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RECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENT OF  Foreign judgement are given conclusiveness

FOREIGN JUDGEMENT in our jurisdiction as if they were rendered by

our courts.
 Generally, a foreign judgement is entitled to
1. GEERALLY respect and recognition by our courts as long
 Enforcement and recognition of a foreign as they do not violate our public policy or
judgement involves the extra-territorial prohibitive laws.
application of a foreign law.  We will not relitigate the issues decided by the
 The Ph has not entered into a treaty for the foreign judgement (except in the instances
Enforcement and Recognition of foreign mentioned in section 48, Rule 39)
judgement which could serve as basis for our
court to Enforce and Recognize such 2. REASONS FOR RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN
judgement. JUDGEMENT
 Section 48, Rule 39 however recogniz4 E and
R of foreign judgement 1. What is COMITY?
 What then is our basis for the E and R?  It is not a matter of absolute right on the part
COMITY of the prevailing party to require our courts to
enforce a foreign judgement.
 We are not obligated to do so
Section 48. Effect of foreign judgments or final  Even so, when comity conflicts with our laws,
orders. — The effect of a judgment or final order of public morals, our courts will refuse to
a tribunal of a foreign country, having jurisdiction to recognize them
render the judgment or final order is as follows:
(a) In case of a judgment or final order upon  If a foreign court accords recognition to Ph
a specific thing, the judgment or final order, judgement, our courts will similarly extend
is conclusive upon the title to the thing, and recognition or grant effect to the foreign
(b) In case of a judgment or final order  The Ph have not entered into a treaty on the
against a person, the judgment or final order reciprocity of foreign judgement
is presumptive evidence of a right as
between the parties and their successors in 3. VESTED RIGHT
interest by a subsequent title.  A fixed, absolute, complete, and
unconditional RIGHT vested by a foreign
In either case, the judgment or final order may be judgement.
repelled by evidence of a want of jurisdiction, want
of notice to the party, collusion, fraud, or clear 4. RES JUDICATA
mistake of law or fact  Is the rule that a final judgement on the merits
by a court of competent jurisdiction in
RES JUDICATA effect of Foreign Judgement
CONCLUSIVE of the rights of the parties or
their privies in all later suits on points and

matters determined in the former suit filed in against which a foreign judgement may be
a foreign judgement. executed.
 Foreign judgement constitutes res judicata
and the issues raised in the foreign judgement
should not be re-litigated anew in another 5. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN JUDGEMENT; RES
 Where a party in a foreign judgement files
another action in our country against the
other party therein, and the latter resist such
action by claiming that the foreign judgement
is a bar to such action, he is raising the
3. THEORIES ON RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN defense of res judicata.
a. That the Cause of Action (COA) and the
judgement are merged – no need to re-
litigate the forum
b. That the CAUSE OF Action (COA) and the
judgement is not merged – the case has to Res Judicata rests on 2 grounds:
be re-litigated all over again.
1. Public policy and necessity – there must be
an end to litigation
2. An individual should not be vexed twice for
the same cause.

 An action to ENFORCE the relief granted is an

active remedy.
6. …
o It is the implementation of the
7. …
foreign judgement because it seeks
the rendition of another judgement
from the local court, rendering the
foreign judgement as a local Section 48. Effect of foreign judgments or final
judgement. orders. — The effect of a judgment or final order of
 RECIGNITION is passive as it is raised as a a tribunal of a foreign country, having jurisdiction to
defense to defeat another action filed in render the judgment or final order is as follows:
another country (res judicata as a defense)
 ENFORCEMENT includes RECOGNITION; (a) In case of a judgment or final order upon
RECOGNITION does not necessarily include a specific thing, the judgment or final order,
ENFORCEMENT. is conclusive upon the title to the thing, and

 A foreign judgement may only be recognized *** the judgement on a specific thing is beyond
and enforced in the Ph when the LOSING the reach of another. ..
party is in the Ph or has property in the Ph,

 The judgement over a specific thing is an Xxx
action in REM (binding to the whole world)
In either case, the judgment or final order may be
o If it is beyond the reach of another
repelled by evidence of a want of jurisdiction, want
of notice to the party, collusion, fraud, or clear
o Our courts will not disturb the
mistake of law or fact.
 The judgement over a person is in personam WHOSE LAW SHALL APPLY IN DETERMINING THAT
– the person against wohom it is rendered THE FOREIGN JUDGEMENT IS NOT VALID FOR; want
may overcome the presumption of liability (on of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party, collusion,
the grounds mentioned in section 48, Rule 39) or clear mistakes of law or fact?


1. The judgement or final order is rendered by
Section 14,Article VIII. No decision shall be rendered
a tribunal of a foreign country.
by any court without expressing therein clearly and
2. The court or tribunal has jurisdiction to
distinctly the facts and the law on which it is based
render the judgement
3. The judgement must not be against the local No petition for review or motion for reconsideration
law, good morals, or public policy of the of a decision of the courts shall be refused due
forum. course or denied without stating the legal basis


 Must be a judgement or final order

o What is final judgement?
o On the merits – which of the party is
 What is a Memorandum Decision
right, as compared to a technicality
- A court’s decision that gives the ruling
o Interlocutory order
(what it decides and orders done), but no
 The foreign court must have jurisdiction
opinion (reason for the decision)
 Due process requirement complied –
 What are the requirement for it to be held
o Procedural
o Substantive due process
o The cold mentality of a judge The distinctive features of the memorandum
 Judgement must not be contrary to our laws, decision are:
public policy or good custom,
First, it is rendered by an appellant court, and

Second, in incorporates by reference the

findings of fact or the conclusions of law
Section 48, Rule 39 contained in the decision , order or ruling
under review.

 The MD, to be valid, cannot incorporate the

findings of fact and the conclusions of law of
the lower court only by remote reference,
which is to say that the challenged decision is
not easily and immediately available to the
person reading the memorandum decision.
For the incorporation by reference to be
allowed, it must provide for direct access to
the facts and the law being adopted, which
must be contained in a statement attached to
the said decision. In other words, the
memorandum decision authorized under
Section of BP blg. 129 should actually embody
the findings of fact and conclusions of law of
the lower court in annex attached to and
made an indispensable part of the decision.


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