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Note: -This is a model draft and may be customized according to

requirements of individual cases


This Gift deed is made and executed on this ……………….day of Month of

………… of the Year …………, at…………………………….


(Name) son/daughter/wife of (Father’s/Husband’s name), Age……Marital

Status………, (Profession), (Nationality), Resident of
………………………………Having Aadhar card No…………………(hereinafter
called the Donor) of the one part.


(Name) son/daughter/wife of (Father’s/Husband’s name),, Age……Marital

Status………, (Professional Status), ( Nationality), Resident of
………………………………Having Aadhar card No………………… (hereinafter
called the Donee 2) of the other part.

The expressions of the DONOR PARTY No. 1 and the DONEE PARTY
NO.2 shall mean and include their respective heirs, successors, executors,
nominees, assignees, administrators and legal representatives etc.

AND WHEREAS the DONOR PARTY NO.1 is the owner and in

possession of the property having been purchased/acquired vide
registered sale deed as document
No……………………………, Addl. Book-I----, Vol. No…………pages ., on date ……………………duly regd. in the office of SR………,
( This recital should be about how the vendors have acquired the title of the property.)

AND WHEREAS the above PROPERTY, more particularly described in

schedule hereinbelow, is free from all sorts of encumbrances such as liens, charges,
claim, liabilities, acquisitions, injunctions or attachments from any Court of Law,
gifts, mortgages, demands, notices, notifications, legal disputes, difference,
prior sale and flaws etc. etc. and the DONOR PARTY No.1 is fully entitled to
dispose of the same.
AND WHEREAS the DONOR PARTY NO.1 has great love and affection
for the DONEE PARTY No. 2 being HIS/HER _____________(BLOOD


Gift/Donate the property described in Schedule hereinbelow UNTO the DONEE
PARTY NO.2 and the DONEE PARTY NO.2 have also agreed to accept the same.


(1) That the DONOR PARTY NO.1 does hereby donate/gift the
property__________________________________________________ __________,
S/O, D/O, W/O
_____________________________________________, R/O, ______________
on account of great love and affection for THEM being HIS/HER REAL
______________________ (Relation)

(2) The possession of the aforesaid PROPERTY UNDER DONATION/GIFT

has been handed-over/ delivered to the DONEE PARTY NO2 by the DONOR

(3) That the DONEE PARTY NO. 2 has now become the absolute and
exclusive Owner with all rights in the aforesaid PROPERTY UNDER
DONATION/GIFT from today and shall also enjoy all rights of
Ownership etc. therein..

(4) The DONOR PARTY NO.1 has now been left with no right, title, interests
or liens etc. whatsoever of any sort/nature in the aforesaid PROPERTY
UNDER DONATION/GIFT henceforth after the execution/ registration of this
GIFT DEED. The property in question is free from acquisition by the Govt. nor by
any other authority.

(5) That the DONEE PARTY NO.2 with HIS/ HER own funds shall get the
PROPERTY UNDER DONATION/GIFT transferred/mutated in his favour
in the records of Rights of Revenue Department on the basis of this GIFT
DEED and Donor Party No. 1 hereby conveys his No Objection for the
mutation of the property herein below mentioned under schedule, in the name
of the Donee
(5) That the DONEE PARTY NO.2 has accepted the GIFT of the said
PROPERTY UNDER DONATION / GIFT DEED and has also taken-over the
possession of the same from the DONOR-PARTY NO.1 ..

(6) That the market value of the above mentioned PROPERTY UNDER
DONATION/GIFT has been assessed at Rs.___________ (Rupees_______________
only), as per Notification published in Official Gazettee, Series; _____ No.
__________. Dated: ___________

(7) That all the expenses of the GIFT DEED such as Stamp Duty,
and registration Fees etc. have been borne and
paid by the DONOR PARTY NO. 1./ DONEE PARTY NO 2.

(8) That all future taxes, cesses, rates or any other Govt. or Municipal
dues and demands in respect of the above mentioned PROPERTY
UNDER DONATION/GIFT shall be borne and paid by the DONEE

(9) That all the Title Deeds/papers including previous title deed (in originals)
relating to the Gifted PROPERTY, herein below mentioned UNDER
DONATION/GIFT have been handed-over/delivered to the DONEE

(The complete description of the Property shall be stated here which should include
Survey Nos and Sub Division incase of Villages / Chalta Nos, P.T. Sheet Nos incase of
Cities, Area, and Inscription/Description Nos along with Matriz Nos if avalaible) an
boundaries of the Properties)





In witness whereof, the parties have signed and affixed their signatures thumb
mark on this Gift Deed after understanding the contents of the same on the day,
month and year first above written in the presence of the below mentioned witnesses.
1 Name and Signatures of Donor
Photograph of

Right Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Forefinger of Little Finger of

of Right Hand of Right Hand Right Hand Right hand

Left Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Forefinger of Little Finger of

of Left Hand of Left Hand Left Hand Left hand
1 Name and Signature of Donee
Photograph of

Right Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Forefinger of Little Finger of

of Right Hand of Right Hand Right Hand Right hand

Left Thumb Index Finger Middle Finger Forefinger of Little Finger of

of Left Hand of Left Hand Left Hand Left hand


1. Name, Address and Signature

2. Name, Address and Signature

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