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Chapter I



The term computer game is in sharp competition with video games, console

games, and arcade games. Video games and console games usually mean games

connected to a TV, where as arcade games means games placed in public spaces.

Computer games on the other hand, are occasionally used to mean games played on a

personal computer.

However, since all of these areas have been developed in close parallel and because

all of these games are play edon computers, most researchers use the. Computer

games first came into existence in the 19 !s with the introduction of a shoot "up game.

#ince the computer games have become a regular part of life for many people due to its

increased popularity. The computer game has changed from being primarily played at

an arcadeto be primarily played in the home. Development in technology brings many

things that people don%t have many years bac&. 'neof these things is online gaming

that is provided by the internet. 'online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities

by many people.

Teenagers who areplaying these online games said that they are playing these

games (ust for fun, to &eep away fromthe heat of the sun, without &nowing that there

are a lot of effects of playing these games that aremore than what they &. playing online

games, according to some research is beneficial. enables the mind of the players to be
more active, especially those pu++le"based games. *t helps the player to come up with

decisions in tight situations, especially those adventure games that&eep the players to

be alert, active and strategic. )laying these types of games ma&es the player

experienced different feelings.

Since the early 2000s there has been a significant increase in the number of

empirical studies examining various aspects of problematic online gaming and online

gaming addiction. There is a lack of consensus as to whether video game addiction

exists and/or whether the term “addiction” is the most appropriate to use. Some

researchers use terminology such as “excessive” or “problematic” to denote the harmful

use of video games. Terminology for what appears to be the same disorder and/or its

consequences includes problem video game playing, problematic online game use,

video game addiction, online gaming addiction, internet gaming addiction, and

compulsive internet use. This entry uses the term “gaming addiction” to describe the

phenomenon of excessive problematic gaming since there is demonstrable empirical

evidence that such behavior can include all the core components of addiction including

salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse

(Griffiths, 2010).

Online games is a topic of increasing research interest. Since the early 2000s,

there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical studies examining

various aspects of problematic online gaming and online gaming addiction. This entry

examines the contemporary research literature by analyzing (1) the prevalence of

problematic online gaming use and online gaming addiction; (2) the negative

consequences of excessive online gaming; (3) the factors associated with problematic
online gaming and online gaming addiction; and (4) the treatment of problematic online

gaming and online gaming addiction. The entry concludes by looking at the trends in the

field and a consideration of what the future of online gaming addiction might be.

Online Gaming is the most common problem especially to the teenagers today's

generation. In terms of academic performance.Video game addiction has also been

referred to as video game overuse, pathological or compulsive/excessive use of

computer games or video games. Those individuals suffering from video game addiction

may use the internet to access massively multi player online role playing games and

multi-user domain games. Individuals suffering from video games addiction use the

virtual fantasy world to connect with real people through the internet because they build

up a team work to accomplish their missions. Those suffering from video game

addiction may enjoy aspects of the online game that allow them to meet, socialize and

exchange ideas through games.

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to use the Internet. At the same time,

online games have become extremely popular among the young generation thus

leading to the proliferation of online game addiction on a global platform (Iowa State

University, 2011). According to recent researches, online gaming has become one of

the most addictive Internet activities to date (Wan &Chiou, 2006). Based on established

researches, the thesis is interested in discovering the reasons behind why young people

start to play online games as well as how playing such games affects the daily lives and

activities of them. Based on information gathered from the Sweden’s Official Gaming

Website (2009) the market for computer and video games has grown and continues to
grow at an accelerating pace within the Scandinavian regions, including Sweden.

Gaming has become a massive industry. Over the past three years, this growth has

been seen to reach and surpass 3 billion SEK (which roughly approximate 375 million

USD). Even in light of the recent recession the gaming industry has held on strong with

an increasing volume of game sales in 2009. Computer games have become a very

popular leisure activity among children and adolescents in recent years. In fact, based

on popularity alone online gaming garners a larger share of ‘favourite’ votes among

young people than physical team sports such as ice hockey and football combined.

There are many benefits of the Internet as it not only acts as an entertainment tool, but

also an important professional resource for work, communication as well as education.

However, despite all of its inherent advantages, the Internet also has its drawbacks.

Online Gaming makes the individual sharper and mentally more active, because they

find ways to accomplish the mission that they want. This is one of the main and

important advantages that the individual makes experience while playing online games.

They learn to coordinate their mind with the actions of their hands and they also develop

mental strength and it helps them to socialize and interact other individual. But it has

also disadvantages that makes individual become addicted and learn how to fooled and

cheated and can also be abused and harassed online. And it may affect to their

individual studies, not, just only to their study but also to their lives. (2014) Victorcan.

The purpose of this study is to determine what are the disadvantages and

advantages that they can get in playing online gaming. And to enhance their knowledge

what are the possible happened if they will become addicted in any online games. The

goal if this study is to aim awareness and limitations in every live individual.
The research gap of this study that titled online games and the academic

performance of grade 11 students of Tingub. First problem. Comparing others and

become a bully victim. Second low self-esteem or shyness that every students have that

they encountered at home and school thats why they play online games.

Third because of this problem, students wanted to plays online games because they

feel alone and have poor friends. Because of this, they will become more addicted in

any online game that makes their life miserable and can affects their academic


Conceptual Framework

The study was quantitative in nature and it utilized the descriptive approach in research
Input Trough put Output




Figure 1. Conceptual framework of study

Theoretical Background of the Study

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to use the Internet. At the same

time, online games have become extremely popular among the young generation thus
leading to the proliferation of online game addiction on a global platform (Iowa State

University, 2011). According to recent researches, online gaming has become one of

the most addictive Internet activities to date (Wan &Chiou, 2006).

Based on established researches, the thesis is interested in discovering the

reasons behind why young people start to play online games as well as how playing

such games affects the daily lives and activities of them. Based on information gathered

from the Sweden’s Official Gaming Website (2009) the market for computer and video

games has grown and continues to grow at an accelerating pace within the

Scandinavian regions, including Sweden. Gaming has become a massive industry.

Over the past three years, this growth has been seen to reach and surpass 3 billion

SEK (which roughly approximate 375 million USD). Even in light of the recent recession

the gaming industry has held on strong with an increasing volume of game sales in


Computer games have become a very popular leisure activity among children

and adolescents in recent years. In fact, based on popularity alone online gaming

garners a larger share of ‘favourite’ votes among young people than physical team

sports such as ice hockey and football combined. There are many benefits of the

Internet as it not only acts as an entertainment tool, but also an important professional

resource for work, communication as well as education. However, despite all of its

inherent advantages, the Internet also has its drawbacks.

Although the Internet could be very productive, it can have a drastically opposing

effect. For some people who play online games, the Internet acts as an enabler. It is 7

used to feed an addiction, which by its very definition interferes with daily life, work and

personal relationships. According to a report of Syracuse University on the Science

Daily website (2007), online games may have significantly negative consequences,

especially in the lives of students, through causing distraction and interfering with

important reaction of out-game life actions, such as academic performance, health and

social life. For purposes of clarity, in the rest of this thesis online games will also be

referred to as "Massive Multiplayer Online Games" or "MMOG".

Statements of the Problems:

This study aims to determine the online games and the academic performance of

grade 11 students in Tingub High School.The researchers sought answers to the

following questions below.

1. What are the profile of the students in terms of age and gender?

2. Why is online games can be related to your academic performance?

3. Is there any significant association between the online games and the academic


Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant association between the online games and the academic

performance of grade 11 students

Alternative Hypothesis (Hi)

There is a significant association between the games and the academic

performance of grade 11 students

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in many aspects. It can benefit to students, teachers,

parents, school, readers, and future researchers.

Students -Who is the one can benefits this study that they will aware for what

online games affects their academic performance. because this will not good to their

selves but it can gave happiness to their family who always gives support financially

and love.

Teachers -Who can teach students what are the most important to be aware that

online games is really affect to their academic performance that can lead them to be

addicted and laziness. Teachers also monitoring there students what are the most

reason that some students play online games even in a class hours.

Parents -Who always guide, advise and know better there children. if their

children become addicted in any online games that cause low grades in there study.

parents is the one most responsible of it that their children will become discipline and

teach them always that online games cannot bring good impacts to achieve goal in life.

Principal -Who can monitor student not just student but also the parents of the

students because principal do what are the best things to do that students will go to the

right path way to achieve goals in life because online games cannot bring good impacts

to have a high grades.

Readers- Who can read this simple research and can get some knowledge and

ideas that can apply to their real life's individual. Readers must always put to their mind

that to have a good future is the most weapons of all.

Future researcher -Can get some knowledge and ideas that want to achieve

there research. Future researcher who can read this simple research it can give them

new learning’s that surely apply to themselves. Online games and the academic

performance the title of this research a simple research that leads to the future

researcher that the best way to make research is patience and persistence.

Scope and delimitation:

This research delimited to the selected students using a survey questionnaire of

grade 11 students in Tingub. it will measure how many students really affects their

academic performance.

Online games -refer to games that are played over some form of computer network, most often

the Internet. Online games can range from simple text-based games to games incorporating complex

graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously.

Academic performance The definition of academic achievement refers to the level

of schooling you have successfully completed and the ability to attain success in your

studies. When you receive great grades, this is an example of academic achievement.

When you attend college and graduate school, this is an example of academic


Academic achievement or (academic) performance is the extent to which a student,

teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

Cumulative GPA and completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school

diplomas and bachelor's degrees represent academic achievement.

Chapter II

This chapter presents the Review of Related literature and the related

studies that were used as a basis to support this study and relevant to the

presentation investigation.

Related literature

Carey (2012) found out that the history of online gaming included contributions

by many different companies and entities. Online gaming began as multiplayer gaming,

but has evolved to include online gaming servers and massively-multiplayer online

game settings.

Stated by Hassan (2011), online gaming is good and bad. Good for those who

know their limits and bad for those who fix themselves in the seats for long hours and

cut off the interaction with rest of the world.

According to the study of Chang (2009), online gaming was referred to as

Internet Gaming or Electronic Gaming. It was a gathering of players with a common

game using a local area network (LAN) where they could be on the same settings. The

players seem to be in a real situation that they use their mouse or keypads to move in

the monitor, their virtual world.

Hall (2005) said that online gaming has become increasing popular over the past

few years.

Both Orzack (2004) and French (2002) found out that in internet search for

“gaming addiction” yields lists of physical and psychological symptoms from dry-eyes
and carpal tunnel syndrome to “problems with school or work,” offered as indi cative of

problem usage behaviour.

Griffiths, et al. (2003) stated that online gaming has been separated by some

researchers into three main types: stand-alone games, local and wide network (LAWN)

games and massively multiplayer online role-playing (MMORP) games.

French & Dwyer (2002) claimed that online game players “don’t have normal

social relationships anymore” and play online games in order to cover feelings of anger,

depression and low self-esteem.

Nie & Erbring (2000) and Kraut, et al. (1998) stated that some fear that virtual

communities was detracted from social activity and involvement in the real world,

replaced real social relationships with less robust online substituted and caused users

to turn away from more traditional media.

Turkle (1995) found out that online games enabled self-exploration and discovery

that users extended and idealized their existing personalities or try out new ways of

relating to one another that can positively affect real life relationships.

Rheingold (1993) stated that the one reason for the popularity of online games

was that they meld the fun and challenge of video games with the rewarding social

aspects of online community. Participation in online communities allows us to stay in

touch with old friends, meet new people, learn, and share information.

History of Online Gaming According to Aradhana Gupta, online games really

blossomed after the year 1995 when the restrictions imparted by the NFSNET (National

Science Foundation Network) were removed. This resulted in the access to the
complete domain of the internet and hence multi-player games became online ‘literally’

to the maximum possible degree of realism. Today, most of the online games that are

present are also free and hence they are able to provide sample.

According to Dachary Carey, the history of online gaming includes contributions

by many different companies and entities. Online gaming began as multiplayer gaming,

but has evolved to include online gaming servers and massively-multiplayer online

gaming setting.

1. Multiplayer games started in 1972 with PLATO PLATO was a joint project of

the UNIVERSITY of Illinois and Control Data Corporation, which enabled students to

interact with other terminals for the purpose of education and computer aided learning.

In 1972, new interfaces enabled students to begin creating games, and the world

of multiplayer gaming began.

2. MUD was the first network game MUD in 1978 spawned a genre of network

based games, enabling players on the network to interact and explore the MUD game

world. MUD games ultimately paved the road for MMORPGs, with the concept of a

shared world.

3. MAD on BITNET was the first worldwide multiplayer game In 1984, MAD

appeared, and it was the first game to enable worldwide connectivity.MAD was a MUD

accessible to anyone on the worldwide computer network, and it lasted for two years.

4. Maze War fueled development of server-host gaming Simultaneously to the

development of MUDs and BITNET, a game called Maze War, which originated with

NASA in 1973, was helping to fuel development of server-host gaming. Maze War
paved the way for two computers connecting directly in a peer-to-peer connection,

computers connecting to a server and games hosting on the server with local


5. Never winter Nights was the first graphical MMORPG launched to AOL

customers in 1991, Never winter Nights was the first graphical MMORPG. It was

integral to the development of future MMO games.

6. Doom paved the way as a first person shooter multiplayer game Doom made

major landmarks as a first-person shooter game with multiplayer capabilities in 1993.

You should connect and play with others via local network, or you could direct dial to

other folks via your modem. Dom also spawned the creation of DWANGO, an

independent service that matched players up online to promote multiplayer gaming. .

Quake paved the way for modern multiplayer gaming Quake was similar to and followed

Doom in 1996, but it was revolutionary for the development of one extremely important

bit of technology: client-side prediction. Quakeworld introduced the concept of client-

side prediction, which drastically reduced lag and made it possible for multiplayer to

game simultaneously without significant server delays. 8. Ultima Online was the

beginning of MMOs Massively multiplayer online games really took off with the release

of Ultima Online. Quakeworld refined the technology, and Ultima Online introduced

game world where players could freely interact and pummel each other. Today’s online

gaming owes much to these predecessors

II. Effects of Online Gaming According to Science Daily (Oct. 22, 2007), Joshua

Smyth, Associate professor of psychology in The College of Arts and Sciences of

Syracuse University, recently conducted a randomized trial study of college students

contrasting the effects of playing online socially interconnected video games with more

traditional single player or arcade-style games.

Smyth’s research found that online, socially integrated multiplayer games create

greater negative consequences (decreased health, well-being, sleep, socialization and

academic work) but also garner far greater positive results (greater enjoyment in

playing, increased interest in continuing play and a rise in the acquisition of new

friendships) than do single-player games.

Based on the facts of Searle Huh of University of Southern California and

Nicholas David Bowman of Michigan State University in April 26, 2008, with the growing

popularity on online video games, there have been anecdotal reports suggesting that

these games are highly addictive, with some gamers spending in excess of 40 to 5 o 50

hours per week playing. Thus, research into individual characteristics that lead to

excessive play is warranted.

Computer games as a leisure activity have become an ever-increasing part of

many young people’s day-today lives (Griffiths &Davis; Durkin, 2006). More recently,

with the rapid diffusion of broadband Internet services and high-end graphic cards for

computers and console systems, online videos-games—games played over a certain

online networks- have become more popular and attractive than ever before (Sherry &

Bowman, in press).

In the history of online gaming, Aradhana Gupta stated that online games

blossomed after the year 1995 while Dachary Carey stated that the history of online

gaming includes contributions by many different companies and entities In the effects of
online gaming, based on the facts of ScienceDaily in October 22, 2007, Joshua Smyth

found out that online socially integrated multiplayer integrated multiplayer games create

greater negative consequences but also garner far higher good results than do single

player games, while Searle H

Related studies

In the study conducted by Wood, Gupta, Devevensky & Griffiths (2004), online

gaming can be addictive. The research has tended to concentrate on negative aspects,

such as excessive play and addiction. Instead of spending their hours on studying and

doing their homework, children spend their time on playing computer games.

Gentile, et al. (2004) said that the majority of these studies have shown that

online games can be addictive and that some online games have been associated with

aggressive behaviour. However these studies have been relatively controversial as they

examine these factors using self-report methods and artificial scenarios. This type of

research is fraught with problems and criticism.

The study of Carrasco (2001) stated that computers have become a part of

man’s life. Almost all the things around us were made by computers with the aid of

modern machines. Associated with the computers is the internet where we can find

online games. Online game has a big impact to children especially to teenagers. They

tend to be hook by the computer.

On the other hand, online gamers can also benefit on playing online games. A

great variety of forms have been developed and put into practice to enhance learning,
offer solace, to drive away boredom, and/or to persuade players to adopt certain actions

and opinions. The game play improve various thinking skills but that it can also boost

cognitive speed for those who play action games and can also improve cognitive

accuracy for players who solve puzzle and strategy games (Klabber, 2001).

Some video games have been associated with aggressive behaviour. In that

case, children imitate online characters. Some children are at the period of modelling

(Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Taha, J. (n.d.) said that online games are seen as good

learning tool because many think that they can teach children in ways that their

teachers are failing by sparking their minds, stimulating their thinking, and inspiring their


According to Philippine Communications Today by Maslog C. of 1998, one social

problem that has been observed is that the Internet cafe observed is that the Internet

cafe has become mainly game centers. About one-half to m two-thirds of the computer

in a typical Internet cafe, according to one study, are devoted to games (violent and

gory games).

The use of the remaining computers was roughly split between browsing, email,

online chat, word processing and research. The Internet cafes have become not just

game centres. They are becoming centres of addiction among the youth, mostly boys,

including elementary school pupils. According to one concerned Internet cafe

entrepreneur, “Internet cafes are seducing youths to a new form of addiction, one which

may not destroy their bodies as drugs do, but, which is certainly twisting their minds. To

the young, play is reality and reality is play”.

2.3 Foreign literature about online games

According to Helsingin Salomat, a cross-national World Health Organization

study carried out in 2002 and published in June shows that around 20% of Finnish boys

between the ages of 13 a and 15 spend more than three hours a day at the computer

playing online games. The figures for “heavy user” girls in the same age group are only

between 2% and 3%. In terms of the large gender difference, Finland was among the

most striking examples in the entire study. Based on the facts of J.A Jacko in 2009,

according to the empirical evidence, researchers found out a sense of presence,

commonly defined, as “sense of being there” is an important factor for the online game

users. Both studies stated that online games are really addictive to anyone who are

hooked here.

Based on the facts of Justin Visda, Heinson Tan and Bryan Yaranon, online

games are hard to resist, particularly if it’s only around our environment. Students find it

happy and enjoyable and they eventually forget their tasks and problems, but it does a

bad effect to them, which is called addiction.

According to them, addiction is too much playing, and it cannot be resisted because

most of the youth tells that they are bored with their everyday lives, especially to their

studies. That’s why online games is addictive and it gives them enjoyment.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Mandaue City
Tingub, Mandaue City

January 17, 2018

Assistant Principal I,SHS
Tingub National High School
Tingub, Mandaue City


Good day!

We, the students of the academic track: General Academic Strand (GAS)in the Senior
High School Department are currently taking the subject Practical Research III in the
second semester of school year 2017-2018.
non-experimental or descriptive research method. In relation to this, please allow us to
conduct a survey to all sections in Grade 11 level. The needed data are the students’
gadgets usage among Grade 11 students and Academic performance and the students’
scores in the First Periodical Test in all subjects from their respective teachers. The data
gathered shall be held with outmost confidentiality.
We hope for your consideration.

Very respectfully yours,

Jenny Lyn Sy ________________________

Kent Genterone ________________________
Patricia Garbo ________________________


Noted by: Approved by:


Research 3 Teacher Assistant PrincipalI, SHS

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