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"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of
./~\heaven, having the everlasting gospel (good
news or glad tidings) to preach unto them that
dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kin
dred, and tongue, and people." (Rev. 14:6).
"And this gospel ('the word of truth, the gospel
of your salvation') shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations; and then
shall the end (of material beliefs) come." (Matt.
24:14). cix^
"Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends
of the earth; for I am God, and there is none
else." (Isa. 45:22). <^>
To the "millions of unprejudiced minds—
simple seekers for Truth, weary wanderers, athirst
in the desert"—I offer you i-est and drink in the
name of Christ. I bring the contents of this
book as an oasis in the desert of "mortal mind,"
to unburden you of the Cross of deception, and
to Crotun you with the glory of your own im
mortal Self.
I accept no other authority than that of my
own understanding.
Vivian May Williams
Los Angeles, California
April, 1934

Every apparent problem is due to a belief in a

separate self-hood. "Man divorced from Spirit,
God, would lose his entity," and Spirit divorced
from man would be a nonentity. In other words,
there would be no God, without man.
As shocking as it may seem to the unenlight
ened thinker 1 am compelled, through divine
understanding, to state tvith positive conviction
that God is man's highest conception of good.
In Hebrew, the term for God is good.
Did yo2i ever stop to consider the fact that
your God is dependent tipon your oivn concep
tion of good for existence? If you did not have
Consciousness, you would not have a God, for
you would not knoiv good. If we are to pro
gress, we must look facts squarely in the face and
discard all limited conceptions of God.
We have declared an omnipresent God long
enough—the time is here for us to prove this
Omnipresence. Tennyson wrote "Closer is He
than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet."
Can you conceive of God being any closer than
the discovery that He is your oivn Conscious
ness? Permit me to call your attention to what
I believe to be an important point in Science and

of being when He presented His body absolved

from death and the grave.
A few years ago it would not have been wise
to introduce pure abstractions without their
correlatives, for the average student was on, what
has been termed, a "material" basis of conscious
ness. Today we are compelled to voice the abso
lute truth—that Spirit and Spirit's manifestation
is all that there is. "We need no longer "strain at
gnats and swallow camels," for we perceive that
there are not two powers, but One.
"Each successive period of progress is a period
more humane and spiritual. The only logical
conclusion is that all is Mind and its manifesta
tion, from the rolling of worlds, in the most
subtle ether, to a potato-patch." {Miscellaneous
Writings, page 26). The importance of "sym
bolism" is that every object in the manifest
world reveals the omnipresence of a spiritual
idea, and by constantly resolving the objects of
sense into ideas of Sotd, we soon find the king
dom of heaven within our own consciousness.
The world of reality can only appear in con
sciousness just as it appeared to John, the Reve-
lator, when he saw the "new heaven and a new

Because they depend upon the dead letter of

truth instead of animating their words and
thoughts with the spirit (feeling). "It is the
spirit that quickeneth—the words that I speak
unto you, they are the spirit, and they are life."
Life is existence, therefore, if you wish a thing to
exist for you, you must give it spirit (feeling).
Jesus words were "spirit and life" because they
were audible expressions of his clear realizations
of good emanating from the power of his own
Mind. "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."
(Prov. 23:7). If a man thinks in his heart he
feels something, whereas if he thinks with his
"brain" his thoughts are nothing but mechanical
vibrations. For this very reason, people who de
pend wholly upon books and teachers do not
progress for they have nothing but the letter of
a message which means nothing until they realize
(feel) it from the depths of Soul,—then it be
comes a living reality.

Is it right to have a definite desire for any

Desire and fulfillment are one and the same
thing. When you find yourself desiring any par-

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