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Issue 6 47

First year mechanics taught through

modelling in VPython

David Sands Abstract

Department of Physical This paper describes a development project carried out in 2008/9 aimed at developing
Sciences model-based learning in mechanics for a first year physics module. Based on the work in
University of Hull the literature, VPython, the visual extension to the Python programming language, was
Hull chosen as the vehicle for developing the models. VPython is ideally suited to modelling
HU6 7RX mechanics for various reasons, including a class of variables called vectors which have
[email protected] all the properties of vectors in mathematics, the ease with which basic models in
VPython can be constructed, and the instant feedback on the operation of the models
afforded by their visual nature. Thus the emphasis is much more on the physics and the
modelling rather than computation. It is shown how an analysis of students‟
understanding has revealed that Newton‟s third law of motion causes difficulties, leading
to a greater emphasis on this concept in the modelling for 2009/10. In addition, a greater
attention was given to the methods and techniques of modelling, especially spatial
reasoning. The evidence for student reasoning in this way is presented.

This paper describes the implementation and subsequent development of a first year
course in mechanics based around modelling in VPython, the visual extension of the
Python programming language. Developed with the help of development project funding
from the UK Physical Sciences Centre, the aim was to design an alternative form of
instruction which helped overcome the deficiencies in entry-level maths knowledge. It is
Many students now lack widely recognised, for example, that, compared with a generation ago, the entry level
in-depth knowledge of knowledge of physics undergraduates has declined markedly due to changes in the
either differential calculus teaching of both physics and maths in schools. Many students now lack in-depth
knowledge of either differential calculus or Newtonian mechanics. In consequence,
or Newtonian mechanics.
lectures on topics which draw heavily on mathematical principles, such as electricity and
In consequence, lectures magnetism or mechanics, are hard to follow and hard to grasp. Moreover, even if
on topics which draw mathematical knowledge and skills are taught alongside the physics, students are
heavily on mathematical unlikely to be fluent and may find it difficult to transfer this knowledge from the
principles, such as mathematical domain to the physical context. Therefore the aim of this approach is to
electricity and magnetism concentrate on physics concepts themselves through the construction of computer
or mechanics, are hard to models.
follow and hard to grasp.
The methodology is based on the work of both David Hestenes 1, and Ruth Chabay and
Bruce Sherwood2. Hestenes is a strong advocate of the power of modelling to improve
student learning, having previously identified the naive views that physics students often
hold about mechanics, are tested by the FCI, or Force Concept Inventory 3. Chabay and
Sherwood have long advocated a computational physics approach based on VPython.
Thus Hestenes‟ work provides the nature and structure of a model and the importance of
qualitative reasoning and Chabay and Sherwood‟s pioneering efforts in computational
instruction provide the basis for quantitative modelling. This flow of information from the
qualitative to the quantitative appears to be quite general and an important aspect of
computational modelling4.

There is another reason, however, for wanting to combine these two different
approaches to modelling: practicality. This course replaced a conventional 20-lecture,
mathematically based course on classical, mechanics it was expected to feed into later
modules that the students take. It is not possible, therefore, to tear up the curriculum and
start afresh, which precludes adopting Hestenes‟ approach in its entirety. Hestenes 5
advocates the construction, through group discussion, of just a few models related to
motion, but in the present work the physics content is largely fixed. It is desirable,
however, to move away from conventional lectures. Hestenes has shown that FCI scores
correlate with functional understanding of complicated Newtonian concepts and testing
of thousands of students post-learning reveals that traditional, lecture-based learning

Communication First year mechanics taught through modelling in VPython

48 New Directions

The course was first delivered

in 2008 to 51 students in their
first year of a physics
bachelor‟s degree over twenty
conventional 50-minute
lecture slots. The syllabus,
exam structure and total
contact time were all
constrained by the existing
programme specification. The
delivery consisted of a mixture
of demonstrations using
VPython models,
walk-through exercises,
modelling sessions, and
PowerPoint presentations to
deliver some of the more
formal ideas. These included
motion under constant
acceleration, such as ballistic
trajectories, position
dependent forces, such as
electrostatic or gravitational
attraction, and simple
harmonic motion (SHM),
including damping and forced
harmonic motion. All four
techniques were fully
integrated in the delivery of a
class. By way of assessment,
Figure 1: The percentages of correct answers broken down by question in both pre- and post-instruction
FCI tests. students had to construct two
models as well as sit a
yields the least return6. Students taught using model-based conventional examination in which the questions tested their
learning, on the other hand, can use concepts to solve physics knowledge of mechanics rather than Python programming. In
problems. This, then, defines the approach taken in this addition, students had to construct a number of models in
course material is delivered through a combination of lecture, class and two models by way of assignment. These last two
demonstration and modelling exercises in which students comprised exercises on ballistic motion and electrostatic
reason about a problem and construct models in VPython. It forces.
will be shown in the following that whilst course content is
important just as much attention has to be given to the The course was evaluated using the FCI both before and after
modelling methodology and the methods and techniques of instruction. A slight improvement in the post-instruction scores
problem solving. is evident, but the improvement is not as large as might have
been hoped for. Further analysis revealed a number of
The Course possible factors, two of which stand out. First, the FCI
HEA UK Physical Sciences Centre funding was obtained to measures understanding of Newtonian concepts and does not
fund a student to write programmes in VPython over the address learning in vectors or in SHM, both of which were
summer of 2008. These were intended to serve as the basis important parts of the course. Second, as shown in Figure 1,
for a series of visual demonstrations as well as providing a the breakdown of FCI scores by question indicates that a
point of reference for students building their own models. The significant prior knowledge of some Newtonian concepts
choice of programming language always presents a difficulty. already exists and in such a mixed class it is possible that the
It has been known for some time7 that huge variations exist in learning needs of students at both ends of the ability spectrum
aptitude and attitude towards computing. Conventional are not being addressed. It was decided therefore to make
languages such as Pascal have been used in physics changes to the computational aspects of the course work for
education8 but extensive lines of set-up code can be required. 2009 to emphasise those areas of mechanics that are clearly
Python, on the other hand, is rapidly becoming accepted as lacking. As indicated in Figure 1 by questions 5, 15 and 26,
an easy-to-use and easy-to-read language for scientific this involves identifying forces using Newton‟s third law. Two
computing9 and VPython, the visual extension, is ideally computational exercises were designed around reaction
suited to the construction of dynamical, vector-based models. forces and a third on mutual electrostatic repulsion. The use
Indeed, an essential element of VPython is a class of and manipulation of vector quantities integral to these
variables called vectors which have all the properties of problems so in addition to the pre- and post course testing
vectors in mathematics, including dot and cross products. In with the FCI, elements of the Vector Evaluation Test, or
addition, the visual representation, which is rotatable in all VET10, were also employed.
dimensions to give an accurate 3-D depiction, provides instant
feedback by allowing the student to see instantly whether the
physics is sensible and corresponds to experience.

First year mechanics taught through modelling in VPython Communication

Issue 6 49

In addition to the above, the problem solving aspects of It seems reasonable to attribute this success to the
modelling have been emphasised to a much greater extent. requirement to keep a modelling diary. Chabay and Sherwood
Problem solving is an integral part of modelling, especially report that after ten years of activity in introductory
computational, as it is necessary first to understand a problem computational physics instruction they have not achieved the
and its solution before constructing a computer model. full educational potential of modelling. A close examination of
However, students are neither mature problem solvers nor the work of Kohlmyer13, a PhD student working with Chabay
expert programmers and in response to some of the perceived and Sherwood, reveals a possible reason. Although it was
difficulties support for both of these aspects has been intended that the physics should be emphasised, in fact the
enhanced in 2009/10. First, the formal time spent at the emphasis was placed firmly on the computation through the
computer was increased to twenty hours and, second, the use of problems that were too difficult initially and which had
students were required to keep a diary of their modelling to be altered for subsequent students. In addition, reference to
activities. As part of the formal instruction students are shown, the literature on problem solving tended to concentrate on
by means of a walk-through exercise, how the use of knowledge structures, by which is meant that a problem based
diagrams can aid reasoning and lead to a solution of a around energy is intended to cue the use of potential energy,
problem prior to the generation of a computer model. In a kinetic energy or work. It is fair to say that there is little or no
paper co-authored with Tina Overton (this journal) the author reference to qualitative or spatial reasoning or the use of
has reviewed the literature on problem solving and shown the representations. By contrast, this feature of problem solving
importance of spatial reasoning, especially the use of has been emphasised in the present work and the problems
representations both to understand the problem and to reason are at a level commensurate with the students‟ abilities and
through to a solution. The diary is therefore expected to knowledge. That is not to say that some students did not
contain problem representations, qualitative and quantitative encounter difficulties with programming. As described by
reasoning, and information on encoding the problem in Bishop-Clark7, enormous personal differences in performance
VPython. on computer programming tasks exist, and it is clearly an
ongoing research issue to try to identify the reasons why
The Outcome some students struggle, but the emphasis on qualitative and
The course has now run for two years and the outcomes were spatial reasoning and the production of a diary means that
mainly positive in the first year with further improvements in students can still benefit from solving the problem even if a
the second. There was a small, but significant gain in FCI working computer model is not always an outcome.
scores and many students like programming in VPython and
commented that the course was enjoyable, though some
struggled with VPython in the first year. As described above, a
number of changes designed to address specific issues were
made, including the design of modelling exercises that both
emphasise Newton‟s third law and take advantage of one of
the features of VPython, extended computational support
through additional class hours, and a greater emphasis on the
problem solving aspects of modelling through the use of a
diary. In addition, the VET was used for the 2009 class to
augment the pre- and post-course testing with the FCI, but at
the time of writing a complete analysis of this testing is not
available. However, there are indications within the modelling
diaries that students have made significant gains in their
understanding of vectors. By way of illustration, Figure 2
shows an extract from one of the diaries in which the problem
of a mass sliding down a curved slide is addressed. Note that
mention is made of a unit vector defined by differences in
position (expressed in Python code), and that the diagram is
clearly being used to aid the spatial reasoning about angles.

One of the interesting features of this kind of activity-based

learning is that it affords an opportunity to observe a class at
work in ways that other kinds of instruction do not. There are
times during a computational class when students are working
away without the need for help and on these occasions it is
possible to watch the students at work either on their own or
with another, or perhaps even explaining something to
another student. A common feature observed in all these
classes is the extensive use of hand gestures to depict
motion, directions, or spatial relationships. The use of similar
gestures using simulations of relative motion has been cited
as strong evidence for spatial reasoning11, 12. Taken with the
diaries and the fact that all but a handful of students out of a
class of 60 produced at least one working programme, there is
evidence of not only learning in mechanics but also the Figure 2: A page from a modelling diary illustrating the writer‟s
development of wider problem solving skills. This would not appreciation of code, unit vectors, and the importance of a diagram
(reproduced with permission).
typically be an outcome of a conventional lecture-based

Communication First year mechanics taught through modelling in VPython

50 New Directions

A course in classical mechanics has been designed in which
material is presented formally, using VPython models to
demonstrate concepts, and students spend time constructing
models in VPython. The reasons for choosing VPython over
other languages have been discussed. The emphasis
throughout has been placed on the physics and modelling
rather than on the computation. The models themselves are
based on Newton‟s third law of motion, the concept which the
FCI indicates is most lacking in these students and it has been
shown how students have been supported in both
computation, through the provision of extra contact time, and
in their modelling through the use of a diary in which students
record their reasoning about the models. Finally, the evidence
from both observation and from the diaries points to significant
spatial reasoning by the students.


1. Hestenes, D (1987) Toward a Modeling Theory of Physics

Learning, American Journal of Physics, 55, 440-454.
A common feature
2. Chabay, R and Sherwood, B (2008) Computational
physics in the introductory calculus-based course,
observed in all these
American Journal of Physics, 76, 307-313.
Hestenes, D., Wells, M., & Swackhamer G (1992), Force
classes is the extensive
Concept Inventory, Physics Teacher, 30, 141-158
di Sessa, Andrea (1987): The third Revolution in use of hand gestures to
Computers and Education, J. Res. Sci. Teach., 24 (4),
343-367. depict motion,
5. Hestenes, D. (1997), Modeling Methodology for Physics
Teachers, in The Changing Role Of The Physics directions, or spatial
relationships. The use of
Department In Modern Universities, Ed. Redish, E. F. and
Rigden, J., 935-957, American Institute of Physics Part II.
6. Halloun, I. and Hestenes, D. (1985), The Initial
Knowledge State of College Physics Students, American
Journal of Physics, 53, 1043-1055.
similar gestures using
7. Bishop-Clark, Catherine (1995): Cognitive Style,
Personality, and Computer Programming, Computers in
simulations of relative
Human Behaviour, 11 (2), 241-260.
Redish, E. F. and Wilson, J. M. (1993) Student
motion has been cited
programming in the introductory physics course:
M.U.P.P.E.T., Am. J. Phys., 61, 222–232.
as strong evidence for
9. Borcherds, P.H. (2007) Python: a language for
computational physics, Computer Physics spatial reasoning.
Communications 177, 199–201.
10. Redish, E. F. (2003) Teaching Physics with the Physics
Suite, John Wiley & Sons, USA.
11. Nersessian, Nancy J (2008) Creating Scientific Concepts,
Bradford Books.
12. Monaghan, James M. and Clement, John (1999) Use of a
computer simulation to develop mental simulations for
understanding relative motion concepts, Int. J. Sci. Educ.,
21, (9), 921– 944.
13. Kohlmyer, Matthew Adam (2005) Student performance in
computer modeling and problem solving in a modern
introductory physics course, PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA.

First year mechanics taught through modelling in VPython Communication

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