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EENG473 Mobile Communications

Module 3 : Week # (12)

Mobile Radio Propagation:

Small-Scale Path Loss
•  Small-scale fading is used to describe the rapid fluctuation
of the amplitude of a radio signal over a short period of
time or travel distance.

•  Fading is caused by interference between two or more

versions of the transmitted signal which arrive at the
receiver at slightly different times.

•  Multipath waves consists of a large number of plane

waves having randomly distributed amplitudes, phases,
and angles of arrival. that causes the signal to distort or
Small-Scale Multipath Propagation

Multipath creates small-scale fading effects such as:

1.  Rapid changes in signal strength over a small travel

distance or time interval

2.  Random frequency modulation due to varying Doppler

shifts on different multipath signals.

3.  Time dispersion caused by multipath propagation

The Doppler shift
•  The shift in received signal frequency due to motion

•  is directly proportional to the velocity and direction

of motion of the mobile with respect to the direction
of arrival of the received multipath wave.
Illustration of Doppler effect
Doppler Shift

• The equation relates the Doppler shift to the mobile velocity and the spatial angle
between the direction of motion of the mobile and the direction of arrival of the wave.
•  The Doppler shift is positive (i.e., the apparent
received frequency is increased), if the mobile is
moving toward the direction of arrival of the wave.

•  The Doppler shift is negative (i.e. the apparent

received frequency is decreased), if the mobile is
moving away from the direction of arrival of the wave.

•  multipath components from a CW signal which arrive

from different directions contribute to Doppler
spreading of the received signal, thus increasing the
signal bandwidth.
4.2 Impulse Response Model of a Multipath Channel

•  To show that a mobile radio channel may be

modeled as a linear filter with a time varying
impulse response, consider the case where
time variation is due strictly to receiver motion
in space.
Power Delay Profile
4.4 Parameters of Mobile Multipath Channels
•  Many multipath channel parameters are derived from the
power delay profile.

•  Depending on the time resolution of the probing pulse and

the type of multipath channels studied, researchers often
choose to sample at spatial separations of a quarter of a
wavelength and over receiver movements no greater than 6
m in outdoor channels and no greater than 2 m in indoor
channels in the 450 MHz - 6 GHz range. This small-scale
sampling avoids averaging bias in the resulting small-scale

•  Figure 4.9 shows typical power delay profile plots from

outdoor and indoor channels, determined from a large
number of closely sampled instantaneous profiles.
Timer Dispersion Parameters

Determined from a power delay profile.

∑ kτ k
a 2
∑ P(τ )(τ ) k k
Mean excess delay( τ ): τ= k
= k

∑ k
a 2

∑ P(τ )

Rms delay spread (st):

στ = τ − τ 2

∑ kτ k
a 2 2
∑ k k)
P (τ )(τ 2

τ2 = k
= k

∑ k
a 2

∑ P(τ
k )
•  Table 4.1 shows the typical measured values of rms delay spread.

•  Typical values of rms delay spread are on the order of

microseconds in outdoor mobile radio channels and on the order
of nanoseconds in indoor radio channels.

•  It is important to note that the rms delay spread and mean excess
delay are defined from a single power delay profile which is the
temporal or spatial average of consecutive impulse response
measurements collected and averaged over a local area.
Power delay Profile
RMS Delay Spread (!!) = 46.4 ns

Received Signal Level (dBm)

Mean Excess delay (!) = 45 ns


Maximum Excess delay < 10 dB = 110 ns

Noise threshold


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Excess Delay (ns)

Example (Power delay profile)

Pr(!) 4.38 µs
1.37 µs
0 dB

-10 dB

-20 dB

-30 dB !

0 1 2 5 (µs)

τ = (1)(5) + (0.1)(1) + (0.1)(2) + (0.01)(0) = 4.38µs
[0.01+ 0.1+ 0.1+1]
(1)(5) 2 +(0.1)(1) 2 +(0.1)(2) 2 +(0.01)(0) 2
τ = 2
= 21.07µs 2

στ = 21.07−(4.38)2 =1.37µs
Inter Symbol Interference

Symbol time Pr(!) 4.38 µs

1.37 µs
0 dB

-10 dB

-20 dB

!! -30 dB !
0 1 2 5 (µs) 0 1 2 5 (µs)

Symbol time > 10* !! --- No equalization required

Symbol time < 10* !! --- Equalization will be required to

deal with ISI

In the above example, symbol time should be more than 14µs to avoid ISI.
This means that link speed must be less than 70Kbps (approx)
By: Dr.Mohab Mangoud
2. Coherence Bandwidth

•  While the delay spread is a natural phenomenon caused by

multipaths in the radio channel, the coherence bandwidth, B, is
a defined relation derived from the rms delay spread.

•  Coherence bandwidth is a statistical measure of the range of

frequencies over which the channel can be considered “flat”
(i.e., a channel which passes all spectral components with
approximately equal gain and linear phase).

•  Two sinusoids with frequency separation greater than B

are affected quite differently by the channel.
If the coherence bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth over which the frequency
correlation function is above 0.9, then the coherence bandwidth is approximately
Coherence Bandwidth
Time domain view Freq. domain view

x (t ) X(f )

Range of freq over

which response is flat
!! delay spread Bc

High correlation of amplitude

between two different freq.
RMS delay spread and coherence BW
The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and

•  RMS delay spread and

then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

coherence b/w (Bc) are

inversely proportional

Bc ≈ For 0.9 correlation
50.σ τ

Bc ≈ For 0.5 correlation
5.σ τ
Coherence Bandwidth
•  Example:
•  For a multipath channel, s is given as 1.37ms.
•  The 50% coherence bandwidth is given as: 1/5s
= 146kHz.
–  This means that, for a good transmission from a
transmitter to a receiver, the range of transmission
frequency (channel bandwidth) should not exceed
146kHz, so that all frequencies in this band
experience the same channel characteristics.
–  Equalizers are needed in order to use transmission
frequencies that are separated larger than this value.
–  This coherence bandwidth is enough for an AMPS
channel (30kHz band needed for a channel), but is
not enough for a GSM channel (200kHz needed per
Revisit Example (Power delay profile)
Pr(!) 4.38 µs
1.37 µs
0 dB
-10 dB τ = 4.38µs
-20 dB
στ =1.37µs
-30 dB ! _
0 1 2 5 (µs) τ = 21.07µs 2

(50% − coherence) Bc ≈ = 146kHz
5.σ τ
Signal bandwidth for Analog Cellular = 30 KHz
Signal bandwidth for GSM = 200 KHz
Doppler spread and coherence time
•  Delay spread and Coherence bandwidth describe the
time dispersive nature of the channel in a local area.
•  They don’t offer information about the time varying nature of the
channel caused by relative motion of transmitter and receiver or the
movement of objects in the channel.

•  Doppler Spread and Coherence time are parameters

which describe the time varying nature of the
channel in a small-scale region.
Doppler spread and coherence time
Coherence time definition implies that two signals arriving
with a time separation greater than TC are affected differently
by the channel.

•  Doppler spread and

coherence time (Tc) are The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and

then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.

inversely proportional Tcα fm is the max doppler shift


Tc ≈ For 0.5 correlation
16πf m

Tc ≈ Rule of thumb
Doppler Spread
•  Measure of spectral broadening caused by motion

•  We know how to compute Doppler shift: fd

•  Doppler spread: BD, is defined as the maximum

Doppler shift: fm = v/l

•  If the baseband signal bandwidth (Bs) is much greater

than (BD) then effect of Doppler spread is negligible at
the receiver.
Doppler Shift

! v cosθ
v Doppler shift Δf =
-  Carrier frequency fc = 1850 MHz (i.e. ! = 16.2 cm)
-  Vehicle speed v = 60 mph = 26.82 m/s

-  If the vehicle is moving directly towards the transmitter

Δf = = 165Hz
-  If the vehicle is moving perpendicular to the angle of arrival of the
transmitted signal
Δf = 0
Types of Small-Scale Fading

The type of fading experienced by a signal

propagating through a mobile radio channel depends

the nature of the transmitted signal with respect

to the characteristics of the channel.
Types of Small-scale Fading
Small-scale Fading
(Based on Multipath Tİme Delay Spread)

Flat Fading Frequency Selective Fading

1. BW Signal < BW of Channel 1.  BW Signal > Bw of Channel

2. Delay Spread < Symbol Period 2.  Delay Spread > Symbol Period

Small-scale Fading
(Based on Doppler Spread)

Fast Fading Slow Fading

1.  Low Doppler Spread

1.  High Doppler Spread
2.  Coherence Time > Symbol Period
2.  Coherence Time < Symbol Period
3.  Channel variations smaller than baseband
3.  Channel variations faster than baseband
signal variations
signal variations
Small scale fading

Flat fading BC
Multipath time delay
Frequency selective fading
Fast fading TC
Doppler spread

Slow fading TS
Flat Fading

•  Occurs when the amplitude of the received

signal changes with time
•  For example according to Rayleigh Distribution
•  Occurs when symbol period of the transmitted
signal is much larger than the Delay Spread of
the channel
–  Bandwidth of the applied signal is narrow.

•  May cause deep fades.

–  Increase the transmit power to combat this situation.
Flat Fading

s(t) r(t)

t << TS

0 TS 0 t 0 TS+t

Occurs when: BC: Coherence bandwidth

BS << BC BS: Signal bandwidth
and TS: Symbol period
TS >> st st: Delay Spread
Flat Fading
Frequency Selective Fading

•  Occurs when channel multipath delay spread is

greater than the symbol period.
–  Symbols face time dispersion
–  Channel induces Intersymbol Interference (ISI)
•  Bandwidth of the signal s(t) is wider than the
channel impulse response.
Frequency Selective Fading

s(t) r(t)

t >> TS

0 TS 0 t 0 TS TS+t

Causes distortion of the received baseband signal

Causes Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI)

Occurs when:
BS > BC As a rule of thumb: TS < st
TS < st
Frequency Selective Fading
Fast Fading

•  Due to Doppler Spread

•  Rate of change of the channel characteristics
is larger than the
Rate of change of the transmitted signal
•  The channel changes during a symbol period.
•  The channel changes because of receiver motion.
•  Coherence time of the channel is smaller than the symbol
period of the transmitter signal
Occurs when: BS: Bandwidth of the signal
BS < BD BD: Doppler Spread
and TS: Symbol Period
TS > TC TC: Coherence Bandwidth
Slow Fading

•  Due to Doppler Spread

•  Rate of change of the channel characteristics
is much smaller than the
Rate of change of the transmitted signal

Occurs when: BS: Bandwidth of the signal

BS >> BD BD: Doppler Spread
and TS: Symbol Period
TS << TC TC: Coherence Bandwidth
Fading Distributions

•  Describes how the received signal amplitude changes

with time.
•  Remember that the received signal is combination of multiple
signals arriving from different directions, phases and
•  With the received signal we mean the baseband signal,
namely the envelope of the received signal (i.e. r(t)).
•  Its is a statistical characterization of the multipath
•  Two distributions
–  Rayleigh Fading
–  Ricean Fading
Rayleigh and Ricean Distributions

•  Describes the received signal envelope

distribution for channels, where all the
components are non-LOS:
•  i.e. there is no line-of–sight (LOS) component.
•  Describes the received signal envelope
distribution for channels where one of the
multipath components is LOS component.
•  i.e. there is one LOS component.

Rayleigh distribution has the probability density function (PDF) given by:

⎧ ⎛ r2 ⎞
⎜− ⎟
⎪ e⎝
⎜ 2σ 2 ⎟
p ( r ) = ⎨σ 2

(0 ≤ r ≤ ∞)

⎩0 ( r < 0)

s2 is the time average power of the received signal before envelope detection.
s is the rms value of the received voltage signal before envelope detection

Remember: P (average power) ∝ Vrms

(see end of slides 5)

The probability that the envelope of the received signal does not exceed a
specified value of R is given by the CDF:

R R2

P( R) = Pr (r ≤ R) = ∫ p(r )dr = 1 − e 2σ 2

rmean = E[r ] = ∫ rp(r )dr = σ = 1.2533σ
rmedian = 1.177σ found by solving =
2 ∫ p(r )dr

rrms = 2σ
Rayleigh PDF


mean = 1.2533s
median = 1.177s
variance = 0.4292s2




0 s1 2s
2 3s
3 4s
4 5s
Ricean Distribution

•  When there is a stationary (non-fading) LOS

signal present, then the envelope distribution is
•  The Ricean distribution degenerates to
Rayleigh when the dominant component fades
How do systems handle fading problem?
• Narrowband transmission
• Adaptive channel equalization
• Channel estimation training sequence
• Use the handset only in small cells with small delay spreads
• Diversity and channel selection can help a little bit (pick a channel
where late reflections are in a fade)
IS95 Cellular CDMA
• Rake receiver separately recovers signals over paths with excessive
Digital Audio Broacasting
• OFDM multi-carrier modulation: The radio channel is split into
many narrowband (ISI- free) subchannels

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