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8042 | Agrarian Law and Social Legislation by Ungos


ACT OF 1995 Disqualifications – Insurance companies who have directors,
partners, officers, employees or agents with relatives, within the 4th civil
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8042 degree of consanguinity or affinity, who work or have interest in any
[As Amended by Republic Act Nos. 9422 and 10022] of the government agencies involved in the overseas employment
Coverage of the Insurance –
Meaning of Migrant Worker – is an overseas Filipino worker, i.e., a
person who is to be engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated 1. US$15,000.00 for accidental death, payable to the migrant
activity in a country of which he not a citizen, or on board a vessel worker’s beneficiaries
navigating the foreign seas, other than a government ship used for 2. US$10,000.00 for natural death, payable to the migrant
military or noncommercial purposes, or on an installation located worker’s beneficiaries
offshore or on high seas. 3. US$7,000.00 for permanent total disability, payable to the
migrant worker
Meaning of “Engaged in a Remunerated Activity” – a person is 4. Repatriation cost of the worker when employment is
deemed to have been “engaged in a remunerated activity” if he has terminated without any valid cause, including the transport
been promised or assured employment overseas. of his/her personal belongings
5. US$100.00/month for subsistence allowance for a
Deployment of Migrant Workers – can be deployed only in maximum of 6 months if the migrant worker is involved in
countries where the rights of Filipino workers are protected. This may a case or litigation for the protection of his rights in the
be indicated if the receiving country: receiving country
6. An amount equivalent to at least 3 months for every year of
1. Has existing labor and social laws protecting the rights of the migrant worker’s employment contract, in cases of
migrant workers; money claims arising from employer’s liability which may be
2. Is a signatory to or a ratifier of multilateral conventions, awarded or given to the worker in a judgment or settlement
declarations, or resolutions relating to the protection of of his or her case in the NLRC
workers, including migrant workers; or 7. Cost of transportation for compassionate visit by one family
3. Has concluded a bilateral agreement with the Philippine member (or requested individual) to the major airport
government on the protection of the rights of overseas closest to the place of hospitalization of the worker, in case
Filipino workers. the migrant worker is hospitalized or confined for at least 7
consecutive days
Additional Condition Relating to Deployment of Filipino 8. Cost of medical evacuation, when proximate and adequate
Seaferers – allowed only when the owners/employers are compliant medical facility is not available to the migrant worker, as
with the international laws and standards that protect the rights of determined by the insurance company’s physician or
migrant workers. consulting physician
9. Cost of medical repatriation, when medically necessary as
Additional Condition for Deployment of Filipino Workers to determined by the attending physician, and medically cleared
Companies and Contracts with International Operations – for travel by the commercial carrier
allowed if they are compliant with standards and conditions embodied
in the employment contracts prescribed by the POEA. Claims Arising from Accidental Death, Natural Death, or
Disablement – These claims shall be paid by the insurance company
Effect of Absence of Foregoing Guarantees - the POEA will not without any contest and without necessity of proving fault or
issue a deployment permit. negligence of any kind on the part of the insured migrant worker.

Liability of POEA Governing Board, as well as of Government The following documents, duly authorized by the Philippine foreign
Officials and Employees – shall suffer the penalties of removal or posts, shall be sufficient evidence to substantiate the claim:
dismissal from service with disqualification to hold appointive public
office for 5 years. 1. Death Certificate – In cases of natural/accidental death
2. Police/Accident Report – In cases of accidental death
Compulsory Insurance Coverage for Agency-Hired Migrant 3. Medical Certificate – In cases of permanent disablement
Workers – Such insurance policy shall be secured at no cost to the
worker and be effective for the duration of the migrant worker’s Permanent Total Disablement, as Contemplated in the
employment contract. Insurance Coverage –
If the migrant worker was made to shoulder the cost of insurance 1. Complete loss of sight of both eyes
premium, the license of the recruitment or manning agency be 2. Loss of 2 limbs at or above the ankles or wrist
cancelled, and all its directors, partners, proprietors, officers and 3. Permanent complete paralysis of 2 limbs
employees shall be perpetually disqualified from engaging in 4. Brain injury resulting to incurable imbecility or insanity
recruitment of overseas workers, without prejudice to any other
liabilities. Repatriation Cost in Case of Death of the Migrant Worker, as
Contemplated in the Insurance Coverage – In case of death of the
Qualification of Insurance Companies – migrant worker, the insurance provider shall arrange and pay for the
repatriation or return of the worker’s remains,
1. Duly registered with the Insurance Commission
2. In existence and operational for at least 5 years The insurance provider shall also render any assistance necessary in the
3. With a net worth of at least P500M to be determined by the transport including, but not limited to:
Insurance Commission
4. With a current certificate of authority


R.A. 8042 | Agrarian Law and Social Legislation by Ungos

1. Locating a local and licensed funeral home, mortuary or of the recruitment agency. All costs attendant to repatriation shall be
direct disposition facility to prepared the body for transport borne by or charged to the agency concerned and/or its principal.
2. Completing all documentation
3. Obtaining legal clearances Repatriation of remains of the overseas worker, as well as the transport
4. Procuring consular services of the personal belongings of a deceased worker and all costs attendant
5. Providing death certificates thereto shall be borne by the principal and/or the recruitment agency.
6. Purchasing the minimally necessary casket or air transport
container However, in cases where the termination of employment is due solely
7. Transporting the remains, including its retrieval from site of to the fault of the worker, the principal/employer or agency will not be
death and delivery to the receiving funeral home responsible for the repatriation of the former and/or his belongings.

Rules in Relation to Money Claims Arising from Employer’s Emergency Repatriation – in case of war, epidemic, disasters or
Liability – calamities, natural or man-made, and other similar events, the OWWA,
in coordination with appropriate international agencies, shall undertake
1. After a decision has become final and executory or a the repatriation of workers. The cost of repatriation is subject to
settlement/compromise agreement has been reached reimbursement by the responsible principal or agency.
between the parties at the NLRC, an order shall be released
mandating the respondent recruitment/manning agency to If the principal or recruitment agency cannot be identified, all costs
pay the amount adjudged or agreed upon within 30 days attendant to repatriation shall be borne by the OWWA through its
2. The recruitment/manning agency shall then immediately file emergency repatriation fund.
a notice of claim with its insurance provider for the amount
of liability insured, attaching therewith a copy of the decision Repatriation od Underage Migrant Workers – Mandatory – if
or compromise agreement there are migrant workers whose actual age fall below 18 years old, the
3. Within 10 days from the filing of notice of claim, the responsible officers in the foreign service shall without delay repatriate
insurance company shall make payment to the said workers.
recruitment/manning agency the amount adjudged or
agreed upon, or the amount of liability insured, whichever is The license of the recruitment/manning agency which recruited or
lower. After receiving the insurance payment, the deployed the underaged migrant worker shall be automatically revoked
recruitment/manning agency shall immediately pay the and shall be meted out with a fine ranging from P 500,000 to P
migrant worker’s claim in full, taking into account that in 1,000.000.
case the amount of insurance coverage is insufficient to
satisfy the amount adjudged or agreed upon, it is liable to Furthermore, the recruitment or manning agency shall refund all the
pay its balance. fees incurred by the underage worker without need of notice. The
4. In case the insurance company fails to make payment within refund should be paid within 30 days from the date of the mandatory
10 days from the filing of the claim, the repatriation and is independent of indemnification of other damages
recruitment/manning agency shall pay the amount adjudged the underage worker has suffered.
or agreed upon within the remaining days of the 30-day
period, as provided in the first subparagraph of these rules Illegal Recruitment of Migrant Workers - any act of canvassing,
5. If the worker’s claim was not settled within the aforesaid 30- enlisting, contracting, transporting, utilizing, hiring or procuring
day period, the recruitment/manning agency’s performance workers and includes referring, contract services, promising or
bond or escrow deposit shall be forthwith garnished to advertising for employment abroad, whether for profit or not, when
satisfy the migrant worker’s claim. undertaken by a non-license or non-holder of authority contemplated
6. The provision of compulsory worker’s insurance shall not under Art 13 (F) of Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended otherwise
affect the joint and solidary liability of the foreign employer known as the Labor Code of the Philippines: Provided, That any such
and the recruitment/manning agency under Sec. 10 of RA non-licensee or non-holder who, in any manner, offers or promises for
8042 a fee employment abroad to two or more persons shall be deemed so
7. Lawyers for the insurance companies, unless the latter is engaged. (sec. 6, RA 8042).
impleaded, shall be prohibited to appear before the NLRC
in money claims cases under this section

Insurance Policies Issued by Foreign Insurance Companies –

(seafarers) shall be accepted by the POEA if the minimum coverage is
complied with.

Foreign Employers Guarantee Fund – migrant workers recruited by

the POEA on a government-to-government arrangement shall be
covered by a foreign employers guarantee fund established by the
POEA. The foreign employer’s guarantee fund shall answer for the
worker’s monetary claim arising from breach of contractual

Coverage for Rehires, Name Hires, or Direct Hires – migrant

workers may opt to be covered by the guarantee fund either by
requesting their foreign employers to pay for the cost of coverage, or
by paying the premium themselves.

Repatriation of Migrant Workers – repatriation of the overseas

worker and the transport of his belongings is the primary responsibility


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