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Lesson 12: Dining Out

In this lesson, your tutor will help you go over this topic: Dining Out. First, read
the following dialogue out loud with your tutor, then switch roles and try again.
Kevin and Gina are at a seafood restaurant.

Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation with us today?

Kevin: Yes, under the name Kevin, for two.

Waiter: Right this way, sir.

Kevin: Can I have the menu, please?

Waiter: Certainly. Here is the menu, and a separate menu for drinks. Would
you like some water to start with? Still or sparkling?
Kevin: We will start with two glasses of still water first. Do you have
any specials for today?

Waiter: Our specials are clay pot cod and pan seared salmon. I would
recommend tuna tartarefor an appetizer if you are a fan of

Kevin: That sounds very good. We’ll just start with that then.

Waiter: Excellent choice. Would you like to order your entree now?

Kevin: Give us a few more minutes to take a look at the menu. Thanks.

Go over the following vocabulary and expressions with your tutor. Read the
word/expression and definition out loud, and your tutor will go over anything you
do not understand. Practice creating a sentence or two to make sure you know
how to use the word/expression properly.
Vocabulary/ Expressions

Expression Definition Example

eat out to eat at a We love to eat out on special

restaurant occasions.

have already made Under which name do you have your

a reservation a reservation reservation with Hyatt?
with ~ at a restaurant

menu (for a list of the Can I see the wine menu?

food/drinks) foods that may
be ordered at a

still water (tap regular water We can drink tap water in California.
sparkling water carbonated Perrier is famous for its sparkling
water water.

specials a meal that is Today’s special is sautéed mushroom.

not on a
usual menu

specialty something that Buttermilk pie is a Southern specialty.

a person or
place is known
for making or
producing very

appetizer/starter a small dish of Empanada is a common

food served Colombian appetizer.
before the main
part of a meal

entrée the main dish We had steak as an entrée.

of a meal
especially in a

take a look at ~ – I need to take a look at the price

before I decide to buy that dress.

Practice answering the following questions with your tutors. You can use the
sample answers to come up with your own answer.

1. Do you have a reservation with us?

1. Under Kim, for five.
2. No, we don’t, but is there a table for three?
3. Your answer:_______________________________
2. Are you ready to order? (May I take your order?)
1. I need a few more minutes.
2. I can’t decide. Do you have any specials today?
3. Your answer:_______________________________
3. Would you like anything to drink?
1. Could you give me a recommendation for a glass of wine?
2. Just tap water would be fine.
3. Your answer:_______________________________
4. How is your food? Are we still working here?
1. The food is delicious. Thank you.
2. I think we’re mostly done. May I have a box to go?
3. Your answer:_______________________________
5. How would you like to pay?
1. Just put everything on this card.
2. Could you split the bill evenly?
3. Your answer:_______________________________

Use the following questions as a guideline to form an interesting conversation
with your tutor. Feel free to diverge from these suggestions if anything interesting
comes up.

1. Do you like dining out?

2. Do you like Western food?
3. What food do you usually order at a restaurant?
4. What is your favorite beverage?
5. Do you have a favorite restaurant you go to often?

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