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Part 2:

STS and the

Key points to take note of
in the talk:
1. Our common understanding of technology.

2. Technology’s true essence.

3. Terms like: aletheia, poiesis, unconcealment, enframing, aition.

4. Difference between “bringing forth” and “challenging forth.”

5. Difference between Technology and Modern Technology.

6. What Heidegger means with “we have to question technology.”

Key points to take note of
in the talk:
7. What is Eudaimonia? Virtue?

8. Terms like: arete, phronesis

9. What does “that we become better persons through practice”


10. What does it mean to be happy and to live ‘the good life?’
The Human Person Flourishing
in Terms of S&T
Heidegger - “The Question Concerning Technology”

1. Instrumental / Anthropological understanding of Technology

2. “free relationship”

3. Essense of technology is nothing technological

4. aletheia, poiesis, unconcealment, enframing, aition

5. Essence of technology is that it reveals aletheia / truth

6. Technology is “bringing forth”

7. Technology is not the same as Modern Technology.

8. Modern Technology is “challenging forth”

• goes further away from poiesis and closer to techne

• very aggressive in its activity

• expedites unconcealment of nature

• stores that which is extracted from nature

• the age of switches

• standing reserve

• stockpiling
Our technological relationship with nature was once as
one of steward but now is one of both master and slave.
The purpose of questioning technology is therefore to
break the chains of technology and be free, not in the
absence of technology but through a better
understanding of its essence and meaning.

The poetic roots of technology have been obscured by

mechanization that has compelled us to harness
nature’s energy into an accumulated homogeneous
reserve that conceals the true nature of things.
“The wasteland grows. Woe to him
who harbors the wasteland. Our
earth is not an earth of calculation. If
this remains such, only a God can
save us.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche
The Good Life

3 Key Aristotelian Ideas on Human Flourishing

1, Everyone seeks eudaimonia.

2. Virtue enables the human person to flourish.

3. We become more virtuous through habit and practice.

Group Activity 1

The Human Person in the Face of

Modern Technology
Choose and present an artwork that helps reveal who the
human person is in the face of modern technology.


Beauty and message of artwork - 50%

Philosophizing, weaving together - 50%

the elements of Heidegger’s thought

Activity 2: Triad
Watch the short film “Akiro Kurosawa’s Dreams: Village of the


1. What is “the good life?” Is our personal concept of “the good life” the
same as what was depicted in the film?

2. Which part of the film struck you most? Why?

3. Based on the film, discuss how technology reveals nature and the
human person’s role in it.
Watch the video clip “The Magician’s Twin”


1. What is scientism?

2. How is science comparable to magic?

3. Why is science more dangerous than magic?

4. What is the presented essence of modernity and its consequence?

5. What do we need for the sciences to be good?

Activity 3 : PAIR
Choose a partner.

Read Jason Hickel’s article (Forget 'Developing' Poor Countries,

It's Time to 'De-develop' Rich Countries)

Prepare a one-page essay discussing human flourishing vis-à-

vis the progress of science and technology.
Activity 4: Film Viewing:

1. What was your initial reaction to the film? Did you find the
evidence and format in which the film was presented to be
compelling and convincing, or is the comical approach dissuading?

2. Did you find the information offered up in the film shocking, or

were you aware of the role sugar plays in your life?
Activity 4: Film Viewing:
4. Discuss the notion that “sugar is the new tobacco.” Do you believe
sugar should be taxed, as cigarettes and other nicotine products are
today? Are we headed towards a sugar-driven health crisis?

5. React to this:


6. How does the film illustrate the concept of “The Good Life?”
Section Exam
❖ Find and examine a local government policy that
protects the well-being of the human person in the face
of new technologies.
Content and Relevance - 30%

Analysis - 40%

Creativity and Teamwork - 30%

Current Philippine Government
Policies and Programs

1. Good Governance and Anti-corruption

1a. Freedom of Information (EO 2)

1b. Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (RA 3019)

1c. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for

Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713)
Current Philippine Government
Policies and Programs
2. Human Development and Poverty Reduction

2a. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (CCT) (4Ps)

2b. K to 12 Basic Education

2c. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012

(RA 10354)

2d. Sin Tax Reform Law(RA 10351)

Current Philippine Government
Policies and Programs

3. Economic Development

3a. Public-Private Partnership

3b. Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022

Current Philippine Government
Policies and Programs

4. Security, Justice, and Peace

4a. National Security Policy

4b. PAMANA Program

4c. The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175)

4d. Anti-Distracted Driving Act (RA 10913)

Current Philippine Government
Policies and Programs
5. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

5a. Project NOAH

5b. National Green Program

5c. Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016 (RA10771)

5d. RA 10174 - amendment to RA 9729 / Climate Change

Act of 2009
Part 1:

General Concepts

STS Historical Developments

“Build the floor
which will be the ceiling
of the future.”
Group Activity 1


The object of the game is to

communicate a word without using
any verbal communication.
Group yourselves according to the teams previously
List down (as many as you can) one-word definitions of
science and technology. You may also list down words
that are associated with S&T.
Narrow down your list to 3. Make sure that the words
you pick are likely to be familiar to everyone in the class.
Write down these words in strips of paper then place
them in the box provided.
The different teams take turns in picking
out words from the box. The team’s
representative pantomines the word
First group to guess the word gets the
There will be 2 rounds.
Group Activity 2


Form 4 groups.

a. Ancient History

b. Middle Age

c. Modern Age

d. Philippines

Choose 10 great/important inventions from the

historical period assigned to your group.
Determine the antecedents that cause/lead to the
How To…
Prepare Trump Cards
using 1/4 pieces of
illustration board.

white side - photo of

the invention.

black side - description

of the invention
including antecedents.
Creatively present your group’s Trump
When all the groups have finished the
presentations, all Trump Cards will be
displayed for everyone to see.
Prepare for a quiz.
Inventions: Ancient Period
1. Nimrud lens 6. Umbrella

2. Kite 7. Rocket

3. Seismoscope 8. Baghdad battery

4. Antikythera mechanism 9. Movable type printing

5. Aeolipile 10. Compass

Other Notable Inventions -
Ancient Period
1. Cuneiform Script
8. Ancient / Water clocks
2. Calendar
9. Roman aqueducts
3. Ancient Roman concrete
10. Parabolic mirror
4. Units of Measurement

5. Alphabet 11. Mulberry tree bark -

as paper
6. Ink
12. Abacus
7. Cataract removal
Inventions: Middle Ages

1. Eyeglasses 6. Long bow

2. Tide mill 7. Printing press

3. Liquor 8. Pike

4. Hourglass 9. Weighing scale

5. Compass 10. Heavy plough

Other Notable Inventions -
Middle Ages
1. Horseshoe 6. Gunpowder

2. Wind mill 7. Microscope

3. Spinning wheel 8. Flush Toilet

4. Medieval armor 10. Parachute

5. Mechanical clock 11. Air pump

Inventions: Modern Age

1. Penicillin 6. iPad

2. Smartphones 7. Bluetooth

3. Camera 8. Airplane

4. Computer 9. ATM

5. Spacecrafts 10. Robots

Other Notable Inventions -
Modern Age
6. Nanotechnology
1. Bicycle
7. Doppler Radar
2. Steam Engine
8. Fuel Refinery
3. Pasteurization
10. Telephone
4. Piano
11. Calculator
5. Steam locomotive
12. Electron microscope
Philippine Inventions
6. erythromycin -Ilosone
1. karaoke
7. yoyo
2. 16-bit microchips
8. videophone
3. coconut oil-fueled
power generator 9. induced mango
flowering (chemical
4. medical incubator spraying)
5. salt lamp 10. DeBCC Cream
Other Notable Inventions -
1. Quink - ink
8. Game of the Generals
2. Fermented Fish Sauce
9. Coconet
3. Macapuno
10. Eco-G3000, a low-cost, low-
4. E-Jeepney maintenance fuel-emission reduction
device designed to reduce vehicular gas
5. Mosquito Ovicidal/Larvicidal (OL) Trap
consumption and toxic emission.
6. Methods of Controlling Leprosy

7. Banana Catsup
1. Communication

2. Food

3. Medicine

4. Travel

5. Trade

6. Adaptation

7. Protection

8. Entertainment
For each invention mentioned, answer
A - if the invention came came Ancient History
B. - if the invention came from the Middle Age
C - if the invention is from the Modern Age
D - if the invention is from the Philippines.
1. 16-bit microchips
2. Aeolipile - Steam Turbine
3. Airplane
4. Antikythera mechanism
5. ATM
6. Baghdad battery
7. Bluetooth
8. Coconut oil-fueled power
9. Compass
10. Computer
11. DeBCC Cream
12. Digital camera
13. Erythromycin
14. Eyeglasses
15. Hourglass
16. Induced mango flowering
(chemical spraying)
17. iPad
18. Karaoke
19. Kite
20. Liquor
21. Long bow
22. Medical incubator
23. Movable type printing
24. Nimrud lens
25. Penicillin
26. Pike
27. Printing press
28. Robots
29. Rocket
30. Salt lamp
31. Seismoscope
32. Smartphones
33. Spacecrafts
34. Tidal mill
35. Umbrella
36. Videophone
37. Weighing scale
38. Yoyo
39. Flush Toilet
40. Abacus
Group Activity 3




Creatively present (sans reporting) the
following intellectual revolutions:
a. Copernican
b. Darwinian
c. Freudian
d. Information
Section Exam
Prepare a 3-page essay on:

1. The history of Science and Technology in the Philippines.

( Ref. Olivia Caoili’s piece)

2. Current issues faced by the Philippines (i.e., brain drain,

poverty, colonial mentality, disaster risk reduction)

Among the issues mentioned, what field should the

government concentrate / put emphasis on in relation to
Format / Specifications
3 pages long, short-sized bond indicate name on the last page
file name ex. cabana
1 inch margin on all sides
send pdf file to
justified [email protected] with
subject “STS English - Section
double space
page number at the bottom center
deadline: May 24, Wednesday,
font: Times New Roman, 12 5PM
Rubrics that will be used to
evaluate the essay…

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