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1.1 Background of the Study

The overall development of the nation depends upon the uplifting of the national economy

which in turn depends upon the nature of its infrastructure. One of the basic elements in

achieving self reliant growth of the economy for sustaining desired level of economic

development is an accelerated rate of infrastructure development. Telecommunication has

been identified as one of the three basic infrastructures apart from Power and Roads, which

is needed for the socio-economic development. Investment in telecom sector has multiplier

effects. Telecommunication is the pre-requisite for other dimension of development and it

plays an important role for other industries. Information and the facilities for accessing,

processing and disseminating it in electronic form have become strategic resources as

important as and, labors and capital. Thus telecom has dual role as both a traded product

and service and as a facilitator of trade in other product and services. Moreover

Telecommunication can have a dramatic impact on achieving specific social and economic

development objectives.

In fact the development of telecommunication is not only vital for IT based industry but it

has wide effect on entire economy of the country. Realizing the facts, Nepal Government

has also recognized that the provision of world class Telecommunication infrastructure is

the key to rapid economic and social development. For bringing telecommunication as the

major infrastructure of development, government has implemented national

communication policy (1992). Introduction of liberalized economic policy in Nepal has

gradually facilitated the private sector investment as a result multinational companies also

showed their presence. At this context, to speed up the process of telecommunication

development, The Telecommunication Act; 1997 was brought into action which has

created the competitive atmosphere in telecom industry which resulted the private sector

investment in the telecommunication industry. As size and sector of telecommunication

grew up to IT, Telemedicine, e-governance, e-commerce, e- education etc the government

brought the telecommunication policy; 2004 to address the entire telecommunication


At this point of time, there are various telecom based company which are actively doing

there business. The major telecommunication service providers are Nepal Doorsanchar

Company Limited, United Telecom Limited (UTL) and Spice Nepal (P) Ltd. Other small

Players are STM Sanchar (P) Ltd and Global Plus. UTL is in the business of fixed basic

telephone and limited mobility mobile telephone of wireless technology whereas Spice

Nepal has the business of Mobile telephone. Both UTL and Spice Nepal have the focus in

urban area only. STM has got the license to perform the business of V-Sat Telephone of

eastern development region where as Global plus has been establishing Tele-centers in

various part of Mustang District.

Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited is popularly known with its name as Nepal Telecom

as a trade mark. In Telephone service, Nepal Telecom is the key market player as it holds

about 64% of total no mobile phones and 89 % of total no of Fixed Telephones.(NTA-

MIS-2066, Ashad) It offers various services like Basic telephone, Mobile telephone,

Internet, email, ISDN,ADSL, Leased line etc. The primary objective incorporated by

Nepal Telecom is to provide reliable and affordable telecommunication services in every

nook and corner of the country. It has been expanding the services in urban as well as rural

area to fulfill the socio-economic development objectives. Nepal Telecom is the member

of International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The company has the telephone density

of 15.58 per 100 people which one year ago was 10.12 There are 98,981 internet users and

4,504 e-mail users subscribed from the company. There are 4,841 International Telephone

circuits in operation and domestic microwave channels available are 4584E1. Similarly

Optical SDH-E1 link are in the figure of 1693 which are owed by the company. East west

Optical Fiber link is considered as information super high way and is expected to bring

about IT revolution in the country. Nepal Telecom has high contribution in the total

revenue of the nation which is about 4.2 % of total national revenue. Considering the fact

The Company has got the felicitation of ‘Commercially Important Person’ (CIP) from the

government. The major portion of the total revenue of the company is from International

Subscriber dialing. These days due to fall in ISD tariff and illegal use of Voice over Internet

Protocol, there is high fluctuations in the trend of International revenue. Other services

provided by Nepal Telecom in various parts of the country are Telegram, Telex, PCC,

IVR, IN, HCD, V- SAT, ISDN,ADSL, Inmersat etc which too have their own importance

in revenue generation and serving the people for their information and communication

needs. The quality of service it has produced is considered to be of international class as

the company uses the latest technology of the reputed International brands. The tariff of
service it offers is considered to be of high rational as compared to the other

Telecommunication operators of the Asian region.

Though the company was registered in Magh 2060 BS in office of the company registrar

the company has got the formal inception in Baisakh 2061 BS after all the assets and

liabilities of then Nepal Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) were transferred to it by

formal notice of the government in gazette. Nepal Telecommunications Corporation was

state owned enterprise established in 2032 BS to provide telecommunication in the nation.

Before its establishment the telecommunication service were managed and distributed by

Telecommunication Development Board both as an operator and authority, a government

body under the ministry of communication. The main reason behind the changing of status

of ‘Nepal Telecommunications Corporation’, a state owned enterprise as a public utility

concern to ‘Nepal Doorsanchar Company Limited (Nepal Telecom)’ as a limited company

is to transfer the government investment in the organization to the private sector. This was

happened according to the policy of economic liberalization that the government has

adopted. Nepal Telecom is just a hypothetical company as its entire ownership is yet held

by government in the name of state owned entities. The change of organization status gave

it autonomy to some extent though there is still interference of government in decision

making process. The company is on the process of issuing share to the public and expected

to enjoy full autonomy after its share disbursement to private sector.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Nepal Telecom as a state owned enterprise has involved in providing the cost effective and

people friendly telecom services in the nation since long time. The organization has
enjoyed monopoly in the telecom market and got policy privilege during long period. The

scenario has completely changed after recent entry of telecom operators in the market. As

those companies are involved in business of various telecom services the natural monopoly

enjoyed by Nepal telecom tends to be ended. In the emerging liberalized policy that the

government should not involve in the profit motive business except the sensitive affairs

and facilitating jobs, private and multinational companies were established in the various

part of the nation. Similarly the public enterprises were made private by making them

private company or public limited company. In this scenario, Nepal Telecom a state owned

enterprise is going to issue it’s share to the public as a public limited company. In this

context the analysis of financial health of Nepal Telecom as a largest business enterprise

in Nepal would have great deal of importance to the various stakeholders.

Nepal Telecom as a state owned enterprise; it is complicated to assess the efficiency with

its socio economic development goals but every organization should have sound financial

health to be efficient in the utilization and management of the resources. Proper collection,

utilization and management of the fund is financial management. To make assurance of the

strong financial operation of the company, the empirical analysis called financial

performance analysis can have the great importance.

As most of the organization depends heavily upon the external and internal information,

industrialization without proper access of telecommunication is difficult to imagine. Nepal

is on the process of industrialization and people have the demand of new and new

technology and telecommunication is now thought to be basic requirement in urban area

and important means of development in rural sector. In this context, there is high demand

of NT services and it does have a little market competition. Despite the fact NT has not

seen efficient to fulfill the demands.

The Balance sheet shows the huge amount of cash and bank balance lying idle. Volume of

sundry debtors seems to be very large. Various studies related to the NT pointed out the

problem of its outstanding debt collection and high liquidity position. Further suggestion

is that NT management should estimate immediate required funds and either invest all the

excess fund in marketable securities, or use that fund in refunding debt as the interest it

pays for loan for capital investment is less than the rate of earning in liquid fund. Studies

have shown that the return on total assets is not so good.

Thus the problem toward which this study is directed is assessment of financial operation

of Nepal Telecom. So, the present research tries to solve the following research questions:-

 What are sources of long term financing on Nepal Telecom?

 If assets utilization in Nepal Telecom is efficient?

 What is the position of Nepal Telecom to meet the current obligations?

 Is the company providing fair rate of return?

Financial analysis may not provide exact answer to these questions but it does indicate

what can be expected in the future.

1.3 Objective of the Study

Objectives of the study are guidelines by which the study can be conducted in a systematic

manner. The main objective is to assess the strengths and weakness of Nepal Telecom. The

specific objectives are:

 To analyze the financial performance of Nepal Telecom through financial analysis.

 To fore see the future trend of different financial ratios.

 To study the relation between sales with total cost, sales with Investment with


 To offer the Package of suggestions to improve the financial performance of Nepal


1.4 Significance of the study

Analysis of financial performance is a crucial part of financial decision making process of

business enterprise. Poor financial management affects adversely on liquidity, turnover and

profitability. It is required to measure the financial position of the enterprise periodically

in order to ensure smooth function of an enterprise. Financial analysis assists in identifying

the major strengths and weakness of a business enterprise. It indicates whether a firm has

enough funds to meet the obligation, a reasonable accounts receivable collection period,

an efficient inventory management policy, sufficient plant property and equipment and

adequate capital structure, all of which are necessary if a firm is to achieve the goal of

maximizing shareholder's wealth. Financial analysis can also be used to assess a firm's

viability as an ongoing enterprise and to determine whether a satisfactory return on

investment is being earned for the risks taken.

Nepal Telecom is an enterprise of great national concern. It has to face stiff competition in

near future as private players are already entered and there is open door to further enter.

The government is going to participate to the private sector in its ownership. So the

concerned parties are looking over its performance with keen interest. As a state owned

enterprise it has the obligation of socio economic development with its profitability

concern. So the insight over financial position of Nepal Telecom; leading

telecommunication service provider in the nation will be useful to provide information to

stakeholders and draw attention of concerned management regarding what can be done for

further strengthening the financial position. Further it will be important for the following

groups and individuals.

 Present and perspective customers

 Present and perspective investors

 Policy making authority

 Further researchers

 Government

 ICT based companies

1.5 Limitation of the study

There are some limitations while undergoing this study. The main limitations of the study


 This study will be based on the 5 years financial reports.

 Only the financial aspect and financial structure analysis shall be made with bird

eyes view, the other area such as Marketing, Human Resource, Research and

Development aspects are also the combined input to measure the overall efficiency.

 Secondary data will be collected from annual reports of the concerned enterprises,

so the study suffers from all those limitations that are associated with these reports.

 The study will make the analysis of financial performance of Nepal Telecom; it

may not be applicable to any other enterprise.

1.6 Organization of the study

The study will be divided in the following five chapters as prescribed by the university.

Chapter I : Introduction

Chapter II : Review of Literature

Chapter III : Research Methodology

Chapter IV : Presentation and Analysis of Data

Chapter V : Summary, Conclusion and recommendations

First Chapter focuses on general background of the study. It deals with major issues to be

investigated along with general background of the study, statement of problem, objective of

study with organization of the study. This chapter signifies the rational of this study.

Second chapter will deal with conceptual consideration and review of related literature which

provide a framework with the help of which the study has been accomplished. In this chapter

major empirical works has been also discussed.

Third Chapter will be devoted to methodological approach employed in this study. This

chapter includes research design, nature and sources of data, population and samples, method

of analysis and definition of key terms.

The fourth chapter will explain the techniques used in analyzing the collected data and its

presentation in the descriptive and analytical manner. This chapter also deals with the

strengths, weakness, opportunities and challenges faced by Nepal Telecom.

The fifth chapter will consist of summary, conclusion, and recommendation of the study.


The review of literature basically highlights the existing literature and research work

related to the present research being conducted with the view of finding out what had been

already explained by the authors and researchers and how the current research adds further

benefits to the field of research. This review of literature had been classified into three

subgroups as follow.

 Theoretical review

 Review of related studies

2.1 Theoretical review

Finance is concerned with those activities related to money. Previously finance was limited

for procurement of long term fund. Due to industrialization, technological innovations and

intense competition, there has been a vast change in the philosophy of management.

Likewise the discipline of financial management has undergone an unprecedented change.

"Financial management is that managerial activity which is concerned with planning and

controlling of the firm's financial resources (Pandey, 2004:31).

Evaluation of financial performance is a study of overall financial position of any

organization. It is closely related to the decision making. In the modern context, it gives

vital support for the investment decisions, financing decisions and dividend decisions.
Financial performance analysis is undergone with the help of periodically made financial

statements of the firm.

2.1.1 Financial statements

The Financial Statements are the means of presentation of a firm's financial condition and

basically consist of two types of statements - The Balance Sheet & Income Statement.

These are prepared to report the overall business activities as well as financial status of the

firm for a specified period to its stakeholders. These contain summary of information

regarding financial affairs that is organized systematically. The top management is

responsible for preparing these statements. “The basic objective of financial statements is

to assist in decision making. The analysis and interpretation of financial statements depend

on the nature and type of information available there in” (Panday, 2004: 31).

Hence financial statement refers to any formal and original statement that discloses the

financial information related to any business concern during a period. The income

statements and balance sheet usually prepared at the end of each financial year show the

firm’s position.

A) Balance Sheet

Balance sheet is one of the basic financial statements of an enterprise. It is also called the

fundamental accounting report. As the name suggests, the balance sheet provide

information about financial standing or a position of a firm at a particular point of time

usually end of the financial year. It can be visualized as a snapshot of the financial status

of a company (Khan and Jain,1993:13).

Balance sheet summarizes the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity of a business at a

moment of time, usually at the end of the financial year. Balance sheet is a financial

statement, which contains information regarding different capital expenditures made on

purchase of assets on particular date and information regarding various sources of funds

acquired by the business concern to finance these assets and also the different sources of

capital and liabilities at that particular point of time.

B) Income Statement

Income statement is designed to portray the performance of the business firm for specific

period of time i.e. for a year or month or quarter. The business revenues and expenses

resulting from the accomplishment of the firms operation are shown in the income

statements. It is the “Scoreboard” of the firm’s performance during particular period of

time. It shows the summary of revenues, expenses and net income or loss of a firm for a

particular period of time. Income statement also serves as a true measure of the firm’s

profitability (Khan and Jain, 1993:15).

2.1.2Financial Analysis

Financial analysis is the process of determining financial strengths and weaknesses of a

company by establishing strategic relationship between the components of a balance sheet

and profit and loss statement and other operative data (Pandey,1999:96)

In the word of Myer, '"Financial statement analysis is largely a study of relationship among

the various financial factors in a business as disclosed by a single set of statements and a
study of the trends of these factors as shown in a series of statement,”(Myer,1961:4).

Financial statement analysis involves the use of various financial statements. These

statements perform several things. First, the balance sheet summarizes the assets, liabilities

and owner’s equity of a business at a moment in time, usually the end of a year or a quarter.

Next, the income statement summarizes the revenues and expenses of the firm over a

particular period of time, again usually a year or quarter. While the balance sheet represents

a snapshot of the firm’s financial position at a moment in time, the income statement

depicts a summary of the firm’s profitability over time. From these two statements certain

derivate statements can be produced, such as statement of retained earnings, a sources and

uses of funds statements and a statement of cash flows etc. (Van Horne, 1996:56).

"Financial analysis is the process of identifying the financial strengths and weaknesses of

the firm by properly establishing relationship between the items of the balance sheet and

profit and loss account. (Pandey, 2004:560). Analyzing financial statements is a process of

evaluating relationship between component parts of financial statements to obtain a better

understanding of a firm's position and performance (Metcalf, 1976:157).

In the words of Raymond P. Neveu, "Financial statement analysis allows managers,

investors and creditors as well as potential investors and creditors to teach conclusion about

the recent and current status of a corporation” The checking of financial performance in a

business deserves much attention in carrying out the financial position. It also requires to

retrospective analysis for the purpose of evaluating the wisdom and efficiency of financial
planning. Analyzing of what has happened should be of great value in improving the

standards, techniques and procedures of financial control involved in carrying out finance


The four basic statements contained in the annual report are the balance sheet, the income

statement the statement of the retained earnings and the statement of cash flows. Investors

use the information contained in these statements to form expectations about the future

levels of earnings and dividends and about the risks of these expected values. Financial

statement analysis generally begins with the calculation of a set of a financial ratios

designed to reveal the relative strength and weakness of a company as compared to other

companies in the same industry, and to show whether the firm's position bas been

improving or deteriorating over time. (Weston, 1996:306). Financial analysis is that sort of

calculation which is done with the help of annual report. And the annual report would

contain the essentials for such analysis. So the data retrieved from the annual report is

indispensable for the financial analysis.

It is both an analytical and judgmental process that helps answer questions that have been

properly posed. Therefore, it is means to end. Apart from the specific analytical answer,

the solutions to financial problems and issues depend significantly on the views of the

parties involved, the related importance of the issue and on the nature and reliability of the

information available (Helfert, 1992:2).

Financial appraisal is a scientific evaluation of profitability and financial strength of any

business concern. Financial appraisal is the process of scientifically making a proper,

critical and comparative evaluation of the profitability and financial health of a given

concern through the application of the techniques of financial statement analysis. A

complete financial analysis and interpretation of financial statement involves the

assessment of past business performance, an evaluation of the present condition of the

business and the predictions about the future potential for achieving expected or desired

results(Jain,1996:36- 37).

The analysis and interpretation of financial statement depicts the actual position of a firm

regarding the objectives of that firm within a specified period of time. "Financial appraisal

is a process of synthesis and summarization of financial and operative data with a view to

get an insight into the operative activities of a business enterprise. It is a technique of X-

raying the financial position as well as progress of a concern" as observed by Robert H.


According to Man Mohan "The main function of financial analysis is the pinpointing of

the strengths and weakness of a business undertaking by regrouping and analysis of figures

contained in financial statements by making comparison of various components and by

examining their contents. This can be used by financial managers as the basis to plan future

financial requirement by means of forecasting and budgeting procedures.”

"Financial statement analysis involves a comparison of firm’s performance with that of

other firms in the same line of business which often is identified by the firm's industry
classification. Generally speaking, the analysis is used to determine the firm's financial

position in order to identify its current strengths and weakness and to suggest actions that

might enable the firm to take advantage of the strengths and correct its

weaknesses."(Weston, 1996:78)

Review of Related Dissertations

There are few researches that have been made in the areas of financial performance of

NTC. Most of the researches have not been fully able to explain the financial condition of

this organization. Thus an attempt has been made to review the available thesis, which is

relevant to this study. Most research works have been done in the areas of manufacturing.

But there are few in the areas of public utilities.

Adhikari (1995), on his unpublished thesis "An Evaluation of financial Position of Nepal

Telecommunications Corporation" the main objectives of the study are: -

 To highlight the different aspects of NTC.

 To analyze, examine and interpret the financial position of NTC by using various


 To give workable recommendation, if there are weaknesses inherent in the


The Main Findings were

♦ Liquidity position

There is no serious liquidity problem in NTC. The current Ratio of NTC is 1.15 times. The

current assets of NTC are greater than current liabilities in each fiscal year. It shows the
better liquidity position of NTC. But it does not mean that there is not any liquidity problem

in NTC. The current Ratio is affected by the huge amount of sundry debtors. The

coefficient of correlation between current assets and current liabilities is 0.9904 and the

probable error of the correlation is .0089. This means that both the variables are positively

correlated and the corporation has been following a uniform policy to finance current assets

and current liabilities.

♦ Utilization of Fixed Assets

NTC has invested the huge amount in purchasing the fixed assets but the revenue

generating ability is very low in comparison to investment, which is only 0.04 times. This

shows that there is no effective utilization of fixed assets in generating revenue.

♦ Utilization of Total Assets

There is increasing trend in the size of total assets but it is not significant. The total assets

turnover ratio is very low. On an average, the total assets turnover ratio is only 0.22 times.

Therefore, it can be said that the management of NTC is not able to utilize the assets


♦ Receivables Management

From the analysis of financial statement, we know that sundry debtors are the most

sensitive sector for the management of NTC. In an average, the collection period is 132

days. Only in two fiscal years, the collection period is below the average debt collection

period and in other three years the collection period is highly greater than the standard debt
collection period. Because the receivables are taking long period to be collected, there is

very low debtor's turnover ratio. Therefore, it can be inferred that the firm is not adopting

proper receivables management policy. When referred to NTC management, it has set 90

days as standard collection period.



The basic objective of the study is to appraise the true picture of the financial performance

of Nepal Telecom and to recommend necessary suggestions for the improvements.

Financial analysis is the process of identifying the financial strengths and weakness of the

firm by properly establishing the relationships between capital and assets of the

organization. Financial analysis plays an important role in finding the real picture of

financial performance of any organization. It provides an idea to the management while

adopting the financial policies.

The study requires an appropriate research methodology so as to achieve its objectives.

The purposeful methodology has been followed for the fulfillment of the stated objectives.

The methodology consists of research design, nature and sources of data, data collection

procedure, data processing, sample and population and tabulation and analytical tools used.

A human nature is so curious and always wants to do something new and different. For

this, several questions raises in his mind and to get the answers, he should gather

information from different sources and analyze them to get the result. The researcher for

gaining the knowledge about method of goal achievement, when we desire, is know as

research methodology (Joshi; 2001:12-13). Research methodology is the way to solve

systematically about the research problem. (Kothati;1990:39)

3.1 Research Design

Research Design is the plan structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain

answer to research questions. The research will be based on recent historical data as well

as primary source of information. The study will explore the financial position of Nepal

Telecom. The financial position refers to the amount of resources i.e. assets and liabilities

of the company on the specific period and the results of their utilization. To conduct the

study both descriptive and analytical research approaches has been adopted. Descriptive

approach is utilized for conceptualization, problem identification, conclusion and

suggestion of the study whereas analytical approach will be followed for the presentation

and analysis of data. Thus the study is analytical as well as exploratory in nature. The data

will be analyzed on the basis of standard financial formulas used in the book of financial


3.2Population and sample

As the study concerns to the financial position of Nepal Telecom, the study will to draw

conclusion by analyzing yearly financial statement of the organization. Thus the entire

fiscal years are considers as the population and the five years from 2013/14 to 2017/18 will

be taken taken as sample.

3.3 Types and sources of data

The main source of data for the purpose of this study is the published financial statements

of Nepal Telecom. The study will be based on the secondary data. However a good effort

has been made to draw the vital information by gathering and analyzing primary source of

information. It constitutes mostly the annual reports, which comprises balance sheet and

profit and loss account statement. Information has also been supplemented from various
publication of Nepal Telecom. All other available published and unpublished material

concerning the study as well as some journal abstracts will also be used in the study. The

data has been processed through editing, coding and classification of the collected data.

Present data have been analyzed using various analytical as well as descriptive financial

and statistical tools. The reliability of the study and its findings depends upon the mainly

on secondary data

The major sources of data and information are as follows:

 Website of Nepal Telecom:

 Annual Reports and other published documents of Nepal Telecom.

 Various Planning Documents, National Planning Commission Government of


 Telephone inquiries

 Materials published in paper and magazines.

 Various Research Studies, Dissertations and articles related to the subject.

3.4 Data Collection Procedure

The main sources of data are secondary and they will be collected directly from official

records and published statements. The researcher will consult concerned officials for data

and information. Verification and clarification of data has been done through discussion

with the concerned authority.

3.5 Data processing

The balance sheet, income statements and the profit and loss accounts of the company for

5 years will be collected for the convenience of the study. Then all the raw data will be
processed and presented in tabular form with the help of simple arithmetic rules. Entire

raw data will be converted into approximate and condensed in the form of consolidated

balance sheet and income statement. Most of the data will be compiled in one form and

processed and interpreted as per the need of the study. The secondary type of data is

presented for the analytical purpose after the tabulation of data. This type of data processing

will help to present the clear situation of financial position of Nepal Telecom.

3.6 Analytical Tools Used in the Study

Since the study is concentrated on Financial Performance of Nepal Telecom some

important financial as well as statistical tools and techniques will be used for the analysis.

The major tool employed for the analysis of this study is the ratio analysis that establishes

the quantitative relationship of two variables of the financial statements. Ratio Analysis is

the basic tool used for the study and is considered to be the powerful tool of financial

analysis. Beside ratio analysis, various other financial tools and statistical tools have been



4.1 Introduction

This chapter will highlight the financial position of Nepal Telecom. The tools used for the

purpose of analysis have been discussed in detail in research methodology. Some financial

and statistical tools have been used to evaluate the financial position of NT. The financial

tool includes ratio analysis between various variables whereas the statistical tools include

Correlation and regression analysis between the variables. The measure variables like

assets, liabilities, sales, debt, and equity are taken for the analysis. Moreover the variables

affecting to the financial performance are also considered in the study. The analysis is made

through the data presentation and various financial ratios reflecting the relationship among

variables affecting financial performance.

4.2. Financial Analysis

The main objective of this study is to examine the financial position/performance of NTC.

To meet this objective, it is essential to present, analyze and interpret data contained in

annual reports of NTC. The annual reports include balance sheet and Income statement

along with their supporting schedules. Analysis and interpretation of data is an attempt to

find - out the implications and the significance of past activities/decisions in the light of

present position and future prospect and to make suggestion for future action. In this study,

the data are presented, analyzed and interpreted on the basis of research questions. The

analysis part begins with a brief overview of financial position/performance indicators of

the firm.
The different types of tools and techniques that have been used to analyze the data are as


 Ratio Analysis

 Trend Analysis

 Correlation/Regression Analysis



5.1 Summary

Telecommunication is an inevitable infrastructure of development to all countries. It is

considered as prerequisite for he other dimension of development. In Nepal the need of

telecommunication services are primarily fulfilled by Nepal Telecom.

Introduction of liberalized economic policy in Nepal gradually facilitated the private sector

investment as a result multinational companies also showed their presence. Further more

public enterprises started to be privatized. Such trend couldn’t also remain intact without

influencing Nepal Telecommunications Corporation. Hence Nepal Telecommunications

Corporation has been changed to Nepal Doorsanchar Company limited in 2061 BS under

the company act. It’s popularly known commercial name is “Nepal Telecom”. Although

Nepal Telecom has been established under the company act and its 92.2% ownership has

been held by Nepal Government, 5% has its employee & 3.8% has the general public.

5.2 Conclusion

Nepal Telecom has better performance than other state owned enterprise of Nepal, in the

sense that it is such a state owned enterprise, which is operating under the net profit margin

since the establishment of NTC. Financial statement of the company shows that the Gross

Revenue as well as Net Profit has increased to a tune of higher rate. The overall short-term

solvency position of NTC is satisfactory. Perhaps, because of the service nature of its

operation, NTC has maintained low level of inventory compared with other current assets


There seems to be laxity in management in efficiently mobilizing the working capital.

Fixed Assets Turnover/utilization seems to be improving over time. But it is still far below
1.00 which should make management not to be complacent. The performance of current

assets in terms of volume generation was so poor over time that the improvement in

performance of fixed assets could not compensate it. That's why the Total Assets Turnover

is poor and fluctuating.


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