Ieee Software Requirement Specification

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1. Problem Definition
2. Purpose
3. Scope
4. User and Literature Survey
5. Definitions and Abbreviations
6. References
7. Overview


1. Product Perspective
2. Product Functionalities
3. Constraints,Assumptions and Dependencies


1. Interface Requirements
2. Functional Requirements
i. User Functional Requirements
ii. Product Selection Mode Handler Functional
iii. Real Time Handler Functional Requirements

3.Non-functional Requirements

i. Performance Requirements
ii. Design constraints

1. Data Description
i. Data objects
ii. Relationships
iii. Data Dictionary


1) Description for Software Behavior

1) Team Structure
2) Process Model




This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete

description of Supermarket Management System. This document will refer
to functionality, that is what the resulting application is supposed to do,
external interfaces which interacts the users, performance, attributes,
that is if the application is portable, or maintainable, and design
constraints imposed on the implementation such as implementation
language, input specifications and output expectations.

1. Problem Definition

In order to define the problem, one should imagine a scenario in

which a standard customer enters to a supermarket. When a customer
enters to a supermarket, he finds himself in a huge crowded environment
that has lots of rayon and messy amount of products. For a customer to
achieve his purpose he should make a lot of effort at the same time such
as finding the exact places of the products he is searching for, while he is
trying to carry the products that he is willing to buy and pay attention to
his surroundings such as other people. We intend to solve this problem
which is making shopping easier for an ordinary customer by improving
the interaction between the customer and his environment. In other
words, the real world problem which this project aims to handle is to
collect information from the surrounding area without any effort by a
standard user, namely customer in a supermarket. The desired
information to be collected is expected to consist of finding the locations
of the desired products, and classifying the products according to their
costs and different other categories in huge supermarkets

2. Purpose

This document aims to specify the requirements for Supermarket

management system that implements augmented reality, and to give
detailed information about features of the resulting application,
interfaces of the application, and what the application is capable of. It
will explain the scenario of the desired project and necessary steps in
order to accomplish the task, such as overall description of the project,
the definition of the problem that this projects presents a solution, and
definitions and abbreviations that are relevant to the project. One of the
main purposes is to establish the basis for agreement between the
developers and the suppliers on what this project is to do. The
preparation of this SRS will help consider all of the requirements before
design begins, and reduce later redesign, recoding, and retesting. The
review of SRS can reveal omissions, misunderstandings, and
inconsistencies early in the development cycle when these problems are
easier to correct..

3. Scope

The project which is going to be presented in this document is called

Fresh Supermarket Application. This application is planned to be used by
any person who is willing to do shopping in huge supermarkets. It is
designed to run on a hand-held mobile device connected to a head-
mounted display. By the application, the real world scene captured in the
supermarkets will be enriched by the information obtained from the real-
time inputs which allow customers to do an interactive shopping. The
application will start to run by the desire of the customer. First, the
customer using this application is expected to choose from the products
which are defined and listed previously in the application database. After
the customer chooses the demands and lists them, the application
interface will change into a real-time camera which is capable of

recognizing the interest objects such as rayon labels including the desired
products, products themselves, or employees of the market. The interact
with the user will be maintained by labeling the moving or non-moving
recognized interest objects in real-time. The application will also provide
information about the found products’ cost and quality. The interaction
will continue until the user quits application. Labeling objects will be
both according to the chosen list and the previously specified features of
the identified objects.

4. User and Literature Survey

The previous projects which are also a solution to a real world

problem mostly rely on the single images, not on the videos, so they are
not real time applications. Related to shopping, there exists a project
which recognizes the furniture patterns and puts them on the image of
room for the customer to see whether it’s suitable for their room or not.
Although this project is related to shopping and helps the customer, it
doesn’t include augmented reality, instead, it uses the taken image of
the room and then puts the recognized furniture on the screen. Hence,
this project is not real time. However, the presented project in this
report is a real time project which combines both image processing and
augmented reality concepts by an interaction with the whole
environment aiming to be a solution to a real world problem. The
potential users of the explained application are everybody who do
shopping and wants to find a desired product in an efficient way without
losing much time and without paying lots of attention.

5. Definitions and Abbreviations SRS:

Software Requirements Specification AR: Augmented Reality , a

term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real world
environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer
generated sensory input such as sound or graphics. OpenCV: Open Source
Computer Vision Library IDE: Integrated Development Environment GPS:
Global Positioning System, is a space-based global navigation satellite
system that provides reliable location and time information in all weather
and at all times and anywhere on or near the Earth when and where there
is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. Head-
Mounted Display: a display device, worn on the head or as part of a
helmet, that has a small display optic in front of one or each eye. ER:
Entity – Relationship Diagram, a specialized graphic that illustrates the
interrelationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use
symbols to represent three different types of information. Boxes are
commonly used to 8 represent entities. Diamonds are normally used to
represent relationships and ovals are used to represent attributes. GUI: A
graphical user interface, a type of user interface that allows users to
interact with programs in more ways than typing such as computers. UML:
Unified Modeling Language, a standardized general-purpose modeling
language in the field of software engineering.

6. References

[1] IEEE Std 830-1998: IEEE Recommended Practice for Software

Requirements Specifications

[2] Fowler, Martin. “ UML distilled: a brief guide to the standard

object modeling language.” Booch Jacobson Rumbaugh, 2004

[3] Bruade, Eric J. “Software Engineering: An Object-Oriented

Perspective.” Wiley, 2001.

7. Overview

This document contains a detailed description about Supermarket

management system. In the introduction part, it mostly gives a general
overview about the project including the definition of a real world
problem that project intends to solve, the scope of this project, and the
information about similar projects and how they differs from this project.
Also in this part, the purpose of the SRS and the scope of the project are
explained. Second part of the document is the overall description of the
project. This part explains the product perspective of the application,
the functions included in the application and the constraints, assumptions
and dependencies of the desired application. The specific requirements
of the project are explained in the third part of the document. This part
includes interface requirements and functional/nonfunctional
requirements of the project. In the fourth part of this document, data
models and their descriptions are explained in detail with the relationship
between them. The behavioral model and its descriptions are mentioned
in the fifth part including the state diagrams. Next part includes the team
structure and introduction of the team members of the project. The final
part is conclusion part which gives a brief summary about the whole

II. Overall Description

This section will give information about product perspective,

product functions, constraints, assumptions and dependencies.

II.1. Product Perspective Fresh Supermarket Application is totally

an independent application which is not related to any other system and
not a component of a larger system. This application has only one type of
user, and thus there is no functionality differences between users. Thus,
has one type of user interface. The interface of the application has a

starting menu, which consists of a list of predefined products that the
supermarket provides. The interface allows the user to choose from the
products. After the choice, the interface changes into a real-time camera
scene, and until the user quits the application, the interface remains as a
video. This video consist of the real scene enriched by surrounding
information by labeling in terms of augmented reality. The interface quits
by the demand of the user.

In terms of hardware, we’ll use a portable device with a camera ,display

screen and control buttons connected to it. We will be recognizing the
data which is captured by the camera and the screen will display that
captured video with augmented reality labels. In terms of software
interfaces, this application will run on Windows 7 Operating System, and
it will be implemented making use of Eclipse IDE with OpenCV plug-in
integrated on it as a mathematical package. OpenCV is a fast library
which is appropriote for real-time video input-outputs.

II.2. Product Functionalities

The major functionalities of our application are:

 Creating Lists frodam the Products -The program allows user to choose
the products that he wants and adds them to the list or delete the
products that he does not want from the list.

 Object Detection-The program detects predefined objects according to

their shapes and colors.

 Real-Time Object Tracking- The program tracks the detected objects in

real time even if the orientation of the camera changes.

 Labeling- The program can label the detected objects according to their
features like wanted, on-sale, high-quality and popular.

II.3. Constraints, Assumptions and Dependencies

In order to maintain the accuracy, following assumptions are made:

 Different qualifications of the same type of product information will be
obtained by letters on them. The application has to process and answer in
real time, but, obviously, this application is limited by the performance
of the portable device and the camera. The application does not have any
safety and security concerns.

III. Specific Requirements

The specific requirements of this project will be considered in

following three subsections, which are interface, functional and non-
functional requirements.

III.1. Interface Requirements-

The interface of the application will be a simple start menu at the

beginning and then turn into a real-time camera mode with enriched
data. When the user starts the application, this act will call the function
Start(), and this function will bring the product selection mode on the
screen. The user will be able to move around between the columns, left
and right, and inside the columns, up and down. The user will be able to
call the function AddProduct() by choosing an entry in the first column,
this function call will result in adding the product into the second
column, namely the demand list of the customer. The user will also be
able to call the function DeleteProduct() by deselecting with the help of
control buttons, and this function will result in removing the product
entry from the demand list of the customer. When the customer is done
choosing the products that he wishes to buy, he will be able to save the
list by pressing the save button with the help of control buttons and this
act will call the function Load(), and move to the camera mode. When
the user moves into the camera mode, until he quits the application by
means of control buttons calling Quit(), every other function calls will be
made by the application itself according to the input coming from the

III.2.Functional Requirements-

Functional requirements of this application can be categorized in

two parts, namely user functional requirement, the functions called with
the user activity , and device functional requirements, the functions
called automatically.

III.2.i. User Functional Requirements

Start application Description: The user shall start the application.

Assumption: The application is loaded on the device. How: By running the


III.2.ii. Product Selection Mode Handler Functional


Add product Description: The user shall add the product to the list.

Assumption: The list is already defined and displayed on the screen. The
screen is on menu mode, it’s not displaying the output of the camera yet.

How: The user adds the current product to the list.

Delete product Description: The user shall delete the product from the

Assumption: The list is already defined and displayed on the screen. The
screen is on menu mode, it’s not displaying the output of the camera yet.

How: The user deletes the current product from the list.

Load List Description: The user shall load the list to the program’s

Assumption: The list is already defined and displayed on the screen. The
screen is on menu mode, it’s not displaying the output of the camera yet.

How: The user saves the list to the program’s memory.

Quit Description: The user shall exit from the application whenever he

Assumption: There will be no assumption for the system to execute this


How: Using ESC button of the keyboard the user exits the program

III.2.iii. Real Time Handler Functional Requirements

Recognize Salesmen

Description: Salesmen are recognized with their unique id before entering

and printing the bill.

Assumption: All the salesmen will be given an unique id.

How: When the salesman is recognised, he is allowed to create the bill.

Recognize Product

Description: Products are recognized through their barcodes.

Assumption: Products are already defined in program’s memory. Each

product has a unique barcode.

How: When the products which are already defined are decoded, the
object is recognized with 95% accuracy.

Label Product

Description: Product names are displayed after they are recognized.

Assumption: Products are recognized.

How: After the products are recognized, their names, cost and number of
units are displayed.

Bill Products

Description: The bill is calculated.

Assumptions :All the products are entered.

How: The bill is calculated after all the products with their costs and
number of units are entered.

III.3. Non-functional Requirements

I. Performance requirements

This application will be used by a single user. There will be no

multiple user handling since the application runs on a single portable
device without needing any network. The amount of the input maybe
huge since the input data of the application depends on the number of
products. Interest objects may be more than one at the same time, that
the software has to handle multiple object recognition with the barcode.
The major issue here is the application should answer in real-time,
namely, the recognizing and labeling operations has to be handled in less
than 1 second. Also the application should be able to recognize more than
%80 of the interested objects.

ii. Design constraints

The Application will follow the following design constraints:

Programming language that will be used during the project is C++. Since
OpenCV will be used for object recognition parts, C++ is the most
appropriate programming language that supports OpenCV very rapidly.
The system shall run on a portable device which also supports a camera.
Also, the processor speed should be sufficient enough to be able to run
the program. This project is designed to be extensible, that is open to
changes. Whenever new barcodes are added to the memory of the
program, by the help of some additions, the application will handle
recognizing them. Moreover, the start up menu is open to additions or
removals, if necessary.

IV.Data Model and Description

This section will give information about the data objects, their
attributes and the complete data model.

1. Data Description

This section will give information about the data objects related to
this project, the relationship among them, the attributes of the data
objects and the complete data model with data objects functions

I. Data objects

The data objects are Products,Costs,Number of units and Sales

Person. Product data objects has six attributes called, ProductID,
ProductName , ProductCostPrice, ProductSellingPrice, No.ofUnits,
TotalPrice. Sales Person data object has only one attribute called
PersonID. Since our data is reduced from the input which is a real time
scene captured from a camera, sales person does not have many
attributes because it is a moving object in order to recognize and label
according to the specified rules of the application, and each identified
sales person will be treated in the same way.

ii. Relationships

Product and Salesperson data objects have a mutual relationship in

such a way that rayons include products.

iii. Data Dictionary


 ProductID : a unique number given to every product.

 ProductName : Name of the product.

 ProductCostpricdd: The cost information of each product.

 ProductSellingPrice: The selling rate information of each product.

 No.ofUnits: The total number of each product.

 TotalPrice: The total amount of all the products.

Sales Person

 PersonID: a unique number given to each Sales Person. There are no

other attributes in the sales person class which is unique for each sales
V. Behavioral Model and Description

Among the behavioral models, we decided that the best way to

represent our project is to use state machines since the application
performs a loop operation and does not terminate until the user wants to

1. Description for Software Behavior

The first state is the start state in which the application starts and
invokes enter the product selection mode event. In that state, the user
may choose to add an item to the chosen product list or delete an item
from the chosen product list. If adding event is chosen, the next step will
be add item to the chosen product list state, or if removing event is
chosen, the next step will be remove item from the chosen product list
state. After those events, if the user wants, he can add another items to
the list or delete another items from the list by following the same
states. When adding and deleting choices are finished, the list will be
loaded with the load event. Each of them are labelled according to their
features, when a product is recognized, it moves into product label state,
when recognized by the salesman. When the user wants the application
to go to end state, by the quit event the end state is achieved.

VI. Planning

In this part of the document, the structure of the team responsible

from the project, the basic schedule, and the process model will be

1. Team Structure

This team’s members have known each other for a long time and have
experience on division of labor since they have worked together on
several projects previously. Every member’s opinion is important to each
other and the experience and knowledge of developments tools are
nearly the same. Thus, our team’s structure is decided as “Democratic
de-centralized” structure. We plan to divide the workload equally.

2. Process Model

After examining the process models, our team decided on The

Incremental Model. In order to explain this model, one needs to explain
The Waterfall Model. The Waterfall Model , sometimes called The Classic
Life Cycle suggests a systematic sequential approach to software
development that begins with customer specification requirements and
progresses through planning, modelling, construction, and deployment,
communication. The Incremental Model combines the elements of the
waterfall model applied in iterative fashion. We have chosen this model
because the incremental model focuses on the delivery of an operational
product with each increment.

VII. Conclusion

This software requirements specification document gives

information about the project which implements augmented reality.
First, the real world problem is defined and the solution that our
application proposes is explained. This explanations includes basically
functionality of the application, interface requirements of the
application, performance, attributes,and design constraints imposed on
the implementation. In the overall description part, all of the functions

that this application will perform is explained one by one. User and
function relationships, user roles and characteristics are modeled.
Finally, we presented the team structure and basic expected schedule
and the process model of our team.


This includes several indexes to the document in an alphabetical order.


Database 6,8
Hardware 11
Management 4,5,9
Requirements 2,3,4,5,8,9,10,14,15,17,18,24
Software 3,4,8,9,11,18,22,24
Supermarket 4,5,6,9,11
System 4,5,8,9,11,16,19,24
User 2,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,14,15,16,18,


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