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Applying digital manufacturing technology to

ship production and the maritime environment

Article in Integrated Manufacturing Systems · August 2002

DOI: 10.1108/09576060210429748


26 384

5 authors, including:

Hongtae Kim Dong-Sik Jang

Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean … Korea University


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International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 18, No. 6, September 2005, 427 – 441

A model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system in a shipyard

manufacturing process
H. KIM*, S.-S. LEE, J. H. PARK and J.-G. LEE

Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering/KORDI, P.O. Box 23, Yusung,
Daejeon, Korea

This paper is concerned with simulation-based approaches in the shipbuilding industry

such as digital shipbuilding, simulation-based design (SBD), and a virtual shipyard. A
simulation-based shipbuilding model based on the function model of ship design and the
process model of ship manufacturing is suggested. For application and implementation of
the proposed model, the process model for block erection processes is designed using
IDEF0 and UML methodologies. In addition, an application is developed to evaluate the
validity of simulation-based shipbuilding models. This application is called the virtual
assembly simulation system for shipbuilding (VASSS), which can simulate crane
operation and block erection in a virtual dock.

Keywords: Digital shipbuilding; Simulation-based shipbuilding system; Process modelling

structures include thousands of different parts. The

1. Introduction
performance and cost of hardware and software that can
The emerging information and communication technolo- process such a vast amount of information can be difficult
gies of shipbuilding industrial environments are rapidly to achieve under irregular working environments.
changing. To respond to this changing situation, new In addition, a few characteristics of shipbuilding industry
concepts have matured such as the concrete method. In could also be the reason that such research has yet to be
particular, all efforts are shown to be concentrated on the conducted. Generally, shipbuilding is order based and a
realisation of the concept of simulation-based design (SBD) new design is made for each new ship. Furthermore, the
based on a 3D ship CAD system. whole process from contract and design to building
The objective of such concepts are the computerisation happens concurrently. The cycle of design/manufacturing/
of the whole process of ship production, the detection of maintenance is repeated, where through each stage,
errors in the initial stages of the process by making use of information becomes more detailed. Many processes are
such technologies as simulation and virtual reality, and the mainly dependent on human labour and require qualitative
performance of efficient decision making. information making it difficult to extract detailed informa-
At present, research related to simulation-based ship- tion in early stages.
building systems and their applications are incomplete, and The only possible way to overcome these limitations and
design demonstration of constructed ships is only partially reduce the lead-time of the process from design to
done for use in sales or assembly simulation of welding manufacturing is through the use of computers. Since
robots. Research aimed at the realisation of a virtual computers are already widely used, and the current level of
shipyard in an integrated environment have yet to be their usage is very high, a simulation-based shipbuilding
conducted, as new concept ships and large marine process can lead to greatly reduced manufacturing time

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

ISSN 0951-192X print/ISSN 1362-3052 online ª 2005 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09511920500064789
428 H. Kim et al.

compared with the conventional sequential process from in a computerised product model, and the whole design and
design through process planning to manufacturing. Using manufacturing process can be simulated in a computer
simulation-based approaches in the early design stages environment.
makes it easier to change designs, resulting in big savings in In this paper, related technologies, areas of application,
cost and performance. and methods of digital shipbuilding in the shipbuilding and
Evaluation of production capability in the early design marine industries are presented. Then, a simulation-based
stage is very important. In other words, early evaluations of shipbuilding model for ship design and production is
design and manufacturing activities occupy a low percen- suggested. In addition, a virtual assembly simulation
tage of total cost, but they have big effects on cost system for shipbuilding (VASSS), a tool for crane oper-
reduction. However, in general, early evaluation requires a ability and block erection simulation in virtual docks based
vast amount of information on design and manufacturing on the 3D ship product model, will be introduced.
and is not an easy task.
On the other hand, as shown in figure 1, the shipbuilding
2. Literature review
process, from feasibility study through erection and
outfitting to painting, has been always renewed with respect Recently, much government funded research has been
to design technology, manufacturing technology, managing conducted for the purpose of turning the originally labour-
technology, and improvement on system and machineries. intensive and experience-centred shipbuilding industry into
Currently, computers are used in design, manufacturing a knowledge-based and technology intensive industry with
and production management and will, in the near future, be advancements in information technology based on compu-
widely used in simulation-based shipbuilding using infor- ter technology.
mation technology such as modelling and simulation. The United States Navy’s Defense Advanced Research
Figure 1 shows the transition of shipbuilding process Projects Agency (DARPA) runs a SBD programme in
technologies from the viewpoint of ship function and order to develop a design system/environment that can
process. reduce the cost of system design and developments, reduce
If a simulation-based shipbuilding system is used, all development time, and verify and reduce risks. Starting in
elements and activities (both in design and manufacturing) 1996, phase I of the SBD programme established an
that are required for product development will be modelled environment for the implementation of SBD, and in phase

Figure 1. Transition of shipbuilding process technologies.

Model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system 429

II, SBD architecture that supports verification of phase I ship CIM models to practical use (Nagase et al. 1997).
concepts are being developed (Cardner 1993, Fast 1996). Recently, the GPME-based advanced CIM, which is
DARPA has tried to develop a few prototypes to apply the related to knowledge sharing technology, and the LINKS
SBD concept in feasibility studies and follow-up research. project for implementing a virtual shipyard under the
Good examples are the operation simulation of LPD-17, a CALS concept were completed.
next generation carrier, NSSN submarine development of The shipbuilding industry in Korea is number one in the
General Dynamics Electric Boat Division, and Mobile world in the amount of building, but in terms of quality of
Offshore Base of the Gulf Coast Region Marine Technol- technology, it still lags behind other countries. In Korea the
ogy Center (GCRMTC). The technology used in these Computerised Ship Design and Production System (CSDP)
development processes is being commercialised. In addi- project led by the Korea Research Institute of Ships and
tion, Bath Iron Works (BIW) performed a simulation of Ocean Engineering (KRISO) was initiated to acquire ship
crane usage, floating dry-dock usage, dock and pier usage, CIM-based technology and the ship manufacturing system
installation and removal of production equipment, emer- integration technology development project for acquiring
gency vehicle movement and routes through yards, and application technology was completed and, recently,
personnel emergency evacuation routes from ships (Hugan preparations have been made for ship CALS/EC develop-
2000). The Virtual Reality Laboratory (VRL) in the ment (Lee 1999).
University of Michigan is doing research on the application
of virtual reality, such as immersive virtual reality and
3. Simulation-based shipbuilding model
augmented reality, to industry (Beier 2000). This research
includes structural walk-through modelling, accident simu- Up to now, researches related to simulation-based ship-
lation and training simulation. Projects related to virtual building system and its applications are incomplete, and the
prototyping and virtual reality are ship motion simulation, design demonstration of a constructed ship is only partially
and virtual simulation of the shipbuilding process. done for the use of sales or assembly simulation of welding
Traditionally, Europe has led shipbuilding system robots. Researches aimed at a virtual shipyard in an
technology and naval/marine related organisations con- integrated environment are yet to be seen. The reason for
ducting inter or international projects by the European this is that new concept ships and large marine structures
Community under the Competitive and Sustainable include thousands of different parts, therefore the perfor-
Growth (GROWTH) Programme. Representative of such mance and cost of hardware and software that can process
programs is VRSHIPS-ROPAX 2000 led by the University such a vast amount of data can be difficult to achieve under
of Strathclyde with many European naval-related organisa- irregular work environment.
tions and run as a part of the Thematic Network (TN) For example, each manufacturing process such as
SAFER EURORO II on ‘Design for Safety’. VRSHIPS- ordering raw material, processing, sub-block assembly
ROPAX 2000 aims at producing an integrated virtual and grand-block assembly, can be simulated and the raw
environment for a life-cycle ship design. It addresses the material ordering plan and scheduling can be evaluated at
need for the test of various design elements by producing a an early stage, thus minimising cost and time and efforts
virtual model of a passenger ferry (Safer EURORO II used in work balancing. To optimise the whole process of
2001). Also, the Ship Stability Research Centre (SSRC) at design and manufacturing, an integrated design database
the University of Strathclyde is conducting research on containing information related to manufacturing equip-
computer technology applications and interfaces between ment, human resources, part cost, and part supplier in
human factors as a means of achieving the objective of addition to conventional design data is required.
shipyards such as user requirements, competitiveness of The core technology to enable the simulation-based
ships, cost efficiency, and safety, under the rapidly changing shipbuilding system is the product model. The product
environment of the shipbuilding industry (Vassalos et al. model is a data structure containing all the data required in
2001). The main project includes Sub-sea Navigation of the whole process from contract to manufacturing. In the
Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) and Evacuation product model manufacturing any related data, such as the
Simulation of Ro-Ro Ferry Ships. manufacturing plan and the daily plan, is added to the
Japan is trying at governmental level to maintain its CAD information in design. In order to establish a
current level of technology and competitiveness while product-modelling system, a next generation CAD system
turning the shipbuilding industry into a futuristic industry. different from previous CAD systems is required. The
Under the direction of the Ship and Ocean Foundation reason many shipyards have difficulties in developing a
(SOF), the Computer Integrated Manufacturing for Ship- daily planning system is that previous CAD systems cannot
building (CIMS) project was begun in the mid-1980s and provide the necessary data at an appropriate time.
was succeeded by the General Product Model Environment Currently, discussion on introducing the next generation
(GPME) project in 1996 to acquire technology for putting CAD system is expanding from major shipyards and issues
430 H. Kim et al.

about utilising the next generation CAD systems, as well as . Ship type and form is very diverse and it is difficult to
expanding conventional CAD systems to take account of standardise since the design process is done according
manufacturing and production planning related informa- to the user’s requests.
tion, is being partly resolved. This study aims to achieve . Material procurement and manufacturing begins
integration of digital shipbuilding with the next generation while the design stage is not complete, so engineering
CAD systems using modelling and simulation technology. changes and materials replacement are expected in
Table 1 shows the possible way to improve previous manufacturing stage.
shipbuilding process. . Shipbuilding is labour intensive industry that is very
difficult to mechanise and automate, so a lot of
qualitative information are processed.
3.1 Overview of shipbuilding process
The shipbuilding process starting from order to delivery
can be divided into the design stage and the manufacturing
stage. The design stage can be further divided into contract
design performed for the negotiation with the ship owner,
basic design to meet the requirements of ship owner, and
detailed design performed in a functional aspect. On the
other hand, the manufacturing process includes pre-
processing, fabrication, assembly, precedence outfitting,
painting, precedence block erection, block erection, out-
fitting, etc, and these processes occur in a very complex
pattern over a long period of time. Figure 2 shows the flow
of the shipbuilding process.
These shipbuilding processes are different from other
typical manufacturing processes in the following character-
istics: Figure 2. Flow of shipbuilding process.

Table 1. Comparison of conventional and simulation-based shipbuilding process.

Items Conventional shipbuilding process Simulation-based shipbuilding process

Overview Production planning considering manufacturing New shipbuilding design paradigm integrating detailed
constraints after detailed design. design and production design.
Method Manual task by experienced worker using design Application of 3D model data.
information (drawings).
Automation (block weight, welding length).
CAD Immature CAD technology. Application of 3D CAD technology.
Concept Cannot evaluate quality, cost and lead time as whole. Optimal manufacturing planning.
No systematisation of work sequence and work order Using evaluation function according to constraints of
for final worker. work-load and facility.
Determination of optimal work method and work unit.
Yard indication No systematisation of yard knowledge. Systematisation of yard knowledge
Premise Cannot acquire product information for planning early Enable supply of digital product data for
enough. systematisation and automation of process planning
and scheduling in the integrated 3D CAD
Cannot reflect design change by process planning to
CAD system.
Reflection of actual result Process planning considering production planning and Simulation reflecting scheduling and actual results with
yard situation is not possible. high accuracy for actual work order is possible.
Pre-requirement Representation of process capacity. Standardisation (part, work method).
Classification of park group.
Improvement of design and manufacturing process.
Relation of CAD and automation system.
Generation, maintenance and management of results.
Related technology Standardization and coding technique. Optimisation technique (rule-based inference, AI).
Group technology (GT). Concurrent engineering (CE).
Model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system 431

. While materials are big and heavy, required accuracy words, to solve problems after the beginning of the
is high and structure is complex, so it is difficult to planning and production requires changes in plans such
standardise manufacturing process. as the reassignment of resources. In short, in order to
. Ships with different specification are built at the same accurately plan the shipbuilding process, technology for
time, and a lot of information is required for implementing dynamic simulations is required.
management of each ships. For dynamic simulations, definitions of all of the
shipyard facilities and manpower resources, and also of
Because of the above reasons, building a prototype for the work and processes involved in shipbuilding are
verification of product validity and quality assurance is required. The construction of a simulation model is done
practically impossible in the sense of manufacturing cost after these definitions and to model and analyse the
and time. Therefore, in order to increase efficiency in manufacturing flow. Such a simulation model can analyse
shipbuilding, the extraction of detailed design and manu- problems in products and processes, and optimise the
facturing information is required, and such information overall design process.
needs to be exchanged and integrated with simulation- Simulation-based shipbuilding based on 3D CAD systems
based manufacturing technology. can be described as a concept that enables the product and
process simulation of a wide range of the whole of the
product life cycle including the design, production, and
3.2 Framework of simulation-based shipbuilding model
maintenance under virtual computer environments.
To establish a simulation-based shipbuilding environment, Figure 3 shows the framework of the simulation-based
the most important factor is successfully resolving the shipbuilding model. To realise simulation-based shipbuild-
planning problem. Planning in the shipbuilding process is ing, it is necessary to perform both function modelling of
the process of devising a method that minimises the effects the design and operational resources related to ship
of design change and delay, supports the appropriate functions, based on a 3D virtual ship prototypes and
manufacturing method, and maximises the usage of process modelling of the manufacturing processes, related
resources in decision making (Kim et al. 2002). plans, and manufacturing resources. The results of such
However, if planning and production are done without modelling and information of virtual ship prototypes
the optimisation of decision making during the design and should be shared between shipyards, ship registration
manufacturing process, unexpected delays, unwanted mod- offices, engineering companies, ship owners, and marine
ifications, and various other problems may occur. In other transport companies under a virtual environment.

Figure 3. Framework of simulation-based shipbuilding model.

432 H. Kim et al.

The product model in figure 3 is a database including the In addition, for the efficient operation of simulation
complete definition of the ship being developed. This model systems using virtual prototypes, an important issue to
in not restricted to geometrical information, and includes resolve is real-time processing, which is considered as being
non-geometrical parameters such as physical characteristics in the area of high performance visualisation. While CAD
and performance parameters of all the elements in the systems focus on 3D solid objects, high performance
system. Here, the product modelling function of ship design visualisation focuses on surface rendering. The basic
and development is dependent on commercial CAD expression unit of an image is the polygon, and frequently
systems. millions of polygons are necessary for realistic frames. In
The virtual prototype based on the product model is in the this sense, partial simplification is necessary for product
form of a product model, function model, and process model models to perform as geometry models for virtual proto-
combined, and should be manipulated in a virtual environ- types.
ment. For the virtual prototype to achieve the real time Virtual shipbuilding environments indicate the area
response required in a design and development environment, where virtual prototypes are appropriately operated.
a high power computer that can recalculate the vast geometry Virtual prototypes in virtual environment require separate
database that composes a part of the product model is virtual systems to simulate integration with other previous
required. In addition, in order to ensure real-time responses operation systems. These systems should be able to
to input data and interaction among prototype, system, and integrate virtual objects with real objects in simulated
environment, high computing power that can process environments to satisfy all fields of virtual experience. In
countless calculations related to the function model are also addition, previous systems should be converted to virtual
required. Currently, computer systems that can manage such counterparts and inserted into virtual environments. Some-
a large amount of data in a design environment are not times distributed manufacturing simulation (DMS) is used
commercially availablea . However, designers, developers, to integrate distributed systems and system concepts
operators, and manufacturers use only part of the product (MISIION 1998).
model database, according to their needs. Therefore, a Under the virtual shipbuilding environment, some arenas
collection of small prototypes adequate for each function, of application for simulation-based shipbuilding in the ship
rather than one complete prototype with all the necessary design and manufacturing can be achieved. These are
functions, is more realistic. function simulation and process simulation.
The function model has a close relation with ship design. Function simulation includes verification of the main
To be a virtual prototype that is meaningful in engineering functions of ships such as the evaluation of general
sense, its behaviour should be exactly expressed. In other arrangement (GA), various pieces of equipment, and cargo
words, behaviour based on its physical characteristics loading/unloading. Other typical ship function simulations
should be expressed. In this sense, the function model is are Ro-Ro ship loading simulations, passenger flow
the model used for expressing the behaviour of its object simulations, galley operation simulations, and simulation
system in the simulation of provided its functions. It should of anchor handling, which replace awkward plastic models.
convey system behaviour patterns and output responses to Some simulations are a combination of both continuous
control input. The function model should also be able to and event-based simulator programs: for example, on a Ro-
take input from other system models, and provide output Ro loading simulation, the truck driving times to stowage
for the simulation of other systems. In addition, it should positions are found out by using continuous simulators
be connected with the geometric and characteristics and, based on that information, the loading process is
database of the product model. optimised using an event-based simulator. Process simula-
The process model is an indispensable model for ship tion includes evaluation of manufacturing processes such as
manufacturing. The process model requires the expression the evaluation of processes and resource planning, and the
of the product and the process. In other words, not only manufacturing of automation equipment. Other typical
information regarding the product to be produced, but the process simulations are the simulation of the entire
assembly sequence, the manufacturing technology or prefabrication facility, simulation of different ship con-
assembly process, according to the production plan, should struction approaches, simulation of steel fabrication lines
also be incorporated. In addition, as an example of the and simulation of block erection process.
process model, it should include certain behaviour to
quantify phenomena happening during the building process
3.3 Analysis and design of simulation-based shipbuilding
such as welding distortion. To express various production
patterns of ships, various process models are required. The
creation of building models plays an important role in the The simulation-based shipbuilding model is composed of a
creation of adequate virtual prototypes or production of ship function model and a ship process model. The function
prototypes. model represents design and operational resources related
Model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system 433

to ship functions based on the 3D virtual ship prototype. among those classes are modelled. This feature makes it
The process model represents the manufacturing process, possible to make a thoroughgoing design of the simula-
related plan, and manufacturing resources. tion model.
Figure 4 represents the planning level information model In this research, IDEF0 and UML models are used for the
including the function model and the process model of design of simulation-based shipbuilding models. Because
ships for simulation-based shipbuilding. The function IDEF0 is a functional analysis modelling methodology for
model is deployed by ship function including capacity, constructing information systems, it is used to define general
floating, and movement. The process model is deployed by procedures of simulation-based shipbuilding systems. As
production stages including fabrication, assembly, and shown in figure 5, the process model and the function model
erection. are defined by activity and resources through the IDEF0
Many methodologies have been constructed for the method. The UML model is used for detailed design of
efficient analysis and design of manufacturing systems. simulation objects. All the product facilities and design
Among these are the CIM-Open System Architecture elements are identified as classes. Each class consists of
(CIM-OSA), Group de Recherche en Automatisation attributes, methods, and a name. These elements are
Integriel (GARI), Nijssen Information Analysis Mehtod obtained from the transition mechanism described below.
(NIAM), Integration Definition (IDEF) methodology, and Activities of IDEF0 are transferred to methods of the
Unified Modelling Language (UML) (Rozenfeld and subclass of CProcessM. Also, resources in IDEFO are
Rentes 1994)(Quatrani 1988)(KBSI 1995) transferred to class names of the subclass of CProcessM or
IDEF0 method is frequently used to analyse CIM methods of the subclass of CFunction in the UML class
systems. UML is a modelling language that visualises, diagram. Other factors such as control, input, and output
describes and establishes software systems, and docu- in IDEF0 become instances of CSimObj’s subclass.
ments its products. UML integrated conventional object-
oriented methods such as OMT (object management
4. Applications and implementation
technique), Booch, and Objectory and is now a standard
object-oriented methodology of the OMG (Object Man- For the verification of the suggested methodology the
agement Group). UML is a powerful object-oriented virtual assembly simulation system for shipbuilding
methodology to describe features, activities, and states of (VASSS) was developed. VASSS enabled simulation of
a system and is frequently used in the process of software block erection process plan items such as the location of
design. Object-orientation concepts describe systems as block erection decisions and erection sequence evaluation,
they are. Classes are identified and then interactions taking account of information and ability of equipment

Figure 4. Planning level information model for simulation-based shipbuilding.

434 H. Kim et al.

Figure 5. Transition mechanism from IDEF0 to UML model.

from 3D CAD systems. In other words, VASSS can The block erection process begins from on-block out-
evaluate block erection sequences by taking account of fitting of blocks produced from the assembly process. Then,
product data related to block and equipment such as the blocks are painted, pre-erected, and finally erected on
goliath cranes. dock. From the viewpoint of manufacturing planning, first,
a building schedule (dock usage plan) is made based on
long-term load balancing and the master schedule. Then,
4.1 Description of block erection process
the beginning date for each line and dock, launching date,
At present, the Hull Block Construction Method (HBCM) and on-board outfitting time is decided. Based on these
is widely used in the shipyards. The HBCM is a method timelines, a block erection schedule is established. Gen-
that divides hulls into many blocks and builds them up in erally, other manufacturing process schedules are
docks (Storch et al. 1995). Usually one hull block is established based on this schedule.
composed of several sub-assemblies or part-assemblies that In other words, analysis and forecast of other
also consist of several pieces or units of pieces. Block processes can be done rapidly using computer simulations
division includes two stages. In the first stage, the size of based on the erection process, which can lead to
super blocks (pre-erection blocks) is determined based on problem-solving that takes account of the whole process
the key plan (general arrangement, mid-ship section, lines, rather than considering only specific processes. However,
construction profiles, and machinery arrangements). In the in execution and management, more detailed production
second stage, each super block is divided into assembly tasks are required in a short period of time. For example,
blocks considering assembly capacity. expanding pre-erection and on-block outfitting cannot be
In HBCM, it is practical to plan hull construction in done in conventional sequential processes but by
seven levels as shown in figure 6. Starting with the block concurrent engineering process based on reduced lead-
level, work is subdivided down to the part fabrication level time.
to optimise workflow. Therefore, increased production activity in unit time
As shown in figure 6, the block erection process in increases the awareness of the sequence of production
shipbuilding is the last production stage, but it is the first processes, and a series of activities to decide the sequence
stage and basis of the flow of manufacturing plans (Storch can be called process planning or daily planning. If the
et al. 1995). The block erection process is the process of sequence is not appropriate or when delays occur, the
constructing ships by assembling blocks transported to dry effects on other processes are far greater than in conven-
dock by crane. tional production processes.
Model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system 435

Figure 6. Hull block construction method (HBCM).

4.1.1 Generation of block erection sequence. Process batch construction situation is rapidly changing. Most
planning in block erection can be summarised as selecting previous research on generation block erection sequences
keel blocks and floating blocks, grouping of pre-erection use constraint directed graph searches based on expert
blocks, and decisions on block erection sequences. Among knowledge (Lee et al. 1993) and block assembly informa-
these, the ones that are closely related to CAD systems are tion.
the selection of floating blocks and the grouping pre- In this research, block position and erection methods are
erection blocks. Keel block selection and floating block used to generate block erection sequences. Since general
selection are to be decided during production. ship structure has the block type of up and down, left and
In the case of floating block selection and grouping of right, and front and back, the block, which has neighbour-
pre-erection blocks, during the production phase erection ing blocks below, either left or right, and either front or
methods are selected that make efficient use of resources back will be possible erection block. Selected optimal
and are based on launching methods that minimise process erection sequence is checked for erection feasibility that
time, but detailed erection plans for the selected erection satisfies possible erection conditions.
methods should be decided during the design phase. In
other words, detailed information such as block size, 4.1.2 Block erection method. The block erection method can
weight, and centre of gravity generated from CAD systems be divided into three types: floor, ring, and pyramid,
are used for optimal floating block selection and grouping according to ship forming methods, or one-point, two-
of pre-erection blocks. point, and multi-point according to the keel laying block
This research focuses on the evaluation of block erection selection methods (Ham et al. 1996).
sequences that are closely related with production planning Floor-type erection starts from the keel laying block in
function. Since the block erection process is used as a base the direction of bow to stern, and the order of construction
for other planning, it should be the initial planning to be is from the ship’s bottom through the traverse bulkhead,
established in the intermediate schedule of ship manufac- and from the longitudinal bulkhead to shell plating. Figure
turing planning. 7 shows the erection sequence for floor-type erection. Ring-
Current methods for deciding erection methods are type erection starts from the keel laying block in the upper
usually based on experience or previous methods for direction, and the area from the ship’s bottom to the upper
appropriate hull form or ship type. However, these deck is constructed as one unit of compartment. Figure 8
methods do not guarantee good results when dock or shows the erection sequence for ring-type erection.
436 H. Kim et al.

Figure 9. Sequence for pyramid-type erection.

Figure 7. Sequence for floor-type erection.

sequence assessment during the erection process, VASSS,
was developed. VASSS enables crane operation verification
and block erection simulation in virtual dock based on a
3D product model in the initial stage of ship production.
Generally, in shipbuilding, establishing a manufacturing
plan has an important role in connection design and
manufacturing, but due to the characteristics of shipbuild-
ing industry, manufacturing plan cannot be created and
relayed at appropriate time. In order to solve this problem,
VASSS enabled simulation of the block erection process
plan items such as the location of block erection decisions
and erection sequence evaluation, taking into account the
information and ability of the 3D CAD equipment. In
other words, VASSS can evaluate the block erection
sequence by taking account of product data related to the
block and equipment such as a goliath crane.
The block erection process in shipbuilding is the last
stage, but it is the first stage and basis in the flow of the
Figure 8. Sequence for ring-type erection. manufacturing plan. The block erection process is the
process of constructing a ship by assembling blocks
transported to dry dock by crane.
Pyramid-type erection has aspects of both the horizontal VASSS first constructs a ‘ship assembly work cell’ based
and vertical methods. The sequence is from the ship’s on product data from the 3D CAD system and the block
bottom through the bulkhead block and from the shell erection sequence from the day plan system as shown in
block to the upper deck. Figure 9 shows the erection figure 11. Then through process modelling, such as the
sequence for ring-type erection. The keel laying block is the equipment usage pattern, it can generate a path and
first block to be erected. In a two-point type and multi- sequence that can optimise collision free erection time and
point type, an insert block, which can complicate the availability.
erection process, always occurs, but overall erection time In this research, appropriate tools for system develop-
can be shortened if block erection occurs at more than two ment are selected according to the scope and the
points at the same time. Figure 10 shows the two-point type application area. Delmia’s ENVISION is the virtual
erection sequence. prototyping tool used, and QUEST is used for process
simulation. In addition, Windows NT 4.0 is used for O/S
and Visual Basic, Visual Fortran and Visual C + + are
4.2 Virtual block assembly simulation system for shipbuilding
used for application development.
To show the feasibility of simulation-based shipbuilding 4.2.1 Product and resource modelling. Product information
model in the ship production process, the system for for blocks are entered in the IGES data format, and
Model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system 437

Figure 10. Sequence for two-point type erection.

Figure 11. Configuration of the VASSS.

various equipment such as the goliath crane and dock the dock, gate, goliath crane, jib crane, and smaller
layout are modelled by device modelling from information equipment.
extracted from appropriate blueprints. First, block in-
formation is generated from the CAD system, but the 4.2.2 Process modelling. As an example of the process
amount of data is too large to be used in simulation since model, figure 12 shows the procedure of the block erection
all the data about structural parts is included. Therefore, process in ship manufacturing using the IDEF0 method. As
the data is simplified by excluding unnecessary data. shown in this figure, the block erection process is divided
Device modelling of work environments means modelling into the erection plan, lift/transport operation and welding
resources as equipment and facilities except product operation. The input data for the block erection process is
model. Device in this article refers to high-level entities composed of drawings and assembly blocks. The control
in the Delmia database, and is constructed from Device data for the block erection process is composed of the
Context. In order to construct a device, several parts are erection method, the welding method, and rules. The
assembled and their relationships are defined. These mechanism is composed of an erection sequence and
devices have a tree structure of attributes that specify erection resources generation program.
part movements and part structures. Facilities and Figure 13 shows the class diagram for the block erection
equipment for construction of the virtual dock include process. Generally, a class diagram is created to provide a
438 H. Kim et al.

Figure 12. Activity diagram for block erection process.

4.2.3 Simulation of block erection process. VASSS first

constructs ‘ship assembly work cell’ based on product
data from 3D CAD systems and block erection sequences
from generation algorithms. Then, through process
modelling such as equipment usage pattern, VASSS
generates path and sequences that can optimise colli-
sion-free path, erection time and availability. In this
research, 3400 TEU container ships, 160 000 tonnage
cargo oil tankers and the dry dock in S shipyard are used
for the simulation.
In ‘work cell’ implementation for assembly simulations,
many ancillary parts are attached to a parent part in a
hierarchical structure. Kinematics and dynamic implemen-
tation of devices makes it possible to actually operate and
detect collisions with other workloads, workers, or devices.
It also includes motion controls, setting paths, GSL
Figure 13. Class diagram for block erection process. implementation, and collision check. GSL is an ENVI-
SION specific interactive programming language for
operating devices.
picture or view of some or all of the classes in the model. When the block erection processes is optimised, trajec-
The class diagram for the block erection process is tory paths are created, for which the overall sequence time
composed of a process logic class for generation of the is estimated using the Gantt chart. Previous movement
erection sequence and a resource class for block erection, speed of crane is input and sequences are optimised based
which includes labour, crane, dock, and equipment. The on the speed. The auto trajectory function is used for
elements of class diagrams are obtained from activity creating collision free paths between two tag points or the
diagrams, which are expressed in figure 12. As shown in whole trajectory. Before using this function, parts or
figure 13, activities of IDEF0 are transferred to methods of devices that can collide with the device should be defined
the subclass of CProcessM, and resources in IDEFO are in the collision queue, and after the collision queue,
transferred to class names of subclasses of CProcessM. assembly trajectory can be created. In order to use the
Also, the sequence diagram and the collaboration auto trajectory function, the user should determine if it is
diagram are generated for the goliath crane operation for two tag points or for all trajectories. In addition,
procedure. The collaboration diagram expresses the rela- options for deciding either transportation or rotation paths
tion of objects for operation of goliath crane and the should be predetermined. If rotation is selected, computa-
sequence diagram expresses a scenario for operation of tional load is exponentially increased, so in most cases, only
goliath crane. optimised path for transportation is used.
Model for a simulation-based shipbuilding system 439

In creating block erection paths, step size is very Before the actual simulation, test simulation is performed
important since part movement and collision detection for 3 days to verify the simulation model. The total time of
occurs at every step. If the step size is too small, a huge simulation is about 30 days, which is the mean time for four
amount of time and computer memory is used on arbitrary ships to be completed and launched. In addition, the
solutions. If it is too large, solutions may not exist since the simulation system in this research is a termination system,
accuracy is too low or a collision may escape from two tag i.e. when the block erection of all ships is completed, the
points. A trajectory verification function is used in this case. system is automatically terminated. Also, recurrence
If the verification of block erection processes is perfectly numbers for simulation is 10 times.
done, actual simulations are performed to verify restraint Figure 15 shows the evaluation results for block
conditions during the motion process. Various methods erection methods using goliath cranes. Total erection time
such as the Gantt chart, fly, fly-through, walk-through, and here considers movement speed of the goliath crane,
view port are used to view simulation results. In addition, equipment replacement time, and block fastening time.
collisions during goliath crane motion can be verified as a Paired t-tests with 5% significant level are done in order
process of optimising block erection sequences by goliath to compare total erection between each erection method.
crane. Figure 14 shows the simulation of block erection The results show that floor-type and ring-type erection is
processes. almost identical in total erection time (p = 0.2123) and the
Evaluation of the block erection sequence is done by pyramid-type erection takes the least time (p1 = 0.0135,
VASSS, and the main functions are as follows: p2 = 0.0127).
Figure 16 shows the evaluation results for total idle
. Selecting optimal path of goliath crane in block time of a goliath crane. Paired t-tests with 5% significant
erection process. level are done in order to compare total idle time
. Calculating optimal time for block erection process. between each erection method. The results show that
. Visualisation of block erection sequence in diagram. floor-type and ring-type erection is almost identical in
. Evaluation of block erection methods. total idle time (p = 0.3253) of goliath crane and pyramid-
. Evaluation of block erection sequence. type two-point method takes the least idle time
(p1 = 0.0254, p2 = 0.0343).
As shown in the above results, the pyramid-type two-
4.3 Results of simulation
point method proved to be the most efficient both in
In this research the evaluation of the block erection methods erection time and the availability of goliath cranes.
for No. OOO batch (including two container ships and two In order to validate the simulation model, the simulation
oil tanker ships) in S shipyard is simulated. The three results of the pyramid type two-point method is compared
erection methods evaluated are floor, ring, and pyramid with the work done in the actual shipyard, and there was no
with consideration of the number of keel laying blocks (one- significant difference between them. Using the above
point erection, two-point erection) on the batch. The inter- results, it was possible to provide the adequacy of
arrival time of an erection block arriving at pre-erection pyramid-type erection, which is the most popular method
(PE) area have exponential distribution in the simulation in shipyards. In addition, VASSS can be used for pre-
model and it is allocated to an empty PE area. evaluation of new production methods.

Figure 15. Comparison of total erection time of erection

Figure 14. Simulation of block erection process. methods.
440 H. Kim et al.

ing process. These applications also prove the possibility of

simulation-based shipbuilding system and its effects.

5.2 Future remarks

The shipbuilding industry is a key industry for building a
powerful marine country in the twenty-first century, and
should be improved and advanced continuously through
the information-driven society of the future. For this,
innovation in conventional design and manufacturing
process, and information/automation technology should
be supplemented.
Current shipbuilding industries promote next generation
Figure 16. Comparison of total idle time (goliath crane) of
shipbuilding systems based on CAD/CAM systems.
erection methods.
Naturally, these systems automate conventional processes
and increase productivity and quality, but they are limited
in introducing fundamental changes to conventional
5. Conclusions and future remarks processes or accepting rapidly advancing technologies
5.1 Conclusions
Recently, much attention has been paid to simulation-
In recent years, global competition among companies and based manufacturing, which can model and simulate the
diversification of a customer’s request lead to very short whole process of manufacturing products including the
product life cycle and in order to adjust to these changes design. This simulation-based manufacturing environment
companies needs a new paradigm in manufacturing is called virtual manufacturing, digital manufacturing, or
environment. Manufacturing related technology has begun the virtual factory, and it is implemented in concepts such
to improve starting from automation through flexible as virtual shipyards, and digital shipbuilding.
manufacturing system and computer integrated manufac- In order to develop practical systems based on the
turing. Digital manufacturing, virtual manufacturing and contents of this research, a product model-based 3D CAD
virtual engineering concepts are now widely used in system and product data management (PDM) technology is
accordance with an intelligent manufacturing system. needed. Furthermore, technologies for the process of block
These concepts have many different names according to erection, assembly, processing, cutting, and testing should
its subjects and methods. Essentially they are the same in also be developed with application development and
the sense that they aim to achieve early detection of errors, operational verification.
efficient decision making, and rapid development and In the future, by applying virtual simulation technology
manufacturing of products through the whole manufactur- to the design, modelling, analysis, simulation, manufactur-
ing process. First by composing an integrated computer ing, testing, and information systems under simulation-
model from preciously modelled physical and logical based manufacturing environments, a basis for concurrent
elements and their dynamics, and then by using new engineering systems can be built, and with CALS/EC, it
computer technologies such as 3D CAD and simulation. will be a principal factor affecting the competitiveness of
In this paper, simulation-based shipbuilding model is the shipbuilding industry.
suggested as a new architecture for the shipbuilding and
marine engineering areas. Using a simulation-based
shipbuilding model, a function model for ship stability
and a process model for block erection are implemented. The contents of this paper are the results of a research
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simulation system for shipbuilding (VASSS) is developed contract from Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy
utilising a process model. VASSS can simulate and of Korea.
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shipyard environment.
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