MLib Cheat Sheet Design

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MLlib Algorithms
These include the popular algorithms and utilities

LIBRARY MLlib is used to standardize the APIs for easy use of multiple algorithms
• Basic statistics: It includes the most basic of the machine learning
techniques such as:

being used as a single pipeline or a workflow
▪ Summary statistics
▪ Correlation
• Data frame: The ML API uses Dataframe from Spark SQL as a dataset,
Utilities Featurization ▪ Stratified sampling
which can be used to hold a variety of datatypes
Machine ▪

MLlib Basics
Hypothesis testing
• Transformer: This is used to transform one Dataframe to another Regression: It is a statistical approach to estimate the relationship among
Dataframe. Examples are Learning variables. It is widely used for prediction and forecasting

Hashing Term Frequency: This calculates how word occurs
Logistic Regression Model: The model which results from
Tools Classification: It is used to identify to which set of categories a new
observation belongs to.

MLlib trying logistic regressions on a dataset

▪ K-means classification: It is used for classification using
MLlib in Java. It is used to classify every observation,
It is an Apache Spark machine learning library which is scalable; it consists of ▪ Binarizer: This changes a given threshold value to 1 or 0
experiment or a vector into one of the cluster
popular algorithms and utilities • Estimator: It is an algorithm which can be used on a Dataframe to Recommendation system: it is a sub class of information filtering system
MLlib contains two packages produce Transformer. Examples are: Persistence Pipelines that seeks to predict the preference or rating a person can give to an item.
• Spark.mllib ▪ Logistic Regression: It is used to determine the weights for This can be done in two ways

• the resulting Logistic Regression Model by processing the ▪ Collaborative filtering: It approaches in building a model

To add the MLlib the following library is imported: dataframe from a user’s past behavior as well as similar decisions

• ▪ StandardScaler: It is used to calculate the Standard made by the user. The model is then used to predict the
In Scala: import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
Spark MLlib Tools items in which the user might have interest
• In Java: import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector;
▪ Pipeline: Calling fit on a pipeline produces pipeline model, ML Algorithm: These include common learning algorithms such as ▪ Content-based filtering: It approaches to utilize a series of
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors;
and the pipeline contains only transformers and not the classification, clustering, regression and collaborative filtering. These discrete characteristics of an item in order to recommend
• In python: from pyspark.mllib.linalg import SparseVector
estimators algorithms form the core of MLlib more items with similar properties
from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
• Pipeline: A pipeline chains multiple Transformers and Estimators Featurization: It includes feature extraction, transformation, dimensionality Clustering: It is a task to group set of objects in a way that the objects in the

reduction and selection same group is more similar to each other when compared to the objects in
together to specify the ML workflow
Data Source • Parameters: To specify the parameters a common API is used by the Pipelines: Pipelines provide tools for constructing, evaluating and tuning ML the other group.
Dimensionality Reduction: It is a process of reducing a set of random
Access to HDFS and HBase can be done using MLlib, which enables MLlib to Transformers and Estimators pipelines
variables under consideration by obtaining a set of principal variables. It can
be plugged in Hadoop Work process Persistence: It helps in saving and loading algorithms, models and pipelines
be divided into two types
Observations Utilities: It provides utilities for linear algebra, statistics and data handling
▪ Feature selection: It finds a subset of original variables
called attributes
The items or data points used for learning and evaluating
Apache Spark MLlib Training Testing ▪ Feature Extraction: This will transform the data from in a
high dimensional space to a space of fewer dimensions.
Features DataFrame Load data
Load Feature extraction: It starts from initial set of derived data and builds
Scalable Machine Learning Library data derived values.
The characteristic or attribute of an observation
Optimization: It is a selection of best element from the set of available
Classification Regression Transformer Extract Extract alternatives
Labels Features Features
Clustering Recommendation Predict using
The values assigned to an observation is called a Label Train Model
Topic Modelling Evaluation
Training or test data
ML Pipeline Construction Evaluator Evaluate Evaluate
A learning algorithm is an observation used for training and testing of the FURTHERMORE:
Machine Learning with R Training Course

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