Letter Re ESC RSO Elections

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April 8, 2018

Engr. Armil Monsura

Faculty Adviser
Engineering Student Council

Dear Sir:
Good day.
The 2016 Student Constitution of National University, herein referred to as the “constitution”, states that,

ARTICLE II, SECTION 1. All undergraduate students and graduate students of the
National University who are enrolled and duly registered, holding the official identification
cards and Certificate of Registration of the University for the current semester shall be
members of the NUSG and to them shall accrue all the rights and privileges thereunto

ARTICLE XVII, SECTION 2. This constitution shall govern the Student Government and
the students of National University.
On this note, our student rights are enshrined in the aforementioned constitution, as bona fide students of
the university.
On April 6, 2018 (Friday) afternoon, a meeting was called by the College of Engineering (COE) college admin
concerning RSO Elections this year. From the meeting, the following are some of the points we want to
highlight in this letter:
[1] “Fifth year students will not allowed on executive positions of COE Recognized Student
Organizations (RSOs) starting AY 2018-2019;”
[2] “Elected President, Vice President – Internal and Vice President – External from the RSOs shall be
automatically part of the Engineering Student Council (ESC). In addition, through voting of this
selected body, the next ESC Officers shall be elected;” and
[3] “Auditor and Public Relations Officer electoral positions shall be omitted.”
This letter is submitted to your good office to clarify the grounds on the implementation of these provisions
regarding RSO Elections. It can be cited from the constitution that,

Article IV, SECTION 1. The students through its duly elected leaders shall have the right
to take part in various decision-making processes of the university administration.

Article IV, SECTION 13. Every student shall have the right to be informed of policy
changes by the university administration before such changes shall be implemented.
On this note, we humbly request your good office to provide us the minutes of the meeting where these
provisions were made, reflecting those student leaders present and voted upon it.
For [1], we here unto cite from constitution the following:

Article IV, SECTION 17. Every student has the right to be elected to any position in any
Registered Student Organization or student council subject to the qualifications
prescribed in the constitution.

ARTICLE VII, SECTION 3. No student may be elected President of the NUSG unless he
possesses the following qualifications:

3.1 A registered, bona fide student of National University;

3.2 Has resided for one continuous school year earning at least 30 academic units;

3.3 Has at least 15 units every semester since his admission into the university;

3.4 Must have weighed a general average of at least 2.00 during the previous semester

3.5 Must not have graduated from any college degree program;

3.6 Must be of good moral and ethical character as certified by the Discipline Office;

3.7 Must not be an officer of any organization or council within the University for the
incoming year; and

3.8 Must not be a candidate for graduation during the 1st semester of the incoming
academic year.
This means that provision [1] defies the constitution and is baseless.
For [2], we here unto cite from constitution the following:

Article XV, SECTION 7. The elections for officers of different college councils shall be by
direct vote of the students belonging to their respective colleges. Such election is to take
place separate from the elections of the NUSG.
It is an open book that for the past years, selected group of students/student leaders from different
Engineering programs were the ones electing ESC officers. While this may be of the best interest of the
college then, we strongly believe that this is not the case anymore now.
On this reason, we have to follow what is written in the constitution– to have college-wide student elections.
You can then expect our utmost commitment in the success of this year’s election.
For [3], we here unto cite from constitution the following:

ARTICLE XIV, SECTION 4. The composition and qualifications of CSC and RSO officers
shall be adapted from the Executive Department and qualifications of the NUSG unless
otherwise, a Mother Organization is present then they should adapt the composition of
the said Mother Organization.

COA, SECTION 8. There shall be a resident auditor for each Council or Registered
Student Organizations which comes from the Commission on Audit whose main function
is to provide technical support to the elected auditor and may serve any other function
as mandated by the Chief Auditor or the President of the Council or Organization where
he is assigned to.

COA, SECTION 9. There shall be two Deputy Chief Auditor for Student Councils and a
Chief Auditor for the Registered Student Organizations who shall assist the Chief Auditor
in its duties and responsibilities.

ARTICLE XI, SECTION 2. The Commissioners shall be appointed and approved by the
Dean of the Student Affairs, aside from the Chief Auditor which shall be elected by the
students of NU.
The electoral position for Auditor and Public Relations Officer is necessary for all RSO and even the college
councils themselves. In addition, our COE RSOs all have their Mother Organizations, which also provides
electoral position to the aforementioned two. Therefore, this provision is unacceptable.
From the constitution,

CSE, SECTION 1. The Commission on Student Elections, which shall hereinafter be

referred to as CSE, shall decide on all student electoral exercises within the University.

CSE, SECTION 3. The CSE shall have exclusive charge of the enforcement and
administration of all rules set forth to the conduct of elections for the purpose of ensuring
free, orderly and honest elections.
We are then requesting from your good office a document or communication letter that the CSE is involved
in making these provisions. In fact, it is the CSE’s responsibility to call official meetings involving student
elections, as stated in the constitution.
This letter also supports Recognized Student Organizations to remain its quasi-exclusive nature. As a
member of the highest governing student body in the university, the National University Student Government
(NUSG), RSOs are different from College Councils, such as the ESC. Therefore, what is applicable to the
College Councils may not be for RSOs. Although we respectfully acknowledge the college and its admin, we
should not be imposing policies prejudicial to the RSO’s, or any other student council/organization, activities
and/or programs.
National University Student Handbook states that,

Section XVI, C. General Provisions Governing Student Organizations. The authority to

regulate the establishment and operation of any student organization other than the
National University Supreme Student Council (NUSSC) and recognized
professional/technical organizations is vested upon the Office of the Dean of Student
Affairs (ODSA).
In addition, HB2870 and BP232 provides student organizations its constitutional right:
Magna Carta for Students Act of 2013 (HB2870)

Chapter 1, Section 2. Student organizations shall not be subject to rules and regulations
that unduly hamper their activities and are prejudicial to their objectives and interests. In
the same manner, school authorities shall promote avenues and means whereby
students can express their stand and position on certain policies passed by the school.

Chapter 1, Section 3(g). “Student Organization” – an association or group of students

bound by common ideals, principles, visions and interests and working towards achieving
and realizing their goals and aspirations.
Education Act of 1982 (BP 232)

CHAPTER 2, Section 9. (8) The right to form, establish, join and participate in
organizations and societies recognized by the school to foster their intellectual, cultural,
spiritual and physical growth and development, or to form, establish, join and maintain
organizations and societies for purposes not contrary to law.
As student leaders of this university, we are hereby declaring our stand shall always be for the students and
by the students:
BP 232 Student Responsibilities:

Chapter 8, Section 33(c). To exert utmost efforts towards the realization of the
harmonious relationship with the rest of the academic community.
2016 Student Constitution of National University:

Article III, SECTION 2. The National University Student Government shall be an

independent and sovereign representative body of the studentry of National University
free from the dictates of any authority other than the studentry.
Sincerely yours,

Ryana Camille Roldan

Vice President-elect
NUSG 2018-2019

Julia Florencio Gian Anjelo Sta. Romana

Engineering Representative-elect EE Program Representative-elect
NUSG 2018-2019 NUSG 2018-2019

Queenie Estrella Cara Larize De Villa

CE Program Representative-elect EcE Program Representative-elect
NUSG 2018-2019 NUSG 2018-2019

CC: Office of Student Affairs, Commission on Student Elections, National University Student Government, PICE-NUSC,

Option A (first priority)

Date Time Description Remarks
April 9 (Mon) 6:00PM Deadline of COC Filing Online Filing should
be opened ASAP
7:30PM Release of Official List of Candidates To be posted in COE
Social Media Pages
April 10 (Tues) All-day Campaign Day
April 11 (Wed) 8:30AM- Voting Day Should be decided if
5:30PM manual or automatic
7:30PM Release of Official Election Results

Option B
Date Time Description Remarks
April 10 (Tue) 6:00PM Deadline of COC Filing Manual Filing
7:30PM Release of Official List of Candidates
April 11 (Wed) All-day Campaign Day
April 19 (Thu) 8:30AM- Voting Day Should be decided if
5:30PM manual or automatic
7:30PM Release of Official Election Results

Option C
ESC Elections to be conducted on 1st week of June 2018; RSO Elections to proceed on April 11 (Wed).

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