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Тур IV

Усне мовлення 11 клас

Для вибору учням пропонується 20 тематик ситуативного спілкування.

1. Is it important to share the wisdom of age with younger generations so that they can avoid
making the same mistakes?

2. Holidays are special times when people excitedly give and receive meaningful presents to and from loved
ones signifying their love for one another. What do you think is better: to give or to receive
presents? Why? What presents do you especially wish for? Why do you want these things? If you had
the money or ability to give one person in the world anything, what would you give, to whom would you
give it, and why?

3. Which age-group in your country eats most fast and convenience food? What could be done to
encourage these people to eat more fresh food?

4. There have been many important inventions throughout the course of human history. Which
invention do you think is the most important? Do you think creating new inventions is important
for humankind? Conversely, if you could erase one invention from human history, what would it
be and why?

5. Do you think that the tax payer should have to support the Arts? E.g., why should a football fan
have to pay for opera?

6. Which country would you visit to appreciate the Arts? What would you plan to see?

7. In Britain, there are restrictions on what can be screened on TV before 9 p.m. Do you think that
TV programme content should be censored?

8. Nearly every nation in the world has its own flag, anthem, and emblem. What purpose do these
national symbols serve? Do you identify with any national symbols? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of having national symbols?

9. Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the
price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?

10. Every generation of people develop different characteristics due to the influence of different
events, technologies, and people in their lifetimes. Summarize events that you believe define
your generation and why.

11. Will modern technology, such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the
main source of information?

12. What is the biggest problem in your town or city? How does this problem affect people's lives? How
would you address the problem? How would you ask other people to help you address the problem?

13. Some fashion models refuse to advertise products involving animal cruelty such as cosmetics
and fur coats. Would you buy such products?

14. People enjoy decorating their rooms in a way that reflects their personality. Describe your
favourite room. How does this room reflect your personality? What colours are the best/ worst?
Why? If you had the money to decorate your room as you wish, what would you change and

15. What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today?
Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

16. Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other
people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which
opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

17. Which system do you favour for measuring children’s progress - final examinations or
continuous assessment?

18. Some educators value maths and science more than the humanities (e.g. literature, music, and
history). Why do you think they feel this way and do you agree with them?

19. Describe the social and professional activities that give you the most opportunity to speak

20. Describe your perfect day, including location and weather. What activities would you do? With
whom would you spend it? How would this day be different than every other day? Do you think
it’s possible to have a perfect day? Why?

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