Indirect Evaporative Cooling - Past, Present and Future Potentials

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

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Indirect evaporative cooling: Past, present and future potentials

Zhiyin Duan a, Changhong Zhan b, Xingxing Zhang a, Mahmud Mustafa a, Xudong Zhao a,n,
Behrang Alimohammadisagvand c, Ala Hasan c
Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK
School of Architecture, Heilongjiang Cold Climate Architecture Science Key Laboratory, Harbin Institute of Technology, 66 Xidazhi Street 150001, China
School of Engineering, Department of Energy Technology, Aalto University, PO Box 14400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: This paper reported a review based study into the Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) technology, which
Received 27 March 2012 was undertaken from a variety of aspects including background, history, current status, concept,
Received in revised form standardisation, system configuration, operational mode, research and industrialisation, market
30 June 2012
prospect and barriers, as well as the future focuses on R&D and commercialisation. This review work
Accepted 15 July 2012
Available online 10 October 2012
indicated that the IEC technology has potential to be an alternative to conventional mechanical vapour
compression refrigeration systems to take up the air conditioning duty for buildings. Owing to the
Keywords: continuous progress in technology innovation, particularly the M-cycle development and associated
Indirect evaporative cooling heat and mass transfer and material optimisation, the IEC systems have obtained significantly
Heat and mass transfer
enhanced cooling performance over those the decade ago, with the wet-bulb effectiveness of greater
than 90% and energy efficiency ratio (EER) up to 80. Structure of the IEC heat and mass exchanger varied
Heat and mass exchanger
Effectiveness from flat-plate-stack, tube, heat pipe and potentially wave-form. Materials used for making the
Energy efficiency exchanger elements (plate/tube) included fibre sheet with the single side water proofing, aluminium
plate/tube with single side wicked setting (grooved, meshed, toughed etc), and ceramic plate/tube with
single side water proofing. Counter-current water flow relevant to the primary air is considered the
favourite choice; good distribution of the water stream across the wet surface of the exchanger plate
(tube) and adequate (matching up the evaporation) control of the water flow rate are critical to
achieving the expected system performance. It was noticed that the IEC devices were always in
combined operation with other cooling measures and the commonly available IEC related operational
modes are (1) IEC/DEC system; (2) IEC/DEC/mechanical vapour compression system; (3) IEC/desiccant
system; (4) IEC/chilled water system; and (5) IEC/heat pipe system. The future potential operational
modes may also cover the IEC-inclusive fan coil units, air handle units, cooling towers, solar driven
desiccant cycle, and Rankine cycle based power generation system etc. Future works on the IEC
technology may focus on (1) heat exchanger structure and material; (2) water flowing, distribution and
treatment; (3) incorporation of the IEC components into conventional air conditioning products to
enable combined operation between the IEC and other cooling devices; (4) economic, environment and
social impacts; (5) standardisation and legislation; (6) public awareness and other dissemination
measures; and (7) manufacturing and commercialisation. All above addressed efforts may help increase
the market ratio of the IEC to around 20% in the next 20 years, which will lead to significant saving of
fossil fuel consumption and cut of carbon emission related to buildings.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6824
2. History and current status of the indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6826
3. Basic concept and operational principle, performance evaluation methods/standards, system configuration and operational modes
related to the IEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6830
3.1. Basic concept of the IEC and its operational principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6830
3.1.1. Conventional IEC systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6830
3.1.2. M-Cycle IEC systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6831

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44 1482 466684; fax: þ44 1482 466664.
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Zhao).

1364-0321/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6824 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

3.2. Performance evaluation standards and indicative parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6832

3.2.1. Standards overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6832
3.2.2. Indicative parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6833
3.2.3. Summary of the IEC parametric performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6834
3.3. System configuration and operational mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6834
3.3.1. System configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6834
3.3.2. Operational mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6836
4. Researches and achievements related to the IEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6838
4.1. Material study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6838
4.2. Mathematical theory and computer simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6839
4.3. Experimental work and model validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6841
4.4. Effect of the water distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6842
4.5. M-cycle IEC systems and associated performance measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6845
4.6. Social-technical studies including energy saving, costing, payback, life cycle analyses, as well as environmental impact . . . . . . . . . 6845
5. The current market profile and potential barriers existing for marketing exploitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6846
5.1. Current market profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6846
5.2. Potential market barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6847
6. Future research focuses and trend of development relating to the indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6847
7. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6848
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6848
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6849

1. Introduction the heat. This kind of cycle was fully established and has been
in practical use for over 100 years. Owing to its relatively long
The building sector is responsible for around 30–40% of world history and massive scale production, the technology presents many
total energy consumption and similar proportion of global carbon advantages e.g., good stability in performance, low cost, long life
emission [1]. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) is cycle time and reasonable good energy performance (COP in the
the major energy user in a building and consumes around 50% of range of 2–4). However, this type of system has a major disadvan-
the total supplied energy [1]. Air-conditioning, representing an tage that lies in high demand to electricity for operation of the
important function of the HVAC system, is becoming increasingly compressor. Owing to the high dependency of fossil fuel burning in
crucial for many buildings, particularly those public types e.g., current electrical industry, this technology is regarded as neither
office blocks, supermarkets, sport centers, airports, factories etc, sustainable nor environmentally friendly [5].
owing to recent frequent warm spells, improved building insula- Absorption and adsorption cooling, as a potential alternative to
tion and growth of in-house heat generating appliances. In hot conventional mechanical vapour compression systems, remove
and/or arid regions e.g., Middle East, Far East and North American, need for the power-intensive compressor but add up requirement
air conditioning has become part of the people’s life need; whilst for high temperature vapour or water. The absorbent system is a
its use in mild climatic regions such as UK, Denmark and other liquid desiccant cycle comprising a desiccant absorber, regenera-
European regions is also rapidly growing [2]. During the hottest tor, condenser, evaporator, expansion vale and piping connec-
summer period when air conditioning is in full operation, many tions, as shown schematically in Fig. 2. This system would absorb
cities in China, Kuwait etc. [3], experienced difficult power-over- heat on one side (evaporator) to enable cooling of a medium (e.g.,
loads that often led to unwanted grid ‘cut-off’. Concerning with
the extensive need for air conditioning and growing pressure on
energy saving and carbon emission in building sector [4], seeking for
routes to reduce fossil fuel consumption and increase utilization of
natural or renewable energy during air conditioning process is of
particular importance.
Air conditioning market is currently dominated by the mechan-
ical vapour compression refrigeration system which, formed as a
loop (Fig. 1) comprising an evaporator, a condenser, a compressor
and an expansion valve, allows a refrigerant (e.g., R-22, R-134a,
R410A) to circulate around. Within the evaporator, the refrigerant
absorbs heat from the surrounding causing change of its phase from
liquid to vapour and subsequently the cooling of the surrounding
medium (e.g., water, air). Afterwards, the refrigerant is fed into the
compressor which, through delivering a significant electrical power,
enables generation of a high pressure, super-saturated refrigerant
vapour. This form of vapour then enters into the condenser; whereas
it loses heat to surrounding medium, leading to condensation of the
high pressure refrigerant vapour. Leaving off the condenser, the
refrigerant comes across an expansion valve which, through the
throttle effect, causes reduction of the refrigerant’s pressure. This
low pressure refrigerant is then back to the evaporator to recollect Fig. 1. Conventional vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6825

Nomenclatures Greek symbols

c specific heat at constant pressure, kJ/ (kg k) r density, kg/m3

V volumetric flow rate, m3/s e saturation effectiveness
m mass flow rate, kg/s
Q cooling capacity of evaporative cooler, kW Subscripts
t air flow temperature, 1C
w moisture content, kg/kg (dry air) f air
i enthalpy, kJ/kg w water
u air velocity, m/s p primary channel
W measured total power consumption, kW s secondary channel
ECER evaporative cooler efficiency ratio, measured at db dry bulb
tp,db,in ¼32.8 1C, tp,wb,in ¼20.6 1C, troom ¼26.7 1C wb wet bulb
COP coefficient of performance dp dew point
EER energy efficiency ratio, which is the COP multiplied in inlet
by 3.413. out outlet

air or water) and reject the absorbed heat on the other side Over the past decades, evaporative cooling, utilizing the
(condenser) simultaneously; whilst the absorber and generator in principle of water evaporation for heat absorbing, has gained
combination act as the thermal compressor of the system. Owing growing popularity for use in air conditioning [7–9], owing to its
to the need of an expensive and metal-corrosive chemical solution, simplicity in structure and good use of natural energy (i.e., latent
e.g., LiCl, LiBr, CaCl2 or KCOOH, the system configuration appears to heat of water) existing in ambient. This led to enhanced system
be complex and its cost is therefore high [6]. The adsorbent system COP in the range 15–20, which is significantly higher than that for
has a similar system construction to the absorbent system but uses conventional vapour compression and adsorption/absorption air
the desiccant wheel or beds as the replacement of the absorber and conditioning systems. Direct Evaporative Cooling (DEC) keeps the
regenerator, which accommodate a solid desiccant such as Silica gel, primary (product) air in direct contact with water, causing
Zeolites, Molecule sieves or Polymer. Both absorption and adsorp- evaporation of the water and reduction of temperature of the
tion systems need heat as a driving force and therefore are only air simultaneously. As a result, the vaporised water, in form of
suitable for occasions where heat source is available. These systems vapour, is added into the air, which often creates wetter air
have a relatively lower thermal COP in the range 0.4–1.2, which lead condition and causes discomfort to the residents. To overcome
to intensive use of heat energy. Further, relatively complex system this difficulty, Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) was brought into
configuration containing pressurised and de-pressurised components consideration. In an IEC, water is separated from the primary
in the absorption and adsorption systems reduces their attraction to (product) air using the heat exchanging plate [10,11]. During
users [6]. operation, evaporation of the water occurs in one side of the
plate where the secondary (working) air moves along; while the
primary (product) air flows across the other side. Evaporation of
the water causes reduction of the temperature of the plate,
resulting in heat transfer between the primary air and the plate.
Meanwhile, the vaporised water is taken away by the secondary
(working) air across the wet-side of plate. By doing so, the
primary air is cooled but no moisture is added into it, which is
ideal for purpose of building air conditioning. Owing to this
advantage, Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) has potential to
become a feasible alternative to conventional mechanical vapour
compression systems, which would lead to realisation of low
(zero) carbon air conditioning served for buildings.
Biggest problem facing the Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC)
technology lies in its high level of dependency to ambient air
condition. The driving force of either direct or indirect evapora-
Fig. 2. Absorption cooling cycle. tive cooling is the temperature difference between the dry-bulb

Table 1
A general comparison between the currently available air conditioning systems.

System Mechanical vapour compression Absorption/adsorption Evaporative cooling


Features Dominate the air conditioning market Driven by heat (waste, renewable or gas) with Using water as the cooling medium
Mature technology with stable performance limited application Simple system configuration and
and low cost Complex system configuration and operational status operational status
Driven by electricity with COP of 2 to 3 Low COP: 0.4–1.2 High dependency to the ambient
Energy intensive Energy intensive condition
High COP: 15 to 20
Energy economic
6826 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

and wet-bulb (or dew point) of the process air, which, in humid or The modern evaporative cooling devices were originated from
mild climate regions, is very small and thus leads to very limited USA. In early 1900s, air washers were invented at New England
system cooling capacity. Further, instability of the ambient air and Southern Coastline and used for cleaning and cooling air in
condition (temperature/humidity) also causes unsteady operation textile mills and factories. During that period, several air cooling
of the Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) system [12]. A general devices including the direct and indirect coolers were also found
comparison among the above mentioned air conditioning systems in Southwest (Arizona and California) region [13]. In late 1930s,
is indicated in Table 1. many houses and business spaces at Southwest were equipped
To understand the performance, current status, advantages with individually made water dripping air coolers which, when
and disadvantages of the Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC), entering into early 1950s, were developed into the massively
identify difficulties and barriers remaining in the application of producing products and obtained wide range of market places
this type of system, find out routes toward the enhanced system including USA, Canada, and Australia.
performance, and study the system’s operational modes, a com- Owing to the distinguished advantage of the Indirect Evaporative
prehensive review and subsequent analysis into the Indirect Cooling over the direct one, i.e., no moisture added into the air thus
Evaporative Cooling (IEC) technology is critically needed and enabling hygiene air quality, this type of air treatment has gained
therefore conducted hereby as the major work of the paper. growing attention and fast development over the past few decades.
Further, future research focuses on this topic and market poten- Research, production and practical application related to the IEC were
tial of the IEC products were also studied. all rapidly flourishing. From research point of view, focuses were
given to (1) computer model set-up of the heat and mass exchanger
and accuracy verification and modification using the test results [14–
20], optimisation of the geometrical configuration and operational
2. History and current status of the indirect evaporative condition related to the exchanger [21], analyses of the system
cooling (IEC) technology performance in terms of cooling effectiveness, COP, moisture entrains
dissipation and thermal resistance [7,8], lab and onsite testing of the
Appearance of evaporative cooling occurred at around 2500 exchanger and whole IEC system [22–26], study of the method
B.C., during which the ancient Egyptians made use of water- enabling effective air conditioning for buildings by using the indirect
containing porous clay jars for purpose of air cooling. This evaporative cooling system and other associated cooling measures, as
mechanism was also applied into ancient Egypt buildings and well as economic and environmental analyses [10,25,27]. In recent
further spread across the Middle East regions where the climates years, a new type of indirect evaporative cooling system, known as
are always at hot and arid state. Numerous similar built-ups such ‘dew point cooling’, was developed enabling the outlet air to be
as porous water pots, water ponds, pools, and thin water chutes cooled to the degree below the wet-bulb of the inlet air and approach
appeared in that time being and many of those were combined its relevant dew point, which was viewed as a breakthrough
into the building constructions in order to create the buildings’ against traditional direct/indirect evaporative cooling. Researches
cooling effects [13].

Table 2
Selected evaporative cooling manufacturers and their product specifications.

No Manufacturer Product model Technical specifications

1 Munters group [ Oasis EPX Hybrid IEC/DX system

us/en/us/Products–Services] 5,000 to 15,000 cfm
41 to 112 Cooling Tonnage
Based condition: 110F1 DB and 75F1 WB
Maximum EER over 100
Recover 50% of the heat exhausted from the space in winter

Oasis PFC Reject up to 2.7 million BTUs of heat at design conditions

62 to 247 GPM Wet/307–1228 MBH Heat Rejection—Wet Operation: 951F DB, 781F WB;
EWT 951F, LWT 851F
72 to 288 GPM Wet/359 to 1436 MBH Heat Rejection—Dry Operation, 501F DB, 451F WB;
EWT 951F, LWT 851F

2 Coolerado Corporation [ M30/M50/C60, Stand Alone Indirect Evaporative Cooling] 450/710/710 W or less power consumption
Conditioned air flow: 1,530/2,460/2,700 m3/h
EER 40þ(Energy Efficiency Ratio)

H 80, Hybrid Hybrid IEC/and two stage compressor system.

EER 21þ ; an EER of 21.7 at 1051F and an EER of 51.8 at 901F annual test conditions
Conditioned air flow at 2.700 m3/h with 174.02 Pa external ducting losses

RF100, Pre-cooling Indirect Evaporative Cooling

Significant energy savings—up to 90% in arid climates
High-efficiency hybrid Coolerado cooling with cooling capacity up to 25 t.
Combined EER of 20þ

3 Speakman CRS [www. OASYS Indirect/direct (Two stage) evaporative cooling] 110% of evaporative effectiveness,
80% of energy savings potential
2.8 gal/ton-hr of water use
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6827

Table 2 (continued )

No Manufacturer Product model Technical specifications

4 AIR GROUP AUSTRALIA [ CoolBreeze, Cascade Model Series Direct Evaporative Cooling (C125 to C240)/(D095 to D255) Energy input: 600–1,000 W
coolbreeze-model-range.html] Cooling power: 9–16.5 kW/7–17 kW
Supply flow rate: 10,000–18,500/7,500–19,500 m3/h

5 CARRIER [] Brivis Contour Series (L24 to L64)/ Direct Evaporative Cooling
(P24 to P64)/(F24D to F54D) Cooling capacity: 8.9–16.7 kW/8.6-16 kW/8.6–15.4 kW (on basis of AS2913-2000)

6 CLIMATE TECHNOLOGY [ Celair Profile Series (PS 500 to 850) Direct Evaporative Cooling] [www. Air output flow rate: 9,326–15,986 (m3/h) Energy input: 600–750 W
Bonaire Integra Series (VSS50 – Direct Evaporative Cooling
VSL75)/(SBS50 – SBL 75) Residential ducted
Supply flow rate: 9,085–17,766 (m3/h)
Energy input: 970–1,540 W

Bonaire B&C Series (B18 – B36 and Direct Evaporative Cooling

700C – 1500C) Commercial ducted
Supply flow rate: 9,360–57,060 (m3/h)
Energy input: 750–10,000 W

Bonaire Seasonmaker DF Direct Evaporative Cooling

Commercial, window-mounted
Supply flow rate: 13,300 (m3/h)
Energy input: 425 W

7 SEELEY INTERNATIONAL [ Coolair Series (CPL450–CPL1100)/ Direct Evaporative Cooling] [ Braemar Series (LCB250–LCB550)/ 85% of Evaporation efficiency
au/y/evaporative-air-conditioners.pdf] Breezair Series (EXH130–EZH215)/ Energy input: 335–750 W/360–930 W/500–1,500 W/500–1500 W/
Cooling power: 7.3–14.1 kW/8–14.7 kw/8.4–15.4 kw/
Supply flow rate: 2,340 to 10,080 m3/h

Braemar Commercial EA series Direct Evaporative Cooling

(EA90–EA150) 85% of Evaporation efficiency
Energy input: 550–1,500 W
Supply flow rate: 6,840–11,340 m3/h

Braemar Commercial RPA series Direct Evaporative Cooling

(RPA400–RPA900) 85% of Evaporation efficiency
Energy input: 1,100–4,500 W
Supply flow rate: 14,760–31,716 m3/h

Braemar Commercial RPB series Direct Evaporative Cooling

(RPB600–RPB1800) 85% of Evaporation efficiency
Energy input: 2,000–15,000 W
Supply flow rate: 22,032–63,684 m3/h

Braemar Commercial RPC series Direct Evaporative Cooling

(RPC250–RPC450) 85% of Evaporation efficiency
Energy input: 560–1,500 W
Supply flow rate: 6,840–12,240 m3/h

8 AMAX [ AMAX series (AMAX 055 – AMAX Indirect/Direct

html] 200) 5,500 to 20,000 cfm
Adiabatic effectiveness 115–140%
EER 40þ
Water Evaporation: 77–280 LPH

9 United Metal Products [ IDU Series (End discharge, Down Indirect-only or Indirect-Direct cooling] discharge and Up discharge) 4,000 cfm to over 58,500 cfm as standard
78 cataloged sizes and Custom sizes availalbe
ETL labeling available

10 WESTAIRE ENGINEERING INC [http:// Two Stage Indirect/Direct Comply with UL 1995/CSA C22.2 No. 236 s edition and bear ETL labels Evaporative Cooler Meet the requirements of the United States Government Military MIL-OC-22949C
htm] Capacity for standard units 3,000 cfm to 25,000 cfm

Cel-pack Evaporative Cooler Comply with (UL 1995/CSA C22.2 No. 236 s edition) and bear ETL labels
Self-contained unit incorporating Cel-dek media
Cross-fluted self-cleaning design of pads
Standard capacities range from 4,000 cfm to 42,000 cfm and special units are built up to
130,000 cfm

Rotary-Type Evaporative Cooler Comply with the United States Military Specifications (MIL-OC-22948C)
Evaporative efficiency is minimum 85% at 20F wet bulb depression
Capacity for standard units 2,000 cfm to 30,000 cfm
6828 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

Table 2 (continued )

No Manufacturer Product model Technical specifications

11 Dynamic Air Technology Inc [http:// D-MEC Media Type Direct Evaporative Cooler] Deep CELdek or GLASdek media
Range from 2,500 cfm to 46,000 cfm and special units could be built up to 120,000 cfm

D-IDC Two Stage Inderct/Direct Eavaporative Cooler

Deep CELdek or GLASdek media
Range from 2,000 cfm to 30,000 cfm, and special units could be built up to 60,000 cfm

12 EcoCooling Ltd [ ECPD/S/T Direct Evaporative Cooling] Cooling pads are Munters Celdek honeycomb, saturation efficiencies in the range of 85–89%
Water: supply minimum 1 bar max 7 bar. Minimu supply 500 l/h
Electrical supply: 240 V 50 Hz. 12A start 3A running

ECP CREC Direct Evaporative Cooling

Nominal Air Flow Rate: 6,000–12,000 m3/h

ECPSDU Direct Evaporative Cooling

Each system requires a minimum of 4 m3/s ventilation to maintain efficiency and
Water flow rate: minimum 500 l/h

ECM Direct Evaporative Cooling

Producing a flow rate of up to 7,000 m3/h
Designed to meet all European electrical, water and other safety legislation
Cooling pads are Munters Celdek honeycomb, saturation efficiencies in the range of 85–89%
Single phase, two speed 700 W motor

ECPWB Wetbox Direct Evaporative Cooling

Nominal pressure Drop and Maximum Flow Rate: (1) Down and Top Discharge: 52 pa and
14,400 maximum flow rate; (2) Side Discharge: 52 Pa and 10,800 cum/h maximum
flow rate
Electrical supply: 240 V 50 Hz. 3A running
Water: supply mini. 1 bar/max. 7 bar. Mini supply 500 l/h

12 Sierra Fresh Air Systems [ EVAP Evaporative Cooling System Single-stage Direct Evaporative Cooling series (ZEC130 and ZEC210) cfm RANGE: 11,000–14,000 (ZEC130), 15,000–23,000 (ZEC210)
efficient_outdoor_air_products.asp] NOMINAL COOLING EFFICIENCY RANGE: 87.0–88.0% (ZEC130), 86.0–89.5% (ZEC210)

EVAP Indirect/Direct Evaporative Multi-stage rooftop evaporative cooling system

Cooling System - Model Aztec (ASC- cfm RANGE: 1,500–37,500
5 to ASC-75) NOMINAL COOLING EFFICIENCY: Indirect Only—75%, Indirect/Direct - 110–118%

13 Norman S. Wright/Airelink Mechanical Rooftop Ducted Evaporative Coolers Direct Evaporative Coolinig
[ (ES/ED330 to ES/ED 630) Performance capabilities of 1,900 cfm to 4,900 cfm
index_choice.htm] Cooling power: 1/3–3/4 HP
Input power: 1,008–1,440 W

Commercial/Industrial Evaporative Direct Evaporative Coolinig

Coolers (ED/ES830, ED/ES213 and Capacities up to 21,000 cfm
ED/ES143) Cooling power: 0.75–7.5 W
Input power: 1,426–4,416 W
Water usage: 28–96 GPH, Based on 401F wet bulb depression (Includes Bleed-off)

14 Aolan(Fujian) Industry Co., Ltd[http:// Mobile Series (AZL008 to AZL035)/ Direct evaporative cooling] Windows unit/Windows series Airflow: 800–6,000/4,000–7,000/16,000–50,000 m3/h
(AZL16 to AZL50) Output cooling power: 0.02–0.55/0.06–0.25/0.37–13 kW

15 XinJiang Green Refreshing Agel Air Indirect evaporative water chiller Chilled water flow rate: 20–120 t/h (SZHJ-S-I-1), 13–78 t/h (SZHJ-S-I-2)
Environment Co. Ltd [ Series (SZHJ-S-I-1 and SZHJ-S-I-2) Maximum cooling ability: 115–690 kW (SZHJ-S-I-1), 150–900 kW (SZHJ-S-I-2)] Maximum allowable temperature difference between supply and return water: 51 (SZHJ-S-
I-1), 10 1C(SZHJ-S-I-2)
Fan power consumption: 5.5–22.5 kW(SZHJ-S-I-1), 6.25–25.8 kW(SZHJ-S-I-2)

Ceiling Multi-stage IEC Air Handler Air flow rate: 2,000–10,000 m3/h
Series (Model 02 to 10), Cooling only Fan power consumption: 0.8–3 kW
Evaporation efficiency of DEC section: 0–90%
Water usage: 12–60 kg/h

Horizontal Multi-stage IEC Air Air flow rate: 2,000–60,000 m3/h

Handler Series (Model 02 to 60), Fan power consumption: 0.8–30 kW
Cooling only Evaporation efficiency of DEC section: 0–90%
Water usage: 12–360 kg/h
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6829

Table 3
The selected engineering project using IEC/DEC technologies.

No Project information

1 Project: Evaluation of an OASys Indirect-Direct Evaporative Cooler Retrofit []

Product Supplier: Speakman CRS
Project profile: Installed at 2006 in a Sacramento area PATH demonstration house. Before the OASys installation, the 43-year old house was air-conditioned
exclusively using a 5-ton AC system. The house also included an existing (but no longer functional) roof mounted evaporative cooler. SWA evaluated the drop-in
replacement of the existing evaporative cooler with the OASys, interviewing the HVAC contractor and homeowner and installing long term monitoring equipment
in order to quantify:
OASys and AC energy use
OASys cooling capacity over a range of outdoor conditions
Indoor house temperature and relative humidity

This evaluation effort was co-funded through the Building America Program and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD). Results indicate that (1) The
cooling capacity of the OASys is comparable to that of a typical 2-ton AC system and (2) The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of the OASys is roughly 3 times greater
than that of a SEER 14 AC system.

2 Project: Evaporative Cooling for Badwater, California [

Product Supplier: Munters
Project profile: To meet ventilation requirements of the 2001 California Title 24 Energy Code as well as ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 both called for a minimum
outdoor air quantity of 1.5 cfm per square foot of auto shop floor space, a total outdoor air requirement of 18,000 cfm for the two shops is needed. With California’s
severe energy shortages in 2001, the decision was made to use an Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling Unit (IDEC) design rather than refrigeration. On a 1211F
design day, the two-stage evaporative cooling systems would deliver 681F to the conditioned space, allowing the indoor temperature to be maintained at 851F or
lower while introducing the code required outdoor air quantity. This system would consume only 0.2 kW per ton (kw/ton) of electrical energy for sensible cooling
of the space compared to the more conventional air-cooled refrigeration design which would require 1.2 kW/ton or worse at the higher ambient dry-bulb
conditions. Till October 8, 2005, the IEC/DEC equipment had completed three years of operation. It was noticed that the cadmium plated bolts had deteriorated to
the point that they crumbled as they were removed. After the panels were removed it was also determined that
the sump pump and the metal box surrounding the pump had considerable hardness deposits on the surfaces.
the scavanger side of the ABS plastic tubes were free of harmful deposits
the remainder of the equipment was clean and in like new condition
the equipment was operating as intended, delivering the cfm and temperature as specified.

3 Project: The Cooling of Green House Data

Product Supplier: Coolerado
Project profile: Green House Data—a 100% wind powered data center in Cheyenne, Wyoming—began its business in 2008 with the mission to build a super-
energy-efficient client server and data storage system. Like every data center, Green House Data which was 2000 square footage with an upcoming add of 3,000
needed a reliable air conditioning system that would cool its server room 24 h a day, seven days a week—without fail. Traditional cooling methods would have
taken an enormous amount of energy throughout the year.
By using 14 Coolerado M50’s, in two years, Green House Data had reduced its cooling bill by 90% and had experienced an overall total energy reduction in the data
center of 40%. Besides providing Green House Data with a dramatic reduction in energy savings and an increase in sustainability, Coolerado also met the
company’s reliability needs. In addition, the modular installation system provided a critical backup option, so if an air conditioner needed to be taken offline, it
wouldn’t impact the servers or operation.

4 Project: Application of Dew Point Indirect Evaporative Cool Technique in Textile Mill
[Du Lei. Application of Dew Point Indirect Evaporative Cool Technique in Textile Mill. Progress in Textile Science & Technology. 2009, No. 3: 50–52]
Product Supplier: Unavailable
Project profile: As pre-cooling, combined with mechanical cooling system, the dew point indirect evaporative cooling technique was adopted in by a textile mill
with 1200 m2 in Shaoxing of Zhejiang province China. Through test and calculating, the dew point indirect evaporative cooling section could lower temperature 6–
8 1C and maintain room relative humidity between 70–85%. Complete fresh air could improve workshop air quality; the use of hybrid system could save energy
14% comparing to simple mechanism refrigeration air conditioning.

5 Project: Three Stages Evaporative Cooling in a functional building located in Karamay of Xinjiang Province China [Huang Xiang, Qu Yuan and Di Yuhui. Application
of multi-stage evaporative cooling air conditioning system to northwest China. HV & AC. 2004, Vol. 34, No.6: 67–71]
Product Supplier: XinJiang Green Refreshing Agel Air Environment Co. Ltd
Project profile:
General information of this hospital building: (a) Floor No: 13 in total; (b) Area: 2,000 m2; (c) Room type: Lecture room and lounge hall
Air conditioning system: (a) Model: SZHJ-III-50; (b) 3 stages evaporative air conditioning system (IEC þ IECþDEC); (c) Air flow rate: 5000 m3/h; (d) Design
sensible cooling load: 700 kW;(e) Date of start in operation: July 2001
Operation performance test and conclusions

Time: 15:52–17:54
Date: 12/August/2001
Test results: outdoor air 36 1C db/20 1C wb; supply air: 15.5 1C db/14.5 1C wb

6 Project: Indirect-Direct Evaporative Cooling at McCarran Airport, Las Vegas Nevada

Product Supplier: Des Champs Technologies
Project profile: Des Champs Technologies developed an indirect evaporative cooling system for the McCarran
Airport Terminal in Las Vegas, Nevada. The system consists of 15 Des Champs IDEC units ranging in size from 8,000 cfm to 28,000 cfm, for a total of 280,000 cfm of
equipment. The IEC system uses an EPX polymer heat exchanger that resists mineral buildup, which is a major challenge to the use of evaporative cooling in Las Vegas
because of hard water conditions. The Des Champs system provides cold supply air with an EER of 42, which is much more efficient than refrigeration based systems.

7 Project: Pharmaceutical Warehouse

Product Supplier: Ecocooling
Project profile: Merck Sante, based in the French city of Orleans, manufactures and distributes pharmaceutical products. Their main warehouse is required to
operate under the conditions of ‘controlled room temperature’ which for their range of products is less than 250 1C. Eighteen down discharge EcoCooling
6830 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

Table 3 (continued )

No Project information

ECP16000 evaporative coolers were installed feeding high level plenum chambers. These positively pressurize the warehouse and air is extracted using automatic
vents. The coolers are all linked to a common control panel. Temperature is monitored at three levels in the warehouse and the coolers controlled accordingly. A
humidistat ensures that the internal humidity does not exceed 85%. The principle of mean kinetic temperature can be applied to pharmaceutical storage using the
Arrhenius Equation. The graph opposite shows that on a 40 1C day the ambient MKT is 33 1C. The output of an evaporative cooler in these conditions gives a MKT of
25 1C which meets the storage criteria for this range of pharmaceutical products.

8 Project: Roxby Downs Leisure Centre []

Product Supplier: Seeley International Pty Ltd
Project profile: Roxby Downs Leisure Centre is located at BHP Billiton Roxby Downs Village, South Australia. The task is to provide low energy consumption
cooling to the leisure center complex. The complex has a limited power supply capacity, so any solution had to be very efficient, but still provide full comfort when the
center is fully occupied. Twelve Climate Wizard air conditioners were installed under the main roof, within the plant room and connected to a manifold and ducts to
each zone. A building management system (BMS) provides flexibility of control and zone selection. In normal operation, the system operates at a coefficient of
performance (COP) of around 20 (EER 68.4), compared to the originally proposed alternative refrigerated system, which had a COP of about 3.2 (EER 10.3).

9 Project: Martin-Baker Aircraft Company []

Product Supplier: Aircon Services
Project profile:
Company—Martin-Baker Aircraft Company were experiencing temperatures of up to 401 centigrade in various buildings at their Denham manufacturing site, and
were also looking to improve their electrical efficiency. The company has a 22 acre site, making ejection seats and aviator survival equipment.
Objective—To cool various departments such as Auto Anodising, None Destructive Tests (NDT), the Kitchen (431 centigrade), Sewing Room, Parachute Packing and
Offices. All the departments required different approaches for the provision of ‘Cooled’ air.
Task—We installed Evaporative Cooling and Extraction systems. This generated 100% fresh, filtered air, healthier working conditions and around 80% savings on
conventional air conditioning. We fitted each department with a different air supply, with simple Ducts, specialized Plenums, Polymer Grilles, and bespoke
Ventilation Socks.
Result–All departments were cooled to around 211 centigrade, including the Kitchen. The Ventilation ‘Socks’ provided cooled air virtually draft free.

10 Project: Hewland Engineering []

Product Supplier: Clean Air Group
Project profile: At the recommendation of an existing client, Hewland Engineering, Clean Air were asked to reduce the temperatures of their stores and machining
areas. Twelve Cool Breeze QAD230 (DEC Type) units were fitted, alongside a pair of extract fans that compliment the existing passive roof ventilation units. Each
Cool Breeze unit is individually controlled to provide different temperature zones between the areas.
The results proved so impressive that the factory became a more comfortable environment than the large open plan offices. These were being cooled using an old
water chiller that supplied numerous indoor fan coils. The result is not just a comfortable working environment and contented staff, but also energy savings of up
to 80% and low maintenance costs.

into this type of system were reported in numerous literature If the product air of the IEC system travels in a counter flow
sources [11,23,28–34]. manner to the working air at an appropriate air-flow-ratio and
From production point of view, several hundred of manufac- across an infinite surface area, the temperature of the product air
turers are currently in operation across the world including several in the dry side of the plate will reach the wet-bulb temperature of
most prominent businesses e.g., Munters Group, Coolerado et al. the incoming working air. The temperature of the working air in
Table 2 provides a list of global level IEC/DEC manufacturers and the wet side of the plate will be lowered from its incoming dry-
their production information. bulb temperature to the incoming wet-bulb temperature. How-
From application point of view, larger quantity of building ever, the actual effect is that only 40–80% of the incoming air wet-
installations are found in hot and (or) arid climate regions such as bulb temperature can be achieved [20]. The reasons for the
Middle East, Asia and North American. Use of the IEC/DEC in mild reduced cooling effectiveness are investigated, giving identifica-
climatic regions e.g., Europe, is still small in terms of its sale tion of several attributing facts: (1) there is limited heat-exchan-
volume and number of building installations. Table 3 provides the ging-surface area; (2) none pure counter flow pattern could be
information related to several most notable IEC/DEC engineering achievable; and (3) uniform and even water distribution over the
practices. wet sides of the plate is hard to obtain.
Fig. 3 presents the working principle and psychometric illus-
tration of the air treatment process relating to an indirect
3. Basic concept and operational principle, performance evaporative cooling operation. During operation, the primary
evaluation methods/standards, system configuration and (product) air enters into the dry channel while the secondary
operational modes related to the IEC (working) air enters into the adjacent wet channel. The primary
air is cooled by the sensible heat transfer between the primary air
3.1. Basic concept of the IEC and its operational principle and the plate, which is induced by the latent heat transfer relating
to water evaporation from the plate’s wet surface to secondary
3.1.1. Conventional IEC systems air. As a result, the primary air (state 1) is cooled at the constant
Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) systems can lower air moisture content and moves towards the wet-bulb temperature
temperature without adding moisture into the air, making them of the inlet secondary air; whereas the secondary air of sate 1 is
the more attractive option over the direct ones. In an indirect gradually saturated and changed into state 20 at its earlier flow
evaporative air cooling system, the primary (product) air passes path, then heated when moving along the flow path and finally
over the dry side of a plate, and the secondary (working) air discharged to atmosphere in the saturated state 3. It should be
passes over the opposite wet side. The wet side air absorbs heat noted that to enable heat transfer between the dry side air to wet
from the dry side air with aid of water evaporation on the wet side air, the state 3 should have a lower temperature than the
surface of the plate and thus cools the dry side air; while the state 2 and theoretically speaking, the enthalpy decrease of the air
latent heat of the vaporized water is transmitted into the working within the dry side channel is equal to the enthalpy increase of
air in the wet side. the air within the wet side channel, i.e., h1  h2 ¼h3 h1.
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6831

Intake air 1 Dry channel 2 Product air

Exhaust air 3 Wet channel Water 1 Working air


2 1
W1 W2

Wet surfaces
Tw T3 T2 T1

Fig. 3. Conventional IEC heat and mass exchanger. (a) Working principle of the indirect evaporative cooling, (b) Configuration of the type IEC heat and mass exchanger and
(c) Psychrometric illustration of the air treatment process in the IEC heat and mass exchanger [24,28,30].

Fig. 4. Principle of the heat and mass exchanger based on M-cycle and its representation on psychrometric chart [33].

channels of the heat exchanger, and cooled when moving along

the flow path owing to the established temperature difference
between the dry and wet side of the exchanger plates. When passing
Product air off
across the perforated holes, part of the air, known as the ‘working (or
secondary) air’, is diverted into the adjacent wet channels. Within the
wet channels, the air travels in normal direction to the dry channel
air, taking away the evaporated water from the saturated wet surface
We of the plate and receiving the sensible heat transferred across the
plate. As a result, the working (secondary) air is gradually saturated
and heated when travelling across the flow paths, and finally
Working Working
air off discharged to ambient, leading to the state change from point 30 ,
air off
300 to 3. Meanwhile, the remaining air in the dry channel continues to
move forward and at the end of its flow path, is cooled to a state
below its relative wet bulb and close to its dew point. Compared to
Dry channels the conventional IEC heat exchanger, this M-cycle exchanger will
Product air in Product air in produce a much colder airflow to be delivered to the room space,
thus generating the increased cooling output. Due to its potential in
Fig. 5. Schematic of a heat and mass exchange module based on M-cycle [29].
reaching the dew point of the product air, the approach is also
known as ‘dew point (M-cycle) cooling’. A test indicated that the M-
3.1.2. M-Cycle IEC systems cycle based heat exchanger could obtain a wet bulb effectiveness of
To enhance cooling performance of the IEC heat exchanger, a 81–91% and dew point effectiveness of 50–60% [29], which is
novel thermodynamic cycle, known as the M-cycle [11,29,33], 10–30% higher than that of the conventional IEC heat exchangers.
was proposed by Professor Valeriy Maisotenko as the new Although the M-cycle cross-flow heat exchanger has achieved
approach of making and operating a heat exchanger. This cycle distinctive increase in the cooling effectiveness relative to the
was claimed to enable harnessing extra amount of energy from conventional IEC heat exchanger, its operation is still facing
the ambient using a dedicated flat plate, cross-flow and perfo- several limitations: (1) the working air is not fully cooled as high
rated heat exchanger, as shown schematically in Figs. 4 and 5. proportion of it is gradually diverted into the adjacent wet
During operation, all part of air is initially brought into the dry channels early on in the flow path, and (2) the structure creates
6832 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

Saturation Line

Absolute Humidity
2 1

Dry Bulb Temperature

Fig. 6. Structure and operation of the M-cycle counter-flow heat exchanger for indirect evaporative cooling. (a) Structure illustration and (b) air treatment
process—psychometric [30].

a cross air flow pattern that is unfavourable to heat exchanging. amendment to the approach of rating the Indirect Evaporative
This limited its dew-point/wet-bulb cooling effectiveness to the Coolers, taking into account flow rates and dry/wet bulb tem-
level of around 50–60% and 80–90% [29], respectively. To further peratures of the primary/secondary airstreams. To enable quanti-
enhance the cooling effectiveness of the IEC systems, a M-cycle tative measure of the IEC performance, California Appliance
counter-flow heat exchanger was recently developed by the Efficiency Regulations defined a new parameter namely ‘Evapora-
authors. The structure and operation of this type of exchanger is tive Cooler Efficiency Ratio’, which is the ratio of the cooling
shown schematically in Fig. 6 [30]. Unlike the M-cycle cross-flow delivery volume to electrical power needed for an IEC under the
exchanger that has the perforated holes widely spreading across specific lab-controlled operational condition.
the flow paths, the new exchanger positions those holes to the In Australia, AS/NZS 2913-2000 is the sole standard applicable to
end of the flow channels (end side of the exchanging sheet). evaluation of the performance of the DEC and IEC systems. This
During operation, both the product and working air are directed standard provided method for measuring the most important
into the dry channels, losing heat to the adjacent wet channels parameters including dry/wet bulb temperature, air flow rate,
and at the end of each channel, all parts of air are cooled to a level evaporation efficiency, and electrical consumption, and indicated
approaching the inlet air’s dew point. At this end, part of the air that the measurement should be undertaken at the controlled inlet
(product air) is delivered to the building space and the remaining air condition, i.e., 38 1C inlet air dry bulb, 20 1C inlet air wet bulb, and
air (working air) is diverted to the adjacent wet channels, where it 27.4 1C room temperature. In this document, no water consumption
travels on an opposite direction to the dry channel air. Compared was addressed and the multi-stage systems were not given
to the cross-flow heat exchanger, the M-cycle counter-flow heat consideration.
exchanger was found several advantages: (1) the working air In Iran, the labelling system was applied to assess the perfor-
travels to the end of the dry channels and therefore could be fully mance of the evaporative air coolers. This system, adopting the
cooled, leading to increased temperature difference and heat European concept, divided the cooling units into 7 grades in terms of
transfer between the two air streams, and (2) counter-air-flow the energy efficiency: grade 1 is most energy efficient, represented
pattern could be created to enable enhanced heat transfer by the shortest, green colour bar, while the grade 7 is the least
between the product and working air streams. Both simulation energy efficient with presence of longest, red colour bar. This
and experiments indicated that the M-cycle counter-flow exchan- system, released in 1999 with the aim of encouraging promotion
ger offered greater (around 20% higher) cooling capacity, and of energy efficiency of the IEC and DEC products, has become the
greater (15–23% higher) dew-point and wet-bulb effectiveness first of this kind method guiding the testing and rating process of
than the M-cycle cross-flow exchanger of the same physical size the evaporative cooling products. To enable comparison of the
and under the same operating conditions [28]. efficiency of different evaporative coolers with the same rated cfm,
the EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) was used as the unit to assess
3.2. Performance evaluation standards and indicative parameters energy efficiency. This energy label, viewed as a useful marketing
tool, has now been widely accepted by Iran’s IEC and DEC manu-
3.2.1. Standards overview facturers. It was addressed that all tests should comply with the
A review into standards relating to testing and rating of the IEC Iranian Test Standards No. 4910 and No. 4911, which is viewed as
systems was conducted. No international IEC related standard the equivalent issue to the Australia Standard 2913-2000. Again, no
was found to be in existence; however, numerous regional/ water consumption was addressed in this document.
national standards of this kind were well in place. The most well IS3315, initially published in 1974 and later updated in 1991
known IEC standards are (1) ANSI/ASHRAE Standards (133-2008/ by the BIS Bureau of Indian Standards, is the sole standard used in
143-2007) [35,36] and California Appliance Efficiency Regulations India to guide the testing and rating processes of the evaporative
(USA) [37]; (2) AS/NZS 2913-2000 (Australia) [38]; (3) Labeling air coolers. In Saudi Arabia where climates are at hot and arid
Program (Iran) [39]; (4) IS 3315-1974 (India) [40]; (5) SASO35/36 state, use of evaporative cooling has been the common practice as
(Saudi Arabia) [41,42]; (6) C22.2 No 104 (Canada) [43]; and part of building air conditioning measures. To meet the require-
(7) GB/T 25860-2010 (China) [44]. ment of design, production and installation of the IEC and DEC
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 133-2008 provided the method applic- products, SASO 35 and 36 were published in 1997 by Saudi
able to USA for testing of Direct Evaporative Air Coolers, which Arabian Standards Organisation (SASO) and treated as the gui-
contained detailed instruction to measurement of the IEC opera- dance towards the measurement and rating of the IEC and DEC
tional parameters i.e., cooling (saturation) effectiveness, airflow products. In Canada, C22.2 No 104: Humidifiers and Evaporative
rate, power, COP, pressure drop, air density and fan rotation speed Coolers, was developed and published in 1983, and updated in
etc. On this basis, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 143-2007 made further 1989 by CSA International.
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6833

In China, the first IEC/DEC standard namely, GB/T 25860-2010 The standard and M-cycle IEC systems could achieve wet bulb
Evaporative Air Cooler, was developed in 2010. This standard effectiveness of 50–80% and 80–90%, respectively. It is under-
addressed various issues related to the IEC/DEC including terms, stood that the wet-bulb (dew point) cooling effectiveness of
definitions, types, requirements, testing procedures, signs, packa- the IEC systems are the issues in relation to the geometrical
ging, transportation and storage. It is considered as the legal and operational conditions of the IEC heat exchanger, parti-
document applicable to the IEC/DEC related productions and cularly uniformity of water and air distribution across the
building installations. channels and heat transfer surface [22,29,30,45,46]. Fig. 7
3.2.2. Indicative parameters presents the relationship between the wet-bulb effectiveness
Review of the IEC/DEC standards indicated that the perfor- and associated operational parameters [46]. The wet-bulb
mance of an IEC system could be represented by several char- effectiveness of the IEC is found to decrease with increasing
acteristic parameters including (1) wet-bulb or dew point air velocity and decreasing the secondary-to-primary air ratio,
effectiveness; (2) evaporative cooler efficiency ratio; (3) cooling while the pressure drop increases with increasing the air
capacity; (4) power consumption; (5) energy efficiency; (6) water velocity.
evaporation rate; (7) secondary-to-primary air ratio; (8) pressure (2) Evaporative cooler efficiency ratio (ECER)
loss; and (9) air flow rate. These are detailed as follows: ECER, defined as the ratio of the cooling delivery volume to
electrical power related to the IEC, is measured on the
(1) Wet-bulb (dew-point) effectiveness condition of intake air dry/wet bulb temperature of 32.8/
Wet-bulb effectiveness is a parameter describing the extent of 20.6 1C and room air temperature of 26.7 1C. This could be
the approach of the outlet product air temperature of the IEC expressed in the following equation:
against the wet-bulb temperature of the inlet working air, and ECER ¼ rf cf t room  t p,db,in e t p,db,in t p,wb,in V p,out =W ð3Þ
can be written as:
t p,db,in t p,db,out
ewb ¼ ð1Þ (3) Cooling capacity
t p,db,in t p,wb,in
The cooling capacity refers to the enthalpy change of the
product air when travelling across the dry channels of the IEC
Dew point effectiveness is another parameter used for this heat exchanger, and is expressed as follows:
purpose and defined as the ratio of the temperature difference 
Q total ¼ rf V p,out ip,db,in ip,db,out ð4Þ
between the inlet and outlet product air to the difference
between the inlet product air’s dry bulb and inlet working Since the air is cooled at the constant moisture content during
air’s dew point temperature. This reflects the extent of the the dry channels of the IEC exchanger, the enthalpy change of
approach of the outlet product air temperature against the air could be represented by the temperature reduction of
the dew point temperature of the inlet working air related the air during its dry channel flow path. For this reason, the
to the IEC, shown as follows: above equation could be rewritten as:
t p,db,in t p,db,out 
edp ¼ ð2Þ Q ¼ cf rf V p,out t p,db,in t p,db,out ð5Þ
t p,db,in t p,db,in
(4) Power consumption
It should be addressed that the dew point effectiveness is An IEC system consumes much less electrical power than
particularly suitable for use in recently emerging dew point conventional mechanical compression refrigeration based air
system, an innovative form of IEC configuration. conditioning systems. Unlike the conventional systems that
use electricity to drive energy intensive compressor, and fan/
pump, an IEC system uses electrical power to drive fan and
pump only. In this system, the electrical power is measured
by the unit of W or kW.

(5) Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency, known as ‘coefficient of performance (COP),
is the ratio of the cooling capacity of the IEC to the power
consumption of the system. This term can be mathematically
expressed as:

Q cf rf V p,out t p,db,in t p,db,out
Energy efficiency ¼ ¼ ð6Þ

If this figure is multiplied by a unit conversion factor of 3.413,

the COP is then converted into the energy efficiency ratio
(EER). It is known that the EER of an IEC system is usually in
the range 30–80 [28,29,47].

(6) Water evaporation rate

The water evaporation rate of an IEC system depends upon a
number of its operational parameters, e.g., the inlet air tem-
perature/humidity, airflow rate, treated cooling load, as well as
the system’s cooling effectiveness. Theoretically speaking, the
water evaporation rate is equal to the volume of the moisture
Fig. 7. Wet-bulb effectiveness—Performance chart of IEC [46]. increase in the working air during its indirect cooling operation
6834 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

and could be expressed as: 3.2.3. Summary of the IEC parametric performance
To summarise, an indirect evaporative cooling system is found to
V s,out rs,f
Vw ¼ ðws,out ws,in Þ ð7Þ be able to achieve 40–90% of wet bulb effectiveness, depending on
rw the inlet air condition, system structural configuration and geome-
trical size, ratio of the working to product air, and air velocity across
(7) Secondary-to-primary air ratio the heat exchanger channels. In a typical IEC heat and mass
In an IEC system, the secondary air, known as the ‘working air’ exchanger, the static pressure drops of the air in dry and wet
is used to cool the primary (i.e., product) air. Ratio of the channels is in the range 60–185 Pa and 100–500 Pa, respectively;
secondary to primary air-flow is an important measure effecting while the ratio of the working to product air varies from 0.3–1, and
on the cooling performance of the system. It is claimed that the system’s cooling energy efficiency ratio (EER) falls to the range
the ratio of the secondary to primary air is usually in the range between 30 and 80. Table 4 provides the parametric data of the
0.3–1.0 [29,34,46,47] and during operation, increasing the value selected heat and mass exchangers for indirect evaporative cooling.
of this ratio will lead to increase of the cooling effectiveness.
However, this increase will also lead to reduced supply air 3.3. System configuration and operational mode
volume and thus the overall cooling capacity of the system may
fall. There will be an optimised figure on the ratio that will 3.3.1. System configuration
enable the maximised cooling capacity of the system and The commonly available heat and mass exchanger for IEC
adequate cooling effectiveness. This figure will be determined operation is in form of the flat-plate-stack, which could create
using the dedicated computer programme under a given geo- either cross- or counter- flow pattern and through different
metrical and operational conditions. perforating treatments, the working air could be drawn into the
(8) Pressure loss wet channels by either directly from outside or from the adjacent
Pressure loss refers to static pressure drop of the air when dry channels, thus creating different cooling effectiveness in the
passing across the dry and wet channels of an IEC heat range 0.4–0.9. This type of exchanger is shown schematically in
exchanger. In a typical heat exchanger for indirect evapora- Figs. 3, 5 and 6. In the heat exchanger, water enters into the wet
tive cooling, the static pressure drops of the air in dry and wet channels from the top. This type of heat exchanger can cool the
channels is found to be in the range 60–185 Pa and 100– primary air down to 40–90% of wet-bulb of the inlet secondary
500 Pa, respectively [13,46]. air, has the static pressure loss of 60–185 Pa at the dry channels,
100–500 Pa at the wet channels, keeps the secondary-to-primary
(9) Air flow rate air ratio in a range 0.3–1, and obtains the energy efficiency ratio
Air flow rate refers to air volume flow rate across the IEC heat (EER) between 30 and 80.
exchanger channels including dry and wet channels. The air Apart from the flat-plate-stack structure, the IEC heat exchan-
flow rate is usually measured by the unit of m3/s or m3/h. ger could also be configured as tube, heat pipe, rotary wheel and
tube forms, which are illustrated as follow:

Table 4
Summary of the parametric data relating to the selected IEC plate heat exchangers.

Parameters Unit Alonso [19] Stoitchkov [20] Guo [47] Zhan [28], Qiu [22] Elberling [29] Riangvilaikul [24]

Flow pattern Cross-flow Cross-flow Cross-flow M-cycle cross-flow M-cycle cross-flow M-cycle Counter-flow
Primary air inlet db temp 1C 35–45 24–36 25–45 25–40 26.7–43.8 25–45
Primary air inlet wb temp 1C 19.5–23.3 17.7–28.3 N/A 17.9–30.3 18.1–23.9 10.7–32.5
Secondary air inlet db temp 1C 23.5–27.2 22–28 25.0 N/A N/A N/A
Secondary air inlet wb temp 1C 16.8–18.6 16–21 11.4–23.8 N/A N/A N/A
Primary air velocity/flow rate 0.022 m3/s 3.3 m/s 0.5–4.5 m/s 0.036 m3/s 0.53–1.38 m3/s 2.4 m/s
Secondary to primary air ratio 0.5 0.5 0.5–2 0.5 0.5 0.33
Primary Channel length m 0.3 0.4–0.7 0.2 0.25 N/A 1.2
Channel gap mm 3.0 3.5 2–10 4 N/A 5
Product air db temp 1C 20.8–24.8 17.2–23.6 21.3–26.3 18–30 19.9–25.6 15.6–32.1
Wet-bulb effectiveness 0.77–0.93 0.79–0.88 0.78–0.95 0.5–0.65 0.81–0.91 0.92–1.14

Fig. 8. IEC Tube heat exchanger: (a) work diagram of tube heat exchanger and (b) tube heat exchanger product [48].
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6835

(1) Tube structured IEC systems of evaporation and the capillary action of wick material
Fig. 8 presents a tube-based IEC heat exchanger invented by filmed on the inside wall of heat pipe, the internal working
Velasco Gomez et al. [48]. This structure allows the primary air fluid is circulated between hot and cold parts. The hot part
to flow through the internal tubing space on its length direction, acts as the evaporator whilst the cold part as the condenser.
and the second air to sweep across the external surface of the There is a thermal insulator to connect two insulation
tubes in the normal direction to the primary air. Meanwhile, the enclosures to minimize heat transfer between the hot and
water is sprayed over the external surface of the tubes from the cold parts from the external surface of heat pipe. In operation,
top. This exchanger is claimed to be able to obtain more uniform the secondary air is heated when passing through the con-
water films on the outer surface of the tubes and thus reduced denser of the heat pipe where water (delivered by water
air flow resistance than the flat-plate-stack structure. sprayer) is evaporated on the external surface.
In this structure, the tubes are made of either polymer, metal, The heat pipe incorporated IEC can be combined with a direct
porous ceramic, or PVC. Over the recent years, the hydrophilic evaporative cooler or/and chill water coil to form a hybrid system,
aluminium tubes with wall thickness of 0.02–0.06 mm were as shown schematically in Fig. 11 [49]. Within such a hybrid
gradually applied in this process owing to their several dis- system, the configuration of heat pipe can be any type from
tinctive advantages, e.g., high thermal conductivity, low cost, thermosyphon, leading edge, rotating and revolving, cryogenic,
and capability of forming the uniform water film. The new flat plate and capillary pumped loop heat pipe [50].
approach for treating the aluminium tubes was to wrap a thin For the application indicated in Ref. [49], a cooling effectiveness of
layer of water affinity material (e.g., cotton, polyester fibre, 70.39% could be achieved; this created up to 9.01 1C of tempera-
special fibre, metallic wick, stainless steel mesh) to the outer ture difference between the air and heat pipe wall at the primary
surface of the tubes [44], which has been proven to be effective air side and 12.3 1C of temperature difference between the air
in improving its water uniformity over the surface and thus and heat pipe wall at the secondary air side. Compared to the flat-
enhancing the cooling effectiveness of the IEC. Porous ceramics, plate heat exchanger, the heat pipe is more suitable for larger
owing to the large specific surface area, excellent water retain- airflow application owing to its relatively larger geometrical sizes.
ing capacity and superior mechanical strength, were also found ASHRAE Handbook HVAC Systems and Equipment (2008) carried
to be the favourite materials for making tubes. During this out the design and performance evaluation of a large sized heat
process, a non-permeable membrane is normally attached to pipe IEC system which is able to provide 23.6 m3/s supply air and
the inner surface of the porous ceramic tubes to prevent 775 kW cooling capacity. An available indirect evaporative cooler
moisture transfer across the tube walls. configured with the heat pipes was reported in [51], which
The second tube-based IEC heat exchanger is shown schemati- indicated that 28% of power reduction could be achieved by
cally in Fig. 9 [48]. In this structure, the primary air sweeps using this device relative to the conventional mechanical air
across the outer surface of the tubes while the secondary air conditioning system with the same cooling capacity. Ref. [52]
flows through the inner space of the tubes. The wall of the tubes, addressed the advantages and disadvantages of the application of
made of the thin porous layer, is designed to retain the spray
water which helps transfer heat between the primary and
secondary airstreams, through evaporation of water reserved
in the porous media. The diffusion of the water from the pores
to the air depends upon the permeability of the porous wall.
This structure is claimed to be able to obtain an improved
cooling effectiveness over the one in Fig. 8 and its wet-bulb
effectiveness is in the range 40–80%.
(2) Heat pipe based IEC system
Heat pipe, as an effective heat transfer device with consider-
able thermal conductivity, can be applied to transport heat
from the primary to secondary air. A schematic of such a heat-
pipe based IEC configuration is shown in Fig. 10 [49]. The heat
pipe is divided into hot (condenser) and cold (evaporator) Fig. 10. Schematic of the indirect evaporative cooler with heat pipe configura-
parts separated by thermal insulator. By using the latent heat tion [49].

Fig. 9. Porous ceramic pipes semi-indirect evaporative cooler: (a) work principle of heat and mass transfer and (b) experimental prototype [48].
6836 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

Fig. 11. Schematic of an indirect evaporative cooling system with heat pipe/DEC/chill water coil [49].

Air passage 2 Air passage 1 consumption relative to the same sized conventional mechan-
ical compression refrigeration based chiller.
T3 ,V3, ω3 T1 , V1

Water 3.3.2. Operational mode

An indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) system was found several
Heat inherent difficulties: (1) relatively lower cooling effectiveness; (2)
Twa , mwa pipe smaller temperature reduction potential; (3) larger geometrical
sizes; and (4) higher dependency to the ambient condition. These
Thermal difficulties limited its wide application in buildings and to enable
Ceramic insulator
T4 , ω4 T2 sufficient cooling output and stabilize the inlet air condition, an IEC
system was usually not working independently; instead, it was
Fig. 12. Schematic of heat pipe IEC with porous ceramic container [44]. always in joint operation with other cooling devices. The com-
monly used operational modes for the combined system are:
(1) indirect/direct evaporative cooling (IEC/DEC) mode; (2) IEC/cool-
ing coil or direct-expansion (DX) refrigeration system; (3) IEC/DEC/
a heat pipe and wet medium incorporated air handling unit for cooling coil or direct expansion refrigeration system; and (4) Desic-
building air conditioning operation. cant/IEC/DEC System. These operations are detailed as follows:
A new type of heat pipe incorporated IEC with a porous ceramic
container is shown schematically in Fig. 12 [44]. Unlike the (1) Indirect/direct evaporative cooler (IEC/DEC)
water distributor shown in Fig. 10, a porous ceramic container, For this mode of operation, the direct cooling unit (usually the
acting as water storage, is fitted into the hot end of the heat evaporative cooling pad) was positioned to the downstream
pipe, which can distribute water more evenly than the typical side of the indirect cooling unit in order to further cool the
water sprayer. A fin-structure, designed to increase convective primary air coming from the IEC. Fig. 14 presents the general
heat transfer between the passing air and the heat pipe, can be layout of such a system and associated psychometric illustra-
fitted into both the evaporator and condenser sections. This tion of the air treatment process. In this system, outdoor air
combined heat pipe and porous ceramic system can achieve 30% (state 1) was cooled at dry state condition in the IEC unit (to
higher efficiency than the typical heat pipe IEC system, whilst its state 2) by using the return air as the coolant (secondary air)
water consumption is also smaller [49]. and further cooled and humidified in the downstream DEC
(3) IEC/Cooling Tower/Coil Systems unit, thus generating near to saturated low temperature air
Jiang and Xie [45] developed an indirect evaporative chiller (represented by state 3) that was delivered to room space to
which can produce the chill water with the temperature conduct cooling for the served space. During this process, the
below the wet-bulb and above the dew point of the outdoor secondary-to-primary air ratio varied from 0.3 to 1.0. This
air. The psychometric description of the air-to-water cooling combined operation will lead to an enhanced cooling effec-
process is shown schematically in Fig. 13. The chiller com- tiveness in the range 70–110%, COP for cooling of 14.35, and
prises two parts, i.e., the air-to-water counter-current heat more than 22% of electricity saving over the equivalent
exchanger and the air-to-water counter-current padding conventional mechanical vapour compression refrigeration
tower. The first prototype chiller was constructed and installed based air conditioning systems [23,26,27].
in Xingjiang Province of China, in which a relatively lower
ambient wet-bulb and dew point temperature is in presence. (2) IEC/cooling coil (with chilled water or refrigerant) system
The long-term testing indicated that the unit can produce 14 to An IEC unit could be operated in conjunction with a cooling coil
20 1C of chill water, which is above the dew-point and below the (or a direct-expansion (DX) refrigerant coil) to enable energy
wet-bulb of the outdoor air at summer. The system had COP of efficient air conditioning for buildings. A schematic of such a
around 9, and could obtain over 40% saving in electrical energy system is shown in Fig. 15(a) and associated psychometric
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6837

Water Spray T
Exhaust air

Humidity Ratio, g/kg


Out Water T 20
Dew point 15
Outdoor air


0 10 20 30
Dry-bulb Temperature, °C

Fig. 13. Principle of the indirect evaporative chiller: (a) structure of the indirect evaporative chiller, (b) process to produce cold water. (1) air-to-water counter-flow heat
exchanger; (2) air-to-water counter-flow padding tower; (3) water circulating pump; (4) exhaust fan [45].

EA 6 EA 6

5 P
AA 1 2 5 SA 3

RA 4 2 SA 3
AA- Ambient Air; SA-Supply Air; RA-Return Room
Air; EA-Exhaust Air; IEC-Indirect Evaporative Cooler;
DEC- Direct Evaporative Cooler RA 4

AA- Ambient Air; SA-Supply Air; RA-Return Air; EA-Exhaust

Air; IEC-Indirect Evaporative Cooler; CO-Condenser Coil; EV-
Primary air: 1-2-3
Evaporator Coil; P-Compressor
Humidity Ratio, g/kg

Primary air: 1-2-3-4-5’-5

Humidity Ratio, g/kg

2 1

3’ 2 1
T3 T2 T1
Dry-bulb Temperature, °C

Fig. 14. Two-stage IEC/DEC system: (a) work diagram and (b) the psychometric
T3 T2 T1
Dry-bulb Temperature, °C

illustration of the air treatment process is shown in Fig. 15(b). Fig. 15. Two-stage IEC/direct-expansion system: (a)work diagram and (b) the
The (product) air was cooled in the IEC unit prior to entering psychrometric process.
into the downstream cooling coil (served with either chilled
water or refrigerant), which resulted in a measurable saving in (3) IEC/DEC/cooling coil (chilled water or refrigerant) com-
electricity consumption of the compressor. In such a system bined system
illustrated in Ref. [53], the secondary air for use in the IEC was When extra low temperature air is needed at a special
the room return air which had the inlet temperature of 18–20 1C occasion such as freezing rooms, combination of the three
and achieved the state of 21–24 1C db at 80–90% rh, at the outlet units, i.e., IEC, DEC and cooling coil, could be brought into use
of the IEC. This part of air was further utilized to cool the [54]. Fig. 16(a) shows a general layout of such a system and
condenser of the mechanical compression refrigeration based Fig. 16(b) is the psychometric illustration of the dedicated air
system, thus further improving the performance of the system treatment process occurring in the system operation. The
due to the reduced cooling air temperature within the air primary air was cooled by three stage operation at IEC, DEC
condenser. The product air, after leaving off the IEC, was brought and cooling coil (CC), thus reaching a required low tempera-
into the cooling coil (water or refrigerant) for further cooling ture and being delivered to the room space; whereas the
and at its outlet, the temperature of the air fell to 15 1C or below room return air was utilized as the coolant (secondary air) at
which is lower enough to cool the building space as required. the IEC to cool the primary air with the aid of water
6838 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

EA 7

AA 1 2 3 4
SA 5 Room AA: ambient air; SA: supply air; RA: return air; EA: exhaust air;
DW: desiccant wheel; HE: heat exchanger; HS: heat source;
IEC: indirect evaporative cooler; DEC: direct evaporative cooler
RA 6
AA- Ambient Air; SA-Supply Air; RA-Return Air;
EA-Exhaust Air; IEC-Indirect Evaporative Cooler;
DEC- Direct Evaporative Coil; CC-Cooling Coil

Primary air: 1-2-3-4-5’-5

Humidity Ratio, g/kg

5’ 4
5 3 2 1

Fig. 17. Desiccant/IEC/DEC system (DINC cycle): (a)work diagram and (b) the
psychrometric process [57].

T3 T2 T1 temperature air flow, leading to vaporization of the reserved

moisture within the wheel voids and subsequent cooling using
Dry-bulb Temperature, °C the colder air. The primary air of state 2 was then passed across a
Fig. 16. Three-stage IEC/DEC/cooling coil system: (a) work diagram and (b) the heat exchanger, transferring heat to the regeneration air which is
psychrometric process. usually ambient air and changing state from 2 to 3. Further, the
air experienced a dry cooling at the IEC and constant-enthalpy
cooling at the DEC, leading to changes of the state from 3, 4, 5 and
evaporation. This process, compared to the above two opera- 6, and finally was delivered to room space for purpose of cooling.
tional modes, had higher level of complexity in configuration In parallel, the regeneration air, i.e., ambient air, experienced a
but as a trade-off, could obtain increased cooling effectiveness temperature rise at the heat exchanger (HE) thus changing state
and capacities. Refs. [55,56] reported the similar systems from 1 to 9, further temperature rise at the heat source (HS)
using combined IEC/DEC/cooling coils. leading to the state change from 9 to 10, and the constant-
enthalpy cooling process at the rotary wheel, causing the change
(4) Desiccant/IEC/DEC System of state from 10 to 11. This method, having potential to eliminate
With the continuous technical progress in air dehumidification use of the mechanical vapour compression system and therefore,
treatment, separate control of the humidity and temperature of is considered an energy efficient measure for air conditioning.
the air has gained growing popularity in recent years. The During this process, the heat source (HS) could be either solar
approach is to use a desiccant cycle to remove the moistures energy or a low grade waste heat which could further reduce use
and certain amount of latent heat generated from the moisture of fossil fuel and improve energy efficiency of the system.
condensation, and use the IEC and (or) DEC units to treat Ref. [58] concluded that the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of
the sensible cooling load and remaining latent heat from the such a system was as high as 1.6. Similar applications of such a
moisture condensation. A desiccant is a solid- or liquid-state system were reported in Refs. [58,59].
water affinity chemical. Traditional solid desiccants (also called
‘adsorbents’) include sillion gel, acivated aluminium, lithium 4. Researches and achievements related to the IEC
chloride (LiCl) salt, zeolites, molecule sieves, titanium silicide
and polymer etc, which all have porous structure enabling Many research works on the IEC have been reported and the
binding of moistures in the voids; whilst the commonly used focuses were given to analyse the heat and mass transfer process,
liquid desiccants (also called absorbents) are lithium chloride evaluate the performance of various types of flow patterns under
(LiCl), lithium bromide (LiBr), calcium chloride (CaCl2) and various operational conditions, optimise the configurations and
potassium formate (KCOOH) solutions. geometries of heat exchanger and water/air distribution, select
To operating a solid desiccant cycle, the fixed bed and the suitable materials for heat exchanger making, suggest the
rotary wheel are two available structures. Fig. 17(a) shows the favourite operational conditions and evaluate the energy saving
general layout of such a combined desiccant/IEC/DEC system and carbon reduction potentials. A summary of the research
and Fig. 17(b) presents a psychometric illustration of the air works and achievement is given below.
treatment process occurred during the system operation [57].
A rotary wheel was utilized in this system; part of the wheel 4.1. Material study
block absorbed the moistures from the passing air and led to
dry-out of the air and change of state from 1 to 2; while the The properties of the heat/mass exchanging medium (wall
other part of wheel block was regenerated using a higher material) are important as these have direct impact to the
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6839

performance, particularly the cooling efficiency (effectiveness), of found to be 20% higher than the published experimental data, and
the Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) systems. Unlike the DEC, reasons for this difference were attributed to a few assumptions
the heat and mass transfer taking place at the wet channels of the made: (1) humidity ratio of the air, in equilibrium with water surface,
IEC is simultaneously coupled with the sensible heat exchange is linear to the water surface temperature; (2) water film on the wet
between the air and ‘wall’ occurred at the dry channels of the IEC. surface was steady and continuously fed to match the evaporation of
In the wet channels of an IEC, a material layer that is able to the water; (3) wet surface was completely saturated; and (4) Lewis
distribute and hold water is always needed to enable the relation was fully applicable to this operation.
evaporation of the water and thus induce the sensible heat Analytical work—case 2: Stoitchkov and Dimitrov [20] proposed
exchange on the adjacent dry channels. This increases the contact a method of calculating the cooling effectiveness of the cross-flow
area between the wall and the wet channel working air and thus flat-plate heat exchanger by analysing the characteristics of the
helps the heat transfer between the dry and wet channel air. pre-set flowing water film, determining the mean water tempera-
Plastic plate is first kind of this material used in making IEC ture on the wet surface and developing an equation to calculate the
heat exchangers [60]. It has advantages of light weight and ratio of the total to sensible heat, by taking into account the
corrosion-less. However, the poor thermal conductivity and low barometric pressure. The discrepancy between the modelling results
strength tension limited its wide application in IEC making. In and the published experimental data was found to be in the range
recent years, fibre materials, including cellulose, conconut, palash, 2–4%.
palm stem, Jute tossa, Luffa gourd and Aspenwood excelsior, Kraft Analytical work—case 3: Alonso et al. [19] developed a
and NSSC types, [61–64] have been brought into use. In overall, simplified heat and mass transfer model enabling analyses of
the fibres have good water permeability that allows water to the thermal performance of the cross-flow flat-plate heat exchan-
spread across the wet surface and create good evaporation and ger based IEC including prediction of the system energy con-
heat transfer effect. On one side of the fibre sheet, either a water sumption, design of the system configuration and optimisation of
proof coating or an aluminum foil (sheet) is laid to keep the the geometrical sizes of the system setting. This model introduced
dryness of the air on the dry channels of the IEC heat exchanger. an equivalent water temperature that was used in calculation
Zhao et al. [31] carried out a comparative study into several IEC of the heat transfer between the primary and secondary air.
available materials, including metals, fibers, ceramics, zeolite and A discrepancy of the average 0.54 1C in predicted and tested
carbon. It is suggested that the thermal properties of the materials, supply air temperature was found in existence [14,18].
i.e., thermal conductivity and water retaining capacity (porosity), Analytical work—case 4: Erens and Dreyer [18] made through
have little impact to the IEC’s heat/mass transfer, and therefore, comparison among three available analytical methods, and sug-
these two parameters play low keys in terms of material selection. gested that (1) the Poppe method [65,69] is appropriate for use in
Instead, shape formation/holding ability, durability, compatibility accurate prediction which gave the assumption that the second-
with water-proof coating, contamination risk as well as cost, are ary air is supersaturated with water vapour; (2) Merkel method
more important concerns in this regard. The wick (sintered, meshes, [66] is the simplified version of the Poppe method which assumed
groves and whiskers) attained metals (cooper or aluminum) are the that (a) a constant Lewis factor is in existence, (b) sprayed water
most appropriate structure/material over the others. has constant temperature and (c) the secondary air is saturated
In overall, a good heat/mass transfer material for the IEC should (rather than supersaturated) with water vapour, thus leading to
be heat and moisture conveying, allowing effective cooling of reduced accuracy in prediction against the measurement; (3) a
the product air using evaporation aided heat transfer between more simplified method developed by Erens and Dreyer [18] is
the product and working air. It should also be less resistant to the suitable for evaluation of smaller sized systems and development
passing air to minimize the pressure drop within the IEC and thus of initial design scheme; this method has larger discrepancy
reduce associated fan power. The material should be cheap and owing to the assumption that the recalculated spray water has
suitable for shaping into various geometries. Further, it should be constant temperature throughout the cooling surface and over the
ease of cleaning and replacement and able to avoid bacterial whole duration of the process.
growth on the wet surface. Many analytical works could be found in recent journal
publications [75–84]. Table 5 provides a summary of the most
4.2. Mathematical theory and computer simulation representative works in this regard.
To explore the details of the heat and mass transfer process
This part of research was aimed at finding right mathematical occurred in the IEC heat exchangers including temperature, humid-
methods (equations) and converting those into dedicated computer ity, velocity, pressure of the airstreams within the dry and wet
models to simulate the heat and mass transfer process occurring in channels, water temperature/evaporation-rate etc, and thus enhance
the heat exchanger and whole IEC system. This resulted in solutions the accuracy of the model prediction to the actual operation of the
of the operational characteristics of the water evaporation assisted exchangers, numerous one-dimensional numerical models were
heat exchange, optimisation of the geometrical shape and sizes of developed [17–20,28,48,58,66–74] on basis of the above mentioned
the exchanger and whole system, recommendation of the suitable analytical works. During the model set-up processes, a few common
operational conditions such as climatic regions, as well as prediction assumptions were made: (1) heat is transferred vertically across the
of the energy saving and carbon reduction figures. separating plate, no heat flow occurs along the air flow direction;
In overall, theoretical and computer modelling works could be (2) air flow across the channel is uniform; (3) water deposited into
classified into three categories: analytical resolution, one- and the wet surface of the wall travels vertically to the passing air; (4) the
two- dimensional numerical simulation. The analytical modelling wet surface of the wall is entirely saturated with water, and (5) air is
made use of traditional thermo-fluid theory to develop general treated as an incompressible gas. This allowed establishment of a
solutions to the most important operational parameters and group of differential equations illustrating the heat and mass transfer
establish relation between these and other associated parameters. among the primary, secondary air and the spreading water across the
A number of selected analytical works are given below: wet surface of the exchanging sheets, conversion of the equations
Analytical work—case 1: Maclaine-cross and Banks [17] devel- into the computerised numerical programmes, and running up the
oped an analytical model dedicated to the indirect evaporative programmes to give out solutions to the questions. There were
cooling process which was compared with the published data relating several simplified models that, owing to further assumptions made
to the IEC heat exchangers. The predicted efficiency of the model was including (1) the water film is in sta state; (2) the circulating water
6840 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

Table 5
Summary of the computer modelling and mathematical analyses.

Model type No Mathematical Case selected Operating condition Experiment Accuracy Features and recommendation
method Validation

Analytical 1 [20] Finite Cross-flow tp,db,in ¼24–36 1C, Yes o 4% in cooling Based on [17] but with some improvements
model difference plate IEC tp,wb,in ¼17.7–28.3 1C, effectiveness on assumptions and give more accurate
method ts,db,in ¼22–28 1C, predictions: flowing water film;
ts,wb,in ¼16–21 1C, determination of mean water temperature;
up ¼3.3 m/s, considering barometric pressure in the
ms/mp ¼ 0.5 ratio of the total to sensible heat

2 [21] Analytical Parallel and tp,in ¼ 21–50 1C, No (but Good Sophisticated model
method counter-flow ts,in ¼21–35 1C, verified with agreement: High accuracy
plate IEC ws,in ¼ 9.41–21.71 g/kg other Average 0.17% Considering varieties of Lewis factor,
numerical error in supply surface wetting condition, effects of the
models) air temp evaporation and flow rates, temperature
and enthalpy of the sprayed water
Four different flow configurations were
discussed using the model

3 [76] e-NTU method Counter-flow tp, ¼34.2 1C, Yes 7.4% in supply Simple and precise modified model
regenerative tp, ¼15 1C, ms/mp ¼0.95 air temp Following the same steps used in the
cooler solution of the sensible heat exchanger
Applicable to any type of indirect
evaporative cooler

4 [19] Finite Cross-flow tp,db,in ¼35–45 1C, Yes Average 0.54 1C A simplified model suitable for
difference plate IEC tp,wb,in ¼ 19.5–23.3 1C, error in supply performance prediction, IEC configuration
method ts,db,in ¼23.5–27.2 1C, air temp design and geometrical optimisation.
ts,wb,in ¼16.8–18.6 1C, Introduction of an equivalent water
Vp ¼0.022 m3/s, ms/mp ¼ 0.5 temperature
The model is applicable to other geometries
and operation conditions

One- 5 [70] Finite Counter flow tp,db,in ¼30 1C, Yes 7.4% in supply A method of providing supply air at
dimen- difference and parallel tp,wb,in ¼18.8 1C, air temp temperatures lower than the ambient wet
sional method flow mp,in ¼ 0.0014 kg/s, bulb temperature
numerical regenerative ms,in ¼ 0.00098 kg/s A simple numerical model
model cooler
6 [97] Finite M-cycle tp,db,in ¼25–45 1C, Yes 5% in supply air Covering various inlet air conditions
differential counter-flow wp,in ¼6.9–26.4 g/kg, temp; 10% in (dry moderate and humid climate)
method, plate IEC up ¼1.5–6 m/s, ms/mp ¼0.33 cooling Simulated the influence of major operating
Newton effectiveness parameters (velocity, system dimension
iterative and the ratio of working air to intake air) on
method the thermal performance
Compared with the numerical results from

7 [28] Finite M-cycle tp,db,in ¼25–40 1C, RHP ¼50%, Yes 0.2–0.4% in Original comparative study between M-
difference cross-flow Vp ¼130 m3/h cooling cycle cross-flow and counter-flow IEC in
method and plate IEC effectiveness terms of cooling effectiveness and pressure
Newton M-cycle tp,db,in ¼25–45 1C, Yes o 3.4% in drop under same geometrical size and
iterative counter-flow wp,in ¼6.9–26.4 g/kg, supply air operation conditions.
method plate IEC up ¼2.4 m/s, ms/mp ¼ 0.33 temp Parametric study into the effects of on
performance of M-cycle cross and counter-
flow IEC

8 [47] Finite Cross-flow tp,db,in ¼25–45 1C, No N/A The effects of various parameters, i.e.,
difference plate IEC ts,db,in ¼25.0 1C, primary and secondary air velocities,
method ts,wb,in ¼11.4–23.8 1C, channel width, inlet relative humidity and
up ¼0.5–4.5 m/s, ms/mp ¼0.5–2 wet ability of plate on the cooling
effectiveness were examined

Two- 9 [80] Finite Cross-flow tp,db,in ¼30–45 1C, No (but Good Influence of longitudinal heat conduction in
dimen- difference, plate IEC tp,wb,in ¼15,20,25 1C, verified with cross-flow plate IEC
sional e-NTU and mpcp/mscs ¼ 0.5–10 other The performance deterioration due to
numerical iterative published longitudinal heat conduction effects was
model numerical models) determined for various design and
method operating conditions

temperature is constant throughout the exchanging sheet surface; restriction of the heat exchanger operation, e.g., the variation of
and (3) Lewis number is a constant, led to reduced accuracy in circulating water temperature, difference between water circulation
prediction of the system performance. However, several dedicated and evaporation rates, as well as incomplete wetting condition on
models [19,20,63,64] that, owing to consideration of the actual the wet surface [71], were found to be able to achieve higher level of
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6841

accuracy in terms of performance prediction. A number of one- 4.3. Experimental work and model validation
dimensional numerical cases are given below:
One dimensional numerical modelling work—case 1: To nar- This part of works was aimed at testing the operational
row up the gap between the measurement and modelling results, characteristics of the IEC exchangers/systems under the controlled
Kettleborough and Hsieh [67], on basis of the work made by laboratory and real building/climatic conditions and further, to verify
Maclaine-cross and Banks [17], developed a one-dimensional numer- or modify the effectiveness of the computer model on predicting the
ical model for the counter-flow flat-plate heat exchanger based IEC performance of the system.
unit. This model took into account the factors of incomplete wetting In terms of laboratory based works, tests were undertaken
and variation of the sprayed water temperature across the heat aiming to understand the performance of the IEC exchangers/
exchanging plate surface, and thus lowered the difference between systems, including cooling effectiveness, cooling capacity (out-
the modelling and experimental efficiency down to 14%. put), energy efficiency (COP and EER), and temperature reduction
One-dimensional numerical modelling work—case 2: Guo potential, etc. The purpose of the tests were (1) verifying/modify-
and Zhao [47] conducted dedicated analyses into the thermal ing the established computer models; (2) understanding the
performance of a cross-flow indirect evaporative cooler, with operational performance of the IEC exchanger/system under the
particular focus on the effects of various parameters, i.e., primary controlled laboratory conditions; (3) establishing the relationship
and secondary air velocities, channel width, inlet relative humid- between various operational parameters relating to the IEC exchan-
ity and wet ability of plate to the cooling effectiveness of the ger/system; (4) suggesting the approach to modify or optimise the
system. This therefore contributed to obtain the highest possible geometrical configuration of the IEC exchanger/system; and
heat and mass transfer rate and reduced pressure drop across the (5) recommending the favourite operational conditions of the IEC
exchanger setting. It is found that a smaller channel width, a exchanger/system. A number of lab-based testing cases are intro-
lower secondary air inlet relative humidity, a higher wet ability of duced below:
the plate and a higher ratio of the secondary-to-primary air Lab based work—case 1: Qiu [22] carried out a lab-based
yielded a higher cooling effectiveness of the IEC. testing to a small scale IEC prototype. The testing results indicated
Many one-dimensional numerical works could be found in that real performance of the IEC unit was much lower than the
recent journal publications. Again, Table 5 provides a summary of values given by the product catalogues. Reasons for reduced
the most representative works in this regard. performance lied in the poor water distribution of the unit, which
Two dimensional numerical simulation works were also gave only 1/2 to 2/3 of flat-plate surface when in operation. To
developed aiming at studying the distribution of air flow, tem- resolve the problem, he installed a top water spraying device and
perature and humidity along both vertical and horizontal direc- had it integrated with a solar-powered PV panel which supposed
tions within an IEC heat exchanger. A number of two dimensional to provide electrical energy needed for fans and pump operation.
numerical simulation works are introduced below: The modified unit was retested and the results showed that the
Two dimensional numerical simulation work—case 1: Ren cooling capacity and COP of the new unit were 3 times high than
and Yang [21] developed an enhanced analytical model able to that of the old one. The temperature drop of the primary air
simulate the coupled heat and mass transfer processes in parallel between the inlet and outlet of the unit was in the range 3–8 1C.
and counter-current IEC heat exchanger under various operating Lab based work—case 2: Tulsidasani et al. [85] studied the
conditions. In contrast with the above one-dimensional models, relation between Coefficient of Performance (COP) of a tube type
this model solved the coupled heat and mass transfer equations IEC and the primary and secondary air velocities using both
by taking into consideration of the varieties of Lewis factor, modelling and testing methods. A good agreement was achieved
surface wetting condition, effects of the evaporation and flow between the theoretical predicted and experimentally tested
rates, temperature and enthalpy of the sprayed water. Compared COPs for an IEC at Indore (India) summer operation. It was found
to the solutions derived from the one-dimensional models, that the maximum COP of the IEC unit was 22 at the primary air
much smaller discrepancy (0.17% to the supply air temperature, velocity of 3.5 m/s and the secondary air velocity of 3 m/s, leading
0.64% to the secondary outlet air temperature, and 0.24% to to 10.4 1C of the primary air temperature drop.
the secondary outlet air humidity ratio) were achieved by using Lab based work—case 3: Jain [87] developed a two-stage
the enhanced model. The study indicated that the counter evaporative cooler comprising of a flat-plate heat exchanger and
current flows within the flat-plate heat exchanger, i.e., the two evaporative cooling chambers, in order to enhance the
primary air travelling in the counter-current direction to the effectiveness of evaporative cooling under high humidity ambient
secondary air and water film, could achieve the best performing condition and low temperature indoor air requirement. The
operation in a fixed heat exchanger, and no heat conduction performance of the cooler was evaluated in terms of temperature
was found in the longitudinal (air flow) direction in the drop, efficiency of the IEC heat exchanger and cooling effective-
exchanger wall. ness of the two-stage evaporative cooler over the single-stage
Two dimensional numerical simulation work—case 2: Het- one. The two stage cooler, able to create 8 1C to 16 1C of air
tiarachchi et al. [80] investigated the influence of two dimen- temperature drop, could provide the cold air close to the wet bulb
sional longitudinal heat transfer in the plate wall within a temperature of the ambient air and with 90% of relative humidity.
compact flat-plate cross-flow heat exchanger by using the NTU It had a cooling effectiveness of 1.1–1.2 while the single evapora-
method. The convective heat transfer within both the dry and wet tive cooler had only wet bulb effectiveness of 0.85–0.9.
channels and the mass transfer within the wet channels were Lab based work—case 4: Velasco Gómez et al. [88] carried out
considered by using a group of governing equations, while solving an experiment study into a polycarbonate-made indirect eva-
of the equations were made using the iterative numerical method. porative cooling unit under two operational modes. The first
This study indicated that the deterioration in cooling effective- mode used the exhaust air leaving off the climate chamber as
ness of the IEC by the longitudinal heat conduction was about 10% the secondary air of the heat exchanger and the outdoor air as the
or higher under typical operating conditions while less than 5% primary air; while the second, when remaining other conditions
was found in some conservative conditions. same, added up a water spraying measure into the exhaust air
There are numerous two-dimensional numerical works flow. The experimental results indicated that the IEC prototype
reported in the recent journal publications. Again, Table 5 pro- could obtained higher cooling capacity and also increased cooling
vides a summary of the most representative works in this regard. effectiveness when spraying water against the exhaust air.
6842 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

Further, higher outdoor air temperature or air flow rate helped number for the airstreams outside the IEC heat exchanger, which
obtain enhanced cooling performance of the system. was found to be in the range 150–450, giving the corresponding
Lab based work—case 5: Jiang et al. [45] developed and tested heat transfer coefficient of 0.1–0.4 kW/m2 k. These results also
a novel indirect evaporative chiller for use in providing cooling showed good agreement to the literature data for the same condi-
water for the building HVAC systems. The test results indicated tion and so provided references for design of the IEC units.
that the outlet water temperature could be reduced to around 14– Building based work—case 4: Heidarinejad et al. [23]
20 1C, lower than the inlet air wet bulb temperature and higher reported an experimental investigation of a two-stage IEC/DEC
than its relevant dew point temperature. The chiller’s COP was in system operated in Iran’s climatic condition, with focusing on the
the range 0.4–0.8. effect of the outdoor air conditions on cooling effectiveness of the
Lab based work—case 6: Costelloe and Finn [89] developed a system. The IEC/DEC system comprised of a plastic flat-plate heat
method of analysing the availability of evaporative cooling water exchanger and a 15 cm thick of cellulose pad, with the unit sizes
for Dublin and Milan by incorporating the recent experimental of 500  500  400 mm, respectively and the channel spacing of
findings and meteorological test reference weather year data. 7 mm. During the testing, the primary and secondary air flow
Further, they [90] experimentally studied the impacts of the key rates were adjusted to 1700 and 850 m3/h, respectively. The test
operational variables (e.g., ambient wet bulb temperature, cooling results indicated that under different inlet air parameters, (inlet
tower air-flow rate, primary and secondary water-flow rate) to dry/wet-bulb temperature: 27–49 1C/15–33 1C), the wet bulb
the cooling effectiveness of a testing system comprising an open effectiveness of the system was in the range 108–111%, while
cooling tower and plate heat exchanger. They found that the the single IEC system had a cooling effectiveness of 55–61%. The
cooling tower air-flow rate and secondary water-flow rate have a average water consumption of the system was 55% higher than
strong impact to the cooling effectiveness of the system; this the single direct evaporative cooling system, and the energy
result helped obtain an energy efficient control strategy towards efficiency (or COP) of the system was in a range 8–9. Compared
the fan and pump in the system which would enable adaption to to the typical mechanical vapour compression refrigeration based
various cooling loads and climatic conditions encountered in systems which have a COP of around 3, the two-stage IEC/DEC
practical operation. system could obtain more than 60% saving in terms of the fossil
Many lab based works could be found in recent journal fuel energy consumption.
publications. Table 6 provided a summary of the most represen- Many building based works could be found in recent journal
tative works in this regard. application. Table 6 provides a summary of the most representa-
In terms of the building based works, tests were undertaken tive works in this regard.
aiming to understand the real performance of the IEC exchanger/ In summary, the individual IEC operation could achieve the
system and the whole building at a real climatic condition. The wet bulb effectiveness as high as 0.4–0.9; its COP varied from 5 to
purpose of the tests were (1) verifying/modifying the established 15 depending upon size and complexity of the system; while air
computer models; (2) understanding the actual operational per- temperature drop was between 5 and 10 1C. The IEC system had
formance of the IEC exchanger/systems under the real building very positive cooling effect to the non air-conditioned buildings at
and climatic conditions; (3) energy saving and carbon emission the hot regions like India. The combined IEC/DEC operation was
reduction potential relating to the IEC implementation into found to be able to achieve enhanced cooling effectiveness as high
buildings; (4) suggesting the approach to modify or optimise as 90–120%, while the contribution from IEC part is about 20–60%.
the configuration of the IEC exchanger/system; and (5) recom- The COP of the combined system was in the range 8–22, which is
mending the favourite climatic conditions adaptable to the IEC 3 times higher than the typical mechanical vapour compression
exchanger/system operation. A number of building-based testing refrigeration based air conditioning systems. This type of system
cases are introduced below: had potential to lower air temperature by 8–16 1C and obtained
Building based work—case 1: Tulsidasani et al. [85] studied 90% of relative humidity of at the outlet of the unit, allowing the
the thermal performance of a non-air-conditioned building outlet air to approach the inlet air’s wet-bulb temperature. The
equipped with an IEC system. For three different climatic condi- system could achieve 30–60% fossil fuel energy saving over the
tions at India (dry/hot, humid/hot, humid/warm), effects of same sized conventional mechanical vapour compression refrig-
various IEC parameters to thermal comfort of the building space eration system. In terms of water consumption, the combined
was investigated. The results indicated that the IEC system is system is 50–60% higher than that in a direct evaporative cooling
effective in improving the thermal comfort of the buildings in dry/ system.
hot climatic condition.
Building based work—case 2: Performance of the combined 4.4. Effect of the water distribution
IEC/DEC systems were experimentally studied by Scofield [86],
Al-Marafie et al. [3], Heidarinejad G [23] and Jain [87]. In Ref. [86], The predicted heat and mass transfer of the IEC could only be
the IEC/DEC system passed the primary air into a IEC flat-plate achieved on the condition of obtaining complete wetting of the
heat exchanger for dry cooling and then to a conventional cooling wet channels surfaces. Poor water distribution on the surfaces
tower for adiabatic cooling. The testing results indicated that such would reduce the heat/mass transfer rate between the primary air
a system could achieve 30% of fossil fuel energy saving over the and the water film, and between the water film and secondary air,
same sized conventional mechanical compression refrigeration which would eventually undermine the effectiveness of the
based air conditioning system. indirect evaporative cooler.
Building based work—case 3: El-Dessouky et al. [3] intro- The most commonly used water spraying method in indirect
duced a combined IEC/DEC unit installed on a building in Kuwait evaporative coolers is by sparking nozzles, as shown schemati-
where the ambient dry bulb temperature in summer is often above cally in Fig. 18 [91]. The nozzle sprayers are positioned above the
45 1C. The thickness of the wet packing (for DEC) and water flow cross-flow heat exchanger, sprinkling the atomized water drizzles
rate across the DEC were found to impose significant impact to the over the upcoming secondary airstreams. The water, when
performance of the system. The test results indicated that the sprayed into the wet channels, wets the surface of the channels
cooling effectiveness of the IEC/DEC system was in the range 90– and enables the heat/moisture exchange between the water and
105% while the IEC part contributed only 20–40% in terms of its the secondary air, thus causing evaporation of large proportion of
cooling effect. These test data were used to correlate the Nusselt water. Meanwhile, the remaining water drops into the bottom
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6843

Table 6
Summary of the experimental work and computer modelling validation.

Experimental No Testing method Case Operating condition: Comparison Accuracy Features and recommendation
type selected to model

Lab testing 1 [85] Power consumption, static Tube type tp,db,in ¼41–45 1C, Yes o 1.28% in Study of relation between COP
pressure, air dry-bulb IEC up ¼3–8 m/s, COP and the primary and secondary
temperature, RH, air us ¼ 3–4 m/s air velocities
2 [29] Airflow rate, Air dry-bulb, M-cycle tp,db,in ¼26.7–43.8 1C, No N/A The test plan was based on
dew-point temperatures, cross flow tp,wb,in ¼18.1–23.9 1C, ASHRAE test standards for
pressure, power plate IEC up ¼0.53–1.38 m3/s evaporative coolers
consumption, water flow The test conditions cover
rate, fan speed various cooling design
computer modelling and field
testing should be undertaken

3 [24] Air dry-bulb and wet-bulb M-cycle tp,db,in ¼24–45 1C, Yes 5% in supply Static and dynamic testing
temperature, air velocity counter- wp,in ¼6.9–26.4 g/kg, air temp; under different inlet air
flow plate up ¼2.4 m/s 10% in temperature and moisture
IEC effectiveness content
Compared with previous studies

4 Air dry-bulb temperature, M-cycle tp,db,in ¼25–40 1C, Yes 0.2–0.4% in Comparative study between M-
[22,28,95] humidity ratio, RH, air cross-flow RHP,in ¼50%, cooling cycle cross and counter-flow IEC
velocity plate IEC Vp ¼ 0.036 m3/s effectiveness Parametric study
M-cycle tp,db,in ¼25–45 1C, Yes o 3.4% in Optimisation of geometry and
counter- wp,in ¼6.9–26.4 g/kg, supply air operating conditions of the IEC
flow plate uP ¼2.4 m/s, temp
IEC ms/mp ¼ 0.33
5 [26] Air dry-bulb temperature, Cross-flow tp,db,in ¼39–43 1C, No N/A Different shapes and cooling
RH, air velocity, fan power plate IEC RHp,in ¼ 37–46%, media in direct stage to be test,
and water consumption Vp ¼ 0.065–0.843 m3/s, respectively with the IEC stage.
Vs ¼0.833 m3/s
6 [111] Air temperature, power IEC (M- tp,db,in ¼28.4–32 1C, No N/A Coolerado RTU was tested at the
and water consumption, cycle cross- RHp,in ¼ 38–87%, NREL HVAC laboratory
air velocity flow)/DX Vp ¼ 1.58–1.69 m3/s, The inlet air is the combination
Vs ¼0.67–0.77 m3/s, of return and outdoor air
ms/mp ¼ 0.42–0.62
7 [56] Air dry-bulb temperature, Desiccant/ tp, ¼28.3 1C, RHp,in ¼ 60%, No N/A Desiccant evaporative cooling
RH, air velocity IEC (cross- Vp ¼ 0.35 m3/s, Vs ¼0.35 m3/s and indirect evaporative cooling
flow plate were used to increase the
type) energy performance and reduce
energy consumption

8 [23] Air dry-bulb temperature, IEC/DEC tp,db,in ¼27–49 1C, Tp, ¼15– No N/A covering multi-climate
RH, water flow rate, air 33 1C, conditions in Iran
velocity Vp ¼ 1700, Vs ¼ 0.236 m3/s Comfort and power saving were
studied with excess water
Theoretical/numerical analysis
should be done

Building 9 [45] Output water temperature, indirect tp,db,in ¼19.6–38 1C, No N/A can generate cooling water at a
based Power consumption, air evaporative tp,wb,in ¼ 15.4–23.3 1C, temperature below wet-bulb of
testing dry-bulb and wet-bulb chiller min ¼ 1 kg/s, ambient air (14–20 1C)
temperature, air flow rate mfresh ¼ 0.6 kg/s simulation and field testing
studies should be compared
Indoor comfort conditions were

10 [98] Air dry-bulb temperature, M-cycle Commercial application: No N/A Results obtained from testing a
humidity, power counter- tp,db,in ¼22.5–40.3 1C, prototype
consumption and air flow flow plate RHp ¼ 10–55%, Residential cooler installed in both a
rate IEC application: Tp,db,in ¼ 27.5– commercial and residential
40.4 1C, RHp ¼12.8–32.2% application in a wide range of
ambient conditions.

11[53] Air dry-bulb temperature, IEC (M- tp,db,in ¼21–43 1C, No N/A 50% energy saving
RH, power and water cycle cross- tp,wb,in ¼ 11–24 1C EER: 19–25 significantly beyond
consumption flow plate other products on the market.
type)/DX lab and field testing results
6844 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

sump and is then pumped up to the top nozzle sprayers for reuse. aluminium surfaces. Most wicked surfaces were found to have at
In this method, the surface of the wet channels and the upcoming least zero receding contact angles and some of those had zero
secondary airstream are cooled, enabling them to absorb the heat advancing contact angles, which are unfavourite to creating even
coming across the adjacent dry channel (primary) airstreams, water distribution, and also to generating sufficient water reten-
thus leading to the temperature fall of the primary air. This tion and the system’s cooling effectiveness. Coating a harsh fibre
method, having been in use for many years, was found a number on the surface was found to be an effective way to increase the
of problems [92,93]: (1) uniform water distribution is hard to water retention and thus cooling effectiveness of the IEC heat
achieve when the velocity/pressure of secondary air are relatively exchanger.
high and channel spacing is relatively large; (2) even distribution Zhou [93] carried out a study into the optimisation design of
of water flow by using the nozzle sprayers is difficult to obtain; water distributor to improve the water distribution uniformity of
(3) the atomization capacity of the nozzle sprayers is often the IEC. This research outlined several available water distributors
oversized for conservative consideration, leading to larger than and water distribution modes applicable to the IEC. The method
expected water circulation rate and pump power; (4) the selected of calculating theoretical water spray volume of the IEC was
pump could not match exactly the demand for water evaporation analyzed, and the approaches for improving uniformity of water
in the circulation, causing either larger or smaller water delivery distribution were suggested. There are three commonly used
than needed; and (5) the hydrophilic performance of the wet water distribution modes, namely, upper, middle and bottom
channel surface is unsatisfactory that prevent uniform spreading spray layout, which are schematically shown in Fig. 19. It is
of the water across its surface. suggested that (1) the upper water spray layout can be applied to
Numerous researches and practical investigations were carried most IEC configurations, and can create a counter water-flow
out to tackle the above addressed problems and the studies were streams against the secondary air. (2) the middle water spray
focused on [92]: (1) water distributor configuration; (2) water layout is difficult to install but may create effective water
spray density or optimal water spray volume, which is deter- distribution at larger exchanger block by spreading the water
mined by the structure, diameter and spacing of the nozzle either counter or current to the secondary airstreams; (3) bottom
sprayers; (3) water distribution mode; (4) water retention ability water spray layout may be used in the sites where the installation
of the wet surface and (5) spacing of the wet channels. space is limited; this would create the water streams current to
Wang studied the effect of the wettability (surface wettability the secondary airstreams. The further approaches of improving
factor is the parameter used to estimate the effect of incomplete water distribution include: (1) increasing channel spacing up to
wetting) of aluminium plates to the cooling performance of the 10 mm; (2) reducing the secondary air velocity; (3) enhancing the
indirect evaporative systems [94]. A dynamic contact analyser water retention capacity of the wet surfaces through rolling dot
was applied to quantitatively measure the advancing and reced- matrix twill or grooves lines; (4) installing the water distributors
ing contact angles and the water-retention capacity of different

Exhaust air

Water sprays
Supply air
Heat exchanger

Primary air
Secondary air

Welded stainless steel


Fig. 18. Schematic of water sprays in indirect evaporative coolers [91]. Fig. 20. The second water distribution grid device of IEC [49].

Fig. 19. Three water distribution modes used in IEC [49].

Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6845

to appropriate position to create the right water streams; and (5) validated using the experimental data [24] under various inlet air
adding up a second water distribution grid beneath the first water conditions (typically covering dry, moderate and humid climates)
sprays, as shown in Fig. 20. and for different intake air velocities (1.5–6 m/s). Reasonable agree-
In recent years, a new type of water distribution method was ment was achieved between the numerical and experimental results,
applied to the IEC unit [95] and this used the regularly perforated, giving 5–10% of deviation in terms of the outlet air temperature and
small sized tubes that were laid on the slots of the wet channels effectiveness, respectively. The study also showed that the predicted
to discharge the water streams to the wet surfaces of the channels. dew point effectiveness varied significantly from 65 to 86% when the
The water streams, when flowing downward along the channel inlet air humidity changed from 6.9 g/kg to 26.4 g/kg at the constant
walls, spread across the walls along the horizontal direction and inlet temperature of 35 1C. In order to achieve a wet bulb effective-
owing to the permeability effect of the wet surfaces and small flow ness greater than 100%, the cooler should be properly configured and
rate of the water streams, the water quickly spread along the operated at favourite conditions; these include: (1) the intake air
horizontal direction and thus formed uniform distribution of the velocity should be set below 2.5 m/s; (2) the channel spacing gap
water across the walls. In this case, the flow rate of the water was 2– should be less than 5 mm; (3) the channel length should be larger
3 times of the water evaporation rate. than 1 m; and (4) ratio of the working to intake air should be set
between 35 and 60%.
4.5. M-cycle IEC systems and associated performance measures Bruno [98] carried out an experimental study into the opera-
tional characteristics of a novel dew point IEC unit equipped with
A new M-cycle IEC system [34] was developed to enable a counter-flow flat-plate heat exchanger [33]. As a pre-cooling
obtaining enhanced cooling effectiveness, reduced supply air device of a refrigeration air conditioner in the commercial
temperature and increased per unit volume cooling capacity application, the dew point IEC could achieve a wet-bulb effec-
compared to conventional IEC systems. Its system configurations, tiveness of 93–106% when the average outlet air temperature was
associated theories and computer models, experimental testing 17.3 1C. The annual energy saving of the system relative to the
and performance evaluation measures were broadly studied in equivalent refrigeration air conditioning was in the range 52–56%.
recent years [11,29–32,96,97]. For residential application, the wet-bulb effectiveness of dew
Pacific Gas and Electric Company carried out a lab-based testing point IEC was in the range 118–129%.
for the Coolerado Cross-Flow M-Cycle IEC unit [29]. Effect of the Based on the previous studies [31,99], a comparative study of
inlet air dry/wet bulb temperatures, outlet back-pressure, fan speed, cross-flow and counter-flow heat exchangers based on M-cycle [100]
airflow rate to performance of the unit including cooling effective- for dew point cooling was conducted [28]. Both configurations of
ness, cooling capacity, power consumption, cooling capacity, energy heat exchangers were theoretically and experimentally investigated
efficiency and water evaporation rate were broadly investigated to identify the difference in cooling effectiveness under the parallel
using the experimental method. The testing results indicated that structural/operational conditions, optimise the geometrical sizes of
the wet-bulb effectiveness of unit varied from 81% to 91% over the the exchangers and suggest their favourite operational conditions.
full range of testing conditions, which is 15–30% higher than that of Through development of a computer model and experimental
the normal IEC systems. Under all sets of testing conditions, the unit testing and validation, a parametric study of the cooling performance
could provide a supply air of 18.9–25.6 1C in dry-bulb and 30–80% in of the counter-flow and cross-flow heat exchangers was carried out.
relative humidity. The average energy efficiency (COP) of unit was The comparison between the simulation and experimental results
over 8.8, leading to 40–80% reduction in fossil fuel energy con- indicate an acceptable error range of 2–10%. The results showed the
sumption relative to the normal IEC system. counter-flow exchanger offered greater (around 20% higher) cooling
Zhao et al. developed a novel counter-flow IEC module and capacity, as well as greater (15–23% higher) dew-point and wet-
conducted various sets of investigation into its performance using bulb effectiveness when equal in physical size and under the
both theoretical and experimental methods [12,28,30–32]. same operational conditions. The cross-flow system, however, had
In terms of computer simulation, the equations governing the a greater (10% higher) Energy Efficiency.
heat and mass transfer between air, water and exchanging plate In summary, the M-cycle dew point cooling can achieve 80–
within the dry and wet channels of the IEC unit was coupled and 120% of wet-bulb cooling effectiveness, 15–30% higher than
solved using the finite-element differential approach. The Newton conventional IEC system. The system could achieve enhanced
Iterative Method was applied to the simulation process. The COP as high as 8–20, thus leading to 10–20% reduction in fossil
model predicted that the wet-bulb effectiveness of the cooler fuel energy consumption relative to the normal IEC system. For a
could be as high as 130% under the UK’s summer outdoor air typical cross-flow heat exchanger, its design limitations are (1)
design condition (28 1C db and 20 1C wb) if wet surface of the the intake air velocity should be set below 2.5 m/s; (2) the
exchange plate is completely saturated. It also indicated that channel spacing gap should be less than 5 mm; (3) the channel
channel sizes, air velocities and secondary-to-primary air ratios length should be larger than 1 m; and (4) the secondary-to-
had important impact to the cooling effectiveness and energy primary air ratio should be set between 35% and 60%. The
efficiency of the cooler, while the feed water temperature had counter-flow exchanger offered greater (around 20% higher) cool-
less. Several geometrical and operational parameters were sug- ing capacity, greater (15–23% higher) dew-point and wet-bulb
gested to help design of the heat exchanger; these include: (1) effectiveness, and lower (around 90%) energy efficiency than the
channel spacing gap should be less than 6 mm; (2) length of the equivalent cross-flow heat exchanger. For computer modelling,
channels should be longer than 1 m or 200 time of channel the finite differential approach and Newton iterative method
spacing gap; (3) secondary-to-primary air ratio should be around were commonly used and the experiment results indicated the
0.4; and (4) the intake air velocity should be set to 0.3–0.5 m/s. established model can achieve the reasonable accuracy (less than
Riangvilaikul and Kumar [97] presented a similar numerical study 10%) in predicting the operational performance of the IEC.
of a counter-flow dew point indirect evaporative cooler. The study
developed a numerical model to simulate the heat and mass transfer 4.6. Social-technical studies including energy saving, costing,
process occurred in the dew point cooler. The governing equations payback, life cycle analyses, as well as environmental impact
were solved by employing finite differential approach and Newton
iterative method to obtain temperature and humidity values of the Social-technical studies of the IEC systems were undertaken by
air across the whole channel space. The modelling results were a number of researchers. These involved evaluation of the
6846 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

feasibility of the combined DEC/IEC systems or IEC systems alone with 30 W/m2 cooling load, the required air volume flow rate varies
for use in residential and commercial application under various with application location and is in the range from 700 to 1700 m3/h.
climatic regions [3,10,12,23,33,45,55,89,95,101,102], and analyses This building space consumes 50–60 l of water daily. Compared to
of costing, energy saving, payback, life cycle as well as carbon the mild or humid climates, the dry and hot climates need less air
based environment measures related to IEC system manufactur- volume flow rate and less water. Compared to conventional
ing and applications [10,16,25,27,29,84,101,103,104]. mechanical vapour compression refrigeration based system, the
Energy saving potential associated with the IEC was studied dew point system has significant higher potential in saving energy
by a number of researchers. Maheshwari et al. [10] presented an bill although its capital cost is slightly higher. The estimated payback
analytical investigation using the field testing results of an IEC period of the dew point system is around 1.05–1.8 years, and the life
unit with capacity of 1180 l/s air-flow rate and the recorded cycle cost saving is in the range 2500–4700 Euros, depending upon
weather data in coastal and inland locations in Kuwait. The the area the system is being used. By using the dew point system,
cooling outputs and power consumptions of the IEC and the the estimated annual carbon emission reduction potential is
packaged refrigerated air-conditioner of the same capacity were approximately 30,000 t across whole range of Europe area.
estimated; the results indicated that the IEC unit, when being Farmahini-Farahani and Heidarinejad [54] carried out a theo-
used in the inland and coastal regions of Kuwait, could obtain retical study into the feasibility of using a combined system
12,418 kW h and 6320 kW h of seasonal energy savings compared comprising a two-stage IEC/DEC, the radiative cooling panels
to the same sized conventional mechanical vapour compression and the first-stage pre-cooling coil in four cities in Iran, which
refrigeration based air conditioner. have hot, dry, hot and dry, semi-humid climatic characteristics
Heidarinejad et al. [23] investigated a two-stage IEC/DEC during the summer season. It was intended to generate the
system used in various climate regions in Iran, with particular cooling water at night time by using the radiative panels; this
focus on the issues of thermal comfort, power saving and water amount of water was then stored and at the day time, delivered to
consumption. The study indicated that more than 60% of power the pre-cooling coil to cool down the intake air. This paper
saving could be obtained by using this system in comparison with reported that the combined system could obtain 100–110% of
the conventional mechanical vapour compression systems with wet-bulb effectiveness, which is around 9% higher than that in the
the same capacity; while the water consumption by the former two-stage IEC/DEC system.
was 55% higher. Based on this study, Delfani et al. [27] experi- Joudi and Mehdi [102] reported a case of utilizing an indirect/
mentally investigated the performance of the IEC to pre-cool air direct evaporative cooling system in a typical Iraq house. To cope
for a conventional mechanical vapour compression system (pack- with the changing cooling load, four different operational modes
aged air conditioner) for four cities in Iran. Two air simulators were implemented and put into alternative use. A dedicated
were designed and used to simulate indoor heating load and analyses and comparison among these operations suggested that
outdoor design conditions. By using the experimental data and an the system would obtain a higher level of energy efficiency when
appropriate analytical method, the performance and energy utilizing the relatively cold indoor return air, instead of the warm
reduction capability of the combined system during the cooling outdoor fresh air.
season operation was evaluated. The results indicated that the IEC Economic aspects of the IEC systems were also discussed.
unit could take up around 75% of total cooling load and save Taking the same sized conventional air conditioner (AC) as the
around 55% of electricity consumption compared to the sole use reference, Navon and Arkin [103] investigated the economic
of the packaged unit air conditioner. benefit and thermal comfort relating to utilization of a combined
Feasibility for use of IEC in various climate regions was also DEC/IEC system in a residential building in Israel. The life cycle
considered. Jiang et al. [45] presented the feasibility of using a cost was calculated by using the annual equivalent costs (AE) of
newly developed indirect evaporative chillier in different parts of the DEC/IEC and AC, as well as the estimated initial cost of the DE/
the world by analysing the design climatic data derived from the IEC system. The results indicated that the economic benefit
ASHRAE handbook 2001. The paper indicated that the technology relating to use of the DEC/IEC is very promising owing to its
is suitable for use in dry climatic regions in the world e.g., West significant electricity cost saving over the conventional AC.
America, North France, Germany, Poland, Austria, Holland, most Jaber and Ajib [25] designed an indirect evaporative air-con-
regions of Russia, Northwest China, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, ditioning for the typical Mediterranean residential buildings and
Kazakhstan, certain regions in India, and most regions of studied the economic benefit relating to utilization of such a system.
Australia. Duan’s research [95] analysed the feasibility of using The results indicated that most of the cooling load of the buildings
a new dew point cooling system (based on M-cycle) in China and could be matched by using an IEC unit with the air flow rate of
European countries, taking into account of local weather condi- 1100 l/s. If such a IEC system were mounted in 500,000 Mediterra-
tions, availability of water source and water consumption. In this nean residential buildings, as the replacement of conventional
paper, the cooling capacity of such a system under various regions mechanical vapour compression refrigeration systems, the esti-
of China and European countries was estimated. The associated mated annual energy saving and CO2 emission reduction would be
energy saving, economic measures (bill reduction) and environ- around 1084 GW h and 637,873 t per annum, respectively. The
ment impacts (carbon reduction) relative to conventional payback time of the implementation would be less than two years.
mechanical vapour compression system were also given quanti-
tative analyses. It is concluded that the M-cycle based dew point
system is suitable for most regions within EU countries and China, 5. The current market profile and potential barriers existing
but unsuitable for some regions where the air is too humid to be for marketing exploitation
dealt, e.g., Venice, Rome, Shanghai, Guangzhou etc. Lower humid-
ity results in a higher difference between the dry bulb and dew 5.1. Current market profile
point temperature of the air, which will benefit to the system in
terms of enhanced cooling performance. Tap water has a suitable The information relating to IEC productions and engineering
temperature to feed the system for cooling, with a water consump- practices were briefed in Tables 1 and 2. In general, one-stage IECs
tion rate in the range 2–2.5 l/kW h output. The cooling output of the are unable to provide sufficient cooling to buildings and thus,
system ranges from 1.6 to 5.2 W/m3/h air flow rate, depending upon combination of IECs with other cooling devices, i.e., DEC, mechan-
the region where the system is applied. For a 100 m2 building space ical vapour compression type, heat pipe, heat recovery, chiller and
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6847

desiccant system, has become a trend of future technical and dependency to the ambient condition. These barriers made the
commercial development. Owing to the advantages of the IEC IEC systems unsuitable for independent operation in buildings
technology, extensive global commercial opportunities have been [1,46,104,105,110] but the combined operation between the IEC
explored and market for IEC application is stilling expanding. and other cooling devices would be a solution. The non-technical
According to the survey undertaken by Bom GJ et al. [105], nearly barriers lie in [101]: (1) building matching; (2) use of land and
20 million residential evaporative coolers were under operation architectural aesthetics; (3) local legislation on water use;
across the world in 1999; of which 8–10 millions were placed in (4) potential discomfort; (5) lack of standardisation; and (6) lim-
India, and around 4 millions in America, Australia, South Africa, ited public awareness. The technical barriers will be resolved by
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. the continuous advance in R&D; while the non-technical barriers
Throughout USA (especially its southwest region), the ratio of will be mitigated through effective and organised dissemination
the evaporative coolers in the whole air conditioning market was activities including publications, conferences/seminars/work-
around 5% [42] in the commercial building sector. A number of shops, governmental and community involvement, lecturing,
organisations in California, including Pacific Gas and Electric, medium broadcasting, as well as social movements etc.
Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and Southern California
Edison [105], delivered several debating programmes to discuss
the EC related economic, environment and social benefits, with 6. Future research focuses and trend of development relating
the aim of promoting use of the direct, indirect, hybrid and two to the indirect evaporative cooling (IEC)
stage evaporative cooling systems. In New Mexico, large quan-
tities of evaporative cooling systems (mainly IEC/DEC) were The current/past R&D works and commercial activities have
installed in Schools [46]; this installation still grew at the rate created significant technical advance and market development in
of around 100 units each year. IEC technology. These, however, also help identification of the
In Australia, evaporative cooling products have occupied 20% problems, difficulties and barriers that are still in existence, which
of the air conditioning market since 2005. Use of the evaporative in turn stimulate the development of the forthcoming research
air coolers was mainly found in dry and hot climatic regions, and industrial activities.
particularly the southern Australia [106]. In line with the above review based study, future research and
Potential application of IEC/DEC systems in European countries development activities related to the IEC may be (1) heat exchan-
were also analysed [3,89]. Considering the expected increase in ger structure and material; (2) water flowing, distribution and
ambient temperature in the future decades, the European market treatment; (3) incorporation of the IEC components into the
for the IEC/DECs will be predicted to be steadily growing. In the conventional air conditioning products; (4) economic, environ-
UK, the estimated annual sale for the IEC/DECs would be around ment, and social impacts; (5) standardisation and legislation;
40 millions, taking up roughly 5% of the full air conditioning (6) public awareness and other dissemination measures; and
market. (7) manufacturing and commercialisation.
In China, around 40% of its territory (mainly Northwest region) In terms of heat exchanger for the IEC, the current structure is
was located at dry and hot climatic region which is ideally mainly based on the flat-plate stacked form, which was found to
suitable for DEC/IEC application [107]. Over the recent years, be an easy-making, cost effective and energy efficient way of
the EC market has been rapidly growing owing to the users’ conducting indirect cooling of air. However, if the flat plate is
increasing interest in applying energy efficient measures. As the reshaped into the wave form with the narrow straight stripes as
indirect and hybrid evaporative cooling systems have less the supporters between the adjacent plates, the heat exchanging
climatic restriction in application, its potential market is expected area per unit of its width will increase by 30–40%, which
to be substantial. Between 1998 and 2009, quantities of the subsequently increases the heat transfer rate of the heat exchan-
evaporative air coolers installed in China have increased from ger unit by 15–30%; as a result, the cooling effectiveness of the
thousands to half a million [107]. Currently, there are over 160 system would increase by 10–20%. In terms of material, one-side
IEC/DEC manufacturers in China who are producing various water-proofed fibre paper was thought to be the favourite choice.
systems suitable for use in industrial, agricultural and commercial However, its hardness, durability and water permeability were
buildings [108,109]. found to be unsatisfactory. Study of material should be focused on
To summarise, the combined operation of the IEC, DEC and improving the hardness, durability and water permeability of the
mechanical vapour compression system could remove the materials, which may be based on the currently available material
climatic barrier in existence for use of IECs. It, meanwhile, could with adequate chemical treatment to its surface, or finding the
also significantly reduce the primary energy consumption caused alternative material that can obtain enhanced performance in
by air conditioning operation, which is the case referred to terms of the above measures.
conventional mechanical vapour compression systems [105]. This In terms of water flowing, distribution and treatment, the current
method therefore has potential to replace conventional mechan- researches are far from satisfactory. Effect of the water flow speed
ical vapour compression systems and presented significant mar- across the wet surface of the exchanging plate on the cooling
ket prospect. Based on the above market and technical reviews, effectiveness of the heat exchanger was not yet investigated, and
the authors predicted that the market ratio of the EC (including the flow patterns (current counter, opposite counter, current cross,
IEC and DEC) in the whole air conditioning sector would achieve and opposite cross) of water across the wet surface of the plate was
around 20% in the next 20 years. also not given detailed consideration. Ways of water delivery and
spray and their potential of creating even distribution of water
5.2. Potential market barriers across the surface of the plate are also the issues to be addressed.
Further, method of treating water to keep its cleanness and prevent
Although significant market space has been exploited with the contamination of the wet surface of the plate is regarded as a
IEC technology, certain technical and non-technical barriers are difficult topic, which is worthy of further investigation.
still in existence and these have become the resistance to further in terms of the integration of the IEC with conventional air
market penetration. The identified technical barriers include: conditioning products, the currently available system modes are
(1) relatively lower cooling effectiveness; (2) smaller temperature IEC/DEC, IEC/DEC/vapour compression refrigeration, IEC/desiccant
reduction potential; (3) larger geometrical sizes; and (4) higher cooling, and IEC/water chiller. However, more potential operational
6848 Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850

modes are worthy of exploration and these may include (1) integra- advances in this specific area, especially the innovated M-cycle
tion of the IEC into fan coil units; (2) integration of the IEC into air operation and associated heat and mass transfer and material
handle units; (3) integration of the IEC into a cooling tower to make studies, the cooling performance of an IEC system has achieved
chill water; (4) integration of the IEC into solar driven desiccant bed/ significant enhancement which allows as high as 80–90% of wet-
wheel systems; (5) integration of the IEC into the condensation bulb effectiveness to be obtained, while its cooling EER approaches
sector of a Rankin cycle power generating system. All these works 30–80. In a typical heat and mass exchanger for use in indirect
expect to explore significant energy saving potential as the new evaporative cooling, the static pressure drop of the air in dry and
trials for building air conditioning and power supply. wet channels is found to be in the range 60–185 Pa and 100–500 Pa,
Economic, environment, and social impacts relating to the IEC respectively, and the ratio of the working to product air is in the
are the issues that received less consideration in previous range 0.3 and 1. In terms of the structure of an IEC heat and mass
researches. Owing to the short history of the technology, the exchanger, the flat-plate-stack is the commonly used form which
production scale of this type of products is still relatively enabled either cross- or counter- air flow patterns to be obtained;
immature compared to the conventional mechanical vapour however, other forms of heat exchangers including tubing, heat pipe
compression refrigeration systems, and its practical application and wave structure, are also available choices. In terms of material
is limited to the several favourite climatic regions and (or) for making heat/mass exchanging components (plate, tube etc), the
combined operation with other air conditioning devices including single side water proofed cellulose fibre is the most common option;
conventional mechanical vapour compression systems. On this however, aluminium plate/tube with single side wicked (grooved,
circumstance, the economic, environmental and social impacts meshed, toughed etc), and ceramic plate/tube with single side water
relating to the IEC were not given full range of investigation and proofing were also acceptable alternatives. Treatment to materials
no clear knowledge and understanding of these issues were yet to enable enhanced hardness, durability and water permeability is
established in most people’s mind including the professionals. one of the future research focuses. Further, ways of water delivery
This will be another direction to be focused in relation to the IEC. and spray and their potential to create even distribution of water
Standardisation, regulations and legislations are also the issues across the surface of the plate are also the issues to be addressed.
worthy of further investigation. Current studies into these aspects Method of treating water to keep its cleanness and prevent
are not well established and also restricted to certain regions and contamination of the wet surface of the plate is another issue to
countries in the world. This has caused certain difficulties in be studied in the future.
evaluating the product performance and assessing associated Although significant progress has been achieved in developing
engineering quality. The future work on this subject will over- the IEC technology, several inherent difficulties still remain with
come this deficiency and expect to formulate complete and fully this subject, namely (1) relatively lower cooling effectiveness;
justified national/international standards/legislations that will (2) smaller temperature reduction potential; (3) larger geome-
promote development of the IEC technology. trical sizes; and (4) higher dependency to the ambient condition.
The IEC, compared to the conventional mechanical vapour These drawbacks limited its wider application in air conditioning
compression systems, is still relatively new technology and is less for buildings and as a result, the combined use of IEC and other
familiar to public including some of professionals. Organising cooling devices including conventional mechanical vapour com-
specifically designed activities e.g., workshop, seminar, exhibition, pression refrigeration has become the common approach for the
onsite visit, demonstration as well as lectures, and publicising the current, and potentially future, trend of the IEC technology
research results in dedicated ways e.g., conference, journal, leaflet, development. Current operational modes for this combined sys-
brochure as well as media report, would help propaganda the tem include (1) IEC/DEC system; (2) IEC/DEC/mechanical vapour
knowledge relating to the technology and its associated benefits. compression system; (3) IEC/desiccant system; (4) IEC/chilled
This will promote its potential application in buildings and thus help water system; as well as (5) IEC/heat pipe system. The future
win the fast acceptance and familiarity by the public. potential of the combined operation will be to develop the IEC
Finally, the technology will need to be converted into massive incorporating fan coil units, air handle units, cooling towers for
producing and market attracting commercial products. The com- chilled water making, solar driven desiccant cycle, and Rankin
mercialisation work is currently under way but further speed-up cycle based power generation system.
measures should be brought into realisation. Standardisations, regulations and legislations are the issues to
be fully studied and the current status on standardisation of the
IEC is far from mature. Further, the public awareness through
7. Conclusions proper dissemination activities will be one of the important
concerns. All these events will eventually contribute to realisation
This paper undertook a review based study into the Indirect of wide range of production, marketing and building installation
Evaporative Cooling (IEC) technology in terms of its background, of the IEC products. It is predicted that in the next 20 years, the
originality, current status, research and industrialisation achieve- IEC and IEC related systems will take up 20% of air conditioning
ment, market prospects and barriers, as well as future focuses on market in buildings, with particular focus on dry and hot climatic
R&D and commercialisation. This work will be of great signifi- regions including Middle East, East Asian, North American, Afri-
cance to promoting wider application of the IEC technology in can and Part of Europe.
buildings and thus contribute to realisation of low (zero) carbon
air conditioning for buildings and associated energy saving and
carbon emission measures.
The IEC originated at around 2500 B.C. and is now developed into
a widely accepted technology in air conditioning sector. The IEC has Acknowledgement
advantages of conducting cooling of air using principle of water
evaporation with no moisture being added into the air. This creates The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support
a comfortable space environment using the reserved energy in provided for this research by the EU FP7 Marie Curie International
atmosphere rather than fossil fuel depended electricity, thus making Incoming Fellowship (PIIF-GA-2008-220079), EU FP7 Marie Curie
it a potential alternative to the conventional mechanical vapour International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (PIRSES-GA-2010-
compression refrigeration systems. With the continuous technical 269205), and ICUK Programme (Notts 13).
Z. Duan et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 6823–6850 6849

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