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Patrick D. Galido

John Kenneth P. Ramos

Eira Katrina O. Cabanglan

Shiela Marie Anne B. Perdido

Angelica P. Salazar

Mary Ann V. Traje

Grade 12 ABM – Euro (2)



The Business Concepts and Business Model

Business Concepts

 Value Proposition – We will introduce our printing services that has a

constant quality at an affordable price to provide our customers’


 Customer Segments – The main customer segments of our business will

be the teachers, students, office workers and event organizers.

 Key Activities – Our key activities engages in providing printing services

through our physical store and marketing.

 Customer Relationship – The customer relationship of our business

takes place through feedback mechanism and in daily basis that will be

worked on by our employees.

 Distribution Channel – Omega Printing Express will provide its services

through physical stores.

 Cost Structure – Consists of services costs, employee salaries, facility

construction and marketing costs.

 Revenue – The revenue is generated by the business itself and will have

10% income share on its franchise.

Business Model

Strengths Weaknesses

 Good service offerings  Owner carries the financial

 Low labor cost responsibility on his own

 Creative people with technical  Owner has less experience


Opportunities Threats

 There are many possible  People may not trust our

customers business very sudden.

 Open another branches near the  High competition

schools in Pasig City  Long term debt may hinder the

 Advance in technologies growth of the business

The diagram shows the SWOT analysis of our business which will help

us know our strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and

threats that we will face in different situations. The strengths are the things

that will help us achieve our goals and objectives. Weaknesses are the things

we should improve because these could hurt the progress in achieving our

objectives. Opportunities are the external conditions that will help us achieve

our objectives while the threats are the conditions that could damage our

business' performance.
The Business Goals

Business Vision

 To be the best high quality printing service provider in Pasig City that

brings value to all customers.

Business Mission

 A profitable business that will benefit both us and our customers, while

we make our gain, they enjoy our services.

 We will provide services of the highest quality at the fair price.

Business Objectives

 To satisfy our customers about the service we are offering

 To serve the customers very well for being loyal and happy

 To have a good relationship between our employees and customers.

Business Performance Target

In the case of Omega Printing Express, the key result areas for each of

the objectives are as follows:

Objectives Performance Target

1.To serve the customer well for being 1a. New customers

honest and happy

2. To satisfy the needs and wants of 2a. Meet the customer needs and

the customer wants

2b. Customers satisfaction

3. To maintain the cleanliness and 3a. Loyal customers

ambiance of the store 3b. Awards/recognition given by the


3c. Customer satisfaction in terms of

the store

4. To have a good relationship 4a. Customer feedback mechanism

between our employees and customers 4b. Trend of the business in market

4c. Customer referrals

5. To establish a strong market 5a. Number of Printing Service

presence in Pasig City. Outlets in Schools within Pasig City

Performance Indicators

2018 2019 2021

Key Result Areas (Now) (1 yr. (3 yrs.

after) after)

1a. New customers 30% 35% 45%

2a. Meet the customer needs 2 out of 10 3 out of 15 5 out of 10

2b. Meet the customer needs and 4 out of 20 6 out of 20 10 out of

wants 20

3a. Loyal customers 30% 40% 60%

3b. Awards/recognition given by the None One by One by

Sta. Lucia Rizal High
community High School,
School, Pasig
3c. Customer satisfaction in terms the 4 out of 20 6 out of 20 10 out of

store 20

4a. Customer feedback mechanism 2 out of 10 3 out of 10 5 out of 10

4b. Trend of the business in market 10% 20% 40%

4c. Customer referrals 30% 40% 60%

5a. Established printing service 1 outlet 2 outlets 3 outlets


Executive Summary

Omega Printing Express is anew printing firm located at Pasig City

particularly near in Sta. Lucia High School and formed as a sole proprietorship.

Omega Printing Express will operate its store hours from 6:00 in the morning

until 10:00 in the evening to accommodate the customers very well.

Omega Printing Express is a printing related services provider. The name

Omega means great and it gives us determination to bring out the best in every

service. We will attain a competitive edge by offering services through

marketing, website and physical store, which is necessary to any business


We will be targeting the teachers and students who are most likely to

print or photocopy a documents and examination papers. We will offer printing

services of any type of prints such as document, photo, t-shirt, tarpaulin,

calling card printing and lamination. Our business is aiming to serve all of the

printing needs of our clients or customers and get their loyalty and trust. We

will assure everyone that the product quality and price would be excellent and

worth it.

Omega Printing Express aims to establish and operate another branch of

printing express within Pasig City in the future, with less price and superior

quality. Our business will increase its sales after a year, while improving the

gross margin, to help the businesses obtain the printing products and services
they need. We will differentiate them by reinforcing reliability and expertise

with competitive pricing.

To obtain this business plan, we have a capital of P1, 500, 000, to start

building the store, purchase printing equipment, salaries for the workers and

other covered expenses for the first year of operation. But to make this

business possible, we are seeking for a financial help to the financial

institution to have sufficient fund or capital.

The table presents the Omega Starting-up Summary.

Start-up Asset Amount

2 Printer 64, 000
1 Heat Press 9, 520
1 Tarpaulin Printer 100, 000
1 Paper Cutter (15x18) 1, 400
1 Laminating Machine 2, 000
Tarpaulin Eyelet Puncher 2, 280
3 Computer Set 45, 000
Total Start-up Asset 224, 200

Start-up Expenses Amount

Renovation 20, 000
20 Printer Ink 51, 000
Roll Laminating Film 2, 500
Short Bond Paper (1500 Reams) 300, 000
Long Bond Paper (300 Reams) 100, 000
A4 Bond Paper (300 Reams) 100, 000
Velum (100 Reams) 50, 000
Photo Paper (8000 Reams) 50, 000
T-shirt 400, 000
Tarpaulin Paper 40, 000
Total Start-up Expenses 1, 112, 320
Total Start-up Asset and Expenses 1, 337, 700

The Business Proponents: Organizers with their Capabilities and


1) Resource Mobilizers and Financial Backers – As a sole

proprietorship, we acquired the business loan in a financial institution to help

our business to conquer the burden in raising money.

2) Technology Providers and Applicator – As a sole proprietorship, we

are possible to have a sufficient fund to pay technology because technology is

one of the most important factor in running a business and with the help of

technology, the work can be easier and updated. Some technology provider will

be Intel, Samsung, Kodak, and Cuyi for the standard open display

merchandiser and so on.

3) Governance and Top Management – We will make a way to lead our

business in a positive direction. Our business aims to be known as a top

printing services store in Pasig City. For our strategy, we will offer discounted

price as our first plan. It can attract the customer’s attention because people

are looking for an affordable services and promos especially the lower class

people. It also includes here the setting budgets, the product development or

strategic plans about marketing. We have policies that we must follow. The

business activities developing our service to put a system to assess if the

policies were effective.

4) Operating and Support Team – Trusted team in a business is

important and necessary. So we will hire four photo editors, which can work

also in cleaning the area and assisting every customer’s orders. The advice or

suggestion of a specialist is very important for us to improve our business for

they have more knowledge. We will also train our workers for providing a better

service to the customers and to have proper ethics in approaching every

customer and running the business. We are also open for incoming support

team for us to improve and to be successful.


The Target Customers and the Main Value Proposition

Our target customers are those who are willing to buy and pay for the

service we are providing. We are targeting the event organizers and office

workers, however, our most priority are the teachers and students in Sta. Lucia

High School, Pasig City who are most likely to print school works and

documents. We are aiming to have other business outlets near other schools

and universities in Pasig City in the future.

Omega Printing Express will provide the same service as the other

printing service stores, this includes document printing, picture printing, t-

shirt printing, tarpaulin printing, and laminating.

However, we will offer and provide fast service with good quality at cheap

price. We will ensure to give them the service they wanted.

It’s a great opportunity for Omega Printing Express to have a higher

income and build a valuable relationship to the customer if they purchase

document printing, t-shirt printing and tarpaulin printing in bulk orders.

Especially if the schools or universities has an upcoming event, like Teachers’

Day and Foundation Day, these are the times they print batch t-shirts for the

upcoming events at their school.


Market Demand and Supply, Industry Dynamics, and Macro

Environmental Factors

Omega Printing Express is focused in pursuing and reaching out for

people to become their loyal customer, and this will help our business in

improving our market offerings and be profitable. Our target location is near

Sta. Lucia High School, where there is a high demand for different printing

services which are the photo and paper print, t-shirt printing, and tarpaulin


The estimated amount of service or demand desired by the customers for

paper printing service is approximately 800,000 units per year where there are

609, 600 units of printing in short bond paper (black and white), while the

other 190,400 units are for the other paper printing: short bond paper (colored)

and long bond paper (black and white, colored). There are 5,080 units demand

estimated for t-shirt printing.

Business cannot avoid the critical factors which may affect the demand

and supply desired by our target customers. Like in our business, we cannot

assure to earn money every day because students have their vacation during

the months of April and May, so there is a low demand of printing service for

these months and also for the days that there is a calamity or storm because

classes might be suspended. Of course, the competitors can be the other factor
because students might choose the other business which offers the same

service we are offering.

The following are the macro environmental factors:

Social Environment. We will place our business at Sta. Lucia High

School where there are teaches, students and office workers during weekdays.

People at this are usually classified as middle class people that are the target of

our company.

Political Environment. In the Government System of Pasig City, there

are certain requirements for a start-up business. Our business will comply

with all the requirements and will be open for evaluation of Business Permits

and Licensing Office (BPLO), the zooning office (for the locational clearance),

and the Bureau of Fire Protection.

Economic Environment. Based on the supply and demand at Pasig

City, we come up with an idea to provide services that are suitable for the

demand of the people especially the teachers, students, and office workers.

Ecological Environment. All the natural resources that is needed in our

business will be use sufficiently. We don’t want to waste resources for the


Technological Environment. Considering the level of our technology,

our business will use technology in order to launch and commercialize our
service effectively. We want to be involved in the technology so that the

business will be successful and will belong to the trend.


Product / Service Offering: Description, Evolution, and Justification

Omega Printing Express is a new printing firm in Pasig City, and formed

as a sole proprietorship. It provides print media and related services. We are

especially focused on providing the possible print media, in addition to our

knowledge and expertise of the print industry.

Omega Printing Express is a service agency and provider of print related

services such as:

 Document printing

 Photo printing

 T-shirt printing

 Tarpaulin Printing

 Calling card Printing

 Lamination

We will assure these services will be delivered on a timely and cost

effective basis. Printing industry needs new and fresh ideas and solutions for

the customers/client meet their individual needs. In order to offer any type of

prints with good quality, we should maintain our relationship with our

distributors or suppliers. Our service will help our customers/clients to save

more money and avoid rushing with their time.


The Enterprise Strategy and Enterprise Delivery System

Enterprise Strategy

As a sole proprietorship we will compete to the other competitors whose

businesses already exist. We will consider the factors that can make our

business known and unique from other competitors. The factors that we

consider in our business are the density or numbers of population in our area.

In demographic are the ages, lifestyle, and income of the customers. And in

psychographic we consider all social class but particularly the middle class. We

must see these factors significant to our marketing strategy. In time of

recession, consider redesigning the products and their price to cope with the

situation of the customers. We offer discounted recession of the products and

their price to cope with the situation of the customers.

Enterprise Delivery System

Input Throughput Output Marketing Desired Outcomes

 Resources
 Operation • Service  Price  Customer Satisfied

 Target Sales
-Money -Method  Product

-Manpower  Place  Income Generated

 Technologies
• Employees’
• Promotion Performance
The enterprise delivery system of our business starts from the input

(resources mobilized, money, manpower, technologies, machines) proceeds to

the throughout (the operation method and management) produces the output

(the service). The marketing are (price, promotion, place, and product).

Customer satisfied, target sales attained, income generated and employees’

performance from the transaction are the desired outcomes of the enterprise

delivery system or EDS.


Financial Forecasts: Expected Returns, Risks, and Contingencies

Omega Printing Express

Statement of Comprehensive Income

2018 2019
Sales 1, 625, 500 2, 400, 000
Service Income 174, 400 295, 900
Other Printing Service Income 1, 800, 000 2, 695, 900

Less: Operating Expenses

Renovation 20, 000 20, 000
Salaries 180, 000 180, 000
Rent Expense 88, 800 88, 800
Light and Water Expense 36, 000 56, 200
Ink 51, 000 120, 000
Roll Lamination Film 2, 500 6, 000
T-shirts (5, 333 pieces) 400, 000 500, 000
Short Bond Paper (1500 Reams) 300, 000 400, 000
Long Bond Paper (300 Reams) 100, 000 150, 000
A4 Bond Paper (300 Reams) 100, 000 125, 000
Velum Paper (100 Reams) 50, 000 75, 000
Photo Paper 50, 000 75, 000
Tarpaulin Paper 40, 000 90, 000
Other Expenses 180, 000 114, 000
Total: (1, 598, 300) (2, 000, 000)
Net Income 201, 700 695, 900
Omega Printing Express
Statement of Financial Position

2019 2018
Current Assets:
Accounts Receivable 587, 500 237, 500
2, 250,
Cash 4, 300, 000 000
Total Current Asset: 4, 887, 500 2, 487, 500

Non-Current Assets:
Printer (2pcs.) 128, 000 64, 000
Heat Press (1pc) 19, 040 9, 520
Tarpaulin Printer (1pc) 200, 000 100, 000
Paper Cutter 15x18 (1pc) 2, 800 1, 400
Laminating Machine (1pc) 4, 000 2, 000
Tarpaulin Eyelet Puncher 4, 560 2, 280
Computer Set (3 Sets) 90, 000 45, 000
Total Non-Current Asset: 448, 400 224, 200
Total Assets: 15, 335, 900 2, 711, 700

Current Liabilities:
Account Payable 40, 000 10, 000
Total Current Liabilities: 40, 000 10, 000

Non-Current Liabilities:
1, 000,
Loan Payable 1, 800, 000 000
Total Non-current Liabilities: 1, 800, 000 1, 000, 000
Total Liabilities: 1, 840, 000 1, 010, 000

Capital, Ending 3, 495, 900 1, 701, 700
Total Liabilities and Equity: 5, 335, 900 2, 711, 700
Liquidity Measurement of the Business

 Working Capital

2018 2019

2,487,500 – 10,000 = 2,477,500 4,887,500 – 40,000 = 4,847,500

This means that the working capital in year 2019 at P4, 847,500 is

higher than the year 2018 at P2, 477,500. It presents that the working

capital of the business increased.

 Current Ratio

2018 2019

2,487,500 4,887,500
= 248.75 = 122.19
10,000 40,000

This means that the business has P248.75 current assets to pay for a

peso of current liability in 2018 against P122.19 current assets to pay for

a peso of current liability in 2019. Though the current ratio of the year

2018 is lesser than 2019, the business is still liquid because of its ability

to pay debt in creditor is still high.

 Quick Ratio or Acid Ratio Test


2,250,600 + 237,500 4,300,000 + 587,500

= 248.75:1 = 122.19:1
10,000 40,000

The acid ratio test is the stricter measurement of liquidity since

only the quick assets are reality used to pay for the business obligation.
Hence, you can still see the high liquidity of the business in computing

the acid ratio test of the firm. Omega Printing Express has P248.75 of

quick assets to pay for every peso of current liability in the year 2019.

Solvency Measurement of the Business

 Debt Ratio and Equity Ratio

2018 2019

Debt Ratio

1,010,000 1,840,000
= 37.2% = 34.5%
2,711,700 5,335,900

Equity Ratio

1,701,700 3,495,900
= 62.8% = 65.6%
2,711,700 5,355,900

100% 100%

The business shows an improvement in its ability to pay long term

obligation to the creditors. This computation means that the 34.5% of

total assets of the business are the proportion provided by the creditors

while the 65.5% is proportion of the business assists invested by the

owner. Thought the large amount of assets are not yet totally owned by

the owner, the long term obligation of the business may decrease the

succeeding years because of improvement shows in the solvency

measurement of the business.

Profitability Measurement of the Business

 Profit Margin

2018 2019

201,700 695,900
= 0.11 or 11% = 0.26 or 26%
1,800,000 2,695,900

It shows the adequacy of the revenue to each profit. In 2019, 26%

of the revenue aimed went to profit. While in 2018 its 11%. The higher

the ratio the more profitable the business is.

 Return on Total Assets

= 0.07 or 7%
1,701,700 + 3,495,900

This means that the rate of return show in income earned by the

business based in asset investment. A high rate means the assets are

being used profitably by the business. In the year of 2019 the rate of

return or net income earned by the resources was 7%.

 Return on Equity

2018 2019

201,700 695,900
= 0.08 or 8% = 0.30 or 30%
1,701,700 + 3,495,900 1,701,700 + 3,495,900

2 2
This means that the owner earned 30% of the investment in 2019.

Based on the computation of the profitability measurements, the

business us profitable venture and its profitability would improve from

2018 to 2019 of operation.


Environmental and Regulatory Compliance

Omega Printing Express should have a business permits in order to

implement it. Here are the government agencies where we are required to
register our business. First, we should register our business name in
Department of Trade and Industry in order to avoid having a same business
name. If none, we will fill up the Business Name (BN) Application Form and
wait for the DTI Certificate of Registration. After that, we will proceed to Local
Government Units (LGU), such as Barangay and Mayor’s Office.

In registration in Barangay, we must submit the following: Certificate of

Business Registration from DTI, two valid IDs, proof of address such as
Contract of Lease to claim the Barangay Certificate of Business Registration. In
registration in Mayor’s Office, we must submit the requirements same in
Barangay, the additional is the Barangay Clearance Certificate to claim the
Mayor’s Business Permit and Licenses. Lastly, in Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR), we will go to Regional District Office (RDO) where our business is located
fill-up the BIR Form 1901 - application for registration (for sole proprietor).
Then, submit completed registration form together with the following:
Certificate of Registration form DTI, Barangay Clearance, Mayor’s business
permit, proof of address such as Contract of Lease, valid IDs, pay the
registration form (BIR Form 0605), register the book of accounts and receipts /
invoices to claim our Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303). After
completing the all steps, we can now focus in operating and growing our

Capital Structure and Financial Offering: Returns and Benefits to

Investors, Financiers, and Partners

The main source of our business to finance our capital needed to start

up is through financial institution. We will loan P1, 500, 000 to have enough

and sufficient amount to start our business, and for the printing machines for

paper, t-shirt, tarpaulin and laminating machine and for the other expenses.

The spare money will be our working capital.

Our creditors will ensure the liquidity and solvency of our business since

we will pay long term debt. This presents that our business will experience


According to the presentation of debt ratio in 2018, 37.2% is owned by

the bank since we have loan our capital to them but in 2019 it becomes 34.5%

meaning we are paying our loan little by little. It concludes that the business is


2019 2018

Debt Ratio 34.5% 37.2%

Equity Ration 65.6% 62.8%

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