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1. In your opinion, what constitute a good life?

2. What does Aristotle say about the good life? Does it still stand in the
contemporary world?
3. How is the progress of Science and Technology a movement towards the good

The Good life constitute a good living towards in our society. It forms a healthy
lifestyle to people, a good perspective in life. It also develops good characteristics and
behavior in facing reality in external and internal forces in our life. Having a good life is
not in terms of money and wealth, but the realization of finding your happiness that will
fully understand your purpose in this world.

In Aristotle’s Nichomacean concepts of having a good life, Aristotle states here that
having a good life must perform the good virtues. Kindness, self-respect, being
responsible to all forms of commitment, and being God-centered. Those concepts are still
show and stand in contemporary world which is today. Even that of many external forces
that we encountered, many of us are still stand firm in the application of perspective of
Aristotle’s Principle. Many of we are in their control to face the reality and can handle
according to their plans.

In the progress of Science and Technology, it is important in having a good life by

means of using this as our main solution to resist all the external forces that encountered
in our life. Science and Technology provides us easy-access to all forms of difficulties of
life. For example in transportation, we as individual looking for a better and convenient
transportation everyday to avoid traffic. Science and Technology also promotes good
conducting of easy productive solutions that will makes our life better.
II. View the short documentary film entitled “That Sugar Film”. Discuss among yourselves
and report on how production and consumption of sugar affects our journey towards the
good life. How does unreflective consumption of goods in the case, sugar affect human

The documentary film shows how our body is responding in over

consumption of sugar and how is it affect the lifestyle base on the effect to the man who
perform the experiment in documentary. The man was perform an experiment wherein
he will try to take a sugar base on the number of content in particular food or drinks. In
early observations, man is quite increased in weight and he always perform tasks in a
lazy manner. As time goes by, in late observations of scientists and doctors, this man
diagnosed Diabetes and his weight continue to increase and his habits and physical
activities can’t perform him well. And as a result, he go back again to his habitual of
eating and in second phase of observation, his weight totally decrease and his body
already normalized in good condition.

In this documentary film, it is obvious that over consumption of sugar leads

to our body unhealthy. Not just in health issue but in physical and behavior issue. Taking
too much sugar is very dangerous to our health and lifestyle. It leads in different illness
and giving us a threat to our lives. Unreflective consumption of goods in the case in
documentary affects human life. How? Heeding in every consumptions is not a good a
habit. It shows lack of discipline, and leads to a bad lifestyle. It affects human life because
if we always think on what is good to eat and not in good for the body and health, it leaded
into more unconscious lifestyle, more risk of illness and death, less power in performing
physical activities that will help ourselves stronger and tough, and so on.

As a conscious person, you need to think first your health in consumption

of goods in our daily life. Being aware to everything will leads us in good condition of life
and having a good discipline in many aspects will leads us better life.

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