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Study Report on the

Earthquake-induced Natural
Terrain Landslide Hazard

GEO Report No. 343


Geotechnical Engineering Office

Civil Engineering and Development Department
The Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region
Study Report on the
Earthquake-induced Natural
Terrain Landslide Hazard

GEO Report No. 343


This report was originally produced in October 2012

as Agreement No. CE 49/2008 (GE)

© The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

First published, December 2018

Prepared by:

Geotechnical Engineering Office,

Civil Engineering and Development Department,
Civil Engineering and Development Building,
101 Princess Margaret Road,
Homantin, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.


In keeping with our policy of releasing information

which may be of general interest to the geotechnical
profession and the public, we make available selected internal
reports in a series of publications termed the GEO Report
series. The GEO Reports can be downloaded from the website
of the Civil Engineering and Development Department
( on the Internet.

W.K. Pun
Head, Geotechnical Engineering Office
December 2018


This GEO Report presents a study of the earthquake-

induced natural terrain landslide hazard of a Study Area in the
North-west New Territories of Hong Kong. The study was
conducted by Arup, in collaboration with the GEO and the
Guangdong Engineering Earthquake Resistance Research
Institute (GEERRI) of the Earthquake Administration of
Guangdong Province (EAGP). It serves as a regional assessment
to estimate the order of magnitude of the likelihood of
earthquake-induced natural terrain landslides.

The study approach has been derived based on

consolidating the findings of a comprehensive literature review
on local and overseas state-of-the-art papers. The work involves
an assessment of the earthquake-induced slope displacements
using both numerical analyses and empirical correlations and a
detailed landslide susceptibility assessment. The effects of
topographic amplification on the seismic ground motions as well
as the effects of rainfall on slopes have been duly considered.
This study also covers the seismic stability of boulder fall.
Microzonation maps for the Study Area have been produced.

This Report was prepared by a team led by Dr J.W. Pappin

of Arup, in collaboration with the GEO and the GEERRI. The
team members are Dr H. Jiang, Mr R.C.H. Koo, Mr Y.B. Yu, Dr
P.L. Chen and Ms M.M.L. So. This work was coordinated by Dr
J.S.H. Kwan and overseen by Mr Y.K. Shiu and Mr K.K.S. Ho.
Draft versions of the Report were circulated to relevant
Government departments and local academics for comment.
The contributions of all parties are gratefully acknowledged.

Chief Geotechnical Engineer/Standards and Testing


Executive Summary

An assessment of the earthquake-induced natural terrain landslide hazard for a Study

Area in the North-west New Territories of Hong Kong has been carried out in this study.

This study is a regional assessment to estimate the order of magnitude of the likelihood
of earthquake-induced natural terrain landslides in Hong Kong. The earthquake-induced
landslide susceptibility has been examined relative to the rainfall-induced landslide
susceptibility. The adopted regional assessment approach is consistent with the regional
perspective considered by a study undertaken previously by the Geotechnical Engineering
Office on the global quantitative risk assessment of earthquake-induced landslides of man-made
slopes in Hong Kong. Such regional perspective provides insights on the overall scale of the
problem. This study is a hazard assessment and the direct consequences of earthquake-induced
natural terrain landslides are not considered.

Based on a literature review of some local and overseas state-of-the-art papers, the
methodology for landslide and boulder fall hazard assessments has been formed. For
earthquake-induced landslides, the slope displacements have been assessed using both
numerical modelling (by Oasys SIREN and Dynamic FLAC) and empirical correlations
(Jibson et al, 1998; Hsieh & Lee, 2011) for the seismic ground motions with 2% and 10%
probabilities of being exceeded in the next 50 years. Based on the literature review, it is found
that the vertical seismic ground acceleration would not have any significant effect on the slope
displacements. On the other hand, the topographic effects of 30 m, 100 m and 300 m ridge
heights have been considered in this study. It is found that the topographic effects of higher
ridges could significantly increase the induced slope displacements. The results have been
interpreted in terms of a static factor of safety corresponding to a threshold displacement value
of 100 mm, above which earthquake-induced landslides are likely to be triggered according to
the literature review. It is concluded that the slopes need to be close to failure at the time of
earthquake should there be any significant earthquake-induced landslide hazards.

For the seismic stability of boulders, a series of simplified one-dimensional dynamic

time stepping analyses have been carried out to determine the likelihood of boulder instability
under 2%, 10% and 63% in 50 years ground motions. The topographic effects of 30 m, 100 m
and 300 m ridge heights have also been considered for the 2% and 10% in 50 years ground
motions. In addition, the analyses have been performed to assess the combined effect of
horizontal and vertical accelerations (without topographic effect) for the 2% in 50 years ground
motions. The results indicate that seismic loadings are critical on the boulder stability only if
the boulders are close to failure at the time of earthquake.

A seismic microzonation map has been produced for natural terrain landslide
susceptibility taking into account the combined effects of seismic ground motions and
rainstorms. This is done by considering how much time the natural terrain is close to failure
as a result of rainstorms when an earthquake event takes place. The microzonation map is
formed based on a landslide susceptibility map derived from past landslides (up to 2009)
recorded in the Enhanced Natural Terrain Landslide Inventory. Overall, the effect of
earthquakes on triggering natural terrain landslides is small. There could be an increase of the
failure probability of being less than one tenth of that expected from rainstorms alone. To cater

for those uncertainties resulting from different assumptions made, a sensitivity study has been
carried out to illustrate the maximum credible effect of seismic ground motions on the natural
terrain landslide hazards.

A rock fall and boulder fall susceptibility map has also been produced in qualitative
terms based on the boulder density and the overall slope angle. This map has not been changed
by considering the effects of seismic ground motions.

The implication of distress of natural hillsides, which may be caused by earthquakes and
would increase the rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility, has not been considered in this
study. Furthermore, debris resulting from earthquake-induced landslides may be deposited on
natural hillsides and it is liable to be re-mobilised under subsequent rainstorms. Thus, the
potential increase of natural terrain landslide hazards after a large earthquake event should not
be neglected. It is believed that a ‘reactive approach’, including inspection and mapping of
potential slope distress as well as major debris deposits close to facilities, could be a pragmatic
approach to deal with post-earthquake landslide hazards. If a major earthquake occurs in Hong
Kong, slope inspections and mapping of vulnerable areas on the natural hillsides should be
carried out in the same way as the inspections that would be performed for buildings and



Title Page 1

Preface 3

Foreword 4

Executive Summary 5

Contents 7

List of Tables 11

List of Figures 13

1 Introduction 26
1.1 Background 26
1.2 Scope of this Report 26
1.2.1 Literature Review 26
1.2.2 Development of Bedrock Seismic Ground Motion 27
Time Histories and Arias Intensity
1.2.3 Methodology for the Analysis of Earthquake-induced 27
1.2.4 Methodology for the Analysis of Earthquake-induced 27
Boulder Fall
1.2.5 Landslide Susceptibility 27

2 Literature Review 28
2.1 General 28
2.2 Methodology for Seismic Stability Analysis of Slopes 29
in Natural Terrain
2.2.1 Ground Motion Parameters 29
2.2.2 Pseudo-static Approach 30
2.2.3 Newmark’s Method 31
2.2.4 Influence of Vertical Acceleration 36 Yang (2007) 36 Commentary 39


2.2.5 Reactivated Landslides 39

2.3 Landslide Displacement Assessment 39
2.3.1 Arias Intensity Approach (Hsieh & Lee, 2011) 40
2.3.2 Threshold Displacement 44
2.4 Landslide Susceptibility Factors and Map 44
2.4.1 ISSMFE (1993) 45
2.4.2 Keefer (2002) 53
2.4.3 Lee et al (2008) 58
2.4.4 Sewell & Tang (2012) 70
2.4.5 Parker et al (2011) 70
2.4.6 Wasowski et al (2011) 70
2.4.7 Jibson (2011) 71
2.4.8 Rathje & Antonakos (2011) 72
2.4.9 Gaudio & Wasowski (2011) 72
2.4.10 Keefer (2007) 72
2.4.11 GEERRI Methodology 73
2.4.12 Commentary 73
2.5 Seismic Stability of Boulders 74
2.5.1 Wong & Pang (1991) 74
2.5.2 Haneberg (2009) 76

3 Earthquake-induced Landslide Assessment 79

3.1 General 79
3.2 Time Histories 79
3.2.1 Horizontal Ground Motion 79
3.2.2 Ground Motion with Topographic Amplification 84
3.2.3 Vertical Ground Motion 101
3.3 Numerical Modelling 102
3.3.1 One-dimensional Modelling by Oasys SIREN 103
3.3.2 Two-dimensional Modelling by Dynamic FLAC 103
3.4 Empirical Correlations 104
3.4.1 Magnitude-distance Relationships 104


3.4.2 Simplified Newmark’s Method 105 Arias Intensity 105
3.5 Results of the Slope Stability Analyses in Natural Terrain 121
under Seismic Loading
3.5.1 Magnitude-distance Landslide Susceptibility 121
3.5.2 Earthquake-induced Slope Displacements 123

4 Seismic Stability Analysis for Boulders 136

4.1 General 136
4.2 Dynamic Stability Analysis Methodology 137
4.3 Energy Approach 139
4.4 Results of Boulder Fall Analysis 139
4.4.1 1-D Dynamic Stability Analysis 139
4.4.2 Comparison with the Energy Approach 142
4.4.3 Effect of Boulder Shape 145
4.4.4 Other Failure Modes 145

5 Landslide Susceptibility Analysis 146

5.1 General 146
5.2 Desk Study Data 147
5.3 Delineation of Natural Terrain Boundary 149
5.4 Past Instability 152
5.4.1 Landslide Datasets 152
5.4.2 Modification of ENTLI Data 154
5.4.3 Landslide Records 155
5.4.4 Landslide Density 156
5.5 Potential Susceptibility Factors 156
5.5.1 Slope Angle 157
5.5.2 Geological Conditions 162
5.5.3 Geological Structure 166
5.5.4 Geomorphology (Terrain Unit) 169
5.5.5 Drainage 174
5.6 Susceptibility Assessment 180


5.6.1 Preliminary Susceptibility Model 180

5.6.2 Susceptibility Model Validation 181
5.6.3 Landslide Occurrence Probability 183

6 Seismic Microzonation Maps 189

6.1 Slope Susceptibility 189
6.1.1 Sensitivity Analysis 194
6.1.2 Comparison with Earthquake-induced Landslides 197
in Major Events
6.2 Rock and Boulder Fall Susceptibility 198

7 Conclusions 200

8 References 201

List of Tables

Table Page
No. No.

2.1 Coefficients for Estimating Tm 30

2.2 Basic Program for Calculating Newmark Displacement 36

2.3 Goodness of Fit to a Line in Different Relationships 40

between Dn and Ia for Ac from 0.01 to 0.4 g

2.4 Goodness of Fit to a Line in Different Relationships 40

between Dn and Ac

2.5 Weighting Factors Related to Slope Failure 49

2.6 Classes of the Potential Landslide Hazards 50

2.7 Relative Relief (Sr) Values and their Classes of Influence 50

in Landslide Susceptibility

2.8 Classification of Lithologic Influence, According to 51

General Conditions, Representative for Central America

2.9 Classes of Average Monthly Precipitation 51

2.10 Weighting for Annual Precipitation 52

2.11 Influence of Seismic Intensity (Modified Mercalli Scale) 52

as Triggering Factor for Landslide Generation

2.12 Influence of Rainfall Precipitation Intensity as Triggering 53

Factor for Landslides

2.13 Characteristics of Earthquake-induced Landslides 54

2.14 Relative Abundance of Earthquake-induced Landslides 56

2.15 Number of Documented Landslides Produced by 58


2.16 Arias Intensity Thresholds for Landslides 59

2.17 Arias Intensity Amplification Factor for Topographic 64

Effect Derived in Lee et al (2008)

Table Page
No. No.

3.1 Magnitude-distance Combinations from the Seismic 80

Hazard Assessment (Arup, 2015)

3.2 List of Selected Rock Time History Records 80

3.3 Calculated Arias Intensity Amplification Factors 120

3.4 Ac (m/s2) Corresponding to the 100 mm Threshold 135

Displacement for Triggering of Landslide

4.1 Spring (K) and Dashpot (D) Coefficients for Boulder 138
Seismic Stability Analysis

5.1 Susceptibility Factor Classes with Regard to Slope Angle 162

5.2 Terrain Unit Developed in Simplified Terrain Model 170

5.3 Susceptibility Factor Classes with Regard to Terrain Unit 173

5.4 Combined Influence of Slope Angle and Terrain Unit on 180

Landslide Susceptibility

5.5 Susceptibility Class and the Corresponding Density of 183

Past Landslides

6.1 Areas of Natural Terrain (m2) Associated with 194

Susceptibility Class and with PGA Amplification

6.2 Area of Natural Terrain Likely to Fail (m2) and 194

Average % Area Ratio in the Next 50 Years

List of Figures

Figure Page
No. No.

2.1 Required Values of feq as Function of MHAr and 32

Seismological Condition for Threshold Displacements
of (a) 5 cm and (b) 15 cm

2.2 Model of Hypothetical Slope 34

2.3 Illustration of the Newmark Displacement Calculation 35

Algorithm, Adapted from Wilson & Keefer (1983)

2.4 Infinite Slope Model 37

2.5 Factor of Safety of a Saturated Slope under Various 38

Combinations of kh and kv

2.6 Amplification Factor for Permanent Displacement 38

2.7 Results of the Chi-Chi Dataset Fitting to (a) New Form I, 41

(b) New Form II

2.8 Results of Worldwide Dataset Fitting to (a) New Form I, 42

(b) New Form II

2.9 Results of the Chi-Chi Dataset Fitting to New Form II 43

2.10 Results of Worldwide Dataset Fitting to New Form II 43

2.11 Relationships between Magnitude and Distance to Slope 46

Failure in Japan

2.12 Relationships between Magnitude and Maximum 46

Epicentral Distance of Slope Failure in Japan

2.13 Relationships between Magnitude and Maximum Distance 47

of Landslides from Fault-rupture Zone in Kilometres

2.14 Comparison between Magnitude-distance Relationships 48

2.15 Recommended Magnitude-distance Relationships for 48

Dry-weather and Wet-weather Countries

2.16 Classification of the Topography of Slopes 49


Figure Page
No. No.

2.17 Relations between Area Affected by Landslides and 57

Earthquake Moment Magnitude

2.18 Relation between Total Number of Reported Landslides 57

and Earthquake Magnitude for Earthquakes with
Comprehensive Inventories of Landslides

2.19 Extraction of Landslides Triggered by an Event, Example 60

from the Kaohsiung Quadrangle: (a) Landslides before the
Chi-Chi Earthquake; (b) Landslides after the Chi-Chi
Earthquake; (c) Landslides Triggered by the Chi-Chi

2.20 Working Procedure for Event-based Landslide 60

Susceptibility Analysis

2.21 Arias Intensity Isopleth of the Main Shock of the Chi-Chi 62

Earthquake. Strong-motion Stations with Indication of
Ridge Top Stations, Earthquake Epicentre, and the Study
Area are Shown

2.22 Spatial Distribution of the Arias Intensity and Frequency 63

Distribution of the Landslide and Non-landslide Groups and
the Landslide Ratio for the Chi-Chi Earthquake Event in the
Kaohsiung Quadrangle

2.23 Spatial Distribution of Original Values of Causative 65

Factors in the Kaohsiung Quadrangle

2.24 Distribution of Landslide Ratio (Probability of Failure) 66

with Respect to Landslide Susceptibility Index in the
Kaohsiung Quadrangle. Weibull Distribution Curves
are Shown: (a) Hilly Terrain; (b) Mountainous Terrain

2.25 Landslide Susceptibility Map of the Kaohsiung Quadrangle 67

Developed Using a Susceptibility Model Trained with the
Chi-Chi Landslide Inventory and the Earthquake Shaking
Intensity in that Quadrangle. Landslides Triggered by the
Chi-Chi Earthquake are Shown

2.26 Application of the Kaohsiung Susceptibility Model to the 68

Tungshih Quadrangle. Landslides Triggered by the
Chi-Chi Earthquake are Shown

Figure Page
No. No.

2.27 Success Rate Curves for the Chi-Chi Earthquake Event in the 69
Kaohsiung Quadrangle: (a) Hilly Terrain; (b) Mountainous

2.28 Prediction Rate Curves for the Chi-Chi Earthquake Event 69

in the Tungshih Quadrangle: (a) Hilly Terrain; (b)
Mountainous Terrain

2.29 Rock Block System Subjected to Blasting Vibration 75

2.30 Schematic Illustration of the Variables Used to Analyze 77

Vibration-induced Toppling of an Isolated Rock Resting
on a Slope and Subject to Horizontal Acceleration

2.31 Maximum Stable b/h Ratios as a Function of Slope Angle 77

(θ) and Peak Horizontal Acceleration (aH) as Given by the
Pseudo-static Factor of Safety

2.32 Maximum Possible Frequency of Vibrations Capable of 78

Toppling a Rock (fmax) for Three Different Sets of b and
h Values as a Function of Slope Angle (θ). For Each
Pair of b and h Values, Curves are Plotted for Peak
Horizontal Acceleration Values of aP = 0.1 g, 0.2 g,
0.3 g, and 0.4 g

3.1 Spectra for the 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion 81

3.2 Spectra for the 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion 81

3.3 Spectrally Matched Rock Input Time Histories for 10% in 82

50 Years Ground Motion

3.4 Spectrally Matched Rock Input Time Histories for 2% in 83

50 Years Ground Motion

3.5 Spectral Ratios with Amplification Factors of 1.4 and 1.2 84

at Zero Period for Ridge 30 m, 100 m and 300 m

3.6 Response Spectrum with Amplification Factor of 1.4 at 85

Zero Period for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.7 Response Spectrum with Amplification Factor of 1.4 at 85

Zero Period for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure Page
No. No.

3.8 Response Spectrum with Amplification Factor of 1.2 at 86

Zero Period for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.9 30 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 87

Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.10 100 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 87

Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.11 300 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 88

Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.12 30 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 88

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.13 100 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 89

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.14 300 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 89

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.15 30 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.2 90

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.16 100 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.2 90

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.17 300 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.2 91

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.18 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 92

Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.19 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 93

Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.20 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 94

Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.21 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 95

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.22 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 96

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure Page
No. No.

3.23 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 97

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.24 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2 98

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.25 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2 99

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.26 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2 100

Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.27 Spectral Ratio of Horizontal Ground Motion to Vertical 101

Ground Motion

3.28 Target Response Spectra for Horizontal and Vertical 2% 101

in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.29 Spectrally Matched Time Histories for Vertical 2% in 102

50 Years Ground Motion

3.30 Soil Slope Modelled in FLAC 104

3.31 Arias Intensity for Time Histories for the 10% in 50 Years 106
Ground Motion

3.32 Arias Intensity for Time Histories for the 2% in 50 Years 107
Ground Motion

3.33 Arias Intensity for 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 108

Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.34 Arias Intensity for 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 109
Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.35 Arias Intensity for 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 110
Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.36 Arias Intensity for 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 111

Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

Figure Page
No. No.

3.37 Arias Intensity for 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 112
Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.38 Arias Intensity for 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 113
Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.39 Arias Intensity for 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 114

Histories of 1.2 Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.40 Arias Intensity for 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 115
Histories of 1.2 Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.41 Arias Intensity for 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time 116
Histories of 1.2 Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

3.42 Arias Intensity for (a) 2% and (b) 10% in 50 Years 118
Ground Motions (with No Topographic Effect and 30 m,
100 m, 300 m Ridge Heights with a 1.4 PGA
Amplification Factor)

3.43 Arias Intensity for (a) 1.4 PGA Amplification Factor and 119
(b) 1.2 PGA Amplification Factor (with No Topographic
Effect and 30 m, 100 m, 300 m Ridge Heights) for 2% in
50 Years Ground Motions

3.44 PSHA Results for Arias Intensity Using Travasarou 120

et al (2003)

3.45 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to 121

Keefer & Wilson (1989)

3.46 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to 122

Tamura (1978)

3.47 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to 122

Yasuda & Sugitani (1988)

3.48 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to 123

the Recommended Plot from ISSMFE (1993)

Figure Page
No. No.

3.49 Effect of Ground Motion on Induced Downslope 124

Displacement for 2% and 10% in 50 Years Ground

3.50 Downslope Displacements Calculated by Oasys SIREN, 125

Dynamic FLAC and Empirical Correlations for 2% in
50 Years Ground Motion (without any Topographic

3.51 Downslope Displacements Calculated by Oasys SIREN, 126

Dynamic FLAC and Empirical Correlations for 10% in
50 Years (without any Topographic Effect)

3.52 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 126

1 s Far-field, with No Topographic Effect and 30 m
Crest Height Effect

3.53 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 127

5 s, with No Topographic Effect and 30 m Crest Height

3.54 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 127

1 s Far-field, with No Topographic Effect and 100 m
Crest Height Effect

3.55 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 128

5 s, with No Topographic Effect and 100 m Crest
Height Effect

3.56 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 128

1 s Far-field, with No Topographic Effect and 300 m Crest
Height Effect

3.57 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 129

5 s, with No Topographic Effect and 300 m Crest Height

3.58 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 130

and 30 m Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification

3.59 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 130

and 100 m Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification

Figure Page
No. No.

3.60 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 131

and 300 m Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification

3.61 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 10% in 50 132

Years, and 30 m Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA
Amplification Factor)

3.62 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 10% in 50 132

Years, and 100 m Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA
Amplification Factor)

3.63 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 10% in 50 133

Years, and 300 m Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA
Amplification Factor)

3.64 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 133

and 30 m Crest Height Effect (1.2 PGA Amplification

3.65 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 134

and 100 m Crest Height Effect (1.2 PGA Amplification

3.66 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 134

and 300 m Crest Height Effect (1.2 PGA Amplification

3.67 Topographic Effect on Earthquake-induced Landslides 135

Displacement for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion
(No Topographic Effect and Topographic Effect
with 1.2 and 1.4 PGA Amplification Factors)

4.1 Analysis Model for Seismic Stability of Boulders 136

4.2 Calculated Relative Displacement when the Limit 138

Eccentricity is Reached for a 100 kg Spherical Boulder,
under the 2% in 50 Years, 0.2 s Horizontal Ground Motion

4.3 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder to Fall, for 140
2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

4.4 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder to Fall, for 140
10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure Page
No. No.

4.5 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder to Fall, for 141
63% in 50 Years Ground Motion

4.6 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder of 141

10,000 kg to fall for 2% in 50 Years Ground, with
Topographic Effect (30 m, 100 m, and 300 m Crest

4.7 Effect of the Vertical Motion on the Limiting Eccentricity 142

Necessary for Boulders of 100 kg, 1,000 kg and 10,000 kg
to Fall Under a 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

4.8 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder 143

Fall Calculated by the Energy Approach and by Dynamic
Stability Analysis for No Topographic Effect

4.9 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder 143

Fall Calculated by the Energy Approach and by Dynamic
Stability Analysis for a 30 m Crest Height Topographic

4.10 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder 144

Fall Calculated by the Energy Approach and by Dynamic
Stability Analysis for a 100 m Crest Height Topographic

4.11 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder 144

Fall Calculated by the Energy Approach and by Dynamic
Stability Analysis for a 300 m Crest Height Topographic

4.12 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder 145

Fall Calculated by the Energy Approach and by Dynamic
Stability Analysis Accounting for the Vertical
Acceleration (and No Topographic Effect)

5.1 Flow Chart of Development of Natural Terrain Boundary 148

5.2 Flow Chart of Generating Natural Polygon 149

5.3 Flow Chart of Generating Building Polygon 149

5.4 Flow Chart of Generating “Developed Area” 150


Figure Page
No. No.

5.5 Flow Chart of Generating Preliminary Natural Terrain 150


5.6 Flow Chart of Generating Final Natural Terrain Boundary 151

by Manual Editing

5.7 Final Natural Boundary in the Study Area 152

5.8 ENTLI Record up to 2009 with the Natural Boundary 153

5.9 Location of 5 m down of the Crown in ENTLI Record up 155

to 2009 within the Natural Boundary

5.10 Annual Record of Number of Landslides from ENTLI 156


5.11 Smooth Slope Angle within Natural Terrain Boundary 158

5.12 ENTLI Record in the Test Area 158

5.13 Plots of ENTLI of Non-shifted Landslide Crown up to 159

2009 against Slope Angle for TIN Model Generated
from 1:1,000 (1 k) and 1:5,000 (5 k) LIC Maps

5.14 Plots of ENTLI of Shifted Landslide Crown up to 2009 160

against Slope Angle

5.15 Plots of ENTLI of Non-shifted Landslide Crown up to 161

2009 against Slope Angle

5.16 Map Showing Susceptibility Classes for Slope Angle 162

5.17 1:20,000 Scale Solid and Superficial Geology Map 163

5.18 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown in 164

Different Geological Units in 1:20,000 Geological Map

5.19 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown in 165

Different Geological Units in 1:20,000 Geological Map

5.20 Geological Structure Extracted from 1:100,000 Hong 166

Kong Geological Map and the GASP Reports

5.21 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown in 167

Geological Structure Proximity

Figure Page
No. No.

5.22 Landslide Density of the Non-shifted Landslide Crown in 168

Geological Structure Proximity

5.23 Terrain Components in Landform Map in GASP Reports 169

5.24 The Hypothetical Nine-unit Land Surface Model by 170

Dalrymple et al (1968) and the Simplified Terrain
Model in Our Study

5.25 Terrain Components in Landform Map in GASP Reports 171

5.26 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with 172

Terrain Unit

5.27 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with 173

Terrain Unit

5.28 Susceptibility Classes for Terrain Unit 174

5.29 Drainage Lines in 1:5,000 Scale Topographic Map 175

5.30 Head of Drainage Lines in 1:5,000 Scale Topographic 175


5.31 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown for 176

Different Proximities to Drainage Lines

5.32 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown for 177

Different Proximities to Drainage Lines

5.33 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown for 178

Different Buffers to the Head of the Drainage Line

5.34 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown for 179

Different Buffers to the Head of the Drainage Line

5.35 Susceptibility Map Based on Terrain Unit and Slope 180


5.36 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with 181

Susceptibility Class up to 2009

5.37 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with 182

Susceptibility Class up to 2009

Figure Page
No. No.

5.38 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with 184

Susceptibility Class in Particular Years

5.39 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with 185

Susceptibility Class in Particular Years

5.40 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with 186

Susceptibility Class in 10-year Intervals

5.41 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with 187

Susceptibility Class in 10-year Intervals

5.42 Ratio of Landslide Area to Total Area of Shifted 188

Landslide Crown with Susceptibility Class for Recent
Landslides up to 2009

5.43 Ratio of Landslide Area to Total Area of Non-shifted 188

Landslide Crown with Susceptibility Class for Recent
Landslides up to 2009

6.1 Soil and Rock Distribution within Natural Terrain 190


6.2 Soil Distribution Compared with Slope Angle 190

6.3 Factor of Safety and Percentage Time Relationship for the 191
Susceptibility Classes

6.4 Landslide Area Ratio in 50 Years for Different 192

Amplification Factors and Susceptibility Classes

6.5 Susceptibility Map for Landslide Density Considering 193

Earthquake and Rainfall Effect

6.6 Susceptibility Map Only Considering Rainfall 193

6.7 Worst Credible Factor of Safety and Percentage Time 195


6.8 Landslide Area Ratio in 50 Years for the Maximum 196

Credible Seismic Effects Compared with the Best

6.9 Susceptibility Map Considering the Maximum Credible 197

Effect from Seismic Ground Motion

Figure Page
No. No.

6.10 Three Classes of Percentage of Boulder Coverage Area 199

6.11 Boulder Fall Susceptibility Map 200


1 Introduction
1.1 Background

The Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development
Department (CEDD) has previously assessed the potential effects of earthquakes on the stability
of man-made slopes and retaining walls in Hong Kong (e.g. Wong & Ho, 2000; Au-Yeung &
Ho, 1995). As the management of natural terrain landslide hazards is a focus of the post-2010
Landslip Prevention and Mitigation Programme, there is a need to examine the responses and
stability of natural terrain in Hong Kong under an earthquake event.

On 1st April 2009, GEO commissioned Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited (Arup)
to undertake the Investigation Assignment of “Pilot Seismic Microzonation Study in North-
west New Territories for the Study of Potential Effect of Earthquake on Natural Terrain” under
Agreement No. CE 49/2008 (GE). The Guangdong Engineering Earthquake Resistance
Research Institute (GEERRI) is a sub-consultant to Arup on this Assignment.

The above study involves (a) an overall seismic hazard assessment of Hong Kong; (b) an
area-specific seismic microzonation assessment for a Study Area in the North-west New
Territories; and (c) an evaluation of the potential effects of earthquakes on the natural terrain,
with an account taken of local geology, topography and envisaged ground responses. The
study evaluates the overall seismic hazard assessment of Hong Kong and produces maps
delineating zones with similar predicted seismic intensity and motion at the ground surface in
the Study Area. The potential natural terrain landslide hazards associated with the seismic
ground motions are also evaluated. Findings of parts (a) and (b) of the study have been
documented in Arup (2015) and Arup (2018) respectively.

This report documents part (c) of the study i.e. an evaluation of the potential effects of
earthquakes on the natural terrain. The results from parts (a) and (b) of the study such as the
response spectra for Hong Kong, bedrock seismic ground motion time histories, topographic
effects, etc. would be used to evaluate the potential effects of earthquake on the stability of
natural terrain and assess the earthquake-induced natural terrain landslide hazards in the Study

1.2 Scope of this Report

The earthquake-induced natural terrain landslide hazard assessment for a Study Area in
the North-west New Territories of Hong Kong has been carried out in this study. Figure 1.2
of Arup (2018) shows the location of the Study Area. Key items of the work completed under
this study are listed as follows.

1.2.1 Literature Review

A review of literature pertaining to the assessment of slope movements under seismic

ground motions has been carried out. Both empirical and analytical methods identified in the
literature are discussed. Some methods have been selected for slope stability analyses in the
present study.

1.2.2 Development of Bedrock Seismic Ground Motion Time Histories and Arias

Horizontal time histories of seismic ground motions have been derived to be compatible
with the horizontal uniform hazard response spectra (UHRS) having 10% and 2% probabilities
of being exceeded in the next 50 years (or, for simplicity, 10% and 2% in 50 years ground
motions) (see Arup (2015) for the UHRS). Analyses of vertical ground motions and the
topographic amplification effects have been considered in generating the time histories. The
Arias Intensity, which is found to correlate well with the distribution of earthquake-induced
landslides (e.g. Jibson, 1993), has been calculated from the time histories.

1.2.3 Methodology for the Analysis of Earthquake-induced Landslide

For the assessment of earthquake-induced landslides, time history-based numerical

analyses using Oasys SIREN and Dynamic FLAC have been carried out for natural slopes
possessing different presumed values of soil strengths and static factor of safety (FoS) to
determine the permanent downslope displacements under different levels of seismic ground
motions. The displacements have been compared with that calculated using empirical
correlations. These empirical correlations are related to the Arias Intensity of the seismic
ground motions. The results indicate that for the level of ground motion appropriate to Hong
Kong, the slopes need to be close to failure (i.e. possessing a static FoS close to unity) at the
time of earthquake should there be any significant likelihood of slope failures.

1.2.4 Methodology for the Analysis of Earthquake-induced Boulder Fall

A one-dimensional dynamic stability analysis program has been developed for this study
to assess the boulder fall hazard under seismic loadings. Spherical boulders of 100 kg,
1,000 kg and 10,000 kg have been considered. The results have been presented in terms of the
limiting eccentricity necessary for a boulder to fall under a given seismic ground motion. The
horizontal ground acceleration time histories derived for site response analyses in Arup (2018)
as well as that catered for topographic effects (for 30 m, 100 m and 300 m ridge heights) have
been considered for 63%, 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions. In addition, vertical
ground acceleration has been considered for the 2% in 50 years ground motion. The results
have been compared with that evaluated using an energy approach, which considers the amount
of energy required for a boulder to tip.

1.2.5 Landslide Susceptibility

A landslide susceptibility analysis has been conducted for the Study Area considering
the existing geological conditions, topography, drainage, geomorphology and past instability
records (up to 2009) obtained from the Enhanced Natural Terrain Landslide Inventory (ENTLI).
Various susceptibility factors such as slope angle, geology, slope morphology, drainage have
been analysed and compared with the landslide density deduced from the ENTLI data.
Susceptibility classes have been defined and the probability of slope failures at any location has
been determined for each class. The increase in the probability of slope failures due to
earthquake ground motions has been determined together with the topographic amplification

effects. These combined failure probabilities have been used to generate landslide
susceptibility maps, which delineate and rank areas of potential landslide hazards within the
Study Area.

This study is a regional assessment to provide an order of magnitude of how likely

natural terrain landslides would be triggered under an earthquake event in Hong Kong. The
earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility has been examined relative to the rainfall-induced
landslide susceptibility. The adopted regional assessment approach is consistent with the
regional perspective considered by a study undertaken previously by the GEO on global
quantitative risk assessment of earthquake-induced landslides of man-made slopes in Hong
Kong. Such regional perspective provides insights on the overall scale of the problem. This
study is a hazard assessment and the direct consequences of earthquake-induced natural terrain
landslides are not considered.

The implication of distress of natural hillsides, which may be caused by earthquakes and
would increase the rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility, has not been considered in this
study. Furthermore, debris resulted from earthquake-induced landslides may be deposited on
natural hillsides and it is liable to be re-mobilised by subsequent rainstorms. Thus, the
potential increase of natural terrain landslide hazards after a large earthquake event should not
be neglected. It is believed that a ‘reactive approach’, including inspection and mapping of
potential slope distress as well as major debris deposits close to facilities, could be a pragmatic
approach to deal with post-earthquake landslide hazards. If a major earthquake occurs in Hong
Kong, slope inspections and mapping of vulnerable areas on the natural hillsides should be
carried out in the same way as the inspections that would be performed for buildings and

2 Literature Review
2.1 General

The natural terrain landslide susceptibility to seismic ground motions is dependent on

the regolith distribution, landslide distribution and levels of ground motions. An assessment
can be carried out by empirical relationships based on observed data for earthquake-induced
natural terrain landslides in high-seismicity regions. In many seismic codes, the seismic slope
stability is assessed by analytical methods using the simplified pseudo-static approach based on
the Newmark (1965) method. Theoretical assessments based on non-linear dynamic analyses
are also available. In this study, a literature review pertaining to the assessment of earthquake-
induced natural terrain landslide susceptibility has been carried out.

The review covers the methodologies for assessing the seismic displacements of slopes
in natural terrain, the landslide susceptibility factors and mapping as well as seismic stability
of boulders. This section summarises the findings of this literature review, on which the
assessment of the earthquake-induced natural terrain landslide susceptibility has been based.

There were some local studies pertaining to natural terrain landslides. For example,
Ding (2008) and Halcrow (2009) indicated that if Hong Kong was subjected to a magnitude 7.0
earthquake located within 50 km (e.g. at the Dangan Islands), there would be significant areas
of shallow landslides and rock falls. However, such an extreme event may not be considered

as a reasonable design event for Hong Kong. Also, no indication had been given to the
probability of such an extreme event in their studies.

Some studies (e.g. Tang et al, 2009 & 2010; Wong & Ding, 2010; Wong et al, 2010)
examined the extent of possible neotectonic movements of major faults in Hong Kong as a
result of earthquakes and their potential correlations with natural terrain landslides. The
studies involved geomorphological assessments, field observations, ground investigation and
dating of superficial deposits. It was found that there were two clusters of territory-wide deep-
seated landslide aged at around 50,000 and 30,000 years ago that could had been possibly
induced by seismic ground motions. Nevertheless, the potential triggering cause due to high
intensity rainstorms could not be ruled out. Hence, the studies could not conclude that
neotectonic movements had occurred simply by referring to the evidence of historical landslides.

Apart from natural terrain landslide studies, Wong & Ho (2000) presented a quantitative
risk assessment of earthquake-induced landslides of man-made slopes in Hong Kong. They
provided a very useful methodology for combining the hazards of rainfall-induced landslides
with that induced by seismic ground motions. The likelihood of low, moderate and high
degrees of soil saturation estimated in that report has been used to estimate the combined effects
of rainstorms and earthquakes on the natural terrain landslide hazard in this study (see
Section 6).

2.2 Methodology for Seismic Stability Analysis of Slopes in Natural Terrain

The Newmark’s method (Newmark, 1965) has been commonly used to assess the slope
movements under an earthquake event. Jibson (1993) described a state-of-the-art approach for
analysing the seismic slope stability using a simplified method to calculate Newmark
displacement. Blake et al (2002) described the ground motion parameters for seismic slope
stability analyses. They also recommended the use of pseudo-static seismic loadings in a
conventional limit equilibrium analysis as a screening process and a displacement analysis
based on an analogy of a rigid block on an inclined plane. The susceptibility of slope failures
to the accompanying vertical ground motions as well as the earthquake-induced reactivation of
previous landslides were also discussed.

2.2.1 Ground Motion Parameters

Blake et al (2002) concluded that the ground motion parameters from Abrahamson &
Silva (1996) and Rathje et al (1998) used in the recommended seismic slope displacement
analysis procedures pertaining to the maximum horizontal acceleration, the duration of strong
shaking and the mean period of ground motion (Tm). Duration is typically quantified for this
purpose as the time span in which 90% of the energy in an earthquake accelerogram is released,
or more specifically, as the time between the 5% and 95% normalised Arias Intensity (D5-95).
D5-95 and Tm are mainly a function of earthquake magnitude (M), site-source distance (r), site
conditions (i.e. rock vs. soil), and the type of faulting.

(a) Duration (Abrahamson & Silva, 1996)

Median values of D5-95 of rock can be estimated as follows:

For r > 10 km,

exp (A1 + A2 (M - 6))
[ 1.5M + 16.05 ] (r - 10)
ln (D5-95 ) med = ln [ 10
6 + ] + ln (A4 ) ...................... (2.1)
15.7 × 10 A3

For r < 10 km,

exp (A1 + A2 (M - 6))
[ 1.5M + 16.05 ]
ln (D5-95 ) med = ln [ 10
6 ] + ln (A4 ) ............................ (2.2)
15.7 × 10

where the coefficients A1, A2, A3 and A4 are listed in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Coefficients for Estimating Tm (Blake et al, 2002)

A1 A2 A3 A4 C1 C2 C3 V1 V2
(s) (s) (m/s) (s) (s) (s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
5.204 0.851 15.873 2.378 0.411 0.0837 0.00208 1.87 3.477

(b) Mean Period (Rathje et al, 1998)

Rathje et al (1998) defined the mean period (Tm) as the inverse of the weighted average
frequency, with weights defined from the Fourier amplitude spectrum over a frequency range
from 0.25 to 20 Hz. For practical application, the authors suggested to estimate the parameter

ln (Tm ) = ln (C1 + C2 × (M - 6) + C3 × r), M ≤ 7.25 ........................ (2.3)

ln (𝑇m ) = ln (C1 + 1.25 × C2 + C3 × r), 7.25 ≤ M ≤ 8.0 ...................... (2.4)

where parameters C1, C2 and C3 should be selected for a rock site condition using the values
presented in Table 2.1.

2.2.2 Pseudo-static Approach

The pseudo-static approach was recommended by Blake et al (2002) as a screening

process, which the factor of safety (FoS) would be estimated by entering a horizontal seismic
coefficient (keq) into a conventional slope stability calculation. keq represents the fraction of
the weight of a sliding mass that is applied as an equivalent horizontal force acting through the

centroid of the mass. If FoS > 1, the site passes the screening. If FoS < 1, the site fails and
should be subsequently analysed for slope deformation.

The seismic coefficient to be used in the screening analysis is taken as:

keq = feq × (MHAr /g) ................................................... (2.5)

where MHAr is the maximum horizontal acceleration at a soft rock site, g = acceleration of
gravity, and feq is a factor related to the seismicity of the site, as described below.

Previous pseudo-static procedures for seismic slope stability have specified a single
value for feq, and thus have made implicit and usually very conservative assumptions about the
magnitude of earthquakes causing the design-basis MHAr. The paper suggested a method to
reduce any unnecessary conservatism by developing a range of feq values as a function of
magnitude (M) and site-source distance (r). Calculations were performed to evaluate, for
various combinations of MHAr, M and r , the feq values that lead to a 50% probability of the
seismic slope displacement exceeding the chosen threshold Newmark displacements of 5 cm or
15 cm. The results of the calculations are shown in Figure 2.1, and correspond to the following

feq = [V1 - log10 ( MHAr )] ................................. (2.6)
( ) × NRF × D5-95 V2

where the coefficients V1 and V2 are defined in Table 2.1, u (cm) is the threshold displacement,
D5-95 is the median duration from the Abrahamson & Silva (1996) relationship, and NRF is a
factor to allow for the non-linear response of the material above the failure surface, which is
defined as:

- MHAr /g
NRF ≈ 0.6225 + 0.9196 × Exp ( )

for 0.1 < MHAr /g < 0.8.

2.2.3 Newmark’s Method

Comparison with other approaches

The Newmark’s method was recommended by Jibson (1993) for earthquake-induced

landslide stability analysis instead of the pseudo-static analysis or finite-element modelling

(i) The pseudo-static analysis, in which an earthquake

acceleration acting on a potential landslide mass is treated as
a permanent static body force in a limit-equilibrium analysis,
has proved to be vastly over-conservative when the peak
ground acceleration (PGA) exceeds the yield acceleration of

Figure 2.1 Required Values of feq as Function of MHAr and Seismological Condition
for Threshold Displacements of (a) 5 cm and (b) 15 cm (Blake et al, 2002)

the slope. According to Wilson & Keefer (1983), many

slopes experienced transient earthquake accelerations well
above their yield accelerations but induced very little or no
permanent displacement.

(ii) The two-dimensional finite-element modelling, which can

estimate the strain potentials and slope deformations quite
accurately, requires a very broad set of high quality and
density data. This makes it generally impractical and overly

Applicability of Newmark’s method to natural slopes

Originally intended for dams and embankments, the Newmark’s method was proved to
be applicable to natural slopes by Wilson & Keefer (1983). This method assumes that the

landslide mass is treated as a rigid-plastic body. As such, the mass is assumed not to deform
internally, nor to experience any permanent displacement at a seismic acceleration below the
yield level. It deforms plastically along a discrete basal shear surface when the critical
acceleration is exceeded.

The author thus highlights that the Newmark’s method is the best applied to translational
block slides, especially infinite-slope models that are applicable to landslides on natural terrain,
and rotational slumps.

It should be noted that the Newmark’s method is also not applicable to certain slope
materials, which shear strength reduces with increasing strain. In this case, the Newmark’s
method would underestimate the slope displacements. On the other hand, for visco-elastic
materials, it would overestimate the slope displacements due to the viscous damping of the
seismic response of the soil.

Steps of Newmark’s method of stability analysis

(a) Factor of safety

As noted by Newmark (1965), modelling dynamic slope response requires an input of

the undrained or total shear strength parameters. During earthquakes, slope materials would
behave in an undrained manner, because excess pore pressures induced by dynamic
deformation of the soil column could not dissipate during the brief shaking duration. For a
rough estimation of the slope displacements, the authors suggest to use a simple factor-of-safety
analysis for infinite slope based on an estimated shear strength.

(b) Thrust angle

The thrust angle () is the direction in which the centre of gravity of a sliding mass
moves when the displacement first occurs. For an infinite slope, this is the slope angle. For
a simple planar block, it is the basal shear surface inclination angle. Newmark (1965) defined
the thrust angle for a circular rotational movement as the angle between the vertical and a line
segment connecting the centre of gravity of the slide mass and the centre of the slip circle (see
Figure 2.2). For irregular shapes, an “equivalent” circular slip surface should be estimated.

(c) Critical acceleration

The critical acceleration (Ac) is the pseudo-static acceleration that leads to a factor of
safety (FoS) of unity for a slope or a sliding block. For a rigid block,

Ac = (FoS - 1) g sin 

The earthquake acceleration time histories are selected using PGA, Arias Intensity and
duration as the ground shaking intensity indexes.

Two approaches were suggested by Newmark (1965) for selecting an input ground
motion for displacement analyses:

Figure 2.2 Model of Hypothetical Slope (Jibson, 1993)

(i) Scaling acceleration time histories from actual earthquakes to

a desired level of PGA; and

(ii) Using single or multiple cycles of artificial acceleration

pulses having simple rectangular, triangular or sinusoidal

These methods are now considered to be oversimplified to select time histories given
the current digitised acceleration time histories possessing a broad range of attributes, including
the magnitude and source distance that significantly influence the duration and predominant
periods of shaking. Jibson (1993) suggested the use of Arias Intensity, which was found to
correlate well with the distribution of earthquake-induced landslides.

The Arias Intensity (Ia) has an unit of velocity and is defined as:

Ia = π/2g ∫[a(t)]2 dt ................................................... (2.8)

where g is gravity, and a(t) is the time history of the ground acceleration. Ia can be estimated
based on the following relationships if the time history is not available:

 log Ia = M - 2 log R - 4.1 (Wilson & Keefer, 1985)

 Ia = 0.9 PGA × T (reported by R.C. Wilson (U.S. Geological

Survey, unpublished data), see Jibson (1993))

and log T = 0.432 M - 1.83 (Dobry et al, 1978)


where M and R are the moment magnitude of the earthquake and earthquake source distance in
kilometres respectively, and T is the duration in seconds.

(d) Newmark displacement calculation

The Newmark displacement is calculated by double integrating the parts of ground

motions that lie above the yield acceleration, as illustrated in Figure 2.3. Table 2.2 shows the
recommended simple BASIC program that uses the algorithm of Wilson & Keefer (1983) to
compute the Newmark displacement from an acceleration time history with a constant time step,
with modification to prohibit any upslope displacement.

In addition to the integration of the time history, there are numerous empirical
correlations to calculate Newmark displacement based on Ia (Jibson, 1993), horizontal
acceleration and the median duration (D5-95 (s)) (Blake et al, 2002).

Figure 2.3 Illustration of the Newmark Displacement Calculation Algorithm, Adapted

from Wilson & Keefer (1983) (Jibson, 1993)

Table 2.2 BASIC Program for Calculating Newmark Displacement (Jibson, 1993)

2.2.4 Influence of Vertical Acceleration Yang (2007)

Yang (2007) studied the possible effects of vertical acceleration on the seismic landslide
hazard considering the effects of varying the groundwater level. He assumed that the
horizontal and vertical seismic coefficients (kh and kv respectively) were applied simultaneously
and studied the ratios of kv/kh = 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5.

Based on an infinite slope model (Figure 2.4), Yang (2007) calculated the vertical
acceleration-dependent factor of safety (FS) as:

c' + (σ - u) tan ϕ'

FS = [(1+ kv) sin β + kh cos β] γz cos β
.......................................... (2.9)

where c' is the effective cohesion, ϕ' is the effective friction angle, γ is the unit weight of the
soil, σ is the total normal stress, and u is the pore water pressure on the failure plane.

Or further as:

c' + {[(1+ kv) cos β - kh sin β] γ - (1+ kv) γw m cos β} z cos β tan ϕ'
FS = [(1+ kv) sin β + kh cos β] γz cos β
...................... (2.10)

where γw is the unit weight of water, and m is the ratio of zw to z (see Figure 2.4) being 0 for a
dry slope and 1 for a saturated slope.

Figure 2.4 Infinite Slope Model (Yang, 2007)

The earthquake-induced excess pore water pressure was not considered. The yield
acceleration could then be expressed as:

a - a4 a - a6
khy = (a1 ) kv + (a3 )............................................. (2.11)
5 - a2 5 - a2

where a1 = (γ - γw m) z cos2 β tan ϕ'

a2 = - γz sin β cos β tan ϕ'
a3 = c' + (γ - mγw) z cos2 β tan ϕ'
a4 = γz sin β cos β
a5 = γz cos2 β
a6 = γz sin β cos β.

Figure 2.5 shows that the effect of vertical acceleration is negligible when kh < 0.2, but
tends to become significant at larger kh values. Regarding the influence of the vertical
acceleration on slope displacements, Figure 2.6 illustrates how the vertical acceleration
amplifies the slope displacement, which is calculated as:

d 1 - ry (a'y /amax )
Ad = = (r-1.09
y )[ ] ..................................... (2.12)
d' 1 - (a'y /amax )

khy 1
ry = =
k'hy 1- χp

where Ad is the displacement amplification factor, χ = (a1 - a4) / (a5 - a2), p = kv/kh and a'y is the
yield acceleration excluding the effect of vertical acceleration.

However, as mentioned by Yang (2007), the large amplification of displacements is in

a relative sense, being only associated with very small displacements.

(a) Dry Conditions (b) Saturated Conditions

Figure 2.5 Factor of Safety of a Saturated Slope under Various Combinations of kh and kv
(Yang, 2007)

(a) Dry Conditions (b) Saturated Conditions

Figure 2.6 Amplification Factor for Permanent Displacement (Yang, 2007)

39 Commentary

This paper sets out to maximise the effects of vertical ground acceleration on slope
movements. Figure 2.6 shows amplifications of slope displacement up to 100 times due to
vertical acceleration but in reality these large factors only apply to extremely small
displacements assessed without considering the vertical seismic ground motion. For a typical
case where the peak vertical acceleration is similar to the peak horizontal acceleration, it is most
unlikely that the vertical acceleration will be larger than 40% of the horizontal acceleration at
the time when the peak horizontal acceleration occurs. It can be concluded from this paper
that consideration of vertical acceleration will rarely lead to a significant increase in the
estimated downslope displacements.

2.2.5 Reactivated Landslides

Cole et al (1998) studied the earthquake reactivation of pre-existing landslides scars,

based on an analysis of two earthquake-reactivated landslides during the 1989 Loma Prieta
earthquake in the epicentral region at the central Santa Cruz Mountains.

The two cases studied were characterised through thorough investigation comprising
geological mapping, subsurface logging and sampling, and laboratory direct shear testing. The
actual landslide behaviour was then compared with the results of two analytical seismic stability
analyses, following the pseudo-static method and cumulative-displacement analysis (i.e.
Newmark method). This study provided a good opportunity to test the dynamic slope stability
methods currently used in practice, especially for the case of earthquake-induced reactivation
of landslides in natural terrain.

This study concluded that the available methods of cumulative-displacement analysis

are applicable to earthquake-reactivated landslides on natural terrain, but investigators should
select variables with cautions so as not to underestimate the stability of pre-existing landslides.
With a thorough characterisation of landslide geometry, local geological conditions,
engineering properties and a selection of conservative strength parameters for the basal rupture
surfaces, existing analytical techniques are sufficient for predictions of the order of magnitude
when the lowest laboratory shear strengths are used.

2.3 Landslide Displacement Assessment

The Newmark displacement can be estimated by different methods. Hsieh & Lee (2011)
summarised the latest Arias Intensity-based empirical correlations for assessing earthquake-
induced slope displacements. Blake et al (2002) also recommended an empirical formula to
evaluate the Newmark displacement using the horizontal ground acceleration and the median
duration (D5-95 (s)), which is also obtained from the build-up of Arias Intensity (Ia) during an
earthqauake event. The most recent empirical correlations proposed by Hsieh & Lee (2011) are
discussed below. In addition, the threshold displacement for landsliding in natural terrain is
also discussed.

2.3.1 Arias Intensity Approach (Hsieh & Lee, 2011)

Hsieh & Lee (2011) employed strong-motion data from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, the
1999 Kocaeli earthquake, the 1999 Duzce earthquake, the 1995 Kobe earthquake, the 1994
Northridge earthquake and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake to study the worldwide
applicability of previous relationships among critical acceleration, Arias Intensity, and
Newmark displacement, and refined them according to the new findings.

For example, it was found that the relationships derived by Jibson (1993) and Jibson et
al (1998) (see equations below) were not applicable to the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake dataset.

log Dn = 1.460log Ia - 6.642Ac + 1.546 ± 0.409, Jibson (1993) .............. (2.13)

log Dn = 1.521log Ia - 1.993log Ac - 1.546 ± 0.375, Jibson et al (1998)........ (2.14)

where Ac is critical acceleration (in g), Ia is the Arias Intensity (in m/s), Dn is the downslope
displacement (in cm), and the last term is the estimation error of the models.

Different relationships to derive the Newmark displacement were checked against

different datasets. The forms of relationships between the Newmark displacement and the
Arias Intensity were checked: Ia - Dn, Ia - log Dn and log Ia - log Dn (see Table 2.3). It was found
that log Dn being proportional to log Ia was a worldwide phenomenon. Therefore, this relationship
was regarded as the most accurate. On the other hand, it was demonstrated that there existed a
very stable linear relationship between Ac and log Dn based on the worldwide dataset (see
Table 2.4).

Table 2.3 Goodness of Fit to a Line in Different Relationships between Dn and Ia for Ac
from 0.01 to 0.4 g (Hsieh & Lee, 2011)

Earthquake Dn - Ia log Dn - Ia log Dn - log Ia

Chi-Chi R2 = 0.3 - 0.5 R2 = 0.2 - 0.5 R2 = 0.7 - 0.9
Duzce & Kocaeli R2 = 0.76 - 0.8 R2 = 0.8 - 0.87 R2 = 0.88 - 0.98
Kobe R2 = 0.7 - 0.89 R2 = 0.78 - 0.87 R2 = 0.9 - 0.98
Loma Prieta R2 = 0.6 - 0.8 R2 = 0.32 - 0.5 R2 = 0.77 - 0.85
Northridge R2 = 0.6 - 0.8 R2 = 0.4 - 0.75 R2 = 0.77 - 0.85

Table 2.4 Goodness of Fit to a Line in Different Relationships between Dn and Ac

(Hsieh & Lee, 2011)

Earthquake Dn - Ac log Dn - Ac log Dn - log Ac

Chi-Chi R2 = 0.6 - 0.7 R2 = 0.98 - 0.99 R2 = 0.89 - 0.97
Duzce & Kocaeli R2 = 0.7 - 0.87 R2 = 0.98 - 0.99 R2 = 0.82 - 0.93
Kobe R2 = 0.67 - 0.82 R2 = 0.98 - 0.99 R2 = 0.89 - 0.96
Loma Prieta R2 = 0.64 - 0.88 R2 = 0.98 - 0.99 R2 = 0.88 - 0.96
Northridge R2 = 0.61 - 0.88 R2 = 0.98 - 0.99 R2 = 0.81 - 0.97

Based on this study, the authors derived two new forms of relationships (referred as
“New Form I” and “New Form II”) between log Dn, log Ia and Ac from the 1999 Chi-Chi
earthquake dataset, and the worldwide dataset, for both soil and rock site conditions. The
generic forms of New Form I and New Form II are shown as follows:

New Form I:

log Dn = C1Aclog Ia + C2Ac + C3 ± ɛ ..................................... (2.15)

New Form II:

log Dn = C1log Ia + C2Ac + C3Aclog Ia + C4 ± ɛ ............................ (2.16)

Taiwan regional-specific relationships

The dataset that established the following equations are shown in Figure 2.7.

New Form I:

log Dn = 18.388Aclog Ia - 21.536Ac + 2.344 ± 0.503 ........................ (2.17)

R2 = 0.804

New Form II:

log Dn = 0.766log Ia - 19.945Ac + 13.744Aclog Ia + 2.196 ± 0.458 ............. (2.18)

R2 = 0.837

(a) New Form I (b) New Form II

Figure 2.7 Results of the Chi-Chi Dataset Fitting to (a) New Form I, (b) New Form II
(Hsieh & Lee, 2011)

Worldwide relationships

The dataset that established the following equations are shown in Figure 2.8.

New Form I:

log Dn = 11.287Aclog Ia - 11.485Ac + 1.948 ± 0.357 ........................ (2.19)

R2 = 0.84

New Form II:

log Dn = 0.847log Ia - 10.62Ac + 6.587Aclog Ia + 1.84 ± 0.295 ................ (2.20)

R2 = 0.89

(a) New Form I (b) New Form II

Figure 2.8 Results of Worldwide Dataset Fitting to (a) New Form I, (b) New Form II
(Hsieh & Lee, 2011)

Site condition-specific relationships

From 1999 Chi Chi earthquake dataset

The results that led to the following equations are shown in Figure 2.9.

New Form II, rock site:

log Dn = 0.555log Ia - 20.488Ac + 14.555Aclog Ia + 2.295 ± 0.414 ............. (2.21)

R2 = 0.875

New Form II, soil site:

log Dn = 0.802log Ia - 19.246Ac + 12.757Aclog Ia + 2.153 ± 0.445 ............. (2.22)

R2 = 0.843

(a) Rock Site (b) Soil Site

Figure 2.9 Results of the Chi-Chi Dataset Fitting to New Form II (Hsieh & Lee, 2011)

From worldwide dataset

The results that led to the following equations are shown in Figure 2.10.

New Form II, rock site:

log Dn = 0.788log Ia - 10.166Ac + 5.95Aclog Ia + 1.779 ± 0.294 ............... (2.23)

R2 = 0.884

New Form II, soil site:

log Dn = 0.802log Ia - 10.981Ac + 7.377Aclog Ia + 1.914 ± 0.274 .............. (2.24)

R2 = 0.905

(a) Rock Site (b) Soil Site

Figure 2.10 Results of Worldwide Dataset Fitting to New Form II (Hsieh & Lee, 2011)


This paper recommended new empirical relationships to estimate the Newmark

displacement based on the Arias Intensity and the critical acceleration, which are applicable to
a region or worldwide. “New Form II” relationships were recommended by the authors. The
Taiwan formula should be used in Taiwan and other areas with similar tectonic environments.
The global formula could be used elsewhere. They further recommended empirical formulae
for soil and rock sites. Because most natural slope failures occur on hillsides, which usually
lay on top of bedrock, a rock-site formula may be more applicable for the evaluation of regional
earthquake-induced landslide hazard. The soil-site formula, however, should be used for
slopes of landfills. For the present study, the worldwide relationships i.e. Equations 2.20
and 2.23 proposed by Hsieh & Lee (2011) would be adopted for further study. Also, the
empirical correlation proposed by Jibson et al (1998) i.e. Equation 2.14 is also recommended
to comply with the worldwide state-of-practice.

2.3.2 Threshold Displacement

Wieczorek et al (1985) used 50 mm as the critical displacement leading to macroscopic

ground cracking and general failures in San Mateo County, California. Keefer & Wilson (1989)
used 100 mm as the critical displacement for coherent landslides in the southern California.
Jibson & Keefer (1993) used a range of 50 to 100 mm as the threshold displacement for
landslides in the Mississippi Valley. Wang & Lin (2010) defined the threshold as 100 to
150 mm for the landslides induced by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. Blake et al
(2002) discussed the tolerable Newmark displacement as < 150 mm for slip surface occurring
in ductile soils that do not intersect engineered improvement (e.g. landscaped areas and patios).
The value was reduced to < 50 mm for slip surfaces intersecting stiff improvements (such as
buildings, pools, etc.). All the afore-mentioned threshold displacement values are relevant to
this study.

Any level of a threshold displacement can be used based on the ground conditions
considered by a specific landslide case study. For example, highly ductile materials may
accommodate more displacements without general failure, while brittle materials might
accommodate less. What constitutes failure may vary according to the experience of the user
(Jibson, 1993). For the present study, the threshold displacement is set as 100 mm, which is
an average value suggested in the above literatures.

2.4 Landslide Susceptibility Factors and Map

In addition to the methods introduced above, there are other issues related to the subject
of earthquake-induced landslides such as susceptibility factors and others. As such, a review
of a Special Issue of Engineering Geology issued in 2011 has been undertaken. This Special
Issue was based on the outcomes of an international conference “The Next Generation of
Research on Earthquake-Induced Landslides” held in 2009. Its recommendations, particularly
for those relevant to Hong Kong, are briefly discussed below.

2.4.1 ISSMFE (1993)

ISSMFE (1993) addressed the zonation of earthquake-induced landslides. Three

grades of approach to zonation were determined.

(a) Grade 1 is based on historical earthquake data (earthquake

magnitude, distance to fault or epicentre and intensity), as
well as geological and geomorphological maps.

(b) Grade 2 requires aerial photos and remote sensing; field

studies and vegetation as well as precipitation data.

(c) Grade 3 requires geotechnical investigations and site specific

dynamic stability analyses.

For the purpose of the present study, only Grade 1 and Grade 2 zonation approaches
have been reviewed.

In general, earthquake-induced slope failures include a variety of phenomena and may

be classified into three categories according to Keefer & Wilson (1989):

(a) Category I: falls, disrupted slides and avalanches;

(b) Category II: slumps, block slides and earth flows; and

(c) Category III: lateral spreads and flows.

Among these three classes, the events classified under Category I are associated with
shallow-seated landslides and thus are the major concern for the present study.

Grade 1: Magnitude-distance criteria review

(a) Tamura (1978)

Tamura (1978) conducted case studies on slope failures which occurred during
37 earthquakes in Japan over the past 100 years. Four kinds of distances were adopted in the
study as follows:

(i) Df: distance from a fault to an outer boundary of the zone where
many slope failures occurred.

(ii) df: distance from a fault to an outer boundary of the zone where a
few slope failures occurred.

(iii) Dp: distance from an epicentre to an outer boundary of the zone

where many slope failures occurred.

(iv) dp: distance from an epicentre to an outer boundary of the zone


where a few slope failures occurred.

The magnitude-distance results for this study are shown in Figure 2.11.

Figure 2.11 Relationships between Magnitude and Distance to Slope Failure in Japan
(after Tamura, 1978, from ISSMFE, 1993)

(b) Yasuda & Sugitani (1988)

Yasuda & Sugitani (1988) identified 105 landslide cases that occurred in Japan in the
past 100 years and classified them into two groups: surface slides and deep slides. The
magnitude-distance relationships and the lower bound for slope failure for both groups are
illustrated in Figure 2.12.

Figure 2.12 Relationships between Magnitude and Maximum Epicentral Distance of

Slope Failure in Japan (after Yasuda & Sugitani, 1988, from ISSMFE,

(c) Keefer & Wilson (1989)

Keefer & Wilson (1989) conducted a statistical analysis for 47 typical events which have
occurred since 1811 worldwide. Those slope failures were classified in Categories I to III as
listed above. Figure 2.13 illustrates the results of this study.

Figure 2.13 Relationships between Magnitude and Maximum Distance of Landslides

from Fault-rupture Zone in Kilometres (after Keefer & Wilson, 1989,
from ISSMFE, 1993)

(d) ISSMFE (1993) recommended criteria

ISSMFE (1993) presented a summary of the previous magnitude-distance relationship

to date as illustrated in Figure 2.14. However, the authors believed that it was necessary to
refine the criteria by catering for the difference of failure criteria between dry-weather countries
(like Iran or Armenia) and wet-weather countries (like Japan or the Philippines). The new
recommended relationships are illustrated in Figure 2.15.

Figure 2.14 Comparison between Magnitude-distance Relationships (ISSMFE, 1993)

Figure 2.15 Recommended Magnitude-distance Relationships for Dry-weather and

Wet-weather Countries (ISSMFE, 1993)

Grade 2: Susceptibility factors

(a) Kanagawa Prefectural Government (1986), Japan

The findings of this study were based on slope failures that occurred in Japan during
three large earthquakes: the 1974 Izuhanto-Oki earthquake; the 1978 Izuoshima-Kinkai
earthquake; and the 1984 Naganoken-Seibu earthquake. The susceptibility to slope failure in
each mesh of the map was calculated as the sum of the weighting factors listed in Table 2.5.
The classification of the topography of slopes is given in Figure 2.16.

Table 2.5 Weighting Factors Related to Slope Failure (after Kanagawa Prefectural
Government, 1986, from ISSMFE, 1993)

Factor Category Weight

(a) Maximum surface acceleration (Gal), W1 0 - 200 0.0

200 - 300 1.004
300 - 400 2.306
400 - 2.754
(b) Length of a contour line (m), W2 0 - 1,000 0.0
1,000 - 1,500 0.071
1,500 - 2,000 0.320
2,000 - 0.696
(c) Difference between the highest site and the 0 - 50 0.0
lowest site (m), W3 50 - 100 0.550
100 - 200 0.591
200 - 300 0.814
300 - 1.431
(d) Hardness of a rock, W4 Soil 0.0
Soft rock 0.169
Hard rock 0.191
(e) Length of faults (m), W5 No fault 0.0
0 - 200 0.238
200 - 0.710
(f) Length of artificial slopes (m), W6 0 - 100 0.0
100 - 200 0.539
200 - 0.845
(g) Topography of slope, W7 (Figure 2.16) ○
1 0.0

2 0.151

3 0.184

4 0.207

Figure 2.16 Classification of the Topography of Slopes (after Kanagawa Prefecture

Government, 1986, from ISSMFE, 1993)

(b) Mora & Vahrson (1994)

Mora & Vahrson (1994) conducted case studies of slope failures in historic earthquakes
as well as those induced by heavy rainfall in Central America. Five factors: relative relief,
lithology, soil moisture, seismicity and rainfall intensity were considered as triggering factors
for slope failure. The degree of slope failure hazard is defined as follows:

HL = (Sr × Sl × Sh) × (Ts + Tp)

where HL = landslide hazard index (see Table 2.6)

Sr = relative relief index (see Table 2.7)
Sl = lithology susceptibility index (see Table 2.8)
Sh = soil moisture index (see Tables 2.9 and 2.10)
Ts = seismic intensity index (see Table 2.11)
Tp = rainfall intensity index (see Table 2.12).

Table 2.6 Classes of the Potential Landslide Hazards (after Mora & Vahrson, from
ISSMFE, 1993)

Class Susceptibility of Hazard

I Negligible
II Low
III Moderate
IV Medium
V High
VI Very high

Table 2.7 Relative Relief (Sr) Values and their Classes of Influence in Landslide
Susceptibility (after Mora & Vahrson, from ISSMFE, 1993)

Relative Relief (m/km2) Susceptibility Parameter, Sr

0 - 75 Very low 0
76 - 175 Low 1
176 - 300 Moderate 2
301 - 500 Medium 3
501 - 800 High 4
> 800 Very high 5

Table 2.8 Classification of Lithologic Influence, According to General Conditions,

Representative for Central America (after Mora & Vahrson, from
ISSMFE, 1993)

Lithology Susceptibility Value, Sl

Permeable limestone, slightly fissured intrusions, basalt,

andesites, granites, ignimbrite, gneiss, hornfels; low
Low 1
degree of weathering, low watertable, clean-rugose
fractures, high shear strength rocks

High degree of weathering of above mentioned

lithologies and of hard massive clastic sedimentary Moderate 2
rocks; low shear strength; shearable fractures

Considerable weathered sedimentary, intrusive,

metamorphic, volcanic rocks, compacted sandy
Medium 3
regolithic soils, considerable fracturing, fluctuating
watertables, compacted colluvium and alluvium

Considerable weathered, hydrothermally altered rocks of

any kind, strongly fractured and fissured, clay filled;
High 4
poorly compacted pyroclastic and fluvio-lacustrine soils,
shallow watertables

Extremely altered rocks, low shear resistance alluvial,

Very high 5
colluvial and residual soils, shallow watertables

Table 2.9 Classes of Average Monthly Precipitation (after Mora & Vahrson, from
ISSMFE, 1993)

Average Monthly Precipitation

Assigned Value

< 125 0

125 - 250 1

> 250 2

Table 2.10 Weighting for Annual Precipitation (after Mora & Vahrson, from ISSMFE,

Summation of Precipitation Averages* Susceptibility Value, Sh

0-4 Very low 1

5-9 Low 2

10 - 14 Medium 3

15 - 19 High 4

20 - 24 Very high 5

Note : *Summation of the assigned values in Table 2.8 for 12 months.

Table 2.11 Influence of Seismic Intensity (Modified Mercalli Scale) as Triggering

Factor for Landslide Generation (after Mora & Vahrson, from ISSMFE,

Intensities (MM)
Susceptibility Value, Ts
Tr = 100 Years

III Slight 1

IV Very low 2

V Low 3

VI Moderate 4

VII Medium 5

VIII Considerable 6

IX Important 7

X Strong 8

XI Very strong 9

XII Extremely strong 10


Table 2.12 Influence of Rainfall Precipitation Intensity as Triggering Factor for

Landslides (after Mora & Vahrson, from ISSMFE, 1993)

Maximum Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm)

Susceptibility Value, Tp
n > 10 Years; Tr = 100 Years n < 10 Years; Average
< 100 < 50 Very low 1
101 - 200 51 - 90 Low 2
201 - 300 91 - 130 Medium 3
301 - 400 131 - 175 High 4
> 400 > 175 Very High 5

The susceptibility factors proposed in Kanagawa Prefectural Government (1986) and

Mora & Vahrson (1994) have been used to generate the susceptibility maps in the present study
and some of them have been considered in the susceptibility analysis in Section 5. To
summarise, there is no spatial variation across the Study Area for some proposed susceptibility
factors such as maximum surface acceleration, seismic intensity and rainfall intensity and these
factors are not taken into account. The hardness of rock does not lead to any spatial
differentiation as the Study Area generally is exposed with “rock and thin soil” (discussed in
Section 6.1). Factors for elevation, topography of slopes and relative relief have been
considered in the analyses for the topographic amplification for different ridge height. As there
is no evidence for active fault in Hong Kong, its effect cannot be directly considered. Lithology
and faulting (geological structure) have been considered in the susceptibility analysis and is
presented in Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3.

2.4.2 Keefer (2002)

Keefer (2002) reviewed the findings of investigations carried out on earthquake-induced

landslides worldwide, from 1980 to 2002.

Tables 2.13 and 2.14 summarise the characteristics of the landslides investigated, based
on Keefer (1984 & 1999). The types of slopes and geological environments that resulted in
earthquake-induced landslides varied, ranging from overhanging slopes in well-indurated
bedrock to unconsolidated sediments with nearly level surfaces. The minimum slope gradients
for various types of landslides were found to range from 0.3° to 40° (Table 2.13).

In general, the materials considered as the most susceptible to earthquake-induced

landslides were (1) weakly cemented, weathered, sheared, intensely fractured, or closely jointed
rocks, (2) better-indurated rocks having prominent discontinuities, (3) sandy residual or
colluvial soils, (4) saturated volcanic soils containing sensitive clay, (5) loess, (6) cemented
soils, (7) granular deltaic sediments, (8) granular flood-plain alluvium, and (9) uncompacted,
or poorly compacted, granular artificial fill.
Table 2.13 Characteristics of Earthquake-induced Landslides (Keefer, 2002) (Sheet 1 of 2)

Table 2.13 Characteristics of Earthquake-induced Landslides (Keefer, 2002) (Sheet 2 of 2)


Table 2.14 Relative Abundance of Earthquake-induced Landslides (Keefer, 2002)

It was found that the approximate magnitudes of the smallest earthquakes that triggered
landslides were ∼4.0 for rock falls, rock slides, soil falls, and disrupted soil slides; ∼4.5 for soil
slumps and soil block slides; ∼5.0 for soil lateral spreads, rapid soil flows, subaqueous
landslides, rock slumps, rock block slides, and slow earth flows; ∼6.0 for rock avalanches; and
∼6.5 for soil avalanches. As these landslides could also be triggered by other non-seismic
agents, Keefer (1984) denoted that the possibility of earthquake-induced landslides could be
smaller than those indicated above.

The results from Rodriguez et al (1999) and Hancox et al (1997) were also interpreted
in terms of the relationship between the area affected by landslides (km2) and the moment
magnitude, as illustrated in Figure 2.17.

Based on the landslide dataset listed in Table 2.15 (1957-1999), a semi-log relationship
for the number of landslides that was expected under a given earthquake magnitude was derived,
as illustrated in Figure 2.18.

Note: Circles are data from earthquakes discussed by Rodriguez et al (1999), plotted using moment
magnitude (M); open circle is 1988 Saguenay, Quebec earthquake. Solid line is upper bound
of Keefer & Wilson (1989), see Figure 2.12. Dashed line is upper bound of Rodriguez et al
(1999). Triangle is datum from 1963 Peria, New Zealand, earthquake, for which area exceeds
upper bounds, plotted using Richter local magnitude (ML), from Hancox et al (1997; 2002).

Figure 2.17 Relations between Area Affected by Landslides and Earthquake Moment
Magnitude (Keefer, 2002)

Figure 2.18 Relation between Total Number of Reported Landslides and Earthquake
Magnitude for Earthquakes with Comprehensive Inventories of Landslides
(Keefer, 2002)

Table 2.15 Number of Documented Landslides Produced by Earthquakes (Keefer, 2002)

Approximate percentage by
Earthquake Earthquake Number of
Earthquake location Reference
date magnitude* landslides Disrupted Coherent Lateral
spreads and
(%) (%)
flows (%)
Daly City, Calif. USA 22 May 1957 5.3 23 48 30 22 Bonilla, 1960

Guatemala 4 Feb 1976 7.5 ~ 50,000 Most ? ? Harp et al., 1981; E.L. Harp,
unpublished data
Mt. Diablo, Calif. USA 24 Jan 1980 5.8 103 83 17 0 Wilson et al., 1985; Keefer and
Wilson, 1989
Mammoth Lakes, Calif. 25 May 1980 6.2 5,253 > 98 <1 <1 Harp et al., 1984; Keefer and
USA Wilison, 1989;
Wieczorek and Jäger, 1996
Coalinga, Calif. USA 2 May 1983 6.5 9,389 > 97 <2 <1 Keefer and Wilson (1989); Harp
and Keefer (1990)
San Salvador, EI Salvador 10 Oct 1986 5.7 > 216 > 93 <5 <2 Rymer, 1987; Rymer and White,
Loma Prieta, Calif. USA 17 Oct 1989 6.9 ~ 1,500 74# 26# 0# Keefer and Manson, 1998

Northridge, Calif. USA 17 Jan 1994 6.7 > 11,000 > 90 <9 <1 Harp and Jibson, 1995, 1996

Hygoken-Nanbu, Japan 17 Jan 1995 6.9 674 - 747 81 to 83 13 to 15 3 to 4 Sassa et al., 1995; Fukuoka et al.,
1997; Okimura and Torii, 1999
Umbria-Marche, Italy 26 Sep 1997 6.0 100 - 124 61 34 5 Bozzano et al., 1998; Esposito et
al., 2000; I. LaRosa, unpublished
Chi-Chi, Taiwan 21 Sep 1999 7.7 22,000 > 85 11 to 15 <4 Lin and others, 2001; Sitar and
Bardet, 2001
*Magnitudes in bold are moment magnitudes; others are Richer surface-wave (Mt. Diablo) or Richer local (Daly City) magnitude.
#Percentages determined in central area only.

Finally, Keefer (2002) reviewed the threshold values of Arias Intensity for the
occurrence of earthquake-induced landslides. Keefer & Wilson (1989) suggested threshold
values of 0.11 m/s for disrupted landslides, 0.32 m/s for coherent slides and 0.54 m/s for lateral
spreads and flows, whereas Wilson (1993) found the best-fit threshold value for disrupted
landslides to be 0.1 m/s (Table 2.16).

Regarding the minimum slope gradients mentioned in Keefer (2002), the area of < 5°
was generally considered as the depositional area rather than the erosion area in natural terrain
landslides. Therefore, the probability of landslide occurrence in such a gentle slope was very
low. In Keefer (2002), 0.3° was referred as the minimum slope angle for soil lateral spreading,
which comprised less than 6% of the total number of landslides reported in the study.

2.4.3 Lee et al (2008)

Lee et al (2008) presented an earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility analysis based

on a statistical approach. They adopted the Arias Intensity of an earthquake as a landslide
triggering factor. The susceptibility model was proved to be capable of predicting shallow
landslides triggered by earthquakes with a similar range of ground shaking without using
ground and groundwater data.

Table 2.16 Arias Intensity Thresholds for Landslides (Keefer, 2002)

The methodology was applied to a study of earthquake-induced shallow landslides in

the Kaohsiung area, central western Taiwan, triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. The
results were then validated against using an example in the neighbouring Tungshih area.

The epicentre of the September 21, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw 7.6) was located about
15 km south of the study area (Ma et al, 1999; Kao & Chen, 2000). Over 9,000 large landslides
of various types (with areas greater than 625 m2), with a total area of 128 km2 were triggered
by the Chi-Chi earthquake (Liao & Lee, 2000). Of these, 1,316 landslides, with a total area of
22 km2, were triggered in the Kaohsiung quadrangle, and 1,623 landslides, with a total area of
12 km2, were triggered in the Tungshih quadrangle.

Methodology and input

The Chi-Chi earthquake event-based landslide inventory for the Kaohsiung quadrangle
is shown in Figure 2.19. Only shallow landslides (including rock falls), which included all of
the landslides in the study area, were used in the susceptibility analysis. Deep-seated
landslides, rock avalanches (located outside the study area) and debris flows were studied in a
separate project.

The working procedure for the event-based landslide susceptibility analysis, derived
from high resolution satellite images taken before and soon after the triggering event, is
illustrated in Figure 2.20. This procedure must be performed separately for each type of terrain
because of the differences in their geomorphic and geologic characteristics. Hilly terrain and
mountainous terrain were thus considered separately in the study. The basic data used included
a 40 m × 40 m grid digital elevation model (DEM), SPOT images, 1:5,000 photo-based contour
maps, 1:50,000 geologic maps, and earthquake strong-motion records.

Figure 2.19 Extraction of Landslides Triggered by an Event, Example from the

Kaohsiung Quadrangle: (a) Landslides before the Chi-Chi Earthquake;
(b) Landslides after the Chi-Chi Earthquake; (c) Landslides Triggered
by the Chi-Chi Earthquake (Lee et al, 2008)

Strong-motion seismograms in and around the study area were collected by the Central
Weather Bureau, Taiwan. Base-line correction and filtering of the data were performed
according to the standard procedure suggested by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research
Center (PEER) (Darragh et al, 2004). The Arias Intensity was then calculated from each
corrected seismogram. The arithmetical means of the Arias Intensities of the NS and EW
components were used to represent the earthquake intensity for each of the strong-motion
station sites. These values were interpolated on each grid point in the study area using the
Kriging method (Goovaerts, 1997).

Figure 2.20 Working Procedure for Event-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis

(Lee et al, 2008)

Arias Intensity mapping

The Arias Intensity (Ia) for each station was determined by correcting and processing the
strong-motion records of the main shock of the Chi-Chi earthquake and six major aftershocks.
Figure 2.21 shows the distribution of Ia for the main shock (stations located on top of ridges, as
indicated in the figure, were not included in the interpolation). Each grid point was checked
to find the maximum Ia among the seven earthquake events, and these values were adopted as
the intensity that triggered the landslides.

Topographic effect

The authors further considered topographic effects in relation to the earthquake intensity.
The height of the grid point above the riverbed was found to be a good factor for making
corrections, following the empirical formula proposed by Lin & Lee (2003).

Figure 2.21 Arias Intensity Isopleth of the Main Shock of the Chi-Chi Earthquake.
Strong-motion Stations with Indication of Ridge Top Stations, Earthquake
Epicentre, and the Study Area are Shown (Lee et al, 2008)

I'a = f Ia ........................................................... (2.25)

for f =√ + 0.287 + 0.464

where Ia is the Arias Intensity (m/s), I'a is the corrected Arias Intensity (m/s), f is the
amplification factor, and h is the height relative to the riverbed (m).

The Ia after topographic correction is shown in Figure 2.22(g). Correcting Ia

substantially improved the correlation between the landslide ratio and the Ia parameter.

(a) Original arias intensity (b) Distribution of landslide and (c) Landslide ratio vs. original
non-landslide groups with arias intensity
original arias intensity

(d) Height of slope relative to (e) Distribution of landslide and (f) Landslide ratio vs. height
riverbed non-landslide groups with relative to riverbed
relative height above riverbed

(g) Corrected arias intensity (h) Distribution of landslide and (i) Landslide ratio vs. corrected
non-landslide groups with arias intensity
corrected arias intensity

Figure 2.22 Spatial Distribution of the Arias Intensity and Frequency Distribution of the
Landslide and Non-landslide Groups and the Landslide Ratio for the Chi-
Chi Earthquake Event in the Kaohsiung Quadrangle (Lee et al, 2008)

The amplification factors for heights of 30 m, 100 m and 300 m were calculated using
the above empirical formula, as listed in Table 2.17. These are compared with the topographic
amplification factors calculated in the present study. Details will be presented later in

Table 2.17 Arias Intensity Amplification Factor for Topographic Effect Derived in
Lee et al (2008)

Height (m) 30 100 300

Arias Intensity Amplification Factor 1.24 1.63 2.33

Determination of the causative factors

There are more than 50 different landslide-related causative factors commonly used
(both in Taiwan and worldwide) for landslide susceptibility analyses (Lin, 2003). The authors
selected 14 of the most frequently used, based on both abundance and accessibility. These
were the lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, terrain roughness, slope roughness, total
curvature (Wilson & Gallant, 2000), local slope height, total slope height, topographic index
(Kirkby, 1975), distance from a road, distance from a fault, distance from a river head, distance
from a river bend, and the normalised differential vegetation index (NDVI, Paruelo et al, 2004).
All these factors were processed by a raster GIS - ERDAS IMAGINE system. The
effectiveness of the factors as discriminators was evaluated by computing the standardised
differences for each factor (Davis, 2002) as:

Aj - Bj
Dj = ........................................................ (2.26)

where Aj is the mean of factor j for group A (landslide), Bj is the mean of factor j for group B
(non-landslide), Spj is the pooled standard deviation of factor j and Dj is standardised difference
of factor j.

The arger the standardised difference, the more effective the factor is for differentiating
between landslide and non-landslide groups. On this basis, of the fourteen causative factors,
six of them (lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, terrain roughness, slope roughness, and total
curvature) were finally selected for the event-based landslide susceptibility analysis (EB-LSA)
of the earthquake-induced landslides.

The spatial distribution of the values of these six causative factors is shown in
Figure 2.23. Terrain roughness at a given point was defined as the standard deviation of
elevations within a certain distance (Wilson & Gallant, 2000), i.e. a radius of three pixels in this
case. The data were high-pass filtered before calculation of the terrain roughness. Slope
roughness was defined as the standard deviation of slope gradients within a radius of three
pixels. The definition of total curvature was the same as that used by Wilson & Gallant (2000).

Note: Lithologic unit: 1. Alluvium; 2. Terrace Deposits; 3. Lateritic Terrace Deposits; 4. Toukoshan
Formation (conglomerate dominate); 5. Toukoshan Formation (sandstone and shale dominate);
6. Cholan Formation; 7. Kueichulin Formation; 8. Fulungyuan Formation; 9. Hourdonqkeng
Formation; 10. Shihmentsum Formation; 11. Takeng Formation, Tanliaoti Member; 12. Takeng
Formation, Shihszeku Member; 13. Shuichangliu Formation; 14. Paileng Formation, Meitzulin
Member; 15. Paileng Formation, Tungmou Member.

Figure 2.23 Spatial Distribution of Original Values of Causative Factors in the

Kaohsiung Quadrangle (Lee et al, 2008)

Slope gradient, terrain roughness, and Arias Intensity were found to be the predominant
factors for the landslide susceptibility assessment of both hilly and mountainous terrains, but
lithology was also found to be determinant in hilly terrain.

Landslide susceptibility results and mapping

The spatial probability of landslide occurrence was indicated by the relationhsip between
the landslide ratio (probability of failure) and the landslide susceptibility index (LSI) (see
Figure 2.24). The spatial probability of a landslide was then used to map the susceptibility
classes, as shown in Figures 2.25 and 2.26. The authors then compared actual landslides that
occurred during the Chi-Chi earthquake with those on the susceptibility map (Figures 2.25 and
2.26), and observed a general agreement between the landslide pattern and areas of high

(a) Hilly Terrain (b) Mountainous Terrain

Figure 2.24 Distribution of Landslide Ratio (Probability of Failure) with Respect to

Landslide Susceptibility Index in the Kaohsiung Quadrangle. Weibull
Distribution Curves are Shown: (a) Hilly Terrain; (b) Mountainous
Terrain (Lee et al, 2008)

Figure 2.25 Landslide Susceptibility Map of the Kaohsiung Quadrangle Developed Using
a Susceptibility Model Trained with the Chi-Chi Landslide Inventory and
the Earthquake Shaking Intensity in that Quadrangle. Landslides
Triggered by the Chi-Chi Earthquake are Shown (Lee et al, 2008)

Figure 2.26 Application of the Kaohsiung Susceptibility Model to the Tungshih

Quadrangle. Landslides Triggered by the Chi-Chi Earthquake are
Shown (Lee et al, 2008)

A prediction rate curve method (Chung & Fabbri, 2003) was then used to examine how
well the classification results fit the data. The success rate curves for the two terrains are
shown in Figures 2.27 and 2.28. The area under the curve is between 0 and 1; a higher value
indicates a higher prediction rate, whereas a value near 0.5 means the prediction is no better
than a random guess (Chung & Fabbri, 2003).

(a) Hilly Terrain (b) Mountainous Terrain

Figure 2.27 Success Rate Curves for the Chi-Chi Earthquake Event in the Kaohsiung
Quadrangle: (a) Hilly Terrain; (b) Mountainous Terrain (Lee et al, 2008)

(a) Hilly Terrain (b) Mountainous Terrain

Figure 2.28 Prediction Rate Curves for the Chi-Chi Earthquake Event in the Tungshih
Quadrangle: (a) Hilly Terrain; (b) Mountainous Terrain (Lee et al, 2008)

Based on this study, Lee et al (2008) identified the slope gradient, terrain roughness and
Arias Intensity as three major factors affecting earthquake-induced landslides. As these
factors are site-specific, they may not be applicable to other sites like Hong Kong. However,
this study provided an indication to different potential parameters that are worth to be

2.4.4 Sewell & Tang (2012)

Sewell & Tang (2012) integrated the findings of previous studies (Tang et al, 2009 &
2010; Wong & Ding, 2010; Wong et al, 2010) to examine the possible evidence that
earthquakes could have triggered landslides in four areas in Hong Kong i.e. Ho Lek Pui Area,
Tung Chung East Area, Wong Chuk Yeung Area and Nam Shan/Pui O Area. They also
attempted to evaluate possible seismic relationships with sizable natural terrain landslides. In
addition, this study reviewed and discussed other possible evidences for recent fault activities
in Hong Kong.

According to Sewell & Tang (2012), although a time period of possible fault movement
may overlap with a pulse of landslide activity by dating evidence, there was no strong evidence
for faults displacing the quaternary deposit in Hong Kong. It was therefore considered that
the local neotectonic fault movement had no major influence on relict natural terrain large

The study also found that the sources of seismic shaking that could trigger landslides in
Hong Kong were most likely located outside Hong Kong. This was deduced by the dating
results of the faults in Hong Kong that showed little correlation with the pulses of landslide

2.4.5 Parker et al (2011)

Parker et al (2011) examined whether the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake led to a net gain
in orogen volume (via rock uplift) or a new loss (via landsliding). It was found that the
landslides produced more erodible material than new volume added to the orogen by co-seismic
rock uplift. In an accompanying presentation, the factors that potentially contribute to
landslides during an earthquake were discussed. It was shown that the fault rupture distance
was a dominant factor whilst the hillslope gradient and geology were other potential factors.

2.4.6 Wasowski et al (2011)

Wasowski et al (2011) presented an overview of current issues and future challenges of

research on earthquake-induced landslides. They offered some recommendations for future
research priorities, as a proposed starting point for the next generation of research on
earthquake-induced slope failures, such as the development of seismic inventories, GIS-based
regional-scale assessments for seismic landslide susceptibility and long term monitoring on
representative test slopes. The authors also indicated that further research work would be
needed to improve the understanding regarding measurements and analyses of the seismic site
response (including topographic, litho-stratigraphic (soil) factors, ground motion directivity),

and slope dynamic response. Other considerations included the impact of earthquakes on
mountain slope evolution and sediment yields, including enhanced landslide generation by
precipitation events following earthquakes, and the uncertainty in ground motion inputs and
outputs from seismic slope stability analysis. Recent developments in the regional scale
analysis and the seismic landslide hazard evaluation, such as Lee et al (2008), Hsieh & Lee
(2011), were also reviewed.

2.4.7 Jibson (2011)

Jibson (2011) reviewed the latest methods to assess the stability or performance of slopes
during earthquakes. They generally comprise three categories:

(a) pseudo-static analysis,

(b) stress-deformation analysis, and

(c) permanent-displacement analysis.

Despite the pros and cons of each analysis, they are suitable for different situations.
The pseudo-static analysis is easy to use, and provides a simple, scalar index of stability.
However, this simplicity stems from a rather crude characterisation of the physical processes
of dynamic slope behaviour that produces several drawbacks, including the difficulty in
rationally selecting a pseudo-static coefficient and assessing the likelihood or results of failure.

The stress-deformation modelling gives more accurate picture of what actually happens
in the slope during an earthquake. Although models that account for the complexity of spatial
variability of properties and the stress-strain behaviour of slope materials may yield more
reliable results, stress-deformation modelling has drawbacks and can be quite challenging
because of:

(a) the data acquisition required, commonly including

undisturbed soil sampling and extensive laboratory testing of

(b) the need to select a suite of input ground motions;

(c) the need for an accurate, nonlinear, stress-dependent, cyclic

model of soil behaviour; and

(d) computational requirements.

The study concluded that the permanent-displacement method such as the Newmark’s
rigid-block analysis is the best suited to earthquake-induced landslides in natural slopes. More
sophisticated coupled analyses were available to account for the fact that a landslide mass is
not a rigid body but could deform internally under seismic shaking. In general, simplified
decoupled analyses could yield more conservative results, which are within about 20% of the
coupled results. Coupled analyses are appropriate for deeper landslides in softer materials,
which could include large earth structures and deep landslides. It is, therefore, concluded that

decoupled analyses are sufficient for the present study, which deals with shallow natural terrain

2.4.8 Rathje & Antonakos (2011)

Rathje & Antonakos (2011) evaluated the seismic performance of slopes by predicting
the sliding block displacements for critical sliding masses. The current practice adopted a rigid
sliding block approach for shallow sliding masses and a decoupled, flexible sliding block
approach for deeper/softer sliding masses. This paper presented a unified framework that
extended the empirical displacement models for application to flexible sliding masses, where
the dynamic response of the sliding mass is important. This framework included predicting
the seismic loading for the sliding mass in terms of the maximum seismic coefficient (kmax) and
the maximum velocity of the seismic coefficient-time history (k-velmax). The predictive
models were a function of the peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV),
the natural period of the sliding mass (Ts), and the mean period of the earthquake motion (Tm).
This unified framework provided a consistent approach for predicting the sliding displacement
of both rigid and flexible slopes. This modification was a function of Ts and increased the
predicted displacement due to the nonlinear response of the soil and the reductions in the
amplitude of the seismic loading (i.e. kmax). Modification for both the (PGA, M) and (PGA,
PGV) models were developed, but the (PGA, PGV) model was recommended because of the
significant frequency content information provided by PGV (for rigid sliding) and by k-velmax
(for flexible sliding). It was also recommended that when the Ts /Tm ratio was less than or
equal to 0.1, the response of slope could be considered as rigid.

2.4.9 Gaudio & Wasowski (2011)

Gaudio & Wasowski (2011) studied the site effects based on the long term
accelerometric monitoring conducted on a landslide-prone test area in the Apennine Mountains,
Italy, where the presence of site effects enhancing the seismic susceptibility of local slopes had
been invoked on the basis of historic accounts of landslides triggered at a large epicentral
distance. The recordings relative to low-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes showed
significant amplifications affecting hillslope portions covered by a thick layer of colluvium
(> 5 m) and pronounced amplification maxima oriented along the local maximum slope
direction on a recent deep-seated landslide. The amplifications of the colluvium could be due
to the high impedance contrast between surface materials and the underlying substratum.

2.4.10 Keefer (2007)

Keefer (2007) presented some earthquake-induced landslides that showed anomalies

compared with the general trend. The key observations are:

(a) While the concentration of landslides typically diminished

regularly with distance from the earthquake source, there
were some cases of high landslide concentrations that
occurred at a relatively great distance (St. George and
Tecomán earthquakes). The anomalies of the St. George

event could be attributed to the originally low factor of safety

indicated by previous movements in response to rainfall.
For the Tecomán case, the terrain (with high landslide
occurrence) was found to be underlain by young volcanic
rocks, which were typically uncemented or poorly cemented.

(b) In some cases, a high concentration of landslides could occur

in slopes having a dry condition at the time of an earthquake.
This was observed in steep slopes arising from rapid tectonic
uplift, the presence of young and tectonically deformed
materials that were uncemented or weakly cemented, and
possibly severe shaking in the hanging wall above the blind
thrust on which the earthquake occurred.

2.4.11 GEERRI Methodology

The GEERRI methodology is a statistical approach based on data obtained from > 100
historical earthquakes which induced landslides in China. These data were used to generate
different factors that possibly contributed to landslides as a result of seismic ground motions.
The importance of each factor was assessed by the Certainty-Factor (CF) model proposed by
Heckerman (1986). GIS was used to give the ranking spatially by considering the factors at
different locations.

The GEERRI concluded that the major factor leading to earthquake-induced landslides
was the seismic ground motion. The proximity to a fault on which the earthquake occurred
was also a major contributor but this was probably due to the fact that larger ground motions
occurred in a closer proximity to the fault.

2.4.12 Commentary

The Arias Intensity has been used as the triggering factor in the susceptibility analysis,
and this factor makes the susceptibility model temporally significant. It is also found to be the
most effective factor for interpreting landslide distribution.

The event-based landslide susceptibility analysis (EB-LSA) has an advantage over

deterministic methods in that it does not require the inputs of failure depth, material strength,
nor groundwater data. It may thus have a better prediction rate. However, a deterministic
model can be used anywhere once the required input parameters are available. An EB-LSA
model, by contrast, may be applicable only to a small region where the model was trained.
Also, another disadvantage of EB-LSA is that the physical meaning of some susceptibility
factors may be unclear. More physically-based treatment of the susceptibility factors should
be considered in the future to improve the susceptibility model.

Even though the topographic effect has been taken into account in the analyses, it is not
very accurately representative of the phenomena as the topographic amplification is not simply
proportional to the local height relative to riverbed, but can also be affected by factors such as
lithology, geologic structure, and ridge sharpness (Celebi, 1987; Jibson, 1987; Geli et al, 1988;

Ashford et al, 1997; Murphy, 2006). Simulations and the application of multivariate
geostatistical methods may be needed to improve the results in the future. Finally, it should
be noted that the authors mentioned that extreme condition of earthquake during a storm is not
valid for their study model, but the probability for those two events to happen simultaneously
is very low.

2.5 Seismic Stability of Boulders

The seismic stability of boulders depends on many parameters, including the geometry,
material properties of the boulder and its embedment as well as the geometry of the slope. Two
scenarios could be considered for the potential boulder instability i.e. sliding or toppling as a
result of an imposed vibration. A review of the literature about seismic stability assessment of
boulders has been carried out. The papers studied different simplified approaches for assessing
the boulder stability and the pertinent parameters.

2.5.1 Wong & Pang (1991)

The effects of blast-induced ground vibrations were analysed by Wong & Pang (1991).
Their findings have been used as the basis for assessing the potential effects of blasting on rock
slopes and soil slopes. For the stability of rock blocks on a slope, an energy approach, which
took into account the blasting vibration energy transmission to the potential rock block, was
recommended. Figure 2.29 illustrates the rock block system subjected to blasting vibration.

Based on the principle of conservation of energy, the following equation was derived:

f 1W 2
∫0 τAb dδ = (Vg ) + W Uf sin β ..................................... (2.27)
2 g

where Ab = base area of the rock block

 = shear stress acting along the rock joint
W = weight of the rock block
g = gravity
Uf = downslope displacement of the rock block
 = slope angle.

When considering a multi-directional vibration which propagated in three orthogonal

directions x, y and z, Wong & Pang (1991) suggested using the following relationship for
evaluating the peak velocity Vp:

Vp = 1.35 PPV .................................................... (2.28)

where PPV = max (PPVx, PPVy, PPVz).


Figure 2.29 Rock Block System Subjected to Blasting Vibration (Wong & Pang, 1991)

This relationship may still be conservative, but was considered to be good enough as it
took into account the fact that PPVx, PPVy and PPVz had very remote chance to occur at the
same time. The fundamental energy equation therefore became:
∫0 τAb dδ = 0.91 g (PPV)2 + W Uf sin β ................................. (2.29)


This energy approach, considering the energy required to move a boulder, can be used
for the analysis of the seismic stability of boulders. This approach assumes that the boulder
sits on a smooth surface with no embedment in the ground. In the present study, the energy
approach will be compared with more complex dynamic stability analysis. Also, the effect of
vertical motion will be assessed using the equation suggested by Wong & Pang (1991) for
multi-directional vibration. Details are presented in Section 4 of this report.

2.5.2 Haneberg (2009)

Haneberg (2009) described a simplified approach for the preliminary assessment of rock
toppling due to earthquakes, blasting, or other vibrations. It was a simplified dynamic method
that incorporated information about vibration frequency in addition to acceleration magnitude
but had assumed a single-frequency vibration of a rectangular rock. As such, it was not a
complete dynamic analysis for an irregular three-dimensional rock with a complicated basal
geometry and a full spectrum of frequencies.

Based on the analyses, it was shown that high-frequency vibrations caused by typical
blasting operations were unlikely to pose problems even if the peak acceleration values were
relatively high. Moderate to large earthquakes generating lower frequency vibrations might,
however, topple some rocks at the same or lower accelerations.

Although the method lacked the sophistication of those dynamic or multiple block
analyses undertaken by others in site-specific studies, it had an advantage that the input
parameters can be easily obtained. For example, the geometric variables can be readily
estimated in the field and those vibration information such as the horizontal acceleration and
the vibration frequency can be obtained from blasting records or earthquake seismograms.
Therefore, this method had the potential of being used for screening or reconnaissance purpose.
Haneberg (2009) suggested that the method be used within a geographic information systems
(GIS) framework to create rock-toppling potential maps based on the regional seismic hazards
and slope-angle maps. This approach has been adopted in the present study.

Haneberg (2009) assessed the risk of toppling of a rectangular block on a slope.

Figure 2.30 shows the geometry and the variables of the problem. Both pseudo-static and
dynamic stability analyses were carried out.

(a) The pseudo-static analysis led to the following relationship between the horizontal
acceleration required for toppling of the rock and the slope angle for a certain block

aT = g((b/h) cosθ - sinθ)/(cosθ + (b/h)sinθ)............................ (2.30)

Figure 2.31 illustrates the correlation between the ratio b/h, the peak horizontal
acceleration and the slope angle.

Figure 2.30 Schematic Illustration of the Variables Used to Analyze Vibration-induced

Toppling of an Isolated Rock Resting on a Slope and Subject to Horizontal
Acceleration (Haneberg, 2009)

Figure 2.31 Maximum Stable b/h Ratios as a Function of Slope Angle (θ) and Peak
Horizontal Acceleration (aH) as Given by the Pseudo-static Factor of
Safety (Haneberg, 2009)

(b) The dynamic stability analysis assumed a sinusoidal acceleration time history of the form:
aH = ap sin (2 f t), where f is the frequency in Hz, and ap is the peak ground horizontal
acceleration. This led to the following relationship between the frequency of the time-
dependent shaking, the peak ground horizontal acceleration, the slope angle and the
geometry of the boulder, as:

1/2f 1/2f
∫0 ∫0 ap sin(2fπt) dt dt = Lω ........................................ (2.31)


π√h2 + b2 b
Lω = [arctan ( ) - θ]
360 h

Figure 2.32 illustrates the correlation between the slope angle, the frequency of the
ground motion that causes toppling, and the peak ground acceleration, for different geometries.

Figure 2.32 Maximum Possible Frequency of Vibrations Capable of Toppling a Rock

(fmax) for Three Different Sets of b and h Values as a Function of Slope
Angle (θ). For Each Pair of b and h Values, Curves are Plotted for Peak
Horizontal Acceleration Values of aP = 0.1 g, 0.2 g, 0.3 g and 0.4 g
(Haneberg, 2009)

The static toppling stability of a rock block was a function of its shape (i.e. its b/h ratio)
but not its size (i.e. the individual values of b and h). Its dynamic toppling stability, however,
was shown to be a function of both shape and size. As the rock size increased, the centre of
mass must rotate through a longer linear (but not angular) distance to reach its tipping point,
and therefore, lower frequency vibration was required. Thus, with all other things being equal,
short rocks would always be more stable than tall rocks with regard to the vibration-induced

3 Earthquake-induced Landslide Assessment

3.1 General

The literature review presented in Section 2 covers methodologies for assessing the
stability and the displacement of slopes in the event that the ground motion is large enough to
result in momentary slope failure. Based on the literature review, the methodology adopted in
the present study for earthquake-induced landslide assessment in natural terrain is introduced
in this section.

The assessment adopts numerical models and empirical correlations to evaluate the slope
movement (permanent displacement) induced by seismic ground motions. The methods are
essentially an extension of the Newmark’s theory, which determines the amount of movement
of a rigid block sliding down a frictional surface. The block only moves when the applied
downslope acceleration force exceeds the shear resistance given by the frictional surface. The
acceleration required to match the shear resistance is referred to as the critical acceleration, Ac.
The resulted movement is a function of the magnitude and duration over which the applied
acceleration exceeds this critical acceleration. The numerical models require a seismic ground
motion in form of a time history. The empirical models correlate the permanent slope
displacement with the Arias Intensity.

Although the seismic ground motion may lead to downslope accelerations greater than
the critical acceleration, the downslope movement may still be very small. It is observed that
the downslope movement needs to exceed a threshold limit before the slope fails. This
threshold limit has been set as 100 mm for this study based on the literature review.

It should be noted that the critical acceleration, Ac, of a slope is a direct function of the
shear strength of the soil. Therefore, it will vary with time as the strength varies as a result of
seasonal variations of groundwater level.

3.2 Time Histories

The time histories of seismic ground motions with different likelihood of being exceeded
in the next 50 years have been developed for input into the numerical analyses. The derivation
of time histories is discussed as follows. Apart from the horizontal ground motion, the effects
of the vertical ground motion and topographic amplification have also been considered for the
most critical scenarios. The Arias Intensity, which is being used to represent the ground
motion in the empirical correlations, is derived from the time histories (see Section 3.4).

3.2.1 Horizontal Ground Motion

Time histories of the horizontal ground motion developed in the seismic microzonation
study (Arup, 2018) have been used as the basis for the slope stability analyses. The time
histories have been derived to be compatible with the uniform hazard response spectra for
bedrock as derived in the seismic hazard assessment (Arup, 2015). The time histories have
been considered for scenarios with different combinations of magnitude and distance,
representative of short period (0.2 s) and long period (1 and 5 s) ground motions. Table 3.1

lists the magnitude-distance combinations that have been considered. Table 3.2 lists the actual
earthquake records used as a basis for deriving the time histories in this study. They are the
same as those used for the microzonation study (Arup, 2018) except for the 2% in 50 years
ground motion (1 s, far-field event), which is based on a record from Alaska.

Table 3.1 Magnitude-distance Combinations from the Seismic Hazard Assessment

(Arup, 2015)

Short Period Ground Motion Long Period Ground Motion

Probability of
the Ground 0.5 s - 1 s 0.5 s - 1 s (for 2%,
Motion in the 0.2 s (Near-field Event, Far-field Event, 5s
Next 50 Years r < 250 km) r > 250 km)
M R (km) M R (km) M R (km) M R (km)
10% 5.5 30 6.5 60 7 90
2% 5.5 10 7 60 8 250 7.5 90

Table 3.2 List of Selected Rock Time History Records

Duration (s) Target Period Target Level

Source from
for M-R Probability of
PEER Strong Distance Effective
Event Date Magnitude Combinations the Ground
Motion (km) (5% of Total (Refer to Motion in
Database PGA) Table 3.1) 50 years
NGA210 Livermore-01 1980-01-24 5.8 30 13.89 24.00 0.2 s
NGA3171 Chi-Chi-Taiwan-05 1999-09-22 6.2 63 20.62 56.99 1s 10%
NGA1112 Kobe, Japan 1995-01-16 6.9 100 24.68 77.98 5s
NGA133 Friuli-Italy-02 1976-09-15 5.9 14 4.38 16.45 0.2 s
NGA734 Loma Prieta 1989-10-18 6.9 53 10.71 29.69 1s
NGA2118 Denali, Alaska 2002-11-03 7.9 274 62.44 86.00 1s
NGA1392 Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1999-09-20 7.6 87 30.90 90.00 5s

Ground motions having 10% and 2% probabilities of being exceeded in the next 50 years
(in short, 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions) have been used for the slope stability
analyses. Figures 3.1 and 3.2 show the spectrally-matched target rock site response spectra
(Arup, 2015) for 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions respectively. It should be noted that
for the 2% in 50 years, 1 s, far-field ground motion (resulting from a magnitude 8 event at
250 km), the target response spectrum has been derived for the expected response spectrum for
such an event scaled to match the uniform hazard spectrum at 1 s rather than to match the
uniform hazard spectrum at all periods as shown in Figure 3.2. It is because the expected
spectrum does not match the uniform hazard spectrum at low periods as can be seen from the
figure. This poor match had been noted in the microzonation study (Arup, 2018) but for the
simplicity of interpretation, it was not specifically considered in the site response analyses at
that time. For the present slope displacement studies, this poor match could significantly affect
the results as the Arias Intensity would be unrealistically increased by matching the uniform
hazard spectrum rather than the expected spectrum from such an event.

Figure 3.1 Spectra for the 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.2 Spectra for the 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion


The generated time histories for 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions are shown in
Figures 3.3 and 3.4 respectively.

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.3 Spectrally Matched Rock Input Time Histories for 10% in 50 Years Ground

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)
Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.4 Spectrally Matched Rock Input Time Histories for 2% in 50 Years Ground

3.2.2 Ground Motion with Topographic Amplification

To take into account the effect of topographic amplification, the spectral ratios derived
in the seismic microzonation study (Arup, 2018) have been adopted to modify the horizontal
response spectra.

At low structural periods, the amplification factor generally increases from up to 1.4 at
zero period to 2 at the natural period of the crest, which is a function of the crest height. At
longer structural periods, the amplification factor reduces back to unity. The spectral ratios for
PGA amplification factors of 1.2 and 1.4 are plotted in Figure 3.5. Crest heights of 30 m,
100 m and 300 m have been considered. The target response spectra derived to account for
the topographic effect on the horizontal ground motions are plotted in Figures 3.6 to 3.8. As
the effect of amplification factor of 1.2 is relatively small, the target response spectra are only
plotted for the 2% in 50 years ground motions (see Figure 3.8).

2 30m_Amplification factor 1.4

100m_Amplification factor 1.4

300m_Amplification factor 1.4

30m_Amplification factor 1.2

100 m_Amplification factor 1.2

1.7 300 m_Amplification factor 1.2

Spectral Ratio






0.01 0.1 1 10
Period (s)

Figure 3.5 Spectral Ratios with Amplification Factors of 1.4 and 1.2 at Zero Period for
Ridge 30 m, 100 m and 300 m

Figure 3.6 Response Spectrum with Amplification Factor of 1.4 at Zero Period for 10%
in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.7 Response Spectrum with Amplification Factor of 1.4 at Zero Period for 2%
in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.8 Response Spectrum with Amplification Factor of 1.2 at Zero Period for 2%
in 50 Years Ground Motion

The time histories have been generated by modifying the same selected time histories as
the ones used to derive the horizontal ground motion time histories without topographic effect
in the time domain using RSPMATCH (Hancock et al, 2006), so that their response spectra
would closely match the targets as shown Figures 3.6 to 3.8. The spectrally matched target
response spectra for a PGA amplification factor of 1.4 for 10% and 2% in 50 years ground
motions are presented in Figures 3.9 to 3.14. Figures 3.15 to 3.17 illustrate the target matched
response spectra for a PGA amplification factor of 1.2. Figures 3.18 to 3.20 show the resulted
time histories for a PGA amplification factor of 1.4 for the 10% in 50 years ground motions.
Figures 3.21 to 3.23 show the corresponding generated time histories for the 2% in 50 years
ground motions. Figures 3.24 to 3.26 show the resulted time histories for a PGA amplification
factor of 1.2 for the 2% in 50 years ground motions.

Figure 3.9 30 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 Amplification Factor for
10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.10 100 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.11 300 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.12 30 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 Amplification Factor for
2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.13 100 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.14 300 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.15 30 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.2 Amplification Factor for
2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.16 100 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.2 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Figure 3.17 300 m Crest Height Target Matched Spectra of 1.2 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.18 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.19 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.20 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.21 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.22 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.23 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.24 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.25 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event


Acceleration (m/s/s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.26 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2 Amplification Factor
for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

3.2.3 Vertical Ground Motion

Attenuation equations specific for vertical ground motions are relatively scarce. Two
recently published period-dependent spectral ratios between vertical and horizontal ground
motions (V/H) are shown in Figure 3.27. The V/H ratio used as a basis to develop the vertical
target response spectrum has been derived as the mean curve of those two curves plotted in
Figure 3.27. The derived vertical target response spectrum is illustrated in Figure 3.28. The
corresponding spectrally matched time histories (see Figure 3.29) have been generated from the
vertical acceleration records of the same earthquake events as the ones selected for the 2% in
50 years horizontal ground motions for the periods of 0.2 s, 1 s (near-field) and 5 s.

Comparison of V/H ratio

Bozorgnia& Campbell (2004)
1.0 Our study

V/H Ratio




0.01 0.1 1
Period (s)

Figure 3.27 Spectral Ratio of Horizontal Ground Motion to Vertical Ground Motion

Target spectra horizontal and vertical motions for 2% in 50 years


horizontal spectrum

vertical spectrum
Spectral acceleration (m/s/s)


0.01 0.1 1 10
Period (s)

Figure 3.28 Target Response Spectra for Horizontal and Vertical 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)
Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Near-field Motion (1 s)

Acceleration (m/s/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.29 Spectrally Matched Time Histories for Vertical 2% in 50 Years Ground

3.3 Numerical Modelling

One-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical modelling have been carried out using
Oasys SIREN and dynamic FLAC respectively to calculate the downslope displacements of a
shallow slope subjected to seismic ground motions. The time histories described in Section
3.2 have been used as the input ground motions. The shear strength of soils has also been
considered. Both analyses have adopted a high small strain shear stiffness that degrades with
cyclic shear strain and generates hysteretic damping. A small amount of viscous damping
(0.5%) has been assigned to the soils in the analyses. More details are described as follows.

3.3.1 One-dimensional Modelling by Oasys SIREN

The program Oasys SIREN has been used to perform a one-dimensional dynamic slope
stability analysis. It is a finite difference program that analyses the horizontal response of a
one-dimensional soil column subjected to a seismic ground motion at its base. The program
has the advantage of modelling a system that is stronger in one direction than the other. As
such, it has been used to simulate an infinite slope.

In this method, the maximum undrained shear strength, c, of the slope (with a given
static FoS) is set by limiting the maximum stress level in the shear modulus degradation curve
in the soil layer at a shallow depth. The back-calculated c-value is used to match a target static
FoS for CDG at 2.5 m below ground level. The strength in the opposite direction is set to be
ten times of this value. By inputting the earthquake time history in the model, permanent
downslope displacements would automatically occur when the soil strength is exceeded.

The following equation shows the correlation between the maximum undrained shear
strength of a slope and the static FoS for different soil thicknesses and slope angles:

FoS = (γh cos α ) .................................................... (3.1)
sin α

where c = undrained shear strength of the soil

 = unit weight of soil
h = depth of failure surface
 = slope angle.

In the analysis, a soil thickness of 2.5 m with slope angles of 20°, 30° and 40° have been
modelled using different undrained shear strengths. The critical acceleration corresponding to
this FoS is:

Ac = g (FoS - 1) sin α .................................................. (3.2)

where g = gravitational acceleration.

The topographic effect has also been considered using the time histories with
topographic amplification described in Section 3.2.2.

3.3.2 Two-dimensional Modelling by Dynamic FLAC

The dynamic analysis option of FLAC Version 6.0 has been used to undertake two-
dimensional fully non-linear dynamic analyses. It adopts explicit finite differences to solve
equations of motion using lumped grid point masses derived from the density of surrounding
zones. FLAC assumes a free-field boundary to prevent waves being reflected from the lateral
boundaries of the model. The hysteretic damping model has also been used to account for the
non-linear shear modulus degradation effect. A SHAKE type de-convolution analysis has
been carried out to determine suitable input ground motions at depth within the bedrock.

In the model, a 30° soil slope with 10 m slope height is covered by a 2.5 m thick layer

of CDG (Figure 3.30). The CDG has been assigned with a shear modulus degradation curve
according to Arup (2018). A shear wave velocity (VS) of 300 m/s, which is equivalent to a
SPT-N value of about 50 (based on the empirical correlation between VS and SPT-N value of
CDG presented in Arup (2018), has been used. It is also considered as a typical value for CDG
in Hong Kong. The slopes having a static FoS of 1.04 and 1.10 have been modelled by
assuming the shear strength of CDG as 15.8 kPa and 14.8 kPa respectively. The topographic
amplification has not been considered when using this slope geometry.
d ro c k J O B TITL E : B R 2 -g e o m e try ( *1 0 ^2 ) ( *1 0 ^2 )

F L A C (V e r s i o n 5 .0 0 )
2 .0 0 0 2 .0 0 0


2 0 -J un-0 8 0 :0 3
s te p 903304
D yna m ic Tim e 4 .8 1 6 3 E +0 1
1 .5 0 0
CDG 1 .5 0 0

10m CDG
-1 .6 1 2 E +0 1 <x< 3 .0 6 1 E +0 2
10m 10m
-8 .9 1 2 E +0 1 <y< 2 .3 3 1 E +0 2
30o (2.5m thick of soil)
G rid p lo t 1 .0 0 0 1 .0 0 0


s he a r_ m o d
5E 1
7 .6 0 0 E +0 7
0 .5 0 0 0 .5 0 0
2 .4 0 0 E +0 9
B o und a ry p lo t

0 5E 1

0 .0 0 0 0 .0 0 0

- 0 .5 0 0 - 0 .5 0 0

Figure 3.30 Soil Slope Modelled in FLACO ve A rup & P a rtne rs

L e ve l 5 F e s tiva l W a lk
0 .2 5 0 0 .7 5 0 1 .2 5 0 1 .7 5 0 2 .2 5 0 2 .7 5 0 0 .2 5 0 0 .7 5 0 1 .2 5 0 1 .7 5 0 2 .2 5 0 2 .7 5 0
( *1 0 ^2 ) ( *1 0 ^2 )

3.4 Empirical Correlations

Empirical correlations based on the simplified Newmark’s method have been used to
calculate the downslope displacements. In this method, time histories, which have been used
to define seismic ground motions in the numerical models, could not be used. As discussed in
Section 2, the Arias Intensity (Ia) has been found to correlate well to the downslope movements.
This parameter has thus been adopted to represent the seismic ground motion. In addition to
the simplified Newmark’s method, correlations between the earthquake magnitudes and
distances as well as the landslide occurrence have been used to evaluate the landslide likelihood
in the Study Area for the earthquake scenarios derived from the probabilistic seismic hazard
assessment (PSHA) as presented in Arup (2015).

3.4.1 Magnitude-distance Relationships

As summarised in Section 2, a few magnitude-distance relationships for landslide

occurrence have been established based on earthquake-induced landslide inventories carried
out around the world. These correlations can be compared with the earthquake scenario
combinations of magnitude and distance derived from de-aggregation (see Table 3.1).

The magnitude-distance relationships derived by Tamura (1978), Yasuda & Sugitani

(1988), Keefer & Wilson (1989) and ISSMFE (1993), which were reviewed by Halcrow (2009),
have been used for comparison. The relative position of the magnitude-distance combinations
from the PSHA of this study on different plots provides an indication of the likelihood of
earthquake-induced landslides to occur for the considered ground motions.

Halcrow (2009) concluded that a maximum credible earthquake of magnitude between


6.5 and 7.5 could be envisaged, with an epicentre at the Dangan Islands (around 30 km away
from Hong Kong). This event has been considered in the present analysis for the scenario
earthquake (short period of 0.2 s) for 10% in 50 years ground motion.

The results based on the magnitude-distance combinations from the PSHA of this study
or Dangan Islands scenario stated in Halcrow (2009) indicate that there is only a marginal
likelihood of landslides. Based on the displacement calculations, it has been found that the
static FoS is close to 1 if 100 mm is set as the threshold slope displacement. It means that
earthquake-induced landslides are unlikely to occur except when the slope, at its initial state, is
very close to failure.

3.4.2 Simplified Newmark’s Method

Based on the literature review summarised in Section 2, the empirical correlations

proposed by Jibson et al (1998) and Hsieh & Lee (2011) have been selected to calculate the
Newmark displacements using the critical acceleration (Ac) of slopes and the Arias Intensity (Ia)
of seismic ground motions. Ac, which represents the frictional resistance of a slope, can be
calculated for a given static FoS using Equation 3.2. The selected empirical relationships for
calculating the downslope displacements are summarised as follows:

(a) Jibson et al (1998)

log Dn = 1.521 log Ia - 1.993 log Ac - 1.546 ± 0.375 ........................ (2.14)

(b) Hsieh & Lee (2011)

log Dn = 0.847 log Ia - 10.62 Ac + 6.587 Ac log Ia + 1.84 ± 0.295 .............. (2.20)

log Dn = 0.788 log Ia - 10.166 Ac + 5.95 Ac log Ia + 1.779 ± 0.294 ............. (2.23)

where Dn = Newmark downslope displacement (cm)

Ia = Arias Intensity (m/s)
Ac = critical acceleration (g).

Using the above correlations, the downslope displacements have been calculated and
compared for different seismic ground motions. Arias Intensity

The Arias Intensity (Ia) is a quantitative measure of the total shaking intensity which has
been shown to possess remarkable correlation with the distribution of earthquake-induced
landslides. It is directly related to the integral over time of the square of the ground
acceleration as explained in Section 2.2.3.

Figures 3.31 and 3.32 show the Ia calculated using the original horizontal time histories
for 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions respectively. The Ia plots corresponding to the
time histories modified for a PGA topographic amplification factor of 1.4 for 10% and 2% in

50 years ground motions are presented in Figures 3.33 to 3.35 and Figures 3.36 to 3.38
respectively. For the 2% in 50 years ground motions, the Ia plots corresponding to the time
histories modified by a PGA topographic amplification factor of 1.2 are illustrated in Figures
3.39 to 3.41.


Arias Intensity (m/s)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)


Arias Intensity (m/s)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Arias Intensity (m/s)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.31 Arias Intensity for Time Histories for the 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Arias Intensity (m/s)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Arias Intensity (m/s)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event


Arias Intensity (m/s)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event


Arias Intensity (m/s)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.32 Arias Intensity for Time Histories for the 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.33 Arias Intensity for 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4
Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.34 Arias Intensity for 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4
Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Event


Arias Intensity (m/s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.35 Arias Intensity for 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4
Amplification Factor for 10% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5s)

Figure 3.36 Arias Intensity for 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4
Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.37 Arias Intensity for 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4
Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.38 Arias Intensity for 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.4
Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event for 30 m Crest Height

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event for 100 m Crest Height

Figure 3.39 Arias Intensity for 30 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2
Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Short Period Motion (0.2 s)

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event for 30 m Crest Height

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event for 100 m Crest Height

Figure 3.40 Arias Intensity for 100 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2
Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)
Short Period Motion (0.2 s)
Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Near-field Event

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (1 s) Far-field Event

Arias Intensity (m/s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (s)

Long Period Motion (5 s)

Figure 3.41 Arias Intensity for 300 m Crest Spectrally Matched Time Histories of 1.2
Amplification Factor for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion

The variation of Ia has further been investigated for different scenarios. Figure 3.42
summarises the Ia values for 2% and 10% in 50 years ground motions respectively when
different ridge heights are considered for a 1.4 PGA amplification factor. The Ia values
increase with an increasing level of ground motions. For the 10% in 50 years ground motions,
Ia increases with longer period ground motions and also generally with increasing ridge height.
For the 2% in 50 years ground motion, Ia also generally increases with longer period ground
motions. However, the 1 s far-field ground motions show almost no increase of Ia for 30 m
and 100 m ridge heights but a significant amplification for the 300 m ridge height. As shown
in Figure 3.5, only 300 m ridge height would amplify the longer period ground motion, which
is expected to be present in this far-field ground motion. This is consistent with the trend
observed in Figure 3.42.

The effect of varying the PGA amplification factor on Ia has also been investigated.
The Ia values for the 2% in 50 years ground motions for the cases with no topographic effects
and with PGA amplification factors of 1.2 and 1.4 respectively are plotted in Figure 3.43.

The Ia values subject to topographic effects have been compared with the empirical
formula proposed by Lee et al (2008) (see Section 2.4.3). Equation 2.25 corrects Ia for the
topographic amplification effect as a function of height and Table 2.17 shows the Arias
Intensity amplification factor calculated for 30 m, 100 m and 300 m using this method. For
the present study, the amplification factors of Ia have been calculated using Ia of 30 m, 100 m
and 300 m ridge height ground motions divided by Ia without any topographic effects. The
results are summarised in Table 3.3, which are similar to those derived by Lee et al (2008).
They match especially well for the time histories obtained from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake
(1 s for 10% and 5 s for 2% in 50 year ground motions). This comparison suggests that the
Arias Intensities developed in the present study are reasonable.

It is well understood that a uniform hazard spectrum and an Arias Intensity are not
directly related (i.e. two earthquake time histories with the same response spectrum could have
very different values of Arias Intensity). For this reason, the time histories have been selected
based on the earthquake scenario magnitude – distance combinations that are most likely to
lead to various parts of the uniform hazard spectrum. These time histories, which should have
reasonable durations appropriate to the hazard, have then been used to derive Ia as plotted in
Figures 3.31 and 3.32 and again on Figures 3.42 and 3.43.

As an additional check that the ranges of values arising from the various earthquake
scenarios are reasonable, PSHA has been used to directly derive Arias Intensity. The
attenuation relationship by Travasarou et al (2003) has been used in this additional PSHA. The
resulting hazard curve is shown in Figure 3.44. It shows a 2% in 50 years (0.0004 annual
probability) Arias Intensity of about 0.2 m/s and a 10% in 50 year (0.0021 annual probability)
Arias Intensity of about 0.06 m/s. These values compare well with the range of values used in
the report of 0.14 to 0.32 m/s for the 2% in 50 years ground motions, and 0.06 to 0.104 m/s for
the 10% in 50 years ground motions.



Figure 3.42 Arias Intensity for (a) 2% and (b) 10% in 50 Years Ground Motions (with
No Topographic Effect and 30 m, 100 m, 300 m Ridge Heights with a 1.4
PGA Amplification Factor)



Figure 3.43 Arias Intensity for (a) 1.4 PGA Amplification Factor and (b) 1.2 PGA
Amplification Factor (with No Topographic Effect and 30 m, 100 m,
300 m Ridge Heights) for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motions

Table 3.3 Calculated Arias Intensity Amplification Factors

Probability of
Being Exceeded Original Time
Amplification Scenario 30 m 100 m 300 m
in the Next History
50 Years

0.2 s Livermore-01 1.36 1.82 2.15

10% 1s Chi-Chi-Taiwan-05 1.23 1.55 2.28
5s Kobe, Japan 1.58 2.38 2.23
1.4 0.2 s Friuli-Italy-02 1.70 2.32 2.11
1 s near-field Loma Prieta 1.50 1.84 1.98
1 s far-field Denali, Alaska 0.99 1.11 2.60
5s Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1.19 1.70 2.19
0.2 s Friuli-Italy-02 0.99 1.00 1.41
1 s near-field Loma Prieta 1.02 1.27 1.37
1.2 2%
1 s far-field Denali, Alaska 0.98 1.05 1.52
5s Chi-Chi-Taiwan 1.19 1.60 1.57

Figure 3.44 PSHA Results for Arias Intensity Using Travasarou et al (2003)

3.5 Results of the Slope Stability Analyses in Natural Terrain under Seismic Loading
3.5.1 Magnitude-distance Landslide Susceptibility

Using the findings of the literature review presented in Section 2 together with the
combinations of magnitude and distance to epicentre for the probable ground motions derived
from the PSHA in Arup (2015), the overall landslide susceptibility in the Study Area has been

Figures 3.45 to 3.48 show the comparison between the study dataset and the correlations
from Keefer & Wilson (1989), Tamura (1978), Yasuda & Sagitani (1988) and ISSMFE (1993)

The comparisons indicate that the 10% in 50 years magnitude-distance combination

appropriate to this study corresponds to the limiting case of landslide occurrence and that the
2% in 50 years would be expected to give rise to some landslides. A comparison with Keefer
& Wilson (1989) in Figure 3.45 shows that the likelihood of landslides is marginal especially
for the 10% in 50 years ground motions. Tamura (1978) and Yasuda & Sugitani (1988) both
imply that some landslides are likely for the 2% in 50 years ground motions. According to
Figure 3.48, ISSMFE (1993) implies that destructive slope failures would not be expected, and
that some slope failures may occur under 2% in 50 years ground motions. However, the report
did not explain what data they had used to distinguish between wet and dry countries.

Comparison with Keefer & Wilson (1989)

Maximum distance of landslides from fault-rupture zone (km)


10% 0.2s
10% 0.5s-1s
10 10% 5s
2% 0.2s
2% 0.5s-1s near field
2% 0.5s-5s far field
2% 5s near field

4 5 6 7 8 9
Magnitude (M)

Note: Category I: falls, disrupted slides, and avalanches; Category II: slumps, block
slides, and earth flows; Category III: lateral spreads and flows.

Figure 3.45 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to Keefer & Wilson

Comparison with Tamura (1978)


Maximum distance of landslides from epicenter (km)

10% 0.2s
10% 0.5s-1s
30 10% 5s
2% 0.2s
2% 0.5s-1s near field
2% 0.5s-5s far field
2% 5s near field

5.5 8
Magnitude (M)

Figure 3.46 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to Tamura (1978)

Comparison with Yasuda &Sugitani (1988)



10% 0.2s
Magnitude, M

6.5 10% 0.5s-1s

10% 5s
6 2% 0.2s
2% 0.5s-1s near field
2% 0.5s-5s far field
5 2% 5s near field


1 10 100 1000
Maximum epicentral distance of slope failure sites (km)

Figure 3.47 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to Yasuda & Sugitani

Comparison with ISSMFE (1993)



7.5 10% 0.2s

Magnitude, Ms

10% 0.5s-1s
7 10% 5s
2% 0.2s
6.5 2% 0.5s-1s near field
2% 0.5s-5s far field
2% 5s near field


5 50 500
Epicentral distance (km)

Figure 3.48 Magnitude-distance Comparison from Study Dataset to the Recommended

Plot from ISSMFE (1993)

3.5.2 Earthquake-induced Slope Displacements

The natural terrain landslide hazard has been assessed in terms of the induced downslope
displacements using both numerical and empirical methods as discussed in Sections 3.3 and 3.4
respectively. Both 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions have been considered.
Additionally, calculations have been carried out for cases with topographic effects (i.e. ridge
heights of 30 m, 100 m, and 300 m), in which the PGA amplification factors of 1.2 and 1.4 have
been considered. As regards the vertical ground acceleration, given that its effect on the
seismic slope displacements is considered negligible for the ground motions appropriate to
Hong Kong (see Section 2.2.4), this factor has not been considered in the analyses.

The earthquake-induced slope displacements have been calculated numerically using

Oasys SIREN and dynamic FLAC (for the 2% in 50 years ground motions only), and
empirically using the correlations from Jibson et al (1998), and that from Hsieh & Lee (2011)
(see Section 3.4.2). It has been found that the Jibson et al (1998) correlation would
overestimate the induced displacement at very small Ac values (< 0.2 m/s2) in comparison with
others including the results obtained from Oasys SIREN and dynamic FLAC.

The calculated earthquake-induced slope displacements in different scenarios have been

interpreted and compared. The results would be integrated in the landslide susceptibility
analyses in Section 5. In the subsequent analyses, the Ac values are not derived by slope
stability analyses. It is assumed that the soil properties and groundwater conditions vary and
thus the values of Ac would be varied with time. The resulted Ac values are validated against
those observed from other researchers.

Effect of the ground motion level on the induced slope displacements

Figure 3.49 shows the overall envelope (lower and upper bounds) of all the results for
the critical acceleration, Ac, corresponding to the displacement required to trigger a landslide
for the 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions with and without topographic effects. It can
be seen that the Ac values are significantly lower for the 10% in 50 years ground motions than
those for the 2% in 50 years ground motions. The average and inferred Ac are found by
approximately averaging the values of Ac at 100 mm displacement calculated using different
empirical and numerical methods for all the scenario earthquakes. The Ac is judged graphically
for better consideration for all cases rather than calculated using the lower and upper bound
values. For the 10% in 50 years ground motions, the average FoS value corresponding to the
triggering of landslides lies between 1 and about 1.05. It implies that such earthquake ground
motions have barely any effect on the triggering of landslides compared to a static failure. For
the 2% in 50 years ground motions, the average FoS corresponding to landslide triggering lies
between 1.05 and 1.10 for 20° slopes, and around 1.05 for 30° to 40° slopes. When no
topographic effect is considered, the 2% in 50 years ground motions only have limited effect
on the slope stability.

Figure 3.49 Effect of Ground Motion on Induced Downslope Displacement for 2% and
10% in 50 Year Ground Motions

The detailed results for the 2% and 10% in 50 years ground motions (with no
consideration for topographic effects) are presented in Figures 3.50 and 3.51 respectively.
As can be seen, the 5 s long period ground motion gives rise to the largest downslope
displacements whereas the 0.2 s short period ground motion results in the least displacements.
For the 2% in 50 years ground motions, the Oasys SIREN analyses give lower displacement
values than the dynamic FLAC analyses, which are in good agreement with the results of
empirical correlations.

Detailed plots for the 2% in 50 years ground motions (1 s far-field and 5 s) are shown
for topographic effects of 30 m, 100 m and 300 m crest heights in Figures 3.52 to 3.57
respectively. The topographic effect is reflected on the calculated downslope displacements.
More discussions are provided in the following section.

Figure 3.50 Downslope Displacements Calculated by Oasys SIREN, Dynamic FLAC

and Empirical Correlations for 2% in 50 Years Ground Motion (without
any Topographic Effect)

Figure 3.51 Downslope Displacements Calculated by Oasys SIREN, Dynamic FLAC

and Empirical Correlations for 10% in 50 Years (without any Topographic

Figure 3.52 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 1 s Far-field,

with No Topographic Effect and 30 m Crest Height Effect

Figure 3.53 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 5 s, with No

Topographic Effect and 30 m Crest Height Effect

Figure 3.54 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 1 s Far-field,

with No Topographic Effect and 100 m Crest Height Effect

Figure 3.55 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 5 s, with No

Topographic Effect and 100 m Crest Height Effect

Figure 3.56 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 1 s Far-field,

with No Topographic Effect and 300 m Crest Height Effect

Figure 3.57 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, 5 s, with No

Topographic Effect and 300 m Crest Height Effect

Topographic effects on the induced slope displacements

The topographic effects on the induced seismic slope displacements have been studied
for the 10% and 2% in 50 years ground motions respectively.

Figures 3.58 to 3.60 show the summary plots of the results from the empirical
correlations as well as from Oasys SIREN analyses for the 2% in 50 years ground motions,
considering topographic effects of 30 m, 100 m and 300 m crest heights (for a PGA
amplification factor of 1.4) respectively. Overall, it is found that the higher the crest is, the
greater the induced displacements would be. Therefore, a 300 m crest height is considered the
most critical case. For a 30 m crest height, the average FoS corresponding to the threshold
displacement for landslide triggering lies between 1.06 for a 20° slope, to 1.03 to 1.04 for 30°
to 40° slopes. For 100 m and 300 m crest heights, the average FoS lies between 1.10 for 20°
slopes, to 1.06 for 30° slopes and 1.05 for 40° slopes. The effect of earthquakes on the natural
terrain slope stability is therefore not negligible when considering topographic effects. Such
an effect becomes stronger with larger crest heights.

Figure 3.58 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, and 30 m Crest

Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.59 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, and 100 m Crest
Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.60 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, and 300 m Crest
Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figures 3.61 to 3.63 show the same results for the 10% in 50 years ground motions.
It can be seen that the topographic effects are greatly reduced. Even for the largest crest
height, the static FoS to prevent a slope failure is less than about 1.05.

In order to investigate the effects of different PGA amplification factors on induced

slope displacements, calculations have been repeated for a PGA amplification factor of 1.2.
Figures 3.64 to 3.66 show the comparison between the results for the 2% in 50 years ground
motions. The average FoS corresponding to the threshold displacement for landslide
triggering in the case of an amplification factor of 1.2 lies between 1.05 and 1.10 for a 20° slope,
and between 1.02 and 1.06 for 30° to 40° slopes. Figure 3.67 shows the lower and upper
bounds of the results for a 2% in 50 years ground motion for cases with no topographic effect,
and with topographic effects (including 30 m, 100 m, and 300 m ridge heights with 1.2 and 1.4
amplification factors used). This shows more clearly the shift of the FoS and Ac corresponding
to the threshold displacement for different cases of amplification factors. Table 3.4
summarises the values of critical accelerations that correspond to the 100 mm threshold
displacement for different combinations of seismic ground motions, ridge heights and PGA
amplification factors.

Figure 3.61 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 10% in 50 Years, and 30 m Crest
Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.62 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 10% in 50 Years, and 100 m
Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.63 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 10% in 50 Years, and 300 m
Crest Height Effect (1.4 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.64 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, and 30 m Crest

Height Effect (1.2 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.65 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, and 100 m Crest
Height Effect (1.2 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.66 Downslope Displacements Calculated for 2% in 50 Years, and 300 m Crest
Height Effect (1.2 PGA Amplification Factor)

Figure 3.67 Topographic Effect on Earthquake-induced Landslides Displacement for

2% in 50 Years Ground Motion (No Topographic Effect and Topographic
Effect with 1.2 and 1.4 PGA Amplification Factors)

Table 3.4 Ac (m/s2) Corresponding to the 100 mm Threshold Displacement for

Triggering of Landslide

Probability of being Ac (m/s2) Considering a Ridge Height (m) of

PGA Amplification
Exceeded in the Next
Factor 0 30 100 300
50 Years
1.4 10% 0.03 0.05 0.12 0.14
1.4 2% 0.15 0.19 0.27 0.37
1.2 2% 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.25


Based on the above seismic slope displacement assessments, it is found that both
numerical models (Oasys SIREN and Dynamic FLAC) and empirical correlations produce
comparable results. The findings help identify the most critical scenario for earthquake-
induced landslides i.e. a long period (1 s far-field or 5 s) event of the 2% in 50 years seismic
ground motions. The topographic effect significantly affects the induced slope displacements,
especially for a ridge higher than 100 m. However, the threshold displacement of 100 mm
required to trigger landslides is reached for a relatively low static FoS, implying that
earthquakes likely to happen in Hong Kong will generally have a limited effect on landslide
triggering even under 2% in 50 years ground motions. In high ridge areas, the topographic
amplification effects will be more significant. More discussions will be provided in the
susceptibility microzonation mapping in Section 5.

4 Seismic Stability Analysis for Boulders

4.1 General

To study the seismic stability of boulders, a one-dimensional (1-D) dynamic stability

analysis program has been created to assess the boulder fall hazard under seismic loadings. In
the present study, the horizontal acceleration time histories derived from site response analyses
(Arup, 2018), the time histories with topographic effects considered for 30 m, 100 m and 300 m
crest heights as well as the vertical acceleration time histories for the 2% in 50 years ground
motions have been used.

The results of the dynamic stability analysis have been compared with those obtained
using an energy approach. This approach considers the amount of energy required for a
boulder to fall under a certain peak ground velocity. The equation used for the energy
approach that accounts for the effects of vertical ground motions is based on Wong & Pang
(1991) for multi-directional blasting vibration (see Section 2).

The stability of boulders is dependent on the geometry of the boulder, the characteristics
of its position on the ground, and the surrounding soil/rock conditions. In this study, spherical
boulders of 100 kg, 1,000 kg and 10,000 kg have been considered. It is further assumed that
the boulders are sitting on rock and the primary falling mode of the boulder is by tipping.

The results of the analyses are presented in terms of the limiting eccentricity necessary
for the boulder to fall under a given acceleration time history. The eccentricity of a boulder
sitting on a slope is defined in Figure 4.1. It corresponds to the horizontal distance between
the centre of gravity of the boulder and the point around which it will rotate or tip.

Figure 4.1 Analysis Model for Seismic Stability of Boulders


4.2 Dynamic Stability Analysis Methodology

The 1-D dynamic stability analysis program that has been used to assess the limiting
eccentricity necessary for a boulder to fall under seismic loadings is based on the calculation of
the relative displacement of the boulder to that of the ground at each time step of 0.001 s of the
seismic accelerations time histories:

dr = (dg - db) × 103..................................................... (4.1)

where dr = relative displacement of the boulder (in mm)

dg = displacement of the ground (in m), and is defined as follows:

dg i+1 = agi × T2 + 2 × dgi - dgi-1

dg0 = 0m

where T = time step (= 0.001 s) (in s)

i = number of time steps considered
agi = imposed seismic ground acceleration at that time step
(in m/s/s)

db = displacement of the boulder (in m), and is defined as:

db i+1 = abi × T2 + 2 × dbi - dbi-1

db0 = 0m

abi = Σ Fi / mb

where Fi = the forces applied to the boulder at the time step i (in N)
mb = the mass of the boulder (in kg).

Fi is defined as illustrated in Figure 4.1 and calculated as:

(i) The spring force (Fs):

if dg < db, Fs = K (dg - db)

or else Fs = 0 N

K being the spring coefficient (in N/m) to give a small displacement under
the static restoring of the boulder and has the values listed in Table 4.1.

(ii) The dashpot force (Fd):

if vg < vb and Fs ≠ 0, Fd = D (vg - vb)

or else Fd = 0 N

D being the dashpot coefficient (in N/m/s) to obtain critical damping of the
boulder when it reconnects with the spring after lifting off. It has been
assigned the values listed in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Spring (K) and Dashpot (D) Coefficients for Boulder Seismic Stability Analysis

Boulder Mass K (N/m) D (N/m/s)

100 kg 1,000,000 20,000
1,000 kg 10,000,000 200,000
10,000 kg 100,000,000 2,000,000

(iii) The gravitational force of the boulder (Fg):

Fg = 9.81 × mb × (e + db - dg) / R

where e (mb) is the eccentricity of the boulder, and R is its radius.

In order to consider the effect of the vertical acceleration on the boulder

stability as well, the gravitational force equation can be modified as follows:

Fgv = (9.81 - avi) × mb × (e + db - dg) / R

where avi (in m/s2) is the imposed vertical acceleration at the ith time step.

The limiting eccentricity of the boulder required for it to move under a certain ground
motion has been deduced using the above equations. It corresponds to the eccentricity at which
the relative displacement of the boulder diverges to a very large value with time as illustrated
in an example shown in Figure 4.2.


Relative displacement (mm)




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Time (s)

Figure 4.2 Calculated Relative Displacement when the Limit Eccentricity is Reached
for a 100 kg Spherical Boulder, under the 2% in 50 Years, 0.2 s Horizontal
Ground Motion

4.3 Energy Approach

The results presented above have been compared with the results of an energy approach
that considers how much energy delivered by the ground motion is required to move a boulder.

The energy to cause the boulder to tip (Et) is defined as:

Et = Fh × dt ................................................................................... (4.2)

where Fh (N) is the average horizontal force applied to the boulder, and dt is the distance that
the boulder has to move for it to tip ( = e ).

Fh = 0.5 mb × g × e / R

The eccentricity can therefore be derived from the fundamental energy equilibrium
equation as:

0.5 mb V2 = 0.5 mb g e2 / R


e = V (R / g)0.5

where V (m/s) is defined as the peak horizontal particle velocity of the ground motion PPV.

When considering the effects of the vertical ground acceleration on the seismic stability
of boulders, the energy equation can be modified as recommended by Wong & Pang (1991) by

V = 1.35 max (PPVh, PPVv)

It should be noted that the horizontal PPV exceeds the vertical PPV as expected from
the response spectra shown in Figure 3.28.

4.4 Results of Boulder Fall Analysis

Based on the methodology described above, a boulder seismic stability analysis has been
carried out using the 1-D dynamic stability method and the energy approach. The results of
both methods have been compared in terms of the limiting eccentricity of the boulder, that is
required for it to tilt under a given seismic ground motion.

4.4.1 1-D Dynamic Stability Analysis

The 1-D dynamic stability analysis has been carried out for 2%, 10% and 63% in
50 years seismic ground motions. The topographic effects have also been taken into account.
Figures 4.3 to 4.5 show the calculated limiting eccentricity for different ground motions for a
spherical boulder with different masses (100 kg, 1,000 kg and 10,000 kg). The results show

that the limiting eccentricity required for the boulder to tip under seismic loadings significantly
increases with the level of ground motion. However, even for a 1 s near-field, 2% in 50 years
ground motion, the highest limiting eccentricity for a 10,000 kg boulder is only 27 mm, which
is considered as a small value. The results indicate that under the probable earthquake ground
motions in Hong Kong, boulders do not have any likelihood to fall unless they are already very
close to toppling.

Figure 4.3 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder to Fall, for 2% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

Figure 4.4 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder to Fall, for 10% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

Figure 4.5 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder to Fall, for 63% in 50 Years
Ground Motion

In order to investigate the topographic effects on the seismic stability of boulders, the 1-
D dynamic stability analysis has been carried out for a 10,000 kg boulder with the 2% in 50
year time histories that account for the topographic effects for 30 m, 100 m, and 300 m ridge
heights (see Figure 4.6). It shows that higher crests tend to result in higher limiting eccentricity
values. As the crest height increase from 30 m to 300 m, the limiting eccentricity increases to
31 mm, 24 mm, 36 mm and 40 mm for the 0.2 s short period, 1 s far-field, 5 s near-field , and
1 s near-field ground motions respectively. For a 10,000 kg spherical granitic boulder of about
a metre radius, theses values considered as very small.

Figure 4.6 Limiting Eccentricity Required for the Boulder of 10,000 kg to fall for 2% in
50 Years Ground Motion, with Topographic Effect (30 m, 100 m, and 300 m
Crest Height)

In addition, the effect of the vertical acceleration has been checked. Figure 4.7 shows
the comparison between the horizontal ground motion results (without topographic effect) and
the ones calculated by taking the vertical acceleration into account. Clearly, the effect of the
vertical acceleration is negligible.

Figure 4.7 Effect of the Vertical Motion on the Limiting Eccentricity Necessary for
Boulders of 100 kg, 1,000 kg and 10,000 kg to Fall Under a 2% in
50 Years Ground Motion

4.4.2 Comparison with the Energy Approach

The results between 1-D dynamic stability analysis and the energy approach have been
compared. Figures 4.8 to 4.11 compare the eccentricity calculated by the energy approach
and that calculated by the dynamic analysis for cases with no topographic amplification effect,
and with 30 m, 100 m, and 300 m ridge height effects considered respectively. In general, the
correlations are good, although there is a consistent trend that the energy approach would
predict a larger eccentricity to retain equilibrium.

When comparing the results of both methods modified to account for the vertical
acceleration effect, Figure 4.12 shows that the energy approach gives a slightly higher required
eccentricity than the dynamic analysis. The results are consistent with the cases in which
vertical acceleration has been ignored. This implies that the recommendations of Wong &
Pang (1991) who suggested that the velocity would be increased by 35% (i.e. V = 1.35 max
(PPVx, PPVy )) would give much higher limit eccentricity values than the dynamic stability
approach. Therefore, this additional coefficient appears not appropriate to account for the
vertical ground motion effect in the seismic stability assessment for boulders.

Figure 4.8 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder Fall Calculated by

the Energy Approach and by Dynamic Stability Analysis for No
Topographic Effect

Figure 4.9 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder Fall Calculated by

the Energy Approach and by Dynamic Stability Analysis for a 30 m Crest
Height Topographic Effect

Figure 4.10 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder Fall Calculated by

the Energy Approach and by Dynamic Stability Analysis for a 100 m Crest
Height Topographic Effect

Figure 4.11 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder Fall Calculated by

the Energy Approach and by Dynamic Stability Analysis for a 300 m Crest
Height Topographic Effect

Figure 4.12 Comparison between Limiting Eccentricity of Boulder Fall Calculated by

the Energy Approach and by Dynamic Stability Analysis Accounting for
the Vertical Acceleration (and No Topographic Effect)

4.4.3 Effect of Boulder Shape

As discussed in Section 2.5.2, Haneberg (2009) showed that boulders with higher aspect
ratios would require lower eccentricities to topple. The energy approach gives a direct
indication to the effect of aspect ratios in that the equation shows that the limiting eccentricity
is directly related to the square root of the height of the centre of mass of the boulder above its
base. Therefore, for example, for a prismatic boulder having a height four times its width, the
height of its centre of mass would double that of a spherical boulder. It means that the
eccentricity required would be about 1.4 times that that required for a sphere.

It is therefore concluded that while boulders with high vertical to horizontal aspect ratios
will require larger eccentricities to limit falling, the eccentricity is not likely to be more than
about 1.5 times that of a spherical boulder.

4.4.4 Other Failure Modes

Apart from rolling and falling, sliding of a boulder, which is initially resting on an
inclined surface, is another possible failure mode under earthquake shaking. In principle, this
mode of failure is essentially the same as the sliding failure of a slope, where the failure mass
is assumed as a rigid block. Thus, the same conclusions reached regarding the natural terrain
slope failure (e.g. the critical acceleration values shown in Figure 3.67) should also be
applicable to boulders when sliding failure is concerned. In addition, there is essentially no
chance of pore water pressure build up in boulders during rainstorms. Therefore, for a boulder
to fail in sliding mode, the static FoS against sliding will have to be very low at the time of
earthquake loading.

5 Landslide Susceptibility Analysis

5.1 General

A regional landslide susceptibility model has been developed for the natural terrain areas
within the Study Area of this study. The susceptibility model adopts a landslide hazard
zonation approach to identify and document those areas considered the most susceptible to the
initiation of landslides. Varnes (1984) recommended three key principles for consideration in
the landslide hazard zonation process:

(a) Natural slope failures in the future will most likely be in

similar geological, geomorphic and hydrological situations
that have led to past and present failures (i.e. predisposition

(b) The main conditions and processes that cause the landslides
(i.e. triggering factors) should be identified and understood.

(c) The relative contributions of the identified predisposition and

triggering factors should be evaluated to give a measure of
the factors and reflect their importance in contributing to

To conduct the landslide susceptibility analysis with reference to the three principles, a
statistical approach has been adopted for this study. The Enhanced Natural Terrain Landslide
Inventory (ENTLI) has been used to represent the past instability locations. Some key general
possible susceptibility factors have been identified and the landslide density has been calculated
within each particular factor. The landslide density for each class of the initiation factors has
been compared to assess the importance of those factors which contribute to landslides. The
landslide susceptibility map has subsequently been generated by a matrix method which
included the selection and combination of different rankings of the selected susceptible factors.

Geographical Information System (GIS) has been used as a tool to analyse different
initiation factors based on the existing information. Each initiation factor has been compared
with the landslide density, which is considered as a direct measure of the probability of landslide
occurrence, to give the susceptibility ranking of each factor. The ranking of each factor has
been overlaid in the GIS to classify the susceptibility when combining all factors. The
reliability of the final susceptibility class has also been checked by the landslide density to
ensure that the classification could measure the expected probability of landslide occurrence.

The susceptibility map produced by analysing the ENTLI data only presents the
susceptibility of landslides triggered by rainfall. Over most of the area, this susceptibility is
also directly indicative of the susceptibility of the natural terrain to earthquake-induced
landslides as will be discussed in Section 5.5. For areas where the topographic effects are
applicable, there would be a slight increase in the earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility.
As a result, the overall susceptibility map has been modified.

5.2 Desk Study Data

In view of the regional scale of the present study and in order to develop a systematic
approach that could readily be adopted elsewhere within the territory of Hong Kong, the
developed approach has made use of existing available digital datasets. These include:

(a) Topographic information contained within the Lands

Department 1:1,000 and 1:5,000 scale LIC Maps.

(b) Topographic information contained within the GEO 2010

LiDAR Survey Dataset.

(c) The location of built structures based on the BLDPOLY

Polygon contained within the 1:1,000 scale LIC Maps.

(d) The location of roads based on the ROAD Polygon contained

within the 1:10,000 scale LIC Maps. (Note: the 1:10,000
scale maps have been used in favour of the 1:1,000 scale
maps as these maps contain information on road type and

(e) Information on the location and extent of man-made slope

features and retaining walls within the GEO Slope
Information System.

(f) Geological information contained within the Hong Kong

Geological Survey 1:20,000 Solid and Superficial Geology
Map Sheets.

(g) Information on the form and geomorphological setting of the

natural hillside areas from the Landform Map developed
under the Geotechnical Area Studies Programme (GASP).

(h) Information on the distribution and density of boulders and

rock outcrops from the GEO Boulder Field Inventory.

(i) Information on the location, size (plan area only) and age of
landslides from the GEO Enhanced Natural Terrain
Landslide Inventory (ENTLI), up to 2009 only.

(j) Ortho-rectified aerial photographs for the years 1963 and

2010 have also been collected and reviewed to validate the
findings of the above datasets.

(k) Rain gauge information for Gauge Nos. N07, N12, N28, N29,
N31, N32 and N49 for the years 1984 to 2010.

The above information provides a wealth of information concerning the location and the
scale of past instability in the Study Area as well as information on the topography, geology,

hydrology, geomorphology and extent of anthropogenic activity. Whilst these datasets are of
a variety of scales and resolutions, they are considered sufficiently accurate for a regional scale
assessment, the main purpose of which is identifying those areas of high susceptibility from
those with significantly lower susceptibility.

In addition, a natural terrain hazard study previously carried out for the Tsing Shan
Foothill Area by MFJV (2003) has been used as a further reference as their study area is a part
of the Study Area being assessed in the present study. Their work included a susceptibility
analysis and generation of site-specific susceptibility maps.

5.3 Delineation of Natural Terrain Boundary

In order to identify the susceptibility of natural terrain landslides within the Study Area,
it is necessary to differentiate between those areas that comprise predominantly natural terrain
hillside (natural terrain) and those areas that have been significantly affected by anthropogenic
activities (urban area). The methodology adopted to differentiate between these two areas is
summarised below and presented graphically on Figures 5.1 to 5.6.

Geoprocessing Geoprocessing
LandsD B5000 Create 100m Buffer Buffer Create 100m inner Buffer Natural Hillside
Contour Line from Contour Line Polygon from buffered polygon Polygon

Group contoured area into one large polygon area with 100m buffer from 5 m contour line. The
100m buffer eliminates most gaps between contours and forms a continuous polygon of natural
terrain. Then create a 100m inner buffer to define a more precise outline for natural terrain.

LandsD B1000 LandsD B10000

Building Polygon Road Polygon

Keep the road

Buffer types which
Create 75m buffer from Select usually connect
The 75m buffer Building polygon Excluded “Single isolate building in Geoprocessing
group all Secondary Road” and rural area or run Clip “Developed area”
building “UnsurfacedRoad/Track”
polygon Buffer Polygon across country
together, the Build-up area 75m park.
inner 75m Buffer Polygon
buffer define a
more precise Buffer Selected Road
outline for Create 75m inner buffer
developed area from buffered polygon Preliminary
Natural Terrain
GEO features Developed Polygon
Legend Build-up Area catalogues Group Area
Government Data B1000 Base
Select map
Selected Build- Ensure the natural Manual Edit
Arup Generated – Select the build-up area terrain boundary
Process Data greater than 300m2 in area up Area
2010 Ortho
Data Processing
Avoid removing some isolated
Manual Process small huts in the natural terrain
Arup Generated – Natural Terrain Boundary
Output Data

Figure 5.1 Flow Chart of Development of Natural Terrain Boundary


Generate Natural Hillside Polygon

LandsD B5000 Contour Line Natural Hillside Polygon

Terrain Build-up

Create 100m Buffer from
Contour Line

features Road

GEO features Road included Cluster of Buildings included


Figure 5.2 Flow Chart of Generating Natural Polygon

Different Buffer Zone for 25m Buffer

Building Polygon

LandsD B1000
Building Polygon

50m Buffer

75m Buffer

Create buffer from Building
and inner buffer from the
buffered polygon

75m can buffer eliminates most gaps between the Building

Polygons without removing the natural terrain pocket

Figure 5.3 Flow Chart of Generating Building Polygon


Generate “Developed Area”

LandsD B10000
Road Polygon Select Selected Road
Excluded “Single
Secondary Road” and

Keep the road types which

usually connect isolate building
in rural area or run across
country park.

LandsD B1000
Building Polygon
GEO Features

Remove man-made
features in the natural
terrain area Group
Form a
“Developed Area”
Create 75m buffer
from Building
polygon and create The 75m buffer group all building
inner 75m buffer polygon together, the inner 75m
from the buffered buffer define a more precise outline
polygon for developed area
Selected Build-
up Area
Isolated small huts Select
(Area < 300m2) Select the build-up area
greater than 300m2 in area

Avoid removing some

isolated small huts in the
natural terrain area

Figure 5.4 Flow Chart of Generating “Developed Area”

Generate Preliminary Natural Terrain Polygon

Preliminary Natural
Terrain Polygon

GEO Slope Selected Build-

Selected Road
Catalogues up Area

Form a “Developed Area”

Developed Area

Clip “Developed area”

“Developed Area”
within the natural
hillside polygon

Clip “Developed area”

Natural Hillside

Figure 5.5 Flow Chart of Generating Preliminary Natural Terrain Polygon


Generate Natural Terrain Boundary

Examples of manual editing

2010 Ortho Photo Example 1 Developed area Example 2

Developed area

Before Before

Preliminary Natural
Terrain Polygon


After After

Natural Terrain

Manual Edit

Figure 5.6 Flow Chart of Generating Final Natural Terrain Boundary by Manual

(a) The contour lines shown in 1:5,000 scale topography maps

have been used as a basis to define the general areas of natural
terrain. These contour lines typically present only on the
LIC Maps within areas of natural hillside and are absent in
urban or disturbed areas. The contour line areas have been
linked by the buffer function of GIS in order to roughly
generate a polygon that represents predominantly the natural
terrain area, as shown in Figure 5.2.

(b) Anthropogenic features have been clipped from the

predominate natural terrain areas based on the locations of
buildings, roads and man-made slope features recorded in the
LIC Maps (BLDPOLY & ROAD Polygons) and the GEO
Slope Catalogue, as shown in Figures 5.3 to 5.5.

(c) Validation of the predominant natural terrain areas generated

under Steps 1 and 2 above has been carried out through a
review of the 2010 ortho-rectified aerial photograph and
1:1,000 LIC maps of the Study Area. Any necessary manual
refinements to the polygon have then been carried out to

remove obvious areas of anthropogenic disturbance and

finalise the natural terrain boundary (Figure 5.6).

The final natural terrain boundary presented in Figure 5.7 would be used for further
analyses of natural terrain landslide hazards. The data for those areas outside the boundary,
including those ENTLI data, would be discarded.

It should be noted that the natural terrain boundary is not the same as that for the
boundary of the rock site class defined in the seismic microzonation study (Arup, 2018) as their
definitions are different. Natural terrain is defined as the area that has not been developed,
whereas the rock site class is defined mainly based on slope gradient.

Figure 5.7 Final Natural Boundary in the Study Area

5.4 Past Instability

5.4.1 Landslide Datasets

The ENTLI consists of an inventory of historical natural terrain landslides compiled

using available aerial photographs between 1924 and 2009. This inventory has been used as
the primary source of information for the location and size (plan area) of the landslide sources,
and the age of past landslides within the natural terrain area (Figure 5.8).

Figure 5.8 ENTLI Record up to 2009 with the Natural Boundary

The landslide records within the ENTLI have been broadly classified into two groups
with regard to the date of occurrence, namely, recent landslides and relict landslides, defined
as follows.

(a) Recent landslides

Recent landslides are those that clearly occurred within the

time scale of the available aerial photographs. For the
majority of Hong Kong, they refer to landslides that occurred
after about 1961.

The year of aerial photographs in which landslide was first

identified, as well as the date of the preceding available aerial
photographs, are also recorded in the ENTLI.

(b) Relict landslides

Relict landslides are those that occurred earlier than the time
scale of the available aerial photographs. In general, they
refer to landslides that occurred before 1962.

The relict landslides in the ENTLI have been further


classified as Relict Class A, Class B or Class C features.

These classifications relate to the degree of confidence that
the features interpreted from aerial photographs actually
represent a landslide. Class A, Class B and Class C refer to
a probability of being a landslide of 80%, 50% and 10%

To ensure a high degree of confidence in the susceptibility models derived for the Study
Area, calibration against the available landslide data has been carried out with reference to
following three groupings of data from the ENTLI dataset:

(i) Total landslides (Recent + all Relict landslides).

(ii) Recent landslides.

(iii) Recent + Relict Class A landslides.

In general, there are some intrinsic differences between “Recent” and “Relict” landslides
in terms of the scale and correlation with geomorphological settings, especially when the highly
degraded Relict Class B and Relict Class C landslide features are concerned. However, the
typically sharp and well-defined nature of the back scarps for Relict A landslides suggests that
these features are quite young in terms of landform development and thus should be occurred
under similar climatic conditions to those present nowadays. In order to increase the number
of landslides for statistical analyses, both “Recent” and “Relict Class A” landslides have been
regarded as reliable. Based on the previous experience in reviewing the ENTLI data for natural
terrain hazard studies, these two datasets could typically be relied upon as being reasonably
accurate. On the other hand, Relict Class B and Relict Class C landslides could often be
questionable and could represent geomorphic features rather than actual landslide scars.

Therefore, the grouping of “Recent + Relict Class A” landslides is considered to provide

the most reliable dataset on past landslide occurrence. This has been used as the key dataset
for calibration of the various susceptibly factors adopted. However, “Total landslides” and
“Recent landslides” have also been plotted for references. This allows the intrinsic differences
in the setting and distribution of various landslide classes to be checked together with an
identification of whether or not notable variations exist.

5.4.2 Modification of ENTLI Data

When reviewing the ENTLI data, it has been noted that the landslide source location
recorded in the dataset comprises point information (i.e. grid coordinates) at the crown of the
landslide scars. This means that the actual landslide scar itself is located downslope of the
coordinates recorded in the dataset and that direct adoption of this information to represent
landslide locations may result in inaccuracy and misinterpretation. In order to overcome this
problem, the source location for the landslide scar has been shifted 5 m downslope from the
crown and along the runout trail recorded in the ENTLI. This results in a modified ENTLI
dataset in GIS that is considered to more accurately represent the conditions of the area in which
actual landslides had taken place. The value of 5 m has been chosen because the average
landslide width is about 10 m to 12 m among the > 8,000 ENTLI records in the Study Area.
The radius of the landslide could generally be considered as being half of the width, i.e. about

5 m. Nevertheless, the results for both shifted and non-shifted data are presented in this study
for the sake of comparisons.

5.4.3 Landslide Records

A total of 8,475 Recent and Relict (all classes) landslides within the natural terrain
boundary has been identified in the ENTLI, including 1,980 Recent landslides and 999 Relict
Class A landslides. As previously discussed, the remaining 5,496 ENTLI landslides, classified
as Relict Class B or Class C, are considered to be of lower reliability. As such, these landslides
have been excluded from the calibration exercise. The modified locations of the 2,979 Recent
and Relict Class A landslides recorded in the ENTLI up to 2009 are shown in Figure 5.9.

Figure 5.9 Location of 5 m down of the Crown in ENTLI Record up to 2009 within the
Natural Boundary

In addition to the location of landslides, the year in which the landslides were first
identified has also been reviewed. It is found that significant landslide swarms occurred within
the Study Area in 1982 (208 landslides), 1989 (284 landslides) and 2000 (730 landslides). A
plot of the total number of landslides occurring annually since 1963 is shown in Figure 5.10.



No. of landlside






Figure 5.10 Annual Record of Number of Landslides from ENTLI Data

5.4.4 Landslide Density

The data contained within the ENTLI, with modifications and groupings as discussed in
the preceding sections, has been used to determine the landslide density (in terms of the number
of landslides per unit area in km2) for various susceptibility factors. This information has been
used as a measure of the probability of landslide occurrence for rating various parameters to the
landslide susceptibility. Similar approach was used by MFJV (2003) to identify the key
initiation factors for landslides.

In the present study, the landslide density is expressed in terms of the area affected by
landslides per unit are in km2. This area is calculated using the landslide length and width
recorded in the ENTLI.

5.5 Potential Susceptibility Factors

As noted in AGS (2007), landslide susceptibility zoning involves a degree of

interpretation that is often based upon the spatial distribution and the rating of region-specific
terrain units according to their propensity to produce landslides. The susceptibility zoning is
dependent on the topography, geology, geotechnical properties, climate, vegetation and
anthropogenic factors affecting the area.

MFJV (2003) considered slope angle, regolith types, lithological boundaries, regolith
downslope of rock outcrop and the head of a drainage line as potential factors that affect the
landslide occurrence. With respect to the Study Area and considering the results of MFJV
(2003), the key initiation factors with the potential to predispose an area to landsliding mainly
include the geology, geological structure, topography, geomorphology, hydrology and
hydrogeology. The regolith types and lithological boundaries have not been considered
because they require detailed field mapping to obtain the information. While this was
applicable for the site-specific Tsing Shan Foothill Area, it is not appropriate for the present
study, which is of a regional scale. These two factors have been analysed indirectly through
the geological condition assessment.

These various parameters have largely been accounted for by consideration of the
following aspects within the susceptibility model.

5.5.1 Slope Angle

The slope angle is known to be an important factor in controlling the occurrence of

landslides. This factor is probably the most commonly reviewed and adopted parameter for
landslide susceptibility analyses.

The gradients of the natural terrain hillside within the Study Area have been calculated
in GIS based on a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) model generated from the
1:5,000 scale LIC Maps. The slope angles within the TIN model have subsequently been
“smoothed” to overcome potential problems associated with localised irregularities. The
“smoothing” process is presented as follows:

(i) A slope angle has been calculated for a 1 m cell size across
the whole Study Area.

(ii) A circular area within a radius of five cells has been used to
calculate the average value of each cell. This averaged slope
angle has then been adopted in that grid cell to provide a
smoothed slope angle map with a 1 m resolution.

The results of the slope angle smoothing exercise are presented in Figure 5.11. The
smoothing attempts to reduce the sensitivity of the slope angle determination arising from those
contours being extremely close together horizontally (note that the contour spacing of 1: 5,000
LIC map is 10 m vertically). Hence, it makes only a minor difference to the resulting slope
angle map with the smoothing only applied to very localised irregularities.

There are limitations in the use of the 1:5,000 LIC maps as they may not be as accurate
as the 1:1,000 LIC maps when the generation of slope angle maps is concerned. In order to
review the implications, a comparison of the landslide density for a number of key slope classes
using slope angle maps generated from both 1:1,000 LIC and 1:5,000 LIC maps have been
carried out for a small test area (about 3 km x 3 km) as shown in Figure 5.12. The results of
this review indicate that the densities computed using both LIC maps are largely comparable,
provided that the data for any areas less than 0.1 km2 have been screened out (see Figure 5.13).

Figure 5.11 Smooth Slope Angle within Natural Terrain Boundary

Figure 5.12 ENTLI Record in the Test Area


1.8 1k TIN 5k TIN

Landslide density (per km2) 1.4
0 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 Recent
35 - 40 Landslide
40 - 45 45 - 50 50 - 55 55 - 60 60 - 65 65 - 70 70 - 75 80 - 85
400 Slope angle
1k tin 5k tin
Landslide density (per km2)

250 Recent
0 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35Recent
- 40 40 -+45Relict A 50 - 55 55 - 60 60 - 65 65 - 70 70 - 75 75 - 80 80 - 85
45 - 50
600 Slope angle
1k tin 5k tin
Landslide density (per km2)

Recent +
Relict A



0 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35All
- 40landslides
40 - 45 45 - 50 50 - 55 55 - 60 60 - 65 65 - 70 70 - 75 75 - 80 80 - 85
7000 Slope angle
1k tin 5k tin
Landslide density (per km2)





0 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35 - 40 40 - 45 45 - 50 50 - 55 55 - 60 60 - 65 65 - 70 70 - 75 75 - 80 80 - 85
Slope angle

Figure 5.13 Plots of ENTLI of Non-shifted Landslide Crown up to 2009 against Slope
Angle for TIN Model Generated from 1:1,000 (1 k) and 1:5,000 (5 k) LIC

With the above considerations, the use of the 1:5,000 LIC dataset is considered
acceptable for the present regional-scale assessment. However, for a detailed site-specific
study, the use of the 1:1,000 LIC or LiDAR datasets is recommended.

The landslide density of shifted and non-shifted landslide crown has then been reviewed
for each 5° slope angle increment within the natural terrain area (see Figures 5.14 and 5.15

respectively). The density of “Recent and Relict Class A” landslides is relatively low within
areas with slope gradients less than 30° and increases significantly for areas with gradients
above 40°. Whilst there is an apparent drop in the density of Recent and Relict Class A
landslides above slope angles of 50°, this can largely be attributed to small areas (< 1 km2)
occupied by these slope angle classes. Table 5.1 presents the susceptibility factor classes
recommended with regard to the influence of the slope angles.

Figure 5.14 Plots of ENTLI of Shifted Landslide Crown up to 2009 against Slope Angle

Figure 5.15 Plots of ENTLI of Non-shifted Landslide Crown up to 2009 against Slope

Table 5.1 Susceptibility Factor Classes with Regard to Slope Angle

Slope Angle Class Descriptor Slope Angle Range Landslide Density

Class A Very Steep  40° 316.04 per km²
Class B Moderately Steep 30° to 40° 120.43 per km²
Class C Gentle < 30° 21.39 per km²

Figure 5.16 shows the distribution of different slope classes described above within the
Study Area.

Figure 5.16 Map Showing Susceptibility Classes for Slope Angle

5.5.2 Geological Conditions

The distribution of past landslides within the Study Area has been reviewed against the
published geological data at the landslide source area based on the 1:20,000 scale Solid and
Superficial Geological Map (Figure 5.17). The geological map shows geological boundaries,
different types of Quaternary deposits and rocks (which can be implied as different saprolites).
It is understood that the map could be oversimplified as compared with information obtained
from field mapping but it is still considered applicable for this regional study.
Figure 5.17 1:20,000 Scale Solid and Superficial Geology Map (GCO, 1987a & 1987b)

The results of this review indicate that the landslide densities are higher within areas
recorded as fine-grained granite (gf), fine-to-medium grained granite (gfm), block bearing tuff
and tuffite (bt), undifferentiated tuff and tuffite (t), siltstone with thin bedded limestone (Cmp)
and sandstone, siltstone and mudstone with conglomerate and tuff (JTS) (see Figure 5.18).
Figure 5.19 shows the equivalent non-shifted landslide results.





0 Recent + Relict A landslides













20k Geological Unit
Landsldie dentisty (per km 2)


Recent + 6

Relict A 4

0 Recent landslides












20k Geological Unit
Landsldie dentisty (per km 2)

Recent 4

0 Total landslides












20k Geological Unit
Landsldie dentisty (per km 2)
















20k Geological Unit

Figure 5.18 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown in Different Geological

Units in 1:20,000 Geological Map





Recent + Relict A landslides














12 20k Geological Unit
Landsldie dentisty (per km 2)


Recent + 6

Relict A 4

Recent landslides












6 20k Geological Unit
Landsldie dentisty (per km 2)

Recent 4

Total landslides













20k Geological Unit

Landsldie dentisty (per km 2)

Total 20















20k Geological Unit

Figure 5.19 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown in Different Geological

Units in 1:20,000 Geological Map

Apparently, these geological units give rise to a higher predisposition to landsliding than
others. However, it has been found that the locations of these units are coincident with other
topographic and geomorphological indicators of landslide susceptibility. It is considered
reasonable as the development of the landforms is related to the underlying geological
characteristics. As such, other factors considered in the susceptibility model, in particular,
Slope Angle (see Section 5.5.1) and Terrain Unit (see Section 5.5.3), have already accounted
for the variance resulted from the solid geological conditions. On the other hand, the Study
Area is mainly exposed with granite (about 80% within the natural terrain boundary) and

slightly with tuff (only occupied about 5%). The weak sedimentary and volcanic rocks, which
have been considered to be more prone to landslide occurrence, are not considered in the present
study as the geology does not vary a lot spatially. To conclude, it is considered not necessary
to specifically include the geological strata in the susceptibility model.

5.5.3 Geological Structure

Geological structure is another potential susceptibility factor for earthquake-induced

landslides. For example, fractured rocks could be more erodible and provide weak points
triggering failures. Thus, they would be more prone to landsliding. It is, therefore, of interest
to examine the relationship between the geological structure and the landslide density.

The pertinent geological structure mainly includes faults and joints. For the purpose of
a regional-scale assessment, the analysis of joint sets is considered not applicable. Instead, the
fault proximity has been checked against the landslide density to assess if geological structure is
a controlling factor. The faults, inferred faults and photo-lineaments shown in 1:100,000 Hong
Kong Geological map (GEO, 2000) and GASP report III and IV (GCO, 1987a & 1987b) have
been used to represent the geological structure (Figure 5.20) and buffering of 10 m, 25 m, 50 m
and 100 m has been carried out to review whether there exists any strong correlation between the
location of past landslides and the proximity of the geological structure.

Figure 5.20 Geological Structure Extracted from 1:100,000 Hong Kong Geological Map
and the GASP Reports

The results of shifted and non-shifted landslide crowns, as shown in Figures 5.21 and
5.22 respectively, show that the landslide densities for all buffer distances are generally
comparable. It indicates that the geological structure is unlikely a controlling factor in this


Recent +
Relict A



Figure 5.21 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown in Geological Structure



Recent +
Relict A



Figure 5.22 Landslide Density of the Non-shifted Landslide Crown in Geological

Structure Proximity

5.5.4 Geomorphology (Terrain Unit)

The geomorphological setting of the natural terrain within the Study Area has been
characterised using the terrain component of the Landform Maps from the Geotechnical Area
Studies Programme (GASP) Reports (Figure 5.23). The various terrain components
documented in these maps, which are generally based on the slope form and process, have been
reviewed and grouped to develop a simplified terrain model based on the method developed by
Dalrymple et al (1968) (Figure 5.24).

The simplified terrain model provides a general reference of the geomorphological

conditions, with specific emphasis on the slope morphology and process on a hillslope. The
various units adopted to characterise natural terrain hillsides within the Study Area are
summarised in Table 5.2, which also lists the corresponding terrain components from GASP
Maps that have been used to delineate the extent of the terrain unit.

Figure 5.23 Terrain Components in Landform Map in GASP Reports


Interfluve Terrain Incising Terrain Footslope Terrain

Rock Outcrop

Crest or Ridge
Sideslope – Straight
Sideslope - Convex

Sideslope – Concave
Drainage Plain
Various Footslopes & plains

Figure 5.24 The Hypothetical Nine-unit Land Surface Model by Dalrymple et al (1968)
and the Simplified Terrain Model in Our Study

Table 5.2 Terrain Unit Developed in Simplified Terrain Model

Terrain Components in Landform

Terrain Unit Terrain Characteristics
Maps in GASP Report

Interfluve  rounded/undulating terrain and planar Crest or Ridge

Terrain hillslope areas Sideslope - Straight
 moderate-to-low erosion rates Sideslope - Convex
Incising  concave terrain including numerous Sideslope - Concave
Terrain drainage valleys Drainage Plain
 high rates of erosion
Footslope  shallow gradient footslope areas and Various Footslopes and Plains
Terrain alluvial plains etc.
 primarily depositional terrain
Rock Outcrop  exposure of rock Rock Outcrop

The terrain units developed based on the published GASP Maps have been validated
using ortho-rectified aerial photographs and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) of the Study Area.
This process has confirmed that the model is broadly acceptable, with an exception of several
areas, which have previously been classified in the GASP Maps as footslope terrain but is
considered more representative of either incising or interfluve terrain (Figure 5.25).

1963 photo


2010 photo G


Footslope Terrains were problematic and amendment were required

Figure 5.25 Terrain Components in Landform Map in GASP Reports

It is noted that, in a number of areas, the extent of the Incising Terrain does not fully
capture the areas of incised and over-steepened channel banks and valley side slopes associated
with significant drainage line activities. These inaccuracies in the model have been overcome
by expanding the Incising Terrain area into the surrounding Interfluve Terrain areas through
the application of a 10 m buffer.

The validation exercise has confirmed that whilst the published GASP Maps provide a
valuable starting point for the assessment of Terrain Units, careful review by an experienced
engineering geologist or geomorphologist is still required to validate the model.

A review of the landslide densities of shifted and non-shifted landslide crown for various
terrain units derived by the model shows that the Incising Terrain has a relatively higher
landslide density than Interfluve Terrain, which in turn has a higher density than the Footslope

Terrain (see Figures 5.26 and 5.27 respectively). The areas recorded as Rock Outcrop are also
noted to result in high landslide densities. With due consideration given to the above points,
three key Terrain Classes related to landslide susceptibility have been derived as summarised
in Table 5.3.

Figure 5.26 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with Terrain Unit

Figure 5.27 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with Terrain Unit

Table 5.3 Susceptibility Factor Classes with Regard to Terrain Unit

Terrain Class Terrain Unit Landslide Density

Incising Terrain
Adverse 68.98 per km²
Rock Outcrop
Moderate Interfluve Terrain 54.38 per km²
Favourable Footslope Terrain 27.12 per km²

Figure 5.28 shows the distribution of the susceptibility classes for terrain unit within the
Study Area.

Figure 5.28 Susceptibility Classes for Terrain Unit

5.5.5 Drainage

Taking cognisance of the fact that landslides often occur at the head or along the banks
of natural drainage lines, the location of such features within the Study Area have been extracted
from 1:5,000 scale LIC Maps (Figure 5.29). These drainage lines have then been buffered at
distances of 10 m, 25 m, 50 m and 100 m to review whether there exist any correlations between
the location of past landslides and the proximity of the terrain to the natural drainage system.

Apart from drainage lines, the heads of drainage have also been buffered at radii of 10 m,
25 m, 50 m and 100 m to review if there exist any correlations with landslide densities
(Figure 5.30).

Based on this review, there appears no specific correlation between the landslide
locations of shifted and non-shifted landslide crowns and the proximity to drainage lines
(Figures 5.31 and 5.32 respectively) and to heads of drainage (Figures 5.33 and 5.34
respectively), with the landslide densities for all buffer distances considered showing broadly
comparable results. As such, it is considered that the Incising Terrain Unit derived under the
geomorphological assessment provides a more reliable means of defining the influence of the
hydrological system.

Figure 5.29 Drainage Lines in 1:5,000 Scale Topographic Map

Figure 5.30 Head of Drainage Lines in 1:5,000 Scale Topographic Map


Figure 5.31 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown for Different Proximities to
Drainage Lines

Figure 5.32 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown for Different

Proximities to Drainage Lines

Figure 5.33 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown for Different Buffers to the
Head of the Drainage Line

Figure 5.34 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown for Different Buffers to
the Head of the Drainage Line

5.6 Susceptibility Assessment

5.6.1 Preliminary Susceptibility Model

A preliminary susceptibility model has been developed in order to combine the influence
of various susceptibility factors identified in the previous section as key contributors to the
predisposition of hillsides to landsliding. Based on a statistical review of various datasets
discussed in Section 5.5 against the published ENTLI data, the Slope Angle and the Terrain
Unit are considered as the most relevant indicators for a regional-scale screening of potential
landslide hazards. The combined influence of these two parameters has been assessed using a
matrix approach to provide a qualitative indicator of the landslide susceptibility within the
Study Area. Using this matrix (as shown in Table 5.4), a susceptibility map for the Study Area
has been generated in GIS to graphically present those areas falling within different landslide
susceptibility classes as shown in Figure 5.35.

Table 5.4 Combined Influence of Slope Angle and Terrain Unit on Landslide

Terrain Class Adverse Moderate Favourable

Slope Class
Steep (> 40°) Very High High Moderate
Moderately Steep (30° - 40°) High Moderate Low
Gentle (< 30°) Moderate Low Low

Figure 5.35 Susceptibility Map Based on Terrain Unit and Slope Angle

5.6.2 Susceptibility Model Validation

The landslide susceptibility model has been checked and calibrated against the available
landslide information contained in the ENTLI. As indicated below and in Figures 5.36 and
5.37 for shifted and non-shifted landslide records, the model shows a good correlation between
the qualitative landslide susceptibility class and the corresponding density of past landslides
within those areas. The corresponding landslide densities are listed in Table 5.5.



Area 40




Low +Moderate
Relict A (ENTLI
High up to High
Very 2009)Overall
350 Susceptability class
Landslide density (per km2)


Recent + 200
Relict A 150



Low Recent (ENTLI High
Moderate up to 2009)
Very High Overall
180 Susceptibility class
Landslide density (per km2)

Recent 100
Low Total (ENTLI up
Moderate to 2009)
High Very High Overall
1200 Susceptibility class
Landslide density (per km 2)



Total 600



Low Moderate High Very High Overall
Susceptibility class

Figure 5.36 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with Susceptibility Class up
to 2009








Low +Moderate
Relict A (ENTLI
High up to High
Very 2009) Overall
400 Susceptability class
Landslide density (per km2)



Recent + 200

Relict A 150



Low Moderate High Very High Overall
Susceptibility class



Figure 5.37 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with Susceptibility

Class up to 2009

Table 5.5 Susceptibility Class and the Corresponding Density of Past Landslides

Landslide Density (No. of Landslides per km²) for

Susceptibility Class Recent + Relict Class A

Very High 168.77 318.04 1,044.88

High 80.72 136.24 377.80
Moderate 30.77 43.83 121.31
Low 14.42 19.66 56.75
Overall 41.08 61.85 176.06

As noted in Section 5.4.3 and highlighted in Figure 5.10, a significant number of

landslides observed in the area occurred in three swarms. In order to check whether these
landslides reinforce or contradict the susceptibility model, the ENTLI data have been examined
for each of them. The results of shifted and non-shifted landslide densities are shown in
Figures 5.38 and 5.39 respectively. These figures show that the landslide density with respect
to the susceptibility class is remarkably consistent for all three swarms. This implies that
landslides occurring within any of these major events do not significantly affect the overall
validity of the model.

Further validation of the model has also been carried out by examining the ENTLI data
within 10-year intervals. The results of the shifted and non-shifted landslide densities,
presented in Figures 5.40 and 5.41 respectively, show that the qualitative landslide
susceptibility class gives very similar and consistent trends for each decade and reinforces the
stability over time of the susceptibility classes.

5.6.3 Landslide Occurrence Probability

The total landslide area of each susceptibility class has been normalised to the total area
of each class and the time period of the landslide record to give the landslide occurrence
probability. The landslide area has been estimated by multiplying the length and width
recorded in the ENTLI inventory. As the recent ENTLI records started from 1963 i.e. when
aerial photographs were available, and those landslide scars occurred one to two years before
1963 as observed in the aerial photographs were also classified as recent landslides, it follows
that the time period for recent landslides up to 2009 is approximately equal to 50 years.
Figures 5.42 and 5.43 present the landslide area as a fraction of the total area for each
susceptibility class for shifted and non-shifted landslides respectively for the ENTLI data
recorded in that 50-year period.

Figure 5.38 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with Susceptibility Class in
Particular Years

Figure 5.39 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with Susceptibility

Class in Particular Years

1970 - 1979

1980 - 1989

1990 - 1999

2000 - 2009

Figure 5.40 Landslide Density of Shifted Landslide Crown with Susceptibility Class in
10 Year Intervals

1970 - 1979

1980 - 1989

1990 - 1999

2000 - 2009

Figure 5.41 Landslide Density of Non-shifted Landslide Crown with Susceptibility

Class in 10 Year Intervals

Figure 5.42 Ratio of Landslide Area to Total Area of Shifted Landslide Crown with
Susceptibility Class for Recent Landslides up to 2009

Figure 5.43 Ratio of Landslide Area to Total Area of Non-shifted Landslide Crown
with Susceptibility Class for Recent Landslides up to 2009

6 Seismic Microzonation Maps

6.1 Slope Susceptibility

The susceptibility map presented in Figure 5.35 comprises an assessment of the

predisposition of natural terrain hillsides to landsliding irrespective of the triggering event that
may have induced the failures. In Hong Kong, there is no evidence of other triggering events
except for rainfall.

As concluded in Section 3, the potential of earthquake-induced landslides is significant

only if the slope, at its initial state, has a very low static factor of safety (FoS) i.e. it is close to
failure at the time when an earthquake takes place. As such, the susceptibility map in
Figure 5.35 forms a good starting point for the assessment of earthquake-induced landslide

To assess the additional effects of earthquakes on the landslide susceptibility, the

likelihood of seismic ground motions occurring at the same time when a slope is close to failure
(because of rainfall) needs to be analysed. In Section 3, the seismic ground motions used for
slope stability analyses are pertinent to rock sites. As mentioned in Section 5.3, the natural
terrain boundary is not exactly the same as the rock boundary. However, most of the area
within the natural terrain boundary is defined as “rock and thin soil” as discussed in Arup (2018)
and delineated in Figure 6.1. Comparatively, areas with a thicker soil layer are small.
Overlaying with the slope angle map, as shown in Figure 6.2, it can be seen that these thicker
soil areas are mainly located in gently sloping areas (less than 20°). It is considered that these
are depositional areas where landslides are unlikely to occur. Therefore, if the ground motion
amplification due to localised soil deposits occurs, it would only affect a small area that will
not have a significant effect on the overall hazard assessment. With the above considerations,
the seismic ground motions pertinent to rock sites is appropriate to this study.

Wong & Ho (2000) discussed the effects of earthquakes on man-made slopes and
addressed the issue of the occurrence of seismic ground motions concurrently with a slope being
in a weakened state due to precedent rainfall. Based on the wetting front theory, it was
concluded that if the daily rainfall exceeded 50 mm, there would be a moderate degree of
saturation, and if the daily rainfall exceeded 380 mm, there would be a high degree of saturation.
By studying the rain gauge data for Hong Kong, it was concluded that there would be a 4.5%
likelihood of moderate saturation, and a 0.5% likelihood of high saturation. In the remainder
of the time (i.e. 95% likelihood), the slope would be at a low degree of saturation. It was also
concluded that the static FoS of the slope would be enhanced by about 0.3 for low saturation,
and by 0.15 for moderate saturation.

Figure 6.1 Soil and Rock Distribution within Natural Terrain Boundary

Figure 6.2 Soil Distribution Compared with Slope Angle


In this study, the durations and the static FoS reported by Wong & Ho (2000) have been
combined with the observed failure rates from the ENTLI data as shown in Figure 6.3. For the
Average curve, it is assumed that the FoS reduces to 1.05 when the soil is at a high level of
saturation for 0.5% of the time, and the FoS is 1.2 and 1.35 at 5% and 20% of the time
respectively. For the remaining 80% of the time, the FoS is much larger and beyond the level
of concern. For the purpose of plotting the ENTLI data on a logarithmic scale, it is assumed
that the soil slopes actually fail when their FoS is 1.001. The “% time” values plotted on the
x axis are those observed for various susceptibility classes (see Figure 5.42) divided by the 50-
year observation period. These values along the x-axis (i.e. at a FoS of 1.001) is interpreted as
the annual chance that any particular location will fail due to rainfall. These points have then
been extrapolated over time to show the likely FoS as a function of duration for each of the
susceptibility class.

Figure 6.3 Factor of Safety and Percentage Time Relationship for the Susceptibility

Figure 6.3 can be used to estimate the additional likelihood of failure induced by seismic
ground motions. For example, for a 2% in 50 years ground motion with no topographic
amplification, Figure 3.50 implies that, on average, slopes with an Ac value of 0.15 m/s2 would
be at the onset of failure. This Ac value corresponds to a FoS of about 1.03 (see Figure 6.3).
It can be seen to have an average chance of occurrence for 0.3% of the time. It, therefore,
implies that over 50 years, the enhanced hazard of slope failure is 2% times 0.3% i.e. 0.006%.

The effect of how likely earthquakes would take place also needs to be considered.
Figure 3.51 shows that under the 10% in 50 years ground motion, a slope with a FoS of about
1.01 would be at the onset of failure. Based on Figure 6.3, this FoS is likely to exist over about
0.08% of the time. By approximately integrating the ground motions between 10% and 2% in
50 years, the overall hazard is increased by about 0.018% in the next 50 years. Given that the
average landslide area ratio hazard from rainstorms in the past 50 years is 0.25% at present (see
Figure 5.42), the overall hazard in the next 50 years is therefore likely to increase to 0.268%.

For areas assessed as being of very high susceptibility, using the same approach, it has
been evaluated that the landslide area ratio hazard is increased by about 4 times to a value of
0.07% in the next 50 years. As a result, the overall hazard increases from 1.08% to 1.15% in
the next 50 years. Similar assessments have been undertaken for other susceptibility classes
and the results are summarised in Figure 6.4. This figure also shows the additional influence
of topographic effects derived using the same procedures. For example, for the case of 1.4
PGA amplification, Figure 3.67 shows that the FoS needs to be about 1.07 for the onset of
failure for the 2% in 50 years ground motion. From Figure 6.3, thitaFoS would occur at about
4% of the time for very highly susceptible slopes leading to an enhanced landslide area ratio
hazard of 0.08%. For more frequent seismic ground motions, it is increased to about 0.24%
leading to a total value of 1.32% as shown in Figure 6.4.

Figure 6.4 Landslide Area Ratio in 50 Years for Different Amplification Factors and
Susceptibility Classes

These enhanced overall susceptibility values have been added to the susceptibility map
in Figure 5.23 and plotted as colours representing the likelihood of failure in the next 50 years
(in steps of 0.1%). The resulted natural terrain landslide microzonation map is shown in
Figure 6.5. For comparison, the same contours have been mapped for rainstorms only as
shown in Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.5 Susceptibility Map for Landslide Density Considering Earthquake and
Rainfall Effect

Figure 6.6 Susceptibility Map Only Considering Rainfall


The increase in the overall landslide hazard has been determined by multiplying the
natural terrain hazard factors shown in Figure 6.4 by the areas associated with each
classification and the pertinent PGA amplification factor. Table 6.1 shows these areas of
natural terrain. Table 6.2 shows the total area of natural terrain that is likely to fail within the
Study Area together with the overall average hazard in the next 50 years for cases where seismic
loading is ignored, and where it is considered. It can be seen that the overall hazard in the next
50 years increases from the rainfall-induced value of 0.244% to 0.261% if seismic effects are
included. It should be noted that this modest increase is less than one tenth and within the error
of prediction for the amount of failure due to rainfall alone.

Table 6.1 Areas of Natural Terrain (m2) Associated with Susceptibility Class and with
PGA Amplification Factor

Susceptibility PGA Amplification Factor

Class 1.0 1.0 - 1.1 1.1 - 1.2 1.2 - 1.3 1.3 - 1.4 1.4 - 1.5 > 1.5
Low 12,754,946 1,017,691 436,893 53,165 10,069 16,869 475 14,290,109
Moderate 19,374,690 2,374,390 1,010,173 155,774 28,726 30,130 666 22,974,549
High 7,272,766 1,344,515 749,320 165,944 48,300 26,907 439 9,608,192
Very High 765,399 115,620 146,889 85,826 48,710 16,600 42 1,179,086
Total 40,167,802 4,852,216 2,343,276 460,709 135,805 90,507 1,622 48,051,936

Table 6.2 Area of Natural Terrain Likely to Fail (m2) and Average % Area Ratio in the
Next 50 Years

Seismic Effect
Susceptibility Class
None Expected Worst credible
Low 8,574 9,163 10,337
Moderate 41,354 44,225 49,729
High 54,615 58,424 66,119
Very High 12,734 13,770 15,852
Total (m ) 117,277 125,582 142,037
Av. Area Ratio 0.244% 0.261% 0.296%

6.1.1 Sensitivity Analysis

The microzonation map shown in Figure 6.5 can be considered to be the best estimate.
As shown in Figure 6.4, the effect of seismic ground motions, compared with the effect of
rainfall only, is relatively small and does not have a major effect on the overall zoning. It is,
however, admitted that many assumptions have been made in combining the effects of rainfall
and earthquake. There is also uncertainty in the derivation of the effects of seismic ground

To address this issue, the maximum credible effect has been assessed. This has been
considered by assuming that the FoS of an average slope reduced from 1.05 to 1.02 for 0.5% of
the time and that the 5% value has reduced from 1.2 to 1.1. The effect of this on the plot of
FoS against % time is shown in Figure 6.7. This adjustment effectively increases the effects
of the seismic ground motion by a factor of three. The resulted landslide area ratio hazard in
the next 50 years is shown in the lower diagram of Figure 6.8. The best estimate values derived
previously are shown in the upper diagram of the figure as a direct comparison. As can be
seen, the overall result is not greatly changed. However, for the peak values for areas of high
and very high susceptibility with topographic effects, some noticeable increases are observed.
The resulted seismic zonation map, drawn using the same contours as Figures 6.5 and 6.6, is
shown in Figure 6.9.

The area of natural terrain likely to fail and the overall average hazard in the next 50
years under this worst credible seismic effect is shown in Table 6.2. It can be seen that the
current expected hazard of 0.244% increases by 0.052% (or by about one fifth) to 0.296%.

Figure 6.7 Worst Credible Factor of Safety and Percentage Time Relationship

Figure 6.8 Landslide Area Ratio in 50 Years for the Maximum Credible Seismic Effects
Compared with the Best Estimate

Figure 6.9 Susceptibility Map Considering the Maximum Credible Effect from Seismic
Ground Motion

6.1.2 Comparison with Earthquake-induced Landslides in Major Events

A large number of landslides occurred in steeply sloping terrain in Taiwan due to the
1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, which led to very large ground motions in the vicinity of the fault
rupture. This was also observed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake and in the 1990 Philippines
fault event. Nevertheless, these levels of ground motion are too extreme to realistically
represent the situation in Hong Kong. Also, according to Arup (2015), the bedrock PGA cross
the Study Area ranged from about 0.89 m/s2 to 0.92 m/s2 and 1.94 m/s2 to 2 m/s2 for 10% and
2% probabilities of being exceeded in the next 50 years. This means that the variation of the
ground motion across the territory is small. Hence, both the ground motion and the distance
to the fault rupture, which have been observed to be major factors affecting earthquake-induced
landslides in past major events, are not a concern in the present study.

In this study, the 2% in 50 years ground motion is considered to be the most extreme
ground motion for Hong Kong. This ground motion corresponds to a magnitude 5.5
earthquake with its epicentre within the Study Area (Arup, 2015). Such an event is not likely
to cause a fault rupture at the surface. At the same time, there is no clear evidence of any active
faults that exist in Hong Kong (Sewell & Tang, 2012). Hence, even for such case, it is
considered that widespread landslides similar to those observed in the three afore-mentioned
major events will still not occur. The focus of this study should be remained on hillsides that
are already close to failure.

The present study addresses the direct effect of earthquake on the natural hillside
stability. Its effect on the post-earthquake susceptibility of rainfall-induced natural terrains
landslides due to degradation and distress of hillsides brought about by the earthquake has not
been examined. In addition, any debris resulted from earthquake-induced landslides that may
be deposited on natural hillsides is liable to re-mobilisation by subsequent rainstorms. As such,
the potential increase of landslide hazard after earthquake should not be neglected. Yin (2008)
described the post-earthquake situations on slopes with regard to the 2008 Wenchuan
Earthquake in China. He studied the number of events in the affected area before and after
the earthquake event and found that there was a large number of slopes considered to be
unstable as a consequence of the ground shaking, according to the Chinese Survey.

However, some studies suggested that the effects of earthquake disturbance on slopes
would be prolonged but in a diminishing rate. Ching et al (2012) studied the disturbance effect
of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake on slopes by observing the number of landslides during several
major rainstorms after the earthquake event. It was found that although the amount of rainfall
in Typhoon Mindulle (July 2004) was much higher than that in Typhoon Toraji (July 2001) and
Nari (Sept. 2001), the number of rain-induced landslides in the former event was much less
than those in the latter. This implied that the earthquake disturbance effect could be transient
in time and diminish with time. It was concluded that for the purpose of assessing the
landslide susceptibility in the long term, such an effect could be ignored. Similar findings
were proposed by Lin et al (2008), who suggested that the effects of earthquake could be
prolonged but in a diminishing rate. Clearly, continual observations in future earthquake
events will enhance the understanding of how long such adverse effects on slopes may persist
after major earthquakes.

6.2 Rock and Boulder Fall Susceptibility

In addition to the potential of natural terrain landslides within the Study Area, it is
recognised that a number of surface boulders and rock outcrops are present within the natural
terrain areas. A screening of potential rock fall and boulder fall susceptibility has, therefore,
been carried out.

This assessment relied primarily on the information contained within the GEO’s
Boulder Inventory, which records the density of boulder coverage for hillside areas
throughout the whole territory of Hong Kong, and the Slope Angle maps developed as part
of the landslide susceptibility assessment. A detailed inventory of boulder fields on natural
slopes in Hong Kong was documented by Emery (1998). This inventory was prepared using
aerial photograph interpretation and documented the percentage area covered by boulders as
well as the approximate boulder types, typical sizes and shape.

Given that no details of boulder fixity or stability can be inferred from the Boulder
Inventory, the potential of boulder fall has been assessed on the basis of the density of boulders
present and the gradient of the hillside areas within which they are located. As for the landslide
susceptibility assessment, the combined influence of these two parameters has been assessed
following a matrix approach (Table 6.1).

Table 6.1 Combined Influence of Slope Angle and Boulder Density on Boulder Fall

Boulder Density > 50% 20 to 50% < 20%

Coverage Coverage Coverage
Slope Class
Steep (> 40°) Very High High Moderate
Moderately Steep (30°- 40°) High Moderate Low
Gentle (< 30°) Moderate Low Low

The boulder density is presented in Figure 6.10. The rock fall and boulder fall
susceptibility map for the Study Area has been generated in GIS to graphically present those
areas falling within different susceptibility classes as shown in Figure 6.11.

Figure 6.10 Three Classes of Percentage of Boulder Coverage Area


Figure 6.11 Boulder Fall Susceptibility Map

7 Conclusions

The earthquake-induced natural terrain landslide hazard assessment for a Study Area in
the North-west New Territories of Hong Kong has been carried out in this study. The findings
of the literature review on local and overseas state-of-the-art papers have been used to
consolidate the methodology applied in this study for both natural terrain landslide and boulder
fall hazard assessments.

The earthquake-induced landslide displacements have been assessed using both

numerical methods (Oasys SIREN and Dynamic FLAC) and empirical correlations (Jibson et
al, 1998; Hsieh & Lee, 2011) for the 2% and 10% in 50 years seismic ground motions. It is
concluded that the vertical seismic acceleration does not have any significant effect on the
generated downslope displacements. The topographic effects of 30 m, 100 m, and 300 m ridge
heights have also been considered. It is found that the topographic effect due to higher ridges
would significantly increase the induced downslope displacements. The results have been
interpreted in terms of the static FoS corresponding to a 100 mm threshold displacement
(defined as being likely to trigger earthquake-induced landslides based on the literature review).
It is found that the slopes have to be close to failure at the time of earthquake should there be
any significant hazard arising from earthquake-induced landslides.

For the seismic stability of boulder fall, a series of simplified one-dimensional dynamic

time stepping analyses have been carried out to determine how close to tipping a boulder (of
various sizes) needs to be to trigger instability under the 2%, 10% and 63% in 50 years ground
motions. The topographic effects of 30 m, 100 m, and 300 m ridge heights have also been
considered for the 2% and 10% in 50 years seismic ground motions. The analyses also cover
the combined effect of horizontal and vertical accelerations (without topographic effect) for 2%
in 50 years ground motions. It is found that the boulders have to be close to failure at the time
of earthquake should there be any significant earthquake-induced boulder fall hazard.

A seismic microzonation map has been prepared for natural terrain landslide
susceptibility to reflect the combined effects of rainfall and seismic ground motions. This
relies on a detailed landslide susceptibility mapping derived from past landslides based on the
ENTLI database. The observed effects from rainfall have been combined with the calculated
seismic ground motion effects by considering how much of the time the natural terrain is close
to failure as a result of rainstorms when the seismic ground motion occurs. The assessment is
based on the assumptions made by Wong & Ho (2000), who studied the effects of earthquakes
on man-made slopes. Overall, the effect of earthquakes on the triggering of landslides in
natural terrain is small. The increase in failure probability is found be to less than one tenth of
that expected from rainstorms alone. Apparently, there is uncertainty in some of those
assumptions made. Thus, a sensitivity study has been conducted to illustrate the maximum
credible effect of seismic ground motions on the natural terrain landslide hazard. On the basis
that the slopes must be very close to failure at the time of earthquake, it is found that the number
and size of landslides would probably be similar to those induced solely by rainfall. In the
worst scenario, the hazard would only be marginally larger.

A microzonation map has also been produced in qualitative terms for boulder fall and
rock fall susceptibility based on the boulder density and the overall slope angle. It is found
that this map is not changed even if seismic ground motions are considered.

The scope of the present study does not include the examination of the degradation of
slopes or hillsides, which do not collapse or detach. In addition, the debris of earthquake-
induced landslides that may be deposited on natural hillsides is liable to be re-mobilised by
subsequent rainfall. Therefore, the increase in the likelihood of rain-induced landslides after
an earthquake should not be neglected. It is believed that a ‘reactive approach’ including
inspection and mapping of potential slope distress and major debris deposits close to
developments could be a pragmatic approach to deal with the post-earthquake landslide hazard.

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