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The Sunsword

he Sunsword is a unique blade that once
opposed Strahd while weilded by his brother,
Sergei. In its original form, it had a platinum
hilt and guard, and a thin crystal blade as
strong as steel. When Sergei died, Strahd
employed a powerful wizard named Khazan to
destroy the weapon.
The first part of the process required the hilt and blade to
be separated, then destroyed simutaneously. When the blade
was separated from the hilt, the blade took on the
appearance of a normal longsword.
However, before Khazan could destroy the hilt and blade,
his apprentice Gabriela stole the hilt and fled. Her flight was
successful in saving the blade from destruction. However, she
didn't succeed in fleeing Barovia before some nameless
menace in the mists claimed her.
Khazan later located his apprentice’s mutilated corpse in
the Svalich Woods, but the hilt was nowhere to be found.
To avoid the vampire’s wrath, Khazan hid the remains of
the blade away somewhere in Barovia and told Strahd that
the entire weapon had been destroyed.

Sunsword properties
The Sunsword is a unique blade that possesses powers
accessible through a special bonding ritual. Once the
powerers were awakened, only the wielder bonded to the
blade could call upon the abilities inherent to the weapon,
abilities most suited to destroying undead. Trial by Flight
Sentience You must defeat an evil not directed by direct force of arms,
but through wit, craft or other strategem. When that is done,
The Sunsword is a sentient chaotic good weapon with an you must repeat the bonding ritual.
Intelligence of 11, a Wisdom of 17, and a Charisma of 16. It
has hearing and normal vision out to a range of 60 feet. The Feat Granted: Lesser Legacy
weapon communicates by transmitting emotions to the Longsword enhancements
creature carrying or wielding it. Undeath's Bane
Fires of Day improved
Trial by Death
The Sunsword's special purpose is to destroy Strahd, not so
much because it wants to free the land of Barovia from evil You must defeat a fiend or undead whose challenge rating is
but because it wants revenge for its sundering. The weapon at least 2 higher than your level, although you need not do so
secretly fears its own destruction. alone. When that is done, you must repeat the bonding ritual.
Feat Granted: Greater Legacy
Legacy Rituals Longsword enhancements
Three rituals are required to unlock all of the abilities of the Banish undead
sunsword. Undeath to death

Sunsword Bonding Ritual

You must reunite the sword and hilt by bringing them to the
shrine of Saint Markovia at the Abbey in Krezk and basking
in the pool for 8 hours
Feat Granted: Least Legacy
Longsword enhancements
Fires of Day
Death Ward
Legacy Abilities
Legacy Abilities Wielder Level Ability
To activate the Legacy abilities, beginning at 5th level a 5th +1 longsword
character who has performed the least legacy ritual gains 6th Good-aligned
extra abilities while weilding the Sunsword. These abilities
are shown in the table. 7th Fires of Day
If a character reaches 11th level and has not performed the 8th —
lesser legacy ritual, they does not gain any of the abilities
granted by the Sunsword for 11th level and above. The same 9th Break of Day
applies when the character reaches 17th level. 10th Death Ward
11th +2 longsword
12th —
At 6th level, the Sunsword awakes to goodness; all weapon
damage made by this weapon is radiant. Against undead or 13th +3 longsword
fiends, the weapon deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage. 14th —
15th Undeath's Bane
Fires of Day
16th Fires of day, improved
At 9th level, once per day you can swing the Sunsword
vigorously above you head while speaking the command 17th +4 longsword
words “Feel the fires of day!” The Sunsword then begins 18th —
shining in a 10-foot radius around you and extends outward 19th Banish undead
at 5 feet per round for 10 rounds thereafter, to create a globe
of light with a 60-foot radius equal to natural sunlight (similar 20th Undeath to death
to a daylight effect). When you stop swinging, the radiance
fades to a dim glow that persists for another minute before Banish Undead
disappearing entirely.
Once per day, when you yell out, “Return to the Dark” while
Break of Day holding the Sunsword, you can affect undead similarly a
banishment spell affects extraplanar creatures. This effect
At 9th level, once per day you can swing the Sunsword while treats all undead as extraplanar whose home plane is the
speaking the command words “Let the day strike you!” The Negative Energy Plane.
Sunsword then expels a beam of natural sunlight in a 5-foot The undead’s save DC is 17 or 14 + your Cha modifier,
wide, 60-foot line. (similar to a sunbeam effect) whichever is higher.
Each creature in the line must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d8 radiant damage Undeath to Death (Sp):
and is blinded until your next turn. On a successful save, it
takes half as much damage and isn't blinded by this spell. When you reach 20th level, you can use undeath to death as
Undead and oozes have diadvantage on this saving throw. the spell once per day on command (caster level 20th). This
You can make a new line of radiance as your action on any ability can instead deal damage to undead creatures.
turn for one minute (concentration). For the duration, a mote The save DC is 17 or 14 + your Cha modifier, whichever is
of brillant radiance shines in your hand. It sheds bright light higher.
in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.
This light is sunlight.
The save DC is 15 or 12 + your Cha modifier, whichever is
Death Ward
When you reach 10th level, you can bestow a death ward on a
creature you touch with the Sunsword once per day (caster
level 7th).
Undeath’s Bane
Against fiends or undead creatures, the sword deals double
damage (and ×3 on a critical hit instead of the normal ×2)
Fires of Day, Improved
As fires of day, except you can use the ability an unlimited
number of times per day.

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