Lease Deed For Land in Industrial Area FPP Jaggakhedi, DISTT. Mandsaur

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Jaggakhedi, DISTT. Mandsaur

This deed is made on _____ day of _____ year __________ between the Governor of Madhya
CORPORATION. Office (Herein after called the 'Lessor' which expression shall, where the
context so admits, include it’s successor in office) of the one part & M/s Meet Industries
(address) C-11, Bapu Nagar, Senthi Chittorgarh, 312001, India . Acting through Mrs. Priti
Kakhani D/O / W/O Mrs. Purushottam Lal and having its registered office at C-11, Bapu Nagar,
Senthi Chittorgarh 312001, India. (Herein after called the 'Lessee' which expression shall,
where the context so admits, include its successors and permitted assigns) of the other part.

Whereas upon the request of lessee, the lessor has agreed to grant to the lessee, subject to the
terms and conditions herein after specified, a lease of the piece of land in the FPP Jaggakhedi at
District Mandsaur comprising of an area measuring 1503.5 sq. mtr. or ( i.e. 16183.674 sq.
ft./0.37 Acres/ 0.15 Hectares) situated in the village/City FPP Jaggakhedi of Tehsil Mandsaur of
the district Mandsaur more particularly described in the schedule hereto annexed and for
greater clarity delineated on the plan hereto annexed and there on shown with boundaries in
red color (hereinafter referred to as 'the said land') for a term of 30 Years commencing from
__________ and ending on __________ for the purpose of Non Polluting Industrial Activity. (details
of the activity) (Herein after referred to as the said activity/business).

And whereas the lessee has agreed to take the lease on the said terms and conditions.

Now, therefore, this deed witnesses and it is hereby agreed and declared as follows:-

1. It is agreed upon that the referred land/shed is allotted to the Lessee for the operations of
business referred herein, under the provisions of the Madhya Pradesh Rajya Audyogik
Bhumi Evam Audyogik Bhawan Prabandhan Niyam 2015 issued by the Government of
Madhya Pradesh vide Commerce, Industries & Employment Department's order No.
F-11-7/2015/B-XI dated 1.4.2015 as amended from time to time (herein after called as
2. That all the provision terms and conditions as referred to in the said Rules shall always be
applicable and binding on the lessee.
In consideration of the premium, lease rent, development charges and maintenance
charges herein reserved and the covenants on the part of the lessee herein
contained, the lessor shall demise to the lessee and the lessee shall accept a lease of
the said land/building to hold the same for the Industrial Activity of Manufacturing
for a period of 30 Years commencing on the date of agreement on which the
possession of said land/premises is handed over to the lessee.
The Lessee shall use the aforesaid demised land/premises, exclusively for the
Industrial Activity mentioned hereinabove and the Lessee shall not be entitled to use
the land/demised premises for any other purposes whatsoever.
Without prejudice to the aforesaid Clause 3(ii) mentioned hereinabove, it is hereby
made clear that the Lessee shall not be entitled to carry on any such Industrial
Activity/Business from the demised premises, which has been regulated by any
General or Special Law if force or regarding which any license/permission sanction
is required under any General or Special Law in force, without first following the
concerned regulations and/or without prior obtaining the
license/permission/sanction, as may be required under the relevant concerned Law.

4. The Lessee having paid the following amount to the Lessor for the said land :-

Premium of Rs. (44122.50)

( forty four thousands one hundred twenty two Rupees and five Paise Only )

Advance Annual Lease rent Rs. (882.45)

(eight hundred eighty two Rupees and four five Paise Only)

Advance one year annual maintenance charges (Rs. 6765.75)

( six thousand seven hundred sixty five Rupees and seven five Paise Only )

Development charges Rs. (454057.00)

(four lakh fifty four thousands fifty seven Rupees )

5. Thereafter, during the term of the lease the lessee shall with respect to the demised
Industrial Plot/Land, pay to the lessor, the Annual Lease Rent Rs. (882.45/-)p.a. (eight
hundred eighty two Rupees and four five Paise only) and annual maintenance charges Rs.
(6765.75 /-) (six thousand seven hundred sixty five Rupees and seven five Paise only) and/
or such other sum or at such other rates, as may be determined in accordance with the
said Rules, in the month of April each year in the office of M.P. Industrial development
Corporation, Office or such place or places as the Executive Director may direct from time
to time. In case of any delay in payment of the due Lease Rent and Maintenance Charges
by the Lessee, simple interest @10% shall also be payable by the Lessee on the aforesaid
due amount/s. from the date when they become due till the actual payment by Lessee.
6. The lessee hereby agrees to pay the maintenance charges at the rates as may be
fixed/revised from time to time by the lessor/concerned Authority.
7. The lessee shall from time to time and at all times during the term of the lease pay except
as aforesaid, all taxes, rates, assessments and other charges, which are or may, at any
time hereafter during the said term be assessed, charged or imposed upon the said
land/premises, whether on the lessor or on the lessee.
8. All sums, such as due amount of premium, lease rent, development charges and
maintenance charges or any other charges imposed by the lessor, may be recovered as
arrears of land revenue, if the same are not paid before the respective due date or there
after along with interest @10% per annum as mentioned herein above.
9. The lessee hereby agrees that he shall implement the project for the said non polluting
Industrial Activity/business and start the production/ commence the operation within the
stipulated period, as prescribed in the said Rules, failing which, action for cancellation of
allotment for land/shed and termination of Lease Deed shall be undertaken.
10. The lessee further agrees that he shall utilize the land as per norms and within the
prescribed period from the date of execution of lease deed or the date of taking over of
the possession of land, failing which, action would be initiated for cancellation of
allotment and termination of Lease Deed.
11. On the expiry of the lease period, the lessee shall pay 2% of the then prevailing premium
amount in case of developed land and in case of undeveloped land, lessee shall pay 1% of
the, market value of the land, assessed on the basis of the then prevailing unirrigated
agriculture land, as per the Collector Market Value Guide Line, for the concerned area for
the renewal of the lease. Further, at the time of renewal of lease, the lease rent will be
increased by ten time of the existing lease rent.
12. The lessee shall be entitled to surrender the land and obtain refund of premium strictly as
per the provisions of the Rules. In case, building/other assets have been constructed on
the said land, the lessee shall have the right to remove & sale the assets at his/their own
cost. In the event of sale of such assets, the purchaser shall have to execute a fresh lease
deed after the payment of full premium and other charges/dues as per the Rules.
13. The lessee shall not undertake any construction activity without obtaining necessary
approval of maps, building permissions & plans, as also all other
permissions/sanctions/approvals/objections, required for the construction / project from
the respective concerned competent authority.
14. The Lessee shall use the said premises, land and building structures and works erected or
constructed thereon only for the purpose of the business stated herein above.
15. The lessee shall keep the said premises, land and building erected thereon secure and in
good condition through maintenance and upkeep at his own cost. The lessee shall also
develop his own parking arrangements on the land/building allotted and shall not park the
vehicles on the road.
16. The development and maintenance works in the Industrial Area will be done by the lessor
according to its plan which will be completed as early as possible, depending on
availability of funds
17. The Lessee shall not acquire any title, proprietary right or claim in the demised
land/premises, through this deed and nothing contained in this Lease Deed shall mean or
create any title, proprietary right or claim whatsoever, in the demised land/premises, in
favour of the Lessee. The lessee shall not sublet, assign or otherwise transfer the said
premises/land or any part thereof or any building constructed thereon for any purpose
whatsoever, except as provided in the said Rules.
18. On the basis of change in the constitution of ownership of the unit, the Lessee may with
the prior permission of the lessor in writing and by paying the required fee/charges,
transfer the lease as per the provisions of the said Rules.
19. The lessee shall not carry on any illegal trade or business on the said land/premises.
20. For closure/transfer of the business, Lessee shall inform the Lessor at the earliest. In the
case of BIFR or declared sick units or court cases, allotting authority will take decision as
per the directions.
21. Without prejudice to the right of the Lessor to recover from the Lessee, any amount due
or unpaid, with or without interest as the case and without prejudice to the right of the
Lessor to avail any other simultaneous remedy against the Lessee, in terms of this Deed
and in accordance with the Rules, this Lease Deed and the consequent lease of the
demised land/premises to the Lessee, shall be deemed to have been terminated, on the
happening/occurrence of any or more of the following events ;
If the lease rent hereby reserved or revised time to time or any part thereof, or any
other charges or dues payable by the Lessee, shall at any time be in arrears and
remain unpaid for a period of one year or more, next after the date when the same
shall have become due, whether the same shall have been lawfully demanded by the
Lessor or not or whether a demand notice in this respect has been issued by the
Lessor or not and an order communicating the termination of lease has been issued
against the Lessee.
The Lessee becomes insolvent and/or being a firm/company goes into liquidation,
voluntarily or otherwise; or enters into an arrangement/agreement with his/its
creditors for composition of the industry, or in case of Lessee being a Partnership
Firm, the Lessee Firm is dissolved for reasons whatsoever;
The demised premises/land is attached by any authority for any reason whatsoever.
There is a breach, non-observance or non-compliance, regarding any of the terms
and conditions contained herein in this Deed or a breach of any of the provisions of
the Rules or any applicable law in force, by the Lessee and the Lessee fails to rectify
or remedy the said breach, within a period of sixty days of the notice in writing
issued against the Lessee in this respect by the Lessor.
If the lease is terminated as aforesaid, then the Lessor may, not withstanding the
waiver of any previous dues and without prejudice to any other right or remedy
available to the Lessor including the right to recover the dues of whatsoever nature,
take recourse to right of re-entry upon the said demised land/premises and renter
and take back its possession, as if this demise had not been made.

22. On the expiry of the lease period or termination of the lease due to breach of the
conditions of the lease deed or the Rules, the lessor shall have the right of re-entry over
the land/premises.
23. On termination/surrender of the lease, the lessee shall be given an opportunity to transfer
or otherwise dispose of the building, plant and machinery and any other construction on
the said premises within the period of three months After the said three months' period,
the lessor shall take back the possession of the land/premises as per Rules.
24. Lessee may surrender the leased area in part or whole, by serving upon the lessor, three
calendar months' prior notice in writing of his intention to do so. The lessor shall have the
right of re-entry over the surrendered land/premises. On such re-entry , the lessor may
refund to the lessee part of the premium paid by the lessee at the time the land was
allotted/leased out to the lessee in the following manner:-
90%, if surrender of allotted/leased land occurs within two years from the date of
taking over its possession in case of Micro/Small Scale Industrial Unit and three
years from the date of taking over its possession in case of Large and Medium
Industrial unit.
80%, if surrender of allotted/leased out land occurs after two years but within three
years from the date of taking over its possession, in case of Micro/Small Scale
Industrial Unit and after three years, but within four years from the date of taking
over its possession in case of Large and Medium Industrial Unit.
70%, if the surrender of the allotted/leased out land occurs after three years but
within four years from the date of taking over its possession in case of Micro/Small
Scale Industrial Unit and after four years but within five years from the date of
taking over its possession in case of Large and Medium Industrial Unit.
50%, if the surrender of the allotted/leased out land occurs after four years but
within six years from the date of taking over its possession in case of Micro/Small
Scale Industrial Unit and after five years but within seven years from the date of
taking over its possession in case of large and Medium Industrial unit.

Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, the period of possession of land with the
lessee will be reckoned from the date of the lessee taking possession to handing over
possession to the lessor. Where possession of land has not been taken over by the Lessee,
the time period available to the Lessee for the surrender of land/premises, as mentioned
above shall be calculated from the date of execution of the lease deed, or the purpose of
calculation of refund of premium.

25. All costs and expenses incurred or which may be incurred for preparation, execution and
registration of this lease shall be borne and paid by the lessee
26. The lessee shall, after execution and registration of the ease deed, deposit a copy of lease
deed, duly certified by the registering authority, with the lessor and may retain original
copy with him.
27. The Lessee shall be entitled to avail finance/loan facility from any scheduled
bank/financial institution in accordance with the provisions of the Rules and for the said
purpose shall be entitled to assign the said land in favour of such Bank/Financial Institute,
only to the extent his/its Lease Hold Rights in the said land, as referred to in the Rules. It
is hereby made clear that such assignment of the Lease Hold Rights shall not mean or
include, the assignment of the demised land and/or the assignment of any
buildings/shed/structures which may be existing on the demised land, prior to the
execution of the lease deed in favour of the Lessee, whether constructed by the Lessor or
not and any finance arrangement/loan facility availed by the Lessee from any
bank/financial institution, shall always be subject to this Lease Deed and all the terms and
conditions contained herein as also subject to all the provisions of the Rules. In all
circumstances, the charge of the Department of Commerce, Industry and Employment on
land/shed shall be over and above any subsequent charges to be created.
28. Consequent to the infringement / breach of any of clauses of the lease deed or the Rules,
by lessee, the allotting authority will serve a notice to the lessee for the compliance of
concerned clause/s of lease deed/provisions of the Rules (i.e. rectification of breach)
within 60 days and in case of non compliance of this notice, the lease deed shall be
deemed to have been terminated.
29. The lessee, if aggrieved by any order passed by the Allotting Authority, may prefer an
appeal to the designated authority with appropriate fee within a period of 30 days as per
the provisions of the said Rules.
30. The allotting authority to which the powers of allotment have been delegated will also be
competent to terminate the lease deed on behalf of the lessor
31. This lease deed will be subject to the provision contained in the Madhya Pradesh Rajya
Audyogik Bhumi Evam Audyogik Bhawan Prabandhan Niyam, 2015 as amended from time
to time. For amendments subsequent to the execution of this lease deed the lessee shall
be bound to amend the lease deed incorporation such amendment on his own cost.
32. The lessee shall comply with all Acts, Rules and Regulations of State Government/Central
Government/Local Bodies/any other competent authority, in force from time to time for
the operation of industrial activity/business from the demised premises.
33. The lessor shall not be liable to compensate any loss on account of any accident occurred
or damage caused to any other persons/labour/workmen/third party etc. due to the
operations being carried out by the lessee in the allotted premises.
34. The lessee being a Proprietary entity entending to avail the option available in the said
rules, hereby nominates ____________________S/o D/o W/o ____________________ resident of
________________________________________ as its sole successor of the said business. In the
event of death of the lessee, such nominated person shall be accepted by the lessor, as
lessee automatically for the remaining period of lease.
35. The partners in the lessee unit intending to avail the option available in the said rules,
hereby nominate the following persons, their sole successors respectively, in the said
partnership entity owing the said business-

Name of the partner Nominee Father's Name Resident of

In the event of death of a partner, respective nominated person shall be accepted by the
lessor, as partner on his behalf in the lessee partnership entity for the remaining period of
lease, automatically. However, if any of the original partners has ceased to be a partner in
the lessee partnership entity at any point of time, such nomination exercised by him shall
become null and void automatically.
36. The lessee shall not restrict the entry of the lessor or a person authorized by him, in the
leased premises and shall provide all information sought in writing by the lessor or the
authorized person.
37. That the 'Lessee' shall indemnify and hold harmless, the 'Lessor' against any claims
damages or any legal actions whatsoever, initiated against the 'Lessor' and arising out of
and by virtue of any act, misdeed, offence, unlawful or illegal activity on the part of the
'Lessee' or non-payment of any dues, duties, taxes or cess etc. payable by the 'Lessee', or
any other cause attributable to the Lessee.
38. That any notice to be served upon the 'Lessee', under and by virtue of the provisions of the
agreement, shall be deemed to have been properly served, if addressed to the 'Lessee' and
if delivered at its address herein above mentioned, unless the 'Lessee' has given proper
notice to the Lessor, regarding the change of such address
39. That notwithstanding any other agreement, deed or exchange of letters or discussions,
hitherto exchanged between the parties, in the matter of the lease of the aforesaid
Land/Premises, the terms of this lease agreement & the provisions of the said Rules alone,
shall prevail and bind the parties. No term of this lease agreement shall be modified or
altered, except by a document in writing, executed by both the parties. All the documents
and annexure, annexed with this deed, shall always remain a part and parcel of this deed
and shall be read as a whole.
40. The Lessee hereby expressly and specifically agrees and consents that only the competent
Courts of Law, within the territorial jurisdiction of which, the demised
land/premises/building is situated shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to hear, decide and
adjudicate upon any dispute, matter or issue, with respect to this Deed or any of the terms
or conditions contained herein or with respect to the applicability, interpretation,
performance or non performance of any the provisions of this Deed or the Rules, arising
between the Parties to this Deed and it is further expressly agreed that the jurisdiction of
all other Courts shall be specifically barred. In case any Appeal/Revision/Writ Petition
needs to be preferred, then the Hon’ble High Court of M.P. at Jabalpur or its concerted
Benches at Indore & Gwalior, within the jurisdiction of which the demised
land/premises/building is situated, shall only have the jurisdiction to hear, decide and
adjudicate upon the same.


NAME OF INDUSTRIAL AREA/ESTATE : FPP Jaggakhedi, District Mandsaur
PLOT NO : 36, Sector -
TOTAL AREA : 1503.5 sq. mtr.


WITNESS WHERE OF, the parties hereto have put their ink, seal and signatures on these
presents on this ______ Day of ______________, at __________.., out of their own free will and
consent and without any fear, coercion and pressure

Witnesses :


.......................................... Signed For & On Behalf Of

.......................................... The ‘Lessor’ Through Its

.......................................... (Authorized Signatory)


.......................................... Signed For & On Behalf Of

.......................................... The ‘Lessee’ Through Its

.......................................... (Authorized Signatory)

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