Transit of Jupiter

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Transit of Jupiter

As per Vedic astrology principles, Jupiter gives positive results if

placed in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th house from where Moon is
posited at the time of birth. In the remaining houses, it can bring
some negative results too. Jupiter nonetheless is considered as
the most benefit planet in Vedic astrology. Its transit is reckoned
crucial because it takes around 12 years to complete the zodiac
circle, meaning it spends around 1 year in each sign. When it
changes sign, its impact can be felt for a long while unlike
planets as Sun and Mercury that change signs within less than a

When Jupiter moves into the 1st house from natal Moon, it brings
some hurdles in life. Mental tensions persist along with lack of
contentment and satisfaction. Health also degrades at the same
time. Native also develops a tendency to indulge in arguments
with others. Nonetheless, this is a very positive period when it
comes to indulging in spiritual and virtuous pursuits. Native also
develops a sort of fear and faces anxiety issues so practicing
spirituality naturally helps.

Positivity returns into life when Jupiter transits to the 2nd

house from natal Moon. There is a sharp increase in wealth and
gains thereafter. You are also likely to get an award or
recognition from society. You seem to develop prophetic abilities
during this period. What you say often comes out to be true. Your
relationship with family improves a lot. Health also picks up
pace. For married folks, there is a good chance of childbirth
during this period.

When Jupiter transits into the 3rd house from where Moon is
positioned at the time of birth, native experiences some
challenges in life. Business matters slow down due to obstacles.
This is not a good period in terms of finances as some loss of
money is possible. You may also encounter problems with your
employer. Relationship with siblings and friends also suffers
during this period. You should be very careful in health matters.
A short religious trip is possible during this period or you could
possibly indulge in some spiritual activities.

Jupiter transit into 4th house from Moon brings mixed results for
the native. You should try to maintain cordiality with your
relatives and family. Property matters can take an ugly turn so
better avoid for now. You should also be careful while driving
and travels should be avoided too. You also need to curtail
unnecessary expenses to maintain financial balance. You may
however have to borrow money to keep your business up and
running. Your relationship with mother could also suffer so
better take care.

When Jupiter transits into 5th house from natal Moon, the native
experiences a lot of improvement in all areas of life. Love and
compassion increases. Children become very supportive. You
gain a lot of well-wishers during this period. Your position in
society also improves. Spiritual inclination also increases during
this time. This is a good time to expect profit in investment and
speculation. Your financial position is likely to improve too.
Singles are likely to meet someone special during this time too.
This transit period is also good for study related matters.

Jupiter’s move into 6th house from natal Moon is considered

inauspicious in Vedic astrology since 6th is a malefic house and
Jupiter expands what the house signifies. In this case, Jupiter
increases health issues, expenditure, debt and problems with
coworkers and employees. You need to be careful in these areas
in order to maintain mental peace and happiness. You should
also be careful of theft. Competitors may try to affect you
adversely during this time. It would be better to stay away from
any shady activities & arguments as some legal issues could
crop up.

When Jupiter moves into 7th house from where Moon is

positioned at the time of birth, native begins to experience relief
in certain areas. Businesspersons start looking for new
partnerships. Your relationship with seniors also improves.
Understanding with spouse and children also gets a boost.
Overall, you enjoy a good health, cordial relationships and better
status. Some fruitful travels also take place during this time. This
period is also marked by strong marriage prospects. You social
life remains hyperactive too and you enjoy being with friends.

Having Jupiter move into your 8th house from Moon means you
will now have to work harder to succeed in life. This period may
have you spending excessively and travelling a lot. Some sudden
issues in business could also crop up. Health may also dip
during this period. You should be careful in litigation matters too.
It would be best to avoid any arguments with family and friends
to maintain peace.

Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius. When it moves into 9th

house from natal Moon, it feels quite at home. This is an
excellent time to grow professionally. Your financial position also
improves and so does your relationship with boss. In fact, you
can also get an increment or promotion during the transit period.
Jupiter also brings blessings of the sages and mentors. A lot of
religious activities take place. This is a good period to tie the
knot as well. You could also go abroad!

When Jupiter moves into 10th house from natal Moon’s

placement in a horoscope, it brings negative thinking and
emotions into the native’s mind. You feel emotionally dissatisfied
due to unfulfilled desires. It would be best to avoid any conflicts
with seniors and family during this time. Some loss in property
matters is also possible. All this could lead to mental distress so
better keep patience and be calm. It would be good to visit
religious places.

If Jupiter moves into 11th house from where natal Moon is

posited, it brings a lot of respect, prestige, and position to the
native. Children become supportive and loving during this time.
You get success in your endeavors and topple opposition. You
also get to enjoy a lot of material comforts life has to offer such
as luxuries, jewelry, vehicle and property. Your desires get
fulfilled in love matters too. Income also shoots up during this
time and so do profits in business. You are likely to enjoy a good
social reputation too.

Jupiter’s move into 12th house from Moon brings mixed results.
Expenditure increases during this time but you are likely to
spend on spiritual activities. You should stay far from you native
place and children during this period and enjoy some solitude.
Your interest in spirituality is likely to increase during this time.
Some long distance travels may also take place. This period also
brings difficulties in business matters so be cautious. Transit
of Moon
Transit Moon brings positive results when it moves into 1st, 3rd,
6th, 10th and 11th house from where natal Moon is positioned in
a birth chart. In the remaining houses, it brings some challenges
in life. Moon completes one circle of the zodiac is 28 days, which
means that it spends around 2.5 days in one sign. Moon relates
to mind and emotions. Its quick motion explains the fluctuations
in our daily temperament and feelings. Here is how Moon affects
you while transiting through different houses in the chart.

If Moon transits to the first house from the natal Moon, native
remains happy and satisfied. Some wealth gain is also possible
until the duration of the transit. This is a positive period as
native’s efforts bring positive reward and emotional satisfaction.
Love is in the air too during this time so you could expect a lot of
romance. You also get a lot of respect and recognition from
friends and relatives. Health also remains on track during this
time. Good marriage prospects also form depending upon other
planets and Dasas.

When Moon transits to the second house from where natal Moon
is positioned in a birth chart, native experiences some
unhappiness in life. Colleagues do not render much support
during this period. You should also refrain from picking fights
and starting arguments. Your social life is not that inspiring
either. A sense of frustration pervades your thoughts. Some eye
related problems also crop up. You may also face some financial
hiccups too. This is not the best time to travel either.

Moon in third house from natal Moon gives you courage to topple
enemies. You tend to remain happy and satisfied during this
period. This is also a period of improvement in health and
relationships. Friends, relatives and siblings support you
throughout. You can also expect a reward from boss. Your
relationship with spouse also remains cordial during this time.
This is an opportune time to plan short distance travel.

Moon’s transit in fourth house from natal Moon halters progress

at the work front. You might incur a loss in investments during
this time. Expenditure also shoots up considerably. It is always
safe to drive carefully during this transit. Some relatives,
especially from maternal side may cause you trouble. Health may
also dip due to indigestion or chest related problems. You
become more emotional during this time. Money matters also
require caution.

Having Moon in fifth house from natal Moon affects you intellect
to some extent. Your performance at work may not meet
expectations during this time, which could affect your reputation.
Some stomach related problems such as indigestion or mental
stress persist as well. Your deals may not turn out to be that
profitable and you might feel a lack of guidance in career

When Moon moves into the sixth house from natal Moon, it gives
good results. Native achieves success and fame during this time.
You remain happy and at peace in your domestic life. However,
some involvement with opposite sex could get you into trouble
too. While health remains stable, expenditure trends may
fluctuate. This is a good time to defeat your enemies and
competitors. Investments also turn out to be profitable during
this period. You enjoy your time with partner too.

Moon in seventh house from natal Moon brings foreign deals and
profits from foreign associations. Love and romance increase in
life. You enjoy a healthy and happy relationship with spouse.
Income also shoots up in this time. Your social life improves too
and the number of friends of opposite gender increase. You also
achieve success in endeavors and partner is very encouraging of
your efforts too. This is a good time to travel as well.

When Moon moves into your eighth house from where natal
Moon is positioned, you begin to face health issues. You should
also avoid any arguments until Moon is in this position. Some
depression and stress prevails. You might face some
unnecessary fears and anxiety too. The feeling of loneliness
keeps you troubled. Your wealth graph sees fluctuations. You
should also avoid travels and careless driving as possibility of
accident could form. This period also brings obstacles in career.

If Moon is posited in ninth house from natal Moon, your progress

at work slows down. You work very hard, but due to some
issues, your reputation suffers. You might develop some
disagreement or dispute with father too during this period. Body
pain also keeps you troubled, especially in hips, thighs, and
legs. You might indulge in some charity work or go for a
religious trip. Some challenges at work also prevail during this

When Moon moves to the tenth house from where natal Moon is
positioned, it brings a rise in career. You might land a promotion
during this time. Boss begins to appreciate your work too. This is
also a good period to start a business. Some lucrative business
or professional trips also take place during this period. Your feel
very energetic and blessed. Family and friends also render full
support. You may also get some recognition from government
during this time. Overall, this is a good period for wealth
accumulation and fame.

When moon is posited in the eleventh house from natal Moon,

your income begins to increase. This transit also brings a pay
hike for some. Business also yields profits. Native enjoys a very
good time with friends and company. Your mind remains quite
stable too. You get a new energy and courage to bring down
enemies and achieve success in your accomplishments. Women
contribute a lot to your success during this time.

If Moon transits to the twelfth house from where natal Moon is

positioned in a horoscope, it makes the native vulnerable to
stress and health issues. Some tensions, headache and eye
related problems persist during this period. Relationship with
spouse also remains turbulent due to frequent clashes.
Expenditure also increases during this period so you should try
to keep a balance. Your respect and reputation could also suffer
during this time. You should stay away from any shady or illegal
Mercury takes around 12 months to complete one circle of the
zodiac and it spends up to 30 days in each sign, depending upon
whether its movement is direct or retrograde. Mercury gives
positive results if placed in 2nd, 4th, 6th, , 8th, 10th
and 11th house from where Moon is posited at the time of birth.
At rest of the places, i.e., 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th house
from Moon, it can bring some negative impact too. Here is a
detailed overview of how Mercury transit may affect your life
based on which house it transits to from the natal Moon.

If Mercury transits into the first house from natal Moon, it

increases one’s stress level. You might remain upset due to
financial hiccups. Loss of confidence and courage is another
unfavorable impact of Mercury transit in this house. You might
find yourself involved in bad company during this time. This
might not turn into your favor so better avoid any mischievous
friends or lawsuits. Your expenditure could also shoot off so plan
your finances wisely. It would also be good to postpone any
travel plans for now.

If Mercury transits into the second house from natal Moon, it

gives a nice lift to your income. You would get a lot of
appreciation from your coworkers and friends during this time.
Your learning objectives get fulfilled too and you gain a lot of
essential knowledge. You remain in the company of inspiring
people and communication becomes a source of profit for you.
However, you should be careful concerning the health of your

When Mercury transits into third house from natal Moon, you
might begin to suffer some sort of weakness and dip in health.
Enemies might try to pose hurdles in your way so be prepared.
This isn’t a favorable transit to take up travel. You may also run
into disputes with your spouse. In fact, you might face issues in
all relationships, whether coworkers or relatives. You should also
avoid indulging in any arguments with seniors. Some financial
turbulence may be there too due to high expenditure.

If Mercury transits into fourth house from natal Moon, it brings

about new opportunities of income growth. This is a progressive
time for education too. You would get to study new material and
learn new skills. Sure-fire success in competitive exams is
possible, though it draws heavily on your efforts. You could
consider investing in real estate, as good returns are likely too.
Some gains from spouse are possible as well. This is the period
when you would enjoy peace of mind and success in your

If Mercury transits into fifth house from natal Moon, you might
feel low in terms of health. This transit could breed issues with
children so be very careful in how you deal with them. You might
also run into arguments with spouse during this time. It would be
better to stay away from bad associations for now. Arguments
with colleagues should also be dodged off for best. Students’
efforts may not materialize and studies may require more hard
work and focus. This is not a good time to get lured into any
investment plans either.

With Mercury’s transit into sixth house from natal Moon, success
and victory follows in all endeavors. Business grows, knowledge
flourishes, and you get a lot of benefits from many a sources.
You would also observe progress in studies. Your lifestyle
remains affluent, with regular comforts such as vehicle, wealth
and luxuries life has to offer. Income also remains fair enough in
keeping with your efforts. Health should be fine; however, you
may want to flee away from situation involving arguments with
seniors during this period.

When Mercury moves into seventh house from natal Moon,

seniors begin to find faults with your work and get disappointed.
You might face a lot of opposition during this time. Health seems
to be a major area of concern, for you as well as your spouse and
children. This might keep you stressed and drained. You should
try to forge better communication with your spouse and children
so they don’t feel ignored. Avoid any travel plans for now.

When Mercury transits into eighth house from natal Moon, your
social status begins to rise. You enjoy a comfortable if not luxury
lifestyle. Children matters remain smooth as well. If other planets
support, you may also welcome a new member in your family.
Mercury here affords you with a sudden intellect to take wiser
decisions. Drawing on this improved wisdom, you may also
progress on the career front and earn good income too. You
would also enjoy a lot of mental peace and victory over

Mercury’s transit into ninth house from natal Moon marks the
beginning of a relatively less fortunate period. You might run into
some arguments with father during this time. Financial losses
would also add to the mental burden you have been feeling
lately. Some issues could also spoil your understanding with
spouse. You should work hard during this while to maintain your
position at work too. This is also a good period to think of cutting
down expenditure and consider savings.

If Mercury transits into tenth house from natal Moon, you would
feel more inclined towards spirituality. This is going to be an
easygoing and cheerful period. You would enjoy a satisfactory
income and growth in career as well. Your relationship with
spouse would also remains sweet and smooth. You might get to
spend time with someone new in your life. Your social status
would also improve considerably as you topple opposition one
by one. This would bring about a lot of mental peace.

Mercury’s move into eleventh house from natal Moon uplifts your
will power. You are likely to enjoy a lot of material comforts and
conveniences during this time. Your brothers and friends would
specifically become your pillars of strength. You might discover
and manifest a new hidden talent. You would fetch income from
more than one source. Health should also remain satisfactory.
You would also get to enjoy the company of opposite gender a

When in twelfth house from the natal Moon, Mercury becomes

weaker. There could be loss of wealth and health as well. Your
expenditure would increase during this transit. You might go
abroad during this period but don’t expect the desired outcome.
Enemies may try to pose hurdles. You may also indulge in
confrontations with spouse. All this might take a toll on your
mental peace so try to maintain a cool and collected
Venus gives positive results if placed at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
8th, 9th, 11th and 12th position from where Moon is posited at
the time of birth. At rest of the places, i.e. 6th 7th and 10th house
from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a
detailed overview of how Venus transit may affect your life based
on which house it occupies from the Moon.

If Venus transits to the first house from natal Moon, it augments

wealth, happiness, success in education, marriage prospects,
recreation, and growth in business. You could expect a lot of
happenings on the personal front. This is a good period to meet
new people and enjoy the company of the opposite sex.

When Venus transits to the second house from natal Moon, you
get to enjoy new clothes and accessories. Your inclination
towards music increases. You get recreation opportunities with
family, monetary profits and gains from government. You are
likely to spend your money in purchasing gems and ornaments
during this time. Love affairs keep flourishing during the transit
and matters connected to females also observe success.

In the third house from natal Moon, Venus transit promises gains
from friends, business growth, downfall of enemies and
opposition, increase in courage and good luck, arrival of good
news, and aid from government. Your siblings like to enjoy good
time with you. You would have a good social life. You are likely to
spend time indulging in hobbies and creative pursuits such as
music, arts etc. Venus here gives authority, power, prosperity,
rise in position and luxuries.
Venus transit in 4th house from natal Moon fulfills wishes and
augments possibility to accumulate wealth, property, and
conveyance. It also promotes sociability, bonding with relatives,
and mental strength. Good income from property, name & fame,
happiness in family, sound health, and material comforts come
with Venus transit. Native likes to spend time with spouse and
children and really enjoys the company of the opposite gender.
You also make new friends and have an indulgent lifestyle.

When Venus transits to 5th house from natal Moon, it brings

happiness in children matters. It also ensures success in exams,
more entertainment opportunities, romantic encounters with
partner, and profit from gambling or speculation. Your friends,
mentors, and elders value you and treat you well during this
period. You may also fall for someone special during this time.
Level of attraction towards opposite sex increases when Venus
transits to 5th house from Moon.

Venus transit in 6th house from natal Moon is usually considered

malefic. It increases your number of enemies and infuses a
constant fear of health issues in your mind. It may also cause
miseries to or arguments with your spouse. Native is at risk of
meeting humiliation during this time. Some mental distress also
persists. Venus transit here suggests that native is better off if
long distance trips are avoided because possibility of accident is

Venus transit in 7th house from Moon is also held to be

unfavorable. It can result in ailments related to genitals and
reproductive system, problems in travel, distress to spouse or
conflicts with them, and hurdles in earning livelihood. This
transit also brings conflicts in married life, rise in expenditure,
and dissatisfaction in love matters. Native should stay away from
mischievous coworkers too. Positively, some recognition or
reward from authority or government is possible during this

Transit of Venus in 8th house from Moon helps you mitigate

troubles in life and alleviate monetary gains and happiness. The
native gets the comfort of having houses, attendants and a rich
spouse. This transit also brings success in love matters. You
might get the company of an attractive partner, especially if you
are a male. Students begin to invest more efforts into their
studies. You may in fact purchase landed property or house too.

Venus transit in 9th house from natal Moon gives you gains from
government, possibility of pilgrimage or travel to a religious
place, auspicious ceremony at home, and improvement in luck.
Native enjoys a positive bonding with partner and attains a lot of
peace of mind too. This period also indicates success in
education. Health remains satisfactory. Inclination towards
religious pursuits increases during this period. Your involvement
in virtuous activities gets noticed by others.

Venus transit through the 10th house from natal Moon is not
considered opportune as per Vedic astrology principles. It gives
mental stress and worries, disputes, hurdles at work, recurrent
failures, and problems from government as well. You may want
to be cautious concerning finances as there are chances of
incurring debt or loan. You should also avoid any disputes with
spouse to maintain peace in your married life.

With a Venus transit through 11th house from natal Moon, you
gain expansion in wealth and fame, support from friends, and
success in endeavors. This transit is also good for domestic
matters and relationships. You would get out of any financial
troubles too. This is also a bright period concerning your social
life. You are likely to land a better position and status, which
would boost your image among your circle. Your friends also
cooperate with you during this period. Married folks also have a
pleasant time.

If Venus transits through your 12th house from Moon, it gives

financial gains, indulgence in material comforts and sensual
pleasures and entertainment. This period also indicates
unnecessary expenditure and wastage of money on a trip to a
foreign country. Your house becomes vulnerable to theft during
this period so be very careful and alert. Singles may get to
i is a huge planet, farthest from the earth compared to other
t in the cosmic realm. It is a slow-moving planet, so slow that it
i around 2.5 years in each sign. It is one of the most feared
a in astrology, because it is associated with restrictions,
t denial and delay. Nonetheless, Saturn can give positive
e if placed in 3rd, 6th, and 11th house from where natal Moon is
posited at the time of birth. In rest of the houses from natal Moon, i.e.
a 2nd,4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th , it is usually malefic.

r Saturn transit to the first house from natal Moon, it marks the
beginning of the second phase of the Sade Sati (the 7 1⁄2 years long
period of Saturn, which is deemed challenging in Vedic Astrology).
With the onset of this transit, you might notice that lady luck has
turned a blind eye to your efforts. You would start feeling alone and
rejected. Important things would get delayed during this time. This
period also affects your health negatively. You might not feel as
courageous and confident as before. What you need the most during
this time is emotional security and support of loved ones to keep
depression and disappointment at bay.

If Saturn transits to the second house from natal Moon, it marks the
beginning of the third and last phase of Sade Sati. You mind keeps
wandering and you may struggle to be at peace. You should be
careful in your relationship with spouse. More hard work is required
from your end in career matters as well. Some financial hiccups might
be there too so one should remain prepared for this phase. You might
have to stay away from your native place during this period. You may
also indulge in conflicts with seniors and siblings. This is essentially a
period to cut down expenditure and maintain cordiality with loved
ones. Otherwise, that heavy-heart feeling would keep you bothered

When Saturn transits to third house from natal Moon, it starts

favoring the native since Sade Sati is over now. The confidence you
had missing would make a comeback into your persona. You would
achieve good success in life during this period. You might in fact start
a business or get a new job. Property matters also wind up in your
favor and render good profit. You feel a lot happier and better now.
Enemies struggle to bring any harm to you. Happiness also prevails in
family life.
Saturn’s transit into fourth house from natal Moon is called the period
of “Saturn’s dhaiyya”. This could create some financial ups and
downs. Chances of accident also form so you should be careful. You
might have to incur loss in property matters too. Some health issues
also drag you down. Conflicts and arguments increase at both the
work front as well as home. The path to success is no longer smooth
and a lot of hard work goes into realizing dreams. Litigation issues
also crop up during this time. This is the period to be patient and keep
your mind stable so you can face competition.

With the onset of Saturn transit into 5th house from natal Moon, you
start experiencing issues with spouse and business partner.
Something or the other keeps you upset. This is not a good period for
children either. Lovers may also hit a rough patch in their relationship.
You should remain strong and patient to sail through this transit
seamlessly. Any investment or speculation in stock market should be
avoided for now. Students should also work hard to maintain their
concentration and level of focus in studies to perform satisfactorily.

With Saturn transit into sixth house from natal Moon, a better period
transpires. You begin to gain victory over enemies and opposition.
Your competitors in business fall way behind in the race. Health also
remains good throughout. Your relationship with family members and
relatives also becomes sweeter. New opportunities open up in career
as well, bringing growth in income. Your loved ones would be very
supportive and compassionate to you during this period.

If Saturn transits to seventh house from the natal Moon, it creates

disturbances in married life. You should make serious efforts to avoid
separation. While this period is smooth for salaried individuals, some
issues in business matters persist. Your opinion may not match with
business partner, which could create trouble. You might feel more
inclined to indulge in short cuts and illicit means. However, you should
realize that this period demands patience and hard work.

If Saturn transits to eighth house from natal Moon, it majorly affects

your health since 8th house is associated with longevity. Chances of
hospitalization or surgery could form for some. You may not get the
desired support from your friends during this time. Some conflicts
could arise with them in fact. Minor hiccups would be there in work life
as well. You should not sing your praises but instead work harder.
This would also help you retain your current job.

If Saturn transits to ninth house from natal Moon, you might begin to
feel distressed and worried all the time. You may change your job
frequently during this period. Chances of long distance travels could
form too during this period. To maintain peace of mind, you should
practice the path of spirituality consciously. Your expenditure could
also shoot up so keep a watch. You might feel the job market to be
very competitive too. Some issues with children and spouse may also

If Saturn transits to tenth house from natal Moon, you could face
some issues at the workplace. It would be better to avoid any
arguments with boss during this time. You should also work towards
resolving any differences with spouse. Your expenses may surpass
income during the transit so be very careful. The mark you have made
in your social circle would seem to fade away now. You might feel
burdened due to responsibilities you are carrying on your
shoulders. You should also take care of your mother’s health during
this period.

As Saturn moves into eleventh house from natal Moon, it begins to

favor the native. It is positive in all terms. There would be ample
financial gains to cover up previous losses. You relationship with
spouse and all loved ones also remains cordial during this time. A lot
of respite in health matters is perceived as well. You might take part in
an auspicious event during this transit. This is also a positive period
for job prospects. You would be able to topple any opposition or

When Saturn transits to twelfth house from natal Moon, the first
phase of Sade Sati begins. This is when you experience challenges in
life. You might feel like you have fallen short of efforts. Loss in
business could be there too. You might feel a lot distressed than
before. It would be better to stay calm and avoid making any major
decisions during this time. Your marriage could be rocks so better
maintain cordiality and compassion in your relationship to foster
understanding. You should also avoid any wasteful travels.
Rahu is a shadow planet, an imaginary point in the sky but its
presence is the most powerful in Vedic Astrology. It spends
around 18 months in each sign so its transit is naturally an
important astrological event. Rahu increases your desires for
material matters of the house where it is placed in the chart.
When at 3rd, 6th and 11th from natal Moon, it gives positive
results. And when it transits to 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th,
10th and 12th house from where natal Moon is positioned, it can
be malefic too. Here is how it affects your life while transiting
through each house.

When Rahu moves into the first house from natal Moon in a birth
chart, it brings a lot of challenges for the native. It boosts one’s
tendency to squander money. Possibility of financial loss also
exists during this period. Some health issues may keep you
disturbed mentally. Also, lack of peace of mind persists in life
until Rahu is in this position. A sense of restlessness remains.
Native should refrain from any shady activities too.

If Rahu transits to the second house from natal Moon, financial

issues increase in your life. Some disputes in married life also
take place. Expenditure also shoots up during this time.
Something or the other keeps you disturbed. You should keep
your dietary habits in check during this period to maintain good
health. Eyes also become vulnerable during this time. It would
also be better to avoid any arguments during this period.

When Rahu transits to the third house from natal Moon, it brings
positive vibes back into life. You begin to enjoy your work life
and work harder. Chances of promotion also exist. Native gets a
lot of financial gains and prosperity during this time. Any
prolonged litigation matters also get resolved in your favor. Your
relationship with siblings also improves during this time. Your
will power becomes stronger. You get fame and name in society
with your own efforts. For salaried individuals, this period brings
good chances of increment too.

Rahu’s transit into 4th house from where natal Moon is

positioned is an alarming time. You should be extra cautious in
matters involving land or property. This period may be full of
troubles, which can affect your mental peace too. Your mother’s
health could fall during this time. You should also be careful
while driving as some trouble or accident from vehicle is
possible during this period. A relocation could occur for some.

If Rahu transits to the fifth house from natal Moon, it brings a lot
of mental stress and grief to the native. Something or the other
related to children keeps you disturbed. This is a very promising
period for growth in income and business though. But at the
same time, some issues prevail in love life of the native. Due to
increasing confusion, you may remain mentally distressed
during this time.

When Rahu transits to the sixth house from natal Moon, it

increases your sources of wealth accumulation. You may also
get profit in business matters. Property deals turn out well for the
native. You get a lot of respect and recognition in your social
circle. Any pending court cases wind up in your favor too. You
may also benefit from your maternal uncle in some way or the
If Rahu is moving into your 7th house from natal Moon, expect a
lot of financial turbulence. There could be some loss of wealth
too. You should be very cautious in matters involving money.
Married life also remains disturbed during this time due to
recurrent disputes. Moreover, health of spouse may also become
a matter of concern. Your relationship with coworkers also
suffers a setback while Rahu is in this position. You own health
may also dip a bit during this time. You might bump into
someone of other religion or caste and make a strong

Rahu’s transit in 8th house from natal Moon is not that positive. It
can create some hurdles for the native such as physical ailments.
You should be very careful and alert in health matters. A sexual
disease is also possible so exercise caution. A lot of mental
distress would be there along with unnecessary fears. You might
have to face humiliation so better not indulge in any shady
activities. Someone at work may try to drag you down so be
watchful of any conspiracies against you. On a positive note, you
could land some unexpected gain or hidden treasure during this

Rahu’s move into the 9th house from natal Moon is also positive
for a native. You might go abroad during this period. This is also
a promising time concerning higher education. You might feel
yourself driven towards spirituality. However, this transit may not
augur well for your parents. Loss of money is also possible and
you might get involved in shady activities. It would be best to
avoid any arguments with coworkers to maintain better work
relationships. Refrain from unnecessary discussions too.

Having Rahu in your 10th house from natal Moon means you are
likely to experience growth in career. Your status and
professional image improves during this period. You may also
get some financial gains. Your relationship with seniors and
coworkers also remains cordial and mutually beneficial.
However, you may feel mentally distressed due to some reason.
Sleeplessness is also another upsetting result of this transit.
Your mother’s health may also suffer during this time so take

When Rahu moves into the 11th house from natal Moon, it brings
a better phase in your life. You could land some monetary gains
too. Your social standing and image at work improves
considerably. This is a favorable period for income growth. You
might get a chance to go abroad as well. Your domestic life also
become peaceful. Your children might get married during this
time. Your interest in religion also increases. Overall, you enjoy a
good status during this transit.

The period after Rahu moves into 12th house from natal Moon is
very positive for going abroad. However, this transit may not
augur well for money matters. Native may suffer from losses in
business and hurdles in career. Over-confidence can lead to
significant wrong moves in life. Despite the challenges, you
should try to avoid any mental stress. Health of spouse could
also downhill during this time. Transit of Mars
This fiery red planet stays in each sign for around 40 days. It
brings positive results when transiting into 3rd, 6th, and 11th
house from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. In the
remaining houses, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and
12th house from Moon, it can bring some negative impact as
well. Here is a detailed overview of how Mars transit may affect
your life based on which house it occupies from the natal Moon.

When Mars transits to the 1st house from natal Moon, you should
start paying more attention towards finances. Some unwanted
expenses could crop up during this time. Health-wise, you
may develop some fever or blood related ailments. Some ups
and downs could also be there in career. It is better to avoid
starting up your own business for now. You relationship with
mother may not be as cordial either during this time.

When Mars moves into your 2nd house from natal Moon, you
would begin facing temperamental issues. It would be in your
best interest to avoid using harsh words. You should work
towards taming your temper. You should especially be careful in
dealing with your father. Health could tumble during this transit
and some financial hiccups may also persist. You should pay
attention to the safety of your valuables. Some old enemies or
wicked friends might try to harm you so be very careful.

When Mars moves into your 3rd house from natal Moon, you
would hook some good profits and increase wealth. You would
enjoy a lot of material comforts during this time. Your efforts
would bring good rewards and these little achievements would
give you more confidence and strength. Your stamina and health
would also be satisfactory during this period. Any chronic
disease would now subside. You would get a new perspective
and clarity in life. Enemies would also depart eventually.

Mars’ move into the 4th house could bring some hurdles in life.
Your old enemies may try to drag you down now. You might
forge some new enemies from within your family or social circle
too. You would seem more harsh and rude than before. This is
essentially the time when you should be careful about your
mother’s health as well as your own since you could be
susceptible to fever, stomach and high blood pressure. Try to
establish a harmonious relationship with your loved ones and
avoid any involvement in property matters for now.

Unnecessary fears and stress could creep into your life once
Mars moves into 5th house from natal Moon. This is a period to
stay calm and work on your relationship with friends and family.
Your children may also suffer on the health front so be careful.
You should also keep a watch on your dietary habits. Your
expenditure could soar up so you may want to reconsider your
spending habits to enable smooth finances.

Mars’ transit to the 6th house from natal Moon engenders

positive results. Profits roll in for businesses, especially in metal
industry. This is a period of wealth growth and accumulation.
You would get a lot of acclaim and even promotion in keeping
with your improved performance. All this leads to financial uplift.
This is a favorable time to challenge enemies and opposition.
Judgment of a court case would also be in your favor. Health
also improves considerably during this time. Overall, your life
bubbles with growth and happiness.

If Mars transits to the 7th house from natal Moon, you might start
facing issues with your spouse and mother. What you need to
keep things in your control is tact and politeness. You should
beware of your business partner during this time as he or she
could betray you. Income may fall a little so manage your money
well. Health could also tumble due to the transit. Be careful of
problems related to stomach, eyes and chest. Some mental
distress may persist for both you and your spouse.

When Mars transits to 8th house from natal Moon, it often takes
its toll on the native’s health. You may face issues with
breathing, mental unrest, piles, and blood related weakness. You
should take your fitness and wellbeing seriously during this time.
It would be best to avoid any kind of addiction to keep health on
track. Mars here also warns you of handling sharp objects and
weapons with caution. Financially, this isn’t a fortunate time to
apply for a loan or borrow money. A travel with friends and family
could take place which will be very rewarding.

If Mars transits to the 9th house from natal Moon, you would
begin facing may roadblocks in your way to success. You should
stay alert and prudent in financial matters. Some minor health
issues could keep you troubled such as muscular or body aches.
You might feel less energetic and stronger. Work life also
requires more hard work for you to maintain your position and
image in front of seniors. Some sort of disappointment or feeling
of discomfort may prevail throughout nonetheless.
If Mars transits to 10th house from natal Moon, you may start
facing more issues with seniors. While you would put in enough
efforts, results may not be that satisfactory. This could lead to
disappointment, and that is what you should avoid to keep this
period soothing. Health also requires attention during this
time. It would be better to ignore any enemies but at the same
time stay alert and away from any weaponry. You are likely to get
involved in bad company during this time, which could backfire.
Some financial struggles would also persist.

If Mars transits to the 11th house from natal Moon, your life
would begin to take a turn for the better. This transit brings
auspicious results. It would bestow better health and throw more
income opportunities. You would get a lot of support from
friends during this time. This is an opportune time to make real
estate investments too. Business also remains profitable during
this period. You will give a nice boost to income. You could
expect some gains from siblings too. Children matters also bring
happiness and good news. Your status and respect in society
would increase during this transit.

Mars’ transit to the 12th house from natal Moon isn’t as positive
though. Some body aches persist during this transit. You should
be careful with your feet, eyes, and stomach. Some sleep related
disorders also persist. This is the period when you should work
towards curtailing your expenditure. A calm and polite approach
would also help you maintain cordiality with spouse, family and
friends. While this period also brings opportunities to travel
abroad for business, results may not be as satisfactory as you
expect. You should not indulge in any illegal activities. Transit
of Sun
Sun spends around 1 month in each sign before it transits to the
next and it takes around 1 year to travel through the complete
zodiac circle. Sun is said to bring positive results for the native if
it is placed in 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th house from natal Moon
(where Moon is positioned at the time of birth). However, in the
remaining houses from Moon, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th,
and 12th, it can be malefic too.

If Sun moves into the house where natal Moon is positioned, the
native has to be very careful in health matters. Some issues
related to heart, blood pressure or circulation, headache, and
eyes could strike during the transit. Lack of peace of mind also
persists during this period. Native may also experience
turbulence in financial stability. Your name and position in
society may also decline. This period is marked by increased
difficulties at the workplace too. You should keep your temper
and irritation in check as there could be clashes with spouse and
other family members as well.

When Sun is placed in the second house from Moon, native

experiences financial hurdles. You would start experiencing
temperamental issues. You strongly need to control your temper
and tongue during this transit as it could create tension in family
and problems with friends. You don’t want to lose respect. This
is not a good time to lend or borrow money. It would be in your
best interest to avoid any risky investments or speculation.
Health should also be taken care of as chances of problems like
headaches, eye related issues, stress etc persist. You should
also avoid travel and excessive indulgence.
If Sun transits to the 3rd house from Moon’s placement, you
experience a lot of progress on the professional front. Native
also lands a promotion or pay hike during the period of the
transit. This is the period of progress, happiness, good health,
and increment in wealth. Sun here gives you a new surge of
energy to topple enemies.
Your efforts fetch positive results during this time. Your relatives,
family and friends recognize your value and pay respect to you.
You experience a lot of mental peace and relief during this
period. Any travels taken up during the transit prove rewarding
too. You also get a chance to spend quality time with loved ones.

Sun’s transit to the fourth house from Moon causes some mental
tensions and worries. Your image and status suffer due to this
placement. Some issues with seniors also take place during this
period. Some communication gap or misunderstandings with
coworkers and employees could also occur. Workload remains
high during this period so stress levels also shoot up. Problems
persist in land and property matters too. Any unexpected journey
should be avoided for now. Domestic turbulence also increases
with this transit as lack of understanding persists. You might
land into some arguments with your mother.

When Sun moves into the 5th house from natal Moon, you start
encountering issues in your work life. Seniors begin to question
your work. Enemies and competitors also try to drag you down.
Some mental stress prevails throughout. You should avoid any
arguments during this period. Chances of health complications
also increase, especially those related to heart and stomach. You
might also face issues with your spouse and children. Your good
will and status suffers at the hands of the negative planetary
energy. Some issues with authority or government also keep you
troubled during this time.

Sun’ transition to the 6th house from the position of natal Moon
is considered good. It helps get relief in health matters. Enemies
also become weaker during this time. This proves a happy and
fortunate period overall. Your endeavors bring success and
reach to fruition. Relief is also seen in litigation matters. Your
status and earning also improves with this transit. You also
improve your network and social contacts. This is a good time to
fulfill your travel goals, as your trips would give good results
especially those concerning business.

Sun’ move into the 7th house from Moon brings challenges in
work life. You might indulge in disputes with colleagues and
seniors. This could interfere with your progress at work.
Opposition becomes stronger during this time. A sort of
helplessness prevails in life. Health also drags you down
especially stomach related issues. You should also take care of
your spouse’s health during this time. Natives with this
placement of Sun experience delay in achieving their targets in
life. This is not the best time to travel either. Wealth loss is also

When Sun transits to the 8th house from where natal Moon is
positioned, native experiences hurdles in life. Opposition tries to
strike you down and some legal issues also come up. You also
need to take care of your health until Sun is in this position.
Indigestion, blood circulation problems, and piles are a few
issues that could trouble you. You should also be careful while
driving or walking as chances of an accident are there as well.
Relationship with spouse and family members also suffers
during this period. There could also be some unnecessary
expenses and losses.

When Sun is placed in 9th house from natal Moon, native should
be careful at work. Some accusation/false charges are possible
against you. This is a tough time concerning finances as well.
You might spend excessively during this time. Lack of mental
peace, issues with family and spouse and problems from
enemies persist until Sun is placed in 9th house from natal Moon.
Some health issues related to chest, throat, spine, knees and
hips also keep you troubled.

The placement of Sun in 10th house from natal Moon is

considered very positive in Vedic Astrology. This is an
auspicious period when native experiences growth and profits
without much effort. Promotion and salary increment is also
possible during this period. You land new opportunities and get
fame and recognition from seniors too. Family and friends
respect you and you also get acclaim in your social
circle. Respite in health is also observed.

Sun’s transit into 11th house from Moon brings unexpected

gains in life. You get a lot of appreciation from your boss during
this time. Business also remains profitable and income
prospects increase. Chances of promotion or pay hike are there
as well. Investments prove lucrative during this time. Overall,
your financial status improves. This is also a good period for
health matters. Travels during this period turn out to be fruitful.

Sun’s move into 12th house from natal Moon doesn’t prove much
profitable. You should try to avoid a hasty approach as chances
of injuries are there. You might also experience some financial
issues. Sleeplessness persists along with lack of mental peace.
Health issues may also strike such as stress, stomach problems,
fever, and eye related issues. You should avoid any arguments
with spouse during this period and try to sustain your existing
relationships. This is not the most opportune period to indulge in
investments either. Transit of Jupiter
As per Vedic astrology principles, Jupiter gives positive results if
placed in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th house from where Moon is posited at
the time of birth. In the remaining houses, it can bring some negative
results too. Jupiter nonetheless is considered as the most benefit
planet in Vedic astrology. Its transit is reckoned crucial because it
takes around 12 years to complete the zodiac circle, meaning it
spends around 1 year in each sign. When it changes sign, its impact
can be felt for a long while unlike planets as Sun and Mercury that
change signs within less than a month.

When Jupiter moves into the 1st house from natal Moon, it brings
some hurdles in life. Mental tensions persist along with lack of
contentment and satisfaction. Health also degrades at the same time.
Native also develops a tendency to indulge in arguments with others.
Nonetheless, this is a very positive period when it comes to indulging
in spiritual and virtuous pursuits. Native also develops a sort of fear
and faces anxiety issues so practicing spirituality naturally helps.

Positivity returns into life when Jupiter transits to the 2nd house from
natal Moon. There is a sharp increase in wealth and gains thereafter.
You are also likely to get an award or recognition from society. You
seem to develop prophetic abilities during this period. What you say
often comes out to be true. Your relationship with family improves a
lot. Health also picks up pace. For married folks, there is a good
chance of childbirth during this period.

When Jupiter transits into the 3rd house from where Moon is
positioned at the time of birth, native experiences some challenges in
life. Business matters slow down due to obstacles. This is not a good
period in terms of finances as some loss of money is possible. You
may also encounter problems with your employer. Relationship with
siblings and friends also suffers during this period. You should be very
careful in health matters. A short religious trip is possible during this
period or you could possibly indulge in some spiritual activities.

Jupiter transit into 4th house from Moon brings mixed results for the
native. You should try to maintain cordiality with your relatives and
family. Property matters can take an ugly turn so better avoid for now.
You should also be careful while driving and travels should be avoided
too. You also need to curtail unnecessary expenses to maintain
financial balance. You may however have to borrow money to keep
your business up and running. Your relationship with mother could
also suffer so better take care.

When Jupiter transits into 5th house from natal Moon, the native
experiences a lot of improvement in all areas of life. Love and
compassion increases. Children become very supportive. You gain a
lot of well-wishers during this period. Your position in society also
improves. Spiritual inclination also increases during this time. This is a
good time to expect profit in investment and speculation. Your
financial position is likely to improve too. Singles are likely to meet
someone special during this time too. This transit period is also good
for study related matters.

Jupiter’s move into 6th house from natal Moon is considered

inauspicious in Vedic astrology since 6th is a malefic house and
Jupiter expands what the house signifies. In this case, Jupiter
increases health issues, expenditure, debt and problems with
coworkers and employees. You need to be careful in these areas in
order to maintain mental peace and happiness. You should also be
careful of theft. Competitors may try to affect you adversely during this
time. It would be better to stay away from any shady activities &
arguments as some legal issues could crop up.

When Jupiter moves into 7th house from where Moon is positioned at
the time of birth, native begins to experience relief in certain areas.
Businesspersons start looking for new partnerships. Your relationship
with seniors also improves. Understanding with spouse and children
also gets a boost. Overall, you enjoy a good health, cordial
relationships and better status. Some fruitful travels also take place
during this time. This period is also marked by strong marriage
prospects. You social life remains hyperactive too and you enjoy
being with friends.

Having Jupiter move into your 8th house from Moon means you will
now have to work harder to succeed in life. This period may have you
spending excessively and travelling a lot. Some sudden issues in
business could also crop up. Health may also dip during this period.
You should be careful in litigation matters too. It would be best to
avoid any arguments with family and friends to maintain peace.

Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius. When it moves into 9th house from
natal Moon, it feels quite at home. This is an excellent time to grow
professionally. Your financial position also improves and so does your
relationship with boss. In fact, you can also get an increment or
promotion during the transit period. Jupiter also brings blessings of the
sages and mentors. A lot of religious activities take place. This is a
good period to tie the knot as well. You could also go abroad!

When Jupiter moves into 10th house from natal Moon’s placement in
a horoscope, it brings negative thinking and emotions into the native’s
mind. You feel emotionally dissatisfied due to unfulfilled desires. It
would be best to avoid any conflicts with seniors and family during this
time. Some loss in property matters is also possible. All this could lead
to mental distress so better keep patience and be calm. It would be
good to visit religious places.

If Jupiter moves into 11th house from where natal Moon is posited, it
brings a lot of respect, prestige, and position to the native. Children
become supportive and loving during this time. You get success in
your endeavors and topple opposition. You also get to enjoy a lot of
material comforts life has to offer such as luxuries, jewelry, vehicle
and property. Your desires get fulfilled in love matters too. Income
also shoots up during this time and so do profits in business. You are
likely to enjoy a good social reputation too.

Jupiter’s move into 12th house from Moon brings mixed results.
Expenditure increases during this time but you are likely to spend on
spiritual activities. You should stay far from you native place and
children during this period and enjoy some solitude. Your interest in
spirituality is likely to increase during this time. Some long distance
travels may also take place. This period also brings difficulties in
business matters so be cautious.

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