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Kidney Int. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 February 01.
Author Manuscript

Published in final edited form as:

Kidney Int. 2014 August ; 86(2): 275–285. doi:10.1038/ki.2014.17.

Advances in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and related

podocyte injury
Iasmina M. Craici, MD1, Steven J. Wagner, MD1, Tracey L. Weissgerber, PhD2, Joseph P.
Grande, MD, PhD3, and Vesna D. Garovic, MD2
1Division of Nephrology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS
2Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
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3Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-specific hypertensive disorder that may lead to serious maternal and
fetal complications. It is a multisystem disease that is commonly, but not always, accompanied by
proteinuria. Its cause(s) remain unknown, and delivery remains the only definitive treatment. It is
increasingly recognized that many pathophysiological processes contribute to this syndrome, with
different signaling pathways converging at the point of systemic endothelial dysfunction,
hypertension, and proteinuria. Different animal models of pre-eclampsia have proven utility for
specific aspects of pre-eclampsia research, and offer insights into pathophysiology and treatment
possibilities. Therapeutic interventions that specifically target these pathways may optimize pre-
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eclampsia management and may improve fetal and maternal outcomes. In addition, recent findings
regarding placental, endothelial, and podocyte pathophysiology in pre-eclampsia provide unique
and exciting possibilities for improved diagnostic accuracy. Emerging evidence suggests that
testing for urinary podocytes or their markers may facilitate the prediction and diagnosis of pre-
eclampsia. In this review, we explore recent research regarding placental, endothelial, and
podocyte pathophysiology. We further discuss new signaling and genetic pathways that may
contribute to pre-eclampsia pathophysiology, emerging screening and diagnostic strategies, and
potential targeted interventions.

endothelial dysfunction; placenta; podocyturia; pre-eclampsia
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Address for Correspondence: Vesna D. Garovic, MD, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW,
Rochester, MN 55905 USA, Phone: 507-266-1963, Fax: 507-266-7891, [email protected].
Conflict of interest: Dr. Garovic is the inventor of technology referenced in this article. That technology has been patented by Mayo
Clinic, but is currently not licensed.
All other authors report no conflict of interest.
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Pre-eclampsia, a hypertensive disorder unique to pregnancy, remains a leading cause of fetal

and maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide.1 Unlike other hypertensive pregnancy
disorders, pre-eclampsia is a systemic disease with multi-organ involvement, which is
commonly, but not always, accompanied by either sudden onset or worsening of pre-
existing proteinuria. It is estimated that 5% of otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies will be
affected by pre-eclampsia, and that as many as 25% of pregnant women with preexisting
hypertension will develop superimposed pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is commonly viewed
as one of the hypertensive pregnancy disorders, which cover a spectrum of clinical
presentations from chronic hypertension (i.e. hypertension occurring prior to 20 weeks of
gestation) and gestational hypertension (hypertension occurring after 20 weeks of gestation)
to more severe forms, including pre-eclampsia, eclampsia (its convulsive form), and HELLP
syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets). The rationale to treat
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these disorders as a continuum comes from clinical evidence demonstrating that either
chronic or gestational hypertension may progress to pre-eclampsia (commonly evidenced by
new-onset or worsening of proteinuria), while pre-eclampsia may progress to more severe
forms, such as eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. An alternative approach views pre-eclampsia
as a separate disease entity. Either way, it is recognized that pre-eclampsia is a
heterogeneous disease. Different clinical subtypes may reflect distinct underlying
pathological mechanisms.2 For example, it is common in clinical practice to subcategorize
pre-eclampsia as early versus late (before and after 34 weeks of gestation, respectively),3
and mild versus severe,4 based on the absence/ presence of severe hypertension, defined as a
blood pressure ≥160/110 mm Hg, proteinuria ≥ 5 gr/24-hours, neurological/renal/cardiac
impairment, or signs of HELLP. Recent evidence suggests that women with early severe
pre-eclampsia, who are at particularly high risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes, may have a
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more pronounced anti-angiogenic imbalance than those with late pre-eclampsia and more
favorable outcomes.5 Active research in this field may delineate the mechanisms of the
subtypes of pre-eclampsia, commonly referred to as placental versus maternal pre-
eclampsia, based on their etiologies and origins.6, 7

Renal pathology in pre-eclampsia in the form of endotheliosis has long been recognized, and
the kidney manifestations of pre-eclampsia form the basis for a “nephrocentric” view in the
research and clinical arenas.8 In contrast, obstetric literature questions the importance of
kidney injury (as demonstrated by proteinuria) in the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, suggesting
that a subclass of “non-proteinuric pre-eclampsia” should be added,9 or that detection of
proteinuria should not be mandatory for a pre-eclampsia diagnosis.10 However, similar to
other renal diseases, proteinuria in pre-eclampsia may represent a late marker of renal injury.
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Our recent data suggest that podocyturia i.e., the urinary loss of viable glomerular epithelial
cells (podocytes), may occur prior to the clinical features of pre-eclampsia, potentially
representing an earlier marker of renal injury than proteinuria. These findings set the stage
for future studies of podocyturia in women who meet all of the clinical criteria, for the
diagnosis of pre-eclampsia, except proteinuria.

The main objective of this review is to discuss emerging theories regarding pre-eclampsia
pathophysiology, focusing on the different causal pathways that translate into different

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subtypes (clinical phenotypes) of pre-eclampsia; highlight animal models that may advance
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the understanding of the roles of specific mechanisms in pre-eclampsia; examine emerging

evidence indicating that different signaling pathways may converge at the point of podocyte
damage, which may be at the core of renal injury and ultimately lead to proteinuria; and
discuss their possible implications for pre-eclampsia diagnosis and management.


The prediction and treatment of preeclampsia is complicated by the fact that many
pathophysiological processes may contribute to this syndrome. These causal pathways are
believed to converge at the point of systemic endothelial dysfunction, which leads to
hypertension and proteinuria (Figure 1). The fact that hypertension rapidly resolves upon the
removal of the fetus and placenta has led to several theories implicating structural and/or
functional changes in the developing placenta as factors causing pre-eclampsia. Placental
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hypoxia is frequently viewed as an early event that may cause placental production of
soluble factors leading to endothelial dysfunction.11 Over the last decade, pre-eclampsia has
been associated with elevated levels of the soluble receptor for vascular endothelial growth
factor (VEGF) of placental origin. This soluble receptor, commonly referred to as soluble
fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor-1 (sFlt-1), may bind and neutralize VEGF, and thus limit
the availability of free VEGF for fetal and placental angiogenesis. Several rodent models
simulate pre-eclampsia by exogenous sFlt-1 administration. In the most direct model,
intraperitoneal sFlt-1 injections produce short-term elevations of sFlt-1.12 In the hours after
sFlt-1 injection, animals develop hypertension, proteinuria, and altered podocyte protein
expression, but do not develop glomerular endotheliosis, the classical renal lesion of pre-
eclampsia. Administration of an adenoviral vector encoding sFlt-1 leads to longer-term
sFlt-1 exposure in rats.13 This model reproduces the findings of hypertension, proteinuria,
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and glomerular endotheliosis. Elevated levels of another anti-angiogenic factor, soluble

endoglin, have been subsequently implicated in neutralizing transforming factor-β and the
resultant vascular damage in pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.14 These anti-angiogenic
factors are commonly viewed as the missing link between abnormal placentation and the
maternal syndrome. However, these factors are likely a consequence, rather than the cause,
of placental ischemia in pre-eclampsia. As such, they likely play an important role in
“placental” pre-eclampsia, in which placental ischemia is present, but not in “maternal” pre-
eclampsia, which occurs in the absence of placental ischemia,7 or in postpartum pre-
eclampsia15 which occurs after delivery in the absence of the placenta.

Placental preeclampsia is characterized by the failure of placental spiral arteries to lose

their musculoelastic layers, ultimately leading to decreased placental perfusion.16, 17 Failed
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adaptation of the uterine spiral arteries supplying the placenta may lead to placental
ischemia,18 recurrent episodes of ischemia and reperfusion,19 or high-velocity blood flow
that damages placental villous tissue.19 Ultimately, the damaged placenta may release one or
more factors into the maternal circulation that cause systemic endothelial dysfunction.18

Several animal models attempt to emulate the incomplete adaptation of the maternal spiral
arteries that supply the placenta. The reduced uterine perfusion pressure (RUPP) model
surgically reduces uterine blood flow by partial or complete ligation of the aorta or uterine

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artery (ies). An excellent review of the RUPP model was recently published.20 The RUPP
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model causes hypertension and proteinuria, but not glomerular endotheliosis; hence, it may
not be a good model for studying renal pathophysiology in pre-eclampsia. However, the
RUPP model has proven valuable for studying the effects, rather than the causes, of fetal-
placental ischemia. Elevated levels of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα); interleukin (IL)-6;
autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA); the potent vasoconstrictor
endothelin-1; sFlt-1; and soluble endoglin reported in pre-eclampsia are also seen in the
RUPP model.21, 22

The baboon utero-placental ischemia model (UPI) is similar to the RUPP rat model, but
results in more specific utero-placental ischemia.23 This technique involves uterine artery
angiography followed by unilateral uterine artery ligation. Compared with sham animals,
pregnant UPI baboons display clinically significant hypertension and proteinuria, with renal
biopsies showing endotheliosis similar to human pre-eclampsia. Of the animal models, the
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baboon UPI model may most closely resemble the human condition. However, the inherent
complexities of using non-human primates in research limit its availability. Similar to the
RUPP model,24 sFlt-1 levels are elevated in this model, indicating that they are a
consequence, rather than the cause, of placental ischemia.

Maternal pre-eclampsia is not associated with abnormal placentation and decreased

perfusion. This form occurs in women with vascular dysfunction prior to pregnancy
(commonly due to hypertension, diabetes, or obesity), in whom pregnancy acts as a
physiological stress test that exacerbates preexisting endothelial dysfunction. This maternal
vs. fetal preeclampsia classification is somewhat artificial and simplistic, as both processes
likely play a role, but with varying contributions.6 The placental versus maternal form is
increasingly interpreted in the context of early versus late preeclampsia, as poor
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placentation, the pathological substrate for fetal growth restriction, commonly occurs with
early disease,25 which, compared to late pre-eclampsia, is characterized by different
biochemical markers, heritability, and worse pregnancy outcomes.3 In addition, particularly
severe maternal complications have been associated with postpartum pre-eclampsia, which
occurs in 6% of all pre-eclamptic pregnancies15 and in up to 30% of those with HELLP
syndrome.26 Regardless of the origins/etiologies of the initial insults, systemic endothelial
dysfunction appears to be the converging point of different causal pathways, ultimately
leading to the cardinal clinical features of pre-eclampsia.

Genetic studies of pre-eclampsia suggest heritability of this condition, but have not
consistently identified the responsible genetic variants using either candidate gene or
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genome scanning approaches.27 The discussion that follows presents recent genetic studies.

Notch signaling pathway

The Notch pathway consists of four Notch receptors and five Notch ligands.28
Transcriptional activation of Notch targeting genes leads to proliferation, differentiation, and
apoptotic programs, all of which are essential for proper placentation.

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Animal studies have shown that abnormal Notch signaling may lead to abnormal
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cytotrophoblast invasion characteristic of pre-eclampsia.29–31 Preliminary clinical data

support the role of impaired Notch signaling in pre-eclampsia and abnormal placentation.
Notch protein expression is decreased in pre-eclamptic placental tissue compared to healthy
controls.32, 33 VEGF induces expression of Notch1 and its ligand,34 suggesting that
decreased Notch signaling in pre-eclampsia may be a consequence of VEGF down-
regulation in placental tissue.

Transcription factor storkhead box 1 (STOX1)

Recent studies suggest that this transcription factor may contribute to aberrant placentation
in pre-eclampsia. In a Dutch study of families with 2 or more sisters afflicted with pre-
eclampsia, a specific mutation of STOX1, Y153H, was identified in pre-eclamptic patients,
although with incomplete penetrance.35 While these findings were not replicated in larger
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studies,36, 37 a recent animal study supported the possible involvement of STOX1 in pre-
eclampsia. Transgenic mice overexpressing human STOX1 developed hypertension,
proteinuria, and elevated levels of sFlt-1 and sEng.38 Although the renal histology is similar
to that seen in pre-eclampsia, hypertension begins before placental formation, suggesting
that the pathophysiology might be different than that seen in human disease. These data
indicate that STOX1 may contribute to some cases of pre-eclampsia, but it is unlikely to be a
common cause of the disorder.

Epigenetic studies
Altered DNA methylation contributes to the control of proliferative, invasive, and immune
tolerance in oncogenesis,39 a disease process with many parallels to normal pregnancy.
These conditions share the common goal of providing a nutrient supply and immune
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tolerance to a growing tumor or fetus, respectively. While epigenetic mechanisms are

studied in tumor pathology, little is known about the role of DNA methylation in mediating
maternal adaptations crucial for normal pregnancy. We recently demonstrated that normal
early pregnancy (< 20 gestational weeks) is a transient state of epigenetic change favoring
hypomethylation.40 This process may be impaired in pre-eclampsia. Genome-wide
methylation profiles in maternal leukocyte DNA at the time of delivery show more
methylation in women with pre-eclampsia compared to matched controls with an
uncomplicated pregnancy.41 Future research should examine whether differences in
methylation contribute to the differential expressions of markers that are associated with
pre-eclampsia. New biomarkers and pathways in pre-eclampsia could also be identified by
differences in methylation.
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Over the last decade, the pathway receiving the most attention involves the imbalance
between the pro-angiogenic VEGF and placental growth factor (PlGF), and the anti-
angiogenic sFlt-1 and soluble endoglin. Excessive production of anti-angiogenic sFlt-1 and
soluble endoglin reduces the bioavailability of pro-angiogenic PlGF and VEGF. While
reduced VEGF signaling is central to the sFlt-1 hypothesis, several lines of evidence suggest
that this may be insufficient to cause hypertension and proteinuria when PlGF is present.

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Pregnant rats develop hypertension and proteinuria following adenoviral expression of

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sFlt-1, but not sFlk-1 (a type 2 VEGF receptor which only binds VEGF).13 In contrast,
adenoviral expression of both sFlt-1 or sFlk-1 causes hypertension and proteinuria in non-
pregnant rats, which have very low PlGF concentrations.13 On the clinical side, higher blood
pressures early in pregnancy and more preterm deliveries were reported in pre-eclamptic
women with low PlGF from 15 weeks gestation to term, compared to pre-eclamptic women
with normal or high PlGF from 15 weeks gestation to term.2 This suggests that low versus
normal/high PlGF levels may underpin two different clinical subtypes of pre-eclampsia.2
Some researchers have suggested redefining pre-eclampsia by using placenta-derived
biomarkers, which link placental pathology (abnormal placentation) to impaired
angiogenesis (low PlGF levels) and subsequent clinical phenotype (early, severe
preeclampsia).6 While this classification may improve the reliability and reproducibility of
outcomes assessment in pre-eclampsia, wider application is critically dependent on future
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studies to establish the cause-effect relationships among these events. An improved

understanding of the complex interactions between anti-angiogenic and proangiogenic
factors in normal and preeclamptic pregnancies is also needed, but, at present, may be
hindered by the analytical limitations of current angiogenic marker assays.

Therapeutic Implications
In humans, sFlt-1 may contribute directly to the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Its removal
by apheresis was associated with reduced hypertension and proteinuria in pre-eclamptic
women.42 However, the dextran columns used for apheresis remove many substances from
the circulation; hence it is not clear whether sFlt-1 was the causative agent.

Other hypothesized mechanisms for increased sFlt-1 in pre-eclampsia include dysregulation

of cystathionine γ-lyse (CSE).43 Placental CSE expression is reduced in pre-eclampsia,
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leading to reduced plasma levels of the pro-angiogenic gaseous vasodilator, hydrogen

sulfide (H2S).43 The CSE/H2S may serve as another therapeutic target, pending additional
studies to elucidate its protective mechanisms and bioavailability.


Blood pressure decreases in normal pregnancy due to generalized peripheral vasodilation.
This decrease in peripheral vascular resistance is multifactorial. Contributing factors include
an increased resistance to angiotensin II44 and an increased ratio between vasodilatory
prostacyclin and vasoconstrictive thromboxane, and activation of nitric oxide (NO), a potent
vasodilator that mediates endothelium-dependent relaxation (Figure 2). An imbalance
between prostacyclin and thromboxane in favor of the latter leaves thromboxane’s
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vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation activities unopposed.45 This latter observation led
to the hypothesis that aspirin might prevent pre-eclampsia.46 While clinical trials reported
conflicting results, a meta-analysis of 59 trials involving 37,560 women found that low
doses of aspirin reduced the absolute risk pre-eclampsia in women who were at high risk and
concluded that future studies are required to assess which women are most likely to benefit,
when treatment is best started, and at what dose.47

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There are several potential mechanisms of increased reactivity to angiotensin II in pre-

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eclampsia. These include the presence of agonistic autoantibodies for angiotensin II type 1
(AT1) receptors,48 and heterodimerization between the AT1-receptor and the B2-receptor
for the depressor, bradykinin. The AT1-B2-heterodimer mediates increased responsiveness
to angiotensin II, and also confers resistance to AT1-receptor inactivation by reactive
oxygen species.49

The discussion that follows does not aim to present the complex interactions among a
myriad of vasoactive molecules that may have a role in pre-eclampsia,50 but rather to
discuss more recent discoveries and their potential roles in identifying new therapeutic

Heme oxygenase and carbon monoxide

Heme oxygenase (HO) converts heme to biliverdin in a process that releases carbon
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monoxide (CO). Biliverdin reductase then rapidly converts biliverdin to bilirubin. Both
biliverdin and bilirubin are powerful anti-oxidants, and CO may also have beneficial effects.
HO activity appears to be crucial for proper placental vascular development.51, 52 HO-1
knockout mice display abnormal placentation, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and
fetal demise. Heme administration produces a similar phenotype in wild-type mice.
Interestingly, inhaled CO reverses these adverse effects.53 A study of non-smoking women
during late gestation (>31 weeks), demonstrated that women with pre-eclampsia, compared
to those without, have significantly reduced end-tidal CO levels, indicating reduced HO-1

Studies demonstrate dose-dependent protection against pre-eclampsia for women residing in

areas with higher ambient CO.55 These observational data are supported by in vitro studies,
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where CO protects placental villous explants against hypoxia/reoxygenation injury through

anti-apoptotic mechanisms.56 Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) treated with
CO-releasing molecule-2 (CORM-2) release less sFlt-1, likely through decreased VEGF-E
mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of VEGFR-2.57 These studies provide a mechanism for
the observed protective effect of CO exposure on pre-eclampsia risk.

Nitric oxide
Nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator that mediates endothelium-dependent relaxation, has
been linked to endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclampsia.58 As NO is regulated by VEGF,59 it
was hypothesized that down-regulation of VEGF in pregnancy may result in a suboptimal
increase in NO and endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclampsia (Figure 2). However, data
concerning NO production in pre-eclampsia have been conflicting. Investigators have
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reported lower,60 unchanged,61 and higher62 production compared to normal controls, even
after controlling for diet, medications and urinary excretion that can affect serum nitrate
levels. It appears that reduced NO bioavailability, rather than changes in absolute NO levels,
may alter endothelial function. Elevated intracellular levels of NO and superoxide react to
produce an excess of peroxynitrate, the presence of which is confirmed by nitrotyrosine
formation. Endothelial dysfunction results from the decreased abilities of specific proteins to
undergo tyrosine phosphorylation once peroxynitrate-induced tyrosine nitration is

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completed.63 Several studies have observed elevated peroxynitrate levels in pre-eclampsia,

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as measured by nitrotyrosine formation.64, 65 NO induces vasodilation, not only through its

direct effect on endothelial cells, but also by inhibiting the potent vasoconstrictors
endothelin-166 and thromboxane,67 and by stimulating production of a vasodilatory
prostacyclin.68 Based on these observations, some authors have suggested that all aspects of
the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia are related to the combined effects of a relative NO
deficiency coupled with a peroxynitrate excess.58

Therapeutic Implications
CO, NO and H2S belong to the category of endogenously generated small molecules,
gasotransmitters. These molecules are emerging as potential therapeutics for several disease
entities, including cardiovascular disease and pre-eclampsia. Therapeutic use of CO gas and
CO-releasing molecule was studied in preclinical animal models, which demonstrated anti-
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inflammatory properties, cardiovascular protective effects, and superior preservation of

organs for transplantation compared to cold storage procedures.69 At present, the use of
gasotransmitters in clinical practice is limited by their instability, potential toxicities, and the
lack of appropriate delivery systems.


Pre-eclampsia has long been considered an immune-mediated syndrome. Pre-eclamptic
women display elevated inflammatory cytokines and autoantibodies. Autoantibodies to the
AT1 receptor are present in pre-eclampsia and may contribute to hypertension.48 AT1-AA
bind to and activate AT1 receptors on vascular cells; their binding can be blocked by AT1
receptor blockers, such as losartan. Hypertension in RUPP rats is associated with elevated
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AT1-AA; hence placental ischemia may be an important stimulus for AT1-AA production.70
AT1-AA infusion in pregnant rats induces hypertension and mitigates impaired vasodilatory
responses to acetylcholine in renal interlobar arteries.71 In addition, recent evidence suggests
that elements of innate immunity, such as TNFα and interleukin 6 (IL-6), may induce a pre-
eclamptic syndrome by generation of AT1-AA,70, 72 and that activation of Toll-like
receptors, also involved in innate immunity, may cause a pre-eclampsia-like syndrome in
rats.73 Additional studies are needed to determine the exact role of AT1-AA in the
pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and to explore toll-like receptors as potential therapeutic


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Proteinuria is the hallmark of pre-eclampsia that differentiates it from other hypertensive

disorders of pregnancy, despite the controversy surrounding its usefulness in diagnosing pre-
eclampsia. Proteinuria is thought to be due to endothelial cell swelling and disruption of
fenestrae. Over the last six years, our research has focused on derangements of podocytes
and podocyte-specific proteins (such as nephrin, synaptopodin, podocin, and podocalyxin),
and their roles in the mechanism(s) of proteinuria in pre-eclampsia.

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Studies of human tissue show that the expressions of podocyte-specific proteins are severely
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affected by pre-eclampsia. A study comparing renal sections from women with pre-
eclampsia, compared to those from women with either normotensive or chronic hypertensive
pregnancies, reported reduced expressions of podocyte-associated proteins, nephrin,
glomerular epithelial protein 1, GLEPP-1, and ezrin in their renal tissue sections.74
Decreased glomerular expressions of nephrin and synaptopodin were seen in renal tissue
sections from women who died from pre-eclampsia compared to those of women with
normal pregnancies who died from other causes.75 Podocin expression, however, was
relatively unchanged. The degree of podocyte dysfunction required for such dramatic
changes in nephrin and synaptopodin expressions might be expected to cause changes in
multiple other proteins important to the integrity of the glomerular filtration barrier and,
possibly, podocyte attachment.

The detection of podocyte products and live podocytes in the urine (podocyturia) suggests
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that podocyte pathology is more severe than might be inferred from renal biopsy studies.
Various methods have been developed to detect urinary podocyte products.76–86 Culturing
of urinary podocytes increases specificity by removing dead and non-specific cells, but is
difficult and time consuming. Cytospin techniques, while quicker and possibly more
amenable to automation, suffer from low sensitivity and specificity due to the large amount
of cellular debris. More sensitive techniques using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) and mass spectrometry remain in development. Studies utilizing these
methods are outlined below and summarized in Table 1.

Using staining for podocin to detect live podocytes, we have shown 100% sensitivity and
specificity in diagnosing pre-eclampsia at the time of delivery.76 Synaptopodin, nephrin, and
podocalyxin were also useful markers for urinary podocytes, but lacked sensitivity and
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specificity compared to podocin. This is in agreement with autopsy studies showing that
podocin expression is preserved in podocytes from pre-eclamptic patients compared with
nephrin and synaptopodin.75 Podocyturia appears before the onset of proteinuria, and the
number of podocytes positively correlates with the degree of proteinuria, suggesting a cause-
effect relationship between ongoing podocyte loss and the onset and severity of
proteinuria,85 i.e., that these are mechanistically related.

Several lines of evidence support the associations between dysregulated pro-angiogenic

factors, hypertension, and podocyte injury. Most convincing is the observation that
bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF antibody that decreases VEGF signaling in a manner similar to
sFlt-1, causes hypertension and proteinuria in non-pregnant individuals. Renal findings in
patients treated with bevacizumab, endotheliosis and thrombotic microangiopathy,87 are
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similar to those found in pre-eclampsia and its severe form, HELLP syndrome. Podocyturia
is also seen in patients treated with bevacizumab, although less consistently than with pre-

The usefulness of podocyturia for early diagnosis of pre-eclampsia remains an active

research topic. Other groups have confirmed that podocyturia is specific to the diagnosis of
pre-eclampsia, using both podocalyxin and nephrin staining.77, 78 A recent study using
synaptopodin staining of urinary cytospins questioned the usefulness of this technique,

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finding only 38% sensitivity and 70% specificity for diagnosing pre-eclampsia.79 Previous
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research indicates, however, that synaptopodin is a marker of intact, well-differentiated

podocytes, and that its expression may be altered in proteinuric diseases.89, 90 Urinary
sediments obtained from cytospin techniques are also contaminated with non-specific
cellular and noncellular debris that may significantly affect the performance characteristics
of the test.80, 91 Reduced sensitivity and specificity in this case may, therefore, be the result
of technical aspects of podocyte detection rather than the actual presence or absence of

More novel methods for detecting urinary podocytes and their products may also prove
useful for the early diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. Mass spectrometry and RT-PCR offer
standardized, reproducible techniques for the detection of podocyte products.81, 92 These
methods are operator-independent and highly reproducible, and may facilitate large-scale
studies that will determine the clinical usefulness of podocyturia in larger patient
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populations that are more broadly representative of pregnant women. Critical clinical
questions that remain un-answered include the ability of podocyturia to differentiate
between pre-eclampsia, other complications of pregnancy (such as gestational diabetes
mellitus), and other proteinuric diseases that either predate pregnancy or occur during

Endothelin 1: a possible final common pathway for endothelial and podocyte dysfunction
Recent data suggest that endothelin-1, one of the most powerful human vasoconstrictors,
may act through the endothelin type A (ETA) receptor to provide a bridge between placental
ischemia and the clinical signs of pre-eclampsia, both hypertension and podocyte damage/
proteinuria. Endothelin-1 may act both in an autocrine or paracrine manner, therefore,
systemic levels do not necessarily reflect local tissue expression or effects. Endothelin-1
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mediates hypertension in pregnant rats after infusion of either TNFα70 or AT1-AA,93

whereas antagonism of the ETA receptor has resulted in blood pressure improvement in
animal models of pre-eclampsia, both in the RUPP94, 95 and mouse models of adenoviral
sFlt-1 overexpression.96 With respect to podocytes, there is strong in vitro evidence
supporting the role of endothelin-1 in podocyte dysfunction and subsequent proteinuria. Pre-
eclamptic sera are not directly toxic to cultured podocytes. However, endothelial cells
exposed to sera from pre-eclamptic women produce compounds that alter nephrin
expression and cause extracellular nephrin cleavage in cultured podocytes.97 These effects
can be replicated with purified endothelin-1 and are prevented by ETA blockade. These
findings suggest that pre-eclamptic sera induce proteinuria by affecting the glomerular
capillary endothelium, and that endothelin-1 may cause podocyte dysfunction via the ETA
receptor. This is further supported by both in vivo and in vitro studies indicating that i)
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endogenous endothelin contributes to glomerulosclerosis and proteinuria, as these changes

are reversible by endothelin-1 inhibition, and ii) podocyte apoptosis and structural damage,
induced by puromycin aminoglycoside, may be reduced by blocking endothelin receptors.98

Therapeutic implications
Podocyturia has been shown to decrease with blood pressure control and modulation of the
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, by either angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)

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inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists in proteinuric disorders, such as IgA

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nephropathy,99 and in animal models of progressive proteinuric disease.100 In pregnancy,

both ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists are contraindicated. As
podocyte detachment in pre-eclampsia may represent an end-event where different
dysregulated pathways converge, future studies focusing on the mechanism(s) of podocyte
injury and detachment may identify novel therapeutic targets. With respect to endothelin as
a possible therapeutic target, animal studies demonstrate fetal malformations in both ETA
receptor knockout mice101 and with ETA receptor blockade.102 There may be safe
“windows” for the use of ETA blockade in mid and late gestation, where prolonging
pregnancy for even a few weeks might reduce fetal morbidity and mortality.102 Additional
research is needed to determine whether maternal ETA blockade in late gestation might be
safe and efficacious, especially in view of recent clinical studies showing a significant
improvement in proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy, but raising safety concerns due to an
increased risk for cardiovascular events.103
Author Manuscript


In addition to its potential diagnostic utility, podocyte damage and shedding may affect renal
function years after pre-eclamptic pregnancies. Clinical studies support that women with a
history of pre-eclampsia have an increased future risk of albuminuria, chronic kidney
disease (CKD), and end stage renal disease (ESRD).104–108 It is unclear whether this
association is independent of risk factors that may be common to pre-eclampsia and renal
disease (Figure 3). In a mouse model of selective podocyte depletion using diphtheria
toxin,109 a single episode of podocyte injury resulted in glomerular destabilization and
persistent podocyte loss. Podocyturia is seen in patients with focal segmental glomerular
Author Manuscript

sclerosis (FSGS),110 which, in turn, has been identified as a dominant histopathological

lesion in the renal biopsies from women with persistent proteinuria after pre-eclamptic
pregnancies.111 Taken together, these data raise a testable hypothesis that women with pre-
eclamptic pregnancies and persistent proteinuria postpartum may have an underlying lesion
of FSGS characterized by ongoing podocyte loss, which may contribute to their increased
risks for proteinuria, CKD, and ESRD later in life. However, the cause-effect relationship
between podocyturia and FSGS needs to be confirmed in appropriately designed
longitudinal studies.

With respect to future studies of the mechanisms of renal injury later in life, these may be
limited by the fact that humans are the only species known to suffer from spontaneous pre-
eclampsia. Although many animal models have been developed for the study of this
Author Manuscript

disorder, renal endotheliosis, considered specific for pre-eclampsia, is absent in most of

them. Two recently reported mouse models may prove useful for these studies. One is a
matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) null mouse model: pregnant MMP9-null mice bearing
null embryos exhibited clinical features of pre-eclampsia, including a reduced percentage of
glomeruli with open capillaries (i.e., glomerular endotheliosis).112The second model used
IL-10−/− mice injected with 100 µl of sera from pre-eclamptic women. They developed
elevated blood pressure, proteinuria, IUGR, glomerular endotheliosis, increased levels of

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sFlt-1 and sEng, and spiral artery pathology.113 These changes were absent when sera from
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normal pregnant women were injected, and they were specific to pregnancy, i.e., were
absent after injection of non-pregnant IL 10−/− mice.113 These models closely mimic human
disease, including the renal pathology, and may provide valuable insight into pre-eclampsia
pathophysiology and treatment.

Over the last decade, our understanding of the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and related
disorders has increased dramatically. The heterogeneity of both the causal pathways and
clinical presentations of pre-eclampsia suggests that therapies acting on a particular pathway
will only be effective in patients with aberrations in that particular pathway. Research on
pre-eclampsia prevention and treatment should either focus on pathways common to all
women with pre-eclampsia, or target the subgroup of women who have abnormalities in the
Author Manuscript

pathway examined. The potential to identify targeted therapies that address the underlying
causes of disease in distinct pathophysiological subtypes of pre-eclampsia may improve
treatment options for a disease which has seen few therapeutic advances in recent decades.

Sources of Support: The project described was supported by the award numbers K08HD051714 from the Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, P50AG44170 from the National
Institute on Aging (Vesna D. Garovic), and K12HD065987 from the Office of Women’s Health Research, Building
Interdisciplinary Careers in Women’s Health (Tracey L. Weissgerber).

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Figure 1. Etiologies and pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia

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Several different signaling pathways may play a role, ultimately converging at the point of
systemic endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, and proteinuria.
Abbreviations: AT1-AA, autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor; AT1-AA-B2
heterodimers, angiotensin II type 1 receptor-bradykinin type 2 receptor heterodimers; carbon
monoxide; CKD, chronic renal disease; CTD, connective tissue disease; DM, diabetes
mellitus; HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count; IL-6, interleukin 6;
LFT, liver function tests; PlGF, placental growth factor; PRES, posterior reversible

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encephalopathy syndrome; sFlt-1, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1; TNFα, tumor necrosis
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factor α; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

* Reduced risk for pre-eclampsia
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Figure 2. Regulation of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis

Left side: calcium-dependent, mediated by acetylcholine and bradykinin. Right side:
calcium-independent, stimulated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In pre-
eclampsia, elevated levels of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) may act as a non-
signaling decoy, thus interfering with VEGF-dependent phosphorylation/stimulation of
endothelial NOS (eNOS).
Abbreviations: Akt, protein kinase B; Arg, arginine; cGMP, cyclic guanosine
monophosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; Gq-P, phosphorylated
Gq protein; IP3, inositol triphosphate; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol biphosphate; PLC,
phospholipase C.
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Figure 3. Possible mechanisms of the association between pre-eclampsia and future renal disease
Abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; ESRD, end-stage renal disease.
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Table 1

Studies of podocyturia and urinary podocyte markers in pre-eclampsia

Author Podocyte detection

Craici et al.

and year Study groups Time point(s) Sample preparation Method Results
Garovic et al 15 PE < 24 hours before Podocyte culture IF for podocin, nephrin, Podocin staining present in 15/15 PE and absent in 16/16 NL
(2007)76 16 NL delivery podocalyxin, and Other 3 less sensitive and specific
Aita et al (2009)77 11 PE 35 weeks Cytospin IF for podocalyxin Podocyturia at 35 weeks and 4 days post in PE
45 NL 4 days post Almost no podocyturia at 1 month post delivery
1 month post 9 of 45 controls showed podocyturia 4 days postdelivery
Correlation between podocyturia and BP, but not proteinuria
Zhao et al (2011)78 16 severe PE 3rd trimester Podocyte culture IF for nephrin Podocyturia present in all cases of severe PE and nephrotic
3 mild PE syndrome
7 NL Podocyturia absent in all NL and all 3 mild PE cases
7 NP with nephrotic
Jim et al (2012)79 29 PE < 24 hours before Cytospin IF for synaptopodin Podocyturia in 11 of 29 (38%) of PE, 3 of 9 (33%) with HTN,
9 GHTN and HTN delivery and 0 of 9 NL
9 NL Sensitivity = 38%, Specificity = 70%
Facca et al 25 NL 3rd trimester Cytospin IF for nephrin Mean total number of podocytes 0.9 ± 1.6 for NL versus 9.3 ±
(2012)80 14 PE 16.8 for PE (P=0.212)
Kelder et al 35 PE 31 to 36 weeks gestation Urine centrifugation RT-PCR for nephrin, Elevated mRNA for nephrin, podocin, VEGF in PE compared to
(2012)81 5 GHTN TRIzol RNA isolation podocin, VEGF NL and NP
34 NL Positive correlation between nephrin and VEGF mRNA in PE
12 NP (r=0.82, P<0.0001)
Wang et al 20 PE 3rd trimester ELISA of frozen urine ELISA for nephrin, Urinary nephrin, podocalyxin, and Big-h3 levels are increased in
(2012)82 6 HTN supernatant podocalyxin, Big-h3, and PE
8 NL VEGF Urinary Big-h3 levels correlate with levels of nephrin and
Chen et al (2013)83 14 PE < 1 week before delivery Cytospin IF for podocalyxin Number of podocytes was higher in PE compared to GHTN
14 GHTN (P<0.05) and NL (P<0.001)

Kidney Int. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 February 01.

13 NL
Son et al (2013)84 43 Severe PE < 24 hours before ELISA of frozen urine ELISA for nephrin Urine nephrin higher in severe PE than in NL
30 NL delivery supernatant Urine nephrin correlated with proteinuria, diastolic BP, and renal
Craici et al 15 PE Late second trimester Podocyte culture IF for podocin Podocyturia present in 15/15 PE, absent in 15/15 GHTN, and
(2013)85 15 GHTN (median 27 weeks) absent in 44/44 NL
44 NL Podocyturia in second trimester was more sensitive and specific
for later PE than any combination of angiogenic factors
Garovic et al 13 PE < 24 hours before Trypsin digestion of the LC-MS/MS Podocin-specific tryptic peptide significantly higher in PE/
(2013)86 6 PE/HELLP delivery urinary sediment HELLP compared to NL
4 NL

BP, blood pressure; GHTN, gestational hypertension; HTN, hypertension; IF, immunofluorescence; NL, normal pregnancy; NP, not pregnant; PE, pre-eclampsia; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor;
HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count; LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.
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