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Victim Precipitation theory: ‘Victim precipitation’ is a victimization where the victim causes,
in part or totally, their own victimization for example, two alcoholic friends, prostitute willing to
go with a stranger.

Victim precipitation is also sometimes referred to as victim blaming or victim facilitation and
refers to the idea of shared responsibility between the offender and the victim in a victimizing
event. Behaviors that can be interpreted as contributing to victim precipitation are those of the
victim that bring about, in whole or in part, his or her own victimization. Implicit in this
definition is the assumption that the victimization process is an interaction between two or more
people that results in victimization. The criminal event is therefore a social event, that influences
persons. The event is not a positive experience for victims and therefore is is a negative social
event. Key to victim precipitation is assigning the victim an active rather than a passive role as
opposed to assigning this role to offenders. Victim precipitation is evident in Wolfgang's study of
homicides. A good example of victim facilitation involves auto thefts. Imagine that college
freshman A is a late to class. She parks her car and left key door of the car in spot. It is chance to
steal his car from that place.

Deviant Theory of Victim: There is some overlap between the lifestyle theory and the deviant
place theory. The deviant place theory states that an individual is more likely to become the
victim of a crime when exposed to dangerous areas. In other words, a mugger is more likely to
target a person walking alone after dark in the bad neighbourhood . The more frequently a persn
ventures into bad neighbourhood where crime is common, the greater the risk of victimization.

There is also overlap between deviant and socioeconomic approach to victimization. Low
income household are more likely to be located in or near dangerous areas of town, and
individuals from these areas are poor and less capable to move away from these dangerous areas.
Routine Theory of Victimology:


The victim is essentially an inseparable part of crime. Therefore the phenomenon of

crime cannot be comprehensively explained without incorporating the victim of a
crime. Crime victim, despite being an integral part of crime and a key factor in
criminal justice system, remained a forgotten entity as his status got reduced only
to report crime and appear in the court as witness and he routinely faces
postponements, delays, rescheduling, and other frustrations. All their means loss of
earnings, waste of time, payment of transportation and other expenses,
discouragement, and the painful realization that the system does not live up to its
ideals and does not serve its constituency, but instead serves only itself. Many
believe that the victim is the most disregarded participant in criminal justice

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