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TRBOnet Enterprise

Quick Start Guide

Version 5.3.5

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This document is for informational purposes only. Neocom Software offers no
warranties, express or implied, in this document.
Neocom and the Neocom logo, TRBOnet and the TRBOnet logo are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Neocom Software, Ltd.
MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M logo are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC.
Intellectual property rights protect the voice coding technology embodied in this
product including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems,
Inc. This voice coding technology is licensed solely for use within this communications
equipment. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,199,037, 5,870,405, 5,754,974, 5,664,051, 5,630,011,
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Microsoft, Windows, SQL Server and the .NET logo are either registered trademarks
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Other product or company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their
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© 2019 by Neocom Software, Ltd. All rights reserved.

This document was last revised on June 17, 2019.

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 About This Guide ................................................................................................................................1
1.2 About TRBOnet by Neocom Software ........................................................................................1
2 Hardware and Software Requirements ....................................................................................................2
3 TRBOnet Enterprise Software and Dependencies Installation .........................................................3
3.1 Installing Microsoft SQL Server .....................................................................................................3
3.2 Installing .NET Components ...........................................................................................................3
3.3 Installing TRBOnet Enterprise ........................................................................................................3
4 Initial TRBOnet Configuration ......................................................................................................................6
4.1 Creating New TRBOnet Database ................................................................................................6
4.2 Installing TRBOnet Service ..............................................................................................................8
4.3 Connecting TRBOnet Server to Master Repeater ...................................................................9
4.4 Connecting Dispatch Console to Server ................................................................................. 11

ii TRBOnet Enterprise — Quick Start Guide


1 Introduction
1.1 About This Guide
This document is intended for MOTOTRBO radio network administrators responsible
for the dispatch operations. It provides guidance on the installation, configuration,
and maintenance of the TRBOnet Server and Dispatch Console applications.

1.2 About TRBOnet by Neocom Software

TRBOnet is a suite of professional applications for dispatch centers of MOTOTRBO™
radio networks developed by Neocom Software since 2008. TRBOnet manages voice,
text and data communication paths to network endpoints and provides a unified
graphical dispatcher workbench interface for all the messaging and workforce
orchestration tasks. Recognized as the Best Radio Application Partner by Motorola
Solutions, TRBOnet enjoys a proven track record of success in business-critical radio
network deployments worldwide.
The TRBOnet family of products deliver:
 Flexible, connection type independent cross-patching of subscriber
groups, both preconfigured by network designers and improvised by
dispatchers with a drag-and-drop ease.
 Extensive connectivity options for any mode MOTOTRBO networks with
public phone, SIP and private VoIP interconnects, SMS and email
gateways, intercom among multiple dispatchers.
 Comprehensive location awareness features which include integration
with a variety of online and offline map providers, indoor positioning,
geofencing, route and speed control and GPS event-driven workflows.
 Support for communication scenarios typical for key vertical markets, such
as ‘lone worker’ monitoring, site alarms, job ticketing, RFID integration,
field device telemetry collection and many others.
 Full audio and activity logging complemented by a rich set of configurable
built-in reports.

2 Hardware and Software Requirements
TRBOnet Server/Agent with IP connection only
Voice Channels 4 8 16 24 24+
Intel Core i7, 6
CPU Intel Core i3 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i7, 4 Cores
Memory 2 GB 4 GB 4 GB 8 GB technical
HDD 300 MB for installation files, +1 MB per 1 minute of voice recording support

Sound Card No
Windows 7/8.x/10, Windows Server 2008/2012/2016

Supported OS Note: Windows Server 2008/2012/2016 requires Desktop Experience

Role/Feature installed.

Software .NET Framework 4.6.x, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 or higher

TRBOnet Server /Agent with Control Stations

Control Stations 1 2+
CPU Intel Core i5
Memory 2 GB
HDD 300 MB for installation files, +1 MB per 1 minute of voice recording

Multi-channel Sound Card required;

Sound Card Integrated sound card can be used. 1. M-Audio Delta 1010 LT
Audio Capture

Additional Devices Cable connector Motorola PMKN4016

Supported OS Windows 7/8.x/10
Software .NET Framework 4.6.x, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 or higher

Dispatch Console
CPU Intel Core i3
Memory 4 GB
HDD 70 MB for installation files
Sound Card Yes
Display 1280x1024 minimum resolution, 1600x900 recommended resolution
Additional Devices Speakers and microphone, or headset; Imtradex devices are recommended
Supported OS Windows 7/8.x/10
Software .NET Framework 4.6.x

2 TRBOnet Enterprise — Quick Start Guide

TRBOnet Enterprise Software and Dependencies Installation

3 TRBOnet Enterprise Software and Dependencies

TRBOnet runs on Microsoft Windows-based PCs. For the TRBOnet Enterprise
Compatibility Table, see;ItemID=73

3.1 Installing Microsoft SQL Server

Download and install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 or higher.
You can download and install either a full-featured MS SQL Server or an Express
edition of MS SQL Server. The Express edition of MS SQL Server is free, however, it
has some technical restrictions (maximum database size of 10 GB, RAM usage, and
For example, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 - Express Edition (which is free) is
available at:

Note: We recommend that you download a version of SQL Server with


Select the 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on the underlying OS. Accept the
defaults for the setup.

3.2 Installing .NET Components

Windows 8 and later, as well as Windows Server 2012 and later, include the required
.NET 4.6 components as part of the operating system.
For the TRBOnet Enterprise Compatibility Table, see;ItemID=73
The .NET Framework redistributables are available from Microsoft at:

3.3 Installing TRBOnet Enterprise

• Contact Neocom Software to obtain the latest installation package of the
TRBOnet Enterprise software, unzip, and run the setup file as a local
• When the TRBOnet Enterprise Setup wizard appears, click Next.
• On the End User License Agreement page, accept the terms of the license,
and then click Next.

• On the Choose Setup Type page, click one of the following options:
 TRBOnet Dispatch Console
Choose this option to install only TRBOnet Dispatch Console on your
 TRBOnet Server and Dispatch Console
Choose this option to install both TRBOnet Server and
TRBOnet Dispatch Console at once on your computer.
 Custom
Choose this option to select from the list one or more components to be

For example, you may install only TRBOnet Server Instance:

4 TRBOnet Enterprise — Quick Start Guide

TRBOnet Enterprise Software and Dependencies Installation

• Accept the defaults for the rest of the setup and complete the installation.

4 Initial TRBOnet Configuration
After all the required software packages are installed, some settings need to be
configured. Follow the steps below to create a fully operational installation of
TRBOnet that is ready for testing.

4.1 Creating New TRBOnet Database

To start TRBOnet Server, click the corresponding shortcut on the desktop,
or click Start > All Programs > Neocom Software > TRBOnet Server x.x
• In the Configuration pane, select Database.

• In the Database pane, specify the following database-related settings:

 SQL Server
Enter the location of the Microsoft SQL Server name and instance. For
example, in the screenshot above, the default instance name of Microsoft
SQL Server Express installed on the local computer is shown.
 Database
Enter the preferred name of the TRBOnet database.
 Authentication
Select the authentication method for the TRBOnet database. The default
method is Windows Authentication.
 Login and Password
Enter a valid SQL Server login and password if the SQL Server
Authentication is selected for the database;
 Specify the path for database archives
Select this option, and in the corresponding Path box enter the full path of
the custom folder for database backups. Or, click the ellipsis (…) button and
in the Browse For Folder dialog box locate the appropriate path.

6 TRBOnet Enterprise — Quick Start Guide

Initial TRBOnet Configuration

 Use custom folder for audio files

Select this option, and in the corresponding Path box enter the full path of
the custom folder for audio recordings of the voice calls/sessions. Or, click
the ellipsis (…) button.

Note: If you don't specify folder paths for the database archives
and audio files, TRBOnet Server will use the following
default paths:
%ProgramData%\Neocom Software\TRBOnet Enterprise\Backups -
for database archives.
%ProgramData%\Neocom Software\TRBOnet Enterprise\Audio -
for audio.

 Use custom folder to store file attachments

Select this option, and in the corresponding Path box enter the full path of
the custom folder where text message attachments will be stored. Or, click
the ellipsis (…) button and in the Browse For Folder dialog box locate the
appropriate path.
• When you finish configuring the required database parameters, click
Create Database.
• After you create or upgrade a database, click Apply and then confirm to
restart TRBOnet Server.

4.2 Installing TRBOnet Service
• In the Configuration pane, select Service.

• In the Service pane, click Install Service.

• Click the Start Service link that appears in the right pane.

8 TRBOnet Enterprise — Quick Start Guide

Initial TRBOnet Configuration

4.3 Connecting TRBOnet Server to Master Repeater

Now TRBOnet Server must be joined to your radio network.
• In the Digital Systems pane, click Add.
Or, in the Configuration pane, right-click Digital Systems.
• In the drop-down menu, click Add MOTOTRBO System.

In the Repeater pane, specify the connection parameters. To ensure your

connection parameters match the actual configuration of your radio network,
you may need to use Motorola CPS or Config Advisor tools to determine the
values. Contact your radio network administrator, if you do not have this

• System Name
Enter a name for the repeater. This name will be displayed in the Dispatch
• TRBOnet Peer ID
Enter a Peer ID for TRBOnet Server. The Peer ID must be unique among the
repeaters in the radio system. Consult your radio network administrator to
enter the correct value.
• TRBOnet Radio ID
Enter the Radio ID, which is a gateway for voice and data. The Radio ID must
be unique in the radio system. Consult your radio network administrator to
enter the correct value. The recommended value is 64250.
• TRBOnet Local Port
Enter the local port number that will be used by TRBOnet Server to establish
connections for the repeater. Use unique port numbers for each repeater
connection if there are several repeaters connected.
• Master IP Address
Enter the Ethernet IP address of the repeater.

Note: This value is programmed for a repeater via MOTOTRBO

CPS, in Link Establishment>Master IP.

• Master UDP Port

Enter the UDP port number of the master repeater.

Note: This value is programmed for a repeater via MOTOTRBO

CPS, in Link Establishment>Master UDP Port.

• Authentication Key
Enter the repeater's authentication key (if any).

Note: This value is programmed for a repeater via MOTOTRBO

CPS, in Link Establishment>Authentication Key.

• System Type
From the drop-down list, select the system type.
• Test
Click this button to check the connection to your master repeater. If the test is
successful, you'll see information on the repeater you are connected to, such
as the serial number, firmware version, and other relevant information.
• System Identifier
Leave this field blank.
• Use NAI Voice, Use NAI Data (MNIS and DDMS)
Leave these options unselected.
Click OK after entering all the required values. A confirmation dialog will appear,
prompting you to save the configuration and restart the TRBOnet Server service. You
can also restart the service manually.

10 TRBOnet Enterprise — Quick Start Guide

Initial TRBOnet Configuration

4.4 Connecting Dispatch Console to Server

The console is a client application that must be connected to the server. When you
first launch Dispatch Console (Start > All Programs > Neocom Software >
TRBOnet Dispatch), a connection dialog is displayed. Enter the required connection
settings as explained below. If the Server is hosted on the same computer, you can
safely accept the defaults and click OK to connect.

Connect to:
• Address
Enter the IP address of the TRBOnet Server to connect to.
• Port
Enter the local port of the TRBOnet Server PC to accept connections from
Dispatch Console. The default value is 4021.
 Method
From the drop-down list, select the Authentication method:
• TRBOnet Authentication
Select this method to log on as a User registered in the TRBOnet
Dispatch Console Users list.
• Windows Authentication
Select this method to log on using the PC name. The system
automatically shows the PC name as a User Name.

Note: The Windows user must be registered in the TRBOnet

Dispatch Console Users list.

 User Name/Password
Enter the user name and password provided to you by the system
administrator. The default credentials are admin/admin. Use the default
account for the initial configuration and change the password later.
• Connect on startup
Select this option to launch Dispatch Console without having to type the User
Name and Password every time. Use this option if you regularly connect to the
same TRBOnet Server and your workstation is in a secure location.


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