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Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Spiral Model/(Iterative Model)

CRS stands for Customer Requirement Specification.
SRS stands for System or Software Requirement Specification.
Requirement collection: -
The business analyst collect the customer requirement specification in the from of PDF format.
This CRS is later converted into SRS.
SRS is documented by architect, system analysis, and technical analysis with 10 to 12 years of
To Be Continued…
Created By M.Santosh Kumar Senapaty. Testing Notes.
After the SRS documented it is given to the design and development team.
The developers evaluate or validate the product process and identify the risk in the product and also
the way to rectify those risks.
LLD: -
It is also called as TDD (Technical Design Document)
FS (Function Specification or Functional Spec)
FDD (Functional Design Document)
After the design phase is completed it’s given to the development team where coding is carried out
using different
programming language.
This model is mainly used in product based company or for companies where they gate multiple
changes; this model is very much suitable.
Once the model is developed it is given for the testing team.
Where there is multiple release of particular application integration of the different release is done
Example: -
In the 1st release only yahoo website is created.
In the 2nd release the yahoo mail features are created. So it has to ensure that yahoo website and
mails had integrated properly and some way for the renaming release.
So the testing team will go ahead and carry out testing with all the modules write different releases
check if the integration is done properly.
Example of LLD: -
Old Feature New Feature
To Be Continued…
Created By M.Santosh Kumar Senapaty. Testing Notes.
Old Feature: -
Here when we search fro dept. name the required data is fetched from the database & displayed in the
main page.
After fetching the data from the database it takes lot of time from the webpage to get reloaded and
display the data. In
order to over come this problem and also save time, a new feature is added in the next feature.
New Feature: -
In this feature look up icon or magnifier glass is added to overcome the problem of reloading the
page. After
entering the dept name, when the look up icon is clicked a new window popup with the list of dept
name without
reloading the page and saving a lot of time.
(In FS we use some condition or restriction for ex: - user name = 8-32 character or password = only
There are two types of company such as
1. Product Based Company: -
In this company created the products and sale the product in market.
Spiral Model is mostly used for only product based company.
Ex: - Yahoo, Google, Intel
2. Service Based Company: -
This type of company will give service to the client and also create the software.
Ex: - Infosys, Wipro so on……
Advantages: -
Requirement changes can be handling very easily.
Interdependency (one release to other release) releases can be easily handled.
Review based conformation & conform commitment to next level.
Disadvantages: -
It is just phase on hear.
Parallel task activity can not happen for regards to this particular model.
Requirement collections establishes
Objective – Aim of project.
Constrains – What are the obstacles/difficulties to be faced.
Alternatives - Alternatives path in order to overcome the difficulties.

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