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In line with the company’s goal to automate our ERP system, FAS and, IT department have come up with

changes in our Official Business form in our portal. The change is the inclusion of fuel allowance box for
when a steward requires or aims to claim an allowance for the fuel used during his/her official business.

In the past, Official Business form would only require the steward to indicate the purpose of his/her OB,
and the date when the OB will take place. With the improved Official Business Form, stewards can now
indicate on the form that fuel allowance is needed or required to facilitate his/her OB.

The improved form now runs on a matrix devised by FAS department to automatically calculate the
amount of allowance per kilometers for every destination of the steward. The said matrix computes the
allowance using this formula: Gasoline run vehicle, P60/liter of fuel at 5km/liter multiplied by the
distance of destination from point A to B, point A being ALCO Bldg. Diesel run vehicle, P50/liter of fuel at
5km/liter multiplied by the distance from point A to B. The assumption on the formula provided,
computes for the longest distance a steward can possibly take when driving to the destination.

To obtain a more accurate allowance, the system administrator can make changes on the price of fuel
whenever a more suitable price should be considered. Also, the stewards who will be filing for their
Official Business can now indicate the precise distance in kilometers the destination of their OB, if it is
not readily available on the matrix.

In our current 2012 Fuel Policy, fuel allowances are stated depending on the city without regards to the
distance between TCCCI office and any other locations. With the proposed changes in the OB form, we
can easily determine if the steward is entitled to fuel allowance, and if the amount being claimed is

It should be noted that the proposed changes will not supersede the current Policy for Reimbursement
and Liquidation. The change is only on the amount of fuel allowance stewards can claim for every
Official Business undertaken.

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