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Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Regular Meeting of The Board of Trustees



Monday, November 18,2019
7:00 PM

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Public Comments

Public comments will be limited to 20 minutes.

IV. Vote to Approve Consent Agenda

All items listed will be enacted by one vote. There will be no separate discussion on these
items unless a Library Board member so requests, in which event, the item will be
removed from the Consent Agenda and added to the Agenda for separate consideration.
 Approval of Minutes of October 21, 2019 Regular Meeting*
 Approval of Minutes of November 4, 2019 Study Session*

V. Financial Report
• Approve October 2019 Financial Statements*

VI. Library Report

• Board President’s Comments (President Ruiz-Funes)
• Director’s Report (Director Wolf)*

VII. Liaisons to Other Organizations – Reports

• Winnetka Village (Trustee Johnson)
• Northfield Village (Trustee Shoup)

VIII. Unfinished Business

• Report on Community Engagement and Responsiveness
• Next Step from November 4, 2019 Study Session on Board Continuous Improvement
• Discussion of Strategic Plan*

IX. New Business

• Presentation of Annual Audit by Lauterbach And Amen
• Discussion and Vote to Approve Annual Audit for Fiscal Year 2018-2019
• Discussion on Vote on Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Tax Levy*
• Discussion of Per Capita 2020 Requirements

X. Communications
• District will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27. The District will be closed
on Thursday, November 28 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

XI. Public Comments

Public comments will be limited to 20 minutes.
XII. Adjournment

October 21, 2019

I. Call to Order
The meeting was held at the Winnetka Library, 768 Oak Street Winnetka, Illinois.
President Ruiz-Funes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present.

II. Roll Call

Present: President Jean-Paul Ruiz-Funes, and Trustees Suzie Shoup, Brian Johnson,
Travis Gosselin, Katherine Casale MacNally and Deborah Vandergrift; and Library
Director Rebecca Wolf.
Absent: Trustee Raheela Anwar

Present were library employees; Nicola White (Administrative Assistant), Sarah Quish
(Head of Communications & Marketing) and Stephanie Girardi (Collection Services
Acquisitions Associate). Present were Winnetka residents Jeffrey Liss and Robert
Leonard. Present were Northfield residents Pat Doherty, Jeanne Doherty, Carol Ritchell,
Amy Richmond, Margaret Sullivan, Denise Gibson, Nancy Blake, Karen Byrnes, Sue
Kelly, Bill Kelly, Jonathan Don, Elizabeth Blodgett, Craig Baxter, Patricia Andrew,
Chris Shoup, Jeanine McCarthy, Cricket Hauff, Ken Hauff, Patrick Krohn and Marcia
Krohn. Present was Northbrook resident Susan Kelly. Present was Evanston resident
Frank Biancalana. Present was Nancy Fox from the League of Women Voters. Present
was Karen Ann Cullotta from the Chicago Tribune. Present was Bianca Cseke from 22nd
Century Media.

III. Public Comments

Winnetka resident Robert Leonard gave a comment regarding the District’s turnover rate.

Northbrook resident Susan Kelly expressed her concerns with the District’s turnover rate
and management style and gave suggestions regarding the upcoming strategic plan.

Evanston resident Frank Biancalana gave a comment regarding the importance of

libraries and stated that his presence at the meeting is to offer support.

Northfield resident Amy Richmond stated her thoughts on the reasoning behind previous
staff members’ resignations from the District.

Northfield resident Sue Kelly commended staff for their work at Studio Fest. She also
expressed her concern regarding the turnover rate, the employee engagement survey, and
the resulting impact on taxpayers.

IV. Vote to Approve Consent Agenda

• Vote to Approve Minutes of September 16, 2019 Special Meeting
• Vote to Approve Minutes of September 16, 2019 Regular Meeting
A MOTION was made by Trustee Shoup to approve the Consent Agenda and seconded
by Trustee Vandergrift.

The MOTION passed on a voice vote.

V. Financial Report
Director Wolf presented the September Financial Statements.

A MOTION was made by Trustee Johnson to approve the September 2019 Financial
Statements and seconded by Trustee Gosselin.

The MOTION passed on a voice vote.

VI. Library Report

President Ruiz-Funes reported:
• The Board has devoted significant time to the serious matters that have been
raised regarding the Northfield Branch Library and has:
o Implemented a new community engagement plan
o Put the Northfield renovation on hold
o Hired a new Human Resources consultant
o Held three closed board meeting sessions to review the employee survey
and discuss personnel issues
o Asked the District to gather data on the turnover rate
o Created a special Human Resources Committee of the board
• The District had a very successful One Book Two Villages event that included a
beautiful speech by author Susan Orlean.
• The Studio Fest five-year anniversary event was very successful; President Ruiz-
Funes commended staff on their hard work.
• A Northfield patron expressed to him that even though she misses old staff
members, she is impressed by current staff who are going out of their way to be
nice, polite and helpful.


Director Wolf reported:
• Virtual circulation continues to do well; physical circulation has gone down
slightly, but overall circulation is still doing well for the year.
• Youth Services Librarian Allison Philips is resigning her position for her dream
job at the Chicago Public Library.
• Brandon Marshall has joined the team as the new Assistant Head of Circulation
• The dates for the upcoming Fireside Chats are set and posted to the website.
• The Indian Trails migration went well; they are now a member of our CCS
consortium. Staff worked very hard to make the transition smooth for patrons.
• Virtual Services Coordinator Michael Cianfrani is continuing to work on
developing a new District app with an expected launch of Spring 2020.
• The Strategic Planning Committee met to discuss communication and marketing,
and the UX group met to brainstorm user experience opportunities. The District
has engaged Sarah Keister Armstrong to assist with drafting the Strategic Plan.
• There has been high program attendance, especially for youth programs.
• Head of Youth Services Amanda Garrity visited forty-seven 6th grade Language
Arts students at Skokie School; she introduced them to the District and registered
some students for library cards.
• The District is working on the next Source and is planning to incorporate more
book related information into the issue.

VII. Liaisons to Other Organizations-Reports

• Winnetka Village- Trustee Johnson reported that marijuana will not be sold in
• Northfield Village- Trustee Shoup reported that there is a survey online to gather
community input regarding the sale of marijuana in Northfield; a decision has not yet
been made. She also reported that there will be an open house at the Northfield Senior
Center on October 22, 2019 to showcase the 2040 vision plan.

VIII. Unfinished Business

• Report on Community Engagement and Responsiveness
Director Wolf presented the October 2019 Monthly Report on Community
Engagement and Responsiveness.

• Discussion and Vote on Patio Project: Heated Sidewalk Quote

A MOTION was made by Trustee Ruiz-Funes to approve the Patio Project:
Heated Sidewalk Quote and seconded by Trustee Vandergrift.


AYES: Trustees Ruiz-Funes, Shoup, Gosselin, Vandergrift, Johnson,
Casale MacNally
ABSENT: Trustee Anwar

IX. New Business

• Discussion on Draft of Proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Proposed Tax Levy
Director Wolf presented the Draft of the Proposed Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Tax

• Discussion and Vote to form a Special Board Committee to Review Human

Resources Practices and Procedures
President Ruiz-Funes stated that the committee will be composed of Trustees
MacNally and Vandergrift and assisted by the Human Resources consultant to
assess the District’s Human Resources environment. They will deliver a
conclusion to the Board at the December meeting.
A MOTION was made by Trustee Shoup to form a Special Board Committee to
Review Human Resources Practices and Procedures and seconded by Trustee


AYES: Trustees Ruiz-Funes, Shoup, Gosselin, Vandergrift, Johnson,
Casale MacNally
ABSENT: Trustee Anwar

• Presentation and Discussion on Board & Library Continuous Improvement by

Vice President Gosselin
Trustee Gosselin suggested rescheduling the presentation and discussion on
Board and Library Continuous Improvement to a Board Study Session, which
will be held on November 4, 2019.

• Discussion and Vote on Proposal on Network Switch Replacement

A MOTION was made by Trustee Casale MacNally to approve the Proposal on
Network Switch Replacement Recommendation and seconded by Trustee


AYES: Trustees Ruiz-Funes, Shoup, Gosselin, Vandergrift, Johnson,
Casale MacNally
ABSENT: Trustee Anwar

X. Communications
• November Regular Board Meeting scheduled for November 18, 2019 will be held
at the Northfield Community Room, Northfield Library. Presentation of annual
audit by Lauterbach and Amen.
• District will close at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 27. The District will be
closed on Thursday, November 28 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.

XI. Public Comments

Northfield resident Margert Sullivan expressed concerns regarding the staffing decisions
being made throughout the District.

Northfield resident Denise Gibson expressed her unhappiness with the Library District,
Library Director, and Board of Trustees.

Northfield resident Nancy Blake read the online petition from, which asks
that Director Wolf be replaced, and that previous staff are given first consideration to
apply for any new job openings in the District.
Northfield resident Carol Ritchell expressed her concern with the rotating schedule
between District branches and asked why that change was implemented. President Ruiz-
Funes asked Director Wolf to respond. Director Wolf responded that the goal of the
District is to unite people and processes and to come together as a staff to have a schedule
that is equal and fair for all, with a larger pool for to allow for vacation and sick time.

Winnetka resident Jeffrey Liss commented that he is impressed at how quickly the Board
is addressing these issues.

Northfield resident Sue Kelly made a comment regarding the District turnover rate

Evanston resident Frank Biancalana expressed concern regarding the management style
of the Library Director and the Board of Trustees.

Northbrook resident Susan Kelly gave a comment regarding the turnover rate statistics
and her unhappiness with the management team.

Northfield resident Robert Leonard expressed his concern with the speed at which the
Board of Trustees is addressing these issues.

President Ruiz-Funes explained that these are complex issues, and the Board will be as
slow as they need in order to be factual, sound, and fair, and to make sure the Board
reflects the perspective of the entire community.

Northfield resident Craig Baxter reminded the community that Human Resources issues
take time to understand and asked that they allow the trustees the time to figure it out.

Northfield resident Patricia Andrew expressed her unhappiness with the Board and
Library Director.

Trustee Gosselin stated that there are dedicated trustees taking on the additional
responsibility of putting context to some of the stories and numbers that have been heard.
They will work with the District’s HR Consultant and will report back to the Board so
that they are able to make an informed and rational decision based on facts. He stated that
the trustees are taking the appropriate steps going forward and are moving as quickly as

Northfield resident Pat Doherty gave a comment regarding his unhappiness with the
Library Director.

President Ruiz-Funes stated that he recognizes the community’s passion and emotional
tie to the Northfield Branch Library. He thanked those who gave comments for their
feedback and stated that the trustees are giving serious consideration to the issues that
have been presented to them; they will be addressed in a way that is consistent with their
responsibility as a Board.

XII. Adjourn to Closed Session

A MOTION was made by Trustee Johnson to adjourn to Closed Session per 5 ILCS
120/2(c)(1): To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,
performance, or dismissal of a specific employee of the library district, and seconded by
Trustee Casale MacNally.

The MOTION passed on a voice vote and President Ruiz-Funes adjourned to a Closed
Session at 9:25 p.m.

XIII. Return to Open Session

XIV. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Board, a MOTION to adjourn was
made by Trustee Johnson and seconded by Trustee Shoup. The MOTION passed on a
voice vote, and President Ruiz-Funes adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nicola White
Recording Secretary

___________________________ Jean-Paul Ruiz-Funes, President

___________________________ Suzanne Shoup, Secretary


November 4, 2019

I. Call to Order
The meeting was held at the Winnetka Library, 768 Oak Street Winnetka, Illinois.
President Ruiz-Funes called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. A quorum was present.

II. Roll Call

Present: President Jean-Paul Ruiz-Funes, and Trustees Brian Johnson, Travis Gosselin,
Raheela Gill Anwar, Deborah Vandergrift, Suzie Shoup and Katherine Casale MacNally;
and Library Director Rebecca Wolf.

Present was library employee Nicola White (Administrative Assistant). Present was
Winnetka resident Jeffrey Liss. Present were Northfield residents Carol Ritchell and Lois
Neustadt. Present was Northbrook resident Susan Kelly.

III. Public Comments

No public comments.

IV. Presentation and Discussion on Board & Library Continuous Improvement by Vice
President Gosselin
Trustee Gosselin presented his ideas for improving the effectiveness, efficiency and
transparency of the Board of Trustees and District operations and services.

• Implement a midyear review of the Library Director
o The trustees were all in agreement with this concept
o Trustee Anwar suggested a more weighted approach for evaluating the
Director’s performance objectives
o The trustees discussed having more written documentation of the
Director’s review
• Create a board policy about handling patron feedback
o The trustees agreed, believing that they should have one voice
o President Ruiz-Funes suggested creating a spreadsheet to keep track of
patron feedback
• Create a SharePoint site for all patron feedback, news articles, and other library
o The Board agreed and plan to meet with Mark Swenson, Head of
Information Technology to discuss their options
• Open Meetings Act (OMA)
o The trustees will be dedicating the next Board Study Session to OMA
• Create an annual meeting among consortium presidents
o Trustee Shoup suggested that the Board reach out to Northshore libraries

• Condense the board packet by eliminating materials rarely discussed in meetings,
highlighting only large expenses on the check register, and presenting graphs on a
quarterly basis
o Trustee Anwar suggested keeping all the checks in the board packet; the
other trustees agreed
o Trustee Anwar suggested adding a management discussion and analysis to
the budget
o President Ruiz-Funes suggested holding off on any changes to the board
packet until next year

• Create board brief emails that patrons can opt into that highlight important topics
that were discussed during the board meetings
o The trustees were very interested in implementing this idea
• Add trustee photos, biographies and a Board FAQ to the website
o The trustees agreed with this suggestion, and discussed using Evanston
Public Library’s “Board of Trustees” page as a guideline
• Videotape the board meetings
o The trustees were all in agreement that they should be videotaping their

Improving Library Operations/Services

• Add a library card value calculator to the website
• Eliminate fines
o The trustees asked to see data from Indian Trails and other sister libraries
• Make returns more convenient by adding more drop boxes around town
o The trustees were all in agreement that adding more book drop boxes
would be a tremendous benefit to patrons

V. Public Comments
Northbrook resident Susan Kelly gave suggestions regarding the library card value
calculator, eliminating fines, and fine forgiveness.

Northfield resident Carol Ritchell thanked Trustee Gosselin for his presentation and
stated that she agreed with many of his ideas, such as the board brief emails, trustee
biographies, and videotaping the meetings.

Winnetka resident Jeffrey Liss thanked Trustee Gosselin for his impressive presentation,
and offered suggestions regarding the Director’s evaluation, patron feedback, community
surveys and board packets. He also suggested that the trustees consider arranging a
fieldtrip to other libraries to see what they are doing.
Northfield resident Lois Neustadt thanked Trustee Gosselin for his presentation. She
stated that for transparency purposes she agrees that it is important to keep all the checks
printed in the board packets. She also suggested that the District add their Collection
Development Policy to the website.

President Ruiz-Funes thanked those who gave comments for their feedback.

VI. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Board, a MOTION to adjourn was
made by Trustee Gill Anwar and seconded by Trustee Casale MacNally. President Ruiz-
Funes adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nicola White
Recording Secretary

___________________________ Jean-Paul Ruiz-Funes, President

___________________________ Suzanne Shoup, Secretary

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

All Funds Summary

For the 4 Months Ended October 31, 2019

Ideal Budget Percentage Spent: 33.33%

Variance vs.
Annual Prorated Current % of Prorated
Budget Budget Year-to-Date Budget Budget
Library Fund 4,093,135.00 1,364,378.33 1,945,864.45 47.54 % 581,486.12
IMRF Fund 88,200.00 29,400.00 41,969.99 47.59 % 12,569.99
FICA Fund 24,500.00 8,166.67 11,658.31 47.58 % 3,491.64
Building Fund 147,000.00 49,000.00 69,949.81 47.58 % 20,949.81
Unemployment Fund 10.00 3.33 4.64 46.40 % 1.31
Total Revenues 4,352,845.00 1,450,948.33 2,069,447.20 47.54 % 618,498.87

Library Fund 3,798,154.00 1,266,051.33 1,087,330.32 28.63 % (178,721.01)
IMRF Fund 111,000.00 37,000.00 24,459.06 22.04 % (12,540.94)
FICA Fund 123,000.00 41,000.00 35,091.71 28.53 % (5,908.29)
Building Fund 286,146.00 95,382.00 105,905.01 37.01 % 10,523.01
Unemployment Fund 1,000.00 333.33 0.00 0.00 % (333.33)
Total Expenses 4,319,300.00 1,439,766.67 1,252,786.10 29.00 % (186,980.57)

Total Revenues 4,352,845.00 1,450,948.33 2,069,447.20 47.54 % 618,498.87

Total Expenses 4,319,300.00 1,439,766.67 1,252,786.10 29.00 % 186,980.57
Excess Revenues less Expenses 33,545.00 11,181.66 816,661.10 2,434.52 % 805,479.44

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Library Fund Summary
For the 4 Months Ended October 31, 2019
Ideal Budget Percentage Spent: 33.33%

Annual Prorated Year-to-Date % of Variance vs.

Budget Budget Actual Budget Prorated Budget
Operating Revenue
Property Tax 3,835,439.00 1,278,479.67 1,851,784.33 48.28 % 573,304.66
Replacement Tax 20,000.00 6,666.67 15,621.29 78.11 % 8,954.62
Collections 155,696.00 51,898.67 32,835.25 21.09 % (19,063.42)
Materials 12,000.00 4,000.00 3,012.42 25.10 % (987.58)
Other Income 70,000.00 23,333.33 42,611.16 60.87 % 19,277.83
Total Operating Revenue 4,093,135.00 1,364,378.33 1,945,864.45 47.54 % 581,486.12

Operating Expenses
Personnel 1,790,000.00 596,666.67 510,437.66 28.52 % (86,229.01)
Administration 226,704.00 75,568.00 110,802.30 48.88 % 35,234.30
Utilities 97,700.00 32,566.67 30,111.89 30.82 % (2,454.78)
IT Services 171,250.00 57,083.33 67,672.50 39.52 % 10,589.17
Public Relations 45,000.00 15,000.00 15,415.98 34.26 % 415.98
Library Materials - Adult 561,000.00 187,000.00 248,520.69 44.30 % 61,520.69
Library Materials - Youth 89,900.00 29,966.67 29,604.78 32.93 % (361.89)
Programs 66,600.00 22,200.00 28,329.01 42.54 % 6,129.01
Capital 750,000.00 250,000.00 44,068.14 5.88 % (205,931.86)
Total Operating Expenses 3,798,154.00 1,266,051.33 1,087,330.32 28.63 % (178,721.01)

Total Revenues 4,093,135.00 1,364,378.33 1,945,864.45 47.54 % 581,486.12

Total Expenses 3,798,154.00 1,266,051.33 1,087,330.32 28.63 % (178,721.01)
Excess Revenues less Expenses 294,981.00 98,327.00 858,534.13 291.05 % 760,207.13

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Modified Cash Basis

For the 4 Months Ended October 31, 2019

Ideal Budget Percentage Spent: 33.33%

Annual Prorated Year to Date % of Variance vs.

Budget Budget Actual Budget Prorated Budget


Property Taxes Collections 3,835,439.00 1,278,479.67 1,843,623.32 48.07 % 565,143.65
Property Taxes Collections-Liability 0.00 0.00 5,829.16 0.00 5,829.16
Property Taxes Collections-Audit 0.00 0.00 2,331.85 0.00 2,331.85
Replacement Tax 20,000.00 6,666.67 15,621.29 78.11 % 8,954.62
Total Taxes 3,855,439.00 1,285,146.33 1,867,405.62 48.44 % 582,259.29

Per Capita Grant 21,696.00 7,232.00 0.00 0.00 % (7,232.00)
Kenilworth Services 100,000.00 33,333.33 26,040.88 26.04 (7,292.45)
Fines - Winnetka 25,000.00 8,333.33 6,181.67 24.73 (2,151.66)
Studio Fees 4,500.00 1,500.00 395.54 8.79 (1,104.46)
Lost/Damaged Mat.-Winnetka 4,500.00 1,500.00 95.71 2.13 (1,404.29)
Library Programs - Winnetka 0.00 0.00 121.45 0.00 121.45
Total Collections 155,696.00 51,898.67 32,835.25 21.09 % (19,063.42)

Copy/Printing - Winnetka 10,000.00 3,333.33 3,012.42 30.12 % (320.91)
Book Sales - Winnetka 2,000.00 666.67 0.00 0.00 (666.67)
Total Materials 12,000.00 4,000.00 3,012.42 25.10 % (987.58)

Other Income
Checking Interest Income 45,000.00 15,000.00 774.76 1.72 % (14,225.24)
Byline Bank IMA Interest 0.00 0.00 40,655.46 0.00 40,655.46
Change on Investment Value 0.00 0.00 357.27 0.00 357.27
Money Market-Interest 0.00 0.00 416.18 0.00 416.18
Misc. Revenue - Winnetka 0.00 0.00 338.21 0.00 338.21
Contributions 25,000.00 8,333.33 0.00 0.00 (8,333.33)
Gift Fund (under $100) 0.00 0.00 69.28 0.00 69.28
Total Other Income 70,000.00 23,333.33 42,611.16 60.87 % 19,277.83

Total Revenue
4,093,135.00 1,364,378.33 1,945,864.45 47.54 % 581,486.12

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Modified Cash Basis

For the 4 Months Ended October 31, 2019

Ideal Budget Percentage Spent: 33.33%

Annual Prorated Year to Date % of Variance vs.

Budget Budget Actual Budget Prorated Budget

Salaries 1,610,000.00 536,666.67 473,349.04 29.40 % (63,317.63)
Health Insurance 155,000.00 51,666.67 33,833.84 21.83 (17,832.83)
Flu Vaccination 500.00 166.67 0.00 0.00 (166.67)
Employee Asst. Program 1,500.00 500.00 320.00 21.33 (180.00)
Conferences 20,000.00 6,666.67 2,758.78 13.79 (3,907.89)
Flexible Spending Account 3,000.00 1,000.00 176.00 5.87 (824.00)
Total Personnel 1,790,000.00 596,666.67 510,437.66 28.52 % (86,229.01)

Audit Fees 11,050.00 3,683.33 850.00 7.69 % (2,833.33)
Library Supplies 35,000.00 11,666.67 17,901.92 51.15 6,235.25
Office Supplies 8,000.00 2,666.67 3,418.41 42.73 751.74
Breakroom Supplies 1,500.00 500.00 888.65 59.24 388.65
Postage 4,500.00 1,500.00 738.44 16.41 (761.56)
Hospitality 6,000.00 2,000.00 58.70 0.98 (1,941.30)
Accounting and Bookkeeping 20,004.00 6,668.00 3,334.00 16.67 (3,334.00)
Legal Notices 1,000.00 333.33 597.04 59.70 263.71
Delivery Service 8,000.00 2,666.67 2,472.00 30.90 (194.67)
Payroll Services 9,000.00 3,000.00 2,761.15 30.68 (238.85)
Liability Insurance Costs 30,000.00 10,000.00 18,721.00 62.40 8,721.00
Workers Compensation Insurance 0.00 0.00 3,302.00 0.00 3,302.00
Studio General Supplies 7,500.00 2,500.00 3,510.23 46.80 1,010.23
ILL Fees 150.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 (50.00)
Board Expenses 1,000.00 333.33 0.00 0.00 (333.33)
Memberships 6,000.00 2,000.00 1,358.00 22.63 (642.00)
Staff Recognition/Events/Meetings 5,000.00 1,666.67 2,789.64 55.79 1,122.97
Director's Expenses 500.00 166.67 0.00 0.00 (166.67)
Legal 12,000.00 4,000.00 9,599.15 79.99 5,599.15
Architects 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00
Building Appraisal 500.00 166.67 0.00 0.00 (166.67)
Other Consultations 15,000.00 5,000.00 20,282.76 135.22 15,282.76
Investment Fees 0.00 0.00 2,597.71 0.00 2,597.71
HR Consultant 40,000.00 13,333.33 13,018.75 32.55 (314.58)
Studio Maintenance/Repair 5,000.00 1,666.67 602.75 12.06 (1,063.92)
Total Administration 226,704.00 75,568.00 110,802.30 48.88 % 35,234.30

Electricity - Winnetka 49,000.00 16,333.33 19,281.76 39.35 % 2,948.43
Water - Winnetka 5,700.00 1,900.00 1,219.66 21.40 (680.34)
Storm Sewer - Winnetka 1,900.00 633.33 532.64 28.03 (100.69)
Natural Gas - Winnetka 14,000.00 4,666.67 1,426.57 10.19 (3,240.10)
Telephone - Winnetka 10,000.00 3,333.33 3,026.71 30.27 (306.62)
Internet Services 17,100.00 5,700.00 4,624.55 27.04 (1,075.45)
Total Utilities 97,700.00 32,566.67 30,111.89 30.82 % (2,454.78)

Information Technology
CCS Operating 83,250.00 27,750.00 20,174.84 24.23 % (7,575.16)
OCLC 0.00 0.00 18,575.72 0.00 18,575.72
Software 35,000.00 11,666.67 18,640.96 53.26 6,974.29
LAN Management 50,000.00 16,666.67 10,133.00 20.27 (6,533.67)
Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Modified Cash Basis

For the 4 Months Ended October 31, 2019

Ideal Budget Percentage Spent: 33.33%

Annual Prorated Year to Date % of Variance vs.

Budget Budget Actual Budget Prorated Budget

Hardware 0.00 0.00 28.00 0.00 28.00

Technology/Website 3,000.00 1,000.00 119.98 4.00 (880.02)
Total Information Technology 171,250.00 57,083.33 67,672.50 39.52 % 10,589.17

Public Relations
PR E-Marketing 1,500.00 500.00 681.69 45.45 % 181.69
PR Promotional 7,000.00 2,333.33 254.98 3.64 (2,078.35)
PR Source 25,000.00 8,333.33 6,227.94 24.91 (2,105.39)
PR Supplies 8,000.00 2,666.67 6,714.37 83.93 4,047.70
PR Advertising 3,500.00 1,166.67 1,537.00 43.91 370.33
Total Public Relations 45,000.00 15,000.00 15,415.98 34.26 % 415.98

Library Materials - Adult

Books-Fiction-Adult-Winnetka 79,000.00 26,333.33 27,284.06 34.54 % 950.73
Books-Non-Fiction-Adult-Winnetka 77,000.00 25,666.67 19,263.67 25.02 (6,403.00)
Periodicals-Winnetka 28,000.00 9,333.33 12,942.93 46.22 3,609.60
DVDs-Adult-Winnetka 53,000.00 17,666.67 17,743.79 33.48 77.12
Audio Books-Adult-Winnetka 34,000.00 11,333.33 13,789.23 40.56 2,455.90
Books-Digital-Winnetka 185,000.00 61,666.67 80,314.85 43.41 18,648.18
Online Database 105,000.00 35,000.00 77,182.16 73.51 42,182.16
Total Library Materials - Adult 561,000.00 187,000.00 248,520.69 44.30 % 61,520.69

Library Materials - Youth

Books-Fiction-Juv-Winnetka 18,000.00 6,000.00 4,550.56 25.28 % (1,449.44)
Books-Non-Fiction, Easy, & JH-Winnetka 17,000.00 5,666.67 675.13 3.97 (4,991.54)
DVDs-Juv-Winnetka 12,500.00 4,166.67 6,779.86 54.24 2,613.19
Audio Books-Juv-Winnetka 12,000.00 4,000.00 6,110.45 50.92 2,110.45
Music-Juv-Winnetka 900.00 300.00 186.74 20.75 (113.26)
Books-Easy-Winnetka 18,500.00 6,166.67 6,251.34 33.79 84.67
Books-Jr. High-Winnetka 11,000.00 3,666.67 3,309.64 30.09 (357.03)
Books-Non-Fiction-Winnetka 0.00 0.00 1,741.06 0.00 1,741.06
Total Library Materials - Youth 89,900.00 29,966.67 29,604.78 32.93 % (361.89)

Summer Reading 11,100.00 3,700.00 7,038.86 63.41 % 3,338.86
Program Supplies-Winnetka 0.00 0.00 711.06 0.00 711.06
Program Performers Fees-Winnetka 0.00 0.00 2,065.00 0.00 2,065.00
Program Performers Fee-Winnetka 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 300.00
OBTV 17,000.00 5,666.67 7,738.69 45.52 2,072.02
Programming - Youth 16,500.00 5,500.00 3,351.29 20.31 (2,148.71)
Programming - Adult 22,000.00 7,333.33 7,124.11 32.38 (209.22)
Total Programs 66,600.00 22,200.00 28,329.01 42.54 % 6,129.01

Building 155,000.00 51,666.67 0.00 0.00 % (51,666.67)
Equipment/Furniture 500,000.00 166,666.67 2,900.02 0.58 (163,766.65)
Computer Equipment 95,000.00 31,666.67 41,168.12 43.33 9,501.45
Total Capital 750,000.00 250,000.00 44,068.14 5.88 % (205,931.86)

Total Expenses 3,798,154.00 1,266,051.33 1,087,330.32 28.63 % (178,721.01)

Excess Revenues less Expenses 294,981.00 98,327.00 858,534.13 291.05 % 760,207.13

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Modified Cash Basis

For the 4 Months Ended October 31, 2019

Ideal Budget Percentage Spent: 33.33%

Annual Prorated Year to Date % of Variance vs.

Budget Budget Actual Budget Prorated Budget

Property Taxes Collections-Building 147,000.00 49,000.00 69,949.81 47.58 % 20,949.81

Total Revenue 147,000.00 49,000.00 69,949.81 47.58 % 20,949.81

Northfield Lease 66,196.00 22,065.33 21,360.84 32.27 % (704.49)
Janitorial Supplies 8,500.00 2,833.33 2,788.66 32.81 (44.67)
Snow Removal 8,000.00 2,666.67 0.00 0.00 (2,666.67)
Photocopier Leases 40,000.00 13,333.33 4,906.07 12.27 (8,427.26)
Phone Lease 9,600.00 3,200.00 11,890.65 123.86 8,690.65
Building Maintenance Service 110,000.00 36,666.67 48,664.47 44.24 11,997.80
Elevators 8,000.00 2,666.67 100.00 1.25 (2,566.67)
Landscaping 5,000.00 1,666.67 1,907.52 38.15 240.85
HVAC 10,000.00 3,333.33 5,322.00 53.22 1,988.67
Automatic Doors 3,500.00 1,166.67 2,049.82 58.57 883.15
Roof 600.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 (200.00)
Alarms 2,750.00 916.67 2,102.15 76.44 1,185.48
Equipment 4,000.00 1,333.33 352.87 8.82 (980.46)
Misc Services 10,000.00 3,333.33 4,459.96 44.60 1,126.63
Total Expenses 286,146.00 95,382.00 105,905.01 37.01 % 10,523.01

Excess Revenues less Expenses $ (139,146.00) $ (46,382.00) $ (35,955.20) 25.84 % 10,426.80

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

Vendor Checks
Aqua Chill of Chicago 2746 10/04/19 37.00
10-0-5122 Breakroom Supplies inv # 2257166 37.00

ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems US Inc. 2747 10/04/19 25.43

70-0-5755 Automatic Doors inv # SEI/01297449 25.43

AT&T 2748 10/04/19 (873.70)

10-0-5173 Storm Sewer August & September -873.70

AT&T 2748 10/04/19 873.70

10-0-5173 Storm Sewer August & September 873.70

Cary Public Library 2749 10/04/19 10.49

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Quarterly Billing 10.49

Catered by Design 2750 10/04/19 435.00

10-0-5716 OBTV inv # 16435 435.00

Chicago Tribune 2751 10/04/19 363.85

10-1-5342 Periodicals-Winnetka Acct # 40046140 363.85

Ela Area Public Library District 2752 10/04/19 27.49

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Ela Area Public Library District 27.49

Esscoe L.L.C. 2753 10/04/19 350.00

70-0-5758 Alarms inv # 38112 350.00

Evanston Public Library 2754 10/04/19 29.96

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Quarterly Billing 29.96

Fox River Valley Public Library District 2755 10/04/19 22.99

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Quarterly Billing 22.99

Glencoe Public Library 2756 10/04/19 32.99

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Quarterly Billing 32.99

Shari Pontillo 2757 10/04/19 350.00

10-0-5908 Programming - Adult Inspirational Wired Fabric Flowers 350.00

Technology Management Rev Fund 2758 10/04/19 450.00

10-0-5176 Internet Services inv # T2003094 450.00

Thompson Elevator Inspection Service, Inc 2759 10/04/19 100.00

70-0-5749 Elevators inv # 19-3053 100.00

Wilmette Public Library 2760 10/04/19 52.27

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Quarterly Billing 52.27

Zion-Benton Public Library 2761 10/04/19 16.99

10-0-4150 Lost/Damaged Materials Quarterly Billing 16.99

Catered by Design 2762 10/10/19 350.00

10-0-5908 Programming - Adult Cookie Decorating Workshop 350.00

Betsey Means Wills 2763 10/17/19 300.00

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

Jane Addams "Democracy in

10-0-5908 Programming - Adult 300.00

Amber Mechanical Contractors Inc. 2764 10/18/19 1,999.50

70-0-5752 HVAC Inv # C005765 1,999.50

Art Excursions, Inc. (Jeff Mishur) 2765 10/18/19 350.00

10-0-5908 Programming - Adult Leonardo at 500 350.00

Capira Technologies LLC 2766 10/18/19 2,075.00

50% down payment of total first year
10-0-5134 Software 2,075.00
cost of CapiraMobile


10-0-5132 CCS Operating Inv #1649 20,174.84

Elise Former 2768 10/18/19 14.22

Expense reimbursement - fall
10-0-5907 Programming - Youth programming (decorate a mini 14.22

Esscoe L.L.C. 2769 10/18/19 350.00

70-0-5758 Alarms Cust # 1900 350.00

Funny Valentine Press 2770 10/18/19 225.00

Lights out, Everybody: Mystery and
10-0-5908 Programming - Adult Horrot During the Golden Age of 225.00

Grainger 2771 10/18/19 144.53

70-0-5782 Equipment Inv # 9317694918 144.53


70-0-5747 Phone Lease Inv # 25682622 799.98

Highland Park Public Library 2773 10/18/19 743.60

10-0-5114 Conferences inv # 2 - training for 13 people 743.60

Intellicorp Records Inc. 2774 10/18/19 39.60

10-0-5736 Legal Inv # 1070836 39.60

New York Times 2775 10/18/19 1,053.00

Acct # 400184685 - service period
10-1-5342 Periodicals-Winnetka 1,053.00

Robbins Schwartz 2776 10/18/19 4,781.25

10-0-5736 Legal Inv # 854526 3,993.75
10-0-5736 Legal Inv # 854525 787.50

The Lyceum Agency 2777 10/18/19 996.34

10-0-5716 OBTV Inv # 3645TR 996.34

USA Today 2778 10/18/19 339.20

10-1-5342 Periodicals-Winnetka acct # 4183221 339.20

Anette Isaacs 2779 10/31/19 275.00

Berlin at 30: Celebrating the fall of
10-0-5908 Programming - Adult 275.00
the wall

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

Aqua Chill of Chicago 2780 10/31/19 37.00

10-0-5122 Breakroom Supplies Inv # 2257602 37.00

AT&T (Phone Service) 2781 10/31/19 1,156.50

10-0-5176 Internet Services October 282.80
10-0-5176 Internet Services August & September 873.70

Carahsoft Technology Corp 2782 10/31/19 7,000.00

Online Database -
10-1-5346 Inv # 17247158INV 7,000.00

Dave Rudolf 2783 10/31/19 350.00

10-0-5908 Programming - Adult British Invasion 350.00

Grainger 2784 10/31/19 31.57

70-0-5782 Equipment Inv # 9337884325 31.57

Kaleb Van Rijswijck 2785 10/31/19 150.00

10-0-5907 Programming - Youth Tiny Toes Dance Class 150.00

Katherine Lenore Leslie 2786 10/31/19 150.00

10-0-5907 Programming - Youth Mother Gooses Garden 150.00

Kevin Wood 2787 10/31/19 250.00

From obscurity to greatness: Illinois
10-0-5908 Programming - Adult 250.00
and Lincoln

Maya Ginn 2788 10/31/19 78.65

10-0-5110 Salaries 9/6 Payroll 78.65

Quench USA, Inc. 2789 10/31/19 204.00

10-0-5122 Breakroom Supplies Inv # INV02119000 204.00

Technology Management Rev Fund 2790 10/31/19 450.00

10-0-5176 Internet Services Inv # T2005961 450.00

Tee Jay Service Company, Inc 2791 10/31/19 780.00

70-0-5755 Automatic Doors Inv # 165947 780.00

QUILL CORPORATION 15266 10/10/19 7.99

10-0-5121 Office Supplies QUILL CORPORATION 7.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15267 10/10/19 20.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 20.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15268 10/10/19 21.14

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 21.14

OVERDRIVE INC. 15269 10/11/19 25.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 25.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15270 10/11/19 25.50

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 25.50

OVERDRIVE INC. 15271 10/11/19 25.92

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 25.92
Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

NEWEGG BUSINESS, INC. 15272 10/11/19 29.95

10-0-5885 Computer Equipment NEWEGG BUSINESS, INC. 29.95

OVERDRIVE INC. 15273 10/11/19 39.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 39.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15274 10/11/19 44.18

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 44.18

OVERDRIVE INC. 15275 10/11/19 45.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 45.00

Cengage Learning 15276 10/11/19 48.73

10-1-5341 Cengage Learning 48.73

OVERDRIVE INC. 15277 10/11/19 49.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 49.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15278 10/11/19 60.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 60.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15279 10/11/19 65.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 65.99

HOOPLA (MIDWEST TAPE) 15280 10/11/19 66.38

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka HOOPLA (MIDWEST TAPE) 66.38

QUILL CORPORATION 15281 10/11/19 73.07

10-0-5121 Office Supplies QUILL CORPORATION 73.07

Erin Collins 15282 10/11/19 100.38

10-0-5908 Programming - Adult Expense Reimbursement 100.38

OVERDRIVE INC. 15283 10/11/19 124.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 124.99

HOOPLA (MIDWEST TAPE) 15284 10/11/19 136.04

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka HOOPLA (MIDWEST TAPE) 136.04

OVERDRIVE INC. 15285 10/11/19 136.83

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 136.83

OVERDRIVE INC. 15286 10/11/19 170.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 170.00

VOGUE PRINTERS 15287 10/11/19 175.00

10-0-5724 PR Advertising VOGUE PRINTERS 175.00

Kanopy 15288 10/11/19 221.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Kanopy 221.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15289 10/11/19 306.44

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 306.44

OVERDRIVE INC. 15290 10/11/19 350.97

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 350.97

HR Source 15291 10/11/19 462.50

10-0-5745 HR Consultant HR Source 462.50


70-0-5750 Landscaping 525.00

DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIALSVCS. 15293 10/11/19 665.00

70-0-5747 Phone Lease DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIALSVCS. 665.00

DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF ILLINOIS 15294 10/11/19 752.84

10-0-5111 Health Insurance DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF ILLINOIS 752.84


10-0-5731 Memberships 825.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15296 10/11/19 894.97

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 894.97

CDW-G 15297 10/11/19 1,077.02

10-0-5885 Computer Equipment CDW-G 1,077.02

OVERDRIVE INC. 15298 10/11/19 1,461.84

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 1,461.84

OVERDRIVE INC. 15299 10/11/19 1,540.43

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 1,540.43

OVERDRIVE INC. 15300 10/11/19 1,573.39

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 1,573.39

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 15301 10/15/19 1,667.00

Accounting and
10-0-5131 Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 1,667.00

DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIALSVCS. 15302 10/15/19 1,693.70

70-0-5747 Phone Lease DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIALSVCS. 1,693.70

3 Points, LLC 15303 10/15/19 2,437.00

10-0-5135 LAN Management 3 Points, LLC 2,437.00

WT. Cox Subscriptions, Inc. 15304 10/15/19 3,682.13

10-1-5342 Periodicals-Winnetka WT. Cox Subscriptions, Inc. 3,682.13

Sphere PR Group 15305 10/15/19 4,000.00

10-0-5743 Other Consultations Sphere PR Group 4,000.00

WT. Cox Subscriptions, Inc. 15306 10/15/19 5,749.37

10-1-5342 Periodicals-Winnetka WT. Cox Subscriptions, Inc. 5,749.37

BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 15307 10/15/19 6,666.59

10-0-5885 Computer Equipment BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 6,666.59

RECORDED BOOKS, INC. 15308 10/11/19 65.47

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

Audio Books-Adult-
10-1-5344 RECORDED BOOKS, INC. 65.47

OVERDRIVE INC. 15309 10/25/19 17.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 008871CO19186644 17.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15310 10/25/19 20.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 088710CO19193862 20.00

Philadelphia Insurance Companies 15311 10/25/19 25.00

10-0-5150 Liability Insurance Costs October Invoice 25.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15312 10/25/19 26.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19194472 26.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15313 10/25/19 28.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19188596 28.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15314 10/25/19 36.46

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka OVERDRIVE INC. 36.46

OVERDRIVE INC. 15315 10/25/19 39.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19191064 39.99

DIGITAL INSURANCE, INC. 15316 10/25/19 43.00

10-0-5115 Flexible Spending Account Inv # 7041 43.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15317 10/25/19 49.95

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19189457 49.95

Cengage Learning 15318 10/25/19 51.73

10-1-5341 Inv # 68681734 51.73

OVERDRIVE INC. 15319 10/25/19 54.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871DA19189396 54.99

OVERDRIVE INC. 15320 10/25/19 59.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871DA19194414 59.99

RECORDED BOOKS, INC. 15321 10/25/19 65.47

Audio Books-Adult-
10-1-5344 RECORDED BOOKS, INC. 65.47

RECORDED BOOKS, INC. 15322 10/25/19 65.47

Audio Books-Adult-
10-1-5344 RECORDED BOOKS, INC. 65.47

OVERDRIVE INC. 15323 10/25/19 67.50

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19191201 67.50

OVERDRIVE INC. 15324 10/25/19 84.93

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19190181 84.93

BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 15325 10/25/19 104.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # US25515 104.99

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

DEMCO 15326 10/25/19 120.55

10-0-5723 PR Supplies Inv # 6700965 120.55

BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 15327 10/25/19 160.00

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # US25512 160.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15328 10/25/19 164.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19196112 164.99

Cengage Learning 15329 10/25/19 173.48

10-1-5340 Inv # 68673574 173.48

Batteries Plus LLC 15330 10/25/19 176.77

70-0-5782 Equipment Inv # P19480278 176.77

OVERDRIVE INC. 15331 10/25/19 239.99

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19194621 239.99

City Wide of Chicago 15332 10/25/19 270.00

Building Maintenance
70-0-5748 Inv # 100004556 270.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15333 10/25/19 297.98

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871DA19188221 297.98

BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 15334 10/25/19 327.08

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # US25513 327.08

OVERDRIVE INC. 15335 10/25/19 444.93

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO19190491 444.93

MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE 15336 10/25/19 600.00

10-0-5138 Delivery Service MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE 600.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15337 10/25/19 713.92

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871CO1919835 713.92

ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems US Inc. 15338 10/25/19 848.98

70-0-5755 Automatic Doors Inv # SCI/00056687 848.98

Lauterbach & Amen, LLP 15339 10/25/19 850.00

10-0-5101 Audit Fees Inv # 39778 850.00

City Wide of Chicago 15340 10/25/19 1,328.36

Building Maintenance
70-0-5748 Inv# 10000-4557 1,328.36

OVERDRIVE INC. 15341 10/25/19 1,450.88

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871DA19193552 1,450.88

Sarah Keister Armstr 15342 10/25/19 1,700.00

10-0-5743 Other Consultations Sarah Keister Armstr 1,700.00

OVERDRIVE INC. 15343 10/25/19 1,882.73

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # 08871DA19188220 1,882.73

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 15344 10/25/19 1,948.77

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # US25514 1,948.77

HR Source 15345 10/25/19 2,375.00

10-0-5745 HR Consultant Inv # 10379 2,375.00

DocuFree Corporation 15346 10/25/19 2,400.00

10-0-5121 Office Supplies Inv # 201901733 2,400.00

BIBLIOTHECA, LLC 15347 10/25/19 4,991.78

10-1-5345 Books-Digital-Winnetka Inv # US25516 4,991.78

VILLAGE OF NORTHFIELD 15348 10/25/19 5,340.21

70-2-5159 Northfield Lease Inv # 2019152 5,340.21

Patron Point 15349 10/25/19 5,900.00

10-0-5134 Software Inv # WNPKD-02 5,900.00

VALUE LINE PUBLISHING LLC 15350 10/25/19 5,925.00

Online Database -
10-1-5346 Inv # KF-759040-1911 5,925.00

Sphere PR Group 15351 10/25/19 6,875.00

10-0-5743 Other Consultations Inv # 2019-10-WNL 6,875.00

City Wide of Chicago 15352 10/25/19 9,000.00

Building Maintenance
70-0-5748 Inv # I00004518 9,000.00

VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 15353 10/25/19 10,557.00

Inv # 2019-000000 10 - monthly
10-0-5111 Health Insurance 10,557.00
health insurance

DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIALSVCS. 15354 10/25/19 1,693.70

70-0-5747 Phone Lease Inv # 65341564. 1,693.70

PITNEY BOWES 15355 10/01/19 100.00

10-0-5123 Postage PITNEY BOWES 100.00

COMED 15356 10/01/19 634.57

10-2-5171 Electricity - Northfield COMED 634.57

COMCAST 15357 10/04/19 69.95

10-0-5176 Internet Services COMCAST 69.95

NICOR 15358 10/08/19 36.75

10-2-5174 Natural Gas - Northfield NICOR 36.75

NORTH SHORE GAS 15359 10/08/19 308.56

10-1-5174 Natural Gas - Winnetka NORTH SHORE GAS 308.56

COMCAST 15360 10/08/19 237.85

10-0-5176 Internet Services COMCAST 237.85

VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 15361 10/21/19 4,285.23

10-1-5171 Electricity - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 37.76
10-1-5171 Electricity - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 3,755.92

Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District
Check Register
All Bank Accounts
October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Check Check Check

Payee/Account # Account Description Description Amount Number Date Amount

10-1-5171 Electricity - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 109.82

10-1-5172 Water - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 114.00
10-1-5172 Water - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 10.20
10-1-5172 Water - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 72.00
10-1-5172 Water - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 50.37
10-1-5172 Water - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 2.00
10-1-5173 Storm Sewer - Winnetka VILLAGE OF WINNETKA 133.16

VILLAGE OF NORTHFIELD 15362 10/25/19 118.17

10-2-5172 Water - Northfield VILLAGE OF NORTHFIELD 118.17

COMED 15363 10/30/19 596.68

10-2-5171 Electricity - Northfield COMED 596.68

Check List Total 162,051.27

Library Director’s Report and Staff Activities
for the November 18, 2019 Board Meeting

Impact Stories
A regular Studio patron attended a jewelry making class with her mother-in-law from out of the country. She
pulled me aside the next day to tell me how much they enjoyed that class and that she appreciates that we
offer such fun and creative programs for adults. She said she was grateful to have something she and her
relative could do and be creative together outside of the house. -Erin Collins, Adult Services Librarian

Katie Cangelosi, Head of Circulation, was working in the Youth Services department and had a delightful
interaction with a young patron. As the patron was leaving, she said “Mom, I made a new friend today!” her
mom responded, “oh yeah, did you?” and the young patron said “Yes! Her name is Miss Katie!”

Financial Report
November 2019
Financial highlights
• Revenues are coming in slightly higher than budgeted at 47.5%
• Expenses are running under with the library fund at 28.63%; this is due to the lack of capital
• The building fund is running slightly high at 37%, this is mainly due to maintenance issues that were
addressed in the building
• In IT We are now paying our CCS consortia payments quarterly and will see them be combined in the
next report (CCS Operating and OCLC)
• Studio Supplies will be moved into the programs category and from the administration category.

Circulation Services
Total circulation for the month of October FY 2019/2020 was 40,336 compared to 41,574 for the same month
last year. This represents a net change of -2.98 %.

Cumulative circulation through October FY 2019/2020 is 165,382 compared to 173,852 for the previous fiscal
year to date. This represents a net change of -4.87 %.

Virtual Branch circulation for the month of October FY 2019/2020 was 4,745 compared to 4,347 for the same
month last year. This represents a net change of 9.16 %.

Cumulative virtual branch circulation through October FY 2019/2020 is 18,772 compared to 16,436 for the
previous fiscal year to date. This represents a net change of 14.21 %.

Self-checkout at the Winnetka Library for the month of October was 67.16%.

We are currently hiring two more part-time Circulation Associates to replace the hours from the recent
promotions of Meghan White, Librarian, and Lindsay Goldstein, Librarian. Congratulations to both staff members
who are continuing their careers with our Library District.
In addition, Maddy Belk has joined our team as a Youth Services Librarian. We are thrilled to have her join our
Youth Services Associate Kathy Hargrave has retired as of Tuesday, October 29. Kathy was with the District for
more than 13 years and her contributions will be greatly missed. She is looking forward to traveling and spending
more time with her family.
Library Director’s Report and Staff Activities
for the November 18, 2019 Board Meeting

We are formally reviewing our Staff Policy manual with HR Source. We hope to have policy changes for the Board
to review in January.

Fireside Chat Date

We are excited to get to know the community at a series of Fireside Chats at the Northfield Branch Library.
Name Title Date Time
Mark Swenson Head of Information Thursday, Dec. 12 7-8pm
Katie Cangelosi Head of Circulation Tuesday, Jan. 7 2-3pm
Emily Compton-Dzak Assistant Director Tuesday, Feb. 4 4-5pm
Sarah Quish Head of Marketing & Tuesday, March 10 1-2pm

There were 1180 public computer sessions in the month of October at Winnetka with 57% of those occurring
on library laptops. There were 699 public computer sessions at Northfield with 16 percent of those occurring
on laptops. There were 10 Chromebook sessions in Youth Services.

Winnetka had 21,291 hotspot sessions from 2,210 distinct devices. The average session time
was 37 minutes. These sessions used a total of about 664 GB of downstream bandwidth and about 142 GB of
upstream bandwidth.

Northfield had 6,857 hotspot sessions from 983 distinct devices. The average session time
was 31 minutes. These sessions used a total of about 363 GB of downstream bandwidth and about 29 GB of
upstream bandwidth.

We had 9,399 web sessions with 5,866 website users as counted by Google Analytics. The sessions
number is up from last year’s 8,881 sessions, and the unique visitors count is up from last year’s 5,276 unique

New Library App

Michael Cianfrani, Virtual Services Coordinator completed required documentation for settings for the new
app. He worked with staff around structure of the app and concerns about accessibility for patrons with vision
issues, to ensure that icons and text are clear vs. just looking cool.

Website: Most Visited Pages

Home Page | digital/ New York Times | Movies| Jobs| digital-library/ebooks-eaudiobooks

Study Room Usage

Bookings Summary
Unique Users 141
Total Bookings 279
Time Available 55,440
Time Booked 30,030
Average Booking 118
Library Director’s Report and Staff Activities
for the November 18, 2019 Board Meeting

User Showed Up - Yes 249

User Showed Up - No 1

Programs and Activities

Total District Program Attendance for the month of October FY 2019/2020 was 2,171 compared to 1,805 for
the same month last year.
This represents a net change of 20.28 %.
Cumulative District Program Attendance through October FY 2019/2020 is 7,373 compared to 5,981 for the
same month last year.
This represents a net change of 23.27 %.

Programming Highlights
• Just Twenty Feet from Safety: The Story of SS Eastland was attended by 30 patrons. In this unique
program, actor and historian Terry Lynch took on the persona of Ollie Sanders, a Western Electric
employee who was an eyewitness to the sinking of the Eastland on the Chicago River on July 24th,
• A Haunting We Will Go Storytime was attended by 75 patrons. Kathy Hargrave, Youth Services
Associate, Amanda Garrity, Head of Youth Services and Courtney Volny, Branch Services Coordinator
celebrated Halloween with stories, skits, and games for young children.
• Cut the Cord – Alternatives to Premium Cable Services was attended by 46 patrons. IT Specialist
George Lowman provided an overview and demonstration of the alternatives to conventional cable TV
• Food for Thought Cookbook Book Club was attended by 19 patrons. Stephanie Girardi led a potluck
meal and book discussion about Cozy Mystery recipes.

Outreach Activities
Head of Youth Services, Amanda Garrity presented with Andrea Vaughn Johnson, Head of Youth Services at the
Wilmette Public Library, and Ann Finstad, Head of Children’s Services at the Glencoe Public Library on early
reader materials and services for preschool teachers at the Alliance for Early Childhood event “What’s New in
Children’s Literature” on Thursday, October 3. Pictures can be found at and
Head of Youth Services Amanda Garrity provided family-friendly spooky stories at the Winnetka Park District
Family Campfire event on the evening of Friday, October 25. Pictures can be found at and

Communications and Marketing

The Source:
The winter issue of The Source should be in District homes by November 23. We are adding more book related
and library news to the publication to better represent the breadth of Library services to all postal residents.
We look forward to continuing to evolve the publication to fully represent the Library’s services and engage
our patrons.


Work continues on our multifaceted response to community concerns. The main elements of
this program are:
1. Direct responses to specific concerns raised in meetings and listening sessions.
Goal: Respond to community concerns with transparency and
in accordance with overall Library strategy.
2. Enhanced active community engagement and listening.
Goal: Identify and engage community concerns and perceptions;
use that information to drive strategy, service, and programming.
3. Internal (staff) dialogue on culture, practices, priorities and customer experi-
Goal: Ensure open communication with staff; ensure passionate commitment to custom-
er service; establish standards to assess performance of staff and management towards

The following items are highlights of our actions and plans on these issues.
1. Direct responses to specific concerns raised in meetings and listening sessions.
We have compiled information regarding disconnection and its impact on the library,
its operations, and community costs.
2. General directions for community engagement.
We are continuing our expanded community engagement and listening campaign.
3. Internal (staff) dialogue around community concerns and customer experience.
Our dialogue on values and customer experience has continued and enhanced our
Draft Strategic Plan. We continue to collaborate with and support the work of our
human resources representative from HR Source.
November 2019 Monthly Update on
Community Engagement and Reponsiveness


The following are specific and noteworthy actions taken in execution of the plan.

Enhanced active community engagement and listening.

We have continued the following community engagement actions:

• Community Engagement and Listening Meetings;

• Fireside chats (two have been held);
• The first event on “how the library works” has been scheduled and posted; and
• Names are being received for the Community Advisory Task Force.

Community Engagement and Listening Meetings.

Goals: Hold 3–5 meetings with top community leaders.
Timeframe: by November board meeting.

Status: In addition to last month’s meetings (with the Northfield Village President; the
Winnetka-Northfield Chamber Executive Director; and the District 29 Superinten-
dent) we met this month with the North Shore Senior Center, Northfield Community
Church, and Northfield’s Church of the Ascension.
Outcomes: We continued to hear a high sense of satisfaction in the Library, its programs
and its facilities. We heard that people in the community are proud of their library and
enjoy their experience when they use it.
Key Milestones: Six meetings have been completed. There is discussion of a collaborative
lunch with community leaders to continue discussions regarding the Library, commu-
nity perceptions, and community engagement.
Next steps: Plan additional community meetings and explore a Leaders Lunch event.

Fireside Chats.
Goals: To give community members an opportunity to meet with the Library Director
and key staff for wide-ranging discussions about the Library’s operations, facilities, its
programs, and the overall experience. These discussions will give Library management
more information regarding community concerns and priorities.
November 2019 Monthly Update on
Community Engagement and Reponsiveness

Timeframe: These events will be monthly for the next few months, at which time their
role will be evaluated.
Key Milestones: Two fireside chats have been held, and additional chats are scheduled,
and the dates posted.
Next Steps: Following the December Fireside Chats, we will compile key findings and
concerns, and develop action items to address those issues as appropriate.

Presentations, lectures and workshops on “how the library works.”

Goals: To create greater transparency of the Library’s operations, and to better inform
the Library’s customers regarding operational options and constraints.
Timeframe: By the beginning of year, we will develop an initial set of programs on these
topics, post them on our website and in the libraries, and hold an inaugural event by
the end of the year.
Status: The inaugural event has been scheduled and posted. The event will address col-
lections: the library’s goals and practices.
Key Milestones: Statement of purpose for these events; announcement of initial events;
and an inaugural event by end of year.
Next Steps: Planning and holding the first event and subsequent events, posting, and con-
ducting subsequent meetings.
November 2019 Monthly Update on
Community Engagement and Reponsiveness

Suggested Action: Community Advisory Task Force.

Concept: We are moving ahead on the creation of a seven- to ten-person Community
Advisory Task Force to facilitate better community engagement and responsiveness by
the Library.
Charge: The task force will discuss and evaluate community responsiveness, customer
experience, facilities, programs and broad library policy issues. The Task Force will
report back to the Board within six months.
Composition: Seven to ten persons, with a balance of members from each village. In or-
der to ensure the autonomy of this body, the Library will not nominate its members.
Nominations will be made by public leaders from each community (e.g., Village presi-
dent, chamber executive, school superintendent or Rotary), and one at large from each
Timing: We have obtained a number of nominations from those public leaders and we are
confirming their willingness to serve, so that the Advisory Task Force can convene at
the beginning of the new year.
Term: The Task Force shall have a term of six months, at which time it can recommend
to the Board that it be disbanded or that it be made a standing institution.
Key Milestones: The Task Force shall report its findings at or before the April Board

Internal (staff) dialogue on culture, practices, priorities and customer experience.

Internal (staff) dialogue and engagement.

Goals: To establish an open dialogue with staff regarding the priorities and values of the
Library, in order to ensure alignment with and open dialogue regarding the customer
and staff experience. We value our staff’s insights and experiences, and seek their feed-
back in order to respect staff’s front-line role in creating that experience.
Timeframe: There are bi-weekly management meetings to address the business of the
library. At this month’s District all-staff meeting we addressed staff priorities with
respect to workplace conditions. By the end of year, we will develop a set of values to
guide workplace culture and expectations.
Status: We are incorporating this discussion in our staff meetings. We have also estab-
lished an independent and confidential process whereby staff can communicate with
our outside HR consultant; to date no issues have presented through this channel.
Outcomes: Following HR Source’s employee dialogues, the library environment was
found to be not atypical for an institution of its size and nature. Although every orga-
nization can improve its employee culture, nothing immoral, illegal or unethical was
found, and we did not hear any reports of a toxic work environment. Like most orga-
nizations, employee concerns are focused on scheduling, compensation and rewards.
November 2019 Monthly Update on
Community Engagement and Reponsiveness

Key Milestones: Develop a statement of staff priorities with respect to workplace condi-
tions. Establish formal statement of workplace values and expectations.
Next Steps: The goals and values dialogue will be a recurring event at staff
meetings. The open line to our outside HR consultant remains open.

Update on HR and Personnel Issues.

Goals: To respect the commitment and initiative of our staff as the front line of our ser-
vice to our customers, with all appropriate openness and transparency.
Timeframe: We have compiled data from the past six years.
Status: These figures show that by far the biggest reason why people leave the library is
for a better job: According to the data in our payroll service files, employees left for a
variety of reasons, most of which were for positive life changes: better job, retirement,
or moving out of state accounts for 63% of departures.
Context: Our staff is largely part-time. We are located in a community with high cost
of living, and in a time of low unemployment: it is a seller’s market for labor. We are
proud and happy when our pages and library assistants move up in their careers: many
of them are in school in order to enter more lucrative careers, and many of them lever-
age the skills and experience they get with us to move up their own career ladder.
A number of libraries in northeastern Illinois recently received FOIA requests regard-
ing their turnover rates. While their reporting methods varied, the following table
shows their size (average headcount), annual turnover (average departures divided by
average headcount over 2014–18) and the Paylocity benchmark.
Aggregate Paylocity
Headcount Annual Turnover Benchmark
Wilmette 93 7% 38%
Glenview 118 18% 38%
Palatine 101 23% 38%
Fox River 58 29% 38%
Cary 41 7% 38%
Libertyville 135 8% 38%
Skokie 167 29% 38%
Glencoe 36 5% 38%
Aggregate averages 107 18% 38%

Winnetka-Northfield 53 25% 38%

While this is a small sample size, it shows a range of turnover rates, in which three of
these libraries have lower rates, and three have similar or higher rates.
November 2019 Monthly Update on
Community Engagement and Reponsiveness

We are pleased with the results of our ongoing community engagement. We continue to con-
firm high levels of satisfaction with the library, its programming, its levels of service, and most
of all with the current Winnetka-Northfield district.

We continue to hear validation of the feedback we received in our caucus survey: the library
is a valued institution, with high customer satisfaction. We are continuing this process of en-
gaging with the larger Northfield and Winnetka communities.
STRATEGIC PLAN: 2020 – 2022
OUR MISSION The Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District is a community resource for the advancement of knowledge, and a provider of innovative and informative
cultural enrichment for all ages.

OUR VISION We aspire to be a recognized leader and collaborative partner in our communities, and an innovator in library best practices.

OTHER Incorporate a philosophy of facing outward to Prioritize experiences and opportunities that Regularly utilize data and community
Use a comprehensive approach to marketing expand the library’s reach. provide value and impact. feedback to provide optimal user experience.
and communications for all audiences.
§ Develop new and expand existing § Develop and promote programming § Collect and incorporate patron
§ Rebrand and create a visual community-centered partnerships. that reflects community demand. stories and relevant qualitative data
identity that can be used across all into decision making.
communications platforms. § Explore ways to issue library cards § Balance programming and service
outside the library buildings. offerings at Winnetka and § Explore ways to provide digital
§ Strengthen internal Northfield locations. resources that best align with
§ Develop preliminary homebound
communications and committee community demand.
delivery program. § Increase promotion and
engagement around books and § Identify best practices and
§ Pilot offsite programming to attract reading.
§ Develop communications that implement procedures for the
target niche audiences. non- and infrequent users.
systematic collection and analysis
§ Promote the library’s Readers
of data regarding library space,
§ Implement engaging social media ‘Advisory services.
collection, programming, and
technology usage.
§ Develop robust and experiential
§ Develop strategies to consistently
physical displays.
communicate the library’s value to
the Winnetka-Northfield community.

ORDINANCE NO. 2019-2020/3



Whereas, applicable statutes authorize the Board of Library Trustees to levy taxes for library purposes;

Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Board of Library Trustees of the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library
District, Cook County, Illinois as follows:

Section 1: Ordinance No. 2019-2020/2 (Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) passed previously by the Board
is incorporated by reference.

Section 2: A tax in the sum of $4,350,510 is levied upon all taxable property with the Library District, said
tax levied to defray expenses and liabilities of the Library District for the fiscal year beginning
July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020 for the specific objects and purposes indicated as follows:


Account Appropriation Levy

1. IT Services $ 153,920 $ 160,000
2. Administrative Services $ 310,288 $ 351,000
3. Personnel Salaries and Benefits $ 1,756,688 $ 1,824,000
4. Programming $ 100,000 $ 115,000
5. Insurance $ 30,000 $ 30,000
6. Materials $ 725,000 $ 758,000
7. Capital Outlay $ 500,000 $ 500,000
8. Contingency $ 300,000 $ 300,000
$ 3,875,896 $ 4,038,000.00

Levied for the foregoing expenses from the General Public Library Tax: $ 4,038,000


Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund $ 200,000.00

Levied for the foregoing expense of Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund

from a SPECIAL TAX in addition to all other taxes levied by the District: $100,000.00


FICA $ 150,000.00
Levied for the foregoing expense of FICA from a SPECIAL TAX in addition
to all other taxes levied by the District: $40,000.00


Unemployment Insurance $ 20,000.00

Levied for the foregoing expense of Unemployment Insurance from

a SPECIAL TAX in addition to all other taxes levied by the District: $10.00


Liability Insurance $ 30,000.00

Levied for the foregoing expense of Liability Insurance from a

SPECIAL TAX in addition to all other taxes levied by the District: $13,000.00


Audit $ 15,000.00

Levied for the foregoing expense of Audit from a SPECIAL TAX

in addition to all other taxes levied by the District: $7,500.00


Building and Equipment $ 300,000.00

Levied for the foregoing expense of Building and Equipment from a

SPECIAL TAX in addition to all other taxes levied by the District: $152,000.00



Transfer of Funds $ 1,000,000.00

Levied for the foregoing transfer of funds $0.00


Corporate Fund $ 3,875,896.00 $4,038,000.00

IMRF $ 200,000.00 $100,000.00

FICA $ 150,000.00 $40,000.00

Unemployment Insurance $ 20,000.00 $10.00

Liability Insurance $ 30,000.00 $13,000.00

Audit $ 15,000.00 $7,500.00

Building and Equipment $ 300,000.00 $152,000.00

Transfer of Funds from Building and

Equipment to Special Reserve Fund $ 1,000,000.00 $0.00
$ 5,590,896.00 $4,350,510.00

Section 3: The Secretary is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the County
Clerk of Cook County within the time specified by law.

Section 4: This Ordinance is in full force and effect from and after its passage.

ADOPTED this 18th day of November 2019, pursuant to a roll call vote as follows:




Jean Paul Ruiz-Funes, President
Board of Library Trustees of the
Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District


Suzanne Shoup, Secretary
Board of Library Trustees of the
Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

I, Jean Paul Ruiz-Funes, certify that I am the presiding officer of the Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District and
as such presiding officer I certify that the attached Tax Levy Ordinance was adopted pursuant to and in all
respects in compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Property Tax Code 35 ILCS 200/18-60
through 35 ILCS 200/18-85 of the "Truth in Taxation Law".

This Certificate applies to the 2019-2020 Levy.

Jean Paul Ruiz-Funes, President
Board of Library Trustees of the
Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

Date Signed: November 18, 2019

(Library District Seal)

) SS.


I, Suzanne Shoup, the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Board of Library Trustees of the Winnetka-
Northfield Public Library District, Cook County, Illinois, and the keeper of the records thereof, hereby certify
that attached hereto is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance entitled:


ORDINANCE NO. 2019-2020/3



adopted at a meeting of the said Board of Library Trustees held on the 18th day of November, 2019.

Suzanne Shoup, Secretary
Board of Library Trustees of the
Winnetka-Northfield Public Library District

(Library District Seal)

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