Step Up 1 Exams

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Step up 1 platform 1

Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________________________


Complete the sentence with am/is/are. (8 points)

1) Martin _____________ an English teacher.

2) I _____________ eleven years old.
3) They _____________ in the garden.
4) My father ___________ a bus driver.
5) We ____________ at the bus stop.
6) You ___________ very happy today.
7) Susan _________ always late.
8) What __________ their professions?

Select the correct answer. (8 points)

1) We are/have a big house.

2) They are/have our friends.
3) My sister is/has brown eyes.
4) The babies are/have beautiful.
5) I am/have a small cat.
6) She is/has very beautiful.
7) Sam and Joe are/have very talented.
8) She is/has very cold.

Complete the story with a/an/the. (10 points).

John is _______ student in ________ important university. He is from __________ small city, __________

name of the city is Hershey. All ________ names of _____ streets are names of chocolates. There is

________ place named Chocolate world and it is __________ interesting experience when you visit it.

Hershey is _________ important small city and John loves that his city is _________ capital of chocolate.
Unscramble the question and answer it. (10 points)










brothers and sisters/many/does/how/have/your mother






Select the correct answer. (7 points)

1) Ann, how are you?

a) I’m a nurse b)I’m fine, thanks c) I am work d) I have good
2) What is the problem?
a) I is a cold b) I am cold c) I has cold d) I have cold
3) Whose car is that?
a) It’s of Kate b) It’s Kate’s c) It’s Kate d)It’s to Kate
4) _________ there many cars on the street?
a) Are b) Is c) Am d) Isn’t
5) Maria _________ have a cell phone! That is incredible
a) isn’t b) don’t c) aren’t d) doesn’t
6) Is that _______ school?
a) you’re b) you c) your d) yours
7) ________ your aunt have a lap top?
a) Is b) does c) do d) are

Write a short description of two of your family members. (10 points)










Write the name of the corresponding professions. (6 points)

_________________ _________________ _________________

____________________ ______________________ ________________________

Use the symbols to spell the family members and solve the puzzle. (9 points)
Step up 1 platform 2

Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________________________


Look at the picture and describe the things there are in the house. (7 points)

a) ______________________________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________________________________________________
e) ______________________________________________________________________________
f) ______________________________________________________________________________
g) ______________________________________________________________________________
Select the option that correctly completes the sentence. (7 points)

1) The desks are ___ the blackboard in the classroom.

a. between b. above c. next to

2) Mary is _____ John and Jill.

a. On b. above c. between

3) Sam sits _______ this chair.

a. on b. in c. above

4) The computer is ______ the telephone

a. Under b. next to c. between

5) My mother’s plant is ________ the TV.

a. in b. in front of c. between
6) The pillow is _____ the blanket.
a. in b. between c. under

7) The book store is ______ the bank.

a. between b. above c. next to

Write the correct comparative or superlative form, use the adjective in parenthesis. (7 points)

1) Jupiter is ________________________________ (big) than Venus.

2) The Pacific Ocean is _________________________________ (large) ocean in the world.
3) August is _________________________________ (hot) month in Valencia.
4) A bicycle is ___________________________________ (cheap) than a motorcycle.
5) Of all the good friends I have, Brian is ____________________________________ (good).
6) "Mission: Impossible" is ______________________________ (exciting) than "Mission: Impossible 2"
7) This flower is ______________________________________ (beautiful) than that one.
Look at the map and give directions to get to different places, use these words in your directions: (10 points)

between, on, behind, in front of, next to, left, right, straight, on the corner, straight, go, walk.

Excuse me, how can I get: from the restaurant to the flower shop/ from the flower shop to the hospital/ from the
hospital to the cinema/ from the cinema to the bookshop/ from the bookshop to the swimming pool/from the
swimming pool to the supermarket.

Connect the two columns to form compound nouns. (10 points)

Bath bag
Day book

Base corn

Tooth ball

Note fish

Grand paste

News room

Pop light

Gold father

Hand paper

Complete the sentences with the correct descriptive adjective. (7 points)


1) The flowers in your garden are very ____________________________________.

2) A Ferrari is super _____________________________________.
3) This book is _______________________________________.
4) This is Danny, he is my __________________________ brother.
5) Is your telephone ___________________________?
6) My friend’s girl is really __________________________.
7) Her mathematics class is very _____________________.

Circle the correct option. (10 points)

1) I hope this/that summer, I can go to Can Cun because this/that is a beautiful city.
2) You can’t compare these/those old cars with these/those new ones.
3) This/That restaurant has better food than this/that restaurant in front.
4) These/Those my parents Clark and Louis and they live in this/that house next to the park.
5) Are all of these/those your pencils? Because these/those next to that chair are Karina’s.
Step up 1 platform 3
Name: ________________________________ Date: ______________________________


Complete the sentences and questions using do/don’t/does/doesn’t. (8 points)

1) _________ you go to school by bus?

2) He ___________ in Mexico, he lives in Colombia.
3) I ___________ play golf, I prefer football.
4) Interesting your dog ___________ eat meat. What ___________ it eat?
5) __________ Daniela speak French?
6) _________ her brothers play the guitar?
7) I am sorry, my sister ____________ remember your name.

Unscramble the sentences and questions. (5 points)

1) have/I/glass/can/of water/a/?
2) go to/we/Saturday/can’t/the shopping mall/on/.
3) out/take/brother/tomorrow/can/your/the trash/.
4) bring/to/can/the birthday cake/you/the party/?
5) buy/Amanda/car/can’t/that/.

Select the correct form of the verb. (7 points)

1) We sometimes go/goes to Hawaii for vacation.

2) Emily dance/dances disco very well.
3) It often rain/rains in July.
4) Peter and his sister wash/washes the family car.
5) I always run/runs to in the morning.
6) My dog jump/jumps very high.
7) Alejandra and her husband come/comes here every summer.
Use the verbs in parenthesis to complete the sentences with the simple present form or present continuous,
use the affirmative or negative form. (8 points)

1) Look! They ______ __________________(leave) the house now.

2) Samantha _________________________ (do) her homework every day.
3) My mother _______ _________________ (shop) right now.
4) You ________ _____________________ (see/not) her on Mondays.
5) The baby ______ __________________ (sleep/not) in this moment.
6) I usually ___________________________ (get up) early in the morning.
7) She _____ _____________________ (read/not) a book now.
8) We ______________________________ (see) her every day.

Match the adjectives with the correct opposite and write the opposite in the crossword puzzle. (14 points)

Select the correct option. (5 points)

1) John and Mandy _________ the kitchen

are clean cleaning are cleaning
2) It _______ now! lets go
isn’t raining not raining is raining
3) My sister ________ a book at the moment.
am reading is reading is read
4) _______ the family ________ a new song this Christmas?
Is……..singing Are………singing Is………sing
5) Their aunt Helen ___________ the ducks today.
aren’t…..feeding isn’t………feeding not…….feeding
Read and answer the questions. (12 points)

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