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Claire Rose Stelter

Curriculum Vitae

Doctoral Student
Department of Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
[email protected]
2023 Ph.D University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI
Advisor: Bonnie Doren, Ph.D.

2019 M.Ed University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Champaign, IL
Advisor: Megan Burke, Ph.D.

2017 B.S University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Champaign, IL
Advisor: Barbara Anderson, M.S.W.

Sept. 2019- Present Research Assistant
School of Education
FOCUS Project
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sept. 2019- Present Research Assistant

Department of Special Education
Spencer Foundation Grant
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sept. 2019- Present Research Assistant

Hartley Lab
Waisman Center- University Center for
Excellence in Developmental
Disabilities (UCEDD)
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Aug. 2019- Present Graduate Research Assistant

CLAIRE R. STELTER ______________________________________________________ 2

Graduate Training Program Fellowship

Leadership and Research on
Transition for Youth and Young
Adults with Disabilities
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jan. 2018- Aug. 2018 Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Special Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Aug. 2017- May 2019 Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Special Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

May 2018-May 2019 Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Special Education
STRONGkids Grant
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

May 2017-May 2019 Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Special Education
ACCESS Fellowship
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


2019 Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Special Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
SPED 117: The Culture of Disability


2019 Special Education Teacher
Life Skills Program- Extended School Year
Urbana High School
Urbana, IL
CLAIRE R. STELTER ______________________________________________________ 3

August 2017- May 2018 Graduate Student Committee Seat
College of Education
College Faculty & Staff Awards Committee
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

August 2017- May 2018 Graduate Student Committee Seat

Department of Special Education
Special Education Social Committee
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

August 2017- May 2019 Secretary

Department of Special Education
Special Education Graduate Student Assoc.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2017-2019 ACCESS Fellowship

2019-2023 Leadership and Research on Transition for

Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities

2019 The Wisconsin Center for Educational

Research Network Fellowship

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Lee, C., Burke, M.M., & Stelter, C.R. (2019). Exploring the perspectives of
parents and siblings toward future planning for individuals with
intellectual and developmental disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities, 57(3), 198-211. doi: 10.1352/1934-9556-57.3.198
Manuscripts in Preparation
1. Stelter, C.R., Burke, M.M., Fisher, K.W., & Williams, C. (in prep).
Exploring the perspectives and roles of siblings in transition planning
for their sibling with intellectual and developmental disability.
2. Fisher, K.W., & Stelter, C.R. (in prep). Who’s connected to whom
and how do we measure it? A systematic review of egocentric
network methods for adults with IDDD.
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3. Stelter, C.R. (in prep). Correlates and Determinants of Family

Involvement in Transition Planning for Young Adults with IDDD.

Oral Presentations
1. Stelter, C.R. (2019). Sibling Perceptions and Roles in Transition
Planning for their Sibling with Disability. Conference Presentation at
Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education SWAYWO
Conference, Stanford, CA.
2. Stelter, C.R. (2019). Inclusion and Equity: The Road to Inclusive
Practices. Advocates for Diverse Abilities Meeting, Madison, WI.
Poster Presentations
1. Woloweic-Fisher, K., & Stelter, C.R. (2019). Measuring Ego Networks
of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disability: A
Literature Review. Poster Presentation at the 143rd American
Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Conference, Twin Cities, MN.
2. Stelter, C.R. (2019). Sibling Perceptions and Roles in Transition
Planning for their Sibling with Disability. Conference Presentation at
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Graduate School of
Education Translating Research into Practice Poster Session,
Champaign, IL.
3. Lee, C., Stelter, C.R., & Burke, M.M. (2018). The perspectives of
parents and siblings toward future planning for adults with
Intellectual and developmental disabilities. Poster presentation at the
142nd American Association for Intellectual and Developmental
Disabilities Conference, St. Louis, MO.


April 2019 Professional Teaching License (LBS 1)
State of Illinois
Area: Special Education K-21

August 2019-2021 Non-Violent Crisis Prevention

August 2019-August 2021 AED/CPR Infant, Child, Adult

CLAIRE R. STELTER ______________________________________________________ 5

Professional Memberships & Affiliations
2019-Present TASH Member
2019-Present Sibling Leadership Network Member
2019-Present Autism Society Member

Conferences Attended
2019 AAIDD 143rd Conference
2019 SWAYWO Graduate School of Education
2018 AAIDD 142nd Conference
2016 National Council on Family Relations

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