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CODE OF PROFESSIONAL  Canon 16. A lawyer shall hol

moneys and properties of h
may come into his possession.
 Canon 17. A lawyer owes fi
Question No. 22 (2010). Canon 1 / Rule 1.01
cause of his client and he shall
the trust and confidence repos
A retired member of the Judiciary is now engaged
in private practice. In attending hearings, he uses
When attorney D acquired the prop
his car bearing his protocol plate which was issued
client, he did not only violate these ca
to him while still in the service.
Article 1491 of the Civil Code, which
to acquire by purchase even at a pub
Pass on the ethical aspect of the judge’s use of the
judicial auction, property of his client
protocol plate. (2%)
which has been entrusted to him unles
of the client has been given.
Absent any express prohibition to use the plates by
official members of the bench, it is still imprudent, if
Question No. 3. (2007). Canon 18 of th
not unethical for the judge to use of his protocol
plate after his retirement since he no longer holds
Attorney M. accepted a civil case for
that position.
of title and possession of land in
Subsequently, after the Regional Tri
The CPR enjoins respect for law which extend to the
issued a decision adverse to N, the l
society, the legal profession and to the court. Rule
administrative case against attor
1.01 prohibits lawyers from deceit which in turn
disbarment. He alleged that attorney
involves misrepresentation which can he implied if
adverse ruling against him; that attorn
the plates are used after retirement.
file an opposition to the Demurrer
filed in the case, neither did he ap
formal hearing on the demurrer, lea
Question No. 2 (2007). Canons 16 and 17 of the
court to assume that plaintiff's coun
Code of Professional Responsibility (10%)
M) appeared convinced of the va
demurer filed; that attorney M did no
C engages the services of attorney D concerning
motion for reconsideration , causing
various mortgage contracts entered into by her
become final and executory; and that
husband from whom she is separated, fearful that
the above events and in view of a
her real estate properties will be foreclosed and of
apparent loss of interest in the case
impending suits for sums of money against her.
requested attorney M to withdraw,
Attorney D advised C to give him her land titles
M refused. Complainant N further
covering her lots so he could sell them to enable
attorney M abused his client's trust an
her to pay her creditors. He then persuaded her
and violated his oath of office in faili
execute deeds of sale in his favor without any
his client's cause to the very end.
monetary or valuable consideration, to which C
agreed on condition that he would sell the lots and
Attorney M replied that N did not giv
from the proceeds pay her creditors. Later on, C
cooperation; that the voluminous re
came to know that attorney D did not sell her lots
over to him were in disarray, and th
but instead paid her creditors with his own funds
for N, he had only half of the info
and had her land titltes registered in his name. Did
background of the case; that he was a
attorney D violate the Code of Professional
friends that they had approach the
Responsibility? Explain.
they requested him (M) to prepare
reconsideration which he did and ga
Suggested Answer:
however these friends did not return
The decision of the Supreme Court in the case of
the motion.
Hernandez v. Go, A.C. 1526, January 1, 2005, is
squarely applicable to this problem. Under the
Will the administrative case prosper?
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

reconsideration. Under the Code, a lawyer shall not Canon 21, Rule 21.02 of the CPR pro
handle any legal matter without adequate lawyer shall not, to the disadvantage
preparation (18.02). He shall not neglect a legal use information acquired in the
matter entrusted to him and his negligence renders employment, nor shall he use the sam
him liable (18.03). Canon 18 provides that the advantage or that of a third person, un
lawyer shall serve his client with competence and with full knowledge of the circumstan
diligence. Thus, the voluminous record is no thereto.”
justification for the failure of Attorney M to file an Christine cannot disclose the admis
opposition to the demurrer to evidence or failing to violating the abovementioned
attend the hearing thereof. information disclosed is in the nature o
communication, hence, she cannot dis
Giving the motion for reconsideration to the friends court without Zuma's consent.
of N for filing is another instance of negligence on
the part of Atty. M. He should have filed his motion c. Can Christine withdraw as coun
himself. (Francisco v. Portugal, A.C. No. 6155, March should he insist in going to trial? Ex
14, 2006) Atty. M also violated Canon No. 13 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility which provides Suggested Answer:
that “a lawyer shall rely upon the merits of his Christine cannot withdraw as counsel o
cause and refrain from any impropriety which tends
to influence or gives the appearance of influencing Canon 14, Rule 14.01 of CPR states th
the court.” Furthermore, refusing to comply with shall not decline to represent a pers
N’s request to withdraw from the case violated the account of the latter's race, sex. creed
absolute right of the client to terminate his lawyer life, or because of his own opinion r
at any time with or without cause. (Section 26, Rule guilt of said person.”
138 of the Rules of Court)
Despite the admission of Zuma, Chr
Question No. 1. (2008). Code of Professional withdraw as Zuma's counsel because
Responsibility, Canon 19, 21, & 14 considered innocent until proven gu
there may be mitigating circums
Christine was appointed counsel de oficio for Christine may raise as a defense that i
Zuma, who was accused of raping his own Zuma.
daughter. Zuma pleaded not guilty but thereafter
privately admitted to Christine that he did commit
the crime charged. Question No. 2 (2008). Code of
Responsibility, Canon 6, 15, 21
a. In light of Zuma’s admission, what should
Christine do? Explain. (3%) In 1998, Acaramba, a telecom
company, signed a retainer agreemen
Suggested Answer: & Sophia Law Office (B & S) for the
Christine should suggest to Zuma that he should services for a fee of P2,000 a month.
plead guilty to the crime as charged. 2001, the only service actually perform
for Acaramba was the review of a leas
Canon 19, Rule 19.02 of the CPR states that “a and representation of Acaramba as a
lawyer who has received information that his client in a bouncing checks case. Acaram
has, in the course of the representation, paying retainer fees in 2002 and te
perpetrated a fraud upon a person or tribunal, shall retainer agreement with B & S in 20
promptly call upon the client to rectify the same, Temavous, another telecommunicatio
and failing which he shall terminate the relationship requested B & S to act as its co
with such client in accordance with the Rules of following transactions: (a) the ac
Court.” Acaramba; and (b) the acquisition o
company engaged in the power busine
b. Can Christine disclose the admission of Zuma to
the court? Why or why not? (2%) In which transactions, if any, can Bian
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Code of Professional Responsibility (Canon 15) Dumbledore's commentary in the IBP

provide that a lawyer shall not represent parties unethical. What the CPR prohibits is t
with adverse interests to one another. Even though public statements regarding pending
their relationship had already been terminated the the courts. Dumbledore's article in the
Code further provides (Canon 21) that a lawyer about a decided case already. Once a c
should safeguard the confidences of his former decided, it is already open for public
client. In the case of acquisitions, B&S would hence anyone can criticize or make
definitely have an undue advantage (Rule 21.02- opinions regarding the conclusion of th
.03), or to appear to have such, in assisting Question No.4 (2008). Code of
Temavous’ acquisition of its former client due to its Responsibility, Canon 20)
prior relationship. In contrast, as to the case of
Super-6, B&S may represent Temavous because Chester asked Laarni to handle his
such a transaction is in no way connected to its sizeable parcel of land in Quezon C
prior relationship with Acaramba. well-known property developer on
fee basis. Laarni asked for 15% of t
may be recovered or 15% of whatev
Question No. 3. (2008). Code of Professional settlement that may be received from
Responsibility, Canon 13) developer as her only fee contingent u
a favorable final judgment or
Dumbledore, a noted professor of commercial law, settlement. Chester signed the co
wrote an article on the subject of letters of credit agreement.
which was published in the IBP Journal.
a. Assume the property developer set
a. Assume he devoted a significant portion of the after the case was decided by the R
article to a commentary on how the Supreme Court in favor of Chester for P1 Bi
Court should decide a pending case involving refused to pay Laarni P150 Mi
the application of the law on letters of credit. ground that it is excessive. Is
May he be sanctioned by the Supreme Court? justified? Explain. (4%)
Explain. (4%)
Suggested Answer: Suggested Answer:
Yes, he may be sanctioned by the court. Yes, the refusal is justified. Canon 20
states that “a lawyer shall charge o
Canon 13, Rule 13.02 provides that “a lawyer shall reasonable fees.” Although under a c
not make public statements in the media regarding agreement lawyers are entitled
a pending case tending to arouse public opinion for remuneration because of the possibilit
or against a party.” nothing at all, the fee charged must
reasonable and conscionable. In this
As a lawyer, Dumbledore should not have made million fee is excessive and unconscion
such statements regarding a pending case so as not
to influence the court in deciding the case or giving b. Assume there was no settlement
the public the impression that the court was eventually reached the Supreme
influenced by his commentaries, should the court promulgated a decision in favor of
arrive at a decision similar to that of Dumbledore's time Chester refused to convey to L
comments. the litigated land as stipulated on
that the agreement violates Article
Civil Code which prohibits la
b. Assume Dumbledore did not include any acquiring by purchase propertie
commentary on the case. Assume further after which are the object of litigation i
the Supreme Court decision on the case had take part by reason of their profe
attained finality, he wrote another IBP refusal justified? Explain. (4%)
Journal article, dissecting the decision and
explaining why the Supreme Court erred in all Suggested Answer:
its conclusions. May he be sanctioned by the The refusal is not justified. The transfe
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Laarni spent so much time on the case and much of

her skills were demanded hence the 150 million is a Suggested Answer:
fair and reasonable fee. No. Being the subject of an administ
not one of the grounds for disqual
judge from handling case provided by
Judicial Responsibility in Canon 3 Rule 1

Question No. 7. (2008). Code of

Question No.5 (2008). Code of Professional Responsibility, Canon 21.
Responsibility, charging lien)
In need of legal services, Niko
The vendor filed a case against the vendee for the appointment to meet with Atty. Henr
annulment of the sale of a piece of land. Meyer Law Offices. During the m
divulged highly private information to
a. Assume the vendee obtained a summary believing that the lawyer would
judgment against the vendor. Would the confidentiality of the information. S
counsel for the defendant vendee be entitled to Niko was shocked when he learne
enforce a charging lien? Explain. (4%) Henry had shared the confidential
with his law partner, Atty. Meye
Suggested Answer: common friend, private practit
No, vendee's counsel would not be entitled to Canonigo. When confronted, Atty. H
enforce a charging lien. A charging lien to be that Niko never signed any c
enforceable there must be a judgment for money. In agreement, and that he shared the
the case at bar, there was no mention of a judgment with the two lawyers to secure affir
for money in favor of the vendee thus vendee's legal opinion on Niko’s problem. Did
counsel cannot enforce a charging lien. However, if violate any rule of ethics? Explain fully
there would be a judgment for money vendee's
counsel would be entitled to enforce the charging Suggested Answer:
lien. Canon 21 provides that an attorney s
the confidence of his client and furth
b. Assume, through the excellent work of the this point in Rule 21.03-.04 by clarifyin
vendee’s counsel at the pre-trial conference and not disclose such information to out
his wise use of modes of discovery, the vendor without the consent of his client and
was compelled to move for the dismissal of the disclose such information to firm pa
complaint. In its order the court simply granted prohibited by his client. In the case o
the motion. Would your answer be the same as he was a firm partner and as such is co
in question (a)? Explain. (3%) 21.04 and not being explicitly prohib
Henry committed no wrong in giving in
Suggested Answer: him. However in the case of Atty. Cano
Vendee's counsel would still not be entitled to not in any way connected to the
enforce a charging lien. A dismissal on motion of the committed a gross violation of Rule 21
plaintiff would certainly not include a judgment for case the mere entry into the a
money. Therefore, the counsel cannot enforce a relationship obviates the need for a c
charging lien. agreement.

Question No. 6. (2008). Code of Professional Question No. 8. (2008). Code of

Responsibility, Canon 3. Responsibility, Canon 18, 16, 9

Atty. Abigail filed administrative cases before the State, with a brief explanation, wheth
Supreme Court against Judge Luis. Thereafter, Atty. concerned may be sanctioned for
Abigail filed a Motion for Inhibition praying that stated below.
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Yes. Canon 18, Rule 18.02 states that “A lawyer shall f. An unwed female lawyer car
not handle any legal matter without adequate clandestine affair with her u
preparation.” A lawyer should have exercised hairdresser. (3%)
diligence and made adequate preparations to
ascertain that the complaint stated a cause of action Suggested Answer:
to prevent the dismissal of the complaint. No. Both parties are of age and quali
each other hence the affair is not
b. A suspended lawyer working as an independent grossly immoral. It is not so cor
legal assistant to gather information and secure unprincipled to warrant sanction from
documents for other lawyers during the period g. Not paying the annual IBP dues. (3%
of his suspension. (3%)
Suggested answer:
Suggested Answer: Yes. Default in payment of IBP dues
Yes. Under the law, only lawyers in good standing shall warrant suspension of membersh
can perform or engage in the practice of law. In the and default in payment for one year
case of Cayetano vs. Monsod, the Court held that for the removal of the member in
the practice of law involves rendering service to the Attorneys.
general public that calls for the professional
judgment of a lawyer, the essence of which is his
educated ability to relate the general body and Question No. 9. (2008). Code of
philosophy of law to a specified legal problem. Responsibility, Canon 3.
Clearly, the act of working as a legal assistant in
gathering information and securing documents for State, with a brief explanation, wheth
other lawyers is within the scope of practicing law. A concerned may be sanctioned for
suspended lawyer is temporarily prohibited to stated below.
practice the legal profession therefor he cannot
engage in the mentioned acts. a. Refusing to inhibit himself althoug
lawyers in the case is his second co
c. A suspended lawyer allowing his non-lawyer
staff to actively operate his law office and SUGGESTED ANSWER:
conduct business on behalf of clients during the No. Under Canon 3, Rule 3.12 a judge
period of suspension. (3%) no part in a proceeding where
impartiality might reasonably be quest
Suggested Answer: the cases would be where the judge
Yes. Canon 9, Rule 9.01 states that “a lawyer shall consanguinity or affinity to counse
not delegate to any unqualified person the fourth degree. A second cousin is a r
performance of any task which by law may only be the 6th degree, hence it is not cov
performed by a member of the bar in good prohibition.
b. Deciding a case in accordance wit
d. Keeping money he collected as rental from his Court ruling but adding that he do
client’s tenant and remitting it to the client with the ruling. (3%)
when asked to do so. (3%)
Suggested Answer: No. There is no law or rule prohibiting
Yes. Canon 16, Rule 16.01 provides that “a lawyer Regardless of his opinion, the judge
shall account for all money or property collected or the Supreme Court's ruling thus th
received for or from the client.” A lawyer should nothing wrong with such act. Furthe
account for all money he collected immediately. He will not have any bearing as it is no
should not wait that the client would ask or demand decision.
for the money.
c. Dictating his decision in open court
e. Refusing to return certain documents to the after trial. (3%)
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

plaintiff’s Pre-Trial Brief containing

Question No. 7 (2009). Code of Professional witnesses, Atty. Manuel interviewed
Responsibility, Canon 15. witnesses for the plaintiff without th
plaintiff’s counsel.
Lawyer cannot refuse to divulge the name or
identity of his client (True or False) a. Did Atty. Manuel violate any eth
for lawyers?
FALSE. There are certain exceptions where in the Answer:
lawyer may refuse divulge the identity of his client. NO. Statutory law provides that a
He may do so: interview a prospective witness for
1. Where a strong probability exists that side in a civil or criminal case without t
revealing the identity would implicate the opposing counsel or party. This is
the client in the very activity for which Canon 39 of the Canon Professional Eth
he sought the lawyer’s advice.
2. When disclosure would open the client b. Will your answer be the same
to civil liability. plaintiff who was interviewed by
3. Where the government’s lawyers have without the consent of plainti
no case against an attorney’s client Explain.
unless by revealing the client’s name.
YES. A witness is distinct and differe
Question No. 8 (2009)) Code of Professional adverse party. The rule earlier enuncia
Responsibility, Canon 15, Rule 15.03 include permission to interview the a
without the consent of his coun
What are three (3) tests to determine conflict of supported by Canon 9 of the Canons o
interest for practicing lawyers? Explain each Ethics.

Answer: Question No. 18 (2009) Rule 7.0

In the case of Quiambao vs Bamba the SC held that Chapter 2, CPR
“developments in jurisprudence have particularized
various tests to determine whether a lawyer’s Atty. Hype, a bachelor, practices
conduct lies within this proscription. One test is Philippines. On long weekends, he da
whether a lawyer is duly-bound to fight for an issue actresses in Hong Kong. Kristine, a ne
or claim in behalf of one client and, at the same Philippines, filed with the Sup
time, to oppose that claim for the client. Thus, if a administrative complaint against
lawyer’s argument for one client has to be opposed because of sex videos uploaded
by that same lawyer in arguing for the other client, internet showing Atty. Hype’s sordid d
there is a violation of the rule. the actresses in Hong Kong.

Another test of inconsistency of interests is whether In his answer, Atty. Hype (1) questio
the acceptance new relation would prevent the full personality and interest of Kristine to
discharge of the lawyer’s duty of undivided fidelity complaint and (2) insists that he is a
and loyalty to the client or invite suspicion of the sex videos relate to his private
unfaithfulness or double-dealing in the performance outside public scrutiny and have no
of the duty. with his law practice.

Still another test is whether the lawyer would be Rule on the validity of Atty. Hype’s de
called upon in the new relation to use against a
former client any confidential information acquired Suggested Answer:
through their connection or previous employment”. The first defense does not lie becau
personality and interest of Kristine t
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Atty. Hyde’s defense that his private life has nothing meritorious or otherwise, do not invo
to do with his practice of law is not meritorious. The causes of action. Rather, it pertains to
CPR specifically provides that lawyers should not the facts of the case which should have
engage in conduct that adversely reflects his fitness upon at the onset.
to practice law, nor behave in a scandalous manner
to discredit the legal profession, whether private or
public. Thus, there is a ground for sanctions ions or Question No. 21 (2009). Rule 15.02
even his disbarment. Canon 15, CPR

When Atty. Romualdo interviewed

Vicente, who is accused of murde
confessed that he killed the victim in
Vicente also said that when he takes
Question No. 19 (2009). Canon 20, CPR stand, he will deny having done
Romualdo obliged, under his oath a
Atty. Wilmar represented Beatriz in a partition inform the judge that (a) his client is
case among heirs, and won. When Wilmar his client will commit perjury on
demanded payment of attorney’s fees, Beatriz stand? Explain.
refused to pay. Wilmar sued Beatriz for the unpaid
attorney’s fees and obtained a favorable Answer:
judgment. Thereafter, Beatriz filed an a) Atty. Romualdo cannot and is n
administrative complaint against Wilmar claiming reveal to the judge that Vicent
that he lied when he stated in his claim for murder. Under the rule o
attorney’s fees that the subject of the partition communication, admission of a c
case involved the entire estate of the deceased committed is deemed privilege
when, in fact, it covered only 50% thereof. Wilmar client privilege attaches and he is
set up the defenses that (1) Beatriz filed the such rule to keep secret wha
complaint only to delay the execution of the Vicente, told him in confidence.
judgment ordering her to pay attorney’s fees and
(2) Beatriz engaged in forum-shopping. Are the b) Under the circumstances tha
defenses of Atty. Wilmar tenable? Explain. expressly told him that he will co
when he takes the witness
Answer: communication is no longer privi
1) YES. The defenses of Atty. Wilmar are tenable pertains to a crime yet to be com
since Atty. Wilmar had already obtained a Atty. Romualdo must do first is d
favorable judgment both his client’s case as client to commit perjury, since a
well as his demand for payment of attorney’s impress upon his client to obey
fees due him. Under the circumstances where cannot convince him, then the CP
services has already been rendered, and his and gives him a ground to dis
demand passed upon by a court, the services. (Rule 15.07, CPR). P
subsequent administrative complaint can be practice show that it may not b
gleaned as a delaying tactic on the part this interest to be the one to reveal
time of the client. that Vicente will commit per
witness stand since this revelatio
2) NO. There is strictly no forum shopping. Forum the Attorney-Client privilege.
shopping is the result when there is an adverse
opinion in one forum, and a party seeks a
favorable decision (other than by appeal or Question No. 22 (2009). Rule 13.01, Ca
certiorari) in another forum. Here Beatriz,
instead of filing an appeal or a certiorari in a On a Saturday, Atty. Paterno filed a p
higher court to contest the award for legal Writ of Amparo with the Court of A
fees, chose to file an administrative complaint Impelled by the urgency for the iss
based on the ground of dishonesty which is not writ, Atty. Paterno persuaded his frien
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Answer: of are purely personal or private a

YES. Atty. Paterno violated the CPR which provides do not involve the practice of law.
that a lawyer shall rely on the merits of his case and
refrain from any improperly which influence or SUGGESTED ANSWER:
gives the appearance of influencing the court. Atty. Rule 7.03 – A lawyer shall not engag
Paterno’s act of using his friendship with Justice de that adversely reflects on his fitness to
la Cruz in order to acquire the Writ of Amparo nor shall he whether in public or privat
without a hearing is not in accordance with this in a scandalous manner to the discred
rule. Atty. Paterno should have let the process profession.
continue on its own without using connections or
influence. Rule 7.01 – A lawyer shall be an
knowingly making a false statement o
Another Suggested Answer: a material fact in connection with his a
YES. Justice dela Cruz violated the NCJC which admission to the bar.
provides that judges shall, in their personal
relations with individual members of the legal
profession, avoid situations which might reasonably
give rise to the suspicion or appearance of
favoritism or partiality. By issuing the Writ of Question No. 7 (2010). Canon 7
Amparo alone, in violation of the law, he has
violated this rule. Atty. Candido commented in a newsp
decision of the Court of Appeals was i
Question No. 4 (2010). Canon 7. a powerful relative of the prevailin
appellate court found him guilty
Atty. XX rented a house of his cousin JJ on a contempt.
month-to-month basis. He left for a 6-month study
in Japan without paying his rentals and electric Does this involve moral turpitude? Exp
bills while he was away despite JJ’s repeated
No. Moral turpitude has been defined
Upon his return to the Philippines, Atty. XX still which is done contrary to justice, mod
failed to settle his rental arrearages and electric morals, an act of baseness, vileness o
bills, drawing JJ to file an administrative complaint the private and social duties which a m
against Atty. XX. fellowmen, or to society in general
justice, modesty or good morals.
Atty. XX contended that his non-payment of
rentals and bills to his cousin is a personal matter Atty. Candido act of attributing corru
which has no bearing on his profession as a lawyer court is contemptuous under the CPR
and, therefore, he did not violate the Code of constitute moral turpitude.
Professional Responsibility.
Obiter: Moral turpitude is a moral deli
a. Is Atty. XX contention in order?(3%) affects the fitness of a member of
continue as such and includes c
SUGGESTED ANSWER: outrages the generally accepted mora
No. The Supreme Court ruled when a lawyer incurs community.
debts, he has the moral duty and legal responsibility
to settle them when they become due.
Question No. 3 (2010). Canon 8.
Lawyers must at all times faithfully perform their
duties to the society, to the bar, to the court and to Atty. Y, in his Motion for Reconside
their clients. As part of their duties, they must Decision rendered by the National La
promptly pay their financial obligations. (Wilson Commission (NLRC), alleged that
Cham vs. Atty. Eva Pata-Moya, 556 SCRA 1,2008) connivance of the NLRC Commissione
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Atty. X files an administrative complaint against the firm. She allowed her husband
Atty. Y for using abusive language. calling cards bearing his name as seni
the firm and to appear in courts
Atty. Y posits that as lawyer for the down-trodden postponements.
laborers, he is entitled to express his righteous
anger against the Commissioners for having Did Atty. Santos-Cruz violate th
cheated them; that his allegations in the Motion Professional Responsibility? Why? (3%
for Reconsideration are absolutely privileged; and
that proscription against the use of abusive SUGGESTED ANSWER:
language does not cover pleadings filed with the Yes. The CPR clearly provides that a
NLRC, as it is not a court, nor are any of its not, directly or indirectly, assist in the
Commissioners Justices or Judges. practice of law. (Canon 9)

Is Atty. Y administratively liable under the Code of Clearly the husband and friend are non
Professional Responsibility? Explain. (3%) cannot be partners in a law from
constitutes unauthorized practice of l
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Rule 9.01 states- A lawyer shall not de
Yes. Case law has it that it is unavailing to presume unqualified person the performance
that labor practitioners are entitled to some which by law may only be performed
latitude of righteous anger. Likewise, the Court is of the bar in good standing.
not deterred from exercising supervisory authority
over lawyers who misbehave or fail to live up to
that standard expected of them as members of the Question No. 15-A (2010). Canon 13.
Rico, an amiable, sociable lawyer, ow
NLRC exercises quasi-judicial functions and should Marina Golf Club, easily one of the m
be accorded with the same respect and demeanor courses. He relishes hosting
due to courts of law. government officials and members of

Canon 8 of the CPR states that a lawyer shall One day, he had a chance meeting w
conduct himself with Courtesy, Fairness and Candor the Intramuros golf course. The two
towards his professional colleagues. Relative along well and had since been regu
thereto, Rule 8.01 profers that a lawyer shall not, in golf together at the Marina Golf Club.
his professional dealings, use language which is
abusive, offensive or otherwise improper. In a bid a. If Atty. Rico does not discuss
to maintain respect due to courts and to judicial members of the bench during par
officer, Rule 11,03 again states that a lawyer shall games, is he violating the Code of
abstain from scandalous, offensive or menacing Responsibility? Explain. (3%)
language or behavior before the courts.
In addition, Rule 11.04 specifically states that a YES. Atty. Rico is liable for violating Ca
lawyer shall not attribute to judge motives not of Professional Responsibility, he sh
supported by the record. from any impropriety which tends to
gives the appearance of influencing th
Obiter: Canon 7 states that lawyers should at all is especially true if Atty. Rico is regula
times uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal in the court of the judges.
profession and continues in Rule 7.03 to state that
lawyers should not behave in a scandalous manner Also, Rule 13.1 states that – A law
to the discredit of the legal profession. extend extraordinary attention or hosp
seek opportunity for cultivating fam
judges. In playing golf regularly
Question No. 6 (2010). Canon 9. familiarity will certainly arise and wh
they discuss cases is a non-issue.
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(A) Nothing because the comp

after RXU terminated him.
Question No, 8 (2010). Canon 16.03. (B) 15% of what CRP paid
For services to be rendered by Atty. Delmonico as (C) A reasonable amount th
counsel for Wag Yu in a case involving 5,000 shall fix upon proof of quantum
square meters (sq.m.) of land, the two agreed on a (D) Nothing since he was
success fee of P50,000 plus 500 sq.m. of the land. complete the work stated in
The trial court rendered judgment in favor of Wag
Yu which became final and executory.
Question No. 5. (2011), Canon law
After receiving P50,000, Atty. Delmonico
demanded the transfer to him of the promised 500 Sheryl, Eric's counsel, once
sq.m. Instead of complying, Wag Yu filed an postponement and the court granted
administrative complaint charging Atty. Delmonico opposing counsel, Bernadine, did no
with violation of the Code of Professional then asked Sheryl not to allow
Responsibility and Article 1491 (5) of the Civil Code postponements because his case has b
for demanding the delivery of a portion of the land for 8 years. When trial resumed, Bern
subject of litigation. to reset the trial because of her infa
What must Sheryl do?
Is Atty. Delmonico liable under the Code of
Professional Responsibility and the Civil Code? Answer:
Explain? (5%) (A) Remind the Court that it ha
promptly decide the case.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (B) Interpose no objection s
No. Rule 16.03 – A lawyer shall deliver the funds once sought postponeme
and property of his client when due or upon Bernadine's objection.
demand. However, he shall have a lien over the (C) Vehemently oppose Bernad
funds and may apply so much thereof as may be for being contrary to Eric's wish
necessary to satisfy his lawful fees and (D) Submit the motion to the C
disbursements, giving notice promptly thereafter to discretion.
his client.

He shall also have a lien to the same extent on all Question No. 7 (2011) Canon Law, rule
judgments and executions he has secured for his
client as provided for in the Rules of Court. Here the Which of the following statements b
land is no longer subject of litigation because the the distinct traditional dignity tha
case was already final and executor. profession enjoys over other professio

Question No. 3 (2011) Canon Law, Rule 20 (A) People are quite dependen
for their skills in getting them o
Atty. Francisco’s retainer agreement with RXU said with the law.
that his attorney's fees in its case against CRP (B) Its members strive to main
"shall be 15% of the amounts collected." Atty. even in their private dealings.
Francisco asked the trial court to issue a temporary (C) Its members earn by charg
restraining order against CRP but this was denied, emoluments or fees.
prompting him to file a petition for certiorari with (D) The profession is anc
the Court of Appeals to question the order of fiduciary relation with the clien
denial. At this point, RXU terminated Atty.
Francisco’s services. When the parties later settled
their dispute amicably, CRP paid RXU P100 million. Question No. 14 (2011), CANON law
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

of execution for the whole judgment in Atty. also sued Atty. Jose for foisting a false
Benny's name with an order for him to turn over court. Is Atty. Jose liable?
the excess to his client. Is Atty. Benny’s action
correct? Answer:
(A) No, because he did no
Answer: arrange for Emily to lie in court
(A) No, since his fees are excessive. (B) Yes, because he did not ad
(B) Yes, since he was merely asserting his to settle the case amicably.
right to collect his fees. (C) No, because Emily did not p
(C) Yes, since he would anyway give the reveal the falsity to the court.
excess to his client after getting his fees. (D) Yes, because he knowing
(D) No, since he did not disclose to his false testimony pass for truth.
client the matter of getting a charging lien
and a writ of execution in his name.
Question No. 17 (2011), Canon Law, R

Question No. 15 (2011), Canon Law In settling his client's claims, Atty. C
from the adverse party P200,000 in
On 17 April 2006 NWD, a local water district client. Which of the following is an IM
entity, hired Atty. Chito as private counsel for a for Atty. Cruz to handle the money?
year with the consent of the Office of the
Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC). Shortly Answer:
after, a leadership struggle erupted in NWD (A) Ask his client to prepare a
between faction A and faction B. Siding with the fees for swapping with the cash
first, Atty. Chito filed several actions against the (B) Deposit the cash in his
members of faction B. Eventually, the court upheld account and later issue his pe
Faction B which thus revoked Atty. Chito’s retainer to his client, less his fees.
on 14 January 2007. With OGCC’s approval, NWD (C) Turn over the cash to his
hired Atty. Arthur in his place. When Atty. Arthur request that the latter pay him
sought the dismissal of the actions that Atty. Chito (D) Tell his client about the se
had instituted, the latter objected on the ground the cash and wait for
that his term had not yet expired and Atty. Arthur instructions.
had no vacancy to fill up. Is Atty. Chito right?

Answer: Question No. 20 (2011) canon law, can

(A) No, because Atty. Chito’s continued
appearances in the cases was without After representing Lenie in an impo
authority since 14 January 2007. from 1992 to 1995, Atty. Jennifer lost
(B) No, because Atty. Arthur would have client. Ten years later in 2005, Evelyn
violated the rule on forum shopping. Jennifer to represent her in an ac
(C) Yes, because Atty. Chito’s retainer and Lenie. Such action involved certain
authority remained valid until 17 April 2006. confidential, to which Atty. Jennife
(D) No, because Atty. Chito has the duty to because she handled Lenie's old cas
expose the irregularities committed by the Jennifer act as counsel for Evelyn?
members of Faction B.
(A) No, but she can assist an
Question No. 16 (2011), Canon Law, Canon 10 who will handle the case.
(B) Yes, but she must notify
Noel and Emily who were involved in a road accepting the case.
accident sued Ferdie, the driver of the other car, (C) No, because her duty t
for damages. Atty. Jose represented only Noel but confidences of previous client
he called Emily to testify for his client. During (D) Yes, but she cannot
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A difficult client directed his counsel to bring up to (A) Yes, since the action he f
the Supreme Court the trial court’s dismissal of Court of Appeals was bar
their action. Counsel believes that the trial court pendency of a similar action
acted correctly and that an appeal would be futile. Environment Secretary.
Which of the following options should counsel (B) Yes, since he was eviden
take? for a sympathetic forum, a c
Answer: (C) No, since his appeal to the
(A) Withdraw from the case to temper the Secretary was administrative, n
client’s propensity to litigate. (D) No, since he has to exhaus
(B) Engage a collaborating counsel who can remedies to serve his client’s in
assist in the case.
(C) Submit a new retainer proposal to the
client for a higher fee. Question No. 29 (2011), Canon L
(D) Elevate the case to the Supreme Court (ambulance Chasing)
as directed by client.
Atty. Melissa witnessed the car a
resulted in injury to Manny, a friend o
Question No. 25 (2011) Canon Law, Rule 11 visiting him at the hospital, she advis
what action he needed to take r
Although not counsel in a particular case, Atty. accident. Is Atty. Melissa subject to
Anthony asked Lisa, the RTC clerk of court, if the action if she eventually handles the ca
case records have already been remanded to the
MTC as the Court of Appeals directed. Lisa said no, Answer:
saying that the RTC had not yet received a certified (A) No, because Melissa did
copy of the Court of Appeals’ decision. When Lisa volunteer her services.
suggested that Atty. Anthony first secure such a (B) No, because Manny happ
copy, the latter scolded her. Shamed by this, Lisa friend.
filed a disciplinary action against him for (C) Yes, she engaged in typic
encroaching on the work of the lawyers of record. chasing.
Anthony defends his follow-up action by claiming (D) Yes, because she should
good faith and the possibility of entering his her services for free.
appearance later. Is Anthony liable for his record
follow up?
Question No. 33 (2011), Canon Law, ru
(A) Yes, because he did not inform Lisa of Atty. Eliseo represented Allan in a c
the basis of his interest in the case. against the Philippine Charity Sweep
(B) Yes, because none of the parties to the (PCSO). After his election as sanggu
case authorized him to do such follow up. member, the court rendered a decisi
(C) No, because he acted in good faith with favor. Still, Atty. Eliseo appeared for
a view to a possible retainer. latter’s appeal, prompting the PCSO
(D) No, because following up the records of his right to do so. In response, Atty. E
any case does not constitute practice of that the local government code auth
law. practice law as long it does not con
duties. Is Atty. Eliseo right?

Question No. 28 (2011), Canon Law, Rule 12.02 Answer:

(forum Shopping) (A) No, because he cannot app
government instrumentality in
Counsel for Philzea Mining appealed a decision of (B) Yes, because his official d
the Bureau of Mines, which was adverse to his conflict with his private practic
client, to the Environment Secretary. At about the (C) No, because he works o
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Which of the following demonstrates

Which of the following instances demonstrates duty to give the court the respect it de
counsel’s LACK of diligence in serving his client's
interest? Answer:
(A) Counsel consistently appea
Answer: on time.
(A) Failing to file his client’s appeal brief (B) Counsel obeying court's
despite 2 extensions upon the excuse that processes.
the client did not coordinate with him. (C) Woman counsel appear
(B) Failing to send to client a requested dressed in business attire.
legal opinion until after the latter gave him (D) Counsel addressing the co
the additional documents he requested. Honor" at all times.
(C) Failing to rehearse his client on his
testimony before the trial.
(D) Updating his client about the status of Question No. 40 (2011), Canon Law, Ca
his case by phone and electronic mail.
Atty. Arthur agreed to represent
personal injury case after the latt
Question No. 37 (2011), Canon Law, Rule 8 retainer agreement for a 33% fee c
their winning the case. In the cou
After hearing in a sensational criminal case, Patrick dismissed Atty. Arthur after h
counsel for the accused told television viewers their evidence in chief and engaged A
how the judge unfairly ruled to stop his witness another lawyer. They lost the cas
from testifying fully about certain aspects of the would Atty. Arthur be entitled to?
case that would help the accused. Counsel said
that the public should know the injustice to which Answer:
his client was being subjected. Can counsel be (A) Thirty three percent of the
disciplined for his utterances? paid to Winston.
(B) The reasonable value of his
Answer: (C) A flat hourly rate for
(A) Yes, because rather than defend the invested in the case.
judicial system as was his duty, he attacked (D) Absolutely nothing.
(B) No, since counsel did not use obscene
language. Question No. 42 (2011), Canon Law, R
(C) No, so long as counsel did not
knowingly make false statements or act in Which of the following characteristics
reckless disregard of truth. charging lien?
(D) Yes, even if the judge may have actually
made unfair rulings in the course of trial. Answer:
(A) It cannot attach to ju
delivery of real estates.
Question No. 38 (2011), Canon Law, Rule 22 (B) It involves documents p
lawyer's possession by rea
Which of the following is required of counsel when retainer.
withdrawing his services to a client in a case? (C) It does not need any notice
to make it effective.
Answer: (D) It may be exercised before
(A) Counsel's desire to withdraw, expressed execution.
in his motion.
(B) Payment of withdrawal fee.
(C) Opposing counsel’s conformity to the Question No.45 (2011), Canon law, Ru
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decision only on December 7, and upon a vote of (C) Accepting a tough case al
10-5. Asked to explain his misleading article, new in practice, trusting that
Patrick said that his constitutionally protected would make up for lack of exp
right to free expression covered what he wrote. (D) Inviting the judge hearing
Can the Court cite Patrick for contempt? dinner with no purpose to dis
with him.
(A) Yes, because his article obstructs and Question No. 1 (2013). Code 19, 22, 10
degrades the administration of justice.
(B) No, because the right to free expression Atty. Bravo represents Carlos Negar (
occupies a high rank in the hierarchy of agent for Dormir Insurance Co.) in a
cherished rights. insurance claimant Andy Limot wh
(C) No, because courts must simply ignore Dormir Insurance. The insurance po
public opinion and the media when the insured/claimant to give a writt
rendering decisions. the insurance company or its agent w
(D) Yes, because he wrote a lie in his from the occurrence of the loss.
Limot testified during the trial that h
the notice of the loss to the insuranc
Question No. 46 (2011), Canon Law, Rule 1 admitted that he lost the registry re
he did not have any documentary ev
Atty. Ramon borrowed his client's (Menchu) land fact of mailing and of the timeliness o
title. After eight months, Menchu demanded its notice. Dormir Insurance denie
return but he failed to comply and changed his contending that timely notice had no
residence. After Menchu tracked him down, she either to the company or its agent.
confronted him about the title. He then offered to client, agent Negar, testified and confi
just buy the property and gave her five checks for never received any notice.
it but these bounced. Charged with malpractice,
Atty. Ramon answered that his license to practice A few days after Negar testified, he
law cannot be in issue. He merely incurred civil Atty. Bravo that he had lied whe
liability for a failed transaction. Will the receipt of Limot’s notice; he did recei
malpractice action prosper? by mail but immediately shredded
Limot’s claim.
(A) No, because his failure to pay his If you were Atty. Bravo, what would y
obligation only makes him civilly liable. of your client’s (Carlos Negar’s) disclo
(B) No, since Menchu did not transact perjured himself when he testified? (8
business with Atty. Ramon as a lawyer.
(C) Yes, because it is professionally SUGGESTED ANSWER:
reprehensible for a lawyer to be unavailable If I were Atty. Bravo I shall promptly ca
to a person in need. Negar, my client, to rectify his perjur
(D) Yes, he having taken advantage of by recanting the same before the court
Menchu who was not fully protected and
had no independent advice. Should he refuse or fail to do so
terminate my relationship with hi
Professional Responsibility, Canon 19
Question No. 50 (2011), Canon law, Rule 17, 18 stating that with his having committe
pursued an illegal conduct in connec
Which of the following demonstrates a lawyer’s case (Ibid., Canon 22, Rule 22.01).
fidelity to known practices and customs of the bar
regarding a case he is handling? Since my client Limot refuses to
advantage thus unjustly gained as a
Answer: perjury, I should promptly inform
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Professional Responsibility, Canon 10, Rule 10.01, at every peril to himself, to preserve t
and the Attorney’s Oath). I shall file a manifestation his client” (Rules of Court, Rule 138, S
with the court attaching thereto the notice of paraphrasing and arrangement supplie
termination as Limot’s counsel.
Atty. Roto learned from the company
the bribery and falsification, while Atty
Question No. 2 (2013). Canon 12. the course of his performance of h
corporate secretary. Thus, he co
Atty. Serafin Roto is the Corporate Secretary of a examined in that matter without the c
construction corporation that has secured a multi- client (Ibid., Rule 130, Sec. 24(b)).
million infrastructure project from the
government. In the course of his duties as
corporate secretary, he learned from the company Question No. 4 (2013). Canon 1
president that the corporation had resorted to
bribery to secure the project and had falsified Atty. Doblar represents Eva in a
records to cut implementing costs after the award against Olga. He is also defending
of the project. substantially identical contract suit fil
In behalf of Eva, Atty. Doblar clai
The government filed a civil action to annul the statute of limitations runs from the
infrastructure contract and has subpoenaed Atty. breach of the contract. In the action a
Roto to testify against the company president and Atty. Doblar now argues the reverse p
the corporation regarding the bribery. Atty. Roto that the statute of limitation does n
moved to quash the subpoena, asserting that one year after discovery of the breach
lawyer-client privilege prevents him from
testifying against the president and the Both cases are assigned to Judge Elr
corporation. not the sole issue in the two cases, t
Resolve the motion to quash. (8%) limitations issue is critical in both.

SUGGESTED ANSWER: Is there an ethical/professional

Motion denied. The motion should be denied problem in this situation? If a problem
because Atty. Roto did not learn of the bribery and are its implications or potential co
falsification in connection with a lawyer-client (8%)
relation. Being a corporate secretary does not
create a lawyer-client relation because membership
in the Bar is not a requirement to perform functions SUGGESTED ANSWER:
of a corporate secretary. Consequently, Atty. Roto Yes. There is an ethical/professional
does no owe any obligation of confidentiality to the problem that results from the actua
corporation. Doblar in arguing the reverse positions

Atty. Roto may be compelled to testify. As an officer The signatures of Atty. Doblar on the
of the court, a “lawyer shall exert every effort and Eva and Maria, constitute a certificate
consider it his duty to assist in the speedy and he has read the pleadings; that to th
efficient administration of justice” (Code of knowledge, information and belief t
Professional Responsibility, Canon 12). ground to support them; and that
Furthermore, “a lawyer owes candor, fairness and were not interposed for delay (Rules o
good faith to the court” (Ibid., Canon 10). 7, Sec. 3, 2nd par.). Atty. Doblar could
has complied with the foregoing
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER because he could not take a stand fo
contrary to that taken for Maria. His t
Motion granted. It is true that being a corporate clearly contradicts his theory for M
secretary does not necessarily constitute a lawyer- violated his professional responsibili
client relation. However, Atty. Roto may be under the Rules of Court.
considered in the practice of law if part of his duties
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In counselling on the contradictory positions, Atty. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER

Doblar has likewise counseled or abetted activities Atty. Crocodilo did not commit any eth
aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening nor did he violate any law when he
confidence in the legal system (Code of Professional condominium unit from the dev
Responsibility, Canon 1, Rule 1.02) because prohibition under the Canons of Profe
conflicting opinions may result arising from an and under the Civil Code, Art. 1
interpretation of the same law. application only while the property
subject ogf litigation. With the judg
Atty. Doblar could not seek refuge under the attained a state of finality, the prop
umbrella that what he has done was in protection longer be said to be the “subject
of his clients. This is so because a lawyer’s duty is (Director of Lands v. Ababa, G.R.
not of his client but to the administration of justice. February 27, 1979).
To that end, his client’s success is wholly
subordinate. His conduct ought to and must always While technically, Judge Cerdo has no
be scrupulously observant of the law and ethics provisions of the Civil Code, Art. 1491
(Ernesto Pineda, LEGAL AND JUDICIAL ETHICS, 211 purchased a condominium unit form t
(1999), citing Maglasang v. People, G.R. No. 90083, because the judgment has attained
October 4, 1990). finality, there may be some concerns o
aspect of what he had done.
Any means, not honorable, fair and honest, which is
resorted to by the lawyer, even in the pursuit of his Familiar is the maxim, Non omne
devotion to his client’s cause , is condemnable and honestum est (Not everything that
unethical (Ibid.). ethical). Judges, like Judge Cerdo shou
any whiff of impropriety. Judges
impropriety and the appearance of im
Question No. 7 (2013). Canon 4. all of their activities (New Code of Co
Philippine Judiciary, Canon 4, Sec. 1).
In an action to prevent the condominium
developer from building beyond ten (10) floors, His purchase of a condominium un
Judge Cerdo rendered judgment in favor of the developer might be interpreted by som
defendant developer. The judgment became final a consideration for his having decide
after the plaintiffs failed to appeal on time. Judge favor of the defendant developer.
Cerdo and Atty. Cocodrilo, counsel for the
developer, thereafter separately purchased a
condominium unit each from the developer.
Question No. 8-MCQ (2013). Canon 14
Did Judge Cerdo and Atty. Cocodrilo commit any
act of impropriety or violate any law for which Vito is a notorious gangster in the prov
they should be held liable or sanctioned? (8%) been accused of raping and mercilessl
year old girl. Sentiments run very str
SUGGESTED ANSWER: him and the local Bar Association met
Judge Cerdo and Atty. Cocodrilo did not commit any that no lawyer in the locality would re
act of impropriety nor did they violate any law. Vito could not afford the services of an
The prohibition imposed by the Civil Code, Art.
1491(5), prohibiting judges and attorneys, and that Choose the most appropriate legal
contained in the Canons of Professional Ethics, characterization of the decision of t
Canon 10, with regard to purchase of any interest in Association. (1%)
the subject matter of the litigation both refer only
to instance where the property is still the subject of Answer:
the litigation. (A) It is within its right to
lawyers may freely decide who
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any of the members of the association to His shingle shows that he has consid
represent the accused. profession as a business. He should ha
(D) It must be concurred in by each member shingle for his copier services business.
of the Bar Association to have any binding
force. When he included in his shingle
(E) It is unethical because the Bar “Specialist in Small Claims” and
Association already prejudged Vito. Notarization,” he has transgressed th
lawyer in making known his legal serv
SUGGESTED ANSWER: only dignified information or statem
(B) It is unethical; it constitutes a collective denial (Code of Professional Responsibility,
of Vito’s right to the assistance of counsel (Code of also the norm that a lawyer shall not
Professional Responsibility, Canon 14, Rule 14.01; the use of any misleading, undignified s
1987 Constitution, Art. III, Sec. 2). or unfair statement or claim re
qualifications or legal services (Ibid., C
Question No. 10 (2013) Canon 3 3.01).

As a new lawyer, Attorney Novato started with a The use of the phrases “Specialist in
practice limited to small claims cases, legal and “Fastest in Notarization” is
counseling, and notarization of documents. He put advertisement because they are likely
up a solo practice law office and was assisted by unjustified expectation about the resu
his wife who served as his secretary/helper. He can achieve or implies that the lawye
used a makeshift hut in a vacant lot near the local results by improper means (ABA Mode
courts and a local transport regulatory agency.
With this strategic location, he enjoyed heavy [NOTES AND COMMENTS: The exa
patronage assisting walk-in clients in the sixteen (16) minutes to answer each es
preparation and filing of pleadings and in the Thus, they have more than ample t
preparation and notarization of contracts and exhaustive answers to the questions.
documents. He had the foresight of investing in a are merely guides. Examinees should
good heavy duty copier machine that reproduces even if they do not include the citation
quality documents, and charges a reasonable fee
for this service. He draws electric power from an
extension wire connected to an adjoining small Question No. 11 – MCQ (2013). Canon
restaurant. He put up a shingle that reads: "Atty.
Novato, Specialist in Small Claims, Fastest in Candido engaged the services of Atty
Notarization; the Best and Cheapest in Copier criminal case. In the course of their c
Services." Candido admitted to Atty. Lebro
committed the crime and in fact acti
Is Attorney Novato’s manner of carrying out his its commission. He stressed, howeve
professional practice – i.e., mixing business with no circumstance would he admit or c
the practice of law, announcing his activities via a murder charge he is facing and, in
shingle and locating his office as above-described – enter a plea of "not guilty" on arraignm
in keeping with appropriate ethical and
professional practice? (8%) If Candido insists on his planned plea,
should __________. (1%)
No. Attorney Novato’s manner of carrying out his Answer:
professional practice is not in keeping with the (A) discontinue his repres
appropriate ethical and professional practice. He continue would be unethical si
has disregarded the law profession which may then be aiding the accused
result to loss of respect to lawyers as a whole. deliberate falsehood on the co
(B) allow Candido to choose
The use of a makeshift hut standing alone would action; Atty. Lebron’s duty is
create the impression that the lawyer does no have his legal and statutory rights
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(E) play matters by ear and wait for

developments as Candido may still plead SUGGESTED ANSWER:
guilty. (A) It is unethical since he counseled
to disregard a court order (Code of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Responsibility, Canon 12).
(B) Allow Candido to choose his course of action;
Atty. Lebron’s duty is to protect all his legal and
statutory rights (Code of Professional Question No. 13-MCQ (2013) Canon 15
Responsibility, Canon 14, Rule 14.01).
Or The mediator assigned to a civil case
(C) Convince Candido to plead guilty and withdraw be your law school classmate and
from the case if Candido refuses to heed his doctrinal statement about the rights o
advice. You knew that the statement, althou
to your client’s case, is incorrect.
The ethical move to make under the c
Question No. 12-MCQ (2013). Canon 12 is to __________. (1%)

A Regional Trial Court issues a temporary Answer:

restraining order ( TRO ) halting the demolition (A) correct the mediator and s
order issued by the City Mayor who has long doctrine
loathed the cluster of shanties put up by informal (B) just keep quiet becaus
settlers along the road leading to the city’s counsel might learn about you
commercial district. The TRO, however, carried with the mediator
conditions that must be in place before the (C) reveal your relationshi
threatened demolition can be fully halted. mediator and ask the opposing
has any objections
The city legal officer advised the City Engineer’s (D) request the Mediation S
Office and the local PNP chief that the TRO’s immediately change the media
conditions are not in place so that the demolition (E) simply withdraw from the
could proceed. The city filed a manifestation of the unfair advantage that yo
reflecting the city legal officer’s position, while the
informal settlers’ counsel sought its own SUGGESTED ANSWER:
clarification and reconsideration from the court, (A) Correct the mediator and sta
which responded by decreeing that the conditions doctrine. This is part of my duty as a la
have been fulfilled. Despite this ruling, the city Or
legal officer insisted that the conditions have not (C) Reveal your relationship with the m
been fulfilled and thus gave the PNP clearance to ask the opposing counsel if he has an
aid the City Engineer’s Office in proceeding with (Code of Professional Responsibility
the demolition. Rule 15.04).
From the perspective of professional ethics, how Question No. 14 –MCQ (2013) Canon 2
would you characterize the city legal officer’s
actions? (1%) Wanda finally became pregnant in the
her marriage to Horacio. As he
Answer: progressed, she started having difficu
(A) It is unethical since he counseled civil and was easily fatigued. The docto
servants to disregard a court order. that she has a heart congestion prob
(B) It is ethical, since he acted in accordance valve defect, and that her chances
with his honest conviction after considering baby to full term are slim. Wanda i
that the court’s conditions have not been contemplates the possibility of abort
met. sought legal advice from Diana, a
(C) It constitutes indirect contempt, but the and fellow church member, who
lawyer cannot be disciplined because he informally advising her on legal matte
acted out of his firm and honest conviction.
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(B) Advise Wanda on the purely legal side of (B) No. Diana did not give any
her problem and assure her that abortion is that would constitute legal pr
allowed by law if the pregnancy endangers for the strict observance of t
the life of the mother. interest rules.
(C) Advise that it is a religious problem (C) No. The decision on whet
before it is a medical or legal one, and have an abortion lies solely w
Wanda should consult and follow the advice is her body and health that is in
of her religious confessor. (D) No. Horacio and Wanda
(D) Advise Wanda that abortion, above any advice given to Wanda i
everything else, is a moral problem and she have been given to Horacio as
should only have an abortion if it is an act (E) No. Giving advice to W
she can live with. necessarily acting against Hora
(E) Refrain from giving any kind of advice as Diana was giving advice ba
abortion is a serious matter that cannot be couple’s best interest.
resolved through informal consultations
with friends and fellow church members. SUGGESTED ANSWER:
(A) Yes. The decision of whether
SUGGESTED ANSWER: abortion should be decided by both s
(B) Advise Wanda on the purely legal side of her Diana should not have provided legal
problem and assure her that abortion is allowed by absence of Horacio whose concerns a
law if the pregnancy endangers the life of the are unknown to her (Code of
mother (Code of Professional Responsibility, Responsibility, Canon 15).
Canon 2, Rule 2.01-2.02). Or
(C) No. The decision on whether or no
abortion lies solely with Wanda; it is
Question No. 15-MCQ (2013) Canon 15 health that is in issue (Code of
Responsibility, Canon 5 and
Based on the same facts as Question XIV, assume (Reproductive Health Law).
that Diana, aside from being a family friend of the
couple, has been formally and informally acting as
their lawyer in all their personal and family affairs. Question No. 17-MCQ (2013). Canon 1
She has represented them in court in a case
involving a car accident and in the purchase of Under the same essential facts as t
their family home, for which they formally paid the Question XVI, assume that you have r
attorney’s fees that Diana billed. ABLE Law Office and that you
impleaded as a co-defendant, but dur
In this instance, Wanda asked about her legal with the firm, you assisted in handli
rights but did not formally ask for a written Co. account, which is largely owned by
opinion from Diana. Horacio never had any input
on the query as he was then away on an out-of- The prosecutor handling the case ag
town trip for his office. and the law firm asks you, as a form
member, if you can help stre
Diana advised Wanda that she is fully protected in prosecution’s case and hints that you
law and her best course of action is to have an impleaded as a co-defendant if
abortion while her pregnancy is not yet far cooperate.
What is your best legal and ethic
Did Diana violate the prohibition against action? (1%)
representing conflicting interests when she
provided legal advice to Wanda without Horacio’s Answer:
knowledge? (1%) (A) Offer to testify on what y
provide evidence against the d
Answer: exchange for a guarantee of im
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(C) Decline to testify against the defendants (E) Let Napo privately know
and to provide evidence in the case as the parties, that you are aware of
attorney-client privilege lasts even beyond of the taped conversation, w
the termination of the relationship. that he can still hope for a ligh
(D) Decline to testify against the defendants he would cooperate.
as whatever information you acquired from
Santino and Cable Co. in the course of the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
lawyer-client relationship is privileged. (A) Disregard the wiretapped convers
(E) Alert the law firm to the prosecution’s inadmissible and will not serve any us
offer so that they can prepare for the in the trial of the case (Code of
evidence within your knowledge that the Responsibility, Canon 12).
prosecution may use.

SUGGESTED ANSWER: Question No. 20-MCQ (2013). Canon 1

(C) Decline to testify against the defendants and to
provide evidence in the case as the attorney-client Armin, holding a transfer certificate o
privilege lasts even beyond the termination of the in downtown Calamba in the nam
relationship (Code of Professional Responsibility, shows you the title and claims that Bo
Canon 15, Rule 15.02). the lot. He then asks you to draft a
covering the transaction. In reply to y
where Bobby is, Armin explains th
Question No. 19-MCQ (2013). Canon 12 currently out of the country but he (A
general power of attorney which he a
You are a lawyer working at the Office of the you. The power of attorney empower
Special Prosecutor and you are part of the team everything that Bobby can do with
handling the case against former Senator Avido lot, but you note that it does no
who is charged with plunder. Based on your authorize Armin to sell the property
assessment of the evidence that the complainant assures you that he wants the deed o
Linda submitted, you know that the case against so he can send it to Bobby for his si
former Senator Avido is weak, although you while overseas.
instinctively feel that he is guilty. You inform your
friend Atty. Curioso (who works with the office of How will you act under the given cir
Senator Elmismo, a known political rival of Senator (1%)
Avido) regarding your instinctive feeling about
Senator Avido. Atty. Curioso springs a surprise by Answer:
giving you a recording of the wiretapped (A) Agree to draft the deed of
conversation between Senator Avido and Napo, a to your usual 10%commission.
private party co-accused, about the transaction (B) Refuse to draft the deed
complained of and how they would split the Armin has not presented a spe
proceeds. attorney that would support t
he is asking you to prepare.
What will you do under these circumstances? (1%) (C) Refuse to draft the deed
Bobby is not present to sign
Answer: sale and verify that he is inde
(A) Disregard the wiretapped conversation lot to Armin.
as it is inadmissible and will not serve any (D) Agree to draft the deed of
useful purpose in the trial of the case. is only a draft that Bobby
(B) Present the wiretapped conversation in consider and sign.
court; although inadmissible, its (E) Refuse to have anything
introduction and the disclosure of its Armin’s request because it is
existence is a right that the public is entitled problematic situation given the
to. in downtown Calamba.
(C) Leak the wiretapped conversation to the
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R is retained the counsel o

Ermita Branch. One day, his Balikbayan
Question No. 16-MCQ (2013). Canon 15, 10. consulted him about his unclaimed d
Privileged Communication Rule
the said branch of ABC Bank, which t
ABLE Law Office has a retainer agreement with refused to give to him claiming that the
Santino, a businessman with shady connections, become dormant. R agreed to file a cas
who has recently been charged with laundering bank with the Regional Trial Court (RT
money for an illegal drugs syndicate using Cable B lost the case, but upon the advice
Co., Santino’s holding company. The lawyers of longer appealed the the decision. B lat
ABLE Law Office assigned to handle Santino’s that R was retained counsel of ABC
account have been impleaded as co-defendants for
Branch. Does B have any remedy? Dis
incorporating and actively handling the affairs of
Cable Co. and ethical implications of the problem

In its bid to strengthen its case against the

defendants, the prosecution approached you (as
the least guilty defendant who would qualify for a
discharge as a state witness) and offers to make Atty. R clearly violated the
you a state witness.
representing the conflicting interest
Can you accept, within the bounds of professional Code of Professional Responsibility).
ethics, the prosecution’s offer? (1%) action to set aside the judgment on th
if the lawyer is disqualified from a
Answer: counsel for a party on account o
(A) No, as Santino’s lawyer you are duty- interests, he is presumed to have im
bound to protect his interests, ably prejudicially advised and represented
represent him in court, and not turn against
the conduct of the litigation from the
(B) Yes, as an officer of the court, you have the end. He may also file an action
the duty to disclose to the court against Atty. R, aside from an a
information crucial to the case. complaint due to his misconduct
(C) No, the information you acquired prejudiced by the adverse decision
involving the criminal case against Santino which he no longer appealed upon t
is covered by the privileged
Atty. R.
communications rule.
(D) Yes, a lawyer may testify against his
client provided he first severs the lawyer- Question No. 4 (2014) CPR
client relationship.
(E) Yes, the law of self-preservation is akin A is the accused of robbery in
to the law of self-defense and stands higher filed by B. A sought free legal assistan
than any obligation you may have with your
Public Attorneys Office (PAO) and A
assigned to handle his case. After r
SUGGESTED ANSWER: facts as stated in the complaint as n
(C) No, the information you acquired involving the Atty. C is convinced that A is guilty. (4%
criminal case against Santino is covered by the
privileged communications rule (Code of (A) May Atty. C refuse to handle the defe
Professional Responsibility, Canon 15, Rule 15.02); asked to be relieved ? Explain Fully.
(Privileged Communication Rule). (B) In the problem (A), if the lawyer is cou
Or for the accused and he learns later af
(B) Yes, as an officer of the court, you have the
the case and while trial is ongoing t
duty to disclose to the court information crucial to
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(A) RULE 14.01 of the Code of Professional Canon No. 9 – “A lawyer shal
Responsibility that a lawyer shall not decline to or indirectly, assist the unauthorized
represent a person solely in the account of his own law”.
opinion regarding the guilt of the said person. It is
Attorney D may be suspend
not the duty of the lawyer to determine whether
conduct. C, being a non-lawyer, may b
the accused is guilty or not, but the judge’s.
for indirect contempt of court.
Besides in a criminal case, the accused is presumed
innocent, and he is entitled to an acquittal unless
his guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt. The
Question No. 10 (2014) Canon 4
role of the lawyer is to see to it that his
constitutional right to due process is observed. Atty. M is a partner in a law firm OMP
C, a former classmate of Atty. M enga
He may withdraw his appearance but in
services of Atty. M to handle his appea
accordance with the procedure in Section 26, Rule
138 of the Rules of Court. Moreover, Rule 19.02 of of Appeals (CA) from the adverse de
the Code of Professional Responsibility provides Regional Trial Court (RTC) in his ann
that “ a lawyer who has received information that After the Notice to file brief was issue
his client has, that in the course of representation, Atty. M met an accident which incap
perpetuated a fraud upon a person or tribunal, from further engaging in law practice.
shall promptly call upon the client to rectify the his partner in the law firm, file the req
same, and failing which, he shall terminate the
brief for C? Explain your answer. (5%)
relationship which such client in accordance with
the Rules of Court.

It depends whether or not C k

Question No. 7 (2014) Canon No. 9
to be a partner of the OMP & Associa
C and D are the law partners using the firm when he hired him. Generally, the
name C and D – Attorneys-at-Law. In an member of a law firm is equivalent to
administrative case filed against C, the Supreme of the firm itself. Thus, if the said m
Court (SC) find out that C is not entitled to with dies or is incapacitated to rende
admission to the practice of law in the Philippines law firm is bound to provide a subst
and ordered his name stricken- off from the rolls of Atty. P may file the required brief for C
Attorneys. As a result, C and D changed their firm
On the other hand, if Atty. M
name to Law Office of D, while D is the practitioner.
alone, without knowledge that he b
Are C and D liable for contempt of court? Explain law firm, P may not file the require
your answer. (5%) without the consent of the latter.
statement in the problem that C kne
member of the law firm OMP & Asso
SUGGESTED ANSWER : time that C engaged his services.

In adopting the firm name of “Law Office

of D-Attorney at Law, C- Counsellor”, C and D Question No. 15 (2014) Canon No. 9 o
violated the following provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility
Professional Responsibility:
M engaged the services of Atty. D to
Rule 3.02 – “In the choice of a firm name, annulment of marriage case in the R
no false, misleading or assumed name shall be Court (RTC). After a long-drawn trial,
used”. Including the name D in the firm name, able to secure a favorable judgment fr
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

HE can collect his fees either by filing a look at the employment of a collabor
motion in the annulment of marriage case that he as a loss of confidence in him.
handled, and to order M to pay the same, or he (B) If the client insists on retaining a
can file a separate action for the recovery of his counsel over and above the objec
attorney’s fees. Of the two, the first is preferable original counsel, the latter may w
because the judge in the annulment case will be in services when his inability to work wi
a better position to evaluate the amount and value will not redound to the best interest
of his services. In the meantime, he may avail of (Rule 22.01, Code of Professional Resp
the retaining lien, which is to retain the moneys
and properties of M in his possession until he is
Question No. 24 (2014) Code of
paid for his services, or a charging lien, which is to
charge any money judgment in the case for the
(A) May an attorney talk to his witn
payment of his fees.Will a lawyer violate the Code
and during the
of Professional Responsibility if he forms a
partnership with professionals of other disciplines trial? Explain.
like doctors, engineers, architects or accountants? (B) In case of postponement of the
Explain your answer. decision should
prevail – the client or his attorney?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Explain the governing rule. (4%)

He may form a partnership with other SUGGESTED ANSWER:

professionals as long as it is not for the practice of
law. Canon No. 9 of the Code of Professional (A) He may talk to his witness before the
Responsibility (CPR) provides that “a lawyer shall shall refrain from talking to his witn
not directly or indirectly assist in the unauthorized break or recess in the trial, while the w
practice of law.” Paragraph 3 of Canon 33 of the under examination (Rule 12.05
Code of Professional Ethics which is suppletory to Professional Responsibility).
the CPR, expressly provides that “partnership (B) On the matter of the postponement
between lawyers and members of other the lawyer’s decision should prevai
professions or non-professional persons should Code of Professional Responsibility pr
not be formed or permitted where any part of the a lawyer shall not allow his client to
partnership’s employment consists of the practice procedure in handling the case”, Sec.
of law.” of the Rules of Court provides that
the full authority to bind their clients
of ordinary judicial procedure.

Question No. 21 (2014) Code of Professional

(A) May a client hire additional counsel as
collaborating counsel
over and above the objection of the original
(B) If the client insists, may the original counsel
withdraw from the
case, and how?


(A) Yes, the client is entitled to have as many lawyers

as he can afford. Professional courtesy, however,
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Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT can be dispensed with, being corr

nature, Judge D should refrain from t
Question No. 5 (2007). Canon 2 of the Code of may be viewed as a subtle attempt to
Judicial Conduct (10%) outcome of the case. He should
influencing in any manner the outcom
During the hearing of an election protest filed by or dispute pending before another cou
his brother, Judge E sat in the area reserved for the (Canon 1.03, New Code of Judicial Cond
public, not beside his brother's lawyer. Judge E's
brother won the election protest. Y, the defeated
candidate for mayor, filed an administrative case b. What qualities should an ideal
against Judge E for employing influence and possess under the New Code o
pressure on the judge who heard and decided the Conduct for the Philippine Jud
election protest.
Suggested Answer:
Judge E explained that the main reasons why he Qualities of an ideal judge under the N
was there in the courtroom were because he Judicial Conduct are:
wanted to observe how election protest are 1. Independence (Canon 1);
conducted as he has never conducted one and 2. Integrity (Canon 2);
because he wanted to give moral support to his 3. Impartiality (Canon 3);
brother. 4. Propriety (Canon 4); and
5. Competence and Diligence (Ca
Did Judge E commit an act of impropriety as a
member of the judiciary? Explain?
Question No. 1 (2009). NEW CODE
Suggested Answer: CONDUCT) Admin Matter No. 03-05-0
Judge E committed an act of impropriety by
appearing in another court at the hearing of his True or False. The Bangalore Draft, a
brother’s election protest. In the case of Vidal v. Roundtable meeting of Chief Justices
Dojillo, Jr., A.M. No. MTJ-05-1591, July 14, 2005, Hague, is now the New Code of Judici
which involved the same facts, the Supreme Court the Philippines (True or False, explain)
held as follows:
“Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct requires a True. The Bangolore Draft was ado
judge to avoid not only impropriety but also the Philippine Supreme Court through a
mere appearance of impropriety in all activities. No. 03-05-01-SC and which took effe
Even if respondent did not intend to use his position 2004.
as a judge to influence the outcome of his brother’s
election protest, it cannot be denied that his
presence in the courtroom during the hearing of his Question No. 11. (2009).) Rule 3.12 o
brother’s case would immediately give cause for the Judicial Conduct
community to suspect that his being a colleague in
the judiciary would influence the judge trying the In a case for homicide filed before
case to favor his brother.” Trial Court( RTC), Presiding judge Qu
an order for an arrest of the accuse
motion for the reduction of bail, and
Question No. 6. Canon 1 of the Code of Judicial for the arraignment of= th
Conduct ( 10%) Subsequently, Judge Quintero inhib
from the case, alleging that even bef
a. A and B are accused of Estafa by C, the was raffled to his court, he already
wife of Regional Trial Court Judge D. Judge knowledge of the circumstances sur
D testified as a witness for the prosecution case. Is Judge Quintero’s inhibitio
in the Estafa case. Did Judge D commit an Explain.
act of impropriety? Give reasons for your
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts conduct or judgment. The prestige of

concerning the proceeding. shall not be used or lent to advance
interests of others nor convey the im
Question No. 11 (2010) they are in a special position to influen
Case law has it that the actuation
On the proposal of Judge G, which was accepted, constantly eating and drinking in publ
he and his family donated a lot to the city of Gyoza a lawyer who has cases pending in hi
on the condition that a public transport terminal public suspicion may be aroused, thu
would be constructed thereon. The donation was erode the trust litigants in the impar
accepted and the condition was complied with. judge.

The family-owned tracts of land in the vicinity of

the donated lot suddenly appreciated in value and Question No. 17-A (2010). Rule 3 & 4
became commercially viable as in fact a restaurant
and a hotel were soon after built. Judge X was invited to be a guest sp
the annual convention of a private
Did the Judge commit any violation of the Code of which was covered by media. Since
Judicial Conduct? (2%) the liberty to speak on any topic, he d
recent decision of the Supreme Co
SUGGESTED ANSWER: that the President is not, under the
NO. There is no clear showing that the Judge proscribed from appointing a Chief J
violated any of the provisions of the CJC. There is no two months before the election.
prohibition on donating properties, especially if the In his speech, the judge demurred to
same is to serve public purpose or welfare. Court decision and even stressed that
is a serious violation of the Constitutio
There is no clear showing or evidence that the
increase in value of their adjacent properly a. Did Judge X incur any administra
motivated or was made a precondition of the Explain. (3%)
donation. As such, no malice or corrupt intent
amounting to misconduct or corruption can be SUGGESTED ANSWER:
directly imputed to the Judge. NO. Strictly construed, Judge X will n
liability for making such a commen
which is an expression of an opinio
Question No. 15-B (2010). Rule 2.03 already decided upon by the SC. What
be abstained from is making com
Rico, an amiable, sociable lawyer, owns a share in pending or impending case. (Rule 3.07,
Marina Golf Club, easily one of the more posh golf
courses. He relishes hosting parties for Furthermore, Canon 4 allows Judges
government officials and members of the bench. activities to improve the law, the lega
the administration of justice.
One day, he had a chance meeting with a judge in
the Intramuros golf course. The two readily got ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
along well and had once been regularly playing YES. Openly criticizing the decision of
golf together at the marina Golf Club. member of the bench does not spea
judicial system, much less the adm
b. How about the members of the bench who justice in relation to the perception an
grace the parties of Rico, are they violating the of the people on the people who run
Code of Judicial Conduct? Explain. (3%) Unity and stability within the judiciary
the integrity of the judicial system as a
YES. Canon 2 enjoins judges to avoid impropriety Depending on the extent of the criti
and the appearance of impropriety in all activities. language used, he may thus be ad
Canon 1 states that judges should be the liable for simple misconduct. A judg
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Rebecca’s complaint was raffled to the sala of who happened to be child of Judg
Judge A. Rebecca is a daughter of Judge A.’s wife daughter, Pilita. Judge Florante insi
by a previous marriage. This is known to the committed no wrong since the pro
defendant who does not, however, file a motion to non-adversarial and since it merel
inhibit the Judge. correct an erroneous entry in the
certificate. Is Judge Florante liable?
Is the Judge justified in not inhibiting himself from
the case? (3%) Answer:
(A) Yes, because Florante b
SUGGESTED ANSWER: rule on mandatory disqualifica
No. The Judge is not justified in not inhibiting (B) No, because Judge Flor
himself since Rebecca is his step daughter and is pecuniary interest in the proce
related to him by one degree of affinity. (C) No, because it is true th
was non-adversarial so it preju
The Code of Judicial Conduct expressly provides (D) Yes, since the correction
that a judge should take no part in a proceeding record affects the details of
where the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be child.
questioned. These cases include among others,
proceedings where: the judge is related by
consanguinity or affinity to a party litigant within Question No. 13 (2011) Code of Judicia
the sixth degree or to counsel within the fourth
degree. On appeal, RTC Judge Rudy affirme
conviction of Lorna for violation of
checks law and awarded Agnes, the
Question No. 16 (2010). Rule 5.10. Php1.6 million in damages. Two year
Lorna’s motion and after ascertain
Judge L is assigned in Turtle Province. His brother counsel never received the court's de
ran for Governor in Rabbit Province. During the Rudy recalled the entry of judgment
election period this year, Judge L took a leave of reversed himself, and absolved Lo
absence to help his brother conceptualize the Claiming an unjust judgment, Agn
campaign strategy. He even contributed a modest administrative complained against
amount to the campaign kitty and hosted lunches saying that it is plain from the circum
and dinners. he connived with Lorna, her coun
handling prosecutor. But she offere
Did Judge L incur administrative and/or criminal evidence. Rudy denied the charges
liability? Explain. (3%) that any error in his judgment is corre
an appeal, not by an administrative
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Judge Rudy be disciplined?
YES. Judge L can be said to be administratively liable
but not criminally liable. Answer:
(A) No, because Agnes' compla
Rule 5.10 of the Code of Judicial Conduct provides based on suspicions and specu
that a Judge is entitled to entertain personal views (B) No, because Agnes has ye
on political questions, but to avoid suspicion of that Rudy's decision is plainly e
political partisanship a judge shall not make political (C) Yes, because he gravely
speeches, contribute to party funds, publicly discretion in recalling the
endorse candidates for political office or participate judgment.
in other partisan political activities. (D) Yes, because recons
judgment of conviction that th
The rule above does not make kinship an exemption earlier issued shows anoma
from compliance with the prohibition. Rudy's action.
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

corporation devoted to penal reform, where she (C) Yes, because she showed
participates in both fund raising and fund publicity and recognition that
management. Which of the following statements judicial post.
applies to her case? (D) No, because she is free to
business cards details that say

(A) She should not engage in fund raising
activities. Question No. 31 (2011), Code of Judici
(B) Her activities are acceptable except the
part where she is involved in fund Serving as counsel de oficio, Att
management. advised John of the consequences o
(C) She can teach law and deliver lectures not guilty to the charge. Before trial c
on law but not do the other things. however, the presiding judge died. As
(D) All of her activities are legal. Atty. Mamerto was appointed judge
case was assigned to him by raffle.
moved for the judge’s disqualificati
2011, Question (19) Code of Judicial Conduct, Mamerto under obligation to inhibit
the case?
One of the foundation principles of the Bangalore
Draft of the Code of Judicial Conduct is the Answer:
importance in a modern democratic society of (A) No, because his service to
Answer: (B) Yes, because his knowled
(A) a judicial system that caters to the case affects his judgment.
needs of the poor and the weak. (C) No, because he was merely
(B) public confidence in its judicial system oficio.
and in the moral authority and integrity of (D) Yes, because he serve
its judiciary. counsel.
(C) the existence of independent and
impartial tribunals that have the support of
its government. Question No. 36 (2011), Code of Judici
(D) judges who are learned in law and
jurisprudence. What unhealthy attitude of mind sh
avoid falling into?

Question No. 30 (2011), Code of Judicial Conduct, Answer:

Canon2 (A) Hearing and adjudicating
important job.
A Court Administrator's auditing team found that (B) Courts are made for litigant
Judge Ruby used business cards which stated, in (C) Litigants are made for the c
addition to her official title as presiding judge of (D) Courts should dispose of t
her court, that she is bar topnotcher, her law time.
school’s "class valedictorian," and "one of the
most sought after private law practitioners" before
she joined the judiciary, all of which are true. Question No. 48 (2011), Code of Judici
Asked to explain this seeming impropriety, Ruby
pointed out that business cards can include the After the prosecution cross-examin
person’s "title" which is broad enough to include witness for the accused, Judge Pedro a
in her case her standing in the bar and all the additional questions that were so
honors she earned. Did Ruby commit an made her cry. One question forced Sh
impropriety? that her mother was living with ano
fact that weighed on the case of the
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

the parties were not actual resident

Answer: territorial jurisdiction of the court; a
(A) No, his ten questions could not be cases, there was no record of
considered an undue intervention. examinations conducted by the publ
(B) No, because the judge is free to inquire or any documentary evidence marked
into any aspect of the case that would offered. All these, viewed in th
clarify the evidence for him. supported the improvident and in
(C) Yes, because he effectively deprived grant that the OCA found.
the defense of its right to due process
when he acted both as prosecutor and If you were the counsel for Andy Ma
judge. other litigants whose marriages
(D) Yes, because nothing connects his desire improperly and finally annulled,
to be clarified with the questions he asked. options in administratively procee
Judge Contaminada, and state where
would exercise these options. (8%)
Question No. 49 (2011), Code of Judicial Conduct
Administrative penalties imposed on judges are As counsel for Andy Malasuerte, I hav
of participating in the administrative pr
Answer: filing a verified complaint in writing a
(A) curative. Contaminado, with the Office of
(B) punitive. Administrator, supported by affidavit
(C) corrective. who have personal knowledge of the
(D) both punitive and corrective. therein or by documents which may
said allegations. The complaint shall
and concisely the acts and omissions
Question No. 26 (2011), Code of Judicial Conduct violations of standards of conduct p
judges by law, the Rules of Court,
Administrative proceedings against Judges of all Judicial Conduct (Rules of Court, Rule
courts and Justices of the Court of Appeals and the and the new Code of Conduct for t
Sandiganbayan shall be Judiciary.

Answer: (NOTES AND COMMENTS: The que

(A) private and confidential. refers to “administratively proceeding
(B) public but subdued. Contaminado.” It is suggested that
(C) private but transparent. should be given if the examinee d
(D) public. options available for Andy Malasuer
relief with regard to his improperl
annulled marriage.)

Question No. 6 (2013). Rules of Court, Code of

judicial conduct Question No. 8 (2013).Code of Conduc
Philippine Judiciary
An audit team from the Office of the Court
Administrator found that Judge Contaminada The criminal case arising from the P10
committed serious infractions through the pork barrel scandal was raffled to Sa
indiscriminate grant of petitions for annulment of Justice Marciano Cobarde. Afraid th
marriage and legal separation. In one year, the antagonize the parties, his political
judge granted 300 of such petitions when the ultimately, his judicial career, he decid
average number of petitions of similar nature from participating in the case, givi
granted by an individual judge in his region was reasons" as his justification.
only 24 petitions per annum. If you were to question the inhibition
Cobarde, on what legal basis, and wh
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

improperly to influence him in the performance of “Judges and members of t

his judicial duties (New Code of Conduct for the shall neither ask for, nor accept, any
Philippine Judiciary, Canon 4, Sec. 8). Furthermore, loan or favor in relation to anything d
the Sandiganbayan sits in Divisions, so the fears of done or omitted to be done by hi
Justice Cobarde are unfounded. Justice Cobarde connection with the performance of ju
should not shirk from the performance of his
judicial duties.
Question No. 17 (2014) Canon 3 of th
I would file a motion with the Division of the of Judicial Conduct
Sandiganbayan in which Justice Cobarde is sitting
for the remittal of his voluntary inhibition. I would Judge Clint Braso is hearing a case
advance in motion the reasons why the “personal Timothy and Khristopher Company,
reasons” set forth by the Justice are insubstantial where his wife used to work as one
and does not merit his inhibition. I would likewise Executives for several years. D
set the motion for hearing as appropriate. impartiality of the Judge, Mr. Tim
motion to inhibit Judge Clint Braso
(NOTES: The decision of Justice Cobarde to inhibit
himself on account of “personal reasons” is not Braso refused on the ground that his
conclusive and his competency may be determined resigned from the company. Decide
on an application for mandamus to compel him to
act (Palang v. Zosa, G.R. No. L-38229, August 30,

The voluntary inhibition of Justice Cobarde is not

subject to mandamus because voluntary inhibition
involves his exercise of discretion (Gutang, et al v. The fact that Judge Braso’s wif
Court of Appeals, et al, G.R. No. 124760, July 8,
work for KhristopherCompany is not a
ground for his inhibition. However, Se
Canon 3 of the New Code of Judicial C
the Philippine Judiciary provides that j
should disqualify themselves from par
Question No. 9 (2014) New Code of Conduct for any proceeding in which “it may appe
the Philippine Judiciary reasonable observer that they are una
the matter in partially.” The Supreme
Judge A accepted a gift consisting of advised that a judge “should exercise
assorted canned goods and other grocery items in a way that the people’s faith in the
from his compadre whose friend has a pending case justice is not impaired” (Pimentel v. Sa
with him. He accepted the gift just so as not to SCRA 160, Sept. 18, 1957]). While it m
embarrass his compadre. When his compadre left reasonable to believe that Judge Braso
his chambers, he asked his secretary to donate the impartial because his wife used to wo
Executive of Khristopher Company, th
gift he received to the victims of Typhoon Yolanda.
of prudence would dictate that he inh
Did the Judge cross the ethical line? Explain from the case involving the said comp
your answer.

SUGGESTED ANSWER: Question No.19 (2014) Canon 3 of the

Judicial Conduct
In accepting a gift from his compadre,
which he must have suspected was connected with After the pre-trial of a civil case for re
the case of his compadre’s friend, because he D advised B’s counsel to settle the
accepted just in order not to embarrass his according to Judge D, his initial asses
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(B) What remedy or remedies may be taken by B’s

lawyer against Judge D? Discuss fully.


(A) Yes, Judge D acted improperly. Sec. 4, Canon 3 of

the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
Philippine Judiciary provides that “judges shall not
knowingly, while a proceeding is before or could
come before them, make any comment that might
be reasonably expected to affect the outcome of
such proceeding or impair the manifest fairness of
the process. Nor shall judges make any comment
in public or otherwise that might affect the fair
trial of any person or issue.” In the case of Castillo
v. Juan, 62 SCRA 124, a judge spoke to the
complainants in two rape cases in his chamber
before trial, and advised them to settle their cases
with the accused because their evidence was
weak. The Supreme Court found the conduct of
the judge to be violative of duty of impartiality.
The court stated that the judge should avoid any
conduct that casts doubt on his impartiality. It is
not merely a matter of judicial ethics. It is
impressed with constitutional significance.
(B) B’s lawyer could move for the disqualification or
inhibition of the judge, and if he refuses to inhibit,
his refusal can be raised to a higher court by
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Question No. 9 (2009) A.M. No. 02-
Question No. 7. (2007) Rules on Notarial Practice IV—Powers & Limitations of Not
(10%) Section 3

a. What evidence of identity does the 2004 A notary public is disqualified from
Rules on Notarial Practice require before a notarial act when the party to the d
notary public can officially affix his notarial relative by affinity within the 4th civil
seal on and sign a document presented by or False)
an individual whom the notary public does
not personally know? (5%) Answer:
True. Under Sec. 3 Rule IV of the 2
Suggested Answer: Notarial Practice notary public is disq
Section 12, Rule II of the 2004 Rules on Notarial preforming a notarial act if he is a spou
Practice defined competent evidence of identity as law partner, ancestor, descendant, o
referring to any of the following identification of an affinity or consanguinity of the pri
individual: fourth civil degree.
1. at least one current identification document
issued by an official agency bearing the
photograph and signature of the individual; Question No. 14 (2009). Section 2, R
or 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice
2. the oath or affirmation of one credible
witness not privy to the instrument, Atty. Sabungero obtained a notarial
document or transaction who is personally On Sunday, while he was at the cock
known to the notary public and who approached him with an affidavit th
personally knows the individual, or of two notarize. Atty. Sabungero immediate
credible witnesses neither of whom is privy from his pocket his small notaria
to the instrument, document or transaction notarized the document. Was the aff
who each personally knows the individual notarized? Explain.
and shows to the notary public
documentary identification. Answer:
NO. The affidavit was not validly
accordance with the Rules on Notarial
b. When can Judges of the Municipal Trial rules provide that a notary public shal
Courts (MTC) and Municipal Circuit Trial a notarial act outside his regular plac
Courts (MCTC) perform the function of business. A cockpit is clearly not a no
notaries public ex officio, even if the regular place of business.
notarization of the documents are not in
connection with the exercise of their Atty. Sabungero’s notarization of the a
official function and duties? (5%) valid. Furthermore, the facts in the cas
one of the exceptional occasions
Suggested Answer: where a notarial act may be performe
MTC and MCTC judges assigned to municipalities or notary public’s office and territorial jur
circuits with no lawyers or notaries public may, in
the capacity as notaries public ex-officio, perform
any act within the competency of a regular notary Question No. 2 (2011)
public, provided that: (1) all notarial fees charged
be made for the account of the Government and The acknowledgment appearing in a
turned over to the municipal treasurer (Tabao v. reads: "Before me personally appe
Asis, A.M. No. RTJ-95-1330, January 30, 1996; August 2010 Milagros A. Ramirez, wh
Lapena, Jr. v. Marcos, A.M. No. 1969-MJ, June 29, identity to me through witnesses: 1
1982); and (2) certification be made in the notarized Balana, Passport UU123456; 1-5-2010
documents attesting to the lack of any lawyer or and 2. Elvira N. Buela, Passport VV2
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

privy to or are interested in the deed he signed."

What is the status of such a notarial
acknowledgment? Question No. 11 (2011) Notarial law

Answer: Which of the following will subject At

(A) Questionable since the notary public is Manila notary public, to sanctions
not shown to personally know the principal notarial rules?
(B) Ineffective since it included parties not Answer:
privy to the deed. (A) Notarizing a verification and
(C) Invalid since the evidence of identity is against forum shopping in Ma
non-compliant with the notarial rules. the request of his Senator-clien
(D) Valid since it is a manner of (B) Refusing to notarize an
establishing the identity of the person settlement deed after noting
executing the document. friend, was delisted as heir wh
fact one.
(C) Performing signature
Question No. 8 (2011), Notarial law involving his brother-in-law a
it in his register.
Raul sought Ely's disbarment for notarizing a deed (D) Notarizing a deed of sale
of sale knowing that four of the sellers were dead. he knew without requiring a
Ely admitted that he notarized the deed of sale but identity.
only after his client assured him that the
signatures of the others were authentic. Later,
Raul moved to have the complaint against him Question No. 32 (2011), Notarial law
dismissed on the ground that it was filed because
of a misunderstanding which had already been Myra asked Atty. Elma to notarize her
clarified. This prompted the IBP to recommend the When Elma asked for Myra's compet
dismissal of the complaint. Can the dismissal be of identity, she explained that she d
allowed? any current identification document n
get one soon. Instead, she presente
Answer: Alex, who showed Atty. Elma his dr
(A) No, unless the complainant executes an and confirmed her Myra’s identit
affidavit of desistance. identification of Myra valid?
(B) Yes, since no compelling reason
remained to continue with it. Answer:
(C) Yes, but recall Ely's notarial commission (A) Yes, provided Alex states in
since the charge against him seems sale that he knew Myra person
meritorious. (B) No, Myra needs to prod
(D) No, given Ely’s admission that he identification document of her
notarized the document when some (C) No, since Alex is not hims
signatories were absent. the document.
(D) Yes, since Alex had a valid
Question No. 9(2011), Notarial law

When will Atty. Antonio's notarial commission Question No. 1-MCQ (2013). A.M. No
expire if he applied for and was given such Rule 2 Sec. 12
commission on 12 November 2010?
Under the 2004 Rules of Notarial P
Answer: may be used to satisfy the req
(A) 31 December 2012 “competent evidence of identity”? (1%
(B) 31 December 2011
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(D) Ombudsman’s clearance, private office

ID, PhilHealth card.
(E) All of the above.

(C) Voter’s ID, NBI clearance, Driver’s license
(Notarial Act, Sec. 12).
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

MCLE professional commitments, he wou

messenger or a member of his le
Question No. 1 (2011), MCLE register his attendance at the MCLE s
could be credited with the require
Atty. Mike started teaching Agrarian Reform and attendance. He would also ask them
Taxation in June 2001 at the Arts and Sciences printed handouts and the lecturers
Department of the Far Eastern University. In 2005, which he studied in his free time.
he moved to San Sebastian Institute of Law where
he taught Political Law. Is Atty. Mike exempt from Atty. Ausente should be __________.
complying with the MCLE for the 4th compliance
period in April 2013? Answer:
(A) required to make up for h
Answer: attending lecture sessions in
(A) No, since he has yet to complete the providers
required teaching experience to be (B) sanctioned because he circ
exempt. evaded full compliance wit
(B) No, because he is not yet a bar reviewer. requirements
(C) Yes, since by April 2013, he will have (C) excused because he
been teaching law for more than 10 years. profession-related tasks, and
(D) Yes, since he updated himself in law by the courses through the mate
engaging in teaching. he secured
(D) penalized by forfeiting a
MCLE units
Question No. 22 (2011), Notarial Law, MCLE (E) excused because attendanc
a widespread and tolerated MC
In what documented act will a notary public’s
failure to affix the expiration date of his SUGGESTED ANSWER:
commission warrant administrative sanction? (B) sanctioned because he circumvent
full compliance with the MCLE
Answer: (Mandatory Continuing Legal Educat
(A) In the jurat of a secretary's certificate. Section xx).
(B) In the will acknowledged before him.
(C) In the signature witnessing he
performed. Question No. 27 (2011), MCLE
(D) In the document copy he certified.
When does the initial MCLE complianc
newly admitted member of the bar be
Question No. 23 (2011) MCLE
Provincial Governors and Municipal Mayors who (A) On the first day of the m
are lawyers are MCLE exempt because admission.
(B) On the tenth day of the
Answer: admission.
(A) they handle cases of their constituents (C) On the third year after his
for free. member.
(B) the Local Government Code prohibits (D) On the first year of the ne
them from practicing their profession. compliance period.
(C) they are rendering public service.
(D) As experts in local governance, it may be
assumed that they are updated on legal
developments. Question No. 1 (2012) MCLE Rule 7

Atty. Galing is a Bar topnotcher. H

Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Answer: Question No. 5 (2012) MCLE Rule 7

a. No, eight (8) years experience is When does compliance period begin?
not enough.
b. Yes, since he has mastered what a. When the lawyer actu
he is handling. law practice;
c. Yes, professors of law are b. Upon admission/read
exempted. the Bar;
d. No, since he is not yet a Bar c. 01 October 2009;
reviewer. d. 01 October 2006.

Question No. 2 (2012) MCLE Rule 7 Does the MCLE requirement apply at o
newly-admitted lawyer?
Atty. Rey has been a professor in the Legal
Management Department of Y University for a. Yes, if admitted to the
thirty (30) years. He teaches Constitution, there are four (4) mor
Obligation and Contracts, Insurance, Introduction remaining of the com
to Law. Is he exempted from the MCLE period.
requirement? b. No, wait for the next c
a. Yes, because his teaching c. Yes, if he will start law
experience is already more than immediately.
ten (10) years. d. Yes, if more than one
b. No, because he is not teaching in remains of the compli
the College of Law.
c. Yes, because of his field of What is the purpose of MCLE?
knowledge and experience.
d. No, because Y University is not a. To conform with the r
accredited. of international law.
b. To provide a venue to
Question No. 3 (2012) MCLE Rule 7 fraternal relations am
c. To keep abreast with
The term of Dean Rex of X College of Law expired jurisprudence and to m
in the first year of the third compliance period. ethical standards of th
Does his exemption extend to the full extent of profession.
said compliance period? d. To supplement legal k
due to substandard la
a. No, he must comply with all the
unit requirements. Atty. Aga was appointed as Treasurer
b. Yes, to the full extent. President with the approval of the Boa
c. No, but comply proportionately. Governors for a term coterminous wit
d. Yes, but he must apply for President. A year thereafter, Atty. Aga
exemption. Barangay Chairman of their place, and
of absence for two (2) weeks to camp
Question No. 4 (2012) MCLE Rule 7 Atty. Aga re-assume as Treasurer afte
What is the duration of MCLE Compliance Period?
a. Yes, since he lost in th
a. Twelve (12) months; b. No, because he was d
b. Twenty four (24) months; resigned upon filing o
c. Thirty six (36) months; certificate of candidac
d. Eighteen (18) months. c. Yes, because his posit
Treasurer is cotermin
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Atty. Magtanggol of the PAO was assigned to when his case was called for hearing
defend X who is accused of Slight Physical Injury not appear for his client although he
before the MTC of a far-flung town. During the outside the door of the court room.
trial, P02 Tulco appeared in court on behalf of the directed the client to summon Atty.
complainant. Atty. Magtanggol objected to his latter refused. Judge Bell then issued
appearance since the policeman is not a member directing Atty. X to explain why no d
of the Bar. action shall be imposed on him for th
misconduct but he refused the direc
a. The objection is valid. It should be
a. RTC Judge Bell can suspe
the public prosecutor who should
from the practice of law
prosecute the criminal action.
b. Atty. Magtanggol is just afraid that
b. The case of Atty. X can be
his client may be convicted due to non-appearance o
through the efforts of a non- even though the party w
lawyer. c. The hearing of the case s
c. In the courts of a municipality, a rescheduled in the intere
party may conduct his litigation in d. The court can admonish
person or with the aid of an agent the unprofessional condu
or friend. lawyer and ask him to ch
d. If a public prosecutor is not lawyer.
available, at least a private
prosecutor who must be a lawyer Question No. 30 (2014) MCLE
should be designated. (A) Can a lawyer who lacks the num
required by the Mandatory Cont
Education (MCLE) Board continue to
Bong Tupak, a second year law student, was charged (B) May a lawyer be held liable for da
in the RTC for Forcible Abduction with Rape. Having client for the lawyer’s failure to file t
knowledge of criminal law and procedure, he pleadings to prosecute the client’s c
dismissed the counsel de oficio assigned and result of which the client suffered dam
appeared for himself. He asserted that there was lack (C) Can a lawyer still practice his profe
of force. Eventually, the RTC found him guilty of having arrears in his Integrated
Consented Abduction and imposed the penalty. Bong Philippines (IBP) dues?
Tupak now assails the decision, saying that there was
a violation of due process because he was allowed to
appear by himself and he did not know that
Consented Abduction is a crime. Decide.
(A) He can, but they will be unable to com
a. An accused before the RTC may opt
Matter No. 1922 which requires
to defend himself in person and he
cannot fault others for his decision. pleading filed in court or a quasi-judic
b. The RTC should have appointed a contain an annotation of the number
counsel de oficio to assist the their MCLE compliance, otherwise, th
accused even if not sought or will be expunged and their cases dis
requested by the accused.
will also be listed as delinquent mem
c. There was violation of due process.
There is disparity between the Integrated Bar of the Philippines,
expertise of a public prosecutor and Board of Governors can recom
the inexperience of a 2nd year law suspension or disbarment to the Sup
student. Until then, they can continue to pra
d. A 2nd year law student has sufficient
cannot file pleadings in court or
knowledge of criminal law and
procedure, hence, he is competent bodies.
to defend himself. (B) Yes, he may be held liable, Rule 18.03
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diligence, and injury sustained by the client as the and never seek to mislead the
proximate result thereof, are the prerequisites to judicial officer by an artif
the maintenance of an action for damages against statement of fact or law;
5. To maintain inviolate the confi
a lawyer.
every peril to himself, to
(C) Sec. 10, Rule 139-A of the Rules of Court provides secret of his client, and to
that “default in the payment of annual dues for six compensation in connectio
months shall warrant suspension of members in client’s business except from
the Integrated Bar, and default in such payment knowledge and approval;
for one year shall be a ground for the removal of 6. To abstain from all offensive
the name of delinquent member from the Roll of and to advance no fact preju
honor or reputation of a part
unless required by the justice
Hence, a lawyer who is in arrears in the payment with which he is charged;
of his IBP dues may still practice his profession 7. Not to encourage e
until he is suspended and/or disbarred. commencement or the contin
action or proceeding, or dela
cause from any corrupt motive
8. Never to reject, for any
personal to himself, the c
defenseless or oppressed;
9. In the defense of a person accu
by all fair and honorable mean
RULES OF COURT of his personal opinion as to th
accused, to present every def
Question No. 1 (2007), Lawyers Oath (10%) law permits, to the end that n
be deprived of life or liberty
What are the duties of an attorney? process of law.

Suggested Answers: Per the Code of Professional Respo

Per the Attorney’s Oath: 1. Duties to society in genera
1. To maintain allegiance to the Republic of the Constitution, obey the
the Philippines; land and promote respec
2. To support its Constitution; and legal processes;
3. To obey the laws as well as the legal orders 2. Duties to the legal pro
of the duly constituted authorities therein; uphold the dignity and in
4. To do no falsehood, nor consent to the legal profession;
doing of any in court; 3. Duties to the court – to b
5. To avoid wittingly or unwittingly promoting and promote respect for th
or suing any groundless, false or unlawful judicial officers, and to ass
suit, nor give aid or consent to the same; in rendering speedy a
6. To delay no man for money or malice; justice; and
7. To conduct himself as a lawyer according to 4. Duties to the client – to ob
the bets of his knowledge and discretion fairness and loyalty to th
with all good fidelity well to the courts as to the client’s money and
his clients trust, serve the client with
and diligence, always mi
Per Section 20, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court: trust and confidence rep
1. To maintain the allegiance to the Republic client in him;
of the Philippines;
2. To maintain the respect due to the courts of N.B. It should be sufficient that the an
justice and judicial officers; either the attorney’s oath, the duties o
3. To counsel or maintain such actions or under Section 20, Rule 138 of the Rule
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Question No. 17 (2009) Section 17 of Rule 138 of

the Rules of Court SUGGESTED ANSWER:
No. Rule 138, Section 37 of the Rules o
Write the complete text of the attorney’s oath. that “an attorney shall have a lien up
documents and papers of his client
Answer: lawfully come into his possession an
I___________ of ___________ do solemnly the same until his lawful fees and d
swear that I will maintain allegiance to the Republic have been paid, and may apply such
of the Philippines; I will support its Constitution and satisfaction thereof.” Hence, he m
obey laws as well as the legal orders of the duly documents pending payment of his att
constituted authorities therein; I will do no
falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any court; I
will not wittingly nor willingly promote or sue any Question No. 2 (2009). RULE 138 A
groundless, false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor Admission to Bar (Sec 37).
consent to the same; I will delay no man for money
or malice, and will conduct myself as a lawyer A charging lien, as distinguished from
according to the best of my knowledge and lien, is an active lien which can be
discretion with all good fidelity as well to the courts execution.
as to my clients; and I impose upon myself this
voluntary obligations without any mental Answer:
reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God. A lawyer to insure the payment of his
fee is either to retain the funds, doc
papers of his client which may have l
into his possession, or to enforce
Question No. 2-MCQ (2013). judgement for the payment of mo
secure in favor of his client. And it h
The following are duties of a lawyer but only one that the retaining lien is depe
of these is expressly stated in the Lawyer’s Oath. possession and does not attach to an
Choose the express duty that the Oath contains. attorney’s hands. The lien exists only s
(1%) attorney’s retains possession ends. (
(A) To maintain a respectful attitude
towards the courts. Question No. 6. Rule 138-A, Rules of C
(B) To uphold the honor and dignity of the
legal profession. What is the student practice rule?
(C) To act with courtesy, candor and
fairness toward other lawyers. Answer:
(D) To do no falsehood, nor consent to the Under this rule, a law student who ha
doing of any in court. completed his 3rd year of the regu
(E) To respect the courts and uphold the prescribed law curriculum and is e
dignity of the profession. recognized law school’s clinical leg
program approved by the Supreme
SUGGESTED ANSWER: appear without compensation in any
(D) To do no falsehood, nor consent to the doing of or administrative case before any
any in court (Lawyer’s Oath). tribunal board or officer, to repres
clients accepted by the legal clinic of th

Question No. 8. (2008). Code of Professional Question No. 10.(2009). Rule 115 of
Responsibility, Rule 138, sec37 Court; Rule 138, Sec 34

State, with a brief explanation, whether the lawyer May a party appear on his own
concerned may be sanctioned for the conduct criminal or in a civil case? Explain.
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

he can property his right without the assistance of grounds for suspension or disbarmen
counsel. 27, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court.
On the other hand, with respect to civil cases, Rule
138, Sec 34 states that “in the court of Justice of the Obiter.
peace a party may conduct his litigation in person, Canon 18- A lawyer shall serve his
with the aid of an agent or friend appointed by him competence and diligence. Rules 18.
for the purpose, or with the aid an attorney. In any shall not undertake a legal service wh
other, a party may conduct his litigation personally or should know that he is not qualifi
or by aid of an attorney and his appearance must be However, he may render such service
either personal or by a duly authorized member of consent of his client, he can obtain as
the bar. counsel a lawyer who is competent on

Question No. 20 (2009). Section 27, Rule 138 Question No. 11 (2010) Rule 138, Rule

Atty. Simeon persuaded Armando, Benigno and After passing the Philippine Bar in
Ciriaco to invest in a business venture that later Richards practiced law until 199
went bankrupt Armando, Benigno and Ciriaco migrated to Australia where he
charged Atty. Simeon with estafa. Simultaneously, became an Australian citizen in 2000
they filed an administrative complaint against the abreast of legal developments, petiti
lawyer with the Supreme Court. about the Citizenship Retention and R
Act of 2003 (Republic Act No. 9225),
a. If Simeon is convicted of Estafa, will he be which he reacquired his Philippine c
disbarred? Explain. (3%) 2006. He took his oath of allegiance
citizen at the Philippine embassy
Australia. Jaded by the laid back
Answer: outback, he returned to the Ph
YES, if Atty Simeon is convicted of estafa, he will be December 2008. After the holidays, h
disbarred because estafa is a crime involving moral his own law office and resumed his pr
turpitude. Under the law, conviction of a crime
involving moral turpitude is a ground for Months later, a concerned woma
disbarment. secured copies of Atty. Richards’ n
papers with consular authentication,
b. If Simeon is acquitted of the estafa charge, will Supreme Court an anonymous comp
the disbarment complaint be dismissed? him for illegal practice of law.
a. May the Supreme Court act
Answer: complaint filed by an anonymous
It depends, if the acquittal is based on the ground or why not? (3%)
that no crime was committed, than the
administrative case may be dismissed. But if the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
acquittal is based merely on reasonable doubt, than No. An unverified complaint cannot
the disbarment case may still continue. The purpose course since the rule requires that t
of the disbarment case is to determine whether a must be sworn to by the complainant
lawyer still deserves to remain a member of the bar. v. Baes)

As a rule, anonymous complaints are n

Question No. 5 (2010). Rule 138 except when the charges can be fu
public records of indubitable integrity,
When is professional incompetence a ground for no corroboration by evidence to be o
disbarment under the Rules of Court? Explain. (3%) complainant whose identity and integ
material and I of public interest. ( In re
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

YES. Rule 139-B states that Proceedings for the

disbarment, suspension, or discipline of attorneys After Arabella presented evidence an
may be taken by the Supreme Court, motu proprio case before the Investigating Commis
or by the IBP upon the verified complaint of any IBP Committee on Bar Discipline,
person. Affidavit of Desistance and motion to
complaint, she and her husband havi
The case at bar shows a complaint by an for the sake of their children.
anonymous person which the Supreme Court, may
or may not take cognizance of. Should the SC act in You are the Investigating Commission
the affirmative, it would normally direct the IBP to Bearing in mind that the family
investigate, verify the allegations and thereafter file institution which the State is du
the verified complaint, subject to the right of the preserve, what will be your action o
attorney to be heard before any removal or motion to dismiss the complaint? (3%)
suspension under Rule 138.
b. Is respondent entitled to resume practice of I will accept the Affidavit of Desistanc
law? Explain. (5%) hold the administrative charges again
the case at bar, there is no compelli
SUGGESTED ANSWER: continue with the proceedings since
Yes. Atty. Richard’s being a former member of the showing that the parties have fully re
bar in good standing can resume the practice of law the causes of action on which the co
in the Philippines, provided he observes the filed no longer exist.
procedure in reassuming the practice of law.
The rule admits of exception on the g
that no investigation shall be int
terminated by reason of the desistance
compromise, restitution, withdrawal o
or failure of the complainant to prosec
Question No. 9 (2010). Rule 139-B. unless the Supreme Court motu pro
recommendation of the IBP Board of G
Is the defense of Atty. R in a disbarment complaint the ground enunciated above.
for immorality filed by his paramour P that P is in
pari delicto material or a ground for exoneration? Case law supports the following: with
Explain.(3%) complaint and there is no more eviden
substantiate the charge, then it is dism
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Tipon) and that lack of interest to pr
No. In pari delicto will not exempt the lawyer. Case justify the dismissal of the case. (W
law states that in a disbarment proceeding, it is Fernandez; Luyon v Atencia)
immaterial that the complainant is in pari delicto
because it is not a proceeding to grant relief to the
complainant, but one to purge the law profession of Question No. 17-B. (2010) Rule 140.
unworthy member, to protect the public and the
courts. (Mortel v. Aspiras) Judge X was invited to be a guest sp
the annual convention of a private
Obiter. Rule 1.01 states that: A lawyer shall not which was covered by media. Since
engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful the liberty to speak on any topic, he d
conduct. Immoral conduct is that which is willful, recent decision of the Supreme Co
flagrant, or shameless, and which shows a moral that the President is not, under the
indifference to the opinion of the good and proscribed from appointing a Chief J
respectable members of the community. (Arciga v. two months before the election.
Maniwang) In his speech, the judge demurred to
Court decision and even stressed that
is a serious violation of the Constitutio
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Obiter: If he is guilty of a serious charg

SUGGESTED ANSWER: sanctioned with dismissal from service
YES. Strictly construed, the loyalty of and benefits, disqualification from reinstat
faithfulness of the judge to the law vis a vis the public office, suspension and/or fine.
Supreme Court with an open and public criticism of
the SC decision can constitute simple misconduct b. What defense/s can Judge X raise
which will render him liable for less serious charges of any liability? (2%)
under Rule 140. His criticism undermines the
authority of the SC and even if bona fide, must still SUGGESTED ANSWER:
be ventilated. If ever, in the proper forum and Judge X can raise the defense of d
proper procedure and not thru the obiter dictum. process by questioning the time an
notice as well as the lack of oppor
Obiter: Of more important consideration is the fact heard, answer the charges against him
that his decision must be based on the law and not witnesses in his behalf and be heard
his personal opinion. It is hard to imagine how the counsel. He can raise defenses of hear
issue of midnight appointments can he related to lack of evidence that meets the
the issues in his decided case, and therefore evidence required to render him guil
inappropriate and irrelevant under the set forth.

Guidelines in the efficient rendition of judgment or Question No. 6 (2013). Rules of Cou
judicial opinion include: if the personal views of the Sec. 1 payment of fees
judge contradict the applicable doctrine romulgated Plaintiff Jun Ahorro filed a complaint
by the SC, nonetheless, the judge should decide the of sum of money before the Regional
case in accordance with the doctrine (Albert v CFI) Manila. Because of the large amount
and not in accordance with his personal views (SC he had to pay a sizeable docket fee. H
Circular No. 13, 1987). This is to maintain the paying the docket fee and oth
stability of precedents. However, he is not installments because staggered
prohibited from expressing his views if only to invite allowed under Rule 141, as amended.
constructive attention on the matter. the Clerk of Court (OCC) refused to
complaint unless he paid the full am
docket and other required fees.
Question No. 13 (2010). Rule 138, 140. Plaintiff Jun Ahorro’s position _______
Reacting to newspaper articles and verbal
complaints on alleged rampant sale of Temporary Answer:
Restraining Orders by Judge X, the Supreme Court (A) is allowed because of the
ordered the conduct of a discreet investigation by of the docket fee
the Office of the Court Administrator. (B) is justified because it is dis
the part of the OCC to acce
Judges in the place where Judge X is assigned payment
confirmed the complaints. (C) is incorrect because the am
staggered payment has been s
a. What administrative charge/s may be leveled (D) is not allowed because the
against Judge X? Explain. (3%) of docket fee is jurisdictional
(E) cannot be allowed bec
SUGGESTED ANSWER: prejudicial impact on the
Judge X could be charged with Serious Charges financial operations
punishable under Rule 140 of the Rules of Court,
which specifically include: bribery and dishonesty SUGGESTED ANSWER:
and violations of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt (D) is not allowed because the full
Practices Law(R.A 3019) when he made the issuance docket fee is jurisdictional (Rules of
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Simplicio Medroso’s vehicle. Instead of stopping, Question No. 6 (2014) Rule 138 of
Jactar accelerated and sped away. Medroso Court
pursued Jactar and caught up with him at an
intersection. Atty. D was required by Jud
In their confrontation, Jactar dared Medroso to Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila to
sue, bragged about his connections with the why he should not be punished of
courts, and even uttered veiled threats against
court for shouting invectives at t
Medroso. During the police investigation that
followed, Medroso learned that Jactar was counsel and harassing his witness. A
reviewing for the Bar examinations. there was sufficient cause or ground,
suspend Atty. D from the practice of la
Under these facts, list and justify the potential finds that the actuations of Atty. D
objections that can be made against Jactar’s unethical and unbecoming of a memb
admission to the practice of law. (8%) may judge H disbar Atty. D instead?
answer. (5%)
The potential objection that can be made against
Jactar’s admission to the practice of law is the
absence of good moral character (Rules of Court, Under Section 28, Rule 138 of
Rule 138, Sec. 2).
Court, a Regional Trial Court may susp
from the practice of law for any o
Jactar’s bragging about his connection with the
provided in Section 27, until further
courts and uttering veiled threats against Medroso
are indications of his lack of good moral character. Supreme Court, but it may not disbar
His acts are contrary to justice, honesty, modesty or of the Supreme Court can disbar a law
good morals (In re Basa, 4 Phil. 276). He has acted to its constitutional power to admit p
in a manner that has violated the private and social practice of law.
duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to
society in general, contrary to the accepted and
customary rule of tight and duty between man and Question No. 20 (2014) Rules Of Court
man (Tak Ng v. Republic, G.R. No. L-13017,
December 23, 1959). B hired Atty. Z to file a replevin case ag
agreed acceptance fee of P30,000.0
[NOTES: Any answer which explains the nature of
evidenced by a written contract
absence of good moral character should be given
full credit. complaint was filed by Atty. Z, B te
services and hired a new lawyer f
The following additional objection should not result amount of attorney’s fees. How mu
to a deduction nor should an absence of the fees is Atty. Z entitled to?
additional objection also result to a deduction].
B. If light threats would be filed against him, then
another potential objection would be the pendency Atty. Z is entitled to the entire am
of charges against him, involving moral turpitude attorney’s fees agreed upon because
(Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 2). were terminated by the client witho
(Sec. 26, Rule 138, Rules of Court)
The question states, “Under these facts, list and
justify the potential objections that can be made
against Jactar’s admission to the practice of law.”
The question requires that an assumption be made
that Jactar has passed the Bar Examination and is Question No. 4. (2007).
about to take his oath as an attorney. It is suggested
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

1. When there is no agreement as to by him for the purpose, or personally

attorney’s fees. attorney. In any other court, a party
2. When the agreement as to attorney’s fees his litigation personally or by aid of an
is invalid for some reason other than the his appearance must be either persona
illegality of the object of the performance. authorized member of the bar”.
3. When the attorney and the client disregard
the contract for attorney’s fees.
4. When the amount of the attorney’s fees is Question No. 12. SC Administrative
found to be unconscionable (Section 24, No. 25 of June 9, 1989)
Rule 138 of the Rules of Court).
5. Where the stipulated fees are in excess of After being diagnosed with stress derm
what is expressly fixed by law. Rosalind, without seeking permissio
Supreme Court, refused to wear her
court proceedings. When her attentio
Question No. 3 (2009) Practice of Law -Legal she explained that whenever she we
Concepts (Bienvenu v. Factor’s of Traders she is reminded of her heavy ca
Insurance Cp., 33 La.Ann.209) making her tense. This, in turn,
outbreak of her skin rashes. Is Jud
An attorney ad hoc is a lawyer appointed by the justified in not wearing her judicial rob
court to represent an absentee defendant in suit in
which the appointment is made. (True or False) Answer:
NO. Judge Rosalind is not justified in
Answer: her judicial robes, absent a clear exem
TRUE to her by the Supreme Court from
compliance with SC Administrative Cir
25 of June 9, 1989) requires the wea
Question No. 4 (2009) Rule 138. robes by judges during sessions in th
What is the object of the bar examinations?
Explain Her medical condition per se is not a d
Answer: untenable since she is not in a positio
Jurisprudence has provided that “the practice is not authority to disregard a clear directive.
a right but privilege bestowed by the State upon
those who show that they possess, and continue to
possess, the qualifications required by law for the Question No. 3. (2009). Rule 138, Sec
conferment of such privilege.” Therefore, in order Canon 7, CPR
to stay true with the aforementioned principles, the
object of the bar exam is to serve as a mechanism Cliff and Greta were law school swee
to determine who are qualified to practice law. became a lawyer, but Greta dropped o
Cliff asked Greta to sign a marriage
following day, Cliff showed Greta th
Question No. 5. RULE 138 Attorneys and already signed by an alleged solem
Admission to Bar (Sec 33). and two witnesses. Cliff then told Gr
were already married and Greta con
May a party appear as his own counsel in a on a honeymoon. Thereafter, the coup
criminal or in a civil case? Explain and begot a child. Two years later, C
and married a Venezuelan beauty. Inc
Answer: filed a disbarment complaint against
Yes. In criminal cases, Sec. 1 of Rule 115 of the Rules case prosper? Explain.
of Court provide that upon motion, the accused Answer:
may be allowed to defend to defend himself in YES. The disbarment case will prospe
person when it sufficiently appears to the court that for lack of continuing requirements as
he can properly protect his right without the case analogous to the instant case, a
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(D) Yes, since his parents are F

on what he said in his bar exam
Question No. 16 (2009). 2002 Internal Rules of the
Court of Appeals
Question No. 10 (2011), Katarungan P
Court of Appeals (CA) Justice was administratively
charged with gross negligence of the law for Elaine filed a complaint against Fely
having issued an order “Temporarily enjoining” the barangay concerning a contract that
implementation of a writ of execution, and for into. During conciliation, Fely came
having issued another order for the parties to who claimed the right to represen
“maintain the status qou” in the same case. Both sister. The barangay captain let Sar
orders are obviously without any legal basis and sister. Eventually, the barangay issued
violate CA rules. In his defense, Justice Juris claims to file action after the parties failed t
that the challenged orders were collegial acts of differences. When Sarah formally
the CA Division to which he belonged. Thus, he lawyer for her sister, Elaine filed an a
posits that the charge should not be filed against complaint against her for taking
him alone, but should include the two other CA barangay conciliation and preventing
justices in the Division. Is the contention of Justice from taking meaningful advantage of
Juris tenable? Explain. Sarah liable?

Answer: Answer:
NO. The contention of Justice Juris is untenable. (A) No, because she has to r
Case law has it had it that while actions of a case sister who was a minor.
pending in the CA are actions of that court as a (B) No, because the Court
collegial body, the 2002 Internal Rules of the Court dismiss the case without pr
of Appeals provides that it is the ponente who genuine conciliation.
initiates the actions on said motions, papers and (C) Yes, because what Sar
pleadings. Hence, there can be no action on a deceitful and amounts to fraud
motion, paper or any other incident except upon (D) Yes, because as a law
prior instruction of the ponente. He has the primary absolutely forbidden to appea
responsibility of ensuring that the pending incidents conciliations.
in a case assigned to him are properly and promptly
acted on. (Orocio v. Roxas, A.M. nos. 07-115-CA-J
and CA-08-46-J, 19 August 2008). 2011, Question (12), RA 910, Sec1

Justice Frank, a retired Court of Ap

Question No. 4 (2011), Citizenship appeared before the Supreme Court
Landbank, a government bank, in a c
Lee became a lawyer in 1988 under a claim that he the compensable value of the propert
is a Filipino like his parents. Efren sought Lee’s a landowner under the agrarian refo
disbarment on the ground that he really is a landowner questioned Justice Frank's
Chinese. To prove he is a Filipino, Lee cited an in the case, pointing out that the sam
Albay regional trial court’s final judgment in an and smacks of opportunism since
action to recover real property which mentioned capitalizes on his judicial experienc
his citizenship as Filipino. This final judgment Frank's appearance in the case valid?
resulted in the correction of his birth records in a
separate special proceeding to show he is a Answer:
Filipino, not Chinese as there stated. Is Lee’s claim (A) Yes, because the law
to Filipino citizenship valid? appearance as long as the go
not the adverse party.
(B) No, because he canno
Answer: retirement pay and at the sam
(A) No, since the mention of his citizenship for a government institution.
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Question No. 41 (2011), General Principle (practice

of law)
Question No. 47 (2011), General Princ
Ronnie, a paralegal in a law firm, helped Beth in a
property dispute in which she was involved by Atty. Alfredo Prado appeared in a
giving her legal advice and preparing a complaint officer of the Land Registration Aut
that she eventually filed in court under her own His opponent, Atty. Armando, kne
signature. When the lawyer for the defendant Alfredo Prado from his province wh
learned of it, he told Ronnie to desist from dead for years. When Atty. Armando
practicing law. But he disputed this, claiming that the Supreme Court, only one Alfredo
he had not practiced law since he did not receive the roll of attorneys. What actio
compensation from Beth for his help. Is Ronnie Armado take against Vicente who
correct? dead lawyer’s identity?

Answer: Answer:
(A) Yes, because he could as a paralegal (A) File direct contempt ac
provide competent legal help to litigants. Vicente for deceiving the court
(B) Yes, for so long as he did not sign the (B) Criminally prosecute Vicen
complaint or appeared as Beth's lawyer. for making money upon false p
(C) No, unless Beth was ill-advised in filing (C) Criminally prosecute Vicent
her complaint in court. Alfredo's identity and law prac
(D) No, because receipt of compensation is (D) Institute a disbarment
not the sole determinant of legal practice. Vicente for misrepresenting

Question No. 43 (2011), General Principle

Question No. 35 (2011), General Princ
To whom may the Supreme Court refer complaints
against lawyers for investigation? What is the method of national inq
conduct of Supreme Court magistrates
(A) Integrated Bar of the Philippines. Answer:
(B) Office of the Bar Confidant. (A) Administrative investigation
(C) Judicial and Bar Council. (B) Disqualification.
(D) Office of the Court Administrator. (C) Impeachment.
(D) Disbarment.

Question No. 44 (2011), General Principle

(prescription) Question No. 21 (2011), Non-lawyer
After several years as a private practitioner, Ben
got appointed as Regional Trial Court judge. Five Eric, a labor federation president,
years after his appointment, he received summons Luisa, a dismissed WXT employee,
directing him to answer a disbarment complaint NLRC. Atty. John represented
that pertained to a document he notarized more cocomplainants. In due course,
than 10 years ago from appointment date. He reinstated the three complainants wit
sought the dismissal of the complaint arguing that and awarded 25% of the backwages
the cause of action has prescribed. Must the fees, 15% for Atty. John and 10% for
complaint be dismissed? lawyer. When WXT appealed to t
Appeals, Atty. John questioned Eric
Answer: appearance before that court on Luisa
(A) No, because such complaints do not not being a lawyer. Is Eric's appearan
prescribe. Court of Appeals valid?
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(B) No, since John can very well represent program are shown outside his regu
Luisa, she being in the same situation as his schedule. Because of the popularit
own clients. program, the number of his law pr
(C) No, because the representation of increased tremendously.
another in courts can be entrusted only to The TV program of Atty. An
lawyers. __________. (1%)
(D) Yes, since that appeal is a mere
continuation of the labor dispute that Answer:
began at the NLRC. (A) permissible because it is p
in nature
(B) objectionable because the
Question No. 18-MCQ (2013). Permissible acts indirect advertising or so
You are a lawyer working in the Public Assistance (C) improper because it gives
Office. Yolly, a key witness in the case (reckless advantage over other lawyers
imprudence resulting in homicide) you are handling, (D) ethically allowable becaus
is indigent and illiterate. While Yolly is willing to violate the traditional standard
testify in court, you worry that the judge might not profession
be able to appreciate the impact of her testimony, (E) None of the above.
as she has a difficult time answering English
questions. You also worry that this might affect her SUGGESTED ANSWER:
credibility. Further, Yolly has indicated that she (E) None of the above.
might not have the money to pay the fare to attend
the trial. You are presenting her as a witness for the
defense at the hearing next week. Question No. 9-MCQ (2013).

Which of the following is NOT a permissible act for Graft Investigator Atty. Retirada serv
you to do? (1%) of the Deputy Ombudsman for eight
retiring from the service. While
Answer: Investigator, she investigated a
(A) Provide Yolly with money for fare to contract for office supplies where M
ensure her attendance in court. the supplier. The transaction was
(B) Interview Yolly before trial, so that she overpriced. Atty. Retirada recommen
will be more at ease when she testifies charges be filed against the officials
before the court. the recommendation benefited Mr.
(C) Prepare a judicial affidavit of Yolly’s supplier involved in the transaction.
testimony, which she will then verify before
the court. After her retirement from the s
(D) Provide her with sample questions that Retirada’s services as counsel were
you might ask in the hearing tomorrow. Mr. Sakim as counsel to represen
(E) All the above are permissible. family in a claim against the State a
family property that had been exprop
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Retirada now consults you about
All the above are permissible. All are permissible; permissibility of accepting the engage
therefore, (E) should be equivalent to none of the What advice would you give Atty. Reti
(A) Having been in governmen
cannot now represent a party
against the State.
(B) Having once handled a c
Question No. 7-MCQ (2013). her prospective client, a confl
would exist if she were to
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

case is neither criminal nor administrative Was the IBP’s action correct? (1%)
in character.
(E) Acceptance of the engagement should Answer:
be on condition that Atty. Retirada would (A) No, because default in the
withdraw if a conflict of interest situation annual dues only warrants s
arises. Integrated Bar members.
(B) Yes, because non-payme
SUGGESTED ANSWER: dues is an indicator of the la
(D) There is no ethical objection to her acceptance fitness; refusal to pay is refusa
of the engagement because the case is neither obligation to the IBP.
criminal nor administrative in character. (C) No, because failure to p
member’s capability to practis
There is no conflict of interest since the case membership in the Bar.
involved is an expropriation case (R.A. 910, Sec. 1). (D) Yes, because payment of
dues and other lawful asse
Question No. 10-MCQ (2013). conditions sine qua non to th
practising law and to the ret
Your client is the plaintiff in a civil case for name in the Roll of Attorneys.
damages arising from a car accident where he (E) None of the above choices i
sustained serious physical injuries and damages
amounting to P1Million. The counsel for the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
defendant asks you to give him a proposed (E) None of the above choices is correc
amount for purposes of settlement and you are The striking out of names in the Roll
aware that whatever amount you tell him would can be ordered only by the Supreme
not readily be accepted and would probably be cut due process must be observed.
into half.
The Constitution vests upon the Su
What is your best legal and ethical course of the power to integrate the Philippin
action? (1%) and Judicial Ethics (2009 Ed.), Agp
Constitution, Art. X, Sec. 5).
(A) Inflate your proposal to make
allowances for a compromise. Question No. 4 (MCQ). Irregularity in
(B) Tell the defendant’s counsel the correct of the notarial fees
amount of damages.
(C) Offer him a reasonably low amount so Ms. Seller and Mr. Buyer pres
that the case can immediately be settled. commissioned notary public a deed
(D) Ask the defendant’s counsel to first notarization. The notary public expla
submit his negotiating figure. the transaction the deed embodie
(E) Play hard-to-get and initially refuse all them if they were freely entering the
the defendant’s initiatives to settle. After the document was signed by al
the notary public collected the notari
SUGGESTED ANSWER: not issue any BIR-registered receipt.
(D) Ask the defendant’s counsel to first submit his
negotiating figure. It is the defendant that must The notarization of the deed is ______
submit first the negotiating figure.
(A) neither unlawful nor impr
Question No. 3-MCQ (2013). Striking out of he explained the basis for the
names in the Roll of Attorneys of the notarial fee
(B) unlawful because he did no
Atty. Avaro has consistently failed to pay his registered receipt and did no
annual IBP dues for several years. Demand letters office the complete schedule
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

(E) proper because any irregularity in the Both Judge Patron and Judge Apestado
payment of the notarial fees does not affect liable for having the dinner meetin
the validity of the notarization made. Hermano. Judges shall ensure that no
conduct above reproach, but that it is
SUGGESTED ANSWER: be so in the view of a reasonable ob
(E) proper because any irregularity in the payment Code of Conduct for the Philippine Jud
of the notarial fees does not affect the validity of 2, Sec. 1). Judges shall avoid improp
the notarization made. (Ocampo v. Land Bank of appearance of impropriety in all of t
the Philippines, G.R. No. 164968, July 3, 2009) (Ibid., Canon 4, Sec. 1). Their having
Atty. Hermano, a practicing lawye
construed as appearance of impropriet
Question No. 9 (2013). Ethical/administrative
violation Judge Patron for having allowed himse
a “bridge” by Atty. Hermano, his frate
Atty. Hermano requested his fraternity brother, to meet with Judge Apestado exhi
Judge Patron, to introduce him to Judge Apestado, misconduct in the following manner:
before whom he has a case that had been pending refrain from influencing in any manner
for sometime. of litigation or dispute pending be
court (Ibid., Canon 1, Sec. 3). Fur
Judge Patron, a close friend of Judge Apestado, allowing Atty. Hermano to take adva
acceded to the request, telling the latter that Atty. fraternity bond, Judge Patron allowed t
Hermano is his fraternity "brod" and that Atty. prestige of judicial office to advance
Hermano simply wanted to ask for advice on how interests of others, conveyed or p
to expedite the resolution of his case. They met, as fraternity “brod” to convey the impre
arranged, in the fine dining restaurant of a five- is in a special position to influence the
star hotel. Atty. Hermano hosted the dinner. Canon 1, Sec 2, 2nd sentence).

Did Atty. Hermano, Judge Patron and Judge The specific violations of Judge Ap
Apestado commit any ethical/administrative committed when he allowed him
violation for which they can be held liable? (8%) convinced by Judge Patron to have
meeting with Atty. Hermano to disc
SUGGESTED ANSWER: case may be expedited. In perfor
Yes, the three (3) of them committed duties, judges shall be independent
ethical/administrative violations for which they can colleagues in respect of decisions whic
be held liable. obliged to make independently (Ibid.,
3). Finally, in having a dinner meetin
For hosting the dinner, Atty. Hermano acted in Hermano who has a pending case w
contravention of ethical standards. A lawyer should Judge Apestado has exhibited an ap
refrain from any impropriety which tends to impropriety in his activities (Ibid., Cano
influence or give the appearance of influencing the
court (Code of Professional Responsibility, Canon
13). A lawyer shall not extend extraordinary Question No. 5 (2013).RA 9225
attention or hospitality to, nor seek opportunity for
cultivating familiarity with judges (Ibid. Canon 13, Atty. Repatriar, a law school
Rule 13.01). Marked attention and unusual approached you on your 25th Class R
hospitality on the part of a lawyer to a judge, questions on how he can resume th
uncalled for by the personal relations on the law in the Philippines. He left the cou
parties, subject both the judge and the lawyer to after two (2) years of initial law p
misconstruction of motive and should be avoided migrated to the United States wh
(Canons of Professional Ethics, Canon 3, 2nd par., 1st admitted to the practice of law in the
sentence). Even if the purpose of the meeting was York. He asks that you give him a
merely to “ask advice on how to expedite the opinion on his query.
resolution of his case,” Atty. Hermano still acted
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

Atty. Repatriar must prepare a sword petition to d) Identification Certificate (IC) i

acquire the privilege to practice law in the Bureau of Immigration.
Philippines. He should manifest in his petition his
desire to resume his law practice in the Philippines, The loss of Filipino citizenship means t
and he is not disqualified to practice law. The “right Atty. Repatriar’s membership in the b
to resume the practice of law” is not automatic. R.A. the privilege to engage in the pra
No. 9225 provides that a person who intends to “Under R.A. No. 9225, natural-born
practice his profession in the Philippines must apply have lost their Philippine citizenship
with the proper authority for a license or permit to their naturalization as citizen of a fo
engage in such practice. It can not be overstressed are deemed to have re-acquired th
that: The practice of law is a privilege burdened citizenship upon taking the oath of alle
with conditions. It is so delicately affected with Republic. Thus, a Filipino lawyer wh
public interest that it is both the power and duty of citizen of another country and later re
the State (through this Court) to control and Philippine citizenship under R.A. No. 9
regulate it in order to protect and promote the to be a member of the Philippine Ba
public welfare. 2112, In re: Petition to re-acquire th
practice law in the Philippines, supra).
Adherence to the rigid standards of mental fitness,
maintenance of the highest degree of morality, 2) Certification from the IB
faithful observance of the legal profession, updated payments of annual
compliance with the mandatory continuing legal dues;
education requirement and payment of 3) Proof of payment of professio
membership in good standing in the bar and for 4) Certificate of compliance iss
enjoying the privilege to practice law. Any breach by MCLE Office. (Ibid.)
a lawyer of any of these conditions makes him 5) A certificate of good mor
unworthy of the trust and confidence which the attested to by at least three (3
courts and clients repose in him for the continued the bar; and
exercise of his professional privilege” (In re: Petition 6) A certification from the State
to re-acquire the privilege to practice law in the York that Atty. Repatriar does
Philippines, Elfanio B. Muneses, B.M. No. 2112, July previous or pending disciplina
24, 2012). against him before that body.

He should file the petition with the Supreme Court,

through the Bar Confidant to accompanied by the
original or certified copies of the following Question No. 1 ( 2006) Law Profession, O
documents: Court
1. Showing that he is still a Filipino Citizen. 1. Why is law a profession and not a tra
“ The court reiterates that Filipino
citizenship is a requirement for Answer:
admission to the bar and is, in fact, a Law is profession and not a trade becau
continuing requirement for the practice following characteristics of the law pro
of law” (In re: Petition to re-acquire the normally found in trade:
privilege to practice law in the
Philippines, B.M. No. 21122, supra). a. The law profession is characterized b
Having retained Philippine Citizenship service, of which the emolument is a b
could be evidenced by the Philippine and in which one may attain the highes
passport, the U.S. Green card showing without making such money;
Philippine citizenship and U.S. residency
or other authentic documents which b. It involves a relation as an ‘officer of
the Supreme Court may reacquire. administration of justice involving thor
sincerity, integrity and reliability;
On the other hand, if Atty. Repatriar has lost his
Philippine citizenship, he must submit the following: c. It involves a relation to clients in the
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

their clients. d. If he is a senior law student who is e

recognized law school’s clinical educati
2. Why is an attorney considered an officer of the approved by the Supreme Court. He sh
court? 2.5% the direct supervision and control of an
duly accredited by the law school;
e. He may appear before the National L
An attorney is considered an officer of the court Relations Commission or any Labor Arb
because he directly participates in the represents his organization or member
administration of justice. Through him, the
judicial machinery is set on motion by his filing of f. He can represent a claimant before t
cases in court on which the judge is called upon to Court.
act. If there are no lawyers, courts cannot operate
or dispense justice. His intimate and
indispensable relationship to the court makes him
a part of the court. Question no. 3 (2006) Suspended Lawyer
1. The Supreme Court suspended indef
Question No. 2 (2006) 2. Practicing Lawyer, Trial Lawyer, Fernandez from the practice of law for
Law Student immorality. He asked the Municipal Cir
Court Judge of his town if he can be ap
1. Is there a distinction between “practicing lawyer” counsel de oficio for Tony, a childhood
and “trial lawyer”? 2.5 accused of theft. The judge refused bec
Fernandez’s name appears in the Supre
List of Suspended Lawyers. Atty. Ferna
inquired if he can appear as a friend fo
defend him.
Yes. Trial lawyer personally handles cases in court
which means engaging in actual work either for the
If you were the judge, will you authoriz
prosecution or defense of cases of clients. On the
appear in your court as a friend for Ton
other hand, practicing lawyer refers to one engaged
in the practice of law. The term “practicing lawyer” Answer:
is broader and includes a trial lawyer. In other
words, all trial lawyers are practicing lawyers, but I will authorize Atty. Fernandez to appe
not all practicing lawyers are trial lawyers. court as a friend of Tony. The Rules of C
that in cases before the Municipal Trial
person who has a case therein may app
2. Enumerate the instances when a law student may (whether a lawyer or not) to conduct th
appear in court as counsel for a litigant. 2.5% The suspension of Atty. Fernandez, the
a hindrance to represent his friend bec
Answer: non-lawyers may appear before the MT

The instances when a law student may appear in

court as counsel are as follows:
2. Supposing Tony is a defendant in a c
a. If he is a party to the litigation; collection of sum of money before the
can Atty. Fernandez appear for him to
b. In cases before the Municipal Trial Court, he may litigation? 5%
be appointed by his friend who has a case therein;
c. In a criminal case before the Municipal Trial Court Yes. The abovementioned rule makes
in a locality where a duly licensed member of the between a criminal case and a civil case
Bar is not available, the judge may appoint him if he
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

1. Is his argument correct? 3% This is tantamount to improper

of legal business as he is encro
the professional employment o
answer: lawyer. The Code of Profession
Responsibility is explicit that a
His argument is not correct. Although he is already
not, directly or indirectly, encro
80 years old, he has not yet retired. And because he
the professional employment o
has not yet retired, he is still required to pay his
membership dues.
For the same reasons, Atty. Oldie also insists that he
should be exempt from the Mandatory Continuing
Legal Education (MCLE) requirements.
I would advice Myrna to report
to the Supreme Court or to the
2. Should he be exempt? 3%
act of Mr. Khan is deceitful and
Answser: disciplinary sanction from the S
He should not also be exempt for the same reason
stated above, that is, he has not yet retired. If a Question No. 6 (2006). Ignorant of the Applica
lawyer is still actively engaged in the practice of law, In his petition for certiorari filed with th
he is required to comply with the MCLE. Being a Court, Atty. Dizon alleged that Atty. Pa
senior citizen is not one of the exemptions. researcher in the Court of Appeals, dra
assailed Decision; that he is ignorant of
applicable laws; and that he should be

Question No. 5 (2006) Exorbitant Appearance Fees Can Atty. Dizon, in castigating Atty. Pad
Myrna, petitioner in a case for custody of children liable for unethical conduct against the
against her husband, sought advice from Atty. Appeals? 5%
Mendoza whom she met at a party. She informed
Atty. Mendoza that her lawyer, Atty. Khan, has Suggested Answer:
been charging her exorbitant appearance fees when
all he does is move for postponements which have
unduly delayed the proceedings; and that recently, VI.
she learned that Atty. Khan approached her
husband asking for a huge amount in exchange for Yes. The Code of Professional Respons
the withdrawal of her Motion for Issuance of Hold provides that a lawyer shall not, in his
Departure Order so that he and his children can dealings, use language which is abusiv
leave for abroad. or otherwise improper. Atty. Dizon’s a
are personal in nature and have no pla
1. Is it ethical for Atty. Mendoza to advise Myrna to petition for certiorari.
terminate the services of Atty. Khan and hire him
instead for a reasonable attorney’s fees? 5%
Question No. 7 (2006). Does Not Believe in t
2. What should Atty. Mendoza do about the
the Client
information relayed to him by Myrna that Atty.
Provincial Prosecutor Bonifacio refused
Khan approached her husband with an indecent
the Municipality of San Vicente in a cas
proposal? 5%
collection of taxes. He explained that h
handle the case with sincerity and indu
he does not believe in the position take
Suggested Answer: municipality.

V. Can Prosecutor Bonifacio be sanctioned

administratively? 5%
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

VII. Suggested Answer:

Yes. A government lawyer, who under the law, is IX.

required to represent the government should not
refuse to appear for them. A prosecutor cannot No. A lawyer shall not represent confl
refuse the performance of his functions on grounds interests. The consultation made by A
not provided for by law without violating his oath of Atty. Hernaez created an attorney-clie
office. He cannot allow his personal beliefs to relationship between them. This precl
interfere with his duties. Hernaez from accepting the opposite
retainer regardless of what was receiv
from his first client.
Question No. 8 (2006). Prosecutor Failed to Reappear in Question No. 10 (2006). Attorney-Client Pri
Family Court
Prosecutor Coronel entered his appearance on In the course of a drinking spree with
behalf of the State before a Family Court in a case Holgado who has always been his cou
for declaration of nullity of marriage, but he failed business deals, Simon bragged about
to appear in all the subsequent proceedings. sexual adventures with socialites know
expensive tastes. When Atty. Holgado
When required by the Department of Justice to how he manages to finance his escapa
explain, he argued that the parties in the case were latter answered that he has been usin
ably represented by their respective counsels and deposits of rich clients of Banco Filipin
that his time would be better employed in more works as manager.
substantial prosecutorial functions, such as
investigations, inquests and appearances in court Is Simon’s revelation to Atty. Holgado
hearings. the attorney-client privilege? 5%

Is Atty. Coronel’s explanation tenable? 5%

Suggested Answer: Suggested Answer:


No. The State has an interest in cases for Simon’s revelation to Atty. Holgado is
declaration of nullity of marriages. The prosecutor by the attorney-client privilege becau
representing the State in these cases has a duty to made in the course of professional em
protect this interest. This duty is as important as his
other duties. Besides, if Prosecutor Coronel cannot
attend the proceedings, he should have informed
this to his superiors so that appropriate action will Question No. 11 (2006) Contingent Fee
be made. The contract of attorney’s fees entered
Quintos and his client, Susan, stipulate
judgment is rendered in her favor, he g
Question No. 9 (2006). Acquiescence
the property recovered as contingent f
Atty. Marie consulted Atty. Hernandez whether she
he will assume payment of all expenses
can successfully prosecute her case for declaration
of nullity of marriage she intends to file against her
husband. Atty. Hernandez advised her in writing
1. Is the agreement valid? 2.5%
that the case will not prosper for the reasons stated
therein. Atty. Marie, however, decided to file the
2. May Atty. Quintos and Susan increas
case and engaged the services of another lawyer,
amount of the contingent fee to 80%?
Atty. Pe. Her husband, Noel, having learned about
the opinion of Atty. Hernandez, hired him as his Suggested Answer:
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

contract is one where the lawyer stipulates with his policy and the ethics of the legal pro
client that in the prosecution of the case, he will remedy of A is to file an action
bear all the expenses for the recovery of things or agreement null and void, or simply to
property being claimed by the client and the latter
attorney’s fees to Atty. B on the bas
agrees to pay the former a portion of the
thing/property recovered as compensation. This agreement. On the other hand, Atty.
kind of contract is prohibited being contrary to entitled to collect attorney’s fees on
public policy. meruit basis. He may bring an actio
such fees.
Question No. 13 (2014) Attorney’s Fee
The amount of the contingent fee cannot be
increased to 80% because such amount is not M engaged the services of Atty. D to
reasonable. A lawyer shall charge only fair and annulment of marriage case in the R
reasonable fees. Court (RTC). After a long-drawn trial,
able to secure a favorable judgment fr
Question No. 1 (2014)
Unfortunately, M failed to pay in full t
Judge A is a close friend of Governor G. On several attorney’s fees of Atty. D. How can A
occasions Judge A would borrow the vehicles from his fees from M? Discuss fully.
the Office of the Governor to travel to his judicial
station. Judge’s A actuation: (1%)
HE can collect his fees eithe
(A) Violates the canon on propriety
motion in the annulment of marriage
(B) Creates an appearance of an improper
handled, and to order M to pay the
connection with the executive branch
can file a separate action for the re
(C) Is downright unethical
attorney’s fees. Of the two, the first
ANSWER : because the judge in the annulment c
a better position to evaluate the amou
(A) Violates the canon on Propriety of his services. In the meantime, he
the retaining lien, which is to retain
and properties of M in his possessio
Question No. 12 (2014) Attorney’s Fees paid for his services, or a charging lien
charge any money judgment in the
A inherited a parcel of land situated in Batasan Hills payment of his fees.
which is occupied by informal settlers. He wants to
eject the occupants, but he has no financial means
to pursue the ejectment case. He contracted the
Question No. 25 (2014)
services of Atty. B, who agreed to defray all the Judge A has an illicit relationship with
expenses of the suit on the condition that he will be Clerk of Court.C, the wife of Judge A, d
paid one-half (1/2) of the property to be recovered illicit affair and consulted a lawyer to
as his compensation. What is this kind of attorney’s violated marital rights. If you were
fees? Can Atty. B enforce this contract against A? what wouldyou advice C, and if she ag
What are the respective remedies relative to the you to proceed to take action, wha
collection of attorney’s fees, if any, of A and Atty. B procedure that you should follow?
against each other? (4%)

Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

confidential in nature and will not unnecessarily country. But he is still entitled to du
drag the name and reputation of the court into the law, and the foreign court’s judgmen
picture. only constitutes prima facie evidence
conduct as a lawyer. He is entitled to
opportunity to defend himself in an
Question No. 26 (2014) to be conducted in accordance with
(6%) the Revised Rules of Court (In Re: Sus
(A) If an attorney has been granted by his client full the Practice of Law in the Territory
authority to Atty.LeonMaquera, B.M. 793, July 3
enter into an amicable settlement with the other SCRA 417, Velez vs. De Vera, A.C. No.
party, may the client later on 2006)
refuse to honor the amicable settlement forged by Question No. 1 (2006) Law Profession, Of
his attorney? Explain. Court
(B) In such instance as in (A) above, can the lawyer 1. Why is law a profession and not a tra
withdraw from
the case and collect in full his contracted attorney’s 2. Why is an attorney considered an of
fees? Why or why not? court? 2.5%

SUGGESTED ANSWER: Suggested Answer:

(A) A compromise agreement effected by a client or by
his attorney with special authority from him has Law is profession and not a trade beca
upon the parties the effect of res judicata. The following characteristics of the law pr
normally found in trade:
client cannot refuse to honor the amicable
settlement forged by lawyer unless if the lawyer a. The law profession is characterized
has gone beyond the limits of the authority service, of which the emolument is a b
granted him by his client. and in which one may attain the highe
without making such money;
The lawyer can withdraw from the case on the
ground that the client is pursuing an act or b. It involves a relation as an ‘officer o
immoral illegal course of action by not honoring a the administration of justice involving
compromise agreement validly entered into. He sincerity, integrity and reliability;
may recover his contracted attorney’s fees in full
because, after all, he has performed all the c. It involves a relation to clients in the
services required of him. It is his client’s fault for degree of fiduciary;
refusing to honor the amicable settlement forged.
d. It involves a relation to colleagues a
Question No. 28 (2014) characterized by candor, fairness and
Atty. Forma is a member of the Philippine Bar. He unwillingness to resort to current bus
went to New York City, took the New York State methods of advertising and encroachm
Bar, and passed the same. He then practiced in New practice or dealing with their clients.
York City. One of his American clients filed a case
for disbarment against him for pocketing the money 2.
which was entrusted to him as payment for the
filing fee and other incidental expenses of his An attorney is considered an officer o
damage suit. Atty. Forma was later disbarred for because he directly participates in the
dishonesty. Disheartened, Atty. Forma came back to administration of justice. Through him
the Philippines and practiced as a lawyer. Will his machinery is set on motion by his filin
disbarment in New York be used against him for court on which the judge is called upo
purposes of disbarment proceedings here in the there are no lawyers, courts cannot op
Philippines? (4%) dispense justice. His intimate and indi
relationship to the court makes him a
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

1. Is there a distinction between “practicing 1. The Supreme Court suspended inde

lawyer” and “trial lawyer”? 2.5% Fernandez from the practice of law fo
immorality. He asked the Municipal Ci
2. Enumerate the instances when a law student Court Judge of his town if he can be ap
may appear in court as counsel for a litigant. 2.5% counsel de oficio for Tony, a childhood
is accused of theft. The judge refused
Suggested Answer: Atty. Fernandez’s name appears in the
Court’s List of Suspended Lawyers. Att
II. then inquired if he can appear as a frie
to defend him.
If you were the judge, will you author
Yes. Trial lawyer personally handles cases in court appear in your court as a friend for To
which means engaging in actual work either for the
prosecution or defense of cases of clients. On the 2. Supposing Tony is a defendant in a
other hand, practicing lawyer refers to one collection of sum of money before the
engaged in the practice of law. The term can Atty. Fernandez appear for him to
“practicing lawyer” is broader and includes a trial litigation? 5%
lawyer. In other words, all trial lawyers are
practicing lawyers, but not all practicing lawyers Suggested Answer
are trial lawyers.
The instances when a law student may appear in
court as counsel are as follows: I will authorize Atty. Fernandez to app
court as a friend of Tony. The Rules of
a. If he is a party to the litigation; provide that in cases before the Muni
Court, a person who has a case therei
b. In cases before the Municipal Trial Court, he appoint a friend (whether a lawyer or
may be appointed by his friend who has a case conduct the litigation. The suspension
therein; Fernandez, therefore, is not a hindran
represent his friend because even non
c. In a criminal case before the Municipal Trial may appear before the MTC.
Court in a locality where a duly licensed member of
the Bar is not available, the judge may appoint him 2.
if he is:
Yes. The abovementioned rule makes
1. Resident of the province; distinction between a criminal case an

2. Of good repute for probity and ability to aid the

accused in his defense;
Question No. 4 (2006) Senior Citizen Law
d. If he is a senior law student who is enrolled in a Atty. Oldie, 80 years old, refuses to pa
recognized law school’s clinical education program dues. He argues he is a senior citizen a
approved by the Supreme Court. He shall be under retired from the practice of law. There
the direct supervision and control of an IBP should be exempt from paying IBP due
member duly accredited by the law school;
1. Is his argument correct? 3%
e. He may appear before the National Labor
Relations Commission or any Labor Arbiter, if he For the same reasons, Atty. Oldie also
represents his organization or members thereof; he should be exempt from the Manda
Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) re
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

I would advice Myrna to report Atty. K
His argument is not correct. Although he is already Supreme Court or to the IBP. Such act
80 years old, he has not yet retired. And because is deceitful and deserves a disciplinary
he has not yet retired, he is still required to pay his from the Supreme Court.
membership dues.
Question No. 6 (2006) Ignorant of the Appl
In his petition for certiorari filed with
He should not also be exempt for the same reason Court, Atty. Dizon alleged that Atty. Pa
stated above, that is, he has not yet retired. If a researcher in the Court of Appeals, dr
lawyer is still actively engaged in the practice of assailed Decision; that he is ignorant o
law, he is required to comply with the MCLE. Being applicable laws; and that he should be
a senior citizen is not one of the exemptions.
Can Atty. Dizon, in castigating Atty. Pa
liable for unethical conduct against th
Appeals? 5%
Question No. 5 (2006) Exorbitant Appearance Fees
Suggested Answer:
Myrna, petitioner in a case for custody of children
against her husband, sought advice from Atty.
Mendoza whom she met at a party. She informed VI.
Atty. Mendoza that her lawyer, Atty. Khan, has
been charging her exorbitant appearance fees Yes. The Code of Professional Respons
when all he does is move for postponements provides that a lawyer shall not, in his
which have unduly delayed the proceedings; and dealings, use language which is abusiv
that recently, she learned that Atty. Khan or otherwise improper. Atty. Dizon’s a
approached her husband asking for a huge amount are personal in nature and have no pla
in exchange for the withdrawal of her Motion for petition for certiorari.
Issuance of Hold Departure Order so that he and
his children can leave for abroad.

1. Is it ethical for Atty. Mendoza to advise Myrna to Question No. 7 (2006) Does Not Believe in th
terminate the services of Atty. Khan and hire him the Client
instead for a reasonable attorney’s fees? 5%
Provincial Prosecutor Bonifacio refused
2. What should Atty. Mendoza do about the the Municipality of San Vicente in a cas
information relayed to him by Myrna that Atty. collection of taxes. He explained that h
Khan approached her husband with an indecent handle the case with sincerity and indu
proposal? 5% he does not believe in the position take
Suggested Answer:
Can Prosecutor Bonifacio be sanctioned
administratively? 5%

Suggested Answer:
It is not ethical for Atty. Mendoza to advise Myrna
to terminate the services of Atty. Khan and hire
him instead for a reasonable attorney’s fees.
This is tantamount to improper solicitation of legal Yes. A government lawyer, who under
business as he is encroaching upon the required to represent the governmen
professional employment of another lawyer. The
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

retainer regardless of what was receive

from his first client.
Question No. 8 (2006) Prosecutor Failed to Reappear in
Family Court Question No. 10 (2006) Attorney-Client Privil
In the course of a drinking spree with A
Prosecutor Coronel entered his appearance on
who has always been his counsel in bus
behalf of the State before a Family Court in a case
Simon bragged about his recent sexual
for declaration of nullity of marriage, but he failed
with socialites known for their expensiv
to appear in all the subsequent proceedings.
When Atty. Holgado asked Simon how
to finance his escapades, the latter ans
When required by the Department of Justice to
he has been using the bank deposits of
explain, he argued that the parties in the case were
of Banco Filipino where he works as ma
ably represented by their respective counsels and
that his time would be better employed in more
Is Simon’s revelation to Atty. Holgado c
substantial prosecutorial functions, such as
the attorney-client privilege? 5%
investigations, inquests and appearances in court

Is Atty. Coronel’s explanation tenable? 5% Suggested Answer:


Suggested Answer: Simon’s revelation to Atty. Holgado is n

by the attorney-client privilege because
VIII. made in the course of professional emp

No. The State has an interest in cases for

declaration of nullity of marriages. The prosecutor
representing the State in these cases has a duty to Question No. 11 (2006) Contingent Fee
protect this interest. This duty is as important as The contract of attorney’s fees entered
his other duties. Besides, if Prosecutor Coronel Quintos and his client, Susan, stipulate
cannot attend the proceedings, he should have judgment is rendered in her favor, he g
informed this to his superiors so that appropriate the property recovered as contingent f
action will be made. he will assume payment of all expenses
Question No. 9 (2006) Acquiescence
Atty. Marie consulted Atty. Hernandez whether she 1. Is the agreement valid? 2.5%
can successfully prosecute her case for declaration
of nullity of marriage she intends to file against her 2. May Atty. Quintos and Susan increas
husband. Atty. Hernandez advised her in writing amount of the contingent fee to 80%?
that the case will not prosper for the reasons stated
therein. Atty. Marie, however, decided to file the
case and engaged the services of another lawyer,
Atty. Pe. Her husband, Noel, having learned about Suggested Answer:
the opinion of Atty. Hernandez, hired him as his
lawyer. XI.

Is Atty. Hernandez’s acquiescence to be Noel’s 1.

counsel ethical? 3%
The agreement, which is in the nature
Suggested Answer: champertous contract, is not valid. A c
contract is one where the lawyer stipu
IX. his client that in the prosecution of th
will bear all the expenses for the reco
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

2. in court;

The amount of the contingent fee cannot be d. Not willingly nor wittingly promote o
increased to 80% because such amount is not groundless, false or unlawful suit, or gi
reasonable. A lawyer shall charge only fair and consent to the same;
reasonable fees.
e. Delay no man for money or malice;
Question No. 12 (2006) Assumpsit, Client Refuse to Pay His
Lawyer in Full f. Conduct himself as a lawyer accordin
1. What is “assumpsit” and when is it proper? 2% of his knowledge and discretion, with a
fidelity as well to the court as to his clie
2. Give 4 instances when a client may validly refuse
to pay his lawyer the full amount of attorney’s fees
stipulated in their written contract. 4%

Suggested Answer: Question No. 14 (2006). Automatic Disbarm

Atty. Perez was admitted as a member
XII. York Bar.

1.Assumpsit refers to an undertaking, either express While in Manhattan, he was convicted

or implied, to perform a parol agreement. was disbarred.

2.Four instances when a client may validly refuse to Does his disbarment in New York a gro
pay his lawyer the full amount of attorney’s fees automatic disbarment in the Philippine
stipulated in their written contract are as follows:

a. When the stipulated fees are found

unconscionable or unreasonable by the court; Suggested Answer:

b. When the contract for attorney’s fees is void due XIV.

to purely formal matters or defects of execution;
No. Automatically disbarring Atty. Pere
c. When the counsel, for justifiable cause, was not Philippines will violate his right to due p
able to finish the case to its conclusion;

d. When lawyer and client disregard the contract for Question No. 15 (2006) Grounds for Disbarm
attorney’s fees. Which of the following acts does not co
ground for disbarment? Explain. 2.5%

1. Gross misconduct
Question No. 13 (2006) Primary Duties
What are the primary duties imposed by the 2. Fraudulent misrepresentation
Lawyer’s Oath upon every member of the Bar? 5%
3. Grossly immoral conduct
Suggested Answer:
4. Violation of the Lawyer’s Oath
5. Willful disobedience to a lawful orde
The primary duties imposed by the Lawyer’s Oath Supreme Court
upon every member of the Bar are the following:
6. Malpractice
a. Maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
Philippines; 7. Appearance of a non-lawyer as an at
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

2015 BAR QUESTIONS lawyer. Maria found it a

after Atty. Evangeline ha
I. Define the following terms: her secrets, the latter refu
a. counsel de oficio her case. Maria's friendsh
b. counsel de parte Evangeline permanently
c. amicus curiae after Maria filed an admin
d. attorney of record ( 4%) against the latter for fail
borrowed jewelry. Atty. E
II. In open court, accused Marla the other hand, threaten
manifested that she had already settled Maria with a crimina
in full the civil aspect of the criminal falsification of public docu
case filed against her in the total on the disclosures Maria
amount of P58,000.00. Marla further made to Atty. Evangeline.
alleged that she paid directly to private
complainant Jasmine the amount of a. Was the consultat
P25,000.00. The balance of P33,000.00 with Atty. Evangeline
was delivered to Atty. Jeremiah, privileged? ( 1 % )
Jasmine's lawyer, evidenced by a b. What are the factor
receipt signed by Atty. Jeremiah the existence of a
himself. However, Jasmine manifested privilege? (3 % )
that she did not receive the amount of
P33,000.00 which Marla turned over to IV. The Lawyer's Oath is
Atty. Jeremiah. Despite Jasmine's obligation and its violation
requests to tum over the money, Atty. for suspension, disbarme
Jeremiah failed to do so. It was only disciplinary action. State
after Jasmine already filed an the Lawyer's Oath. (3%)
administrative complaint against Atty.
Jeremiah that the latter finally paid the V. Judge Ana P. Sevillano had
P33,000.00 to the former, but in three the billings for the post
installment payments of Pl 1,000.00 phone services of her
each. Atty. Jeremiah claimed that he daughter for the last three
decided to hold on to the P33,000.00 at months. Although Judge
first because Jasmine had not yet paid been repeatedly calling t
his attorney's fees. Is Atty. Jeremiah Service Hotline of Univer
administratively liable? Explain. (3%) the billings issue was neve
to Judge Sevillano's satisfa
III. Maria and Atty. Evangeline met each Judge Sevillano wrote
other and became good friends at Telecommunications Co
zumba class. One day, Maria letter of complaint again
approached Atty. Evangeline for legal Telecoms, using her o
advice. It turned out that Maria, a stationery and signing t
nurse, previously worked in the Middle "Judge Ana P. Sevillano.
East. So she could more easily leave for Sevillano violate any pro
work abroad, she declared in all her ethical standard for judges
documents that she was still single. answer. (3%)
However, Maria was already married
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

and took the Attorney's Oath together promised commission de

with other successful bar examinees on terminating the action for
March 19, 2001 at the Philippine receiving attorney's fees a
International Convention Center (PICC). about P600,000.00. En
He was scheduled to sign the Roll of repeatedly demanded pa
Attorneys on May 24, 2001 but he commission but Atty. Jane
misplaced the Notice to Sign the Roll of May Atty. Jane profe
Attorneys sent by the Office of the Bar ethically promise a commi
Confidant after he went home to the Gilbert? Explain. (3%)
province for a vacation. Since taking his
oath in 2001, Casper had been IX. a. Explain the doctrine
employed by several law firms and meruit in determining th
private corporations, mainly doing attorney's fees. (2%)
corporate and taxation work. When
attending a seminar as part of his b. Identify the factors to b
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education in determining attorney'
in 2003, Casper was unable to provide quantum meruit basis. (2%
his roll number. Seven years later in
2010, Casper filed a Petition praying
that he be allowed to sign the Roll of X. The spouses Manuel
Attorneys. Casper alleged good faith, registered owners of a p
initially believing that he had already measuring about 200,
signed the Roll before entering PICC for meters. On May 4, 2008,
his oath-taking on March 19, 2001. Manuel sold the land for l
to the spouses Rivera who
a. Can Casper already be considered a certificate of title for said
a member of the Bar and be allowed to names. Because the sp
use the title of "attorney"? Explain. ( 1 failed to pay the bala
%) purchase price for the land
b. Did Casper commit any Manuel, through Atty
professional or ethical transgression for instituted an action on Ma
which he could be held administratively before the Regional Trial C
liable? (2%) sum of money and/or a
c. Will you grant Casper's Petition to sale, docketed as Civil Ca
belatedly sign the Roll of Attorneys? The complaint in Civil Ca
Why? (2%) specifically alleged that A
would be paid ll200
VII. Cite some of the characteristics of the attorney's fees on a conti
legal profession which distinguish it The RTC subsequently pro
from business. ( 4 % ) decision upholding the sal
to the spouses Rivera. A
VIII. Engr. Gilbert referred his friends, timely filed an appeal on
spouses Richard and Cindy Maylupa, to spouses Manuel before
Atty. Jane for the institution of an Appeals. The appellate co
action for partition of the estate of the spouses Manuel, decl
Richard's deceased father. In a letter, of the land to the spouse
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

judgment in Civil Case No. 1111 on always making excuse

October 20, 2014, Atty. Enriquez filed a incompetence. Judge Ta
motion for the issuance of a writ of declared that he did not
execution. Belinda filed a thousand a
Meanwhile, the spouses Rivera filed cases against him. Accor
on November 10, 2014 before the RTC a Belinda, Judge Tadhana
case for quieting of title against the humiliated her like that in
spouses Manuel, docketed as Civil Case the flimsiest of reasons
No. 2222. The spouses Manuel, again Belinda's clients were not
through Atty. Enriquez, filed a motion Judge Tadhana's wrath
to dismiss Civil Case No. 2222 on the scolded witnesses who
ground of res judicata given the final respond immediately t
judgment in Civil Case No. 1111. asked of them on the w
Pending the resolution of the Atty. Belinda filed an a
motion to dismiss in Civil Case No. case against Judge Tadhan
2222, the RTC granted on February 9, of Judge Tadhana as des
2015 the motion for issuance of a writ constitute a violation of
of execution in Civil Case No. 1111 and Judicial Conduct? Explain. (
placed the spouses Manuel in
possession of the land. Atty. Enriquez, XII. a. What is the best form o
based on a purported oral agreement possible for a lawyer? (2%)
with the spouses Manuel, laid claim to b. What are the a
Y2 of the land, measuring 100,000.00 permissible forms of adv
square meters with market value of lawyer? (3%)
Pl,750,000.00, as his attorney's fees.
Atty. Enriquez caused the subdivision of XIII. In a land registration case
the land in two equal portions and Lucio, the petitioner is re
entered into the half he appropriated the second cousin of Judge
for himself. Based on the professional a. Differentiate
and ethical standards for lawyers, may compulsory and
Atty. Enriquez claim Yi of the land as his disqualification and determ
contingency fee? Why? (4%) Lucio should disqualify h
either circumstance. (3%)
XI. Atty. Belinda appeared as counsel for b. If none of the part
accused Popoy in a case being heard his disqualification, may
before Judge Tadhana. After Popoy was proceed with the case? (2%
arraigned, Atty. Belinda moved for a
resetting of the pre-trial conference. XIV. XIV. Identify and briefly ex
This visibly irked Judge Tadhana and so the canons under the N
before Atty. Belinda could finish her Judicial Conduct for th
statement, Judge Tadhana cut her off Judiciary. (6%)
by saying that if she was not prepared
to handle the case, then he could easily XV. Jon served as Chief Exec
assign a counsel de oficio for Popoy. (CEO) of PBB Cars, Inc. (P
Judge Tadhana also uttered that Atty. owned corporation enga
Belinda was wasting the precious time buying and selling of seco
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

by the spouses Yuki. Jon paid a separate XVIII. Atty. Javier sold a piece of
legal fee for Atty. Teresa's services. Jon of Gregorio for P2,000,0
subsequently resigned as CEO of PBB in Javier drafted the Deed
2011. In 2012, Atty. Teresa filed on Right to Repurchase wh
behalf of PBB a complaint for replevin Gregorio signed on Augu
and damages against Jon to recover the Under said Deed, A
car PBB had assigned to him as a service represented that he had
vehicle. Atty. Teresa, however, had not right to dispose as owner i
yet withdrawn as Jon's counsel of the land and that the land
record in the BP Big. 22 case, which was all liens and encumbrance
still then pending. Jon filed an also stated that Atty. Jav
administrative case for disbarment years within which to re
against Atty. Teresa for representing property. Atty. Javier turn
conflicting interests and violating the owner's copy of his certif
Code of Professional Responsibility. TCT No. 12121, to Grego
Atty. Teresa countered that since the then immediately took p
BP Blg. 22 case and the replevin case the land. Atty. Javier faile
are unrelated and involved different his right to repurchase
issues, parties, and subject matters, years. Gregorio sent Atty.
there was no conflict of interest and she dated April 8, 2005 deman
acted within the bounds of legal ethics. latter already repurchase
Is Atty. Teresa's contention tenable? Despite receipt of Greg
Explain. (3%) Atty. Javier still failed to re
property. Gregorio re
XVI. Atty. Luna Tek maintains an account in peaceful possession of th
the social media network called Twitter July 25, 2013, when he re
and has 1,000 followers there, including from Trustworthy Bank in
fellow lawyers and some clients. Her that the land was mortg
Twitter account is public so even her bank, that the bank alrea
non-followers could see and read her on the land, and that Gre
posts, which are called tweets. She therefore vacate the
oftentimes takes to Twitter to vent investigation, Gregorio dis
about her daily sources of stress like Atty. Javier's TCT No. 1212
traffic or to comment about current been cancelled when a
events. She also tweets her foreclosed on a previous
disagreement and disgust with the the land, but after a
decisions of the Supreme Court by transactions, Atty. Javier
insulting and blatantly cursing the reacquire the land and se
individual Justices and the Court as an 34343 for the same. W
institution. 34343, Atty. Javier constit
a. Does Atty. Luna Tek act in a mortgage on the land
manner consistent with the Code of Trustworthy Bank on Febru
Professional Responsibility? Explain the Gregorio was
reasons for your answer. (3%) dispossessed of the prope
b. Describe the relationship filed an administrative
between a lawyer and the courts. (3%) against Atty. Javier. In his d
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

with right to repurchase, but one of

equitable mortgage, wherein he still XXI. Judge Junior attended the
had the legal right to mortgage the land party of his fraternity b
to other persons. Vera. Also present at th
a. If you are tasked to investigate Atty. Rico who was
and report on Gregorio's administrative classmate way back in hig
complaint against Atty. Javier, what will who was handling Civil Ca
be your recommendation and finding? currently pending before J
(3%) court. Well-aware that Att
b. In the same administrative case, case before his sala, Judg
may Atty. Javier be ordered to return sat next to Atty. Rico at a t
the P2,000,000.00 purchase price to two conversed with each o
Gregorio? Explain. (3%) and drank together thr
night. Since Atty. Vera
XIX. a. What are the grounds for disbarment known personality, his b
or suspension from office of an was featured in a ma
attorney? ( 4%) opposing party to Atty. R
b. If Atty. Babala is also admitted as an Civil Case No. 5555, w
attorney in a foreign jurisdiction, what through the pages of th
is the effect of his disbarment or came upon the pictures of
suspension by a competent court or and Atty. Rico together at
other disciplinary authority in said used said pictures as
foreign jurisdiction to his membership instituting an administ
in the Philippine Bar? (2%) against Judge Junior. Judge
answer, reasoned that
XX. XX. Cecilio is one of the 12 heirs of his Atty. Vera's party in his pri
father Vicente, who owned an that he had no control ov
agricultural land located in Bohol. Vera invited to the party,
Cecilio filed a complaint charging Judge and Atty. Rico never discus
Love Koto with abuse of discretion and No. 5555 during the part
authority for preparing and notarizing a Junior commit an a
document entitled "Extra-Judicial infraction? Explain. (3%)
Partition with Simultaneous Deed of
Sale" executed by Cecilio's mother XXII. a. Describe briefly the
Divina and brother Jose. Jose signed the Continuing Legal Education
Deed on his own behalf and
member of the Integrate
purportedly also on behalf of his
brothers and sisters, including Cecilio. Philippines and the pur
Cecilio though alleged that in his Special same. (2%)
Power of Attorney, he merely granted
b. Name three parties ex
Jose the authority to mortgage said
agricultural land but not to partition, the MCLE. (3%)
much less to sell the same. Judge Koto
contended that in a municipality where XXIII. XX.III. Atty. Billy, a young
a notary public is unavailable, a medium-sized law firm, wa
municipal judge is allowed to notarize meet the deadline fo
Compiled by BSU-Law, 3rd Year students SY 2015-16

sites was owned or maintained by the court; using abusive and

Supreme Court. He found a case he language; and embarr
believed to be directly applicable to his insulting parties, witnesse
client's cause, so he copied the text of lawyers appearing before h
the decision from the blog of another to the letter were
law firm, and pasted the text to the transcripts of records in
document he was working on. The heard before Judge Hambo
formatting of the text he had copied Hambog's arrogant,
was lost when he pasted it to the inappropriate, embarras
document, and he could not distinguish insulting remarks or
anymore which portions were the highlighted.
actual findings or rulings of the a. Will the Court take
Supreme Court, and which were quoted the letter-complaint even
portions from the other sources that an anonymous source? Exp
were used in the body of the decision. b. Describe briefly th
Since his deadline was fast approaching, followed when giving due
he decided to just make it appear as if complaint against an RTC ju
every word he quoted was part of the
ruling of the Court, thinking that it
would not be discovered. Atty. Billy's
opponent, Atty. Ally, a very
conscientious former editor of her
school's law journal, noticed many
discrepancies in Atty. Billy's supposed
quotations from the Supreme Court
decision when she read the text of the
case from her copy of the Philippine
Reports. Atty. Billy failed to reproduce
the punctuation marks and font sizes
used by the Court. Worse, he quoted
the arguments of one party as
presented in the case, which arguments
happened to be favorable to his
position, and not the ruling or
reasoning of the Court, but this
distinction was not apparent in his
brief. Appalled, she filed a complaint
against him.
a. Did Atty. Billy fail in his duty as a
lawyer? What rules did he violate, if
any? (2%)
b. How should lawyers quote a
Supreme Court decision? (2%)

XXIV. An anonymous letter addressed to the

Supreme Court was sent by one

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