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In the preceding chapters, i.e., from chapter four to six the data collected has

been analysed in detail. The present chapter has been divided into two parts in order to
ascertain the results and to make recommendations to the Government for taking
remedial measurement for the promotion of tourism in Himachal Pradesh. This will
help to boost the economic development of the state.

7.1 Summary and Conclusions

7.2 Suggestions and Recommendations.

7.1 Summary and Conclusions :

The profile of the tourists has been analysed in chapter four. It has been
classified on the basis of nationality, sex, age, educational qualification, occupation
and annual income. The relationship of these variables was studied alongwith the
budget of tourists, purpose of their visits, season of visit, frequency of visits, mode of
travelling, accommodation used for stay and their stay in Himachal Pradesh
respectively. The various facilities consisting of basic facilities, tourism promotional
facilities and views regarding various other facilities were also analysed in the same <
chapter. It also includes analysis of price charged for various facilities, and views of
the tourists regarding hosts. In chapter five the impact of tourism in the development of
Himachal Pradesh was analysed and the tourism policy of the state has been analysed
in chapter six.

The analysis of socio-economic profile of the tourists was carried out on the
basis of demographic variables and other dependent variables. It is revealed on the
basis of nationality of the tourists and budget of expenditure of the tour that there is a \
significant relationship among nationality and budget of the respondents. It is
observed that the budget of the foreigners was much higher as compared to the
domestic tourists. It is observed that majority of the tourists, whether Indian or
foreigner visited Himachal Pradesh for the pleasure trip. It further concludes that there
is no difference of opinion on the basis of nationality with regard to their purpose of
visit. The analysis shows that majority of the respondents preferred summer season for
their visit and second and third preference is for the winter and autumn season. It

could also be concluded that there is no difference of opinion on the basis of
nationality with regard to season of their visit. The analysis exhibits that majority of
domestic and foreign tourists visited Himachal Pradesh for the first time. The x test
revealed that there is no difference in the opinion of the tourists of both type with
regards to their number of visits to Himachal Pradesh. >^t is evident that majority of
domestic tourists preferred own conveyance for their visits, where as the foreign
tourists opt for the chartered taxies. It is further concluded that there is a significant
relationship between nationality of the tourists and mode of their travelling. The study
revealed that there is a significant relationship between nationality of the respondents
and type of accommodation used by them. The majority of domestic tourists preferred
to stay in the moderate hotels, where as in case of foreigners, luxurious hotels was
the preference of majority tourists. It is also observed that Himachal Tourism
complexes are the second preference of foreign tourists and in case of Indian it is
their third preference. It may be due to high prices charged and non availability of other
facilities. It includes accommodation, transportation , fooding, entertainment facilities,
shopping facilities and various concession etc. Further it is observed that there is no
difference in the opinion of the respondents, with regards to their stay. The majority
tourists stayed from four to six nights in Himachal Pradesh. It can be concluded that
that there is a significant relationship between nationality of the tourist and budget of
their tour, mode of travelling and type of accommodation used by them. In case of
purpose of their visit, season of visit, frequencies of visits and duration of stay, both
types of tourists do have the same opinion and consideration over this issue.

After analysis of various factors like budget, purpose of visit, season of visit,
number of visits, accommodation used for stay and duration of stay on the basis of sex,
it is observed that majority of respondents budgeted their tour expenditure between
Rs. 10,000 to 20,000. The value of y} test reveals that the opinion of both sexes is
same in this regard. The budget of both types of tourists, i,e, male and female is almost
same. As far as opinion of both males and females regarding purpose of visit is
concerned, their opinion is same with this regard. It is evident that both males and
females do have same opinion over the opinion of season of visit. There first
preference is for the summer season, followed by the winter and autumn season. The
majority of the tourists visited Himachal Preadesh for the first time.. The analysis

shows that both males and females do have same opinion with regard to type of
accommodation used. The majority of tourists of both types are staying in the
moderate hotels, followed by luxury hotels. It is also observed that Himachal Tourism
Complex is their third preference. It may be because of high price for the facilities
and non availability of some basic facilities. The duration of stay in both the cases is
same. The majority of them are staying for four to six nights and the opinion of both
male and female tourists is same with regard to their stay in Himachal Pradesh. Thus it
is concluded that respondents of both types i.e. male and female do have the same
opinion with regards to the budget, purpose of visit, season of visit, frequency of visit,
accommodation used and duration of their stay in Himachal Pradesh.

The respondents were classified on the basis of their age and an analysis of
their budgeted expenditure of tour is carried out. It is evident that majority tourists of
less than 20 years budgeted their tour expenditure fir less than Rs. 10,000; whereas in
case of middle age group and higher age group, it is between Rs. 10,000 to Rs.
20,000. It is further concluded that age of the respondents and budget of their tour are
positively related. The majority tourists of lower age group are visiting the state for
educational purposes, where as in case of middle age group and higher age group, most
of the respondents are visiting for pleasure trip and climatic change. After applying y^
test it is concluded that there is a significant change in relationship between age of the
tourists and purpose of their visit. As far as age of the respondents and season of their
visit is concerned, majority tourists are visiting in the summer season and the tourists
of each age group do have the same opinion over the issue that summer season is
their first preference to visit Himachal Pradesh. It could be observed from the analysis,
based on the responses of different age groups that majority respondents are visiting
Himachal Pradesh for the first time. It is further concluded that there is a significant
relationship between age of the tourists and frequency of their visit. Majority of the
tourists of lower age group are using bus services for their visit where as middle age
respondents are visiting mostly by their own conveyance, followed by train, by
chartered taxi, by bus and by air respectively. In case of higher age group it is mostly
by chartered taxi or by bus, followed by train, own conveyance and by air respectively.
It could be concluded that there is a significant relationship between age of the
respondents and mode of their travelling. Tourists of lower age group are staying on

Dharamshala's or with relatives &. friends, where as in case of middle age group and
higher age group majority respondents are staying in the moderate hotels. It is further
observed that only 20 per cent tourists out of the total sample prefer to stay in
Himachal Pradesh Tourism complexes. It may be because of lack of basic facilities
required by the tourists. It can be concluded that there is a significant relationship
between the age of the respondents and type of accommodation used by them. The
majority tourists of lower age group prefer to stay for three nights, where as the
respondents of middle age group and higher age group stayed for four to six nights
in the state. In concludes that the age of the tourists and duration of their stay are
positively related.

While summarising the analysis on the basis of educational qualification of the

respondents, it could be observed that most of the tourists with lower education level
budget their tour expenditure for less than Rs. 10,000, where as in case of the
graduates and post-graduates, majority tourists budget their tour expenditure between
Rs 10,000 to Rs. 20,000. It is also concluded that education level of the respondents
and budget of their tour are positively related. It is evident that majority tourists
visited Himachal Pradesh for pleasure trip and climatic change, except the tourists
from lower age group. They visited mostly for the pilgrimages or educational purpose.
It is further concluded that there is a significant relationship between education level of
the respondents and purpose of their visit to Himachal Pradesh. As far as their liking
for the season of visit is concerned, it is clear that summer season is the preference of
majority tourists of each education level. It is also concluded that education & season
are positively related with each other.

It is clear that most of the tourists have came for the first time to Himachal
Pradesh. The y^ test of independence shows the significant relationship between
educational qualification and frequency of their visit to the state. The tourists of lower
education level visited by bus, where as in case of the graduates, 27 per cent each are
visiting by their own conveyance or by train, followed by the chartered taxi, bus and by
air. Majority of the tourists having post-graduation qualification visited by chartered
taxi. It further leads to the conclusion that there is a significant relationship between
educational qualification and mode of their travelling to the state. Most of the

respondents of lower education level stayed up to three nights, whereas in case of the
graduates and post-graduates majority tourists stayed for four to six nights. It further
concludes that there is a significant relationship among the respondents with different
education background and their stay in Himachal Pradesh. The respondents with
different occupation level and budget oftheir tour is also positively related with each
other. The budgeted expenditure of most of the respondents of service class is between
Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000, whereas in case of the business class, it is Rs. 20,000 and
above. The majority tourists of agriculture class and un-employed have budgeted
their expenditure for less than Rs. 10,000. The preference of the tourists of service
class and business class is to visit for pleasure trip and climatic change, where as the
respondents of agriculture class and unemployed visit for pilgrimages and educational
purpose respectively. It further depicts the significant relationship between occupation
and purpose of visit to the state. The tourists of service class, business class and
unemployed's visited in the summer, whereas the tourists of agriculture class visited in
the autumn. This leads to the conclusion that occupation level and season of visit are
positively related with each other. The tourists of service class and business class
visited more frequently to Himachal Pradesh, whereas agriculturist and unemployeds
not visited so much frequently to the state. It is further concluded that there is a
significant relationship between the occupation level of the respondents and frequency
of their visit. Further the tourists of service class visited mostly by bus followed by
those who visited by their own conveyance and by train respectively. The respondents
of business class visited mostly by train followed by those who visited by their own
conveyance, and chartered taxi respectively. The agriculturists and unemployeds
visited mostly by bus. It concludes that the occupation and mode of travelling used are
positively related.

While analysing the profile of the tourists on the basis of their occupation and
type of accommodation used by them, it could be observed that the tourists of service
class and business class stayed mostly in the moderate hotels, followed by luxurious
hotels. The tourists of agriculture backgrounds and unemployeds stayed mostly in the
Dharamshala's or with relatives/friends. The Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development
Corporation hotels were preferred by 17.23 per cent tourists from service class and
28.26 per cent tourists from business categories only. No tourists from agriculture
class and unemployed group preferred other accommodation than the HPTDC hotels

because of higher prices. The percentage of service class and business class is also
low. It further depicts that the relationship among occupation of the tourists and type of
accommodation used is positively correlated. Majority of the tourists of service class
and business class stayed for four to six nights in Himachal Pradesh, whereas the
respondents of agriculture class and unemployed group stayed only upto three nights.
Thus the above discussion leads to the conclusion that the occupation of the
respondents is positively related with budget of their tour, purpose of visits, season of
visits, frequency of visits, mode of travelling, type of accommodations used and
duration of their stay in Himachal Pradesh.

The analysis of all the dependent variables like budget for expenditure purpose
of visit, season of visit, frequency of visit, mode of traveling, type of accommodation
used and duration of stay was carried out on the basis of annual income of the
respondents and following inferences were drawn. All the tourists of lower income
group have budgeted their tour expenditure for less than Rs. 10,000, whereas majority
tourists of middle income group budgeted their tour expenditure between Rs. 10,000 to
Rs. 20,000. In case of higher income group, they have budgeted above than Rs. 20,000.
It further shows that annual income and budget of the tour are positively related.

The majority tourists of lower income group are visiting the state for the
purpose of pilgrimages. The tourists of middle income level and higher income level
visited for the pleasure trip and climatic change. It is further concluded that there is a
significant relationship between annual income of the respondents and purpose of
visit. It could be seen that most of the tourists of lower income group visited the state
either in summer or in the autumn. In case of middle income group and higher income
group, they are mostly willing to visit in the summer. The most of the respondents of
lower income level visited Himachal Pradesh for the first time, where as the middle
income level respondents visited mostly for the second time, followed by those
respondents, who visited for the first time. The respondents of higher income level
have already visited more than three times. It further concludes that annual income
and frequency of visit are positively related. The majority respondents of lower
income group visited by bus, where as the middle income group respondents visited by
the train. The tourists of higher income group visited either by chartered taxi or by
their own conveyance. It shows the relationship, between annual income and mode of

travelling used. The most of the respondents of lower income level stayed in the
Dharamshala's or with relatives and friends. The respondents of higher income group
stayed in the business hotels. It could also be seen that only 20 per cent tourists of
middle income level and higher income level prepared to stay in the Himachal
Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation hotels. None of the tourists of lower
income level stayed in these hotels . The percentage in case of middle income level
and higher income level is comparatively very low. It may be because of higher
prices of these hotels. The respondent of lower income level stayed upto three nights,
where as the respondents of middle income level and higher income group stayed
mostly for four to six nights. The above discussion leads to the conclusion that there is
a significant relationship between annual income of the tourists and budget, purpose
of visit, seasons of visit, frequency of visit, mode of travelling, type of accommodation
used and duration of their stay in Himachal Pradesh.

\In the preceding paragraphs the summary and conclusion has been drawn on
the basis of analysis of various basic and promotional facilities and the analysis of
views of the tourists regarding price charged for various facilities has been made as

The majority of the respondents opined that they have been charged higher
prices for the various facilities. These services includes the transportation facilities,
accommodation facilities, food services, shopping facilities and health services. The
opinion of the majority tourists support the above views. Hence it can be concluded
on the basis of above discussion that price control mechanism is poor in the state.
Therefore, it is required to be strengthen, so that tourists of various parts could not be
cheated for these services. It will certainly be helpful to promote tourism activities in
the state.

On the basis of analysis of tourism promotional facilities, it could be

summarised that entertainment facilities are above than the average. However they are
not satisfied with the shopping facilities in the state. The opinion of the respondents is
changing from average to below average and substandard in this case. As far as the
analysis of the views regarding local sight seeing facilities or natural beauty is
concerned, the respondents are quite satisfied with these facilities. The opinion of the
tourists is not equally distributed regarding the views related to the telecommunication

facilities in the state. The most of the respondents have rated these facilities good or
excellent in the state. The various concessions given to the tourists and the
maintenance of tourist spots are not found proper in the state. The respondents are not
satisfied with the maintenance of tourist spots and with various concessions to the
tourists and rated both of them to be below average orv^bstandard. Thus it can be
concluded that the tourists are not satisfied with the shopping facilities, maintenance
of tourist spots and various concessions offered to them during their visit. However
they are quite satisfied with other facilities like entertainment facilities, tourist
information system, local sight seeing or natural beauty and the telecommunication
facilities in the state.

The majority tourists are of the opinion that transport facilities are below than
the average. As far as the accommodation facilities are concerned, the respondents
with different backgrounds agree more strongly with the opinion that accommodation
facilities are good in the state. The most of the tourists are of the opinion that the
quality of food services is towards good and excellent in the state. Th^ bar services
are also rated above than the average. After analysing the views of the tourists
regarding parking facilities, it is observed that the parking facilities are not upto the
mark. The majority tourists are not satisfied with the parking facilities and support the
same opinion. Thus it leads to the conclusion that tourists are not satisfied with the
transportation facilities and parking facilities in the state. However they are well
satisfied with other facilities like accommodation facilities, food services and bar
services in the state.

The majority of the tourists are of the opinion that accommodation facilities,
transportation facilities and shopping facilities are required to be improved from some
extent to the large extent. They require more strengthening. They are quite satisfied
with the food services in the state. The majority respondents support the above
opinion that food services are sufficient and good in the state. As far as other facilities
like entertainment facilities, tourist information services, parking facilities, various
concessions, maintenance of natural beauty, maintenance of tourist spots and
development of parks/ picnic spot is concerned, they are of the opinion that these
facilities are still required to be improved fi'om some extent to the large extent. It can
be concluded that all tourism promotional facilities should be improved from some

extent to the large extent except the food service. The majority tourists agree more
strongly with the opinion that hosts are very helpful. They are of the opinion that hosts
are very co-operative by nature. It is observed that the tourists are facing language
problem during their visit to Himachal Pradesh. The mean value of the views support
the above opinion. They opined that the hosts are mostly business minded. There
opinion varied more between some extent to the large extent over this issue. The
tourists are very much impressed by the good behaviour of the hosts. They agree more
strongly with the same opinion . It leads to the conclusion that the tourists with
different backgrounds are of the opinion that hosts are very helping in nature, co-
operative and are having very good behaviour. It is further concluded that hosts are
business minded and tourists face language problem during their visit to Himachal

In order to sum up the socio-economic impact of tourism, it is observed that

tourism, has laid a significant impact over the socio-economic development of
Himachal Pradesh. In this part of the study the views of the respondents of different
types has been analysed and further summarised as under.

The majority respondents of different age groups are of the opinion that
tourism development is helpful to increase their standard of living and total income.
Tourism has provided market for the local products and it is helpful for earning
foreign exchange to the state. Thus it can be concluded that tourism is helpful for the
socio-economic development of the state. The respondents with different education
qualification agree more stronglv with the opinion that tourism has increased their
standard of living and increased total income. Further they also agree with the view that
tourism has provided market for their local products and has helped for earning
foreign exchange to the state. The respondents of different occupation level also
support above opinion that tourism development is helpful to increase their standard
of living and total income. It has provided a market for the local products and is a
major source for earning foreign exchange. Most^ of the respondents of different
income level agree more strongly with the opinion that tourism development is helpful
for the increase in the socio-economic factors, i.e. standard of living , total income,
market to the local products and to earn foreign exchange to the country as well as

As far as the socio-cultural impact of tourism is concerned, various factors like
employment opportunities, education level, social status and the role of Himachal
Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation to increase social interaction are studied.
The views of the respondents of different age groups, qualifications, occupations and
different annual incomes were analysed delete as under:

The majority respondents of different age groups are of the opinion that
tourism has a minimum contribution to increase their educational level and social
status, whereas it is helpful to generate more employment opportunities in the state.CAs
far as the role of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation is concerned it
is considered very important to increase social interaction among different groups.
Most of the respondents of different educational qualifications are supporting the
opinion that tourism development has a least contribution to increase their social
status and education level. It is playing a significant role to generate more employment
opportunities. The role of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation is very
significant to increase social interactions. The respondents of different occupation
level and from different income groups agree more strongly with the above opinion that
the role of tourism is minimum to increase their education level and social status. It is
contributing significantly to generate the employment opportunities and further the
role of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation is very important in this
regard. The respondents of different agejroups are of the opinion that other factors like
government policy, infrastructure development per capita income etc are playing a
major role in the development of their education level and to increase their social
status. Thus it leads to the conclusion that tourism has played a significant role to
generate the employment opportunities in the state. The role of Himachal Pradesh
Tourism Development Corporation is also considered very important in this regard?

The factors, relating to the infrastructure development consists of health

services, road networks, shopping facilities, entertainment facilities, telecommunication
network and informational facilities. After analysing these factors relating to the
infrastructure development it is observed that the majority respondents of different age
groups, educational qualification, occupation and of different income groups are of the
opinion that tourism development is helpfiil to increase health services, road network.

shopping facilities, entertainment facilities, telecommunication network and
information facilities in Himachal Pradesh.

The cultural impact of tourism has been divided in two parts. In this part the
role of tourism development and Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation
is analysed on the basis of the views of the respondents of different age group,
educational qualification, occupation and annual income. It could be seen from the
analysis that the respondents of different age group, education level, occupation and
income groups are of the opinion that the role of tourism development is very
significant to generate better understanding among different cultures. Further the role of
Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation is considered very important as
to preserve and promote our cultural heritage. The majority of the respondents from
different age group, education level, occupation and of different income level agree
more strongly with the same opinion. Thus it can be concluded that tourism
development is helpful to generate better understanding among different cultures and
the role of HPTDC is very important in this regard.

The negative impact of tourism is analysed on the basis of opinion of the

respondents of different backgrounds. It includes, age of the respondents, education
qualification, occupation and income level of the respondent. Their views regarding
the negative aspect of tourism has been taken. The negative aspect includes, drug abuse
and alcoholism, prostitution, pollution, corruption, illegal practices like gambling etc
prices of the essential commodities, adoption of westernized culture and
overcrowding and congestion in the state. The niost of the respondents of different age
groups, educational qualifications, occupation and income groups are of the opinion
that tourism development leads to increase in the drug abuse and alcoholism in the
state. The majority respondents of these demographic groups are supporting more
strongly that tourism has increased prostitution in the state and also increased the
pollution level in Himachal Pradesh. They are of the view that tourism has increased
corruption in the state and it is responsible for increase in the illegal practices. It
includes smuggling, gambling etc. As far as the prices of the essential commodities
are concerned, the most of the respondents viewed that tourism has increased the
prices of all the essential commodities. It is observed that majority respondents agree
more strongly with the opinion that tourism development is not responsible for the

adoption of the westernized culture in Himachal Pradesh. Most of the respondents
from different age group, education level, occupation and income groups are
supporting the same opinion. The overcrowding and congestion is increasing day by
day in the state. It could be seen in the analysis that most of the respondents are
supporting this opinion that overcrowding and congestion in the state has increased
due to increase in tourism.

Thus the above summary, based on the analysis of the respondents, leads to the
conclusion that tourism is helpftil to increase socio-economic upliftment of the general
public. As far as socio-culture impact of tourism is concerned, it can be concluded that
tourism has increased employment opportunities in the state. It has provided various
direct or indirect employment opportunities to the general public. It further concludes
that tourism has a minimum role to increase the education level and social status .
Other factors like government policy, infrastructure development and per capital
income plays a significant role in this regardfFurther the role of Himachal Pradesh
Tourism Development Corporation is very important to increase social interaction
among different groups in the society. The role of tourism as to increase social
interaction is very significant. It is also concluded that Himachal Pradesh Tourism
Development Corporation can play a major role to preserve and promote our cultural
heritage. •^

The negative impact of tourism is a serious matter. It is concluded that tourism

is responsible to increase drug abuse and alcoholism in the state. It is flirther
concluded that tourism has increased prostitution, pollution level and corruption in
Himachal Pradesh. It is responsible for the increase in illegal practices and prices of
the essential commodities. As far as the adoption of westernized culture is concerned,
the tourism development is not responsible. Finally it is concluded that tourism has
increased over crowding, congestion and crime rate in the state. The negative aspects
of tourism can create a serious problem to the public as well as to the state. Therefore
the time bond efforts should be made to meet these challenges, Ss that more and more
tourists could visit more freely and the host should also feel more conformable with
the tourism development.

In the Tourism Policy of 2000, it is proposed to develop tourism activities in
the rural and tribal areas. In continuation to this, new tourist spots shall be developed. It
is proposed to promote sustainable tourism. It states that economic, cultural and
ecological factor, and new job opportunities should be explored in rural , tribal and
remote areas. The private sector investment should be encouraged. It is proposed to
promote adventure tourism and religious tourism in the state. The new concepts, like
time share concept, will be promoted. Further the emphasize is given to diversify the
tourism products as to attract more tourists in the seasons other than the summer
season. The tourism activities are required to be promoted in the rural and urban areas
and new parks and wildlife sanctuaries shall be developed. The pilgrimage sites shall
be developed by improving internal roads, sanitation, drainage and other pilgrim

^ T h e tourism policy 2000 emphasized to promote five different areas. It

includes basic infrastructure, specific infrastructure, entertainment infrastructure,
accommodation, transport and catering and policy legislation. It is proposed to
constitute tourism development councils for specific areas or destinations of tourist
importance. A tourism development board shall also be set up to formulate policy
guidelines for development and promotion of tourism industry in the state and to
advise the state government on matters regarding regulation and licencing in the
tourism industry.

-'LJ^ii"^chal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation is a prime mover for the

promotion of domestic and foreign tourism in the state. It will continue to play a
pioneering role in state to develop and open virgin destinations for tourists . The role
of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation will also be to prepare,
organize, to operate new packages and to promote adventure activities. Thus it can be
concluded that the role of Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation is very
significant to implement the tourism policy in a practical manner?)

As far as a critical aspect of tourism policy is concerned it can be summarised

that safety factors are required to be strengthened more. The tourists are not satisfied
with the maintenance of tourist spots. Therefore it is needed that effective steps should
be ensured in the tourism policy as to maintain the tourist spots. The various roadways
and walkways should be proposed to control the increase of tourist inflow to the state.

It is observed that majority tourists are willing to visit in the summer season, so efforts
should be made to attract the tourists in other seasons also. Further the policy should
also concentrate to promote untapped potential. Other ecological planning and factors
should also be protected which requires a proper framework in the policy.

It is observed that Tourism Policy has failed to consider the tolerance level on
the special occasions, when the tourists inflow increases. Thus it can be concluded that
efforts should be made in this regard, which will certainly be also helpful to save our
traditional values. As far as negative impact of tourism is concerned the respondents
are of the opinion that tourism has increased drug abuse, alcoholism, pollution,
prostitution, prices of the essential commodities corruption and overcrowding and
congestion in the state. Further the tourism policy has failed to propose any measure to
control the negative aspects of tourism. Private sector investment is encouraged in the
new tourism policy. It will be a big boost for the upliflment of tourism industry in
Himachal Pradesh. It is felt that other aspects of private sector investment are ignored.
It is observed that the profits earned by private investor will be drained off Therefore
provision should be made cleady in the policy, so that a part of the profit earned could
be invested in the state only. It shall definitely be helpful to save our social, cultural
and traditional values.

The analysis with regard to total registered hotels / guest houses and bed
capacity has shown an increasing trend for the period under study. Further results of
tourists arrival in Himachal Pradesh has also shown an increasing trend, as the number
of tourists over the period under study has increased 2.5 times. The analysis with
regard to the tourists (Indian and foreigner) staying in HPTDC hotels also reveal
decline both in the foreign, as well as the Indian tourists, though the decline in the
foreign tourists has been observed more as compared to Indian tourists. Hence, it is
suggested that HPTDC should take appropriate measure to attract the tourists in their
hotels by providing them more facilities. Further more, it is suggested that HPTDC
should change their policies in consonance to the policies of private hotels. Ahhough,
HPTDC is also providing facilities to the tourists by providing them transportation, yet
the role of transportation wing of HPTDC in attracting tourists has been found

the period under study has shown a magnificent increase yet, the operational profit
as well as net profit of the corporation has declined sharply over the years, which is a
matter of grave concern to the corporation as well as to the State Government.

7.2 Suggestions and Recommendations :

There is a need to carry out an extensive survey of the tourist resources of the
state on scientific basis. The information collect must be assessed thoroughly and
maped at micro and macro level.

The tourists priorities and preferences are changing regularly in respect of

attractions, and facilities. Thus the Department of Tourism Himachal Pradesh and
Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation should follow the system of
conducting regular survey on tourist behaviour to fulfil their requirements upto their
expectations and satisfaction level. It will certainly be helpful to survive and compete at
national and the international level.

All the places of tourists interest must be exploited properly, in order to attract
more and more tourists to the state. The ropeways must be constructed to connect the
difficult hills of tourist attractions. This will help in providing maximum pleasure to
the tourists coming to the state. All the places of tourist attraction must be published at
every level. The tourist information centres must be well equipped with information
about all the places of tourist interest.

There are many beautiful places, temples and other historical monuments in the
state but still they are to be connected with the road network. Therefore the government
of Himachal Pradesh, Department of Tourism and Himachal Pradesh Tourism
Development Corporation should make an efforts to provide link roads to all such
places so that every tourist coming to the state could visit all these places comfortably.
Further the bus facilities should be properly upgraded and number of deluxe buses
should be increased from various points. The taxi services should be regularized

The state government should concentrate on rural tourism and Agri-tourism
for which it has ample potential. The accommodation facilities is either insufficient or
altogether lacking at many places in Himachal Pradesh. The Himachal Pradesh
Tourism Development Corporation must take this opportunity to take lead in both the
Shopping facilities, local art and craft, fairs and festivals and cultural heritage
must be promoted in an integrated way as to create a synergistic impact towards an
ideal tourism environment in Himachal Pradesh. The role of Himachal Pradesh
Tourism Development Corporation is very important in this regard.

Further, there is a need to create man made images in the valleys which are
essential from tourism point of view. The active involvement of local people is an
essential pre-requisite for the success of any development programme. There is a need
to infuse tourism awareness in the society to ensure and increase social and positive
interaction among hosts and tourists as to encourage tourism industry in the state. This
will be helpful in providing extra attraction to the tourists coming from out side.

The adventure sport, activities like ballooning, hang gliding, para-gliding,

trekking etc. should be promoted through proper planning. The entertainment facilities
should be increased as to enhance satisfaction level of the tourists and to ensure their
longer stay in Himachal Pradesh. It can include evening entertainment in the form of
light and sound programmes, theatres etc.

The study indicates that tourists are not satisfied with the accommodation
facilities, food facilities, health facilities, transportation facilities and parking facilities
in the state. Therefore it is suggested to give proper training to the concerned staff and
to improve all these facilities / services upto the international level. This will be helpful
to earn maximum exchequer to the state.

Package tours is an area which requires a special attention. A well organised

package tour is comparatively cheaper and offers immense opportunities to enjoy the
diverse attractions in the state. The various concessions should also be promoted to
further boost the tourist traffic inflow in the state. It includes various incentives like
family concessions, or group concessions etc.

The private sector investment should be encouraged to boost the tourism
industry in the state. There is a need for the close co-ordination between private sector
and public sector at different level. The Department of Tourism and Himachal Pradesh
Tourism Development Corporation can play a vital role in this regard. The government
should make such a provision in the policy, so that a part of the profit earned by the
private entrepreneur could be invested in the welfare of the state. There should also
be a provision in the policy to give priority in the employment to the person of
Himachal only. It will certainly be helpful to generate more direct or indirect
employment opportunities in the state.

Tourism plans must be developed in accordance with national objectives of

tourism and consistent with the role that tourism is assigned to play in the national
development. The role must be clearly defined and recognised as such.

Consistent with availability of national resources, planning of tourism

development should be undertaken realistically and on assumed feasibility and
appropriately on a scale, in locations at a consistent rate of growth in order to a
maximize the use of available resources to attain the optimum resuhs. The use of land
space, water, air and other natural resources must be strictly enforced. The tourism
planning should ensure protection and conservation of natural resources, environment
and cultural heritage. Attractive incentives must be allowed to the private investors as
to activate their interest. Keeping in view the impact of tourism and its foreign
exchange earnings, financial constraints on tourism development should be taken into
account in the light of potential for outside borrowings through foreign parties and

In order to promote all parts of Himachal Pradesh as a tourists destination the

emphasis should be given on the following suggestions. The new tourist destinations
and activities should be projected. The scenic beauty, pilgrimage and historical
monuments are the main attractions for the tourists. Therefore it should be developed
and maintained properly. The shopping facilities should also be developed on the
international level. The cultural richness of Himachal Pradesh and its suitability as an
all the year-round destination should also to highlighted. The adventure tourism and
special interest tourism should also be promoted at the international standard. It is

observed that the tourists are not feeling secured during their visits to certain
destinations. Therefore it is suggested to ensure their safety factor adequately so that
they could travel freely with out any fear.

The negative impact of tourism is a serious matter. It is observed that tourism

development is responsible for the increase in the habit of alcoholism and drug abuse.
It has increased the rate of prostitution, pollution level and the prices of the essential
commodities in the state. Therefore the state government as well as the department of
Tourism should make time bound efforts to control and minimize all these negative
aspects of tourism development. The tourism development has also increased over
crowding and congestion in the state. On certain occasions the flow of tourists
increase largely in the state. The government of Himachal Pradesh should make certain
effective measures or master plan to control the problem of over crowding and
in the state.

If all these suggestions are taken into account, no doubt, the tourism industry
could earn maximum returns to the state and could be beneficial for the overall
development of Himachal Pradesh.


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