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Template – Observation No 1 – Evidence Component 1A

DOMAIN: Evidence that Demonstrates Professional Knowledge

EVIDENCE COMPONENT 1: Examples of Teaching
OBSERVATION 1: Teaching Practice and Classroom Management
This observation is intended to address the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Name of Provisionally Registered Teacher Mackenzie Huggins TRB Number 16258

Name of observer Shannon Masters TRB Number 11434
Date of observation 9.4.2019 Timing of observation 8:40-9:40
Context of observation Year 7 - PE lesson
Suggested key questions for observation Is language use appropriate and inclusive, with learning accessible to all students?
Are instructions and expectations clear and take account of different learning styles?
Does discussion and questioning draw out understanding and guide the exploration of ideas?
Is feedback to students prompt and constructive?
Are student efforts and contributions respected, valued and encouraged?
Are students engaged and actively participating in the learning activities?
Is there a safe and stimulating physical environment with all resources easily accessible?
Are there opportunities provided to develop skills and practices relevant to the learning and to apply
knowledge where relevant?
Are behaviour expectations clear, consistent and followed through?
Was the teacher prepared and was the learning environment and its resources appropriately
Does the teacher demonstrate flexibility and an ability to respond to changes of routine or an ability
to appropriately respond to unexpected events or situations?

Current as of January 2013

Observation notes - Routine: Checked hats and water bottles at the start of the lesson. Gave praise to the students
doing the right thing – “Excellent, great work, good girl”
*with 2 classes, could the ‘Spiders and Flies’ - Asking for questions to clarify students understanding. Answering as many as possible.
game have been played across the room instead - Maintaining clear standards: Waiting for silence before giving instructions. Ensuring that
to allow more space for students to run students play within the rules – “we are not starting until everybody has their foot touching
through. the step”, “if you chat after every rule, we’ll be here for a while”
- Moving students within the activity to ensure that it runs smoothly. Round of applause for
- Activities flowed smoothly from one to the next.
- Routine: Students know what to do at the end of an activity. i.e. return to the tiered seating
and sit down rather than wander around the auditorium.
- Modification to the activity: Teams can also win by knocking the tennis balls off the cones.
Changing teams throughout.
- Maintaining clear standards: Consequences for throwing balls when students are out.
- Circulated throughout the activity and/or positioned to the side with best view of the entire
Identified points for discussion that emerge - How would you “even the playing field” if one team/student is dominating the class.
from the observation - With the two classes (and then a third class) using the space without notice, what changes
would you need to make to ensure the lesson runs smoothly.
Signature of observer Date

Teacher reflection: Not an ideal lesson to be assessed on but given the circumstances I think it ran well. I was flexible and
adapted to the change in situation. I believe Lisa and I also collaborate together very well and I am
grateful to bounce ideas off of her. I am glad I followed through on my promise of having a ‘fun’ last
lesson as it was very rewarding to see every student actively involved, very engaged and enjoying

Warm Up Activity: First time delivered to a group of students but I think they enjoyed it. I think the
instructions were clear, more explanation on technicalities could have prevented so many minor
questions being asked. Suggestion to have played across the room makes a lot of sense and was
something I simply didn’t think of, the first few rounds were good but then it became almost

Current as of January 2013

Dodgeball: The inclusion of the tennis ball knock off was very effective for encouraging participation.
Often there is a handful of students who are afraid and don’t enjoy the game but including this rule
gives them a way to participate without being on the front line of defence. To improve this lesson I
should have still provided feedback to students. I think time management and fairness of teams was
monitored quite well. At one point we instructed students to split up into Boys vs Girls but we soon
realised how unfair this was (due to numbers) so prior to the game beginning we were happy to
recognise that and divide teams more evenly.

Lesson Closure: Due to the combined classes and overlapping lessons there was no lesson closure (not
my decision) however in efforts to combat this I did go and stand at the door and dismiss the students
wishing them a happy Easter and to enjoy the holidays.

Overall I was happy with how this lesson panned out, it was conducted in a safe and supportive
environment which maximised participation (Jail Break rule). The students were all very engaged and
enjoyed themselves which as a teacher is wonderful to watch!

Identified professional development goals that

emerge from the observation Improve delivery of feedback, ensure there is lots and lots of performance based technical feedback. I
am good at giving encouragement but specific and tailored feedback is lacking a little bit.

Improve my planning and preparation. I feel like I have let my planning slip a little bit this term and
this is reflective in the quality of my lessons. I think this is partially a result of term beginning so
quickly and not having a structure/sequence plan prior to beginning the year. The sports for Term 2
have already been organised so now I have no excuses on having less organised lessons.

Teacher’s signature Date

Current as of January 2013

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