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Lesson Plan for Checking in/out and making a reservation

Role Play

Working in pairs of two role play the situations of making a reservations and checking in and out. Use
your imagination and have fun.

Lesson Plan for Handling Guest’s Complaints

There will be inevitable times when guests have a problem about something and will complain about it.
Sometimes the guests complaints will be justified, such as being brought the wrong order in a
restaurant or
not getting the kind of room that was booked or being over charged for a service. Sometimes the
complaints will be unreasonable, such as a guest demanding an up graded room at no extra cost or
becoming anger over a short delay. Whether the problem or complaint is justified or not, it must be
handled with dispatch and professionalism.

The kinds of problems and complaints that hotel employees are likely to encounter are as varied
as the guests themselves. Look at a few of these examples.

Expressions Used for Handling Guest’s Complaints

Possible problems or complaints

Complaint: There are not enough towels in my room.

Response: I’ll have housekeeping deliver more towels to your room right away sir.

Complaint: The sink is leaking in the bathroom.

Response: Sorry for the inconvenience, maintenance will be by shorty to fix the problem.

Complaint: This tread mill doesn’t seem to be working properly.

Response: I’m sorry miss, why don’t you used that one over there.

Complaint: I seem to have misplaced my tennis racket. Has one been turned in?
Response: Not yer sir, but I’ll let you know if someone does. What is your room number?

Complaint: I specifically requested an ocean view, but the room I was given has a view of the pool.
Response: I’m sorry about the mix up sir, we’ll change your room immediately.
Complaint: This soup is not warm enough.
Response: I apologize for that ma’am. I’ll have the chef warm it up immediately.
Complaint: Why is our order taking so long?
Response: Well sir, you ordered the steak very well done and it takes a little longer.

Dialogue About Handling Complaint

Guest: When I first arrived I was assured that a bottle of Chivas Regis would always be in the mini-
Well I’m here now and the bottle isn’t. What kind of hotel are you running here anyway!
Staff: I sincerely apologize for the oversight sir. We have been exceedingly busy today because of the
convention. I’ll have a complimentary bottle delivered immediately. Please accept it with our
Guest: Well, I should hope it would be complimentary. Thank you. Good bye.

Guest : This tea is sweetened, and I specifically wanted unsweetened tea.

Staff: I’m sorry ma’am. I’ll bring an unsweetened tea immediately. Please excuse the mistake.
Guest: No problem, things happen.
Staff: Here’s your tea ma’am. Let me know if I can be of further assistance. Enjoy the rest of your
Guest: Thank you.

Guest: I had reserved a tennis court, but it has has been taken over by someone else.
Staff: Yes sir, I understand. But we have a policy that if a party is more than 15 minutes late for a
time, we schedule the courts for other waiting guests. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. Would you
like to reschedule?

Guest: I requested the eggs over hard, these are over easy.
Guest: Sorry about that sir, let me make you some more right away.

Guest: We ran out of toilet paper. Is it possible to get more?

Staff: Of course, ma’am. I’ll send more up immediately. Is there any thing else you require?
Guest: Now that you mention it, could you also bring up a six pack of Heineken?
Staff: Yes ma’am, I’ll notify room service and have them send some to your room.
Guest: That would be great, thanks.

Individual Activity- Handling Guests Complaints: Appropriate Responses

One student makes a typical complaint that a guest may have. Other students give a response. The
teacher decides which student gave the best response based on language, grammar use, and
pronunciation. The person with the best answer gets a point. The student with the most points wins.
Have the students give several complaints.

Expressions for Asking for or Offering Help

When offering help When asking for help

Would you like some help? Could you give me a hand?
Can I give you a hand? Would you mind helping me out?
Do you need any help? Could you help me please?
May I offer my assistance? I need some assistance please.
Need any help?

Dialogue for asking for Help

When offering help

Staff: Excuse me ma’am, Could I help you with your bags?

Guest: That would be great thanks.

Staff: Pardon me sir, but it likes like you could use some help with those packages.
Guest: I sure could, thanks.

When responding to help

Guest: Excuse me, but can you help me?

Staff: Of course ma’am, what can I do for you?
Guest: Someone just stole my purse off my shoulder outside the hotel.
Staff: Are you OK?
Guest: Yes, just shaken up a bit.
Staff: Why don’t you sit down here and I’ll call the police for you.
Guest: Thank you; I appreciate your help.

Guest: I don’t understand what the taxi driver is trying to say. Could you translate for me?
Staff: Of course sir, I’d be delighted to help.

Dialogue about Making Comparisons

Guest: Which sarong looks better– the blue one or the red one?
Staff: I think the blue one suits you better.

Guest: Which hotel is the best place to stay at in Phuket?

Staff: I think the Hilton Phuket Arcadia Resort and Spa is better. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s
closer to
the beach and the facilities and accommodations are much nicer.

Guest: Which do you think is the most convenient form of transportation in Phuket- Tuk Tuk’s or
Staff: Well Tuk Tuk’s are much easier to find and are a lot cheaper, but taxis are air conditioned.

Guest: Where’s the best place to go to listen to live music in Patong?

Staff: Well that depends on your taste in music. If you like Jazz and the Blues then the Saxophone Pub
restaurant is the place to go. If you prefer mellower piano music, then Rico’s Piano Bar may be
Guest: Which mall is the best place to buy clothes– Central Festival or Lotus?
Staff: In my opinion, Central Festival has more variety and better quality clothes than Lotus.

Group Activity- Making Comparisons: Appropriate Responses

Divide the class into groups. The teams work together to formulate a response to the items listed below.
After discussion, one of the team members presents the response to the class. The teacher judges which
team presents the best answer based on grammar, language use, and pronunciation.

Comparison between a taxi and a motorcycle taxi

Comparison between authentic local food and local food served in tourist restaurants

The difference between large shopping malls and local traditional open markets

Compare the similarities and differences between living in two cities in your country

Compare two luxury hotels in your area

Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing

Agreeing Disagreeing

I think you’re right. I think you’re wrong about that

I believe so too. I don’t believe so.
I agree. I disagree.
I’ll go along with that. I can’t go along with that.
I concur. I beg to differ.
I’m with you. We don’t see eye to eye on that

Dialogue about Agreeing and Disagreeing

Guest: I think Patong Beach is the best beach on the Island.

Staff: Personally, I prefer Surin Beach, it’s quieter usually.

Guest: I think my kids would really enjoy elephant trekking.

Staff: From what I’ve seen of them, I think they are a little old for that and would find it boring.

Guest: I think that Thailand should legalize gambling?

Staff: Actually I do too, I think it would generate more tourist dollars and a lot more income for the

Staff: Thai boxing is such a savage and brutal sport.

Guest: I don’t think it’s any worse than boxing.

Expressions Used for Giving Directions

Asking for directions

Could you tell me how to get to (… the pool)?
How do I find (…StarBucks Coffee Shop)?
Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to the (…the main lobby)?
Which is the best route to (…Phuket Town)?
Could you direct me to (…the beach)?
Which way do I go to get to (…the hospital)?

Giving directions
Take this passageway Go up/down the steps
On your right/left Turn right/left
Take the elevator It’s on the third floor
Follow this path Turn right/left at the corridor
It’s about 50 meters Go above 3 kilometers
Cross the street It’s on your right/left
It’s in the middle of the block It’s on the corner
Drive south on 4233
It’s next to / across from / between / in front of
Drive to Jackson street and turn left/right

Dialogue on Giving Directions

Guest: Could you tell me how to get to the Spa?

Staff: Take this passage-way and go down the steps on your right. At the bottom of the steps there is a
wooden bridge. Go over the bridge and turn right. Follow the path until you get to the Spa. It’s about
40 meters from the bridge.

Guest: How do I find the Thai Thai restaurant?

Staff: Just follow the pathway to the left of the reception desk in the Andaman lobby. The walk-way
will take you directly to the Thai Thai Restaurant.

Guest: Which way do I go to get to the beach?

Staff: From the Bell Desk in the Andaman Lobby, turn left and follow the path on the right and go past
the pond and up the steps. From there, walk straight across the beach road, the beach will be righ in
front of you.

Guest: Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to the gym?

Staff: From the main lobby, walk away from the beach and take the first staircase on your right down.
The staircase is next to the portrait center. The gym is on your right at the bottom of the stairs.

Guest: Which is the best route to the Phuket City?

Staff: Get on the road to Patong and drive north on the 4233. At the end of the beach road in Patong,
turn right on the 4029 and drive east. Take the 4029 about 4 kilometers and turn right on the 4020.
That road will take you to Phuket city.

Using the map below, work with a partner and ask for directions to places on the map.

Expressions Used for Shopping

From Staff From Guests

May (can) I be of assistance? How much are the… (blue jeans)?

How can (may) I help you? Could you tell me the price of that … (camera)?
May I assist you? Do you have any…(playing cards)?
Could I help you find something? No thanks, I’m just browsing.
How much is this cap? That’s… ( $9.99).
How much are these earrings? They are … ( 4500 Baht).
What … ( size do you need)? I …( wear a size 12).
I’m sorry, that’s the largest size we carry. Do you have this in… (a larger size)?
Yes, it also comes in …(green, red, and blue). Does this come in … (a different color)?

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