Btech Technical Seminar Report Format

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Technical Seminar Report submitted to

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering



Under the Guidance of

Mr. Name of the guide with designation



(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Sheriguda (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R.Dist., Telangana- 501510.

(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Sheriguda (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R.Dist., Telangana- 501510.


I,NAME OF THE STUDENT bearing Roll No XXXXXXXXXX, hereby declared that the

dissertation entitled “TITLE OF THE PROJECT /TOPIC”, carried out under the guidance of Mr.

name of the internal guide, Designation is submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological

University Hyderabad in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering. This is a record of

bonafide work carried out by me and the results embodied in this dissertation have not been

reproduced or copied from any source. The results embodied in this dissertation have not been

submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree.



(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Sheriguda (V), Ibrahimpatnam (M), R.R.Dist., Telangana- 501510.


This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “TITLE OF THE PROJECT /TOPIC”, being

submitted by NAME OF THE STUDENT, bearing Roll No: XXXXXXXXXX, to Jawaharlal

Nehru Technological University Hyderabad in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering, is

a record of bonafide work carried out by him. The results of investigations enclosed in this report

have been verified and found satisfactory. The results embodied in this dissertation have not been

submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or diploma.



With great pleasure I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the persons
who helped me in making this project work a success.

First of all I am highly indebted to Principal, Dr. I. SATYANARAYANA for giving me the
permission to carry out this project.

I would like to thank Mr. SURESH BALLALA, Professor & Head of the Department
(ECE), for giving support throughout the period of my study in SIIET. I am grateful for his valuable
suggestions and guidance during the execution of this project work.

My sincere thanks to project guide Mr. XXXXXXXXX, DESIGNATION for potentially

explaining the entire system and clarifying the queries at every stage of the project.

My whole hearted thanks to the staff of Electronics and Communication Engineering who
co-operated us for the completion of project in time.

Last but not the least, I express my sincere thanks to Mr. R. VENKAT RAO, Secretary, Sri
Indu Group of Institutions, for his continuous encouragement.

I also thank my parents and friends who aided me in completion of the project.




Page No
Acknowledgement i
Abstract ii
Table of contents iii
List of Figures vi
List of Screens vii

1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Problem definition 2
1.3 Objective of Project 2
1.4 Limitations of project 3
1.5 Organization of project 3

2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Existing System 5
2.2.1 Drawbacks in existing system 5
2.3 Proposed System 6
2.4 Feasibility study 6
2.5 Features of the project 7
2.6 Conclusion 8

3.1 Introduction 10
3.2 Requirement Specification 10
3.2.1 User requirements 10 Functional requirements 11 Non-functional requirements 11
3.2.2 Software and Hardware Requirements 12
3.3 Context Diagrams 13
3.4 Conclusion 17

4.1 Introduction 19
4.2 UML diagrams 19
4.2.1 Use case Diagrams 19
4.2.2 Class Diagram 23
4.2.3 Sequence Diagram 24
4.2.4 Collaboration Diagram 27
4.2.5 State Chart Diagram 30
4.2.6 Activity Diagrams 31
4.2.7 Component Diagram 32
4.3 Module design and organization 32
4.4 Conclusion 33

5.1 Introduction 35
5.2 Key functions 35
5.3 Method of Implementation 36
5.3.1 Forms/Tables 37
5.3.2 Output Screens 42
5.3.3 Result Analysis 47
5.4 Conclusion 47


6.1 Introduction 49
6.2 Testing Methodologies 50
6.3 Design of test cases and scenarios 53
6.4 Validation 54
6.5 Result analysis 54
6.6 Conclusion 54

7.1 Conclusion 57
7.2 Future Enhancement 57
A. Symbols & Acronyms 59



Following are the list of figures used in this project documentation at various locations.
Enclosed in the following pages
Introduction required to be processsed faster and faster the
need for data warehousing technology arises in
Online analytical processing (OLAP) terms of ability to organise, maintain large data
and Data mining represents some of the latest and also be able to analyse in few seconds in
trends in computing environment and I.T the manner and depth required.There are
applications to large scale processing and conventional information systems which didn’t
analysis of data succeed in meeting these requirements.
Data Warehouse along with OLAP Conventional and data warehousing tackle two
tools are being increasingly developed to different activity domains-OLTP & OLAP.
analyze historical data to identify past patterns Besides this conventional information
or trends which may be useful in forecasting system is not capable of analyzing a large
future. number of past transactions or large number of
data records.
What is Data warehousing?
The cost of processing the data also
increases as the volume of data increases .As a
A data warehouse is an integrated store result the analyst finds data mart extremely
of information collected from other systems useful for fast and easy analysis. Since the
that becomes the foundation for decision data flows into data mart (from the Data
support and data analysis. Although there are Warehouse), the department which owns it can
many types of data warehouses, based on easily customize the data.
different design methodologies and Data marts are of 2 types:
philosophical approaches, they all have these 1. Multi dimensional OLAP (MOLAP)
common traits: 2. Relational OLAP (ROLAP)
 Information is organized around the
major subjects of the enterprise (for
example, customers, products, sales, or Data Warehousing Framework
vendors), reflecting a data-driven
design. Raw data is gathered from The goal of the Data Warehousing
nonintegrated operational and legacy Framework is to simplify the design,
applications, cleansed, and then implementation, and management of data
summarized and presented in a way warehousing solutions. This framework has
that makes sense to end users. been designed to provide:
 Based on feedback from end users and  Open architecture that is easily
discoveries in the data warehouse, the integrated with and extended by third-
data warehouse architecture will party vendors.
change over time, reflecting the  Heterogeneous data import, export,
iterative nature of the process. validation, and cleansing services with
 The data warehousing process is optional data lineage.
inherently complex and, as a result, is  Integrated metadata for data
costly and time-consuming. warehouse design, data
extraction/transformation, server
Why to build a data warehouse? management, and end-user analysis
Business strategy requires answers to  Core management services for
questions in business and future strategy. This scheduling, storage management,
means that the decisions are to be taken quickly performance monitoring, alerts/events,
and correctly using all the available data. As and notification.
the data size increases continuosly and data is
 Methods of loading and transforming
data from operational systems to the
data warehouse.

Data Warehousing Framework


Building the data warehouse requires

a set of components for describing the logical
and physical design of the data sources and
their destinations in the enterprise data
warehouse or data mart.
Determining Business, User, and Technical To conform to definitions laid out
Requirements during the design stage, operational data must
Before a data warehouse can be built, a pass through a cleansing and transformation
detailed project and implementation plan stage before being placed in the enterprise
should be written. The project and data warehouse or data mart. This data staging
implementation plan includes: process can be many levels deep, especially
with enterprise data warehousing
 Building a business case.
 Gathering user requirements.
Architectures, but is necessarily simplified in
 Determining the technical this illustration.
 Defining standard reports required by
users. End-user tools, including desktop
 Analyzing client application tools productivity products, specialized analysis
being used. products, and custom programs, are used to
gain access to information in the data
Building the business case involves warehouse. Ideally, user access is through a
determining the business needs solved by the directory facility that enables end-user searches
project, the costs of the project, and the return for appropriate and relevant data to resolve
on the investment. questions and that provides a layer of security
The user requirements determine: between the end users and the data warehouse
 Data requirements (level of systems.
granularity). Finally, a variety of components can
 Operational systems within the come into play for the management of the data
enterprise containing the data. warehousing environment, such as for
 Business rules followed by the data. scheduling repeated tasks and managing
 Queries required providing the users multiserver networks.
with data. OLE DB provides for standardized,
high-performance access to a wide variety of
The technical requirements may involve data, and allows for integration of multiple data
determining: types.
 Hardware architecture and Microsoft Repository provides an
infrastructure. integrated metadata repository that is shared by
 Backup and recovery mechanisms. the various components used in the data
 Security guidelines. warehousing process. Shared metadata allows
for the transparent integration of multiple
products from a variety of vendors, without the
need for specialized interfaces between each of Data Marts
the products:
 Mainframe indexed sequential access A data mart is typically defined as a
method/virtual storage access method subset of the contents of a data warehouse,
(ISAM/VSAM) and hierarchical stored within its own database. A data mart
databases tends to contain data focused at the department
 E-mail and file system stores level, or on a specific business area. The data
 Text, graphical, and geographical data can exist at both the detail and summary levels.
 Custom business objects The data mart can be populated with data taken
directly from operational sources, similar to a
Data Warehousing Architecture data warehouse, or data taken from the data
warehouse itself. Because the volume of data in
Many methodologies have been a data mart is less than that in a data warehouse,
proposed to simplify the information technology query processing is often faster.
efforts required to support the data warehousing
process on an ongoing basis. This has led to
debates about the best architecture for delivering
data warehouses in organizations. Characteristics of a data mart include
 Quicker and simpler implementation.
Two basic types of data warehouse  Lower implementation cost.
architecture exist: enterprise data warehouses and  Needs of a specific business unit or
data marts. function met.
 Protection of sensitive information
The enterprise data warehouse contains stored elsewhere in the data
enterprise-wide information integrated from warehouse.
multiple operational data sources for  Faster response times due to lower
consolidated data analysis. Typically, it is volumes of data.
composed of several subject areas, such as
 Distribution of data marts to user
customers, products, and sales, and is used for
both tactical and strategic decision making. The
 Built from the bottom upward.
enterprise data warehouse contains both detailed
point-in-time data and summarized information, Building a Data Warehouse from Data
and can range in size from 50 gigabytes (GB) to Marts
more than 1 terabyte. Enterprise data warehouses
can be very expensive and time-consuming to
build and manage. They are usually created from Data warehouses can be built using a
the top down by centralized information services top-down or bottom-up approach. Top-down
organizations. describes the process of building a data
warehouse for the entire organization,
Enterprise data warehouses and data containing data from multiple, heterogeneous,
marts are constructed and maintained through the operational sources. The bottom-up approach
same iterative process described earlier. describes the process of building data marts for
Furthermore, both approaches share a similar set departments, or specific business areas, and then
of technological components. joining them to provide the data for the entire
organization. Building a data warehouse from
the bottom-up, by implementing data marts, is
often simpler because it is less ambitious.
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
A common approach to using data systems, contrary to regular conventional OLTP
marts and data a warehouse involves storing all systems are capable of analyzing online a large
detail data within the data warehouse, and number of transactions or large number of data
records (ranging from mega bytes to tera
bytes).This type of data is usually multi
dimensionality is the key driven for OLAP
technology, which happens to be central to data
Any multidimensional data can’t be
processed by conventional SQL type DBMS.
For complex real world problems the data is
usually multi dimensional in nature.
SQL will not be capable of handling it
effectively even one can manage to put that data
in a conventional relational database in
normalized table

Integrated OLAP Analytical


OLAP is an increasingly popular

technology that can dramatically improve
business analysis. Historically, OLAP has been
characterized by expensive tools, difficult
summarized versions within data marts. Each
implementation, and inflexible deployment.
data mart contains summarized data per
OLAP Services is a new, fully featured OLAP
functional split within the business, such as
capability provided as a component of SQL
sales region or product group, further reducing
Server 7.0. OLAP Services includes a middle-
the data volume per data mart.
tier server that allows users to perform
sophisticated analysis on large volumes of data
Data Mart Considerations with exceptional results. OLAP Services also
includes a client-side cache and calculation
Data marts can be useful additions or engine called Microsoft PivotTable Service,
alternatives to the data warehouse, but issues to which helps improve performance and reduce
consider before implementation include: network traffic. PivotTable Service allows end
 Additional hardware and software. users to conduct analyses while disconnected
 Time required populating each data from the network.
mart regularly. OLAP Services is a middle-tier OLAP
server that simplifies user navigation and helps
 Consistency with other data marts and
improve performance for queries against
the data warehouse.
information in the data warehouse.
 Network access (if each data mart is
OLAP is a key component of data
located in a different geographical
warehousing, and OLAP Services provides
essential functionality for a wide array of
applications ranging from reporting to advanced
OLAP: decision support. OLAP functionality within
SQL Server 7.0 helps make multidimensional
analysis much more affordable and bring the
benefits of OLAP to a wider audience, from  Database management system
smaller organizations to groups and individuals (DBMS).
within larger corporations. Coupled with the
wide variety of tools and applications
supporting OLAP applications through  Data access and analysis tools.
Microsoft OLE DB for OLAP, OLAP Services  System management tools.
helps increase the number of organizations that
have access to sophisticated analytical tools and Several years ago, Microsoft recognized
can help reduce the costs of data warehousing. the need for a set of technologies that would
For more information about Microsoft integrate these components. This led to the
SQL Server OLAP Services, see SQL Server creation of the Microsoft Data Warehousing
Books Online. Framework, a roadmap not only for the
development of Microsoft products such as SQL
Data Warehousing and OLAP Server 7.0, but also for the technologies
necessary to integrate products from other
DTS can function independent of SQL
Server and can be used as a stand-alone tool to
transfer data from Oracle to any other ODBC or Data warehousing Characteristics
OLE DB-compliant database. Accordingly, DTS
can extract data from operational databases for A data warehouse can assist decision
inclusion in a data warehouse or data mart for support and online analytical processing
query and analysis. (OLAP) applications because it provides data
In the illustration, the transaction data that is:
resides on an IBM DB2 transaction server. A
package is created using DTS to transfer and  Consolidated and consistent.
clean the data from the DB2 transaction server  Subject-oriented.
and to move it into the data warehouse or data  Historical.
mart. In this example, the relational database
server is SQL Server 7.0, and the data
warehouse is using OLAP Services to provide
analytical capabilities. Client programs (such as Consolidated and Consistent Data
Excel) access the OLAP Services server using
the OLE DB for OLAP interface, which is A data warehouse consolidates
exposed through a client-side component called operational data from a variety of sources with
Microsoft PivotTable service. Client programs consistent naming conventions, measurements,
using PivotTable service can manipulate data in physical attributes, and semantics.
the OLAP server and can even change For example, in many organizations,
individual cells. applications can often use similar data in
different formats: dates can be stored in Julian
Data warehousing Components or Gregorian format; true/false data can be
represented as one/zero, on/off, true/false, or
A data warehouse always consists of a positive/negative.
number of components, including: Data should be stored in the data
 Operational data sources. warehouse in a single, acceptable format agreed
 Design/development tools. to by business analysts, despite variations in the
 Data extraction and transformation external operational sources. This allows data
tools. from across the organization, such as legacy
data on mainframes, data in spreadsheets, or
even data from the Internet, to be consolidated
in the data warehouse, and effectively cross-
referenced, giving the analysts a better
understanding of the business.
Designed Building a Data Warehouse and
Subject-oriented Data OLAP System
The steps required to build a data
Operational data sources across an warehouse include:
organization tend to hold a large amount of data  Determining business, user, and
about a variety of business-related functions, technical requirements.
such as customer records, product information,  Designing and building the
and so on. However, most of this information is database.
also interspersed with data that has no relevance  Extracting and loading data into
to business or executive reporting, and is the data warehouse.
organized in a way that makes querying the data  Designing and processing
awkward. The data warehouse organizes only aggregations using OLAP tools.
the key business information from operational  Querying and maintaining the data
sources so that it is available for business warehouse and LAP databases.
Data Granularity
Historical Data
A significant difference between an
OLTP or operational system and a data
Data in OLTP systems correctly warehouse is the granularity of the data stored.
represents the current value at any moment in An operational system typically stores data at
time. For example, an order-entry application the lowest level of granularity: the maximum
always shows the current value of stock level of detail. However, because the data
inventory; it does not show the inventory at warehouse contains data representing a long
some time in the past. Querying the stock period in time, simply storing all detail data
inventory a moment later may return a different from an operational system can result in an
response. However, data stored in a data overworked system that takes too long to query.
warehouse is accurate as of some past point in A data warehouse typically stores data
time because the data stored represents in different levels of granularity or
historical information. summarization, depending on the data
The data stored in a data warehouse requirements of the business. The different
typically represents data over a long period of levels of summarization in order of increasing
time; perhaps up to ten years or more. OLTP granularity are:
systems often contain only current data, because
maintaining large volumes of data used to
represent ten years of information in an OLTP
system can affect performance. In effect, the
data warehouse stores snapshots of a business’s
operational data generated over a long period of
time. It is accurate for a specific moment in time
and cannot change.

. This contrasts with an OLTP system

where data is always accurate and can be
updated when necessary
useful for fast analysis rather than conventional
 Current operational data databases with OLTP.
 Historical operational data
 Aggregated data
 Metadata

Current and historical operational data are

taken, unmodified, directly from operational

Aggregated, or summary, data is a filtered

version of the current operational data.

Metadata does not contain any operational References:

data, but is used to document the way the data
warehouse is constructed. Data warehousing in Real World
Process Flow Within A Data Data warehousing with Microsoft SQL Server
Warehouse --JAKE STURM
Data warehousing with Oracle
The processes are: --Sima Yazdani
1. Extract and load data. --Shirley S.Wons
2. Clean and transform data into a form
that can cope with large data volumes.
3. Back up and archive data.
4. Manage queries and direct them to
appropriate data source.


So, Data Warehousing with OLAP

technology is useful for handling large amounts
of data .It is also useful for analyzing past data
for forecasting, and also for graphical analysis
and handling multidimensional data .This is

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