in education for it can provide the

latest educational materials that will help students to have better understanding of

the lesson and the teachers to have effective instructional devices.

I. Introduction :

II. A. Makes Teaching Easy

a. Collaboration

b. Parents Communication

c. Resources for Lessons and Centers.

B. Easier way to tract students learning progress

a. Microsoft office

C. teachers can facilitate teaching in a fun way

a. Video streaming

b. Play games

c. Social media

D. Makes distance learning accessible

a. Online course

III. Conclusion
Advantages of Modern Technology in Teaching

Thesis Statement:

Modern technology is an essential tool in education for it can provide the

latest educational materials that will help students to have better understanding of

the lesson and the teachers to have effective instructional devices


Technology has given a great impact on the lives of every people for

decades. What more if it will be associated with education. Modern technology is

an essential tool in education for it can provide the latest educational materials

that will help students to have better understanding of the lesson and the teachers

to have effective instructional devices.

Before, teaching is difficult for the teachers because they need more

efforts and strategies in teaching their subject matter. Teachers have to write

down their visual aids and sometimes they can’t even met deadline on writing

because correcting the mistakes written on the paper takes time. Looking for

books and other printed materials can also hinder the progress in teaching, for the

reason that there are times that a teacher is going to spend his/her time in the

library looking for books but later on will find nothing relating to the topic she is
looking for. But now, with the help of modern technology, teacher can effectively

teach more lessons to the students in a limited period of time.

Computers, projector and other devices provides a huge relief support on

the part of the teacher, thus efficiency well be practiced. Modern technology with

the participation of the teachers can lead to success in the future. Just like David

War lick said, “We need technology in our classroom and every student and in

teachers hand because it is the pen and the paper of our time, and is the lens

through which we experience much of our world.

Makes Teaching Easy

It provides access to almost everything that is needed in the classroom in

just one click; you will have anything you want. Graphs, charts, diagrams and

illustration can easily be taught through the use of power point presentations and

projectors. Teacher can also use videos and music for the students to better

understand the topic. With modern technology in our education system, teachers

can teach efficiently because there is an abundance of instructional materials that

can be used.


Collaboration becomes easy with the Google apps for education (GAFE).

With everything from email to file sharing to document editing, GAFE allows
teachers and students to experience real – time collaboration and projects, writing

assignments and more. Teachers can also sign up for local Google educator

groups to discuss how and when to use GAFE in the classroom. You can also

become a Google certified educator or certified trainer if you find that your

passionate about using GAFE. Educators teach students information and help

them to turn that information to knowledge, preparing young minds for future

employments. For this reason, schools are embracing technology in the classroom

not only as a means of improvement academic performance but, also a way to

provide experiences that improve students soft skill such as; creativity,

entrepreneurship and collaboration.

Group projects are a great way to foster collaboration skills among

students, but they’re often met with resistance from students because of the

challenges associating with the group works such as communication outside of

the classroom and peers who don’t contribute and equal share. There are some

apps that help teachers collaborate to their students.


It’s important for students to learn from their peers inside and outside the

physical classroom. This site connects students with peers and other countries and

provides the opportunity to collaborate on projects related to culture, science,

social change and more. Teachers can search for partner classroom by age
language, country and / or class size, and one spared classroom can communicate

through video chat, email and private workspace on the site.


Bring students together to build a shared knowledge based as they learned

the fundamentals of web creation. Wikispaces accommodates a range of skill

levels and makes it easy to collaborate with simple sharing functionality and a

built in discussion board for each new page. Students can post ideas about the

page or give feedback on peer contribution.


Challenge students not only to ask questions but explain what they know

to their peers. Although this question and answer tool is geared toward advance

students, the model of peer – to – peer teaching and editing is a great way to build

engagement and collaboration in any classroom. Piazzas format is unique in

providing only one designated student response to each question. Students and

teachers can view history of responses with a check mark to verify correct answer.

By: Emily Major

Parent Communication

Establish strong relationship with your student’s families from very start

by incorporating apps and technology that gives them insight into what’s going on

in the classroom. Apps like Fresh Grade give families direct access to photos,

notes, and reports that the teacher uploads. It’s great for giving parents a look

inside the classroom while still protecting the privacy of others. Remind is

another great upcoming events and even assignments to parents and students.

Resources for Lessons and Centers

According to Brandi Jordan what would technology in the classroom be if

you couldn’t use it for center resources and lesson material? Thankfully there are

many free and low-cost reading websites, science websites, and math websites

that can be used in and out of the classroom. For large group instruction, things

like Google Lit strips allow students to get a glimpse into the actual locations

where their favorite children’s literature is based. Digital downloads of teaching

resources and posters are also available online to make planning and lesson

implementation easier for teachers.

Easier way to track students learning Progress

Instead of using class records, teachers can now download or create a

computer application that can easily observe students development when it comes
to grade and their classroom standings. Teachers will not compute the students

grade manually or with the use of calculator anymore because there are now

applications that can be used.

Microsoft Office

Measuring and tracking student progress is an important way to deliver

feedback to students. Microsoft excel allows you to create spreadsheets which

make it easy to do this. It also gives ability to create automatically calculated

grades and progress and turn them into visual representations to share with


Teachers can facilitate teaching in a fun way.

According to Ashley Wainwright Technology in the classroom is the best

learning tool. With classroom technology educators can get more students

engaged, improve collaboration, and most importantly make learning fun.

Video streaming

Video streaming is more than just a video curetted by subject matter

experts into content collections by grade and topic, resources include interactive

activities, reading passages, audio clips, skill builders, and writing prompts that
engage the students and extend critical thinking. A one-stop-shop for teachers,

streaming also includes instructional resources such as lesson starters, training

videos, and classroom strategies to help them invigorate every lesson.

(Discovery Education)

Play games

Playing should be fun! In our great eagerness to teach our children we

studiously look for “educational” toys, games with built-in lesson, books with a

“message” often “tools” are less interesting and stimulating than the child’s

natural curiosity and playfulness. Play is by its very nature educational. And it

should be pleasurable, when the goes out of play.

-Joanne E. Oppenheim

One reason to promote educational games is to encourage students to learn

outside of class. Young adults will go out of their way to play games, even a

single game, for hours end. There is also evidence that games allow students to

focus well enough to learn better. Leaper and Cordova, 1992 have found that

rewriting a lesson with a story context combined with a challenge for the student

to overcome (in other words, making it into game) significantly improves the

learning performance of children.

Social Media

According to Gwenna Moss Centre social media tools are tools that allow

for social interaction and easy creation of content by users. Example of popular

social media tools are twitter, Face book, blogger, word press and Pinterest.

Social media can be an effective tool for teaching and learning in higher

education. It can help connect students to information and help them generate a

dialogue with their teacher and other students about a course. It can also help

students and faculty build professional networks that connect them to


Makes distance Learning Accessible

The best example of this an very popular nowadays is the online course or

the online teaching, where the teacher and students are on a different place and

they only use web cameras to interact with each other. Students can now learn

without going to school through online learning. Learning is also more accessible

nowadays in sense that teacher’s students can get information and data easily

through internet. Computer shop are everywhere; if you need information

instantly you can go there browse the internet and you will have it.
Online Courses

The common goal is that “an online course should be, above all engaging,

so that the learner enjoys learning and is able to not only assimilate it but retain

and apply it,” Online are revolutionizing formal education, and have opened a

new genre of outreach on cultural and scientific topics. These course deliver

series of lessons to web browser or mobile devices, to be conveniently accessed


An online course as a built environment for learning .It’s constructed as an

experience that can be accessed throughout the designated period of time.” Says

Wendy Woon, director of Education of the museum of Modern Art

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