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February 21, 2019 PAGE 11

photos by Mark Dykes

Books and baked goods
Students and their mothers enjoy a treat before school last Friday during the Lights On Moms and Muffins event. Tables were strewn with books as well, for some family reading .

Public notices
NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE AND FINAL RMP is a public utility as defined in Wyo. Stat. ES, TRANSPORTATION & COMPLETE CON- of the Ninth Judicial District in Teton County,
SETTLEMENT FOR THE § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(C), subject to the Commission’s STRUCTION OF TOWN OF the THERMOPOLIS Wyoming in the deaths of Elsebeth Feilberg Jen-
ARMORY SHOP AND SHELTER ROOFS jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112. WTP CLARIFIER PAINTING PROJECT. The sen and Ib Raun Jensen, that occurred on May 8,
REPLACEMENT PROJECT AT HOT On October 15, 2018, Boswell filed a formal Engineer’s opinion of probable construction costs 2018 in Hot Springs County, Wyoming. Any per-
SPRINGS STATE PARK AT complaint against RMP regarding inconsistencies ranges from $70,000 to $90,000. All bids will be son claiming to qualify under Wyoming Statute
HOT SPRINGS COUNTY, WYOMING with the interconnection dates set forth in the publicly opened and read aloud - date and time § 1-38-104(a) as a representative of the Estates
Complainant’s Qualifying Facility Large Genera- stated above. Mail or deliver to Town of Ther- of Elsebeth Feilberg Jensen and Ib Raun Jensen
Notice is hereby given that the State of Wy- tor Interconnection Agreements (QFLGIAs) and mopolis, P.O. Box 603, 420 Broadway, Thermop- may intervene as a matter of right.
oming, Department of State Parks & Cultural the commercial online dates found in the Com- olis, WY 82443. The Town of Thermopolis will
Resources, has accepted as complete, according plainant’s power purchase agreements (PPAs). take no responsibility for delivery of bids through Dated: January 30, 2019
to plans, specifications, and rules governing the mail. Complete digital copies of the bidding doc-
same, the work performed under that certain Pur- All interested persons are encouraged to at- uments are available at and By: J. Austin Dunlap, P.O. Box 4803, Jackson,
chase Order 027 02720181203-93 for the State tend the public hearing which will be conducted at under PROJECTS OUT WY 83001; 307-690-8568
of Wyoming, Department of State Parks & Cul- in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative TO BID. Submitting Contractors will be required Inquiries may be directed to J. Austin Dunlap,
tural Resources and Whetsell Carpentry, whose Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service to register with the website to download the bid- P.O. Box 4803, Jackson, WY 83001; 307-690-8568
address is 26 Breakneck Road, Newcastle, Wyo- Commission Rules and Special Regulations. In- ding documents for $25 by inputting Quest project
ming 82701 for the work performed, materials, terested persons may appear and be heard, ei- #6141763 on the website’s Project search page. Pub. Feb. 7, 14, & 21, 2019 No. 8506
equipment, or tools furnished or used and ser- ther in person or through counsel, as provided Please contact at 952-233-1632
vices rendered for the substantial completion of by Commission Rule. or [email protected] for assistance in free mem-
the Armory Shop and Shelter Roofs Replacement bership registration, downloading, and working Public Notice
Project at Hot Springs State Park, Bid 0048-D, The Commission’s hearings are open to all with this digital project information. The Town There will be a public hearing on Wednesday
at Hot Springs County, Wyoming. persons. If you wish to attend the hearing and of Thermopolis reserves the right to reject any March 6th, 2019, at 8:30 a.m. at Town Hall to
The contractor is entitled to final settlement you require reasonable accommodation for a dis- and/or all bids and to waive any informalities if review the Home Occupation of Melba Lee, to op-
therefore; that the Department of Administration ability, please contact the Commission at (307) deemed in the best interest of the Owner. No erate a Sewing and Alterations Business at 1332
and Information will cause said Contractor to be 777-7427 (Voice or TTY) in Cheyenne during bid may be considered unless accompanied by Broadway Street, in the LDR. For further infor-
paid the full amount due him under said contract regular business hours or write them at 2515 the required bid guarantee of 5% of the total bid mation please contact Codes Admin. 864-9285.
on March 20, 2019. The date of the first publica- Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming amount which amount shall be forfeited if the
tion is February 7, 2019. 82002, to make arrangements. Communications bidder is awarded the Contract and fails to en- Pub. Feb. 21, 2019 No. 8515
impaired persons may also contact the Commis- ter into a Contract with the Owners. Successful
Pub. Feb. 7, 14 & 21, 2019 No. 8507 sion by accessing Wyoming Relay (TTY) by dialing bidder will be required to provide payment and
711. Please mention Docket No. 20000-541-EC- performance bonds in an amount of at least 100% PUBLIC NOTICE
18 (Record No. 15115) in your correspondence. of awarded contract price. A mandatory pre-bid
PUBLIC NOTICE If you wish to listen to the hearing scheduled in meeting will be held at 2:00 P.M. local time, on Notice is hereby given that on January 28, 2019,
this matter go to at the appro- February 28, 2019 at the Town Hall, 420 Broad- Debra K. Lackey, dba Double D LLC, filed appli-
Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Pro- priate time and follow the instructions to con- way, Thermopolis, Wyoming. cation for renewal of the Retail Liquor License
cedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Com- nect to the hearing. for the following described place and premises,
mission’s (Commission) Rules, notice is hereby Dated this 11th day of February, 2019. dba Shorty’s Liquor Store, to wit: Lots 34, 35,
given that a public hearing is scheduled regard- Dated: February 8, 2019. and 36, Block 3, East Thermopolis, Hot Springs
ing the complaint filing by Boswell Wind Project /s/ Town of Thermopolis County, Wyoming, a 24’ x 22’ room on the north
I, LLC, Boswell Wind Project II, LLC, Boswell Pub. Feb. 14 & 21, 2019 No. 8510 end of the building located at 103 East Broadway.
Wind Project III, LLC and Boswell Wind Project Pub. Feb. 14 & 21, 2019 No. 8513 Protests, if any there be, against the issuance of
IV, LLC (collectively referred to as the Boswell such license shall be heard at 7:00 P.M. on March
Wind Companies or the Complainant) against ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 5, 2019 at the East Thermopolis Town Hall.
Rocky Mountain Power (RMP of the Company).
The public hearing is set to commence on Notice is hereby given that the Town of Ther- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR APPOINTMENT /s/ Angela Chism,
Tuesday, February 26, 2019, at 9:00 a.m., in mopolis, Wyoming will receive bids until 11:00 OF WRONGFUL DEATH REPRESENTATIVE Town Clerk
the Commission’s hearing room located at A.M., local time, March 5, 2019 at the Thermop-
2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, in Chey- olis Town Hall, at 420 Broadway, Thermopolis, An action to appoint a wrongful death repre- Pub. Feb. 21 & 28, 2019 No. 8514
enne, Wyoming. Wyoming, for MATERIALS, LABOR, SERVIC- sentative has been instituted in the District Court

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