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Materials and Techniques in Contemporary Art

Welcome to the fourth module of the course on Philippine Contemporary Art from the Regions.
For this chapter, we will discuss the materials and techniques used by contemporary artists.

In this chapter you will be able to familiarize yourself with what materials and techniques
contemporary artists use locally. By learning about the materials and techniques, you will be able
to critique and justify the materials and techniques used by artists when appreciating their works.
Your knowledge in this chapter may also be applied in your own artwork.

Materials Used in Contemporary Art

As mentioned earlier, contemporary artists are experimental in the materials they use.
With the help of technology and expanded knowledge from other countries, contemporary artists
are not limited anymore in using traditional materials.

Some artists salvage materials that they can still use to make creative forms. They can
combine materials like wood and metal that can interact with the wind to make music. There are
some who use everyday items like plastic cover for food, paper for sculpture, mirror or yarn.
Some may use their personal things like clothes or accessories.

CAVITE. Impy Pilapil’s “Chime Halo”. Hanging bamboo chimes


Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 1

4.0 Materials and Techniques Contemporary Art

LAGUNA. “Project Be-longing” by Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan. Cubes composed of personal belongings,
representing balikbayan boxes.

LAGUNA. “Wings” by Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan, made up of used rubber slippers collected from Singapore
Correctional Facility.


LAGUNA. “Formosa Series 1” by Ryan Villamael. Paper sculpture.


MANILA. “Matrimony” by Carlo De Laza. Made of wood and resin.

(Image courtesy of the artist)

In outdoor sculpture, artists may use brass welded together and mounted on concrete or
metal stand. For indoor sculptures, wood, glass and resin may be used. Found objects may be
combined to make interesting or unusual forms and may be covered in resin.

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 3

4.0 Materials and Techniques Contemporary Art

Paintings are no longer just paint on canvas. Artists may choose to paint on whatever
surface is available to them, some paint on the walls of buildings or even bridges. The
community or students may be asked to get involved in outdoor painting to make the
environment more pleasant or raise awareness about certain issues to the public.

BATANES. Singapore ArtBridge by Pacita Abad.


In architecture, there is extensive use of glass and steel. Big glass windows or walls are
used to give indoor spaces a view of the outdoors, to give the indoor space a sense of extension.
In the recent years, there have been a lot of construction of buildings, like malls, convention
centers, business process centers, industrial parks and government service buildings. These
structures demand artworks and contemporary artists produce a huge body of works to match the
structures, both for indoors and outdoors.

MANILA. Hyatt Hotel City of Dreams.


For performance art, artists have used a variety of props like rope, plastic, textile, found
objects or food. Paint is also used for body art.


MANILA. Martin de Mesa’s performance “Bagik Pamhod”


MANILA. Body paint for live art in Powerplant Mall.


Technology has redefined art in many ways. Some examples are:

 Light structures and floor drawings using colored beams and smoke
 Tubes hanging on the ceiling that respond to the viewer’s movements, sound and
 A wall climbing robot holding a paint
 A pen controlled by a software program to create certain patterns

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 5

4.0 Materials and Techniques Contemporary Art

Because of new materials and technology, artists also have to keep up and learn and
harness new skills, like using computer programs. Welding and carpentry are also useful for
fabrication and building structure. This requires physical strength and special tools. Some
materials have chemical components that are hazardous to health, like acid, resin and fiberglass,
and so artists need to keep on educating themselves for proper usage of the materials and safety

The choices of artists for materials are expanded by the availability, variety and what
possibilities these new materials can offer. This expansion is essential in the development of
contemporary art.

Skills, Production and Techniques in Contemporary Art

In wanting to experiment and expand their art knowledge, contemporary artists educate
themselves. They read books, study online and they can also interact with other artists and learn
from them. They experiment with materials from hardware stores and study about chemical
reactions to discover something new. Some learn welding and simple engineering skills. That is
why some artists are able to cross other art forms, or styles and can be interdisciplinary artists,
they have an experimental and curious nature.

When it comes to art production, an artist can work alone or collaborate with other
artists. Interactive and collaborative work is gaining popularity among Filipino artists. Visual and
performance artists combine talents and skills for public performances. Some hire resin makers,
house painters and materials fabricators to help them bring to life their ideas.

MANILA. “UP Diliman Travelogue” during the Project

Bakawan Festival



There are different types of techniques that artists can choose from. Below are some

 Collage is made by adhering flat materials such as newspaper or magazine cut-

outs, printed text, illustrations, photographs, cloth, string, etc. to a flat surface. The
artist brings all the materials together in an artistic composition to get a desired
effect or bring a certain message.

PANGASINAN. Dina Gadia. “Potential of A Triangular Composition”, collage, 2015


 Assemblage is putting together found objects like scraps, junk, paper, wood,
metal, cloth, stone, arranged in an artistic composition. The output is a three-
dimensional artwork, as opposed to a flat artwork in a collage.

MANILA. Miguel Puyat, Untitled (Self-portrait), found wood, found objects, variable sizes, 2013.
(Image courtesy of the artist)

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 7

4.0 Materials and Techniques Contemporary Art

 Decalcomania is the process of applying gouache to paper or glass then

transferring a reversal of that image onto canvas or other flat materials.

MANILA. “Eye of the Heart” by Chigoe Velasco.


 Decoupage is done by adhering cut-outs of paper and then coating these with one
or more coats of transparent varnish.

MANILA. Lopez Museum, the tables in the café area have decoupage of old published texts and comic strips culled
from various newspapers and magazines that talk about art and society.

 Frottage is the technique of rubbing with a dry medium on a piece of paper which
has been placed over an object that has texture. The impression of the texture will
be left on the paper.


MANILA. Lee Aguinaldo ‘s “Frottage #131”, 1966.


 Montage is the production of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to

illustrate an association of ideas or a composite picture made by combining
several separate pictures.

Action montage from the film “The Impossible Kid of

Kung Fu”.

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 9

4.0 Materials and Techniques Contemporary Art

 Trapunto painting is where canvases are padded, sewn, and often filled with
sequins, beads, shells, buttons, tiny mirrors, glass, swatches and other things to
make an artistic composition.

BATANES. “L.A. Liberty” by Pacita Abad. 1992.


Some contemporary artists mix different materials. They can get varied effects when
they do this. Texture can be applied to a painting by adding elements on the canvas. Or as
mentioned earlier, wood and metal can be used in one sculpture.

MANILA. “Journey” by Carlo De Laza, made of wood and resin.

(Image courtesy of the artist)


ILOILO. Ed Defensor’s "In The Wind”, Mixed-media on canvas, 2014.


Supplementary Links to Videos and Readings


 “Art is S02 Ep1 Featuring Nelz Yumul” (11:00)

 “Miniature paintings by Gregory Halili” (2:22)
 “Art Is EP1 Featuring Maxine Syjuco” (13:15)

 “Assemblage” (3:00)
 “Decal” (3:00)
 “Montage” (3:00)

Philippine Contemporary Art in the Regions 11

4.0 Materials and Techniques Contemporary Art

composition the artistic arrangement of the parts of a picture


Ramirez, Veronica E. Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions. Manila: Vibal Group,
Inc., 2016. Print.

Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary


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