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Journal of Political Sciences & Public Sunkad, J Pol Sci Pub Aff 2019, 7:1
urnal of Po

blic Affair
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0761.1000352


ISSN: 2332-0761

Mini Review Open Access

The Election System in India

Gayatri Sunkad*
Department of Political Science, Shri Kalidas Degree College, Badami, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author: Gayatri Sunkad, Department of Political Science, Shri Kalidas Degree College, Badami, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India, Tel: 7795155352; E-mail:
[email protected]
Received date: Nov 02, 2018; Accepted date: Dec 26, 2018; Published date: Jan 01, 2019
Copyright: © 2019 Sunkad G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


The Election system in India is a basic foundation for our successful democracy. The Election Commission in
India is a statutory body which is having the responsibility of conducting elections in state level as in central
elections. The election system is not only seen in India, it can be seen in all countries of the world. The election
system also decides the successful running of the government also. Even though, it is a traditional system in India,
still it is has applied many changes it itself, and now it is a most developed progressive system in India.

The Election system in India, has many features like adult franchise, reservation in constituencies, nomination
system etc. Our election system in India is very strong administrative machinery which conducts elections in periodic

Keywords: The Election system; Nomination; Candidates; There are total 545 seats are in Lok Sabha, in which, 543 are elected
Constituencies; Democracy; Reservation from the constituencies and 2 are the reserved for Anglo- Indian seats
are nominated from president.
The Objectives
India is a constitutional democracy, which is having a parliamentary
system of government. These elections deals with the elections relating The objective of the studying the election system in India is
to all state assemblies, union territories, president and as well as vice analyzing the democracy system in India as well as to studying the
president elections [1]. According to the people representative act of election system in India. By this we can collect a lot of data about this
1950, the electoral were created to choose representatives from various which is to make improvements in the election system which is the
constituencies to elect the representatives who are having the power to basic foundation for the any successful democracy system.
make the making the government and successful running the
administration [2].
Indian Election System - The Method of Running the The studying election system is having its own concept. Even
Operation though it is very, interesting concept which is also includes a number
of data also. A number of data shows the changes in the election
Elections in India are events involving political mobilization and system in India [7].
organizational complexity on an amazing scale. In the 2004 election to
Lok Sabha there were 1351 candidates from 6 National parties, 801 The expenses which is done at the time of Lok Sabha and
candidates from 36 State parties, 898 candidates from officially
various state assemblies of elections
recognized parties and 2385 Independent candidates [3]. A total
number of 38,99,48,330 people voted out of total electorate size of There are tight legal limits on the amount of money a candidate can
67,14,87,930. The Election Commission employed almost 4 million spend during the election campaign. Since December 1997, in most
people to run the election. A vast number of civilian police and Lok Sabha constituencies the limit was Rs 15,00,000/-, although in
security forces were deployed to ensure that the elections were carried some States the limit is Rs 6,00,000/- (for Vidhan Sabha elections the
out peacefully [4,5]. highest limit is Rs 6,00,000/-, the lowest Rs 3,00,000/-). Recent
amendment in October 2003 has increased these limits. For Lok Sabha
Constituencies’ and Reservation of Seats seats in bigger states, it is now Rs 25,00,000. In other states and Union
Territories, it varies between Rs 10,00,000 to Rs 25,00,000. Similarly,
In India, the constituencies were distributed according to for Assembly seats, in bigger states, it is now Rs 10,00,000, while in
population as well as the geographic conditions. Some of the other states and Union Territories, it varies between Rs 5,00,000 to Rs
constituencies are reserved for Scheduled caste and also Scheduled 10,00,000. Although supporters of a candidate can spend as much as
Tribe candidates. Even in the slopes of the mountain, in hilly areas, the they like to help out with a campaign, they have to get written
constituencies are distributed [6]. permission of the candidate, and various parties are allowed to spend
as much money on campaigns as they want, recent Supreme Court

J Pol Sci Pub Aff, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 1000352
ISSN: 2332-0761
Citation: Sunkad G (2019) The Election System in India. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 7: 352. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000352

Page 2 of 2

judgments have said that, unless a political party can specifically The certificate of winning is distributed to the winner candidate
account for money spent during the campaign, it will consider any from the election commission.
activities as being funded by the candidates and counting towards their
election expenses [8-13]. The accountability imposed on the candidates Conclusion
and parties has curtailed some of the more extravagant campaigning
that was previously a part of Indian elections. The Election System in India, is the statutory commission
established, under the constitution, is making improvements, from
The symbols given from the election system in India time to time, to and is also famous for its efficient administration. The
Election commission is having One chief election commissioner, two
The Election Commission of India five different symbols to various other election commissioners, who are appointed by president of India,
political parties as well as independent candidates. There is also reason is having the responsibility of conducting elections in the central level.
for this. Most of the common people in India are illiterate, so to The State election commission.
identify the various candidates, as well as political parties, the political
parties and independent candidates are given various symbols from Is having the responsibility of conducting elections at state level and
the election commission. There are more than 15 political parties are also in base level.
registered under the election commission [14-16]. The Election system in India is a biggest task which is conducting
for every five years and is smooth functioning process due to the effort
The age limit to contest in the parliament elections and of election commission of India.
various state assemblies Totally in conclusion, we can say that having the second biggest
The constitution has prescribed the maximum age limit to contest in democracy in India, India is also having the biggest election system in
Lok Sabha elections is 25 years and the Rajya Sabha elections is 30 India. Due to this, only we are having the sweet fruits of democratic
years. In various assemblies, the maximum age limit for the legislative system in India.
assembly is 25 years and legislative council is 30 years.
Issuing of voting identity card to all citizens of India 1. Election Commission of India.
In 1993, for the first time, the Election Commission of India had 2. Elections in India.
arranged of issuing the identity card to all the citizens to arrange the 3. How the Electoral System operates?
efficient and corrupt election system in India. To avoid the duplicate 4.
voting and to prevent the booth capturing system, the strict vigilance is indian_polity_elections_system.htm
also arranged [17]. 5. What is the election system in India? Each and every aspect.
Now the electronic voting machines are also introduced to check 6. First Past The Post and Propotional Representation Debate.
the mal practice in election system. 7. Electorial System India or Election System in India: Basic Civil Service.
8. Election System India, First Past The Post System, Propotional.
Appointment of election observers 9. Electorial System India or Election System in India: Basic Civil Service.

The election observers are appointed by election commission to 10.

check the expenditure made by the each candidate at the time of 11.
election [18]. 12.

By using this measure, the election commission tries to control the 13.
expenditure of election and also tries to prevent the distribution of 14. Indian Elections - Scale of Operation, Constituencies & Reservation of
Seats. Reservation of Seats.
money to illiterate voters to purchase the votes.
15. Election Process in India. Social Studies.
16. Electoral System in India.
The Petitions
Candidate can file an election petition if he or she thinks there has 18. The Caravan (2017) Why India Needs to Change Its Electoral Voting
been malpractice during the election. An election petition is not an System.
ordinary civil suit, but treated as a contest in which the whole 19. Election Process in India. 2thepoint.
constituency is involved [19]. Election petitions are tried by the High 20.
Court of the State involved, and if upheld can even lead to the
restaging of the election in that constituency [20]. It is made to provide
the justice to every candidate who thinks that he can get better justice
through the judicial system.

Declaration of Votes and Declaration of Winner

Under the supervision of retuning officers, the counting is held and
the name of candidate is declared, who is gaining the highest number
of votes, and also the name of the winner is declared.

J Pol Sci Pub Aff, an open access journal Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 1000352
ISSN: 2332-0761

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