Classroom BBQ Lesson

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Mount Aloysius College

Education Department
Lesson Plan Format

*The descriptions are offered for your information and guidance and
should NOT be included in the lesson plan.*
I. Heading

Lesson Title: Classroom Fraction Barbeque

Teacher Name: Ms. Tiffany Glass
Date Lesson is Taught: November 24, 2019
Subject/Discipline: Mathematics
Grade Level: Third Grade
Number of Students: 15-20 students
Allocated Instructional Time: 40 - 60 minutes
Multiple Intelligences Addressed: Mathematical- Logical
Pennsylvania Common Core Standards or Early Learning Standards:

3.NF. 3B Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by

reasoning about their size. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., ½= 2/4,
4/6= 2/3. Explain why fractions why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using visual fraction

II. Rationale and Background

1. The students are familiar with what a fraction looks like. They are familiar with identifying
fractions on number lines to create a whole number. They know how to write fractions to
their best abilities and are able to recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions.They
know how to explain and write out how they got an answer when asked to do so.
2. The purpose of this lesson is to generate simple equivalent fractions. They have completed
all of the fraction standards for this unit. This will be a fun and interactive way to review
everything we have learned about fractions.

III. Lesson Objectives

The learner will be able to explain equivalence of fractions in special cases and compare
fractions by reasoning about their size. They will be able to recognize and generate simple
equivalent fractions that they need for their recipe for the barbeque.

IV. Materials

1. Teacher Materials
• Introduction slides
• Classroom barbeque recipe worksheet

2. Student Materials
• Pencils
• Computer lab or iPads
V. Procedures

A. Show the students the slides to introduce the classroom Barbeque web quest.

B. Lesson Body

1. Tell the students you are in really big trouble. Tell them you were so busy helping at
school that you forgot to plan your classroom BBQ. Tell the students the party is in a
couple of days and you need their help to decide what recipes to use.
2. Tell the, they will have to use their excellent skills with fractions to make sure we get the
recipes right. Tell them they will need to find a recipe for one main dish, two side dishes,
and one dessert.
3. Tell them they will be working in groups of four to find delicious recipes for the party.
Each member of the team will pick what dish they are going to plan.
4. Tell the students they should raise their hand before copying their recipe onto a card,
they will need it approved first.
5. The students should triple the main dish, double one side dish, half one side dish, and
quadruple the dessert.
6. Each member of the group should fill out the classroom BBQ paper.

C. Simplification and Extensions

1. For a gifted child who needs enrichment I will allow them to quadruple all of their dishes.
2. For a child with learning disabilities, I will provide them with fraction manipulatives
(fraction bars, fraction tiles) to help them visualize the fractions while they are creating
their recipes.
3. For an English language learner, I will speak clearly and directly towards the student. I
will make sure I have notecards with pictures showing the fractions as a piece of a

D. Closure/Conclusion

I will allow the students to take turns explaining to the class about their recipe.

E. “If-Time Activity”
1. If I finish my lesson early, I will ask the students why using fractions to cook is

VI. Communicating with Families/Homework Assignment/Independent Practice

I will be taking pictures of the students completing their recipes. They will be placed on our
class website.

VII. Evaluation

A. Student Assessment

B. Summative assessment:

I will determine if the students reached their learning targets by having them come up with their
groups to describe their recipes.

C. Reflective Practice/Self-Evaluation

Reflect on your teaching experience and answer these questions:

1. What were two strengths of the lesson?

2. What are two areas of the lesson that need improvement?
3. What would I do differently, if I were to reteach this lesson?
4. What biases, if any, existed in the materials, activities, language, or interactions with
5. Did anything surprise me?


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