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NEWS, Paae 1 of23


PURPOSE: To introduce coolant and oil heater for engine on the WA700-1

APPLICATION: WA7004 Wheel Loaders, Serial Nos. $I001 and up


1. Introduction

This PARTS & SERVICE NEWS introduces electric engine coolant and oil heaters
which can be utilized to improve engine startabilii in cold climates. These heaters
draw power, 230 VAC single phase, from an external power source.
Recommendations are for use when temperatures drop to -15°C (+ 5°F) or below. Use
should always be as described in this Parts and Service News.

NOTE: Also perform modifications entitled “Improving hard starting of WA7OGI”

found in Parts and Service News A910152A revised October 30, 1992
when installing these coolant and oil heaters.

Page 2
2. Parts to be obtained (Part 1) - Engine parts

2.1 Obtain the fottowing parts:

No. Part No. P&t Name WY .Puipse of par& Bemarks

0 600-815-8360 Heater 2 Block heater

0 600-815-6330. Heater 1 Oil pan heater

3 8162-63-2311 Cover Oil cooler cover
(6162-68-2271) (Cover) &,
6162-65-6770 Plate 1 Block heater mounting
0 6162-63-6730 Gasket 1 Blockheatermoamting
6 01010-80825 Bolt 6 Block heater mounting
01602-00825 Washer 6 Block heater mounting
;. 08036-3 1210 Clip I Block heater momting

@ 08084-003 10 Band 1 Block heater mounting

10 8127-61.2420 Casket 1 oil coohw cover blind
11 6X2-63-2280 Gasket 2 Oil cooler element
12 6162-63-2290 O-ring 2 Oil cooler element
18 61.67-61-5170 Gasket 2 Oil cooler element
14 6162-63-2131 Gasket 1 Oil cooler housing
16 6162-63-2140 Gasket 1 Oil-coaler cover
16 6162-63-2160 Gasket 1 oil cooler water inlet
18 OiOOO-02075 O-ring 1 Water pump outlet -

The oit cooler cover with hole for mountingblock heater is installed on the machines wtth Engine
Number 15760 and up. For these engines, order only the part numbers with a circle in the number

Page 3

2.2 Parts to be obtained (Part 2) - Chassis parts

Obtain the following parts.

Part No. Part Name .&‘tu Pufpoee of. part Remarks

175-64-86260 Boss 3’
428-291-1170 Plate 1
Parzs fqr rework
01571-01016 Seat 6
154-54-23160 Seat 2
426-06-11650 Cap . 1
01220-40320 Screw 4
01641-20306 Washer 4
01580-10302 Nut 4
01601-20307 Washer 4
426-06-11630 Cap 1
428-291-l 110 Harness 1
428-291-l 120 Harness 1
08034-00536 Band 14
427-291-1320 Box 1
426-291-1110 l&se holder 8
01220-40516 screw - 8
01641-20508 Washer 8
425-291-1220 Fuse (15AI 4
427-291-1330 Cdver 1
209-62-11810 Spacer 8
01010-50825 Bolt 8
01&L3082s Washer 8
428-291-1220 Plate 1
08036-02514 Clip 2 A-A, B-B
01641-20608 Washer 2 J-J
01435-01016 Bolt 10 A-A, B-B, E-E, F-F, G-G, H-
08036-03014 Clip 4 E-E
08052-12411 Clip 1 F-F
08052-11711 Clip 1 K-K
08052-01711 Clip 2 J-J
08036-01814 Clip 3 G-G, H-H
426-291-l 180 Plate : 1 J-J
Page 4
2.3 Parts to be obtained (Part 3) - Chassis parts

Part No. Part Name WY Purpose of part Remarks

01643-3 1232
Screw 2
1 .

08060-02200 O-ring 6
08050-02010 Body 6
Blind Plug for unused harnessconnectors
08050-02300 Qrommet 6
08050-00600 Plug 12

Page 5


3.0 Installing block heater (For engine coolant)

3.1 Drain engine coolant as described in the operation Manual. (Approx. cap. 200 &!)

3.2 Install the oil cooler cover with hole for mounting block heater as described on Fig. 1
(See NOTE 1).

3.3 install block heater. Tighten block heater securing nut to 50 - 78 Nm (5-6 kgm) (37 -
58 Ft. Lbs.) torque.

h Block Heater
Securing Nut

3.4 Refill previously drained coolant, step 3.1 after installing the block heater.
NOTE 1.: An oil cooler cover with hole for mounting the block heater
is already installed on machineswith Engine No. 15760 and

4.0 Installing oil pan heater (for engine oil)

4.1 Drain engine oil as described in the Operation Manual (Cap. 63 e)

4.2 Install oil pan heater as described on Figure 2.

4.3 Refill oil drained in 4.1 after installing oil pan heater.

5.0 Procedures for installing the additional wiring of electric heaters on chassis and for their

5.1 Perform additional wiring as described in the procedures in pages 8 thru 19

5.2 Operation procedure when the electric heater is installed is described in pages 22 and

6.0 Trial run

6.1 Perform daily inspection according to the procedure in the Operation Manual.

6.2 Start the engine to verii that oil or water does not leak anywhere, especially where
modified. Also check for loosened electric wiring connectors and harness interference
while the engine is at low idle running.

7.0 General matters for modification

7.1 Tightening torque of bolts and nuts shall conform to the standard torque as described
in the Shop Manual, unless otherwise specified.

A9201 71
Page 6
After Electric Heater is Installed
Block heater Mark q denotes newly installed parts
,<ll$gine Mark %V denotes consumable parts for
oolant) modification.

Before Electric Heater is

Page 7

Apply woaano
or use waling tape on
tapered thread.

OU Pan Heater
Remove ptug 02720-4l6i6
to Install oil pan heater.
Onstall heatef to ordy one
of ttm two holsr)

Figure 2

Page 8

8.0 Rework procedures

8.1 Rework right frame.

8.1.1 Add Bosses. 3 Harness Clamp Attaching, See locations Al, A2, and A3 below.

-Front of Chassis

A9201 71
Page 9
8.2 Rework floor support.

8.2.1. Add two harness clamp attaching seats, See locations Bl, 82 below.


+ Front of Chassis

. _ -- _ Center of
Viewed from Above Chassis

Floor support
P/N before

_ Center of

Location X
Viewed from Rear ..’

Page 10
8.3 Reworking platform mount bracket, right side.

8.3.1. Add 3 harness clamp attaching seats, See locations Cl, C2 and C3 below.

View from Above

Front of Chassis

View from Right Side

NOTE: Refer to drawbrg, page lf, for
location of backef Wu.

Page 11

8.4 Rework HYD tank (bottom)

8.4.1 Add two harness clamp attaching seats D-l, D-2 at locations
shown below.

8.4.2.Make 0 76 hole P with quantity 4 - 04 mount bolt holes as

/ -I

HYd tank MTG

Detail of P
Chamfering added h
Page 12
8.4,3 Assembly procedure. Perform assembly as shown in the following:

NOTE: Conneotom marked 0 In the llustratlon

(6 places) are not used. Assemble blind
plugs as shown In the Illustration, and ‘lug for uuwod hunou connoata
install them to each connector. Secure
the connector with tape to prevent loosening,

n together wlth rear box


Rqm tw mm P.n K-K
Fqm PM

A9201 71

I I m-P4
1 --I

I Ii4 I L7 I I I I-.%:
Page 16

9.0 Electrical supply and cable requirements

Electric coolant and oil heaters are made available to improve engine startabilii in cold climates.
These heaters are designed to operate on power received from an external source. They operate
\ ,’
by warming oil in the engine oil pan, also by warming coolant in the crankcase thereby creating
flow by means of thermal conduction.

9.1 The following external power is required to utilize these electric heaters.

Type: Single phase current

Voltage: 230 VAC

Supply Capacity: 8 KVA mm (8Kw minimum)

Circuit requirements: 50 amp

9.2 A cable (electric wire) must be fabricated to deliver the electricity from the power source
receptacle to the heater receptacle on the loader. Refer to Cable fabrication procedure for
details of local fabrication, external connections are described on Fig. 6.

9.3 Electrical power source requirements to use these preheating heaters. The power equipment
described on figure 6 is required. This power equipment is used to supply AC voltage which
is fed from a transformer station or a generator to the preheating heater. Therefore, it must
be structured to easily connect the cable for receiving external power. Form, size and
installation method may be determined locally, but they shall conform to the specifications as

Specification of power equipment

(1) Type of output power: Single phase AC

(2) Output voltage: 239-V
(3) Supply capacity: 8KVA (8Kw)
(4) Main switch should be provided.
(5) Ground Fault breaker should be provided.
(6) Ground Circuit should be provided.
(7) A 50 amp circuit is required.

NOTE: Installation procedures for electric equipment shall conform to the related rules and laws
governing the work site and the equipment shall be installed by authorized persons.

Operation concerning installation of external power equipment will be furnished as described above.

Schematic flow diagram (Figure 7 on Page 19) and an integral wiring diagram, (Page 15) are
provided for operational reference.

Page I?

9.4 Local fabricating procedure for external power cable.

The external power cable should be fabricated locally depending upon the actual situation of
the local area, however, its fabrication must be governed by some standards.

The following fabrication procedure and precautions should be observed in fabricating the cable.

Page 18


(a) Three-core chloroprene sheathed cabtyre cable or equivalent should be

purchased locally with reference to the following specification:

. Proper nominal cross-section of a single core is 14 mm2.

. Withstand voltage should be 3000V per minute.
. Length of the cable should be no more than 30m (98 Ft.)to
prevent voltage drop.

(b) Connecting plug (prepared part) 426-06-l 1630 on the input side of the
chassis with the end of the cable. The plug has three contacts, each of
which is identified with a symbol. Connect each of the three wires to their
respective contact in accordance with the following table:

Contact Symbol Wire to be connected

C Ground Wire

B Power Circuit Wire

Supply Circuit
A Power Circuit Wire


1) Connect the contact and wire by soldering

2) Insulate the soldered area by means of rubber sleeves or tape to prevent a short
circuit due to interference between wires.

3) Be sure to use plug 426-06-I 1630. Plugs other than the above one can not be
connected to the receptacle on the power equipment described in Figure 6.

Page 19

(c) Fabricate the opposite end of cable so that it can be connected to the
power equipment described in Figure 6. Figure 5 shows finished cable.

TO recept@e on the input slde of chassis

Three-core cahtyre cable

T <Overalllength shall
-\ t

To power supply

Figure 5


Page 20
Figure 7 system for pre-heating heaters using external power

Receptade for external

,power Input cable ,Fuse box

Power source

Front of body Note: Hyd. tank heater & TIM heater are not used.

For T/M heater (Not used)

A9201 71
Page 21

4. Connecting external power cable

Power eqdpment
Supply capacityof SW/A mh
bbstan mabl swltoh
Install ground fault breaker
(Note 11 Bravlded with leakage
overload preverithe~ de&e)

NOTE 1: Ground fault breaker is installed to prevent a man from receiving

electric shock when the supply current is leaked to the body of
the vehicle.

NOTE 2: The reason why the ground cable is grounded underground is

similar to Note I.

Figure 6

Page 22

5. Operation procedure

To use the preheating heaters, park the loader within close proximity to the external
power receptacle, i.e.: within external supply cable range, before engine shut down.

1) Parking area should be flat.
2) Take actions to prevent tires from freezing to the ground.
3) Work equipment should be lowered to the ground.
4) Placing a cover over the vehicle will make the engine starting easier.
5) Engine oil and coolant must be filled to prescribed level.
3) There shall be nothing flammable on or in the vicinity of the preheating heater.
7) Remove flammables such as dead leaves accumulated on the engine.
8) Check and repair wire damage to external connecting cable or heater wiring
harnesses before switching electric current on.

2. Turn on an electric current to the preheating heaters 8 hours before starting the engine
to warm coolant and oil in the engine oil pan.

* If the vehicle is not used for more than a day, turn on an electric current 12
hours before using the vehicle to warm and then start the engine according to
the start-up procedures for the cold season.


(1) Connect the power equipment and the receptacle on the input side of the
vehicle using a cable as shown in Figure 8.
(2) For turning on an electric current, use the power switch (main switch) or a
switch for turning on the current of the power equipment
(3) When using an electric heater, be sure to ground the earth cable as shown in
Figure 8.

Figure 8

Page 23

A It is extremely
dangerous to connect the cable after turning the power switch ‘ON”_
Connect the cable first.

Verify the ground cable is grounded before turning the power switch “ON”.

* The above is a generally applicable procedure. If there is any special weather conditions at the
working site, it will be necessary provide an operational standard conforming with the work

(4) Be sure to shut off the heater power before starting the engine.

When an electric current is supplied to the electric heater while the engine is running, the heat
of the engine together with the heat from the electric heater will cause overheating of coolant
and lubricating oil.

* Do not operate engine oil heater when the temperature is 0°C and above. Excessive
oil temperature will accelerate deterioration of oil.


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